The New York Times, March 31, 1900

Hurt by Performing Bear

Animal Injures a Pennsylvania Farmer, Perhaps Fatally

Special to the New York Times

READING, Penn., March 30 – Anthony Rudy, a farmer of Lower Alsace, Berks County, Penn., borrowed a performing bear from a strolling Frenchman this evening and took the animal to a mountain resort near the city. Rudy declared that he had forsaken agricultural pursuits and turned showman. He then attempted to make the bear dance. The animal became greatly enraged, turned upon Rudy, and clawed and hugged him.

It required a dozen men to subdue the animal and rescue the farmer-showman. His condition is critical, and if he survives he lives he will be disfigured for life. An arm was broken, an eye torn from the socket, and his shoes and clothing clawed from his body.

Submitted by Brenda.

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