Macungie Progress (Macungie, PA), Thursday, November 15, 1900

Amos Weiler

The following sketch of a well known gentleman will without doubt prove interesting to many Progress readers. Amos Weiler, aged 83 years, of Longswamp, Berks county, for more than 30 years a Democratic leader, once lieutenant colonel of militia, a member of the Legislature from 1858 to 1862, a prison inspector before the Civil War, a prothonotary of Berks from 1879 to 1881, for years a local school director, a number of times a delegate to Democratic State conventions, a District Court juror, and who was a generation ago at the head of many other minor business and political movements, is today one of the best preserved octogenarians in the state. His sigh, hearing and memory are equal to those of the average middle-aged man. He manages his business, visits and entertains as well as 30 years ago. He resides on his 105-acre farm near Longswamp post office, the old homestead upon which lived and died his father and grandfather. The father was George and the grandfather John Weiler. The last named was born in Oley, and married Margaret, daughter of George Schall, of Oley, who owned 300 acres of fine land in Longswamp, which the son-in-law, John Weiler, inherited. The present Weiler farm, and the large farm now owned by Colonel William Trexler constitute the original tract, which was at one time owned by one of the early members of the Biery family. John Weiler and wife had five children, Andreas, John, George, Maria, wife of Jonathan Kline, of Weisenberg; and Esther, wife of John Singmaster, of Macungie. George Weiler married Salome, daughter of Dewald Schaeffer, of Northampton county. They had the following children: Aaron, who died at the age of one year; Amos, the subject of this sketch; Sarah Ann, deceased widow of Levi Schwartz, of Hancock; Marietta, widow of Aquilla Knauss, Macungie; Salome Ann, deceased wife of Elias Titlow, Longsdale; Willoughby, who died at the age of six years; Elizabeth Ann, widow of Thomas Will, Reading; Mary Emmalina, widow of Peter Haas, Reading; Manoah S., for many years one of Reading’s well known hotel-keepers; Hannah Louisa, who died at the age of one year; Margaret, wife of Edwin Fegely, Upper Macungie, and one that died in infancy. Amos Weiler, when 32 years of age, married Susanna, daughter of Daniel Schantz, of Upper Milford, Lehigh county. Mrs. Weiler died about 12 years ago. Two children survive: Hiram S. Weiler, a well known Reading hotel clerk, and Ella Viola, wife of David S. Trexler. Mr. Trexler lives with his family on the old Weiler farm. The children are Dr. Jacob A. Trexler, Howard C. and Miss Nettie G. Amos Weiler attended the old-time day schools of his native township. Later he attended the once famous school at Trappe for three terms. Then at the age of 25 years he entered the general store of Reuben Trexler at Longswamp and remained there until about the time of his marriage. He was an excellent clerk. Like a great many other successful men, he always credited the training of the country store with his good fortune in life. There he thoroughly learned to understand human nature.

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Submitted by Jerri.

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