While Oscar Dotterer, of Engelsville, near Boyertown, was driving on the public road, near the Hal-Way House, on Tuesday, a Locomobile from Pottstown came steaming along, and it is alleged, frightened the animal, which started to run at a furious pace. Mr. Dotterer was thrown out, but escaped with trifling bruises, but the vehicle was smashed to pieces. The horse was caught by Norman Mock.
An alleged female horse thief was arrested at Pottstown on Wednesday by Detective O’Conner. She is Mary Bechtel, who, it is alleged, went to the Reading horse bazaar Tuesday and pretending that she wished to make a purchase, was given a team to try. She disappeared, and was later joined by her lover, Charles Hare. He was arrested as an accessory. They were sent to Reading for a hearing.
Charles B. Spatz swore our a warrant before Squire William H. Fox, here on Wednesday, for the arrest of William McCormick, publisher of the “Reading Herald,” for libel. Constable Charles E. Kline served the warrant. McCormick gave bail in $1,000 for his appearance at court, Samuel D. Dilbert becoming his bondsman. The libelous articles appeared in the Herald of October 31 and December 28, 1900.
In order to make the members of the congregation pay their dues the consistories of Huff’s Church have decided that the bell shall not be rung for any funeral to be held there for a member of a family which has not paid at least 25 cents as dues during the year in 1900 and one year in advance. Huff’s Church is one of the oldest Union churches in lower Berks County. There has been much trouble for years to collect sufficient money to pay pastors as by custom each man is allowed to pay what he chooses, and that is sometimes nothing. The action of the consistories has greatly incensed the slow payers.
The farmer’s National Bank elected the following officers and directors. Dr. Thos. J. B. Rhoads, president; Wm. K. Grim, vice president; M. L. Hartman, cashier; E. B. Stauffer, teller; E. G. Fegley, Dr. E. M. Herbst, Samuel Dresher, D. D. Fisher, Jeremiah Muthard, Hiram Burdan and Eli Oberholtzer. The usual semi-annual dividend was declared.
The Boyertown Mutual Fire Insurance Company held its fifteenth annual meeting and made its usual prosperous report and elected the following directors: Wm. D. Kehl, Dr. Thos. J. B. Rhoads, Wm. K. Grim, C. K. Lefever, M. F. Leidy, E. G. Fegley, Wm. M. Zechman, D. H. Schweyer, D. B. Mauger, S. F. Smith and W. W. Anderson.
The National Bank of Boyertown elected the following directors: Jacob Wallach, president; Wm. D. Kehl, vice president; John Landis, E. K. Schulta; Henry Y. Johnson, Wm. H. Davidheiser, James K. Boyer, Mahlon Weidner, Wallace Y. Reigner. The latter was elected in place of his father. The usual 3 per cent annual dividend was declared.
The Goshenhoppen Fire Insurance Company held its annual meeting at Pennsburg and elected these directors: Isaac S. Rahn, Perkiomenville; M. F. Gilbert, Pennsbury; Hiran Burdan, Pottstown; J. P. Hillegass, Pennsburg, Irwin C. Gery, Seasholtzville; George C. Kinsey, Trumbaurersville; Henry Z. Hartzell, Telford; P. S. Fenstermacher, Lenark; H. B. Lindeman, Limerick Square; A. J. Dimmig, Greenville; Jere Muthard, Boyertown; L. M. Shimer, Shimersville; and John L. Bauer, Bally.
M. E. Weidner and wife left for Ohio, and will stay one month.
F. K. Minniinger, while on his way to the mill, his horse shied and demolished the top buggy, but the horse and driver escaped serious injury.
D. D. Fisher, of Yellow House, has 38 steers which he will fatten for the market.
William Shane, of Woodchoppertown purchased the 16 acre farm of Mrs. Sarah Hartline, deceased, at public sale for $401.
George Hartman, proprietor of the Yellow House Creamery paid his patrons 32 cents a pound for butter fat of the month of December.
James Mathias, of Earl, announced his name as candidate for Supervisor of the first precinct at the coming primary.
Submitted by: Betty.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:18 PST