Clippings from the Boyertown Democrat, Saturday, April 6, 1901, p. 8

All The Local News

Elias YERGER, of Reading moved to Gilbertsville.

Harry FOREMAN offers his handsome new home at New Berlinville for rent.

J. W. BAUMAN, Reading Ave., is confined to the house, suffering with the grip.

For breaking a dog’s leg with a stone George C. RATH, of Pottstown, was fined $10.

A forest fire destroyed a large amount of timber on the slope of Mt. Penn near Temple.

Milton M. BOBB, a farmer of Heidelburg, took a fatal does of Paris Green and died the same day.

While surveying a field Ralph E. SHANER, of Pottstown, found 11 arrow heads and a tomahawk.

Albert THALHEIMER has given a tract of land for the erection of an Old Men’s Home on Mt. Penn, Reading.

William K. LEFEVER moved into his handsome new residence corner of Franklin and Philadelphia Avenue.

Landis DEYSHER, foreman in the Democrat office, has been confined to the house with sickness since last Friday.

Reuben GRIM, of near Clayton, moved into the house vacated by Isaac RINEHART and will cultivate Elmer STAUFFER’s farm.

Wm. RITTER, of New Berlinville who was hurt at the Glasgow Iron Works last September, is still confined to the house.

Jacob BOYER, of Amityville, is one of the largest milk shippers to Philadelphia from this vicinity. He has 43 head of cattle and ships 230 quarts of milk daily.

James SANDS and wife of Oklahoma, arrived here on a visit to his brother, Samuel SANDS this place. He was not here for 20 years and will spend three weeks in our midst.

A forest fire started Sunday morning on Long Hill, near Birdsboro, and raged for three days. More than one thousand acres of land were burned over for the Brooke Land Company.

Mrs. GILBERT, widow of the Late ---GILBERT, of Pottstown, died on Wednesday. Mrs. GILBERT’s maiden name was WARTMAN and she was born and passed the earlier part of her life in New Hanover Township.

William COVELY, tailor of Boyertown has been in St. Joseph’s Hospital at Reading for several weeks. He underwent a serious operation. The operation was a success and the patient expects to be discharged in a few days entirely cured.

William YODER, of Yellow House moved to his mother’s above New Berlinville. Benjamin AMGSTADT a farmer, moved from New Berlinville to New Jerusalem and Mabury BRUMBACH, of Boyertown, moved into the hew house of Joel Bryan, on South East Philadelphia Avenue.

Mrs. Camella DECICCA, aged 36 years, a patient in the St. Joseph Hospital, Reading, committed suicide by leaping from a third-story window of the institution, on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. DECICCA resided in Cumru Township...

Forty-Six New Lutherans

Rev. A. M. WEBER, pastor of the St. John’s Lutheran church, yesterday confirmed a class of 46 catechumens, the largest class since confirmations were held annually in the church. The new church members will commune for the first time tomorrow morning. Following is a list of the catechumens: Wilson CONRAD; Horace S. FEGLEY; John Philip GRABERT; Walter HARTMAN; Charles Frederick Z. HIRSCH; Warren B. JOHNSON; William LECHNER; Edgar R. LEFEVER; Cyrus S. LUTZ; Thomas Jefferson F., MILLER; William W. MUTTER; Warren U. NESTER; John M. REINERT; Edwin U. REITNAUER; John Cleveland RHOADS; Charles M. ROMICH; Franklin M. ROMIG; Warren SCHANKWEILER; William D. SCHOENLY, Roy SEIDELL; Charles Andrew WEBER; Jeremiah B. YODER; Emma Louisa ANGSTADT;Agnes Alberta T. BOYER; Carrie Verdella D. BUCHERT; Florence B. BURDAN; Alice Violette H. DELLECKER; Maggie Maria S. EDINGER; Luruqua Z. FRITZ; Sallie F. GILBERT; Annie H. HARTMAN; Annie Y. HENRY; Bertha G. HITTLE; Ida Emma P. KLINGER; Elsie Elizabeth S. LANDIS; Ida T. MEGERLY; Mary Ann R. MOHR; Eva Estella PALSGROVE; Mary Emma O. RITTER; Katie Irene G. ROMIG; Annie Eva SCHAFFER; Florence SCHANKWEILER; Emma B. SCHOENLY; Elizabeth B. SCHOENLY; Amanda SHULTZ; Alice Geniva M. YERGER. Attendant Catechumens: Harvey S. BINDER; Harry DELLECKER; William Henry EDINGER; Charles M. EDINGER; William D. MERKEL; Charles William MOYER; William D. Nagel; Warren Y. RHOADS; Edwin S. SCHANELY; Charles Fred TABUT; John Henry WEBER; Samuel U. WEISS; Lottie S. BINDER; Sallie G. BERKERT; Mabel DELLECKER; Edna L. FEGLEY; Maggie GOTTSHALL….Dora Amanda ROMIG; Sallie M. WELLER.

European Tourists Return

Dr. R. B. LUDY and D. B. BOWER, DDS, who had been traveling in Europe, the past six months, returned to Boyertown on Monday. The young men are greatly improved in health and were otherwise much benefited by their journey. The Democrat readers will be given the final report of the trip from the pen of Dr. BOWER next week.

The Dewey Boys of the 8th ward of Pottstown have re-organized their baseball team and will open the season with a game with the Ring Doves of the same place, today. The Dewey Boys have gained considerable strength. They will line up as follows: Arthur BUSCH, c.; W. DYER, p.; F. BUSCH, 1st. base; W. HALEY, 2d base; J. EVANS, 3d base; E. BROWN, S.S., W. BRUNNER, r. F.; H. CHRISTMAN c.f.; B. STYER, L.F. W. FREDERICK, W. MISSIMER and F. MISSIMER, subs.

Jeremiah K. GRANT, of Reading, has been appointed master in the condemnation proceedings brought against the Berks portion of the Perkiomen and Reading Turnpike Co., Jacob MILLER, Thomas HERBINE, David SHARMAN, Frank MENGES and Magnus OTT are the jury.

Mrs. Alice HUTCHINGS, a pawnbroker of Allentown, on Wednesday evening shot three bullets into the body of Mrs. Emily KECK, saleswoman in the employ of Hess Bros., Allentown. The woman is in serious condition.

Jonathan REESE, of Phoenixville for many years secretary of the Phoenixville Mutual Fire Insurance Company, but lived retired for the last few years, died, aged 82 years. Funeral today.

Death of Mrs. William D. KEHL

Last Sunday evening at 7 o’clock Mrs. Deborah R. KEHL, wife of William D. KEHL, a well known citizen of Boyertown, died after a brief illness at the family residence, on West Philadelphia Avenue. Mrs. KEHL was enjoying her usual good health until Saturday evening, when she was stricken with apoplexy. She was totally paralyzed and remained unconscious to the end. Mrs. Kehl was 72 years of age. Beside her husband she leaves children as follows: Mrs. Ada, wife of Dr. J. Elmer PORTER, Pottstown; Mrs. Evan wife of Rev. I. C. FISHER, of Lebanon; Dr. George W. KEHL and Wm. H. KEHL, of Reading; and Lester H. KEHL, of Harrisburg. She was a much beloved and respected woman in the entire community, and was a faithful worker in the Lutheran Ladies Aid. Deceased was the daughter of the late Conrad HARTMAN. The following are brothers of deceased: William HARTMAN, of Phoenixville; George and David, of Reading; Jacob, of Philadelphia and Amos of this place. The funeral took place on Thursday morning. Services were held in St. John’s Lutheran Church by Pastor WEBER, who preached an impressive funeral sermon. The interment was private, and the remains were consigned to the family vault on Fairview Cemetery.

Boyertown Hotels Change Hands

Both, the Keystone House and the Mansion House, of town will change hands as soon as the license can be transferred. William LEITHEISER, of the Keystone House sold out to Elam MELLINGER, of Reading. Henry M. BINDER, of the Mansion House, sold out to RUFUS KEPLER of Pottstown. The transfer of both these licenses are advertised in today’s Democrat. The Keystone House has frequently changed hands in the past few years. The Mansion House has been conducted by Mr. BINDER for ten years. He established a large trade, and is a model landlord. His numerous patrons and friends much regret to see him leave the hotel, but wish him success in any new venture. He has not yet decided what pursuit he will engage in.

H. Y. LECHNER Sells Out

Ham Y. LECHNER, butcher, sold his business to Ambrose GUILDIN and Harry FOREMAN, who will take charge next Monday. LECHNER’s business was established about 27 years ago in by George K. SPATZ. Mr. LECHNER became a partner several years later and about five years ago. Mr. APATZ retired. The new firm have been employed by Mr. LECHNER for several years and have considerable experience in the business. Success to them. Mr. LECHNER will go in the wholesale cattle business.

Political Pot Pie

George E. YODER, constable of Colebrookdale Township, was appointed fire warden of Berks County by the County Commissioners last Saturday. The salary is $35 a month and six months duty in a year.

Jacob SASSAMAN, Boyertown’s sheriff candidate has the "hustle" fever. He is out every day, and on his return to town Saturday evening he brings home the most encouraging reports. He has already canvassed twenty townships, and will go over the whole county twice.

Lively Council Meeting

The Boyertown council held a double meeting last Monday evening. The first was an adjourned meeting from the March regular session. President DEYSHER was in the chair. All the members and the Burgess were in attendance. The first business in order was the election of a street commissioner. The candidates were William M. MOYER, Jacob O. MEGERLY, Eli R. WEASNER and William F. BOYER. MR. WEASNER received most votes and was declared elected.

The President then appointed the following standing committees: Streets HARTMAN, GRIM, LEFEVER; Fire-MEGERLY, Jarius STAUFFER, James STAUFFER; Water-HARTMAN, GRIM, LEFEVER. The Burgess re-appointed Charles E. KLINE police officer, at the same salary as last year - $25. The salary of the clerk of town council was raised to $50 The meeting was then adjourned, and the regular meeting called to order.

A committee of the Boyertown Water Company presented themselves before council. D. B. BOWER acted as spokesman. The water company intends to extend its mains on Third Street, from Washington Street to Franklin Street. Also on Jefferson Street from Philadelphia Avenue to Fourth Street. There will be considerable building on these streets the coming summer, and these people had asked the company to give them water supply. The company will lay six inch mains, and bury them on the side of the street, so as not to interfere with the laying of trolley tracks these streets having been granted to the trolley company. The object of the committee appearing before council was to ask whether the borough wished to have fire hydrants at Third and Franklin Streets and at Jefferson Street...

Submitted by Betty.

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:18 PST

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