[The following clipping from Larned Kansas, newspaper, contains the following story concerning a former Boyertown family, now residing in the west. Editor]
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. GABEL, of Larned celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on Monday, Oct. 10th with a family reunion and dinner. Three of their five living children, with their families, were present at the happy affair. Mrs. B. F. HAWK, of Anthony and Harry and Eden GABEL of Larned. It was hoped that the other son and daughter, who live in Pennsylvania, would be present, but they were unable to come.
H. G. GABEL was born at Gabelsville, PA and Mrs. Emma LANDIS GABEL was born at New Berlinville, PA. They were married October 10, 1871, and for thirty-three years the family lived at Boyertown, PA, where Mr. GABEL was engaged in the milling business. To this union were born six children: Mrs. Anna UPDEGROVE of Boyertown, PA; Mrs. Elizabeth HAWK of Anthony, Kan.; S. L. GABEL, of Norristown, PA; H. L. and Eden GABEL of Larned, and Mrs. Mary EDWARDS, deceased.
In the winter of 1903 Mr. GABEL with his sons purchased the Keystone Mill at Larned, and in April 1904 Mr. and Mrs. GABEL and two sons and two daughters moved to Larned, which has been the family home ever since. Mr. GABEL is president of Keystone Milling Co., and is still active in the business of that company, which has prospered greatly and now owns one of the largest and most modern plants in this section of Kansas.
In the seventeen years they have lived in Larned Mr. and Mrs. GABEL have made many friends. Their hospitable home has been opened many times to happy social gatherings of the community. The congratulations of the community are extended to them with the wish that there may be many more years of health and happiness to crown the half century of companionship which they have enjoyed.
Dr. and Mrs. B. F. HAWK and Mr. and Mrs. GABEL's granddaughter, Emily EDWARDS, came up from Anthony on Sunday to be here for the family reunion returning home on Tuesday.
Submitted by: Betty.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:16 PST