Walter G. REIFSNYDER, barber on South Reading Avenue, and Miss Lizzie G. MADISON of Engelsville, were quietly married at the parsonage of Rev. M. Luther BROWNMILLER, Reformed clergyman, on Monday at 2 p.m. The ring ceremony was used. The bride was attired in a blue dress trimmed with lace. Mrs. REIFSNYDER, who is popular among the younger set, is a cigar maker by occupation and was employed at EISENLOHR's cigar factory at this place. They will start housekeeping in Boyertown some time later. A wedding reception will follow to which a number of immediate friends have been invited. The groom is an enterprising young business man and is liked by everybody. He is a member of the University Club and has the well wishes of all the members in which the Democrat heartily joins.
A pretty wedding was celebrated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stephan SMITH, Washington Street when their daughter, Jennie May, was united in marriage to Walter DELLICKER, son of Mr. and Mrs. George DELLICKER, Engelsville. Rev. A. M. WEBER performed the ceremony in the parlor of the home of the bride. After the wedding, a reception was held at the SMITH home, only the immediate friends of the families being present.
Charles BURGER, a Reading boy of 17, and May ADAMS, a Reading girl of 15, were married on Thursday. Both were recent graduates from the Reading schools. They sure have an early start.
Because she is said to have left him after announcing that the people of Berks County were "beneath" her and that she would never associate with any of them, Amos FIRING, of Monocacy Station, has started proceedings in the Berks Court to secure a divorce from his wife, Emily G. FIRING, whose present place of residence is believed to be Philadelphia. Mrs. FIRING is a Virginian by birth and spent most of her life in that state, and in the cities of Washington and Philadelphia. From the day of her marriage to Mr. FIRING, it is said, she was dissatisfied with her life in Berks County. Her husband says that she dislike everyone whom she met, and had a particular aversion for his family. The court is told that Mrs. FIRING denounced the manners and customs of the "Dutch," as she called the people of Berks County. Her husband says that she criticized him constantly and often refused to sit beside him at the table. Mr. FIRING says that although he did all in his power to make his wife feel more contented, her dissatisfaction increased as time wore on.
Mark A. EBERLY, of Womelsdorf, has started divorce proceedings against his wife, Irene R. EBERLY, of Gilbertsville, charging her with improper conduct. They were married on May 12, 1906, and parted on March 28, 1915. Judge WAGNER, on motion of H. Robert MAYS, awarded a subpoena in the case.
John P. FISHER and wife attended the Retail Coal Merchants Convention at Wilmington, Delaware, last week. All the members enjoyed a pleasure trip on the Delaware Bay.
Mrs. James C. ROTHENBERGER took sick while visiting her parents. Dr. M. F. CLOUSER of Oley, attends.
The men working on Stone Cave left for Scranton, where they will help to build a dam.
Leonard BLESSING, a Reading youth of 14, ignited a large fire cracker in his mouth as a result of which he is minus several front teeth and suffering numerous contusions about the face and mouth.
A surprise party was given to James REIDER on Tuesday evening last. The Gabelsville Band furnished music. Supper was served to the guests. Those present were: William TRETHEWEY, Harry EISENHARD, Harry EDDINGER, William EDDINGER, Daniel BURKERT, Edgar BURKERT, William HOUCK, Clyde HOUCK, Jacob HAUSMAN, Charles ROHRBACH, Lewis BECHTEL, Cyrus BECHTEL, Warren WERSTLER, John WERSTLER, Ralph RHOADS, Norman RHOADS, Leroy GROFE, Archie GROFE, Lewis GROFE, Elmer SPOHN, Lillian HAAS, Savannah HARING, Earl HEACOCK, Tom UPDEGROVE, Frank UPDEGROVE, Archie BAHR, Lawrence BAHR, Raymond BAHR, Mrs. Wm. HAAS, Mrs. Amanda SHANER, Mr. and Mrs. Milton BREIL, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin MOYER, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey BECHTEL, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. W. BECHTEL, Mr. and Mrs. James REIDER, Mr. and Mrs. Webster REIDER, Mrs. Ammon HARTMAN, Mrs. Griffith DOTTERER, Mr. and Mrs. Frank EDDINGER, Warren YERGER, Wm. LANDIS, Levi HARTMAN, Florence BECHTEL, Henry HEYDT, Frank SEAL, Ralph DOTTERER, Harry REIDER, Kenneth REIDER, Helen HARTMAN, Lillian BRIEL, Oleon BRIEL, Elmer RHOADS, Edwin SCHWENK.
George B. SLONAKER, the 16 month-old son of John W.H. and Sarah C. (SCHAEFFER) SLONAKER, choked to death at the home of his parents, Hyde Park, Berks County, Tuesday, when a cherry stone lodged in the thoracic cavity.
Submitted by: Betty.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:16 PST