Clippings from the Berks County Democrat, (Boyertown, PA) Saturday, January 16, 1892

What It Costs to Run Berks County

County Treasurer MARCH paid out during 1891 over $326,000. There was paid out on orders drawn by the county commissioners, $227,000; on account of the almshouse nearly $51,000; on account of the prison, over $28,000; and there was paid to the jurors, tip staffs, etc., over $20,000. The county auditors must go over all these payments in detail, as well as of all the receipts from the different sources, taxes, etc. The auditing is apparently being done more carefully and in detail, than it was years ago, and requires about double the length of time.

The Postmaster General has designated the Bechtelsville post office as a money order office.

William HOUCK, residing with his son-in-law Jacob Henry, is very Low. Mrs. Henry is also ill.

Amanda, widow of Josiah REIFSNYDER, of Little Oley fell on the ice and was severely hurt.

Dangerous curves are being taken out of the Neversink Mountain Railroad at Reading.

The Republicans have adopted a new set of governing rules and made Matthew RHODA president.

A daughter of brakeman Webb KENNEY, died at Reading and was buried at Churchville on Friday last.

Ambrose SPOHN, of Bechtelsville and Miss Carrie TROLLINGER, of Dale married last Saturday.

Levi DELLICKER, proprietor of the Grim's Mill Creamery, paid 90 cents to $1.20 per 100 pounds for milk.

A child of Henry GOUCKER, of Bechtelsville died and will be buried there today. Rev. FREEMAN will officiate.

Frank GRILL and Miss SHIFFERT, of Washington, were married last Saturday by Squire BAUER of Huff's Church.

Irvin FRITZ, an employee of the Colebrookdale Foundry, left for Thurlow, Delaware County, to work in the steel works there.

C. A. MORY, of town, was one of the appraisers of the stock of the dry goods house of the late E. K. ELLIS, in Pottstown, on Tuesday.

The icy sidewalk got a victim in the person of Miss Alice KERN, of Bath, Northampton County, who died from her injuries on Monday.

John ENDLICH, who held the position of United States Consul to Bale, Switzerland, during President Buchanan's administration, and father of Judge ENDLICH of the bench of this county, died at Reading on Monday, aged 72 years.

Dr. F.R. BRUNNER removed a large fibroid polypous from the throat of an 8 year old daughter of Mr. MILLER, near Huff's Church. She stood the operation without an anesthetic.

The Hill Church congregation held an election at which it was decided to sell the grove owned by the church, by a vote of 48 to 5. The grove will be sold at public sale on February 13th. It contains about 5 acres of chestnut timber.

Ben. R. DELLICKER, tenant on the Swamp Lutheran Church farm, will sell his farm stock at public sale, on February 18th, and will retire from farming. He will move into the house of Mr. LEIDY close by and devote his entire attention to stone cutting.

The Colebrookdale Railraod Company has elected the following officers: Pres., Joseph L. BAILEY, sec., Howard HANCOCK; treas. John WELCH; directors A.A. McLEOD, Daniel D. BOYER, Geo. deB. KEIM, A.J. ANTELO, James BOYD, Samuel R. SHIPLEY.

Consicence Money - President McLEOD, of the P. & R, received an envelope postmarked, "Pottstown, Jan. 2, containing $300 in cash and a slip of paper on which was written "Company's funds". The sum has been placed to the profit and loss of the company.

The organ dedication of the Boyertown high school was held in Rhoads' hall, and the exercises were rendered in creditable style, to the delight of the large audience. The collection basket netted over eight dollars.

M. and R.B. YOST, on Philadelphia Avenue, offer their millinery store for sale. This is a well established and paying business stand, and would be a good investment for an enterprising milliner. The Misses YOST wish to retire from business.

Submitted by: Betty.

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:16 PST

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