Clippings from the Berks County Democrat, (Boyertown, PA) Saturday, February 27, 1892

The Huff’s Church band changed its headquarters to Landisville

Henry DIEHL, of Bally, will move to Philadelphia and engage in the hardware business.

Wallace, son of Simon WOLFGANG, of Shanesville, died of scarlet fever, aged 8 years.

Milton H. DeLONG, of Topton, a Poor Director of Berks County, died on Monday.

The new insane asylum to be erected at Robesonia will have room for 1,250 people.

East Greenville is to have a hat factory and Pennsburg a condensed milk factory.

The Mount Penn Gravity Railroad is to have a branch and otherwise improved.

Nearly all the stock of the proposed National Bank at Pottstown, has already been sold.

An 11 year old son of Henry CLAUSER of Shanesville, died of scarletina. Two other children are sick with the same disease.

Hereafter the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad Company will issue clerical passes at half-rate, the minimum will be 10 cents.

Widow Elizabeth HARTMAN, of near Sassamansville, died at the age of 73 years. Four daughters survive. Her husband died 15 years ago.

Reading has $64,000 liquor license money in its city treasury, which leading citizens want used on pavements and permanent street improvements.

J. D. HUBER resigned as justice of the peace of East Douglass, Montgomery County and his resignation was accepted by the governor. It is to take effect immediately

Last week eight shares of Pottstown National Bank were sold at $125 a share, par value $50; 30 shares Security Stock at $85, par value $100, 50 paid in.

Saylor’s New York photography gallery, below the Union House, is the place to get a good picture at a moderate price. Fine crayons with a dozen cabinets as low as $5

Mrs. Rebecca BOYER, wife of Ephr. BOYER, of Evansburg, Lower Providence, Montgomery County died. She was the mother of State Treasurer H. K. BOYER

The Congo creamery is to be made into a stock company. It was formerly owned by private parties. It is proposed to issue about $2,300 worth of stock at $10 a share.

The Sheriff will sell all the personal property of Jacob SHANER, at Greshville, on March 12th. Jake had advertised sale himself for the 10th but of course, that do not go now.

Sophia Emery, widow of Fred. EMERY, died in Swamp, of dropsy, aged 60 years. Her husband died six years ago. He was formerly a well known hotel keeper in Montgomery County.

Both pastors of the Pennsburg Reformed Church, Rev. S.L. DeCHANT and Rev. J.L. ROUSCH, have given notice to their congregations that they intend to resign. Rev. DeCHANT has served these people about thirty five years.

George H. HARTMAN opened his new produce store 172 West Girard Avenue, Philadelphia this week. George UNGER has charge of his huckster route here.

Alfred SCHOCK, a brakeman on engine 123, extra freight, on the Perkiomen railroad, while passing over the train on the top of the cars, at Perkiomen Junction, was thrown or fell under the caboose and instantly killed. He was a single man, about twenty-five years of age, and resided in Allentown.

Daniel L. BOWER, son of J. B. BOWER, dentist, graduated from the Philadelphia Dental College on Thursday. The young D.D.S. intends to practice with his father here for the present and they will open a branch office on the second floor of 255 High Street, Pottstown.

The little swelling house of Jacob WENTZEL, in Ruscombmanor township, was totally destroyed by fire during the absence of the parents the other day. There are seven small children in the family and the smallest was carried out of the house in its cradle by the older ones. All the furniture was destroyed. The neighbors will build a new house for the family.

The funerals of Mrs. HENRY and her father, Wm. HOUCK, were both largely attended. The pall bearers of Mrs. HENRY were: J. F. D. GEIGER, William EDDINGER, J. B. YAHN, J. S. EAST, Jere. HUFF, Mabury BRUMBACH, A. WALTERS and Wm. BAHR and of her father, Joshua BAHR, Isaac REINERT, D. CHRISTMAN, John DEYSHER, Peter REIGNER, B. F. NYCE, Samuel SANDS and E. GABEL.

Submitted by: Betty.

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:16 PST

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