Clippings from the Berks County Democrat, (Boyertown, PA) Saturday, February 20, 1892

Death of William HOUCK

William Houck, an old citizen of Boyertown, died on Monday night, at the residence of his son-in-law, Jacob HENRY, after a long siege of sickness. He was 80 years of age and his wife has been dead many years. He died the next day after his daughter, with whom he resided. Deceased had four daughters and two sons. Two daughters, Mrs. Irwin HILTEBEITEL of Pottstown and Mrs. S. S. BERTOLET of Fagleysville, and one son, Milton, of Pennsburg survive. One son died suddenly in a store in Zieglersville about ten years ago. The funeral will take place this afternoon, services in the Lutheran Church.

Sale Register

Feb. 23 Tobias KOCH, deceased, Gilbertsville
Feb. 28 B. R. DELLICKER, Swamp
March 8 Abrm. RENNINGER, estate, Frederick
March 10 Henry STETTLER, Gilbertsville
March 12 Ann RITTER, New Berlinville
March 12 Cath. YERGER estate, near Gilbertsville
March 16 Abrm. RENNINGER estate in Frederick

Jesse BARB, a P. & R. shifter brakeman, was crushed to death by cars at Reading Tuesday night.

There was a funeral every day this week, except yesterday, in Boyertown, and today there will be three.

L. H. RHOADS, of Engelsville, sold a pair of heavy draught horses to David STEIN, of New York for $430.

A nail in a shoe that penetrated his foot gave Aaron BINDER, aged 57 of Pottstown, lockjaw and he died last week.

An infant child of Ambrose FEATHER, of Pottstown, formerly of Boyertown will be buried here today, on Union Cemetery.

The Hill Church grove was sold at public sale for $391 to William REITNAUER. A force of men went to work cutting down the timber.

Jere. BOYER, of Pine Iron Works, lost eight hogs by hog cholera, and Nels. BERTOLET, of Yellow House, lost ten from the same disease.

J. B. GEYER, of Gilbertsville, this week killed his old bay mare, that he had in his possession for 21 years. His age was said to be 40 years.

Mrs. George FRONHEISER, of Hill Church, celebrated her 92nd birthday anniversary this week. She is one of the oldest persons in the neighborhood.

A large wheel in the grist mill of John FRITZ, near Engelsville, broke last Monday night, which will cause the miller to cease operations for ten days.

The farm stock of Abraham Y. RENNINGER, deceased, of Frederick township, Montgomery County, will be sold by Percival YERGER, administrator, on March 8th and 16th.

While Mrs. Conrad N. RATH, of Pottstown was preparing supper last Tuesday night her clothing caught fire. She was burned in a horrible manner from head to foot. Mrs. Peter RATH and Miss Sara RATH saved her life by rolling her in carpet. Both were painfully burnt.

Daniel M. EISENHOWER, whose relatives reside in Berks County, has been missing and mourned as dead since 1886. A letter sent from Grant County, Oregon, dispels this belief, and states that he expects to be East next year.

Rev. Father James KUNIEZ, the pastor of St. Mary’s Polish Catholic Church, Reading, was arrested on Saturday on a charge of inciting his congregation in a riot against a member whom he called a chicken thief from the pulpit.

The funeral of Manassah BOYER took place on Thursday from the residence of his son. [The] Rev. C. C. BOYER spoke both in English and German in [the] Lutheran church. Deceased was married 50 years, and had five sons and two daughters. Three sons are dead. His age was 73 years 2 month and 22 days.

While Horace BOYER, of Greshville was driving through Morysville, on Thursday evening, Jacob SHANER came driving after him at break neck speed, colliding with BOYER’s team and upsetting it. BOYER was thrown out, but not hurt much. The horse ran away and was caught at the foundry. The wagon was a wreck.

The funeral of Leah, wife of John WENTZEL, last Monday, was largely attended. Her remains reposed in a walnut casket with silver mountings and plate on lid bearing the words “At Rest”. A handsome floral pillow, bearing the words “Our Mother,” was presented by the children. Rev. WEAND and FREEMAN officiated. Pallbearers, Jeremiah CONRAD, Frank BRUMBACH, William GUARD and Harry PENNYPACKER. Interment in Union Cemetery.

Subscription School

Feeling the need of a longer school term in our borough, I shall open a special school term of six weeks, immediately on the closing of the public schools. Pupils of all grades will be admitted, and placed under good instructors. Those desiring to send will do well to see to it early, as only a limited number can be accommodated. The terms will be reasonable....Respectfully, Elmer J. CONNER

Submitted by: Betty.

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:16 PST

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