On the 22d inst., by the Rev. M. Kieffer -- Mr. Samuel Morrison, of the State of Maine, to Miss Catharine Wanner, of this city.
By the Rev. Thomas Jager -- On the 8th inst., Mr. Richard Reichwein, of Cumru, to Miss Rachel Fitterling, of Brecknock.
By the Rev. Adolph B. Casper -- On the 8th May, Mr. Samuel Dunkel, of Buffalo valley, to Miss Susanna Madera, of Berks county.
By the Rev. Isaac Roeller -- On 6th inst., Mr. Joel Haas, to Miss Sarah Wentzel, both of Ruscombmanor. Mr. Jacob Levan, to Miss Mary Schappel, both of Maxatawny.
By the Rev. J.S. Herman -- On the 1?th inst., Mr. Andrew Schucker, to Miss Eliza Hutter, both of Richmond.
By the Rev. G.F.J. Jager -- On the 1?th inst, Mr. Jacob Reiser, of Greenwich, to Miss Maria Fry of Albany.
By the Rev. George F. Miller -- On the ?st inst., Mr. William H. Kerper, of Exeter, to Miss Mary Anna Moser, of Amity.
By the Rev. F.A.M. Keller -- On the 11th inst., Mr. William Heil, to Miss Rebecca Schultz, both of Reading.
By the Rev. J.C. Smith, on the 17th inst., Mr. Daniel Strauss, to Miss Elizabeth Miller, both of Bethel.
By the Rev. A.S. Leinbach -- On the 12th inst., Mr. John Zeigler, of Lebanon county, to Miss Mary Zweitzig of Reading. On the 13th, Mr. John G. [sic] Arthur, of Lycoming county, to Miss Rebecca Moyer, of Reading.
Submitted by: Nancy.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:14 PST