By the Rev. Dr. Morgan. -- On Wednesday last, Mr. Jesse Kennedy of West Caln, Chester county, to Miss Catharine Kaler, of this city.
By the Rev. Thomas H. Leinbach. -- On the 1st ult., Mr. Peter Etris, to Miss Cathrine Groff, both of Bethel, Lebanon county. On the 5th, Mr. Jonathan Miller to Miss Hannah Diessler. On the 19th, Mr. Daniel Kronrath, to Miss Mary Gerolf, all of Bethel, Berks county. -- On 24th, Mr. Curtis Hoeschman, to Miss Rebecca Miller, both of Lebanon county. -- On the 26th Mr. Jonathan Schaurr, to Miss Almira Wenrich, of Upper Tulpehocken.
By the Rev. A.L. Geisenheimer. On the 26th ult., Mr. Samuel Moyer to Miss Catharine Ann Mannbeck, both of Tulpehocken.
By the Rev. D. Ulrich. -- On the 6th ult., Mr. John Rosslin, of Lebanon county, to Miss Levina Bauman, of Marion, Berks county. On the 12th ult., Mr. John Kreutzer, to Miss Matilda Smith, both of Womelsdorf.
By the Rev. A.E. Herman. -- On the 21st ult., Mr. Martin Moyer to Miss Esther Hutchinson, both of Lancaster county.
By the Rev. Wm. Pauli. -- On the 22d ult., Dr. James C. Livengood, of Womelsdorf, to Miss Catharine Hill, of Marion.
Submitted by: Nancy.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:12 PST