By the Rev. John W. Richards -- On the 15th inst., Mr. Wm. M. Aker, of Reading, to Miss Sarah Ann Livengood, of Oley. -- On the 22d inst., Mr. Benneville Kleinginni, to Miss Ann Eliza R. Glassmyre, all of Cumru.
By the Rev. C. Yeager. -- On the 11th April, Joseph Roser, of Reading, to Rosanna Fries, of Robeson.
By the Rev. L.L. Herman. -- On the 4th inst., Matthias Miller, of Rockland, to Miss Catharine Adam, of Pike.
By the Rev. J. Miesse. On the 10th inst., Daniel Strass, to Rebecca Berger, both of Penn.
By the Rev. C.A. Pauli. -- On the 11th April, John Franklin Petre, to Rosanna Elizabeth Fidler, both of Womelsdorf.
By the Rev. G.J. Kradel. On the 15th April, Gustave Stubner, to Maria Lettenmeyer, both of Reading.
Submitted by: Nancy.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:12 PST