By the Rev. F.A.M. Keller. -- On the 10th ult., Isaac Hemig to Rebecca Miller, both of Reading; -- 26th, Nehemiah Bean to Isabella Miller, both of Hamburg. -- Daniel Hinnershitz to Margaret Fair, both of Reading.
By the Rev. Wm. Pauli. -- On the 30th ult., Samuel Wesner to Amelia Whitmyer, of Cumru; -- John Koch to Hannah Cleaver, of Colebrookdale.
By the Rev. A.L. Herman. -- On the 26th ult., Obed Hagy to Catharine Hoyer, both of Sinking Springs.
By the Rev. D. Ulrich. -- On the 12th March, John Biddle of Schuylkill county, to Sophia Zerby, of Tulpehocken; -- 25th, Daniel Ulrich, of Marion, to Maria Kalbach, of Heidelberg.
By the Rev. T.S. Smith. -- On the 24th March, Jonathan Kline, of Tulpehocken, to Catharine Cramp, of Bernville.
By Alderman Medary. -- On the 27th of March, William Clemens to Mary Barns, both of Reading.
By George Getz, Mayor. -- On Sunday last, James Bradly to Charlotte Bell, both of Robeson.
By the Rev. William L. Reber. -- On the 21st March, Rev. Noah M'Clean, of Dauphin county, to Mary Ann M. Hertz, of Alsace, Berks county.
By the Rev. J.G. Herman. -- On the 15th February, Abraham Kutz to Catharine Weber, both of Kutztown. - 19th March, Abraham Koch to Sarah Schlegel, both of Coxtown.
Submitted by: Nancy.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:12 PST