David Schaeffer and wife, Esther, of Maxatawny, two miles east of Kutztown, celebrated the 51st anniversary of their wedding on Sunday. They were married May 7, 1848, and on April 1, 1849, moved to their present residence, where they have lived ever since, prominent and respected citizens of the community. Mr. Schaeffer is 79 and Mrs. Schaeffer 74 years of age, and both are in good health.
They have had five children, eighteen grandchildren and there has never been a death in the family. Their children are: Dr. Nathan C. Schaeffer, state superintendent of public instruction; Rev. William C. Schaeffer, Ph.D., pastor of the First Reformed Church, of Chambersburg; D. Nicholas Schaeffer, a member of the Berks county bar; James Schaeffer, who tills the old homestead in Maxatawny, and Dr. Charles D. Schaeffer, one of Allentown’s prominent physicians.
Mr. Schaeffer has always taken a deep interest in education, sent his sons through college, is a charter member of the Keystone State Normal School and has been a director since its establishment. Mrs. Schaeffer was a daughter of Solomon Christ, deceased.
(Article appeared on page 1)
Submitted by Jerri.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:12 PST