Surrounded by their children, grandchildren and a host of other relatives and friends, Mr. and Mrs. George F. Knauss, of Topton, celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding on New Year’s Day. The happy celebrants were tendered a shower of gold coins. They also received a clock partly mounted in gold. Many other useful and beautiful presents were received by the much loved couple. It was the happiest event of Mr. and Mrs. Knauss; lives, not excepting the day they were joined in the bonds of wedlock.
A splendid turkey dinner was one of the big features of the day. Forty or more guests partook of the sumptuous repast. The other big event was the evening meal, which was just as elaborate as that at noonday. The afternoon hours were pleasantly spent in story telling and reminiscences of Topton, Emaus and Macungie in the days when there were no trolley cars and only an occasional passenger train.
Mr. and Mrs. Knauss were united in marriage in Treichlersville, Berks county, the late Rev. Wuensche, Moravian pastor at that time, performing the ceremony. Shortly after the wedding, Mr. and Mrs. Knauss moved to Topton where they have since resided and are held in high regard.
Mrs. Knauss was born in Berks county. She was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hittle and a sister of Thomas Hittle, the well known insurance agent of this city. Mr. Knauss was born in Emaus, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Aquilla Knauss. He has been engaged for many years as outside foreman at the Topton furnaces. Their years have been numbered to within a few on this side of the four score mark, but a considerable distance would have to be traveled to find a better preserved couple, appearing many years younger and as active as some twenty-five years their junior.
They are the parents of Howard H., Emaus; Walter, this city; Milton and George, Catasauqua; William H., East Macungie; Mrs. R. Evans, Topton, and Private Ralph Knauss, of Co. C, 109th Machine Gun Battalion, A.E.F. Mr. Knauss is a brother of Albert Knauss, this city, and Oscar P. Knauss, the printer of Macungie.
(Article appeared on page 5)
Submitted by Jerri.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:12 PST