St. John's Church Cemetery - Kutztown

Kutztown Patriot, Kutztown, PA
May 20, 1926
Work of Beautifying This Place of The Dead Alongside St. John’s Church To Require Over $3,000
The committee appointed for the improvement of the graveyard adjoining St. John’s Church, this borough is making
progress in its duties, a list of the names of all the persons whose bodies are interred on that burial ground having
been compiled and an appeal is being made to all the relatives of these people and all other public-spirited folks to
give financial support to this commendable movement because it will require between $3,000 and $3,500 to carry
out the present plans. All the tombstone will be set in rows, the bases set in concrete and the foot stones removed.
The plans include a new fence, to be erected along the Walnut Street side, and such other changed effected as will
make this old place of the dead a spot to which the members of both congregations of St. John’s Church and the
citizens of this borough and vicinity may point with pride. The names of the persons whose bodies are buried there,
the figures indicating the number of tombstones in all cases in which there is more than one, are as follows:
- John and William Wagenhorst, David Gross, Jacob Hummel 2; John Stoudt, 8; Peter Gift, Anna Graeff, Jacob and
Henry Oberbeck, Isaac Strasser, Levi Reppert, Sila Buzzard, Isaac Baldy.
- Michael Scharer, Isaac Zimmerman, Gabriel Oldt, James W. Fisher, Daniel Bieber, Jacob Wink, Charles Fegley 2;
Abraham Kindt, Maria Schneider, John B. Snyder, Abegaill Butz, Peter Yager, Frank Boyer.
- Jacob S. Hottenstein, 2; William Reimert, David Reimert, Solomon Ahn, 5; William Schucker, Daniel Kohler, John
Miller 2; Carl Bennicoff, George Heffner, Isaac Mishler, John Miller, Joseph Gross.
- Thomas Fister, Jonas and David Christman, Isaac Levan, John Esser, 8, Jacob Esser, George Esser, Peter Kutz, John
Reiter, George Wink, Jesse Wink, Daniel Gehringer, Catharine Biehl, Barbara Levan.
- Henry Hinterleiter, Dewalt Bieber 6, Solomon Kutz, David Heffner, John Bieber 3; John Klein, 2; Henry H. Esser,
D. K. Springer, Daniel Kline, Henry Reimert, David Reimert, David Loutz 2.
- Peter Angstadt, 2; Jacob Levan, Benjamin Levan, John Levan, 6; Henry Levan, Jacob Hinterleiter, John Hanamaker,
Jacob Biehl, 2; John Kutz, 2; Nich. Schwoyer, Jacob Schwoyer Reuben Miller.
- Jacob Herman, Michael Glasser, Alex. Wyle, 2; Jonathan Weida, Jonathan Grim, Elizabeth Bieber, George Bieber,
Jonas Bieber, Dr. William J. Bieber, David O’neil, David Peter, David Kemmerer, Eliza DeTurk.
- Jacob Levan 7; David Kline, 3’ Peter Schwoyer, Samuel Schwoyer, Jacob Bobst, John Sharadin, 3’ Dewald Beiber,
John Reiter, Jacob Bast, David O’Neill, Joseph Wink, Peter Sittler, Henry George, 3.
- Dewalt Wink, Charles J. Hirst, 2; Joseph Hamm, John Merkel, 4; Jacob Hinterleiter, 3; John Houck, 2; James Ortt,
William J. Cobb, Jacob Dieter, Charles A. Wink, Jacob Heffner, David Lentz, Dewalt Kutz, 2.
- Michael Ash, 2; Cyrus Hunter, Solomon Helbert, Ephraim Bower, 2; Joseph Odenheimer, Peter Kutz, 2; Peter Fritz,
2; Abraham Wagner, Wilhelm Fegely, Jacob Biehl, Daniel Merkel, Michael Christman.
- Samuel Reidenauer, William Gehret, 2; Jacob Humbert, 3; Samuel Schmidt, David Hoch, Jonas Christman, Fayette
Schoedler, 3’ August Springer, Christian Schmick, 2; Jacob Kimmel, Benjamin Gable, Samuel Seagreaves.
- James Miller, Henry Heffner, 2; John Bieber, Jacob Eberwein, 2; John Klein, David Sieter, Fred Otto, John Adam,
W. Burger, Amelia DeSilva, Daniel Weaver, Joseph Peick, 2; Karl Sauder, John Souder.
- Elizabeth Peick, John Young, 2; Sarah Dewey, Elizabeth Christman, Christian Strecher, Fred Kolb, John Breneiser,
3, Johathan Xander, 3; Henry Heffner, John Levan 6; Abraham Bieber,2.
- William A. Levan, Daniel Kemp, 2; Joseph Kutz, 4; Peter Kutz, 2; Margaret Kutz, Daniel Kutz, John Adam Kutz,
Michael Schearer, 2; Peter Beisel, Elizabeth Merkel, George Schaeffer, 3’ Isaac L. Bieber.
- Dewalt Bieber, 3; George Bieber, Isaac Bieber, Theobold Bieber, 4; John Bieber Bieber, 4; Carl Faber, Stephen
Balliet, Gideon Braucher, 2; Jacob Kutz, Peter Kutz, Abraham Wendling, William Peick.
- John Kutz, Jacob Xander, Wilhelm Schaeffer, Jacob Schweyer, 2; Samuel Schweyer, Solomon Kutz, Reuben Hains,
John Rahn, Jacob Ahn, Henry Geehr, John Wanner, Peter Wanner, 2; George Breyfogel, 3.
- Daniel Kutz, John Kutz, Abraham Biehl, 2; John Biehl, 2; John Ernst, Mary Jane Yerkes, Jonathan Grim, 2; John
Schmoll, John Schwoyer, Henry Schlegel, Jacob Stoamb, 2; Jacob Lehman, Peter Deisher, 3.
- John Deisher, Henry Heimbach, Benjamin Hermany, 2; Jonathan Hermany, 2; John Kover, Jacob Kutz, 2; Daniel
Rahn, John Bechtel, 3; Jacob Kutz, Michael Klein, John Rahn, Jacob Ahn, 2; Jacob Biel, 2.
- Dewald Bieber, 2; Jacob Bast, Jacob Singmaster, John Schwoyer, Benjamin Herman, George Fegely, Jacob Kutz,
Daniel Siegfried, John Levan, Henry Xander, Michael Roth, 3; Calvin Tobias, Charles Faber.
- Frederick Roth, Valentine George, 2; Jacob Rahn, Philip Rahn, Christian Copp, John Wanner, Johannes Miller, 3;
Jacob Kutz, Jacob Ahn, Joseph Kutz, John Yoder, 2; Josiah Kutz.
- John Bieber, Sam Fegely, 2; Jacob Detweiler, Philip Klein, Jacob Wink, 3; John Heidenreich 2; Peter Wink, John
Dinius, Peter Mohn, John Levan, George Levan, Jacob Fisher.