Burials at St. John's Lutheran Cemetery, Hamburg, Surnames I-M

NOTE: "lo" in the record indicates the name of the lot owner

Infant 3-0701-4-8-17
Infant 4-30-C-1-16
Infant (stillborn) 2-060-B-1-30 2/13/1925
Irwin, Edward J. 2-sgl row 06-03-59
Iset Benjamin Dr. 4-18-B-3-10 1807-1869 62
Iset Charles B. 4-18-8-8-10
Iset Chester M. 2-039-B-3-20 1881-1955 74-lo. P.M. Shollenberger
Iset Clara R. 4-18-C-6-10 1875-1933 58
Iset Edward M. 4-18-8-7-10
Iset Edward S. 2-039-B-1-20 -1957-lo. P.M. Shollenberger
Iset Emma R. 4-18-0-2-10 1845-1925 80
Iset Harry M. 4-18-C-5-10 1875-1942 67
Iset Lovina 4-18-B-4-10 1815-1856 41
Iset Mary Ellen 2-039-6-4-20 1879-1948 69 -Io. P.M. Shollenberger
Iset S. Vinnie 4-18-C-3-10 1869-1959 90
Isett, Frederick Lengel 2-39-C-4-20
Isett, J Fred 4-18-B-2-10
Isett, J. Fred Dr. 4-18-C-1-10
Issac, Harvey 1-13-sw-6-23
J. 4-34-A-5-18
Jacoby, Annie 2-045-D-4-23 1870-1954 84-lo. Jacoby, Frank
Jacoby, Annie E. 2-095-D-3-47 1875-1943 68 -lo. C.A. Jacoby
Jacoby, Charles A. 2-095-D-2-47 1875-1960 85 -lo. C.A. Jacoby
Jacoby, Elisabeth 2-045-D-2-23 -1919 80-lo. J. Jacoby
Jacoby, Francis J. 2-095-C-2-47 1899-9/10/1979 80 -lo. F.J. Jacoby F.H. #1
Jacoby, Frank G. 2-045-D-3-23 1867-1943 76-lo. Frank Jacoby
Jacoby, Harry E. 2-027-A-1-14 1873-1890 17-lo. J. Jacoby
Jacoby, John H. 2-027-A-2-14 1836-1906 70-lo. John Jacoby
Jacoby, Joseph 2-045-D-1-23 -1906 63-lo. J. Jacoby
Jacoby, Joseph 2-004-A-2-2 1870-1902 72-lo. J. Jacoby
Jacoby, May R. 2-004-A-1-2 1859-1908 49-lo. Jos. Jacoby
Jacoby, Ruth K 2-040-B-2-20 1865-1951 86-lo. M. Jacoby
Jacoby, S. Robert 2-040-B-4-20 1887-1926 39-lo. M. Jacoby
Jacoby, Sarah 2-004-A-3-2 1824-1882 58-lo. J. Jacoby
Jacoby, Sarah A. 2-027-A-3-14 1837-1905 68-lo. J. Jacoby
Jacoby, Susan 2-027-A-4-14 1834-1916 82-lo. J. Jacoby
Jacoby, W. Myers 2-040- -1-20 1861-192 65-l0. M. Jacoby
James, Hughston M 2-214-C-5-92
James, Hughston M. 2-214-C-5-92 -1997 67 F.H.#1 (cremation)
James, Merle T. 2-238-C-8-94K 11/4/1904-9/1411989 84
Jenkins, Annie L. 1-02-sw-7-11 1865-1908 43 -lo. J.D. Miller
Jenkins, Esther 1-02-sw-6-17 1831-1901 70-lo. J.D. Miller
Johnson Armeand J. II 2-sgl row 10-8-60 ????-1972
Johnson, Alex 2-row 2-02-32 4/9/1884 - 8/11/1929 45
Johnson, Earl A. 3-0300-3-1-5 1889-1950 61-lo. Berry & Johnson
Johnson, Elmira A. 4-13-B-6-7 1855-1912 57
Johnson, Harriet 3-0300-3-2-5 1896-1958 62 -Io. Berry & Johnson
Johnson, Lester H. 2-302-B-1-96 1894-1954 60-lo. L.J. Johnson
Johnson, Levi 4-13-B-7-7 1852-1922 70
Johnson, Lucy J. 2-302-B-2-96 1896-1957 61-lo. L.J. Johnson
Johnson, Naomi R 2-302-B-6-96 4/12/1916 - 10/27/1989 73
Johnson, Robert 2-row 1-11-32 3/16/1872 - 3/16/1929 57
Johnson, Roy 2-row 2-19-32 6/10/1891 - 5/27/1927 35
Johnson, Ruth M. 3-0300-3-8-5 1/11 /1923 - 2/25/1996 73 -lo. Johnson & Berry F.H.#1
Jones, Anna V. 2-035-D-1-18 -1893 27-lo. Wm. Jones
Jones, Chas. F. 1-B-29-8-6 1848-1921 73-lo. H. Burkholder
Jones, John F. 2-055-B-8-28 6/22/1887-11/12/1905 18
Jones, Mary C. 1-B-29-7-6 1846-1905 59 -lo. H. Burkholder
Joseph, Robed T. 2-110-C4-53A 1914-1978 64-lo. Schmick (cremation)
Kaag, Anna M. 2-211-B-8-90 1921-1991
Kaisinger, Clayton D. 2-307-A-1-98 1895-1956 61-lo. E. Kaisinger
Kaisinger, Emily R. 2-307-A-2-98 1889-1970 81-lo. E. Kaisinger
Kalapay, Adeline 2-221-A-1-94A -1961
Kalbach, Adelaide 2-034-C-2-17 1854-1916 62 -lo. Dr. Wm. Kalbach
Kalbach, Andrew 1-05-sw-6-19 1872-1920 48-1o. Kalbach
Kalbach, Anna E. 3-1501-2-2-37 1917-212811990 (cremation)
Kalbach, Anna L. 1-row 31-06-57 1859-1864 5
Kalbach, Cyril K. 2-032-A-5-16 1914-1975 61-lo. D. Stitzel
Kalbach, Edward 4-18-B-6-10
Kalbach, Ellen L 2-034-C-8-17 1838-1903 65 -lo. W. Kalbach
Kalbach, Frank H. 2-029-B-7-15 1866-1902 36-lo. F. Heckman
Kalbach, Frederick 3-1502-3-1-37 1916-1921 5 -lo. Wm. Kalbach
Kalbach, Geo. 1-B-47-5-7 -1867 65-lo. L. Francis
Kalbach, Geo. T. 3-1501-2-1-37 1904-1976 72
Kalbach, Harry E. 1-13-sv-8-23 1868-1872 4-lo. J. Berk
Kalbach, Infant Dau. 2-029-B-1-15 -1897 -lo. F. Heckman
Kalbach, Isaac 1-13-sw-4-23 1820-1877 57-1o. J. Berk
Kalbach, Jacob 2-029-B-2-15 1841-1931 90-lo. F. Heckman
Kalbach, Lewis A. 4-29-D-7-15 1866-1952 86
Kalbach, Lousia 1-13-sw-3-23 1826-1905 79-lo. J. Berk
Kalbach, Mahlon 1-A-008-8-3 1878 -lo. Jos. Miller
Kalbach, Mame E. 3-1502-3-3-37 1877-1946 69 -lo. Wm Kalbach
Kalbach, Maria 1-B-47-4-7 1810-1869 59-lo. L. Francis
Kalbach, Mary E. 4-29-D-8-15 1866-1951 85
Kalbach, Mary E. 1-row 31-05-57 1855
Kalbach, Mary I. 1-05-sw-3-19 1862-1873 11-lo. Kalbach
Kalbach, May A 1-05-sw-2-19 1838-1909 71-lo. Kalbach
Kalbach, Ralph 2-072-D-4-35 1893-1915 22-lo. L. Heckman
Kalbach, Reuben 1-A-008-3-3 1832-1902 70-lo. Jos. Miller
Kalbach, Samuel 1-05-sw-1-19 1835-1905 70-lo. Kalbach
Kalbach, Sarah J. 2-029-B-3-15 1843-1917 74-lo. F. Heckman
Kalbach, Sarah M. 1-A-008-4-3 1836-1910 74-lo. Jos. Miller
Kalbach, Wm. 1-B-47-1-7, 1818-1873 55-lo. Levi Francis
Kalbach, Wm. H. Dr. 2-034-C-1 -17 1848-1925 77 -lo. Dr. Wm. Kalbach
Kalbach, Wm. I. Jr. 3-1502-3-2-37 1917-1921 4 -lo. Wm. Kalbach
Kalbach, Wm. L. 3-1502-3-3-37 1882-1938 56 -lo. Wm. I. Kalbach
Kalbach, Wm. Robert 1-05-sw-4-19 1857-1865
Kalibisco, Peter 2-239-B-5-94K 1909-1993
Kantner, Harvey R. 2-232-D-1-94G 1908-1970 62
Karpinecz, Doris M. 2-159-D-4-77 1926-1992
Karpinecz, John 2-159-D-3-77 1920-1984
Kauffman, Elmer F. 2-236-A-2-94J 1903-1989
Kauffman, Herbert H. 2-226-A-1-94D 1896-1989
Kauffman, Katie 2-226-A-2-94D 1898-1975 77
Kauffman, Katie V. 2-236-A-3-94J 1907-9/16/1989
Kauffman, Samantha Sue 2-317-C-3-103 7/1988-1988 1 day
Kaufman, M. Alice 1-13-ne-8-23 1858-1902 44 -lo. J. Kline
Kaufman, Mayne 4-15-C-7-8 1896-1949 53-lo. Belh
Keehn, Florence R. 2-073-B-3-36 1895-1921 26-lo. S. Sousley
Keenan, Helen L 2-113-C5-54 1929-1967 38 -lo. Wm. Nies
Keeney, Glenn S. 2-312-A-3-101 1946-1959 13
Kehl, Carrie V. 4-43-C-4-22 1859-1934 75
Keim, Emma M. 3-0303-1-2-7 1929-1992
Keim, Lucy R. 2-120-C-8-58 1900-1984
Keim, Walter A. 2-120-C-4-58 1928-1961 33-lo. I. Williams
Keim, Watson J. 2-120-C-7-58 1896-1975 79 -lo. I. Williams
Kein, Frances M. 3-0303-1-3-7 1947-1960 13
Kein, Infant (of J.R. Keim) 2-001-D-6-1 1886 -lo. single grave
Keiser, Angelina 3-0303-4-2-7 1848-1928 80 -Io. F. Keiser
Keiser, Donald G. 2-153-6-2-74 1909-1981 72-lo. D. Keiser F.H. #1
Keiser, Dorothy J. 1-21-e-5-26 -1924-lo. J. Kline
Keiser, Elmer W. 3-0103-4-1-2 1897-1989
Keiser, Elsie D. 3-0103-4-2-2 1892-1982 70
Keiser, Florence A 2-153-A-7-74 1888-1973 85-lo. G. Keiser
Keiser, Francis 3-0303-4-1-7 1845-1935 90-Io. F. Keiser
Keiser, George C. 2-153-A-6-74 1884-1969 85-lo. G. Keiser
Keiser, Infant girl 2-153-B-1-74 -1944 -lo. G. Keiser
Keiser, Margaret A 3-0303-4-6-7 1873-1958 85-Io.F. Keiser
Keiser, Marguerite H. 2-153-B-3-74 8/9/1909-6/24/1983 73
Keiser, Sarah 3-0303-4-3-7 1851-1935 84-Io.F. Keiser
Keiser, Sylvester 3-0303-4-5-7 1870-1957 87-lo. F. Keiser
Kelakia, Anastosias 2-row 3-13-32 11/30/1897 - 12/3/1925 28
Kelchner, James 3-1001-1-1-23 1858-1900 42-lo. J.A. Kelchner
Kelchner, Katherine E. 3-0103-3-7-2 1910-1981 71-F.H.#2
Kelchner, Rhuel L 3-0103-3-6-2 1908-1991
Kelchner, Wm. 3-1001-1-8-23 1885-1895 10 -lo. J.A. Kelchner
Keller, Anna Maria 1-row 37-08-63 1782-1834 52
Keller, C. Glency 1 A-010-2-4 1816-1864 48 -lo. Chas. Keller
Keller, Catherine 1A-020-7-4 1796-1880 84-lo. D.& R. Keller
Keller, Charles 3-0503-4-3-13 1857-1934 77-1o. D. Keller
Keller, Charles 1A-010-3-4 1808-1868 60-lo. Chas. Keller
Keller, Christian 1-A-020-5-4 1821-1896 75-Io. R. & D. Keller
Keller, Daniel 1-A-020-8-4 -1853-1o. D. & R. Keller
Keller, Daniel M. 1-A-020-1-4 1851-1889 37-lo. D. & R. Keller
Keller, David 3-0503-4-1-13 1824-1895 71-lo. D. Keller
Keller, Elizabeth A 1A-010-6-4 1837-1906 69-lo. Chas. Keller
Keller, Ellis 1-row 37-02-63 1811-1834 23
Keller, Henry 1-row 37-10-63 -1849 71
Keller, Joel 3-0503-4-5-13 1855-1931 76-lo. D. Keller
Keller, John 1-A-010-2-4 1841-1868 27-lo. Chas. Keller
Keller, Jones 1-A-020-6-4 1820-1880 60-lo. D. & R. Keller
Keller, Lydia 3-0503-4-2-13 1827-1913 86-lo. D. Keller
Keller, Mary 3-0503-4-6-13 1839-1907 68-lo. D. Keller
Keller, Mary S. 1-row 37-11-63 1784-1873 89
Keller, Reuben S. 1-A-020-3-4 1822-1854 32-lo. D. & R. Keller
Keller, Samuel 1-row 37-09-63 1780-1837 57
Keller, Samuel F. 1A-010-1-4 1831-1853 22-lo. C. Keller
Keller, Sarah 1-A-010-4-4 1811-1899 88-lo. Chas. Keller
Keller, Stephen 1-A-010-8-4 1850-1920 70-lo. Chas. Keller
Kelly, David P. 3-1506-1-3-39 -1963 -lo. Edna Beck
Kelly, Irene M. 3-1506-1-4-39 1917-1992
Kelly, Paul F. 3-1506-1-3-39 1913-1957 44 -lo. Edna Beck
Kelly, Thomas J. 3-1506-1-7-39 1939-1985
Kemp, Elizabeth (Smith) 3-0702-2-2-17 1858-1949 91-lo. S.J.Smith
Kemp, Esther I. 2-214-D-2-92 1906-1988
Kemp, Florence E. 2-306-D-8-98 1904-1966 62-lo. R. Mengel
Kemp, Fred G. 4-30-B-7-16 1889-1892 3
Kemp, Harold D. 4-30-B-6-16 1887-1892 5
Kemp, Infant (2) 4-30-A-3-16
Kemp, Infant (3) 4-30-A-4-16
Kemp, Joseph V. 4-30-A-1-16 1836-1874 38
Kemp, Leroy E. 2-214-D-1-92 5/l/1904-6/4/1983 79
Kemp, Lydia 3-0702-2-8-17 1885-1893 8-Io. S.J. Smith
Kemp, Paul T. 4-30-B-8-16 1879-
Kemp, Robert L 2-214-D-3-92
Kemp, Wirt F. 4-30-B-5-16 1884
Kempff, Gertrude 2-sgI row 14-5-60 1897-7/8/1985 -State Center Hamburg, Pa.
Kent, Charles S. 4-38-D-7-20 1881-1923 42-lo. Scott
Kent, Charles S. 4-38-C-5-20 1917-1977 60
Kent, Henreitta S. 4-38-D-8-20 1882-1959 77 -lo. Scott
Kenyon, Chas. F. 3-1106-1-1-27 1858-1932 74-lo. Kenyon, Heibeck & Seaman
Kenyon, Lizzie 3-1106-1-2-27 1864-1926 62 -lo. Kenyon, Heiback, & Seaman
Kerchoff, Amos 2-031-C-4-16 3/18/1845 - 7/26/1895 50-Io. Heinley
Kern, Catherine 1-row 13-10-39 1751-1821 70
Kern, Daniel 4-16-B-(4-1)-9 1788-1868 80
Kern, Daniel S. 4-16-C-5-9 1834-1899 65
Kern, Florence M. 2-162-A-4-79 1886-1951 65 -lo. R. Kern
Kern, Fredric R 4-16-C-7-9 1870-1872 2
Kern, Harry L 4-16-B-(4-3)-9 1869-1872 3
Kern, Henry W. 4-16-C-6-9 1861-1877 16
Kern, Jonas 1-row 08-14-34 1779-1812 33
Kern, Josephine 2-162-A-2-79 1913-1983 (crew)
Kern, Josua A 1-row 13-08-39 1819-1822 3
Kern, Lydia 4-16-B-(4-2)-9 1795-1866 71
Kern, Lydia M. 4-16-C-8-9 1862-1868 4
Kern, Margaret 1-row 07-09-33 -1845 F1954
Kern, Maria 1-row 08-14-34 1794-1829 35
Kern, Maria E. 1-row 13-08-39 1796-1822 26
Kern, Peter 1-row 13-10-39 1748-1821 73
Kern, Philip R. 2-162-A-1-79 1940-1989 (cremation)
Kern, Rufus E. Rev. 2-162-A-3-79 1886-1971 85-lo. R. Kern
Kerner, John 2-sgl row 12-2-60 1896-1977
Kershner, Beni. 2-07-B-4-14 1840-1897 57-lo. F. Saul
Kershner, Geo. A 2-027-8-1-14 1867-1907 40-lo. F. Saul
Kershner, John W. 2-027-B-2-14 1862-1901 39-Io. F. Saul
Kershner, Mary 2-07-B-3-14 1839-1926 87-1o. F. Saul
Kerst, A. Everett 2-303-B-4-96 3/23/1917-8/13/1996 79 -lo. Ruth Kerst F.H. #1(cremation)
Kessler, Charles H. 2-317-A-5-103 1895-1972 77
Kessler, Ella M. 2-317-A-6-103 1894-1965 71
Kessler, Henry A 2-144-C1-70 1899-1984
Kessler, Hettie 2-091-C3-45 1861-1940 79-lo. J.R. Kessler
Kessler, Ida E. 2-140-D-2-68 1893-1969 76 -lo. P. Kessler
Kessler, Infant 2-091-C-8-45
Kessler, Jacob R 2-091-C-2-45 1848-1922 64-lo. J.R. Kessler
Kessler, Jacob W. 2-325-D-7-107 12/29/1914 - 9/26/1987 72
Kessler, Kate V. 2-057-D-2-29 1896-1970 74 -lo, Kessler
Kessler, Lottie M, 2-091-C-7-45 1895-1981
Kessler, Margaret 2-325-D-8-107 1916-4/3/1990
Kessler, Melvin 2-144-C-5-70 1923-1929 6-lo. H, Kessler
Kessler, Norman L 2-317-A-7-103 9/1913-5/7/1983 69
Kessler, Paul R. Dr. 2-140-D-5-68 1924-1987
Kessler, Preston 2-140-D-1-68 1890-1985
Kessler, Ralph 2-091-C-6-45 1892-1965 73-lo. J.R. Kessler
Kessler, Viola L 2-144-C-2-70 9/9/1902-1110/1983 80
Kessler, Walter 2-057-D-1-29 1888-1949 61-lo. Kessler
Ketner, Amos E. 3-0500-2-7-11 11 /14/1932-10/20/1994 61-10, W, Spirat & Ed Miller F.H.#
Ketner, Anastasia L. 1-10-se-6-21 1883-1971 88 -lo, J, Paul
Ketner, Catherine V 3-1107-1-2-28 1908-1962 54-lo. L. Ketner
Ketner, Landis D. 3-1107-1-1-28 1905-1975 70-lo. L, Ketner
Ketner, Mabel E. 2-212-C-8-91 1901-1964 63
Ketner, Marie M. 2-322-A-6-105 9/2411898-10/l/1981 83
Ketner, Sarah 3-1505-4-3-39 1858-1909 51-lo. J, Roades
Ketner, Wellington R 2-322-A-5-106 1897-1958 61
Ketterer, Benjamin F 4-31-B-4-16 1903
Ketterer, J, U, 4-31-B-3-16
Ketterer, Mary 3-1102-1-1-25 1832-1906 74-lo. M, Ketterer
Ketterer, Mary A. 3-1102-1-4-25 1858-1925 67-lo. M.A. Ketterer
Ketterer, Wm. A 3-1102-1-3-25 1856-1921 65 -lo, M, Ketterer
Keyes, Robert 2-row 2-07-32 3/18/1874-8/18/1927 53
Keyser, J 1-row 11-12-37 1750-1825 75
Keyser, Maria 1-row 12-13-38 -1834
Keyser, Mary 1-row 12-12-38 -1823
Keyser, William 1-row 12-12-38 -1823
Kiebach, David 2-134-B-6-65 1873-1963 90-lo. D, Kiebach
Kiebach, Laura A 2-134-B-7-65 1868-1941 73-lo. D, Kiebach
Kimble, Edith A 2-sgl row 08-4-59 1900-1981 80 -F.H. #2
Kimble, Glenn G 2-sgl row 08-3-59 1899-1961
Kimmel, June R. 3-0101-4-6-1 . 1909-1988
Kimmich, Geo. A. 3-1506-4-5-39 -1914 -lo A. Kimmich
Kimmich, John R 3-1506-4-4-39 1915-1931 16-lo. A, Kimmich
Kinney, William 2-row 4-06-32 4/4/1875 - 1/l/1923 48
Kircher, Anna E. 1-row24-15-50 1726-1802 76
Kircher, Martin 1-row24-14-50 founder of cem.
Kirchoff, Emma 2-031-C-2-16 1854-1935 81-lo. Kerchoff
Kirkpatrick Esther E 1-C-54-7-9 -1860 9-lo. Kirkpatrick
Kirkpatrick John 1-C-54-5-9 1819-1884 75-lo. Kirkpatrick
Kirkpatrick Joseph 1-C-54-7-9 1853-lo. Kirkpatrick
Kirkpatrick May 1-C-54-6-9 1820-1874-lo. Kirkpatrick
Kirkpatrick May C. 1-C-54-8-9 -1860 3-lo. Kirkpatrick
Kirst Alice M. 3-1100-1-2-24 1857-1947 90 -lo. W. & W. Kirst
Kirst Franklin S. 2-156-D-6-76 1907-1992
Kirst Gertrude 2-156-D-3-76 1877-1946 69 -lo. W. Kirst
Kirst Helen M. 3-1100-1-3-24 1899-1972 73 -lo. W. & W. Kirst
Kirst Wane S. 3-1100-1-8-24 1901-1905 4-lo. W. & W. Kirst
Kirst William 2-156-D-2-76 1878-1951 72 -lo. W. Kirst
Kirst Wm. P. 3-1100-1-1-24 1851-1938 87 -lo. W. & W. Kirst
Kirst, Harry 3-1100-1-5-24 1888-1891 3 -lo. W. & W. Kirst
Kissinger, Albert C. 2-303-C-1-96 1914-1974 60
Kissinger, Carol H. 2-234-B-5-94H 1926-1988
Kissinger, Ellen M. 2-232-C-2-94G 1951-1988
Kissinger, Nancy E. 2-232-C-4-94G 1933-1977 44-lo. Kissinger
Kissling, Elsie M. 2-205-B-4-87 1895-1968 73 -lo. W. Kissling
Kissling, Warren 2-205-B-3-87 1891-1975 84 -lo. W. Kissling
Kister, Evelyn (Evans) 2-105-A-6-52 1902-1992
Kister, Norman M. 2-105-A-5-52 1899-618/1978 79 -F.H. #2
Kistler, Anna L. 2-009-B-7-5 11/2411915-11/4/1990 74
Kistler, Annie 1-22-E-3-26 1869-1943 74-lo.Oldt
Kistler, Charles 4-13-A-1-7 1887-1960 73
Kistler, David L 4-13-A 3-7 1920-1965 45
Kistler, EImer A 2-009-8-8-5 1921-1974 53-lo. C. Rothenberger
Kistler, Eliza 4-13-D-1-7 11/20/1821 - 4/6/1886 64
Kistler, Emanuel B. 4-13-A-7-7 1842-1897 55
Kistler, Emeline 4-13-A6-7 1849-1931 82
Kistler, Emma M. 4-13-A8-7 1849-1928 79
Kistler, Esther E. 2-020-C7-10 1896-1971 75 -lo. F. B. Nice
Kistler, Harold J. 4-13-D-7-7 9/21/1910-7/l/1990 79
Kistler, James 4-13-D-4-7
Kistler, Jeremiah B. 4-13-A-5-7 1850-1933 83
Kistler, John P. 2-020-C6-10 1898-1986
Kistler, Sallie A. 4-13-D-6-7 1877-1966 89
Kistler, Sallie B. 4-13-A-2-7 1885-1940 55
Kistler, Samuel 4-13-D-2-7
Kistler, William R. 4-13-D-5-7 1881-1967 86
Kistler, Wm. 1-22-E-2-26 1869-1950 81-1o. Oldt
Klahr, Joseph 3-0902-2-5-21 1842-1895 53-Io.C. Dreibelbis
Klahr, Mary 3-0902-2-6-21 1850-1930 89-lo. C. Dreibelbis
Klawaneski, Ida 2-sgl row 11-5-60 ????-1975
Klee, Gus 2-126-C-1-61 1891-1942 51-lo. S. Klee
Klee, Sarah V. 2-126-C2-61 1899-11/8/1983
Klein, John A. 1-row 38-12-64 -18415
Kleinsmith, Anna V. 2-321-D-8-105 1908-1965 57
Kleinsmith, Jacob S. 2-321-D-7-105 1904-1960 56
Kleinsmith, Vernon P. 2-321-D-5-105 1935-1993
Klesitz, Elizabeth 2-sgl row 12-3-60 1924-1977
Kline, Anna M. 1-row 35-30-61 1790-1850 60
Kline, Benjamin 4-19-C-4-10 1817-1967 50
Kline, Catherine 1-row 12-22-38
Kline, Deborah 2-038-D-8-19 1885-1919 34-lo. H. Stitzel
Kline, Ellen 1-13-ne-2-23 1858-1918 60-Io. Jno. Kline
Kline, Fleda E. 1-21-E-6-26 1898-1899 1-lo. Jno. Kline
Kline, Hannah 1-13-ne-4-23 1821-1902 81-lo. J. Kline
Kline, Infant 1-21-E-8-26 #NAME?
Kline, John 1-13-ne-3-23 1819-1875 56-lo. Jno. Kline
Kline, John H. 1-21-E-4-26 1847-1914 67-lo. John Kline
Kline, Jonathan 1-03-sw-8-18 1805-1867 62-lo. D. Stitzel
Kline, Katharine 4-19-C-1-10 1818-1907 89
Kline, Lewis P. 1-21-E-2-26 1878-1949 71-lo. John Kline
Kline, Samuel 1-row 12-23-38 1793-1839 46
Kline, Sarah A. 1-21-E-3-26 1849-1930 81-lo. J. Kline
Kline, Wm. H. 1-21-E-7-26 -1872 -lo. J. Kline
Klinesmith, Baby girl 3-1505-4-6-39 -1964 1 day-lo. J. Rhodes
Klingaman, Cora M. 1-C-73-6-10 -1932 41-Io. Wm. Klingaman
Klingeman, Alice M. 2-073-D-4-36 1884-1954 70-lo. C. Frederici
Klingeman, Eva L. 2-155-A-3-75 1894-1991
Klingeman, Hannah V. 1-C73-2-10 1862-1911 49 -lo. Wm. Kilngeman
Klingeman, William H. 1-C-73-1-10 1854-1937 83 -lo. Wm. Kilngeman
Klingeman, Wm. Jr. 1-C-73-3-10 1892-1914 22 -lo. Wm. Klingeman
Klinger, Elizabeth 1-row 16-05-42 -182875
Klopp, Leah K. 1-14-nw-4-23 1819-1900 81-lo. F. Deisher
Klopp, Maria A. 1-14-nw-3-23 1850-1913 63-lo. F. Deisher
Klusman, Emma L. 2-074-D-3-36 1915-1941 26 -lo. J.M. Walters
Knapp, Winona M. 2-155-B-4-75 1933-1956 23-lo. A. Shollenberger
Knause, Alfred 1-D-096-2-12 1850-1871 21-Io. D. Knause
Knause, Annie R 1-17-E-2-25 1860-1921 61-lo. J. Kummerer
Knause, Carrie 1-D-096-7-12 -1891-1o. D. Knause
Knause, Catherine 1-D-096-3-12 1821-1892 71-lo. D. Knause
Knause, Chas. 1-D-096-1-12 1862-1868 6-lo. D. Knause
Knause, Ella A 1-17-E-4-25 1888-1969 81-lo. J. Kummerer
Knause, Harry J. 1-17-E-4-25 1890-1942 52 -lo. J. Kummerer
Knause, Henry 1-17-E-3-25 1863-1936 73-lo. J. Kummerer
Knause, Henry 1-D-096-4-12 1820-1866 46-lo. D. Knause
Knepper, Sarah 2-019-C-3-1 0 1851-1910 59-lo. Wolfinger
Knittle, Amanda 2-072-C-2-35 -1933-lo. C. Knittle
Knittle, Bryan L. 2-256-8-5-94S 1951-1987
Knittle, Chas. F. 2-072-C-1-35 -1895-lo. C. F. Knittle
Knoblauch Irvin G 3-102-4-1-2
Knoblauch, Annie 2-085-C-4-42
Knoblauch, Charles 2-054-C-5-27 1908-1963 55-lo. F. Miller
Knoblauch, Christina 2-149-B-2-72 -1931 58-lo. H. Knoblauch
Knoblauch, Earl S. 2-145-B-1-70 1898-1965 67-lo. E. Knoblauch
Knoblauch, George 4-32-B-3-17 1859-1927 68
Knoblauch, George A. 2-145-A-1-70 1885-1939 54-lo. G. Knoblauch
Knoblauch, Glenn I. 3-0102-4-3-2 1948-1961 13
Knoblauch, Guy W. 2-150-D-3-13 9/2711910-2/3/1995 84-lo. Howard Williams
Knoblauch, Harry L. 2-316-D-6-103 1894-11/4/1978 85 -F.H. #2
Knoblauch, Henry 2-149-B-1-72 1870-1944 74-1o. H. Knoblauch
Knoblauch, Ida E. 4-32-B-4-17 1862-1933 71
Knoblauch, Irvin G 3-102-4-1-2 -1997 81 F.H. #2
Knoblauch, John H. 2-099-C1-49 1882-1935 53-lo. E. Martin
Knoblauch, Leo J. 2-085-C3-42 1890-1971 81-lo. R. Wildermuth
Knoblauch, Mabel 2-316-D-7-103 1900-10/24/1989
Knoblauch, Mary A. 3-1103-2-6-26 1882-1977 95-lo. Wm. Knoblauch
Knoblauch, Maude C. 2-150-D-4-73 1914-1987
Knoblauch, Sallie E. 2-099-C-2-49 1882-1974 92-lo. E. Martin
Knoblauch, Wm. 3-1103-2-5-26 1883-1953 70-lo. Wm. Knoblauch
Knoblouch, Vera P. 2-053-A-1-27 1897-1988
Knobluch, Sallie L 2-145-B-2-70 1898-1988
Knock Clara E. 2-167-C-2-81 1914-1946 32-lo. R. Knock
Knock MaryAnn 2-167-C3-81 1943-1946 3-lo. R. Knock
Knoublauch, Annie L. 2-145-A2-10 1887-1932 45 -lo. G. Knoblauch
Koch, Elwood E. 2-231-D-1-94F 1891-1976 85-lo. Koch
Koch, Rodney D. 2-231-D-3-94F 1949-1969 20 -lo. Koch
Koenig, Elise P. 4-08-D-2-4 1894-1926 32
Koenig, George K 4-09-D-4-5 1869-1932 63
Koenig, Infant 4-08-D-8-4 -1928
Koenig, John H. 4-08-D-1-4 1892-1964 72
Koenig, Kathryn S. 4-09-D-2-5 1904-1991
Koenig, Katie B. 4-09-D-3-5 1869-1957 88
Koenig, Leon W. 4-08-D-7-4 1949-1950 1
Kohler, Edna 2-204-D-2-87 1893-1977 84
Kohler, Paul 2-204-D-1-87 1892-1965 73
Kolb, Anna May 2-031-A-3-16 1828-1910 82-lo. F.F. Kolb
Kolb, Dr. Frederick 2-031A5-16 1885-1913
Kolb, Frederick Rev. 2-031 A-1-16 1824-1902 78-lo. F.F. Kolb
Kolb, John H. 1-row 38-13-64 1815-1836 21
Kolb, Sussana C. 2-031-A-4-1 6 1841-1906 65-lo. F.F. Kolb
Koller, Abraham S. 2-061-C 3-31 1845-1932 87-lo. M. Koller
Koller, Andrew B. 2-061-C-7-31 1877-1884 7 -lo. M. Koller
Koller, Caroline 2-059-D-2-30 1837-1917 80-lo. E. Koller
Koller, Enoch 2-059-D-1-30 1835-1906 71-lo. E. Koller
Koller, Eva C. 2-061-C1-31 1887-1968 81-lo. M. Koller
Koller, George 4-17-D-5-9 1852
Koller, Hannah 4-17-C5-9 -1859
Koller, Hannah 4-17-D-3-9 1810-1861 50
Koller, Infant 4-17-C-6-9 -1861
Koller, James A. 2-088-D-4-44 1913-1923 10-lo. S. Shomo
Koller, Jeremiah 4-17-D-4-9 1812-1893 81
Koller, Joanna 4-17-C-8-9 1840-1917 77
Koller, Katie 2-061-C8-31 1875-1878 3-lo. M. Koller
Koller, Katie E. 2-137-A-4-6 6 1884-1965 81-lo. R. Koller
Koller, Mamie 1-B-45-5-7 1884-lo. B.R. Nice
Koller, Mary R 2-061-C-4-31 1848-1913 65-lo. M. Koller
Koller, Mayme G. 2-061-C-2-31 1878-1953 75-lo. M. Koller
Koller, Robert T. 2-137-A3-66 1881-1967 86-lo. PL T. Koller
Koller, Rosa A 1-B-45-6-7 1856-1885 29-lo. B.R. Nice
Koller, Ruben 1-row 02-21-28 1828-1848 20
Koller, William A 4-17-C-7-9 1837-1905 68
Kolp, Maria 1-row 17-22-43 1800-1846 46
Kost Michael C. 2-347-C-6-113 1952-1979 27 -lo. Robin J. Kost F.H. #1
Kost Michael Jr. 2-348-B-7-114 3/l/1915-8/20/1995 80-Io. Michael & Laurae Kost F.H.#1
Kowasky, May 2-row 6-6-32 3/16/1880 - 11/4/1918 38
Kramer, Daniel 1-10-ne-3-21 1879-lo. J. Snell
Kramer, J. 1-10-ne-4-21
Krauch, Charles 3-0600-2-7-15 1927-1986
Krause, Charlotte A 2-047-8-3-24 1879-1958 79-lo. A.B. Moll
Kreiser, Infant boy 2-150-A-6-73 -1977 -lo. H. Williams
Krell, Donald A. 2-311-C-2-100 1919-12/29/1978 59 -F.H. #1
Krell, Florence E. 2-313-B-2-101 1922-2/2/1983
Krell, Hope F. 2-311-C-1-100 1956-1957 1-lo. D. Krell
Krell, William C. 2-313-B-1-101 3/24/1916-7/12/1994 78
Kressley, Benjamin 3-0905-2-3-21 1856-1928 72 -lo. E. & A. Beahr
Kressley, Ed. 3-1105-1-1-27 -1909 27 -lo. Ed. Kressley
Kressley, May J. 3-0905-2-4-21 1860-1920 50-lo. E. & A. Beahr
Kressley, Sallie Ann 3-1105-1-2-27 1888-1984
Krick, Aaron 2-028-D-1-14 1838-1921 83-lo. A Krick
Krick, Albert L 1-D-103-1-14 1865-1889 24-Io. Krick
Krick, Alvin L. 2-sgl row 14-3-60 1896-1984
Krick, Benjamin C. 2-086-A-1-43 1879-1946 67 -lo. B. Krick
Krick, Benjamin F. 4-45-B-1-23 1865-1930 65
Krick, Cathrin 2-028-D-7-14 1872-1878 6 -lo. A. Krick
Krick, Cathrin 2-028-D-2-14 1841-1923 82-Io. A. Krick
Krick, Charles W. 2-086-A5-43 -1902 -lo. B. Krick
Krick, Dan 3-1103-4-1-26 1860-1909 49-lo. D. Krick
Krick, Edith A. 2-142-A-2-69 1905-1981-lo. I. Krick
Krick, Ellamanda 1-D-103-2-14 1856-1878 22 -lo. Krick
Krick, Florence M. 2-086-A-7-43 -1908-lo. B. Krick
Krick, Frank B. 2-086-A-6-43 -1905 -lo. B. Krick
Krick, Helen Mae 4-45-8-3-23 1907-1978 71
Krick, Henry G. 2-126-A-5-61 1909-1951 42-lo. J. Henry
Krick, Infant 3-1305-2-8-32
Krick, Irvin E. 2-142-A-1-69 1903-1964 61-lo. I. Krick
Krick, Isabella F. 4-45-B-2-23 1865-1938 73
Krick, John 1-D-103-4-14 1833-1867 34-lo. Krick
Krick, Lousia Folk 2-030-B-3-15 . 1856-1943 87-lo. J. Folk
Krick, Mary 3-1103-4-2-26 1858-1898 40
Krick, May 2-028-D-6-14 1875-1878 3 -lo. A. Krick
Krick, Meda 2-086-A-2-43 1875-1931 56-lo. B. Krick
Krick, Olive 2-053-C-3-27 1858-1933 75-lo. N. Miller
Krick, Robert A 2-028-D-7-14 1883-1889 6-lo. A. Krick
Krick, Sussanna 1-D-103-3-14 1834-1867 33-lo. Krick
Krick, Warren W. 2-086-A-8-43 #NAME?
Krieger, Florence 3-1104-3-7-26 1919-1993
Krieger, Norman E. 3-1104-3-8-26 2/5/1947-7/1 /1996 49 -lo. Norman L. Krieger F.H. #1
Krieger, Norman L. 3-1104-3-6-26 1908-1971 63 -lo. N.L. Krieger
Krieger, Paul H. 3-1104-3-5-26 1930-1937 7-lo. N. Krieger
Kroeson, Emma 4-40-B-6-21 1869-1962 93
Kroeson, Selahf A 4-40-B-5-21 1869-1917 48
Kubeck, Barbara 2-009-6-6-5 1913-1993
Kubeck, John J. 2-009-B-5-5 1920-1981 60 -lo. Rothenberger F.H. #3
Kulow, Frederick B. 2-327-A-1-108 1935-1991
Kulp, Conrad 1-row 17-23-43 1802-1868 66
Kummeer, Wm. 2-106-A 1-53 1872-1922 50-lo. K. Kummerer
Kummerer, Agnes M. 2-005-C-4-3 1868-1887 19-lo. Kummerer
Kummerer, Albert E. 1-01-nw-3-17 1874-1876 2-lo. Kummerer
Kummerer, Alice R 1-01-nw-5-17 1858-1863 5 -lo. Kummerer
Kummerer, Allen J. 2-043-C1-22 -1930 67-lo. A.J. Kummerer
Kummerer, Allen R 2-043-C-3-22 1892-1959 67-lo. A.J. Kummerer
Kummerer, Charles 2-029-A8-15 1900-1964 64-lo. 0. Kummerer
Kummerer, Chas. 2-029-A-1-15 1825-1890 65-lo. Oscar Kummerer
Kummerer, Chas. J. 2-003-D-5-2 1849-1908 59-lo. J. Nagel
Kummerer, Clarence H. 2-300-D-3-95 1906-1988
Kummerer, Earl L. 2-300-D-5-95 9/21/1910 - 12/6/1983 73
Kummerer, Elda A 2-300-D-4-95
Kummerer, Elda A. 2-300-D-4-45 -1997 90 F.H. #2
Kummerer, Elias 1-01-nw-4-17 1829 - 1905 76 lo Kummerer
Kummerer, Elizabeth 1-01-nw-2-17 1863 6-lo. Kummerer
Kummerer, Elmer J. 2-300-D-1-95 1887-1973 86-lo. E. Kummerer
Kummerer, Emma 2-043-C-2-22 1867-1916 49 -lo. A.J. Kummerer
Kummerer, Ethel 2-104-D-7-52 1915-1973 58-lo. H.C. Kummerer
Kummerer, Frank W. 2-005-C3-3 1863-1920 57 -lo. Frank Kummerer
Kummerer, George 2-104-D-8-52 1918-1965 47-lo. H.C. Kummerer
Kummerer, Glenn G. 2-104-D-3-52 1957-1957 1-Io. H.C. Kummerer
Kummerer, Henry C. 2-104-D-5-52 1912-1981 68 -lo. Kummerer F.H. #1
Kummerer, Henry C. 2-104-D-1-52
Kummerer, Howard E. 2-101-D-3-50, 1865-1944 79-lo. Wm. Moyer
Kummerer, Infant 2-043-C-8-22 -1882-Io. A.J. Kummerer
Kummerer, Jacob 2-005-C7-3 1839-1915 76-lo. Kummerer
Kummerer, Joseph 1-01-nw-7-17 1833-1902 69-lo. Kummerer
Kummerer, Kate 2-106-A-2-53 1873-1953 80-lo. K. Kummerer
Kummerer, Luzette 1-01-nw-8-17 1835-1923 88-lo. Kummerer
Kummerer, Maey A. 1-01-nw-1-17 1861-1863 2-lo. Kummerer
Kummerer, Martha E. 1-01-nw-6-17 1861-1863 2-lo. Kummerer
Kummerer, Mary 2-005-C-8-3 1835-1904 65-lo. Kummerer
Kummerer, Mary 2-101-D-4-50 1868-1945 77 -lo. Wm. Moyer
Kummerer, Mary A. 1-01-nw-4-17 1843-1910 67-lo. Kummerer
Kummerer, Mary E. 2-300-D-2-95 1887-1949 62-lo. E. Kummerer
Kummerer, Mary S. E. 2-029-A-4-15 1864-1938 74 lo. 0. Kummerer
Kummerer, Meda F. 2-005-C-6-3 -1887-lo. Kummerer
Kummerer, Oscar C.D. 2-029-A-3-15 1862-1940 78 -lo. 0. Kummerer
Kummerer, Tillie W. 2-104-D-2-52 1884-1936 52-lo. H.C. Kummerer
Kunkel, Arietta A 2-097-B-6-48 1909-1992
Kunkel, Clara A 2-126-C-6-61 1905-1961 56-lo. C. Kunkel
Kunkel, Claude A. 2-126-C-5-61 1906-1986
Kunkel, Ella F 2-126-C-8-61 1941-1942 1-lo. C. Kunkel
Kunkel, Ellen 2-204-8-2-87 1888-1977 89-lo. Kunkel
Kunkel, Franklin 2-204-B-1-87 1887-1963 76-lo. Kunkel
Kunkel, George 2-097-B-5-48 1911-1973 62-lo. S. Heckman
Kunkleman, Howard M. 2-128-A-6-62 1897-1966 69-lo. H. Kunkleman
Kunkleman, Infant 2-128-A-5-62 -1931-lo. H. Kunkleman
Kunkleman, Pauline L. 2-128-A-7-62 1903-4/28/1979 76 -F.H. #1
Kunsman, G Stanley 2-310-C-1-100 1905-1954 49-lo. M. Kunsman
Kustner, Harry 2-95-D-5-47
Kustner, Harry 2-95-D-5-47 -1997 43 F.H. #56
Kustner, Mabel M. 2-095-D-6-47 1902-1987
L.A.S. 4-31-A-3-16
Labe, Carrie E. 4-05-C-3-3 1885-1969 74
Ladden, Willian J. 2-132-C-5-64 1919-1993
Laird, Grace W. 2-302-D-2-96 1906-1984
Laird, Raymond A. 2-302-D-1-96 1896-1967 71-lo. G. Laird
Lakits, Ruth M. 3-0801-2-4-19 1934-1992
Lampert, Isadore J. 2-sgl row 03-1-59 1888-1939
Land, John 2-044-B-5-22 1886-1949 63 -Io. I. Altenderfer
Land, Laura E. 2-044-B-6-22 1886-1963 77 -lo. I. Altenderfer
Landau, Erma M. 2-235-D-6-94H 1908-1993
Landau, Willard A 2-235-D-5-94H 1901-1978 77 -lo. Landau
Landis, Frank F. 3-0303-2-4-7 1893-1985
Landis, Omega K. 3-0303-2-3-7 1897-1975 78
Laramie, Daniel 2-row 1-12-32 4/22/1894 - 3/10/1929 34
Lash, Clarence 2-125-D-1-60 1882-1934 52-lo. K. Lash
Lash, George A. 2-098-D-5-49 1899-1954 55-lo. R. Willets
Lash, Goo C. 2-100-A-1-50 1878-1947 69-lo. H. Lash
Lash, Herbert W. 2-100-A-7-50 1904-1975 71-lo. H. W. Lash
Lash, Katie E. 2-125-D-2-60 1881-1965 84-lo. Katie Lash
Lash, Lottie 2-100-A-2-50 -1929 54-lo. H. Lash
Latozis, John 2-sgl row 04-3-59 1886-1946
Lau, George G. 3-0701-3-7-17 1914-1982
Lau, Kathleen M. 3-0701-3-8-17 1921-1988
Laub, Elizabeth 1-A-006-3-3 1809-1870 61-lo. J. Saul
Laub, Jacob 1-A-006-4-3 1809-1974 65-lo. J. Saul
Laub, John L. 1-A-006-2-3 1839-1863 24-lo. J. Saul
Laucks, Rebecca 2-020-A-6-10 1852-1936 84-lo. E. M. Smith
Laucks, Wm. 2-020-A-5-10 1849-1921 72 -lo. E. M. Smith
Law, Margaret 2-096-B-2-48 1880-1948 68-lo. J. Bright
Law, William 2-096-B-1-48 1880-1954 74 -lo. J. Bright
Lawars, John T. 3-1105-3-4-27 1905-1989
Laxon, Andrew 2-sgl row 01-5-59 1887-1936
Lazarus, Carrie B. 2-096-C-6-48 1889-1976 77-lo. J. Bright
Lazarus, George B. 2-096-C-5-48, 1894-1963 69 -lo. J. Bright
Lebo, Anna M. 1-row 07-14-33 1771-1856 85
Lebo, Catherine 1-row 07-11-33 -185055
Lebo, Daniel 1-row 07-08-33 -1864 C3968
Lebo, Daniel 1-row 07-13-33 1760-1841 81
Lebo, Elizabeth S. 1-row 07-07-33 -1871 C4162
Lebo, Jacob 1-row 07-10-33 -1844 42
Lebo, Sarah 1-row 07-12-33 -1849 12
Lee, B. 2-sgl row 09-03-60
Leeds, Harrison 1-B-28-2-6 1836-1874 38-lo. J. Shomo
Leeds, Joseph 1-B-28-3-6 1794-1863 69-lo. J. Shomo
Leeds, Mary 1-B-28-3-6 1803-1893 90-lo. J. Shomo
Leeds, Mary A. 1-B-28-4-6 1831-1859 28-lo. J. Shomo
Lehman, Charles M. 2-155-C-4-75 311311925 - 5/13/1983 58
Leibensberger, Anna F. 2-219-D-4-94 1887-1957 70 -lo. Fink
Leibensperger, Infant boy 2-160-A-5-78 -1936 -lo. S. Leibensperger
Leibensperger, Stephen T. 2-160-A-6-78 1909-1976 67 -lo. S. Leibensperger
Leibensperger, Viola M. 2-160-A-7-78 1904-1978 72 -lo. S. Leibensperger
Leibensperger, William 2-224-C-6-94C 1892-1960 68 -lo. Wm. Leibensperger
Leiby, A.J. 2-014-C7-7
Leiby, Bennett B. 3-1503-1-1-38 1910-1993
Leiby, Bertha F. 3-1305-3-8-32 1893-1978 85 -lo. G. Leiby
Leiby, Bessie E. 3-1305-2-4-32 1900-1959 59-lo. P. Leiby
Leiby, Charles F. 2-066-D-2-33 1870-1940 70-lo. C.F. Leiby
Leiby, Charles L. 2-066-D-1-33 1909-1971 62-lo. C.F. Leiby
Leiby, Charles W. 4-01-B-2-1 1871-1951 80
Leiby, Edwin S. 2-040-6-6-20 1894-1959 65-lo. M. Jacoby
Leiby, Elizabeth R. 3-1503-3-4-38 1917-1956 39-lo. I. Leiby
Leiby, Ella May 3-1105-4-8-27 1898-1899 1-lo. C.L. Leiby
Leiby, Elsie A. 4-01-B-1-1 1914-1935 21
Leiby, Elsie M. 3-0502-3-8-12 1900-1902 2-Io.Machamer & Leiby
Leiby, Frances M. 3-1105-4-7-27 1905-1907 2-lo. C.L. Leiby
Leiby, Geo. F. 3-1105-4-5-27 1872-1934 62-lo. G.F. Leiby
Leiby, George J. 3-1305-3-4-32 1846-1930 74-lo. Geo. J. Leiby
Leiby, Helen J. 2-066-D-6-33 2/10/1898-5/15/1995 97 -lo. Charles F. Leiby F.H. #1
Leiby, Infant of C.P. 2-014-C-8-7
Leiby, Infant son 2-040-B-5-20 -1953 -lo. M. Jacoby
Leiby, Irvin C. 3-1503-3-6-38 -1901-lo. I. Leiby
Leiby, Irvin George 3-1503-3-1-38 1868-1948 80-lo. I. Leiby
Leiby, Irvin J. 3-1305-3-7-32 1890-1970 80-lo. G. Leiby
Leiby, James G. 3-0502-3-1-12 1871-1948 77-lo. Machamer & Leiby
Leiby, James H. 2-sgl row 05-8-59 1890-1955
Leiby, Laura 3-1503-3-2-38 1865-1950 85 -lo. I. Leiby
Leiby, Leona G. 2-244-D-4-94M 1921-1974 53
Leiby, Leroy R 3-1503-3-8-38 -1896-lo. I. Leiby
Leiby, Louella M. 4-01-8-3-1 1871-1932 61
Leiby, M. Elizabeth 3-1105-4-6-27 1870-1958 88-lo. G.F. Leiby
Leiby, Malinda 2-014-C-6-7 1833-1926 93-lo. M. Leiby
Leiby, Marguerite D. 2-040-B-7-20 1892-1973 81-Io. M. Jacoby
Leiby, Mary F. 2-066-D-3-33 1886-1953 67-lo. C. Leiby
Leiby, Minnie C. 2-014-C 2-7 1874-1953 79-lo. M. Leiby
Leiby, Missouri 3-1305-3-3-32 1848-1919 71-l0. G. Leiby
Leiby, Norman J. 3-0502-3-7-12 1896-1908 12-Io .Machamer & Leiby
Leiby, Oscar J. 3-1305-3-2-32 -1907 31-lo. G. Leiby
Leiby, Paul Jr. 3-1305-2-7-32 1921-1923 2 -Io. P. Leiby
Leiby, Paul L. 3-1305-2-3-32 1900-1981 80 -lo. P. Leiby F.H. #2
Leiby, Pearl M. 2-311-6-2-100 1907-8/25/1978 71-F.H. #2
Leiby, Robert E. 3-1503-3-7-38 #NAME?
Leiby, S. Bessie 3-1105-4-3-27 1908-1984
Leiby, Stephen 2-014-C-5-7 1833-1879 46-lo. M. Leiby
Leiby, Willoughby R. 2-311-B-1-100 1903-1955 52 -lo. P. Leiby
Leiby, Wilson J. 3-1305-3-1-32 1869-1895 26 -Io. G. Leiby
Leiby, Winfield S. 3-1503-3-6-38 -1896 -lo. I. Leiby
Leidy, Annie 2-074-B-2-36 1864-1913 47 -lo. I.F. Leidy
Leidy, Irvin F. 2-074-B-1-36 1858- -lo. I.F. Leidy
Leitheiser, Elizabeth 4-30-A-8-16 1768-1850 82
Leitheiser, Hartman 4-30-A-7-16 1754-1828 74
Leitzei, Lewis F 3-901-2-3-20
Leitzel, Elizabeth S. 3-0901-2-2-20 7/22/1909-1/27/1984 74
Leitzel, Emanuel I. 2-075-A-1-37 1869-1942 73-lo. Leitzel
Leitzel, George F. 4-20-B-3-11 1837-1904 67
Leitzel, Hannah 4-20-B-4-11 1833-1896 63
Leitzel, Infant 4-20-B-7-11
Leitzel, John F. 4-20-B-2-11 1867-1930 63
Leitzel, Leroy F. 3-901-2-3-20 1121/1912-11/2/1996 84 -Io. Bowman F.H. #6
Leitzel, Louis C. 4-20-B-8-11 1869-18??
Leitzel, Rosa F. 2-075-A-2-37 -1931 49-lo. Leitzel
Lengel, Annie A 2-149-A-3-72 1881-1976 95-lo. W. Lengel
Lengel, Charles W. 3-1500-3-1-36 1911-1971 60
Lengel, Harry W. 2-149-D-5-72 -1930-lo. I. Lengel
Lengel, Irvin A. 2-149-D-1-72 1902-1965 63 -lo. I. Lengel
Lengel, Sarah A 3-1500-3-2-36 1913-1979 66-F.H. #1
Lengel, Wilson 2-149-A-2-72 1871-1946 75 -lo. W. Lengel
Lengle, Elizabeth M. 2-149-D-2-72 1900-1982
Lenhart Adam S. 2-se circle-6-37 1884-1980 94 -lo. Lenhart F.H. #1
Lenhart, Anna E. 2-157-D-1-76 1889-1980 91-lo. Lenhart F.H. #35
Lenhart, Annie C. 2-157-D-3-76 1878-1931 53 -lo. 0. Lenhart
Lenhart, Arthur W. 4-38-A-8-20 1898-1899 1
Lenhart, Benj. 1-02-se-3-17 1825-1872 47-1o. S. Miller
Lenhart, Calvin 1-row 30-10-56 1859-1914 55
Lenhart, Catherine 1-A-005-8-3 1861 -lo. S. Lenhart
Lenhart, Elizabeth 1-A-005-5-3 1820-1894 74-lo. S. Lenhart
Lenhart, Emma L. 1A005-7-3 1854-1871 17-lo. S. Lenhart
Lenhart, Esther 0. 2-se circle-3-37 1835-1922 87 -lo. S. Lenhart
Lenhart, Florence 0. 4-36-D-3-19 1858-1891 33
Lenhart, Godfried 1-row 30-11-56 1769-1818 49
Lenhart, Hattie L 4-36-D-1-19 1865
Lenhart, Henry L. 1-A-005-6-3 1832-1874 42 -lo. S. Lenhart
Lenhart, Ida H. 2-139-D-4-67 1865-1949 84 -lo. 0. Lenhart
Lenhart, Irvin S. 2-se circle-3-37 1862-1927 55-lo. S. Lenhart
Lenhart, J. Frank 2-019-D-5-10 1865-1890 25-1o. Mengle
Lenhart, James W. 4-38-A-1-20 1870-1941 71
Lenhart, Laura M. 2-157-A-3-76 1902-1989
Lenhart, Lizzie J. 2-019-D-6-10 1865-1906 41-lo. Mengle
Lenhart, Mable E. 2-se circle-8-37 1887-1974 87-lo. S. Lenhart
Lenhart, Marie S. 4-38-A6-20 1906-1907 1
Lenhart, Martha A 4-38-A-2-20 1870-1955 85
Lenhart, Mary A. 1-02-se-6-17 1822-1901 79-lo. S. Miller
Lenhart, Matilda 1-02-se-8-17 1860-1929 69-lo. S. Miller
Lenhart, Maurice M. 1-02-se-7-17 1853-1927 74-lo. S. Miller
Lenhart, Oscar L. 2-157-D-2-76 1878-1949 71-lo. 0. Lenhart
Lenhart, OscarA. 2-139-D-3-67 1865-1931 66-lo. 0. Lenhart
Lenhart, Ray L 2-139-D-1-67 1901-12/7/1978 77 -F.H. #1
Lenhart, Rolland L 4-36-D-2-19 1857-1890 33
Lenhart, Rosa L 2-se circle-7-37 1860-1921 61-lo. S. Lenhart
Lenhart, Ruth 2-139-D-2-67 1902-5/31/1979 77 -F.H. #1
Lenhart, Sebastian 1-A-005-4-3 1780-1856 76-lo. S. Lenhart
Lenhart, Sol. R. 2-se circle-2-37 1828-1910 82-lo. S.H. Lenhart
Lenhart, Susan E. 1-02-se-4-17 1831-1868 37-lo. S. Miller
Lenhart, Vera L. 4-38-A-7-20 1901
Lenhart, Wayne P.J. 2-157-A-2-76 1900-1969 69-lo. W. Lenhart
Lenhart, Wm. 1-A-005-8-3 1860 -lo. S. Lenhart
Lepinat, Adeline 1-A-121-2-1 1905-1988
Lepinat, Otto 1A-121-3-1 1932-1955 23-lo. Lepinat
Lepinat, Otto Sr. 1-A-121-1-1 1907 - 6/15/1983
Lesher, Alex. 2-016-A-6-8 1844-1926 82-lo. Alex Lesher
Lesher, Annie E. 2-033-B-5-17 1869-1901 32 -lo. Lesher
Lesher, Annie M. 2-222-C-2-94B 3/l/1895-5/26/1990 95
Lesher, Carolyn 2-033-A-6-17 1879-1949 70-lo. M.L. Buchman
Lesher, Charles E. 2-305-D-1-97 1892-1951 59-lo. N. Lesher
Lesher, Edna M. 2-165-D-2-80 1910-1978 68 -Io. M. Lesher
Lesher, Herbert 2-016-A-8-8 1878-1889 11-lo. A. Lesher
Lesher, Jennie O'Bryan 2-033-B-6-17 8/23/1870-1/8/1920 49
Lesher, Milton 2-033-A-7-17 1904-1928 24-lo. M.L. Buchman
Lesher, Milton F. 2-165-D-3-80 1889-1959 70-lo. M. Lesher
Lesher, Mollie M. 2-165-D-4-80 1892-1958 86-lo. M. Lesher
Lesher, Nellie 2-305-D-2-97 1895-1972 77-lo. N. Lesher
Lesher, Paul R. 2-165-D-1-80 1911-1940 33-lo. M. Lesher
Lesher, Rebecca 2-016-A-7-8 1847-1913 66 -lo. A. Lesher
Lesher, Ruth M. 2-222-C-3-94B 5/28/1920-6/7/1995 75-lo. Annie & Ruth Lesher F.H. #2
Lesher, Wilson 2-033-A-5-17 1879-1949 79-lo. M.L. Buchman
Lesinovick Ben 2-row 3-09-32 5/15/1891-5/15/1924 33
Levan, Jackson 2-013-C-5-7 -1907 77 -lo. G. Yeager
Levan, Lousia M. 2-013-C-6-7 -1913 l0-lo. G. Yeager
Levevgood, Ray Charles 2-sgl rowl 1-8-60 ????-1973
Lewars, Anna Marie 3-1106-2-4-27 1840-1929 89 -lo. C. Lewars
Lewars, Annie 1-rowl 5-08-41 1785-1852 67
Lewars, Annie B. 3-1105-3-3-27 1867-1919 52 -I o. G. Lewars
Lewars, Clayton H. 3-1106-2-1-27 1882-1956 74 -l o. C. Lewars
Lewars, Elizabeth 1-F-64-1-8 1788-1883 95-lo. A. Seltzer
Lewars, Elizabeth C. C. 1-row 15-04-41 21
Lewars, Ella M. 3-1106-2-2-27 1889-1955 66 -I o. C. Lewars
Lewars, Geo. A. 3-1105-3-2-27 1863-1926 53 -lo. G. Lewars
Lewars, George W. 3-1106-2-5-27 1912-1987
Lewars, J. H. 1-row 35-23-61 1855-1870 15
Lewars, Laura M. 2-140-A-2-68 1888-1960 72-lo. W. Lewars
Lewars, Raymond W. 3-1105-3-1-27 1882-1903 21-lo. G. Lewars
Lewars, Sallie W. 2-014-B-3-7 1874-1909 35 -lo. R. J. Seaman
Lewars, Susan 1-rowl 5-09-40 1726-1821 95
Lewars, W. 1-row 05-20-31 -1812 13 months
Lewars, William 3-1106-2-3-27 1834-1916 82 -lo. C. Lewars
Lewars, William 1-row 15-05-41 1828-1841 13
Lewars, Wilson 2-140-A-1-68 1868-1928 60 -lo. W. Lewars
Lichty, A. Elizabeth 2-106-A-3-53 1894-1942 48 -lo. K. Kummerer
Lindenmuth, Alice R 2-075-B-2-37 1871-1947 66-lo. A. Lindenmuth
Lindenmuth, Allen 2-075-B-1-37 67 -lo. A. Lindenmuth
Lindenmuth, Anna 2-086-A-3-43 8/27/06 - 2/5/94 88
Lindenmuth, Edward 1A-012-7-2 B.1826 -lo. G. Seidel
Lindenmuth, Harold 2-086-A-4-43 1903-1970 67-lo. B. Krick
Lindenmuth, Jas. 1-A-012-8-2 B.1858 -lo. G. Seidel
Linderman, Rebecca 1-row 16-23-42 -1851
Lindermuth, Amanda 1-row26-08-52 1768-1833 65
Lindermuth, Catherine 1-row26-03-52 1819-1840 21
Lindermuth, Howard Jr. 2-253-D-3-940 1916-1972 56
Lindermuth, John J. 1-row26-07-52 1766-1839 83
Lindermuth, Larry A 2-317-B-7-103 1953-1969 13-lo. Lindermuth
Lins, Arthur F. 4-01 A-7-1 1907-1931 24
Lins, Baby boy 3-0500-1-3-11 -1951-lo. R. Lins
Lins, Elias 2-057-B-3-29 1845-1919 74-lo. E. & H. Lins
Lins, Francis 4-01-A-5-1 1864-1963 89
Lins, Francis R. 3-0500-1-4-11 1944-1950 6-lo. R. Lins
Lins, Harvey 2-057-B-5-29 1877-1944 67-lo. E. & H. Lins
Lins, Ida 2-057-B-6-29
Lins, Josephine 2-057-B-4-29 1852-1939 87-lo. E. & H. Lins
Lins, Leon E. 4-01-A-8-1 1911-1945 34
Lins, Ralph F. 3-0500-1-1-11 1913-1974 61-lo. R. Lins
Lins, Sarah 1-row 35-28-61 1848
Lins, Sarah A. 1-row 35-29-61 1830-1849 19
Lins, Laura E. 4-01A-6-1 1878-1958 80
Linton, Esther M. 4-35-B-2-18 1875-1944 69
Linton, James 4-35-B-1-18 1871-1906 35
Lippie, Emma E. 2-019-D-2-10 1847-1900 53 -lo. Lippie
Lippie, Margarette S. 2-019-D-3-10 1868-1884 18-lo. Lippie
Lippie, Pompilla 2-019-D-1-10 1836-1858 47-lo. Lippie
Lippie, Sallie E. 2-019-D-8-10 1877-1899 22-lo. Mengle
Lippie, Wm. L 2-019-D-4-10 1866-1892 26 -lo. Lippie
Lithoff, John Henry 1-row 26-05-52. 1808-1838 30
Livingood, Calvin P. 2-072-A-7-35 1882-1951 69-Io. H. Gangwere
Livingood, Isabella 4-41-B-2-21 1853-1936 83
Livingood, Rachel L. 2-072-A-6-35 1879-1959 80-lo. H. Gangwere
Livingood, Rosa J. 4-41-B-3-21 1876-1938 62
Livingood, Thomas 4-41-B-1-21 1850-1919 69
Lochman, Ann G. 4-30-C-3-16 1791-1876 85
Lochman, Annie G. 4-30-C-6-16 1852-1922 70
Lochman, Christian 4-30-C-2-16 1790-1864 74
Lochman, Lizzie H. 4-30-C7-16 1861-1931 70
Lochman, Susan H. 4-30-C-8-16 1849-1942 93
Lohse, Max 2-row 1-15-32 10/24/1882 - 11/26/1928 46
Lonergan, Infant 3-0304-2-7-7 -1951
Long, Edna V. 2-232-6-8-94G 1905-1986
Long, L. Edwin 2-205-A-1-87 1913-1991
Long, Mahlon J. 2-306-6-1-98 1884-1955 71-lo. M. Long
Long, Mammie S. 2-306-8-2-98 1885-1975 90-lo. M. Long
Long, Maria 1-row 04-05-30 1792-1877 85
Long, May C. 1-row 04-04-30 1824-1896 52
Long, Philliph Keith 2-205-A-3-87 1949-1950 1-lo. L. E. Long
Long, Wallace 2-232-6-7-94G 1900-1976 76-lo. Long
Longlow, A. Lousia 1-H-115-6-16 1846-1924 78-lo. F. Longalow
Longlow, Catherine 1-H-115-4-16 1810-1882 72-lo. F. Longalow
Longlow, Peter 1-H-115-3-16 17 -1863-lo. F. Longalow
Longlow, Samuel 1-H-115-7-16 1854-1924 70-lo. F. Longalow
Longlow, Wm. 1-H-115-8-16 1844-1892 48-lo. F. Longalow
Longnecker, Warren 2-212-C1-91 1898-1964 66
Loose, Annie S. 4-27-A-3-14 1851-1906 55-lo. S. Loose
Loose, Catherine 1-B-47-8-7 1811-1869 58-lo. L. Francis
Loose, Daisy K. 4-43-C-6-22 1882-1964 82-lo. Loose
Loose, Daniel 1-B-47-7-7 1807-1875 68-lo. L. Francis
Loose, Daniel M. 2-089-B-3-44 1857-1899 42-lo. S. Loose
Loose, Elmer R. 2-041-C-5-21 1887-1968 81-lo. G. Bear
Loose, Hattie B. 2-041-C-6-21 1885-1972 87 -lo. G. Bear
Loose, Helen M. 2-230-C-2-94F 1900-1970 70
Loose, John H. 4-27-A-7-14 1877 -lo. S. Loose
Loose, John N 2/2/1901 1893-1967 74
Loose, Kathryn P 2-230-C-6-94-F 1922 - 1997 75 lo Loose
Loose, Leah 1-B-47-6-7 -1883 75-lo. L. Francis
Loose, Lillian N. 2-089-B-2-44 1899-1900 1-lo. S. Loose
Loose, Paul J 2-230-C5-94F 1917-1975 58
Loose, Ralph 2-089-B-1-44 1887-1923 36-lo. S. Loose
Loose, Robert S. 4-43-C-5-22 1880-1958 78 -lo. Loose
Loose, Samuel A. 4-27-A-2-14 1848-1912 64-lo. S. Loose
Loose, Sarah B. 2-089-B-4-44 1860-1938 78-lo. Sarah Loose
Lorimer, Kathie M. 4-44-D-4-23 1/22/1959-9/6/1996 37-lo. Shucker F.H. #78 (REMOVED)
Loy, Charles 1-row 30-21-56 1807-1957 50
Loy, Deborah 1-18-W-6-25 1811-1891 80 -lo. H. W. Loy
Loy, Elizabeth 2-sw circle-5-37 1868-1941 73 -lo. W. J. Loy
Loy, Geo. F. 1-18-W-2-25 1870-1871 1-lo. H. W. Loy
Loy, Harvey 1-18-W-7-25 1873-1923 50-lo. H. W. Loy
Loy, Henry W. 1-18-W-3-2 5 1843-1913 70-lo. H. W. Loy
Loy, Hettie E. 1-18-W4-25 9/17/1845-4/7/1924 79
Loy, Kathyrn E. 3-0501-2-3-12 1879-1945 66-lo. L. Loy
Loy, Lewis k 3-0501-2-2-12 1878-1971 93-lo. L. A. Lewis
Loy, Walter J. 2-sw circle-5-37 1870-1943 73-lo. W. J. Loy
Luburg, Alton F. 4-25-D-6-13 1842-1903 61
Luburg, Catherine 4-25-D-3-13 1815-1895 80
Luburg, Charles 4-25-C-1 -13 1818-1893 75
Luburg, Emma 0. 4-25-D-7-13 1843-1914 71
Luburg, Emma M. 4-25-C3-13 1845-1879 34
Luburg, John F. 4-25-A-6-13 1869-1905 36
Luburg, John F. 4-25-D-2-13 1814-1875 61
Luburg, Lillie I. 4-25-A-7-13 1872-1948 76
Luburg, Maria 4-25-C-2-13 1824-1895 71
Luckenbill, Daniel 4-33-D-3-17 1820-1879 59
Luckenbill, Ida 2-160-D-2-78 1862-1934 72 -lo. T. Luckenbill
Luckenbill, Margaret 2-147-A-4-71 1907-1944 37 -lo. W. Dalious
Luckenbill, Mary E. 4-33-D-4-17 1834-1913 79
Luckenbill, Tomas J. 2-160-D-1-78 1861-1942 81-lo. T. Luckenbill
Ludwig, Barbara A. 2-029-D-1-15 -1888 37-lo. Wm. Ludwig
Ludwig, Charles F. 3-1001-2-2-23 1834-1952 69-lo. C. F. Ludwig
Ludwig, Frank S. 1-05-se-4-19 1836-1903 67 -lo. F. Ludwig
Ludwig, Grace E. 3-1001-2-6-23 1913-1992
Ludwig, Katie A 1-05-se-3-19 1840-1932 72 -lo. G. Ludwig
Ludwig, Laura W. 2-029-D-3-15 1874-1919 45 -lo. W. Ludwig
Ludwig, Lulu 3-1001-2-3-23 1888-1971 83-lo. C. F. Ludwig
Ludwig, Mary. W. 2-029-D-4-15 1879-1958 79-lo. W. Ludwig
Ludwig, Milton 2-09-D-2-15 lo. W. Ludwig
Ludwig, Robert M. 3-1001-2-5-23 7/11/1911 - 8/8/1983 72
Ludwig, Tillie Ellen 1-05-se-1-19 1865-1866 1-lo. F. Ludwig
Ludwig, Warren A 1-05-se-3-19 1867-1870 3-lo. F. Ludwig
Ludwig, Wm. P. 1-05-se-2-19 1870 -lo. F. Ludwig
Luke, Catherine 2-row 1-07-32 2/22/1888 - 6/19/1931 43
Lutz, Arthur H. 2-127-D-1-61 1906-1944 38-Io.E. Lutz
Lutz, Denton H. 3-0303-2-1-7 1923-1/24/1979 56-F.H. #21
Lutz, Doris C. 3-0303-2-2-7 1926-1960 34
Lutz, Earl D. 2-127-C-1-61 1904-1960 56 -lo. E. Lutz
Lutz, Elsie R. 2-056-A-3-28 1895-1961 66-lo. K. Heckman
Lutz, Flora A. 4-06-A-3-3 1874-1877 3
Lutz, Harvey E. 4-06-A-8-3 1883-1905 22
Lutz, John k 2-056-A-4-28 1897-1954 57-lo. K. Heckman
Lutz, Kate 1-07-nw-5-20 1843-1924 81-lo. A. Hahn
Lutz, Lewis H. 4-06-A-1-3 1850-1905 55
Lutz, Lottie I. 4-06-A-7-3 1879-1976 97
Lutz, Lucy E. 4-06-A-2-3 1855-1936 81
Lutz, Mabel M. 1-07-nw-8-20 1880-1945 65-lo. A. Hahn
Lutz, Robert J. 1-07-nw-7-20 1874-1954 80 -lo. A. Hahn
Lutz, W. Irwin 4-06-A-4-3 -1876
M.S.S. 4-34-A-7-1 8
Mabus, Beatrice I. 2-327-A-2-108 1923-1987
Machamer, Bertha 2-026-D-5-13 1887-1889 2 -lo. W. Machamer
Machamer, Edna M. 3-0502-3-5-12 1894-1897 3 -lo. Machamer & Leiby
Machamer, Ellen E. 2-026-D-2-13 1870-1930 60 -lo. W. H. Machamer
Machamer, Infant 3-0502-3-6-12 -1894-lo. Machamer & Leiby
Machamer, John 2-026-D-6-13 1889-1891 2-lo. Machamer
Machamer, Paul W. 2-026-D-7-13 1902-1907 5-lo. W. Machamer
Machamer, Wm. 2-026-D-1-13 1866-1944 78-lo. W. H. Machamer
Machemer, Bernard G. 3-1200-2-5-28 1914-1992
Machemer, Donald F. 2-sgl row 13-6-60 1935-1981
Machmer, Alfred L 2-300-A-1-95 6/18/1904-11/30/1990 86
Machmer, Alton 3-1106-4-5-27 -1918 10 months-lo. R. Williams
Machmer, Annie 3-1200-2-4-28 1865-1935 70-lo. M. Machmer
Machmer, David 3-1300-4-3-30 1941-1994 52 -lo. Myrtle Machmer
Machmer, Ellen 3-1106-3-3-27 1891-1937 46 -lo. G. W. Machmer
Machmer, Elmer B. 3-1106-4-6-27 1911-1953 42-lo. R. Williams
Machmer, Geo. Irwin 3-1106-3-6-27 1917-1927 10-lo. G. Machmer
Machmer, Geo. W. 3-1106-3-4-27 1890-1949 59 -lo. Geo. W. Machmer
Machmer, Geraldine 3-1300-1-6-30 1920-1940 20-lo. P. Machmer
Machmer, Harold 2-130-A5-63 1911-1969 58-lo. M. Machmer
Machmer, Helen A. 2-300-A-2-95 1906-1968 62 -lo. A. Machmer
Machmer, Infant 3-1300-1-5-30
Machmer, James C. 2-150~D-1-73 1875-1946 71-lo. M. Machmer
Machmer, Jas. B. 3-1106-4-1-27 1881-1918 37-lo. R. Williams
Machmer, Leon 3-1200-2-1-28 1894-1950 56-lo. M. Machmer
Machmer, Llewellyn 3-1106-3-1-27 1849-1917 68-lo. G. W. Machmer
Machmer, Mabel M. 2-130-A-2-63 1900-1973 73-lo. M. Machmer
Machmer, Mandaon L. 3-1200-2-3-28 1861-1922 61-lo. M. L. Machmer
Machmer, Mandon 3-1200-1-1-28 1845-1911 66-lo. M. Machmer
Machmer, Mary E. 3-1300-1-2-30 1891-1961 70 -lo. P. Machmer
Machmer, Minnie 2-150-D-2-73 1878-1953 75-lo. M. Machmer
Machmer, Myrtle C. 3-1300-4-2-30 4/29/1911 - 11/10/1989 78
Machmer, Neva A. 1-06-nw-8-19 1872-1957 85-Io. G. Witters
Machmer, Paul 1-06-nw-5-19 1910-1911 1-Io. G. Witters
Machmer, Percy W. 3-1300-1-1-30 1891-1960 69-lo. P. Machmer
Machmer, Raymond 2-130-A-1-63 1900-1946 46 -lo. M. Machmer
Machmer, Russell C. 3-1300-4-1-30 1907-1959 52
Machmer, Sabilla 3-1200-1-2-28 1846-1910 64 -lo. M. Machmer
Machmer, Wilson 1-06-nw-7-19 1876-1953 77 -lo. G. Witters
Machmer, Wm. H. 3-1104-4-8-26 1880-1908 28 -lo. H. P. Shearer
Madenford, Lewis A. 3-0302-3-1-6 1897-1971 74 -lo. L. Madenford
Madenford, Stella B. 3-0302-3-2-6 1900-1948 48 -lo. L. Madenford
Madenfort James F. 2-317-D-1-103 1/21/1920 - 7/l/1996 76-lo. James F. Madenfort F.H. #2
Maderia, Annie E. 2-087-C-2-43 1886-1962 76-lo. L. D. Maderia
Maderia, Edward K 3-0905-2-5-21 1943-1994 50 -lo. Elmer I. Beahr
Maderia, Infant 2-087-C-8-43 -1908-lo. L. D. Maderia
Maderia, Lee D. 2-087-C-1-43 1877-1935 58-lo. L. D. Maderia
Magee, Ida May 2-112-C3-54 1897-1955 58-lo. H. Walker
Maidenford, Lewis W. 2-311-B-5-100 1924-1991
Maier, Christian 1-row 01-23-27 1838-1876 38
Marburger, Grace 2-090-C7-45 1899-1918 19-lo. Marburger
Marburger, M. E. 2-090-C3-45 1871-1949 78-lo. Marburger
Marburger, Mrs. M. E. 2-090-C-4-45 #NAME?
Marchland, Elizabeth 2-135-B-2-65 1854-1937 83 -lo. A. C. Oberholtzer
Marionneaux, Melvin 2-sgl row 03-8-59 1904-1945
Markley, Anna E. 2-306-C-2-98 1914-1980 66 -lo. Markley F.H.#2
Markley, Nelson M. 2-306-C-1-98 1915-1956 41-lo. Anna Markley
Marko, Emma L 3-0501-1-6-12 1911-1987
Marko, Steve Jr. 3-0501-1-5-12 1920-1980 60 -lo. Shenk & Burket F.H. #2
Marks, Isaac 2-002-B-1-1 1848-1896 48-lo. I. Marks
Marks, Janetta 2-002-B-2-1 1844-1925 81-lo. I. Marks
Marquardt, Ella R. 4-28-C-2-15 1868-1906 38
Marshall, Ruth V. 4-02-6-8-1 1905
Marston, Marie L 2-sgl row 13-2-60 1910-1980 -FH. #2
Martin, Adam S. 2-047-D-3-24 1866-1928 70 -lo. A. S. Martin
Martin, Alice E. 2-041-D-3-21 1886-1973 87-lo. J. Martin
Martin, Amy May 2-047-D-8-24 -1896 -lo. A S. Martin
Martin, Catharine R. 4-10-B-4-5 7/12/1859-6/5/1901 42
Martin, Catherine 1-row 37-25-63 1830-1852 22
Martin, Catherine 1-06-se-7-19 1840-1913 73-lo. S. Martin
Martin, Deborah L 2-047-D-2-24 1892-1976 84-lo. A. S. Martin
Martin, Donald L 2-121-A-5-58 1913-9/18/1986 cremation
Martin, Donald M. 4-42-D-7-22 1921
Martin, Ellan 2-041-D-2-21 1860-1930 70-lo. J. Martin
Martin, Emery 2-sgl row 06-04-59 1891-1955
Martin, Esther 1-row 07-01-33 1795-1865 70
Martin, Ezikiah 2-099-C-3-49 1850-1923 73-lo. E. Martin
Martin, Florence E. 2-071-C-4-3 5 1892-1914 22-1o. L. Martin
Martin, Florence M. 2-071-C-2-35 1893-1968 75-lo. E. Martin
Martin, Florenda E. 2-099-C-4-49 1854-1948 94 -lo. E. Martin
Martin, Frank 2-row 4-14-32 4/24/1886-7/6/1921 35
Martin, Franklin 1-row 06-1-32 1862-1864 2
Martin, Geo. D. 2-030-D-3-15 1885-1913 28-lo. Martin
Martin, Gerald M. 2-041-D-4-21 1/6/1902 - 8/13/1990 88
Martin, Harrison D. 2-sgl row 06-05-59 -1968
Martin, Hiram H. 4-10-B-3-5 1858-1944 86
Martin, Infant son 2-030-D-4-15 -1889 -lo. Martin
Martin, Joseph 2-041-D-1-21 1860-1918 58-lo. Jos. Martin
Martin, Kate R. 2-035-B-2-18 1862-1894 32-lo. Wm. Martin
Martin, Lawrence F. 2-071-C-1-35 1888-1977 89-lo. L. F. Martin
Martin, Lillie H. 2-047-D-4-24 1867-1943 76 -lo. A. S. Martin
Martin, Lloyd A. 1-06-se-8-19 1873-1909 36 -lo. S. Martin
Martin, Mamie F. 2-047-D-7-24 1892-1910 18 -lo. A. S. Martin
Martin, Minerva 1-C60-8-10 1832-1908 76-lo. Jas. Smith
Martin, Nevin W. 2-030-D-8-15 -1891 -lo. Martin
Martin, Russel E. 2-041-D-8-21 -1901 -lo. J. Martin
Martin, Russell W. 2-071-C-3-35 1911-1961 50 -lo. L. Martin
Martin, Samuel 1-06-se-5-19 1828-1919 91-lo. S. Martin
Martin, Samuel I. 1-row 07-02-33 1799-1871 72
Martin, Samuel V. 2-030-D-4-15 -1884-lo. Martin
Martin, Sevilla 1-row 07-03-33 1863-1865 2
Martin, William 2-099-C8-49 1871-1924 73 -lo. E. Martin
Martin, William S. 2-041-D-1-24 1890-1971 81 -lo. A. S. Martin
Mason, Chas. E. 2-086-D-1-43 1850-1908 58-lo. S. Mason
Mason, Jeremy W. & Eric D. 2-sgl row 13-4-60 1977-1981 (4), 1978-1981 (3) F.H. #2
Mason, Nellie E. 2-086-D-3-43 1879-1958 79-lo. E. Mason
Mason, Sarah 2-086-D-2-43 1860-1948 88-lo. S. Mason
Massari, Pasquale 2-row 1-04-32 8/9/1899-3/17/1932 31
Massey, Marshall 2-sgl row 02-2-59 1884-1937
Mathias, Edwin D. 2-151-A-1-73 1892-1960 68-lo. Ed. Mathias
Mathias, Emma 2-151-A-2-7 3 . 1895-1935 40-lo. E. Mathias
Matson, Algot 2-208-D-1-89 5/19/1883-2/18/1960 77
Matson, Clarence A. 2-208-D-3-89 1921-1962 41-lo. C. Matson
Matson, Sigrid L 2-208-D-2-89 1891-1959 68-lo. C. Matson
Matten, Annie L. 2-083-B-2-41 1862-1909 47-lo. E. Matten
Matten, Ed. J. 2-083-B-1-41 1857-1926 69-lo. Ed. Matten
Matten, Edg. G. 2-083-B-6-41 1887-1925 38-lo. E. Matten
Matten, Infant 2-083-B-5-41 1920-1921 1-lo. E. Matten
Matten, Laura E. 2-083-B-7-41 1881-1966 85-1o. E. Matten
Matz, E. Russel 2-076-C-5-38 1896-1985
Matz, Emilie E. 2-076-C-7-38 1874-1949 75-lo. Matz
Matz, Florence M. 2-126-B-6-61 1891-1980 89 -lo. Smith F.H. #1
Matz, Harry L 2-126-B-5-61 1883-1947 64-lo. S. Smith
Matz, Helen B. 2-076-C-1-38 12/21/1897 - 4/12/1995 97-lo. Frederici
Matz, Jacob N. 4-44-B-5-23 1882-1946 64
Matz, Joseph T. 4-35-C2-18 1877-1948 71
Matz, Katie L 4-35-C-3-18 1884-1956 72
Matz, Luke E. 2-126-B-4-61 1911-1987
Matz, Ralph J. 4-35-C4-18 1906-1921 15
Matz, Sallie H. 4-44-B-6-23 1885-1973 88
Matz, William H. 2-076-C6-38 1867-1941 74-lo. Matz
Maurer, Infant of Geo. Maurer 3-1001-1-7-23 lo. J. A. Kelchner
Maurer, J. Fred 3-1106-4-8-27 11 /7/1921-4/3/1996 74 -lo. James B. Machemer F.H. #40
May, F. 2-sgl row 10-1-60
Mayer, Pearl 2-raw 4-16-32 2/18/1904-7/2/1921 17
Mazaika, Albert F. 3-0601-4-1-15 1932-1992
Mazzetti, Domenic 2-sgl row 05-7-59 1891-1953
McCahan, Sara Madeline 2-087-D-1-43 1898-1951 53 -lo. J. Snell
McCall, Florence 2-sgI row 01-8-59 1901-1934
McCarty, Ray 2-sgl row 02-6-59 1903-1939
McChesney, Mary 2-sgl row 01-7-59 1891-1941
McClary, Emma E. 1-05-sw-5-19 1860-1942 82-lo. Kalbach
McCracken, John F. 2-308-A-4-99 10/23/1916-10/20/1982 65
McElroy, Ada A. 2-305-C-6-97 1889-1958 69-Io. B. & L. McElroy
McElfatrick Dorthy M. 2-252-D-4-940 1911-1984
McElfatrick James H. 2-252-D-3-940 1906-1991
McElrea, Allen L. 3-0600-3-3-15 1920-1993
McElroy, Brock L 2-305-C1-97 1911-1988
McElroy, Lynn B. 2-305-C5-97 1886-1986 99-lo. McElroy
McElroy, Lynn B. 2-305-C3-97 1942-1952 10-1o. B. & L. McElroy
McFall, Jesse E. 2-221-C-5-94A 1894-1977 83-lo. Feick
McFall, Dorothy B. 2-221-C6-94A 1898-1981
McIntyre, Edna R. 3-1506-1-2-39 1903-1980 77 -lo. Edna Beck F.H. #36
McKinsey, Anna P. 3-1503-2-4-38 1869-1951 82 -lo. J. McKinsey
McKinsey, John H. 3-1503-2-3-38 1865-1942 77-lo. J. McKinsey
McL u hlin, Beau J. 2-148-B-5-72 1944 - 1950 6 lo C. Hoffman
McLellan, Anna C 2-140-B-6-68 -1997 85 F.H. #2
Mcllann, James E 2-140-B-5-68 1900-1968 8-lo. C. Wilson
McLoed, Daniel 2-027-A-5-14 -1894 34-lo. J. Jacoby
McLoed, Flora E. 2-027-A-7-14 1893-1896 3 -Io. J. Jacoby
Meck John H. 2-sgl row 12-7-60 1905-6/3/1978 73-F.H.#1
Medler, Alice 2-005-D-7-3 1856-1927 72-lo. J. Medler
Medler, Jos. 2-005-D-6-3 1842-1921 79-lo. Jos. Medler
Mee, George 1-row 10-1-36 1811-1871 60
Megrail, Francis A. 2-092-D-1-46 1914-8/23/1978 64 -lo. J. Yocom F.H. #1
Meharg, Dr. J. George 2-136-C-7-66 1911-12/19/1978 67 -lo. J. R. Wagner F.H. #3
Meharg, John S. 2-136-D-3-66 1884-1945 82-lo. J. R. Wagner
Meharg, Mame M. 2-136-D-4-66 1884-1945 61-lo. J. R Wagner
Mehrkam, Terrance Allen 2-216-B-1-93 1945-1981
Meinder, Alfred. F. 1-B-40-4-5 1842-1845 3-lo. B. Meinder
Meinder, Alice 1-B-40-1-5 lo. B. Meinder
Meinder, Aug. 1-B-40-3-5 1845 1-lo. B. Meinder
Meinder, Benj. 1-8-39-1-5 1819-1889 70-Io.Albright
Meinder, Christine 1-B-39-2-5 1821-1911 90-lo. F. Albright
Meinder, Frederick H. 1-B-39-5-5 1873-1956 83-Io.F.Albright
Meinder, Jere 1-B-40-2-5 -1878 32-Io. B. Meinder
Meiran, William D. 2-098-D-4-49 1848-1919 71-lo. R. Willets
Mengel, Alma 2-306-D-2-98 10/31/1897 - 1/23/1984 86
Mengel, Amandes S. 2-038-C-6-19 1867-1868 1-lo. Mengel
Mengel, Angelina 2-098-A-7-49 1872-1928 56-lo. Mengel
Mengel, Chas. 2-038-C-5-19 1888-1894 6-lo. Mengel
Mengel, Daniel 2-038-C 8-C-1-19 -1860 42-lo. Mengel
Mengel, Edward W. 2-059-A-3-30 1880-1941 61-lo. W. Mengel
Mengel, Elisabeth 2-038-C-1-19 -1910 85-lo. Mengel
Mengel, Ethel E. 2-223-B-4-94B 1920-1985
Mengel, Harrison 2-133-C-1-64 1869-1943 74-Io. H. Mengel
Mengel, Infants (twin boys) 2-311 -A-8-1 00 -1955-lo. R Mengel
Mengel, Irene S. 2-311A-2-100 12/10/1903-7/13/1995 91-lo. George I. Mengel F.H.
Mengel, Jane 1-D-084-7-13 1852-1931 79-lo. Jos. Bausher
Mengel, Joseph F. 2-311 A1-100. 1901 - 112011979 78-F.H. #2
Mengel, Magdalene E. 4-44-A-2-23 1858-1938 80
Mengel, Mahlon 1-D-084-6-13 1850-1899 49-lo. Jos. Bausher
Mengel, Robert A. 2-223-B-3-948 1917-1991
Mengel, Roland C. 2-306-D-1-98 1885-1962 77-lo. R. Mengel
Mengel, Samuel W. 4-44-A-1-23 1860-1949 79
Mengel, Sariah M. 2-133-C-2-64 1873-1971 98-lo. H. Mengel
Mengel, Seth 4-44-A-5-23 1871-1950 79
Mengel, Sue W. 2-059-A-2-30 1854-1939 85 -lo. W. Mengel
Mengel, Walter 2-059-A-1-30 1856-1916 60 -lo. W. Mengel
Mengle, Alfred 1-D-087-4-14 1848-1850 2 -lo. W. Mengle
Mengle, Barbra W. 1-D-087-3-14 1852-1854 2-Io.W. Mengle
Mengle, Bright E. 4-10-A-5-5 1887-1953 66
Mengle, Charles W. 2-157-8-6-76 1902-1980 77 -lo. Chas. Delious F.H. #2
Mengle, Edward H. 4-07-D-5-4 1880-1931 51
Mengle, Emma 4-10--A 3-5 1857-1937 80
Mengle, Esther C. 2-157-B-7-76 3/11/1907 - 5/15/1983 76
Mengle, James E. 4-10-A-4-5 1853-1933 80
Mengle, Jonas 1-G-77-7-11 1818-1884 66-lo. J. Mengle
Mengle, Maggie S. 1-D-088-2-14 1845-1905 60-lo. D. Raush
Mengle, Maria A. 1-G-77-8-11 1817-1897 80-lo. J. Mengle
Mengle, Rebecca Alice 1-D-087-3-14 1854-1857 3-lo. W. Mengle
Mengle, Sarah 1-D-087-2-14 1820-1888 68 -lo. W. Mengle
Mengle, William 1-D-087-1-14 1814-1883 69-lo. W. Mengle
Merit Joseph 2-row 2-17-32 5/24/1886 - 2/23/1927 40
Merkel, Amelia 2-032-C-3-16 1844-1923 79-lo. H. Hager
Merkel, Ellwood S. 2-065-C-1-33 1870-1918 48-lo. E. S. Merkel
Merkel, Floyd M. 2-065-B-1-33 1889-1967 78-lo. E. S. Merkel
Merkel, Infant son of Floyd 2-065-C-5-33 1919-1920 l-Io. E. Merkel
Merkel, Isadora 2-065-C-2-33 1869-1945 76-lo. E. Merkel
Merkel, James L. 2-046-D-3-23 1851-1926 75-lo. J. L. Merkel
Merkel, John L. 2-046-A-1-23 1881-1902 21-lo. J. L. Merkel
Merkel, Mary K. 2-065-B-2-33 1895-1940 45 -lo. E. Merkel
Merkel, Ruth A 2-065-B-4-33 1919-1972 53 -lo. E#. Merkel
Merkel, Wm. A. 2-046-D-2-23 1880-1944 64 -Io. J. L. Merkel
Merkel, Sarah M. 2-046-D-4-23 1857-1943 86-lo. J. L. Merkel
Mertz, Arlene C. 2-125-B-3-60 1921-1953 32-lo. G. Bailey
Mervine, Charolette (Huy) 2-055-A3-28 1865-1933 68-lo. J. Heinly
Metz, Helen E. 2-076-B-4-38 1901-1982
Metz, Mamie C. 3-0905-3-7-21. 1883-1967 84 -lo. C. A. Troutman
Metz, Verna M. 2-076-B-8-38 1907-1950 43 -lo. M. Sousley
Metz, Walter 2-076-B-7-38 1902-1987
Metz, Wm. L. 3-0905-3-6-21 1897-1978 79 -lo. C. A. Troutman
Meyer, Harry W. 2-038-A-5-19 1900-1984
Meyer, Mabel A 2-038-A-6-19 1906-1993
Meyre, Johanis 1-row 08-17-34 1779-1851 72
Mickewits, Anthony 2-raw 2-10-32 4/15/1880 - 7/27/1926 46
Mickley, B.A. 1-11-nw-4-22 1843-1911 68-lo. L. H. Mickley
Mickley, C. M. 1-11-nw-2-22 1836-1872 36-lo. L. H. Mickley
Mickley, H. C. 1-11-nw-5-22 -lo. L H. Mickley
Mickley, L. H. 1-11-nw-3-22 1835-1901 66 -lo. L. H. Mickley
Mickley, M. J. 1-11-nw-1-22 25-lo. L. H. Mickley
Middlecamp, Thomas J. 2-244-A-5-94M 1912-1981 68-lo. T. Middlecamp F.H. #2
Mill, Albert J. 2-083-C-1-41 1857-1925 68 -lo. A. J. Mill
Mill, Kate 2-083-C-2-41 1856-1909 53 -lo. A. J. Mill
Mille, Susanne 2-038-8-2-19 1848-1914 66-lo. 0. Miller
Miller twin sons of R.C. Miller 3-1305-4-8-32 Io.S. Miller
Miller, O. D. Rev. 2-032-D-3-16 1856-1911 55-lo. Miller
Miller, A Maria 1-08-ne-2-20 1845-1867 22 -lo. H. S. Miller
Miller, Aaron 1-11-sw-1-22 1823-1891 68 -lo. A Miller
Miller, Aaron 1-A-017-7-3 1863 -lo. Geo. Miller
Miller, Agnes E. 2-021-A2-11 1854-1915 61-lo. E. Miller
Miller, Albert B. 3-0504-4-4-13 1856-1939 83 -lo. W. Wentzel
Miller, Alice S. 2-018-C-3-9 1867-1927 60 -lo. C. D. Miller
Miller, Allen L. 3-1305-1-5-32 1872-1941 69-lo. E. Williamson
Miller, Alva W. 2-007-B-8-4 1867-1870 3 -lo. W. Miller
Miller, Amanda 2-011-D-3-6 1851-1943 92 -lo. J. J. Miller
Miller, Amelia S. 2-078-B-2-39 1843-1916 73-lo. A. Miller
Miller, Amos S. 2-078-B-1-39 1848-1922 74 -lo. A. S. Miller
Miller, Andora 1-row 10-4-36
Miller, Anna J. 2-231-A-2-94F 1913-1967 54
Miller, Anna M. 2-230-A-6-94F 3/28/1916-7/26/1983 67
Miller, Anna Maria 1-C-70-8-9 1789-1867 78 -lo. E. M. Miller
Miller, Annie E. 1-C-69-1-9 1860-1864 4-lo. G. M. Miller
Miller, Arthur 2-022-D-4-11 1836-1896 60 -lo. A. Miller
Miller, Arthur C. 2-022-B-7-11 1899-1964 65 -lo. A. Miller
Miller, Arthur W. 2-230-A-5-94F 1913-1991
Miller, August 1-E-38-3-5 1849-1852 3-lo. J. Heckman
Miller, Baby Girl 2-sgl row 04-1-59 1945 -lo. Wm. Miller
Miller, Barbara A. 2-119-C-5-57 -1945 4 months -lo. Wm. Miller
Miller, Beatrice 3-1302-1-3-31 1910-1952 42-lo. R Miller
Miller, Beatrice I. 2-ne circle-3-37 1899-3/27/1979 80-F.H. #1
Miller, Benj. K. 1-02-se-5-17 1812-1885 73-lo. S. Miller
Miller, Beulah M. 2-085-B-4-42 1892-1957 65-lo. E. & C. Miller
Miller, C. D. 2-018-C-4-9 1862-1922 60-lo. C. D. Miller
Miller, Carl W. 2-099-D-1-49 1917-1961 44 -lo. C. W. Miller
Miller, Carolina 1-C-61-5-11 1840-1879 39-lo. E. Goodfleck
Miller, Carolina 2-062-C-4-31 1838-1916 78-lo. C. H. Miller
Miller, Caroline B. 2-ne circle-7-37 1830-1905 75-lo. G. Miller
Miller, Catherine 2-022-A-1 -11 1841-1913 72 -lo. A. Miller
Miller, Catherine 1-02-sw-8-17 1860-1920 60-lo. J. D. Miller
Miller, Catherine 1-D-098-4-13 1851-1928 77-lo. R. Miller
Miller, Catherine 1-row 29-05-55 1822-1823 1
Miller, Catherine 1-E-38-4-5 1849-1862 7-lo. J. Heckman
Miller, Catherine 1-A-017-2-3 1796-1886 90-lo. Geo. Miller
Miller, Catherine 1 -A-0 17-8-3 1861 -lo. Geo. Miller
Miller, Catherine 1-A-018-4-3 1838-1913 75-lo. Geo. Miller
Miller, Catherine 1-A-018-6-3 1895-1902 7-lo. Geo. Miller
Miller, Catherine E. 1-A-005-3-3 1779-1853 74-lo. S. Lenhart
Miller, Charles 1-row 32-01-58 1826-1851 25
Miller, Charles H. 1-08-ne-7-20 1873-1874 1-lo. H. S. Miller
Miller, Charles K. 1-C-59-5-10 -1 /24/1916-(probably, per relative Ann Hill)
Miller, Charles N. 2-062-B-1-31 1833-1910 77-lo. C. N. Miller
Miller, Charles S. 3-1501-2-3-37 1903-1987
Miller, Charlotte 2-242-C-2-94L
Miller, Chas. 2-093-A-5-46 -1920-lo. P. Miller
Miller, Child 1-D-098-8-13 1855 -lo. R. Miller
Miller, Christine A 2-051-D-3-26 1923-1960 37-lo. G. Miller
Miller, Clara B. 2-011-D-2-6 1877-1884 7-lo. J. J. Miller
Miller, Clara M. 2-021-A-6-11 -1902 -lo. J. Miller
Miller, Clara M. 2-153-D-2-74 1889-1969 80 -lo. H. Miller
Miller, Clarence E. 2-097-A1-48 1897-1922 25-lo. E. (M) Berger
Miller, Clarissa 1-C-70-6-9 1840-1917 77-lo. E. M. Miller
Miller, Claude 2-088-A-1-44 1886-1945 59-lo. C. Miller
Miller, Claude A. Jr. 2-040-D-7-20 1915-1989
Miller, Clayton 2-054-C6-27 1920-1921 1-lo. F. Miller
Miller, Clemmence W. 1-C-70-4-9 1850-1851 1-lo. E. M. Miller
Miller, Cora S. 2-315-A-1-102 1878-1949 71-lo. R. Miller
Miller, Core E. 2-045-C-3-23 1887-1913 26 -lo. G. W. Raubenhold
Miller, David 2-094-A3-47 1849-1927 78-lo. D. Miller
Miller, David 2-020-B-5-10 12/26/1870-2/19/1871
Miller, David G. 2-020-8-1-10 1820-1901 81-lo. D. G. Miller
Miller, Dennis 2-099-D-4-49 -1945 1 month-lo. C. Miller
Miller, Dennis R. 2-127-B-8-61 1940-1942 2-lo. J. & R. Miller
Miller, Dianna 2-sw circle-3-37 10/6/1822-5/16/1914 92-lo. A. Rollman
Miller, Donna E. 3-1502-2-3-37 -1949 1-lo. E. Miller
Miller, Dorothy M. 2-088-A-3-44 1916-1972 56-lo. C. Miller
Miller, Dr. Alex M. 1-A-008-6-3 1838-1877 39-lo. Jos. Miller
Miller, Dr. G. M. 1-C-69-3-9 -1893 62-lo. G. M. Miller
Miller, E. Elisa 1-row 30-04-56 1842-1851 9
Miller, Earl D. 3-1502-2-1-37 1911-1957 46 -lo. E. Miller
Miller, Earl P. 2-093-A-6-46 -1922-lo. P. Miller
Miller, Edmund 2-ne circle-8-37 1826-1909 83-lo. G. Miller
Miller, Edmund S. L 2-116-D-4-56 1915-1978 63 -lo. H. V. Burkey
Miller, Edna D. 2-231-A-6-94F 1921-1967 46
Miller, Edward 1-A-018-3-3 1838-1892 66-lo. Geo. Miller
Miller, Edward D. 2-242-B-1-94L 11 /5/1917-6/16/1995 77 -lo. Edward & Ruth Miller F.H.#1
Miller, Edward F. 1-F-52-8-8 1862 "In Memory of Edward F. Miller son of Willoughby and Veronica April 21, 1862" -lo. Wm. Steward
Miller, Edward I. 3-0500-2-1-11 1886-1950 64-lo. Ed Miller
Miller, Edward M. 1-C-7 0-2-9 1817-1897 80-lo. E. M. Miller
Miller, Elisabeth 2-020-B-2-10 1838-1892 54-lo. D. G. Miller
Miller, Elisabeth 2-007-B-2-4 1837-1914 77 -lo. W. Miller
Miller, Elisabeth A. 1-C-69-4-9 -1901 63 -lo. G. M. Miller
Miller, Eliss F. 2-021-A-1-11 1855-1898 43-lo. E. Miller
Miller, Elizabeth 1-row 27-03-53 -1850 63
Miller, Elizabeth 1-11-sw-8-22 1864-1877 13-lo. A. Miller
Miller, Ellen J. 3-1305-4-2-32 1856-1919 63-lo. S. Miller
Miller, Ellen S. 2-085-B-2-42 1850-1932 73-lo. E. & C. Miller
Miller, Elmira R. 1-A-002-6-2 1868-1950 82-lo. Jno. Heinley
Miller, Emanuel D 1-F-52-7-8 July 18, 1840-September 12, 1862 "Emanuel D. Miller son of Peter D. and Mary Miller was born July 18, 1840 who died in the service of his country. Member of Comp. F, 90th Regiment P.M. September 12, 1862 Aged 22 y 1 mo 20 days." There is a GAR marker and flag on the grave. He died at Mt. Pleasant Hospital, Washington DC -lo. Wm. Steward
Miller, Emily E. 2-093-A-2-46 1904-1985
Miller, Emily E. 3-0303-3-3-7 1880-1949 69-lo. J. l. Miller
Miller, Emma 2-353-D-1-114 1911-1988
Miller, Emma C. 3-0500-2-2-11 1889-1967 78 -lo. Ed Miller
Miller, Emma C. 2-032-D-4-16 1873-1945 72 -lo. Miller
Miller, Emma E. 3-0801-4-4-19 1848-1935 87-lo. F. R. Miller
Miller, Emma M. 2-050-D-2-25 1899-1985
Miller, Emma S. B. 1-04-ne-8-18 1872-1876 4-lo. W. Miller
Miller, Esther M. 2-090-A-4-45 1913 - 1/18/1990
Miller, Eupheimia 1-D-098-2-13 1818-1894 76-lo. R. Miller
Miller, Eva 1-8-48-4-7 1787-1856 89-lo. E. Brownmiller
Miller, Fannie P. 2-078-B-6-39 1889-1978 89-lo. A. Miller
Miller, Fianna S. 1-C-59-6-10 1845-1914 69 -lo. Wm. Miller
Miller, Florence M. 2-151-C-4-7 3 1890-1951 61-lo. H. Miller
Miller, Frank R. 3-0801-4-3-19 1848-1925 79 -Io.F.R. Miller
Miller, Frank S. 2-034-B-1-17 1836-1900 64 -lo. F. S. Miller
Miller, Franklin 1-A-017-7-3 1860-1863 3-lo. Geo. Miller
Miller, Franklin J. 2-054-C-1-27 1885-1936 51-lo. F. J. Miller
Miller, Gaude A. 2-085-B-3-42 1892-1954 62 -lo. E. & C. Miller
Miller, Geo. E. 2-051-A-4-26 1859-1940 81-lo. Geo. E. Miller
Miller, George 1-A-01 7-1-3 1858 67-lo. Geo. Miller
Miller, George 2-022-B-4-11 -1868 2 months -lo. A. Miller
Miller, George 1-row 28-01-54 1754-1815 61
Miller, George 1-row 28-03-54 1821-1833 12
Miller, George 1-A-017-8-3 1863-1867 4-lo. Geo. Miller
Miller, George A. 2-119-C-6-57 1911-1987
Miller, George B. 2-ne circle-6-37 1857-1937 80-lo. Geo. B. Miller
Miller, George W. 3-0801-4-1-19 1882-1952 70-lo. F.R. Miller
Miller, Godfrey E. 4-07-A-2-4 1883-1954 71
Miller, Grace 2-081-D-3-40 6/3/1918-3/31/1983 64
Miller, Grover 2-ne circle-5-37 1892-1915 23-lo. G. Miller
Miller, H. Raymond 2-021-A-7-11 1888-1909 21-lo. J. Miller
Miller, Harvey 3-1305-4-4-32 1877-1893 16-lo. S. Miller
Miller, Harvey G. 2-151-C-3-73 1880-1944 64 -lo. H. G. Miller
Miller, Harvey H. 1-C69-2-9 1868-1876 8 -lo. G. M. Miller
Miller, Harvey J. 2-065-D-4-33 1893-1944 51 -lo. J. Trexler
Miller, Hazel I. 4-11 A-4-6 1913-1986
Miller, Henry G. 4-11-A-3-6 1890-1967 77
Miller, Henry S. 1-08-ne-1-20 1839-1927 88 -lo. H. S. Miller
Miller, Henry Sylvester 2-030-C-5-15 -1876 -lo. H. L. Miller
Miller, Herbert 2-153-D-1-74 1884-1976 92-lo. H. Miller
Miller, Herietta 2-ne circle-7-37 1857-1920 63-lo. G. Miller
Miller, I. Fransis 2-053-C-4-27 1875-1906 31-lo. N. Miller
Miller, Ida 4-36-B-2-19 1861-1928 67
Miller, Infant 2-001-D-5-1 -1886 (Twins of Rev. Miller)
Miller, Infant 1-04-ne-8-18 #NAME?
Miller, Infant (Geo. Miller) 3-1502-3-5-37 -1926 -lo. Wm. Kalbach
Miller, Infant son 2-054-C7-27 -1907 -Io. Miller
Miller, Infant son 2-ne circle-5-37 #NAME?
Miller, Irvin S. 2-040-D-3-20 1887-1974 87-lo. I. Miller
Miller, Isabella 1A-018-5-3 1867-1918 51-lo. Geo. Miller
Miller, Isabelle 1-A-017-5-3 1831-1911 80-lo. Geo. Miller
Miller, Ivan H. 1A-002-5-2 1862-1932 70-lo. Jno. Heinley
Miller, J. Edward 2-077-C-5-38 1860-1922 62-lo. C. H. Bausher
Miller, J. Jerome 2-011-D-1-6 1843-1929 86-lo. J. J. Miller
Miller, Jacob 1-row 30-03-56 1758-1828 70
Miller, Jacob H. 2-021-A-3-1 1 1817-1896 79-lo. E. Miller
Miller, Jacob M. 1-A-008-5-3 1832-1861 29-lo. Jos. Miller
Miller, James 1-row 32-02-58 18456
Miller, Jerome D. 2-085-B-1-42 1880-1922 62-lo. E. & C. Miller
Miller, John 1-row 30-01-56 1834-1851 17
Miller, John 1-C-70-7-9 1791-1860 69-lo. E. M. Miller
Miller, John 1-03-se-5-18 -1897 57-lo. M. Motes
Miller, John D. 1-02-sw-5-17 1820-1900 80 -lo. J. D. Miller
Miller, John E. 2-127-B-1-61 1893-1960 67-lo. J. & R. Miller
Miller, John G. 2-022-A-4-11 1924-1936 12 -lo. A. Miller
Miller, John H. 2-022-A-2-11 1873-1935 62 -lo. A. Miller
Miller, John H. 1-A-002-8-2 1858-1898 40-lo. Jno. Heinley
Miller, John I. 3-0303-3-2-7 1875-1937 62-lo. J.I. Miller
Miller, John N. 1-D-098-6-13 1856-1939 83-lo. R. Miller
Miller, Jos. D. 1-D-098-7-13 1944-1894 50-lo. R. Miller
Miller, Joseph 1-G-78-3-11 1793-1868 75-lo. Jos. Miller
Miller, Joseph 1A-008-1-3 1799-1857 58-lo. Jos. Miller
Miller, Katie A 1-08-ne-6-20 1866-1870 4 -lo. H. S. Miller
Miller, Katie E. 2-127-8-7-61 1919-1955 36-lo. J. & R. Miller
Miller, Katie S. 2-088-A-2-44 1891-1970 79-lo. C. Miller
Miller, Larry T. 3-0500-1-8-11 1954-1954 (10 days)
Miller, Larue 2-064-8-1-32 1884-1918 34-lo. L. Miller
Miller, Laura M. 2-127-6-2-61 1/30/1897-8/21/1990 93
Miller, Laura S. 2-053-C-6-27 1882-1943 61-lo. E. N. Miller
Miller, Lawrence A 2-090-A3-45 1915-1983
Miller, Leroy G. 3-0801-1-2-19 1892-1970 78
Miller, Lester H. 2-225-B-5-94C 1916-1987
Miller, Lester R 2-151-B-1-73 1932-1977 45 -lo. H. Miller
Miller, Levi 2-ne circle-4-37 1894-1968 74-lo. G. Miller
Miller, Lillian M. 2-054-C-4-27 -1831 23-lo. F. Miller
Miller, Lillie G. 3-0801-1-1-19 1883-1966 83
Miller, Lillie M. 3-1305-4-1-32 1889-1962 73-lo. S. Miller
Miller, Lloyd D. 2-083-A5-41 1889-1960 71-lo. D. Seidel
Miller, Lottie May 2-030-C-6-15 -1881-lo. Wm. Miller
Miller, Lucy Ann 1-11-sw-2-22 1832-1912 80-lo. A. Miller
Miller, Luther 2-140-C-8-68 -1928 9 -lo. T. Miller
Miller, Lydia 4-11 -A-2-6 1900-1925
Miller, Lydia V. 2-040-D-4-20 1890-1968 78-lo. I. Miller
Miller, Lyndall M. 4-15-C-1-8 1909-1913 4
Miller, Mabel R. 3-1302-1-1-31 9/29/1914 - 2/27/1990 76
Miller, Madalin 2-053-C-8-27 1900-1904 4-lo. E. N. Miller
Miller, Mae A 3-0505-2-4-14 1928-1943 15-lo.H.B. Miller
Miller, Maggie L 2-077-C-6-38 1867-1918 51-lo. C. H. Bausher
Miller, Mahlon 2-098-A-4-49 1872-1934 62-lo. L. Stitzel
Miller, Mame B. 2-054-C2-27 1887-1949 62-lo. F. Miller
Miller, Margret I. 2-065-D-3-33 1897-4/18/1986
Miller, Maria 2-021:A-4-11 1820-1908 88-lo. E. Miller
Miller, Maria 1-row 10-4-36
Miller, Maria (nee Deischer) 1-F-52-6-8 April 25, 1799-December 29, 1871 "Here lies Maria Miller wife of Peter Miller (nee Deischer) who was born 25 April 1799 died 29 December 1871 aged 72 yrs, 8 mo, 4 days" [translated from German]; 72-lo. Wm. Steward
Miller, Maria 2-101-C3-50 1838-1921 83-lo. P. M. Miller
Miller, Martin 4-36-B-1-19 1840-1904 64
Miller, Mary 4-18-A-4-1 0
Miller, Mary 1A005-1-3 1823-1898 75 -lo. S. Lenart
Miller, Mary A 2-051-A-3-26 1866-1945 79-lo. G. E. Miller
Miller, Mary A. 1-A-017-4-3 1833-1853 20-lo. Geo. Miller
Miller, Mary A. 2-sgl row 12-8-60 1906-1978
Miller, Mary E. 2-083-A-6-41 1893-1977 84-lo. D. Seidel
Miller, Mary E. 3-1305-4-6-32 1881-1964 83-lo. S. Miller
Miller, Mary M. 2-022-D-3-11 1869-1938 69 -lo. A. Miller
Miller, Mary M. 1-C-59-2-10 1806-1889 83 -lo. Wm. Miller
Miller, Mary R. 2-113-D-2-54 7/15/1863-4121/1937 73
Miller, Minerva E. 3-1506-2-4-39 1887-1961 74-lo. Stoltzfus
Miller, Minnie 3-1305-4-8-32 1881-1892 11-lo. S. Miller
Miller, Minnie B. 2-093-A-4-46 1870-1929 59-lo. P. M. Miller
Miller, Nathan 1-row 33-02-59
Miller, Nehema 1 A017-6-3 1825-1878 53-lo. Geo. Miller
Miller, Newton E. 2-053-C5-27 1874-1955 81-lo. E. N. Miller
Miller, Nora 2-094-A-4-47 1864-1932 68 -lo. D. Miller
Miller, Norman 3-0303-3-5-7 1909-1911 2-lo. J.I. Miller
Miller, Norman H. 2-021-A-8-11 1916-1917 1-lo. J. Miller
Miller, Oscar A. 1-A-018-1-3 1865-1914 49-lo. Geo. Miller
Miller, Oscar W 2-078-B-3-39 1875-1922 47 -lo. A. Miller
Miller, Owen 2-038-6-1-19 1840-1898 58-lo. 0. Miller
Miller, Paul M. 2-093-A-1-46 1902-1969 67-lo. P. M. Miller
Miller, Paul N. 2-101-C-2-50 1833-1921 88-lo. Paul N. Miller
Miller, Peter 1-row 27-02-53 -185161
Miller, Peter D. 1-F-52-5-8 May 9, 1792-October 1, 1862 aged 70 yrs 4 mo 22 days; 70-lo. Wm. Steward
Miller, Priscilla C. 2-022-6-8-11 1901-4/19/1979 78-lo. F.H. #2
Miller, R J. M. 1-A-002-1-2 1840-1922 82-lo. Jno. Heinley
Miller, Ralph 3-1302-1-2-31 1905-1985
Miller, Ralph J. 2-127-B-6-61 10/18/1915 - 8/1/1996 80-lo. John & Ralph Miller F.H. #1
Miller, Raymond W. 2-151-B-2-73 1933-1935 2-lo. H. Miller
Miller, Reuben 1-D-098-1-13 1820-1903 83-lo. R. Miller
Miller, Robed A. 2-078-B-5-39 1887-1975 88-lo. A. Miller
Miller, Robert C. 3-1305-4-7-32 1881-1927 36-lo. S. Miller
Miller, Robert P. 2-315-D-4-102 1883-1954 71-lo. R. Miller
Miller, Russel J. 2-085-B-5-42 -1925 -lo. E. & C. Miller
Miller, Russel S. 2-231-A-5-94F 1917-1989
Miller, Sallie A. 1-08-ne-5-20 1869-1870 1-lo. H. S. Miller
Miller, Sam. S. 3-1305-4-3-32 1853-1901 48-lo. Sam. S. Miller
Miller, Sarah 2-064-B-2-32 1890-1948 58-lo. L. Miller
Miller, Sarah 2-034-B-2-17 1836-1902 66 -lo. F. S. Miller
Miller, Sarah 1-C-70-3-9 1822-1898 76 -lo. E. M. Miller
Miller, Sarah 1-A-008-2-3 1803-1880 77-lo. Jos. Miller
Miller, Sarah (nee Stump) 1-04-ne-6-18 April 8, 1851-February 21, 1905 "Sarah Stump wife of Willoughby Miller Born April 8, 1851 Died Feb. 21, 1905 Aged 53 yrs 10 mo 14 days" 54-lo. W. Miller
Miller, Sarah 1-02-se-1-17 1816-1894 78-lo. S. Miller
Miller, Sarah M. 2-119-C-4-57 1885-1974 89 -lo. Wm. Miller
Miller, Sassman F. 2-113-D-1-54 1858-1942 84-lo. H. R. Greenawalt
Miller, Simon 1-row 31-04-57 1843-1845 2
Miller, Stella M. 2-051-D-2-26 1895-1984 -lo. Wm. H. Miller
Miller, Sterling W. 2-313-C-1 -101 4/27/1919-9/30/1994 75 -lo. Anna A. Miller F.H. #1
Miller, Susan 1-row 28-02-54 1763-1821 48
Miller, Susan 1-A-002-2-2 1841-1915 64-lo. Jno. Heinley
Miller, Susan M. 2-225-B-7-94C 1951-1966 15
Miller, Susana 1-row 29-06-55 1829
Miller, Susana 1-08-ne-4-20 1846-1925 79-lo. H. S. Miller
Miller, Susanna 1-E-38-3-5 1818-1862 44-lo. J. Heckman
Miller, Thomas 2-022-B-3-11 . -1865 2 months-lo. A. Miller
Miller, Thomas A 2-140-C-1-68 1889-1964 75 -lo. T. Miller
Miller, Thomas C. 2-231-A-1-94F 1920-2/17/1990
Miller, Thomas W. 4-11 -A-1 -6 7/28/1925-9/21/1990 65
Miller, Valeria 1-F-52-8-8 1860 -lo. Wm. Steward
Miller, Veronica (nee Adam) 1-F-52-7-8 1838-1862 24 -lo. Wm. Steward "In memory of Veronica Miller born Adam wife of Willoughby Miller. She was born December 17, 1838 and died April 11, 1862 23 years 3 mo 21 days"
Miller, Virgie A. 2-140-C-2-68 1890-1956 66-lo. T. Miller
Miller, Walter E. 3-0801-1-3-19 1922-1972 50
Miller, Warren E. 2-051-D-1-26 1889-1967 78-lo. G. E. Miller
Miller, Warren G. 2-050-D-1-25 1895-1971 76-lo. Wm. H. Miller
Miller, William E. 4-36-B-5-19
Miller, William F. 2-119-C-3-57 1878-1946 68-lo. Wm. Miller
Miller, Willis H. 3-1506-2-3-39 1881-1970 89 -lo. Stoltzfus
Miller, Willoughby D. 1-04-ne-5-18 May 2, 1833-March 4, 1900 "Willoughby D. Miller husband of Sarah Stump Born May 2, 1833 Died March 4, 1900 Aged 66 yrs 10 mo 2 days" 67-lo. W. Miller
Miller, Wm. 1-C-59-3-10 1800-1875 75-lo. Wm. Miller
Miller, Wm. 1-A-005-2-3 1787-lo. S. Lenhart
Miller, Wm. 2-021-A-5-11 -1922-lo. J. Miller
Miller, Wm. Alfred 2-030-C6-15 -1880 -lo. Wm. Miller
Miller, Wm. H. 1-C-59-8-10 1866-1867 1-lo. Wm. Miller
Miller, Wm. K. 2-007-B-1-4 1829-1904 75 -lo. Wm. Miller
Miller, Wm. N. 2-050-D-3-25 1849-1919 70 -lo. Wm. H. Miller
Mingeman, Karl C. 2-155-A-2-75 . 1889-1974 85-lo. K. Klingeman
Mitchell, John L 2-146-B-5-71 1875-1942 67-lo. M. Mitchell
Mitchell, Mary L. 2-146-6-6-71 1882-1955 73-lo. M. Mitchell
Mohl, Franklin W. 2-103-C-7-51 1/25?1915 - 12/26/1995 80-lo. Annie Moyer Mohl F.H.#6
Mohl, Harry D. 2-103-C-4-51 1893 - 11/17/1978 86- F.H. #1
Mohl, Matilda E. 2-103-C8-51 4/16/1915-5/211996 81-lo. Annie Mohl F.H. #6
Moll, Alfred B. 2-047-B-1-24 1844-1918 74 -lo. A B. Moll
Moll, Arthur D. 2-166-C-4-81 1910-1956 46 -lo. A. Moll
Moll, Florence E. 2-205-B-6-87 1898-1969 71-lo. F. B. Moll
Moll, Franklin B. 1-06-nw-1-19 1864-1895 31-lo. G. Witters
Moll, Homer I. 2-205-B-5-87 1896-1957 61-lo. F. Moll
Moll, Minerva 2-047-B-2-24 1844-1917 73 -lo. A. B. Moll
Monan, Melvin R. 2-327-A-3-108 1911-1980 69 -lo. V. Monan F.H. #1
Montague, John 2-sgl row 04-7-59 1898-1950
Montejano, Jean M. 2-155-A-1-75 1917-1980 63-1o. K. Klingeman F.H.#1
Montgomery, Katharine 2-sgl row 03-3-59 1889-1941
Morasky, Frank W. 2-354-A-1-115 2/5/1913-11/26/1995 82 -lo. Frank Morasky F.H. #2
Morasky, Reia D. 2-354-A-2-115 1916-1988
Morgan, Edward S. 2-121-C-4-58 , 1906-1993
Moser, A. William 4-19-D-2-10 1854-1933 79
Moser, Catherine E. 4-19-D-3-10 1858-1946 88
Moser, Infant 2-143-B-7-69
Moser, Infant (2) 4-19-A-7-10
Mosher, Marion 2-100-C-3-50 1908-1987
Mosingo, Grace 3-0702-1-4-17 lo. J. Heckman
Moss, Stephen 2-sgI row 07-9-59 1947-1961
Motes, Ada E. 3-1304-4-5-32 1862-1863 1-lo. M. M. Motes
Motes, Ada E. 3-1304-4-2-32 1898-1945 47-lo. M. M. Motes
Motes, Alfred H. 2-104-A-3-52 1872-1937 65-lo. P. J. Balthaser
Motes, Catherine 3-1304-3-1-32 1838-1915 77-lo. M. M. Motes
Motes, Charles M. 3-1304-2-7-32 1870-1943 73-lo. M. M. Motes
Motes, Clara M. 2-104-A4-52 1879-1961 82-lo. P. J. Balthaser
Motes, Emma 2-080-D-8-40 1877-1955 78 -lo. F. Auber
Motes, George F. 3-1304-4-6-32 1861-1921 60-Io.M.M. Motes
Motes, H. H. 3-1304-4-5-32
Motes, Hannah 1-03-se-1-18 1810-1886 76-lo. M. Motes
Motes, Hattie E. 3-1304-4-7-32 1896-1910 14-l0. M. M. Motes
Motes, Howard E. 2-080-D-7-40 1906-1960 54 -lo. F. Auber
Motes, Ida A. 2-133-C-5-64 1870-1961 81-lo. C. A. Richards
Motes, Infant 3-1304-2-1-32 -1900 -lo. M. M. Motes
Motes, Infant Girl 2-141-C-6-68 -1942 -lo. H. Spatz
Motes, John 1-03-se-2-18 1810-1875 65-10.M. Motes
Motes, John J. 3-1304-1-2-32 1866-1952 86-lo. M. M. Motes
Motes, John L. 2-141-D-3-68 1901-1948 47-lo. H. Spatz
Motes, Margaret 3-1304-1-3-32 1869-1945 76-lo. M. M. Motes
Motes, Martin M. 3-1304-4-4-32 1835-1921 86-lo. M. M. Motes
Motes, Mary 3-1304-4-8-32 1867-1917 50-lo. M. M. Motes
Motes, Norma R. 3-1304-2-6-32 1875-1926 51-lo. M. M. Motes
Motes, Peter J. 3-1304-1-4-32 1894-1968 74-Io.M. M. Motes
Motes, Ralph W. 3-1304-2-2-32 -1899 -10. M. M. Motes
Motes, Robert C. 3-1304-2-2-32 1895-1899 4-lo. M. M. Motes
Motes, William A 3-1304-4-3-32 1881-1896 15-lo. M. M. Motes
Mother 4-24-D-7-13
Motter, Emma M. 2-132-8-2-64 -1965 -lo. E. B. Motter
Motter, George 0. 2-132-B-1-64 1877-1930 53-lo. E. Motter
Mower, Charles M. 3-0701-4-3-17 1895-1951 56-lo. J.H. Baum
Moyer, 1-02-sw-4-17 lo. J. D. Miller
Moyer, Alice 2-145-C8-70 . 1925-1931 6-lo. E. Moyer
Moyer, Allen H. 2-201-A-5-85 1882-1951 69-lo. H. H. Moyer
Moyer, Amanda L. 3-1105-2-1-27 1887-1931 44-lo. E. Moyer
Moyer, Amy 2-054-B-3-27 1883-1918 35 -lo. B. Moyer
Moyer, Anna M. 2-027-A-8-14 1818-1894 76-lo. J. Jacoby
Moyer, Annie M. 2-094-C2-47 1867-1956 89-lo. R Moyer
Moyer, Arlan H. 2-218-B-3-94 11 11/2/1916 - 3/6/1996 79 -lo. Edwin & Ester Moyer F.H. #2
Moyer, Barbara 1-A-01 9-4-4 1824-1854 30-lo. Wm. Moyer
Moyer, Benjaman 1-row 17-24-43 1811-1881 70
Moyer, Benjamin 2-054-B-1-27 1845-1918 73-lo. B. Moyer
Moyer, Bertha A. 2-151-D-4-73 1904-1992
Moyer, Bertha M. 2-098-C-4-49 1898-1973 75-1o. N. Moyer
Moyer, Betsey 4-03-C-7-2 1902
Moyer, Betty J. 2-237-A-6-94J 1929-1987
Moyer, Carl C. 2-222-C1-94B 1907-1974 67
Moyer, Carrie E. 2-030-C-3-15 1881-1964 83 -Io. W. Moyer
Moyer, Carrie W. 2-nw circle-2-37 1863-1918 55 -lo. J. Shomo
Moyer, Charles A. 2-218-D-1-94 1899-1956 57-lo. C. Moyer
Moyer, Charles E 2-97-A-7-48 1921 - 1997 lo William Berger
Moyer, Charles E 2-094-C-5-47 1889 - 11/7/1978 89 lo. R Moyer F.H. #1
Moyer, Charles F. 2-101-D-5-50 1911-1989
Moyer, Charles H. 2-151-D-3-73 1898-1957 59-lo. C. Moyer
Moyer, Chas. M. 2-145-C-1-70 1866-1931 75-lo. E. Moyer
Moyer, Clara R 2-113-A-8-54 11/7/1888-8/28/1982 93
Moyer, Core I. 2-093-C-8-46 1891-1965 74-lo. Wm. Moyer
Moyer, Curtis L. 4-24-C7-13 1860-1890 30
Moyer, Daisy L 4-11-B-4-6 1910-1956 46
Moyer, Darius 2-098-C1-49 1861-1922 61-lo. N. Moyer
Moyer, Edward C. 2-035-D-2-18 1837-1919 82 -lo. E. C. Moyer
Moyer, Edwin B. 2-113-A-7-54 1884-1946 62-lo. Ed. Moyer
Moyer, Edwin J. 2-218-B-1-94 1893-1968 75-lo. Ed. Moyer
Moyer, Edwin M. 3-1105-2-2-27 1883-1944 61-lo. Ed. Moyer
Moyer, Elizabeth 2-128-D-2-62 1917-1975 58-lo. E. Behler
Moyer, Elmer 2-145-C-3-70 1898-1935 37-lo. E. Moyer
Moyer, Elmira 2-042-D-2-21 1870-1934 64-lo. R. Moyer
Moyer, Ester 2-218-B-2-94 7/7/1893-6/8/1938 44
Moyer, Esther 2-030-C2-15 1847-1918 71-lo. Wm. Moyer
Moyer, Eva M. 2-101-D-2-50 1885-1964 79 -lo. Wm. Moyer
Moyer, Eva M. 2-sgl row 06-09-59 ????-1969
Moyer, Florence 3-0905-4-7-21 1891-1948 57-lo. Wm. Moyer
Moyer, Florence L. 4-07-C3-4 1884-1961 77
Moyer, Florence M. 2-101-D-6-50 1908-1994 86
Moyer, Flossie M. 2-156-C-3-76 1895-11/911978 84 -F.H. #1
Moyer, Frank P. 4-24-C8-13 1855-1895 40
Moyer, George E. 3-1501-3-3-37 1903-1967 64-lo. J. Delong
Moyer, George G. 2-sgl row 06-08-59 1889-1955
Moyer, George W. 4-24-C-2-13 1850-1875 25
Moyer, George W. 2-237-A-5-94J 5/29/1928 - 4/23/1995 66-lo. Moyer F.H. #2
Moyer, Hannah 2-113-A-6-54 1864-1930 66-lo. Ed. Moyer
Moyer, Helen E. 2-145-C-4-70 1903-1952 49 -lo. E. Moyer
Moyer, Helen H. 2-201-A-7-85 1905-1968 63-lo. Helen H. Moyer
Moyer, Helen K 2-303-C-6-96 1906-518/1978 72 - F.H. #2
Moyer, Infant 1-B-28-8-6 1871-lo. J. Shomo
Moyer, infant boy 2-307-B-8-98 -1968-lo. Moyer
Moyer, Irwin D. 4-07-C-2-4 1881-1951 70
Moyer, J. A 1-row 26-02-52
Moyer, James D. 4-25-8-2-13 1853-1927 74
Moyer, Jeryl F. 2-204-D-8-87 1922-1993
Moyer, John E. 2-075-A-7-37 1886-1928 42-Io. Seaman
Moyer, John W. 2-054-B-5-27 1878-1952 74-lo. B. Moyer
Moyer, Kathryn R. (Stoltzfus) 3-1506-2-2-39 1904-1992
Moyer, Katie 4-24-C6-13 1866-1872 6
Moyer, Katie E. 2-089-D-2-44 1899-1972 73-lo. R. Moyer
Moyer, Kenneth D. 2-089-D-5-44 -1936 6 days-lo. R Moyer
Moyer, Lewis D 3-1105-2-7-27
Moyer, Lewis D. 3-1105-2-7-27 8/12/1908-10/30/1996 88-Io. Edward Moyer F.H.#20
Moyer, Luella G. 2-094-C-3-47 1896-1973 77-lo. R. Moyer
Moyer, Mamia M. 1-02-sw-3-17 1870-1899 29-lo. J. D. Miller
Moyer, Margaret E. 2-034-D-5-17 1886-1974 88 -lo. A. Fretz
Moyer, Margaret F. 2-235-C-6-94H 1918-1977 59-lo. Moyer
Moyer, Maria 3-1105-2-3-27 1848-1903 55-Io. E. Moyer
Moyer, Martha 2-151-D-2-73 1875-1953 78-lo. C. Moyer
Moyer, Mary 2-156-C-2-76 1859-1949 90 -lo. V. Moyer
Moyer, Mary 2-201-A-6-85 1884-1957 73-lo. H. Moyer
Moyer, Mary 4-32-B-6-17 1836-1916 80
Moyer, Mary E. 2-218-D-2-94 7/25/1906 - 10/23/1990 84
Moyer, Mary J. 2-054-B-6-21 1883-1957 74 -lo. H. Moyer
Moyer, MaryAnn 1-F-66-7-8 1818-1870 52-lo. J. S. Moyer
Moyer, Matilda 2-054-B-2-27 -1904 60 -lo. B. Moyer
Moyer, Matilda 1-row 05-27-31 1823-1864 41
Moyer, Melvin C. 2-128-D-3-62 1921-1975 56-lo. E. Behler
Moyer, Minnie A 2-094-C6-47 1888-1962 74-lo. R Moyer
Moyer, Nevada S. 2-098-C-2-49 1861-1940 79-lo. N. Moyer
Moyer, Oliver 2-151-D-1-73 1869-1935 66-lo. C. Moyer
Moyer, Paul F. 2-307-B-1-98 1913-1958 45 -lo. Moyer
Moyer, Pearl E. 2-250-A-2-94P 11/10/1905 - 3/16/1990 84
Moyer, Percy H. 2-098-C-3-49 1889-1957 68 -lo. N. Moyer
Moyer, Perry S. 1-row 08-13-34 1829-1862 33
Moyer, R. Abram 2-250-A-1-94P 514103 - 8115181 78
Moyer, Raymond 2-025-6-8-13 1889-1899 10
Moyer, Rebecca 1-B-29-4-6 1826-1863 37-lo. H. Burkholder
Moyer, Richard 2-042-D-1-21 1861-1918 57-lo. R. Moyer
Moyer, Robert C. 2-089-D-1-44 1893-1970 77 -lo. R. Moyer
Moyer, Robert J. 4-22-B-8-12 1931-1992
Moyer, Roland L 2-094-C7-47 1910-1935 25-lo. R. Moyer
Moyer, Roland T. 2-094-C1-47 1807-1962 95 -lo. R. Moyer
Moyer, Rosa M. 4-25-B-3-13 1867-1946 79
Moyer, Russel J. 2-303-C-5-96 1907-1991
Moyer, Salie 4-24-C-5-13 -1871
Moyer, Samuel H. 2-nw circle-1-37 1880-1913 63-lo. J. Shomo
Moyer, Sarah M. 2-035-D-3-18 1850-1908 58-lo. E. Moyer
Moyer, Solomon L. 4-24-C3-13 1824-1872 48
Moyer, Solomon R 4-24-C-1-13 1863-1887 24
Moyer, Susan A. 4-24-C-4-13 1831-1897 66
Moyer, Vincent 2-156-C1-76 1866-1943 77 -lo. V. Moyer
Moyer, William A 4-24-C-8-13 1851-1911 60
Moyer, William S. 2-093-C-7-46 1887-1957 70-lo. Wm. Moyer
Moyer, William T. 2-101-D-1-50 1881-1937 56 -lo. Wm. T. Moyer
Moyer, WM. 1-A-019-3-4 1822-1856 34 -lo. Wm. Moyer
Moyer, Wm. 2-113-A-5-54 -1933 78-lo. Ed. Moyer
Moyer, Wm. B. 2-030-C-1-15 1850-1924 74 -lo. Wm. Moyer
Moyer, Wm. H. 3-1505-4-4-39 1909-1910 1-lo. J. Roades
Moyer, Wm. H. 3-0905-4-6-21 1885-1963 78 -lo. Wm. Moyer
Moyer,Veleria A. 2-145-C2-70 1869-1956 87 -lo. E. Moyer
Mozingo, John W. 2-040-C-5-20 1870-1939 69 -lo. J. Mozingo
Mozingo, Lillie 2-040-C-6-20 1874-1946 72-lo. J. Mozingo
Mull, Barbara 2-047-C4-24 1872-1899 27-lo. E. D. Mull
Mull, Chas. H. 2-055-C1-28 1863-1916 53-lo. Chas. H. Mull
Mull, Cora 2-055-C-3-28 1868-1935 67-lo. C. Mull
Mull, Earl 2-055-C-4-28 1891-1918 22-lo. C. Mull
Mull, Ella K 2-047-C2-24 6/11/1892-11/28/1989 97
Mull, Elmer D. 2-047-C-3-24 1868-1947 79 -lo. E. D. Mull
Mull, John A. 2-158-D-1-77 1878-1935 57-lo. F. Sunday
Mull, Russell E. 2-047-C-8-24 8/21/1920 - 9/2/1920
Muller, Elizabeth 2-113-A-3-54 1859-1935 76-lo. F. Smith
Mundell, Charles 2-132-D-1-64 1882-1952 70-lo. C. Mundell
Mundell, Charles A 2-132-D-5-64 1912-1964 52-lo. C. Mundell
Mundell, Miriam L. 2-132-D-4-64 1909-1945 36-lo. C. Mundell
Mundell, Wilhelmina M. 2-132-D-2-64 1892-1966 74-lo. C. Mundell
Munn, Nellie 2-sgl row 12-6-60 1901-1978
Muntz, Betty J. 2-2&D-6-94D 1930-1987
Muntz, Esther 2-031-C-7-1 6 1895-1985
Muntz, Hattie M. 2-089-A-8-44 1886-1980 94 -lo. Muntz F.H. #1
Muntz, Jacob T. 2-089-A-6-44 1888-6/23/1979 91-F.H. #1
Muntz, Lizzie M. 2-089-A7-44 1887-1953 66-lo. Muntz
Muntz, Marietta 2-031-C8-16 1927-1929 2-lo. Muntz
Murdock, Charlotte 2-013-C7-7 1892-1893 1-lo. G. Yeager
Murdock, Mary C. 2-013-C-8-7 1865-1957 92 -lo. G. Yeager
Murmane, Ruth E. 2-005-C-2-3 1898-1959 61-lo. Kummerer
Murray, Florence 2-140-B-2-68 1888-1971 83 -lo. C. Wilson
Myers, Lottie C. 2-147-C-2-71 1862-1931 69-lo. S. Myers
Myers, Samuel C. 2-147-C1-71 1862-1943 81-lo. S. C. Myers
Myrick, Franklin L. 2-320-B-5-105 1892-1987
Myrick, Mildred G. 2-320-B-6-105 1899-1985

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:43:18 PST

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