Cemetery Plots in Exeter Township, PA

Information provided by: Guy Bierman

Forrest Hills Memorial Park

Schwarzwald Union Cemetery

Kline/Close Burial Plot

Ritter Burial Plot (2 of them)

Exeter Friends Cemetery

Young/Kissling Burial Plot

Hechler/Esterly Burial Plot

Bishop Plot, no stones

Boone Homestead, no stones

Custard Burial Plot (removed to Aulenbachs)

DeTurck/Boone Plot, no stones

Frill Plot, no stones

Levan Plot, (removed to Schwarzwald)

Lincoln (3 plots reported, no stones)

Messerschmidt Burial Plot

Wagner Plot, no stones

Big Plot reported at Lorane School, no stones, no names, under the play ground...wonder if the kids know that?

Metro Street Atlas of Berks Co. (my copy 1997) Available from Franklin Maps, 333 S. Henderson Road, King of Prussia, PA 19046 Scale is 4.3 miles/inch. Cost me $10.95. Go to their web site and order: MAP

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:43:06 PST

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