Burials Under the Chapel at Trinity Lutheran Church, Reading, PA

The names of the people who are buried under the site of the chapel are listed on two white marble slabs. These slabs are set in the wall of the chapel and face the graveyard at Trinity Lutheran Church, Reading, PA.

A number of headstones are in storage at the church, but it is not known if these headstones are for those people who are commemorated on the plaques.

"Under this chapel lie the remains of"

Name Died Years Months Days
Ludwig Huyett Sept. 30, 1799 3    
Isac Huyett Oct. 10, 1811 12 2  
Eva M. Schoenfelder Mar. 1st. 1802 39 2 16
John Bickel Sept. 24, 1805 1 4 13
Wm. Iaeger Sept. 8, 1809 11 10 17
John G. Heist Aug. 29, 1810 84 10 4
Maria Heist Feb. 11, 1821 67    
Philip Fuchs Sept. 15, 1813 74    
John Knox June 11, 1814 20 3  
Maria Westley Dec. 5, 1814 28 3  
Salome Eisenbise Aug. 12, 1814 32 7 20
His Wife Catharine April 25, 1853 88 10 15
Jacob Kast Oct. 3rd, 1803 36 3 1
Elizabeth Stichter July 2, 1815 40 4 10
Cath Ottenheimer Feb. 23, 1817 64 9 3
Adam Dunkhouse Aug. 26, 1817 51 11 9
Cath Dunkhouse April 9, 1845 76 3 8
Gen. Francis Swayne June 17, 1820 66 5 15
Maria E. Babb Oct. 3, 1826 9 4 7
Cath. Wobenschmidt Dec. 20, 1836 66 3 20
Samuel Potteiger May 8, 1837 36 7 17
Israel Potteiger Sept. 29, 1840 86 7 1
Margaret Negel Feb. 20, 1822 62    
Andrew Kepner Jan. 31st 1844 72 3 15
Cath. Kepner Aug. 17, 1847 72    
Sarah Poter June 4, 1816 41 4 1
Johan Adam Kutz Aug. 25th 1815 43 9 5
His Wife Susan Jan. 11, 1859 83   15
And Dau. Caroline Oct. 28, 1838 23 3 23
And Two Infant Children        
Andreas Fuchs Feb. 20, 1778 77 3 9
David Fuchs Feb. 20, 1778 46 10 2
Matthais Babb Jan. 18th, 1813 58 4 22
His Dau. Susan Dec. 10th, 1809 20 5 8
& Maria Elizabeth Oct. 14, 1815 31 3 10
Jacob Miller 1777 42 3 16
Wilheminia Liebig Mar. 27, 1814 11    
Henry Reithmyer Jan. 20, 1834 71 1 21
His Wife Catharine April 25, 1853 88 10 15
And Son John Aug. 15, 1816 16 6 3
And Dau. Elizabeth Nov. 3, 1814 21 10 3
And Two Infant Children        
John Myers Nov. 28, 1830 34 8 16
John Christine Dec. 22, 1830 38 3 25
& Wf. Catharine Aug. 1, 1842 57 10 29
William Marz July 19, 1820 37 6 15
Benj. Scherer Dec. 25, 1814 26 5  
George Seitsinger Sept. 12, 1767 31 7 19
Ann Seitsinger June 2, 1768 38    
And Dau. Catharine Dec. 8, 1768 2    
Elizabeth Schitz Aug. 28th 1802 36   26
Catharine Schitz Oct. 5, 1790 2    
Catharina Eisenbise --- --- --- ---

For photos of some tombstones that are in storage at the church, click the following links:

Tombstone 1
Tombstone 2
Tombstone 3
Tombstone 4

Submitted by Justine.

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Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:43:20 PST

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