Klein Burial Ground, Jefferson Township, PA

This burial ground is associated with the Stump burial ground, by reason of a Stump-Klein intermarriage and similar religious beliefs (Brethren or Dunkard). This is a private burial ground on the west bank of the Northkill Creek, about a mile northward of Bernville, Pa.

In addition to the following tombstone records, there are several other graves indicated by limestone markers.

Partial list of burials at Klein Burial Ground, Jefferson Township
Name Born Died Notes Submitted by
Klein, David Mar 2, 1746 Jan. 28, 1814 M. Elizabeth Breneisen, b. Nov. 8, 1750; d. Aug. 4, 1827. Steve
Klein, Elizabeth Dec 5 1775 Mar 2, 1812 Dau. of Philip Steve
Klein, Philip Jun 17, 1742 May 9, 1815 data Steve
Stumb, Elizabeth Jun 2, 1776 Apr 25, 1854 M. George Klein Steve

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:43:10 PST

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