Deturck/Rothermel Graveyard, Muhlenberg Township, PA

The Deturck/Rothermel graveyard is in the Muhlenberg Park section of Reading (Muhlenberg Twp). It is located behind a home at the South end of Hilltop Ave. off of Georgia Ave. Walk around the South side of the last house on the West side.

Partial list of burials at Deturck/Rothermel Graveyard, Muhlenberg Township
Name Born Died Notes Submitted by
Rothermel, Catherina 2 June 1794 22 Oct 1825 d/o Peter and Susanna Rothermel; aged: 29y 4m 30d [sic] Unknown
Peter Rothermel 12 Aug 1804 data s/o Peter and Susanna Rothermel; aged: 51y 7m 16d Unknown
David Rothermel 30 Dec 1809 28 April 1826 s/o Johannes and Debora Rothermel; aged: 17y 5m 28d Unknown
(Deb)orah Rothermel (nee Deturck) 9 Aug 1782 24 Feb 1844 w/o Johannes Rothermel; Aged: 61y 5m 15d; "Deb" broken off top left corner of stone Unknown

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:43:06 PST

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