Private burial ground, Hamburg PA

This cemetery is located on the farm of the David Becker estate, about two miles west of Hamburg, PA.

Partial list of burials at Private burial ground, Hamburg PA
Name Born Died Notes
Becker, Elizabeth (nee Kauffman) 8-24-1795 9-22-1838 Wife of Jonathan Becker
Becker, Jonathon Becker 10-4-1785 3-10-1854  
Gerver, Daniel 8-2-1775 7-11-1839  
Hertzler, Jacob 1703 1786 Born in Switzerland; Came to America 1749; First wife in Europe; Second wife Caroline Ruegy and second son buried here.
Kaufman, Mara 8-26-1799 9-8-1869 Wife of Johan Nunnemacher; daughter of Joseph Kaufman
Klein, Samuel S. 9-3-1819 9-9-1865 Husband of Mary K. Seaman
Klein, Abraham 3-4-1783 4-20-1853  
Klein, Barbara 10-27-1784 3-22-1861 Wife of Abraham Klein
Klein, Joseph 6-11-1830 3-15-1838 Son of Abraham Klein
Marckey, Christina 11-29-1827   Daughter of Joseph and Christina Marckey; age 5y 1m 2d
Miller, Carl 9-16-1849 3-19-1852 Son of Bennville and Esther Miller
Miller, Catharine (nee Schelly) 1790 2-15-1854 Wife of Heinrich Miller
Miller, Emanuel 5-21-1864 9-15-1865 Son of Benneville and Esther Miller
Miller, Mose   7-8-1829 Age 2y 10m 11d; son of Heinrich and Catha Miller
Seaman, Mary K. 11-17-1823 2-6-1919 Wife of Samuel S. Klein

Submitted by Justine.

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:43:06 PST

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