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Henry G. Young (deceased) was a native citizen of Reading, son of Jacob Young, and one of a family well known in this city.
The paternal grandparents were Jacob and Mary (Schreffler) Young, the former of whom was a native of Reading. He was a prominent brick manufacturer there, having established his plant when the city was only a small town, and successfully conducting it until his death in 1835. His wife survived him until 1854. They were the parents of the following children: Jacob (2); William S.; Charles; Elizabeth, m. to George Geiss; and Maria, who m. Peter Sherman, and had one daughter, Maria. Jacob Young was a Catholic in religious belief, and his wife was a Lutheran. In politics he was a Democrat.
Jacob Young (2), father of Henry G., passed all his life in Reading, where he died at the home of his son, Henry G., in 1893, aged eighty-one years less one month. His brickyard was located where his son's late home stood, and for thirty years he was in the retail coal business. He was prominent in public life, and was prison inspector twelve years, and county commissioner three years. For many years he was a deacon in Trinity Lutheran Church. He married Catharine Henninger, who died in 1883, aged sixty-four years, and both are buried in the Lutheran cemetery at Reading. Their children were: Henry G.; Jacob never married; and Sallie married Joseph Klopp (deceased), of Reading. All three are deceased.
Henry G. Young was born Dec. 28, 1838, and his life covered a span of more than sixty years, being brought to a peaceful close Jan. 9, 1900. His first experience in business was with his father, a brick manufacturer, but after working for him a while, he gave that up and secured a position in the Navy Yard, where he remained for seven years. At the end of that time he went to Kutztown, and in partnership with Fred Zehm, conducted a foundry for a couple of years. Withdrawing from that enterprise he went back to Reading, and once more went in with his father, for whom he worked until 1896, in which year he was elected city treasurer. He was still discharging the duties of that office when death claimed him. For fourteen years Mr. Young also served as superintendent of the Trinity Lutheran Cemetery.
In 1863 Mr. Young was married to Miss Hettie A. Rahn, daughter of John Rahn, and a family of five children was born to them as follows: Clara; Fred; Katie, m. to John Miller; Ida, m. to Frank Gendall; and Jacob. Mr. and Mrs. Young belonged to Trinity Lutheran Church in which he officiated as deacon for twelve years. Both were active in various departments of the church work, and were prominent among its members. Mr. Young likewise was connected with several fraternal organizations, in whose aims and methods he took much interest, belonging to the Masons, the Knights Templars and the Odd Fellows. In politics he always supported the Democratic ticket. Mr. Young was one of Reading's prominent citizens.
William S. Young, brother of Jacob (2), was born March 10, 1821. He first learned to make shoes, but as that trade did not prove congenial to his tastes, he learned brickmaking, and for many years was in the same line of business, that his father before him had followed. For a long time he was located at No. 62 Spruce street, but later removed to the vicinity of the Philadelphia & Reading depot, and remained there until he retired from business in 1865.
William S. Young's chief connection with public life came after he retired. He had before the war served as market commissioner, and was active in the Democratic party, but the greatest service of his to the community came after his election in 1865 to the office of county commissioner. When he entered upon the duties of that position the county was $600,000 in debt and Mr. Young made it his chief aim to reduce this amount. In 1868 he was re-elected to a second term of three years, and when he retired from office in 1871, the county was not only free from debt, but also had a balance in the treasury, a noteworthy achievement and an illustration of what the application of business principles and honesty can accomplish in the public service. In 1879 Mr. Young was again nominated and elected county commissioner but he retired in 1881. He always received good majorities, and had the confidence not only of his own party, in which he was for years a prominent counsellor, but of the county at large. He was a good speaker and during the campaign before the election of S. E. Ancona stumped the county for him, while for years no county convention was complete without him. No other man has held three times the office of county commissioner for Berks county, and this fact alone, if proof were needed, would attest the great personal popularity of Mr. Young.
William S. Young was united in marriage to Miss Susan Geiss, and children were born to them as follows: Mary, who married a Mr. Cox, and has two children, Drusilla and Ralph; Hannah, widow of the late Thomas R. Hannah, and mother of one daughter, Susan; Sophia; and William R., who married Sallie Hawes and has four children, Paul, William, Mary and Helen. Mrs. Young passed from this world Dec. 29, 1901. She belonged, as did her husband, to Trinity Lutheran Church, and was an active worker in it. Mr. Young was for many years an Odd Fellow, belonging to Montgomery Lodge and to the Encampment.
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Walter S. Young is a member of a family which has been closely identified with the professional and manufacturing interests of this section for several generations. He himself is a member of the Bar of Berks county, as was his father, Samuel L. Young. Grandfather Daniel Young was an ironmaster of Rockland and Oley townships during his life-time, and was a prominent man, having been associate judge for years. He also served a term as prothonotary of the county.
Samuel L. Young was an active member of the Bar for a period covering fifty-four years. He was appointed United States commissioner by President Pierce, an office which he administered until his death, in June, 1901, at the age of seventy-nine years. He married Annie E. Teed, a daughter of Major John Teed, of Reading, who was prominent in the war of the Rebellion, and was for years connected with the postal service of the city. He died in 1877. Of the six children born to Samuel L. Young and his wife, all are living, as follows: Catherine L., at home, a graduate of the high school; Mary E.; William J., a lawyer; Thomas, of McKeesport, Pa.; Annie T., wife of Prof. Carl Moter, a teacher of instrumental music, of Reading; and Walter S.
Walter S. Young was born July 13, 1870, at Reading, where he was educated in the public schools, graduating from the high school in the class of 1887. He entered first on a business career, acting for several years as bookkeeper, during which time he studied law with his father. His admission certificate is dated November, 1894, since which time he has been in active practice. Meantime he has been admitted to the Superior, Supreme and United States District Courts. Young has for the most part contented himself with private practice, but he was solicitor to the Reading school board for a period, and he was also city solicitor for one term. He is a Republican in politics, and a member of St. Paul's Memorial Reformed Church.
William Jackson Young, an attorney-at-law of Reading, was born at Reading, Pa., Aug. 12, 1867, and was reared in this city. Here he acquired his literary training, having been graduated from the high school in the class of 1885. During a part of 1885 and 1886 he taught school in Berks county, and then served as bookkeeper for several large Reading business concerns, from 1887 until 1890 being chief clerk for the R. G. Dun Agency. He then read law with his father, the late Samuel L. Young, formerly a prominent member of the local bar, who died Jan. 20, 1902.
Mr. Young was admitted to practice Nov. 10, 1890, later to the Superior Supreme and United States courts, and through his ability secured an appointment as United States commissioner, serving from 1901 to 1905, succeeding his late distinguished father in this office. Mr. Young is located at No. 522 Washington street, Reading. In political affiliation he is a steadfast Republican, and during the campaigns of late President McKinley and of President Roosevelt he was very active, making many speeches throughout Berks and Lancaster counties. He is a member of St. Paul's Reformed Church.
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Abraham H. Youse, of Oley township, Berks Co., Pa., is a native of this township, where he was born July 16, 1860, a son of Levi and Emma (Haas) Youse, and grandson of John and Esther (Weiser) Youse.
(I) John Youse, the originator of the family in Berks county, located in Rockland township before 1800 and died there in 1823 the year in which his will was probated. This will was made in 1820 and is on record in will book C, page 276. The executor of his estate was his eldest son, Adam. The children mentioned in the will are: Adam, Jacob, John, Catherine and Maria.
(II) John Youse, grandfather of Abraham, and son of John, was a native of Rockland township, where he lived, working as a laborer. The grandmother of Abraham Youse was born May 4, 1788, and died July 20, 1852, aged sixty-four years, four months and sixteen days. She was a daughter of Christian and Magdalena (Lobach) Weiser, the former born in 1741 and died in 1807, and the latter born in 1760 and died in 1812. Esther Weiser and her parents are buried on private ground on Seth De Turk's farm in Oley township.
(III) Levi Youse, father of Abraham, was a tailor by trade and followed that calling at Friedensburg for many years. He was born Sept. 24, 1819, and died May 6, 1898, aged seventy-eight years, seven months and twelve days. He is buried at Friedensburg. His wife was Emma Haas, a daughter of John Haas, and she was born April 2, 1822, and died Oct. 5, 1887, aged sixty-five years, six months and three days. These two had children as follows, Naomi, born in 1843, died in 1853; Augustus is of Friedensburg; Harriet married James Seyler; Esther, born in 1850, died in 1851; Mahlon, born in 1852, died in 1853; Emma married William Remack; Levi, of Friedensburg, died in 1906, aged forty-nine years; Abraham; Mary married John Gross; and Edward, of Reading, lives at 832 North 11th street.
(IV) Abraham H. Youse was reared in Oley township, and secured his education in the common schools and Oley academy. He learned the carriagesmith trade, completing it when he was twenty-two years of age. He followed this calling twelve years, and then for one year clerked in a grocery store. His next work was huckstering produce, but after two years he began to learn butchering, and followed it with success for twelve years, building up a large business that necessitated his keeping two wagons delivering. In August, 1908, he resumed the business of butcher, which he is now conducting. At present Mr. Youse resides in his pleasant home on the Main street of Friedensburg, which he built in 1898. In addition to other interests, he owns stock in the First National Bank of Oley. He is a member of Lodge No. 62, F. & A. M., Reading, Castle No. 119, K. G. E. and the Order of Red Men, both of Oley, Pa. He and his family are members of the United Evangelical church of Oley, of which he is a trustee, and was assistant exhorter for several years.
On Jan. 24, 1888, Mr. Youse was married to Hannah Deysher, a daughter of David G. and Malinda (Weidner) Deysher, and granddaughter of Johanes Deysher of Oley township. David G. Deysher was born July 25, 1831, and died May 10, 1902, aged seventy years, nine months and fifteen days. His wife was a daughter of Benjamin and Rebecca Weidner, and she was born Sept. 29, 1836, and died Sept. 20, 1872, aged thirty-six years less nine days. The children born to Mr. and Mrs. Youse were: Luella, who has taken a commercial course; Ivy; Tynes and Margaret. Mr. Youse is very much interested in giving his children good educations. He is active in church work and is a conscientious, Christian gentleman and one who stands very high in the esteem of his fellow citizens.
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Charles H. Youse. inspector of engines for the Philadelphia & Reading Railway Company, who is making his home on Twenty-third street, Mount Penn borough, was born April 8, 1861, in Maxatawny township, Berks county, son of John and Sarah (Heist) Youse.
Michael Youse, the grandfather of Charles H., was a native of the Fatherland, and came to this country when fourteen years old, landing at New York, whence he came to Berks County. He lived in the vicinity of Kutztown and Bowers, and spent his life in agricultural pursuits. Michael Youse married Annie Dauner, and to them were born the following children: Jonas, deceased, lived for a time at Kutztown, and later at Reading, where he died (he m. Maria Sander); William, a Civil war veteran, (died when about forty-five years old from the effect of injuries caused by his falling down a flight of stairs. Elizabeth m. Menasses Sassaman, a stone mason who lived near Bowers; Charles, a carpenter of Rockland township, m. Elizabeth Behm; and John.
John Youse was born June 27, 1840, in Oley township, and died Oct. 20, 1873, in Maxatawny township, where he had worked as a laborer. He married Sarah Heist, daughter of Henry and Lydia (Breinig) Heist, and to them were born these children: Charles H.; Edwin m. Louisa Miller, and resides at Bowers Station, Pa.; Louisa, deceased, m. Samuel Eck of Mertztown, Pa.; Lizzie died in her fifteenth year of smallpox; William m. Lydia Miller, of Reading; and Mary E. died in infancy.
Charles H. Youse was reared upon the farm in Maxatawny township, upon which he lived until about twenty one years of age, and attended the public schools of that district. When about twenty-four years old he learned the molder's trade at the Penn Hardware Company, where he worked for seventeen years, and in April 1900, became a conductor on the Reading Traction Company's lines, continuing in that capacity for five years. In April, 1900, he entered the employ of the Philadelphia & Reading Railway Company, as machinist's helper, and from this position was promoted to that of engine inspector, in which latter capacity he has since served. In his political belief, Mr. Youse is an independent Republican. He is a member of Reading Chamber, No. 26, Knights of Friendship; and Reading Council, No. 46, Jr. O. U. A. M. Mr. and Mrs. Youse are members of Faith Lutheran Church of Mount Penn. In the fall of 1903 Mr. Youse built his present substantial brick residence on Twenty-third street, Mount Penn, where he has since resided.
On Aug. 13, 18882, Mr. Youse married Sarah Louise Crounrath, daughter of Benneville and Rebecca (Dry) Crounrath, and granddaughter of John Crounrath. Mrs. Youse's brothers and sisters were as follows: Wilhelmina m. Frank Diehl, a stone mason, of Oley, Pa.; Elizabeth m. Isaac Haydt, deceased; Hettie m. William Adams, a carpenter of Fleetwood; Caroline m. Abraham Glase, a carpenter of Allentown; Catherine m. William Folk, farmer of Oley, Pa.; Henry m. Sarah Yeager, and is a farmer of Oley; Alice m. Frank Reinert, who is a carpenter of Ruscombmanor township; Willie died in infancy and Amelia m. the late John Fitzgerald.
To Mr. and Mrs. Youse there have been born these children: William E., born Aug. 12, 1883, is a clerk in a large dry goods store of Newark, N. J., having charge of the white goods; Arthur W., born May 27, 1891, is a student in Reading; Charles H. was born Nov, 12, 1893, and Earl L., May 17, 1895.
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Surnames: YOUSE
Edwin S. Youse, one of Reading's hustling young business men, who has won a substantial foothold in the commercial world through his own energy, foresight, acumen and fair dealing, is engaged in the automobile business at No. 46 South Fifth street. He was born in Reading in 1875, son of Obadiah Youse.
Mr. Youse was educated in the common schools and early showed a marked liking for business. He was only sixteen years old when he took charge of the Wilhelm Bicycle Company's retail store, and so evident was his ability and his upright principles that in a short time he was given full charge of the company's retail affairs, and he remained with that company until it was merged into the Packer Cycle Company, when he was given charge of the new company's sales department. This responsible position he held seven years greatly to his own credit, and to the entire satisfaction of his employers. At the end of that time he purchased the company's interest, and devoted his attention to the jobbing of bicycles for four years, when he added automobiles to his stock, a line that proved so successful that he sold the bicycle part of his business, and has since 1904 given his undivided attention to automobiles. Of the automobiles of which he is the exclusive agent for Berks, Lebanon, Schuylkill, Lancaster, Dauphin, Perry and Cumberland counties are the Chalmers Detroit and Hudson Cars manufactured by the Chalmers Detroit Motor Company, and Hudson Motor Car Company, of Detroit, Michigan. These cars are especially popular for mountain climbing and rough road use, being constructed light and graceful, yet strong and durable, with many styles, all of which, however, are remarkable for simplicity of construction and attendant economy of fuel. Mr. Youse sold the first automobile in the city, and operated the first garage.
In addition to the automobiles, Mr. Youse carries on a wholesale auto sundry supply business, and employs a salesman who covers the territory from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The specialties handled are known as "The Perfect Brand," and include an air coupling and a drag brake, both of which Mr. Youse manufactures.
Mr. Youse is known as a hustler, and when he started out he had not a dollar to help him, but he has been attentive to business, courteous to customers, and withal has never departed from the path of strict integrity. He has justly won the high place he holds today.
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Horace Archibald Yundt was born June 15, 1839 in East Earl township, Lancaster county, Pa., son of Henry and Maria M. Yundt.
George Yundt, great-grandfather of Horace A. came to Lancaster county from Switzerland, his native land, in 1749, and located near the village of Ephrata, where he purchased land and engaged in husbandry. He was a Lutheran in religion, and at his death was buried at Bergstrasse, in the Lutheran cemetery.
Andrew Yundt, son of George, was born in Lancaster county, and passed his life there. He was a large landowner and prosperous farmer. He married Barbara Dietrich, and among his children were Allen, Archibald, George and Henry, the latter the father of Horace A. Yundt.
Henry Yundt was born Dec. 1, 1798, on the old homestead. He was reared and educated there, making it his home until he was thirty-eight years old, when he moved to East Earl township, where he died Nov. 29, 1878, at the age of eighty years. He was a cattle dealer and engaged extensively in the business, in the days when the only way of getting stock to market was by driving them. He was engaged in this business for about forty years, and for many years furnished the entire supply for the Pottsville market. For a period of about thirty years he was proprietor of the "Blue Ball" hotel, one of the oldest hotels on the Lancaster pike--at that time a very lively thoroughfare. He was a Whig, and went with that party into the Republican ranks when the new party was formed. He was also postmaster of Blue Ball for over thirty years. He married Maria M. Kinzer, by whom he had a family of fifteen children, five dying when quite young. The ten who grew to adult years were as follows: Anna Margaret, widow of M. R. Witwer; Maria Louisa, widow of Reuben B. Seidel; Henrietta C., wife of B. F. Kinzer; Elizabeth L., widow of Dr. Samuel Welchens; Harriet C. unmarried; Emma, deceased wife of Bodo Otto; Edwin Henry, a retired lawyer of Lancaster county; Horace Archibald; Clarissa A., at home; and Winfield S., deceased, who was a physician of New Holland, Lancaster county.
Horace A. Yundt was educated in the common schools of his township and the New Holland Academy. This schooling was supplemented by a preparatory course at West Chester Academy, Chester county, after which he entered Franklin and Marshall College, at Lancaster, September, 1855, graduating from that institution in July, 1859. The two and a half years following his graduation were spent in Mt. Joy and Paradise Academies as instructor in the languages and higher mathematics. Mr. Yundt left this work to enlist for service in the Civil war, in the 2d Pa. Regt. of Emergency Men, when the State was invaded in 1862. He later raised in Lancaster county Company B, 178th Pa. V. I., which he took to Virginia, and which remained there, doing service on garrison duty at Yorktown and Williamsburg, Va., and in the campaign against Richmond in June, 1863. Part of this time he was brigade inspector on the staff of General West, and also served on a general court martial. The company was mustered out in July, 1863. He then located in Reading and began the study of law.
Mr. Yundt entered the office of Judge John Banks, who had formerly been President Judge of the Berks County Courts, and read law under his direction for one year, when he was admitted to the Berks county Bar, Aug. 8, 1864. He has practised in Reading since that time, engaging for a number of years in general practice, but latterly confining himself to office business and to cases in the Orphans' court. During the forty-four years of his practice he has been engaged in many noted cases. His shrewd insight into character and the energetic manner in which he always handled his client's interests built him a reputation as one of the most successful lawyers at the Bar.
Mr. Yundt is a Republican, and, when a younger man, took an active part in politics. In 1878 he was the candidate of his party for President Judge, but owing to the county being strongly Democratic, he was not elected. He has traveled extensively in Europe, having visited the British Isles and nearly every country on the continent, and is an entertaining and instructive companion. He has a rich fund of reminiscences and experiences, and a charming and inimitable manner of relating them, qualities which enhance the known breadth of his legal learning. He has an exceedingly large circle of friends and acquaintances in Reading and Berks county, who delight to testify to the universal esteem in which he is held.
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