Biographies from Historical and Biographical Annals by Morton Montgomery


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Charles Daniel Werley, M. D., one of the leading members of the medical profession in Berks county, located at Topton, where he has also been prominent in public, fraternal and social circles, was born April 10, 1863, in Weisenburg township, Lehigh county, son of Levi and Louisa (Brobst) Werley, and a member of one of that county's oldest and most honored families.

Sebastian Werley, great-great-great-grandfather of Dr. Charles D., was originally of the Rhine country, but before emigrating to America, had settled in France. He made his way to the United States, and settled in the neighborhood of what is now known as Werley's Corner, in Weisenburg township, Lehigh county, and there reared his seven children, who were as follows: John Nicholas (or "Honnickle"), Michael, Catherine (m. a Billman), Dewald, Valentine, Maria (m. a Snyder) and Rosina (m. a Kressley).

John Nicholas Werley, son of Sebastian, was evidently born and reared on the old homestead in Weisenburg township. As far as is known he was a farmer, and made that occupation his life work. He was married and nine children were born to him, as follows: Michael, who died young; Andreas, great-grandfather of Dr. Charles D.; Sebastian; Dewald; Catherine; Maria; Sarah; Rosina and Leah.

Andreas Werley, son of John Nicholas, was also a farmer, and owned a property in Weisenburg township in the vicinity of his grandfather's home (possibly it was the same farm). Andreas Werley married and became the father of the following children: Jacob, Elias, Gideon, John, Jonas, Maria, Sarah and Lydia.

Jacob Werley, son of Andreas and grandfather of Dr. Charles D., was born on the old homestead in 1813, and at the age of twenty years was married to Leah Weiss, of the same neighborhood. Shortly thereafter he moved to a farm near New Smithville, Weisenburg township, where he died aged sixty-seven years. To him and his wife Leah were born: Levi; Penrose; Edwin; Feilena, m. to Benneville Smith; and Julia, m. to Samuel Fritz.

Levi Werley, son of Jacob and Leah, was born in Weisenburg township in 1831. He had learned the trade of blacksmith, and, after following this for some time, turned his attention to farming. He married Louisa Brobst, daughter of Daniel Brobst, and died in 1897, aged sixty-six years, the father of two children: Clinton, who died in infancy; and Charles Daniel.

Charles Daniel Werley was reared in his native locality, where he attended the public schools, later entering the Keystone State Normal School, at Kutztown, from which he was graduated with the class of 1883. During his attendance at the last named institution, he was for two years engaged in school teaching. After graduation he taught four terms in the public schools, and then turned his attention to the study of medicine with Dr. A. C. L. Hottenstein, of Kutztown. In the fall of 1887 he entered Jefferson Medical College, of Philadelphia, where he graduated in 1889, and then engaged in practice at Topton, where he has since been successfully located.

In 1889 Dr. Werley married Mary A. Wallace, of Atchison, Kans., and they have had two children: Raymond Wallace, who died at the age of four years; and Walter William, attending the Keystone State Normal School. Dr. Werley and his family are members of the Lutheran Church. In political matters he is a Republican, has served as State delegate and as member of the State Central Committee, and was a presidential elector in 1904 for Roosevelt and Fairbanks. He is a member of the Topton school board, of which he has been the secretary for the past nineteen years. Fraternally, the Doctor is connected with Huguenot Lodge, No. 377, F. & A. M., at Kutztown; Excelsior Chapter, No. 237, R. A. M.; Reading Commandery, K. T., No. 42; Williamsport Consistory; Rajah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., Reading; Washington Camp No. 172, P. O. S. of A., Topton; Orion Castle, No. 501, K. G. E., Topton; Mertztown Council, No. 444, O. of I. A.; and the Royal Arcanum, of Kutztown. Dr. Werley is a director of the Topton National Bank, and of the Topton Building and Loan Association, the Crown Knitting Company, and the T. DeLong Furniture Company, all of which he assisted in organizing. He interested himself very largely in the erection of the Lutheran Orphans' Home, of which he has been the physician, and is an active member of the Berks County Medical Society.


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Cyrus E. Werley, a well-known citizen of Oakbrook, whose pleasant residence is situated near Noble street, is a skilled mechanic in the employ of the Philadelphia & Reading Company, where he has charge of a department. Mr. Werley was born Feb. 4, 1866, in Oakbrook, Cumru township, son of Obediah and Kate (Zimmerman) Werley.

Obediah Werley was born in Cumru township March 9, 1839, and now resides at Oakbrook, after a long and useful life spent at the carpenter's trade. He married Kate Zimmerman, born May 16, 1845, daughter of Anthony Zimmerman, and to this union there were born five children, as follows: Cyrus E. is mentioned below; James, who married Kate Miller, by whom he had one daughter, Edna, died in his twenty-fourth year; Emma married Irwin Berg, of Oakbrook, who is mentioned elsewhere; Howard, an iron worker, who resides at Oakbrook, married Kate Obold; Maggie married Walter Kline, also an iron worker at Oakbrook.

Cyrus E. Werley was reared on the home farm, and began working for the Reading Iron Company when eighteen years of age, continuing with that concern for nine years. In 1892 he learned the boiler-maker's trade with Orr & Sembower, Millmont, where he worked until 1903, since which time he has been in the employ of the Philadelphia & Reading Company, being now in charge of a gang of boiler-makers. He is an excellent mechanic and an industrious and faithful workman, and his services are valued highly by his employers. Fraternally he is connected with the K. O. T. M. and the Reading Relief Association. He and his family are Lutheran members of the Redeemer Church of Oakbrook, of which he is treasurer. Mr. Werley built his brick residence on Fern near Noble street, Oakbrook, in 1896, and there he has since made his home.

In 1888 Mr. Werley was married to Emma Hatt, born June 2, 1868, daughter of Philip and Emma (Reed) Hatt, lifelong farming people of Spring township.

Twelve children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Hatt, as follows: John, who died young; Maria, who married John Bitting, deceased; Lewis, who is unmarried and lives at home; Emma, wife of Mr. Werley; Susan, who married John H. Fichthorn, of Mohnton, Pa.; Daniel, who died young; George, who married Alice Hinnershitz, and lives in Mohnton; Kate, who married David Lonacker, of Mohnton; Mary, who died young; James, who married Fianna Kauffman, and two who died small. Five children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Werley: Maud A., Ellis W., Ammon E., George W. and James D.


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Thomas G. Werley, an extensive dealer in livestock, is well known throughout Berks and Schuylkill counties as an expert judge of horses and cattle. He is a resident of Virginville, Richmond township, where he owns a large brick residence, with a fine terrace surrounding it. Mr. Werley was born March 1, 1863, in Albany township, Berks county, son of Daniel and Harriet (Greenawalt) Werley, the former of Weisenburg township, Lehigh county, and the latter of Albany township, Berks county.

Daniel Werley was a tanner by trade, following that occupation in Lehigh county. Later he removed to Albany township, Berks county, where he followed farming until he retired from active work. He married Harriet Greenawalt, and their children were: Susan m. James Hamm, a resident of Weatherly, Pa.; Helen m. Joel W. Miller, of Klinesville, Pa.; Louisa m. Levi Hilbert, of Kutztown; Janetta m. John Greenawalt, of Windsor Castle, Pa.; Thomas G.; Lydia m. Alfred Greenawalt, Lyon Valley, Pa.; Dr. Daniel lives at Jordan, Pa.; and James and Harrison are deceased.

Thomas G. Werley attended the common schools of his native township, and later studied for three terms at the Keystone State Normal School at Kutztown. He then engaged in teaching for three terms, after which he took up farming in Greenwich township. In 1888 he removed to Richmond township, where he followed the vocation of farming for six years longer but by this time his business of dealing in live stock has become so extensive that he sold his farm stock, purchased his present property in Virginville, and, moving there, has since devoted all of his time to the buying and selling of horses and cattle. Mr. Werley goes West every few weeks, where he buys carloads of mules, horses and cattle, these being shipped to Virginville, where he has a large sale and exchange stable. He also goes through the country buying and selling stock.

On Jan. 3, 1885, Thomas G. Werley was married to Amelia Kunkel, a native of Lynn township, Lehigh county, daughter of Peter and Fianna (Trexler) Kunkel. The following children were born to this union: one that died in infancy; Kirby D.; Daisy, deceased; Clara; Irvin Peter, deceased; and Florence. Mrs. Werley died March 1, 1901, on Mr. Werley's thirty-eighth birthday anniversary. In the great loss that befell this happy family, Mr. Werley had the heartfelt sympathy of his community. His fervent love for his children caused him not to lose heart, but to battle more resolutely than before. In May, 1905, Miss Cora Hein, daughter of Francis Hein, became Mr. Werley's second wife. This union has been blessed by one daughter, Mabel. Mr. Werley is deeply interested in educational matters, which is best shown by the education which he is giving his children. His son, Kirby D., took a full course in veterinary surgery in the McKillip Veterinary College of Chicago, from which he graduated with honors, and won first prize in the examination of his class, making a general average of ninety-six per cent. Miss Clara is a graduate of the Keystone State Normal School of Kutztown, graduating with honors and serving her class on the Anniversary program of the Philomathian Literary Society, and she is now teaching her third term at Sanderton, Pennsylvania.

Mr. Werley very reluctantly consented to become a candidate for school director, and was elected, serving faithfully. During his term a dispute arose concerning the closing of a school because of only very few pupils, and the contestants finally took the matter into the courts, which sustained the action of the directors. Mr. Werley in the face of this trouble was persuaded to become a candidate for re-election, and this he did, being re-elected by an overwhelming vote.

Mr. Werley twice attended the St. Louis Exposition, and the Pan-American Exposition of Buffalo, N. Y. He is a faithful member of Dunkel's Lutheran Church of Greenwich township, and has been an official member of New Bethel Church in Albany township. In politics he is a strong and uncompromising Democrat. He was delegate to a number of county conventions, and is popular with leading party workers. He is a man of strong personality, has hosts of friends, and was urged by strong party men to announce himself as a candidate for sheriff of Berks county. This he did in 1907, and made an active canvass. He had nine competitors, some of them old experienced politicians, but he came out second highest, and will prove a formidable candidate next time. Mr. Werley's reputation for honesty, sobriety and fair dealing with his fellow-men is of the best. He is held in high esteem by his fellow-citizens and neighbors, who are best able to judge him correctly.


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Ephraim G. Werner, senior member of the well-known firm of E. G. Werner & Sons, manufacturers of paper boxes, shipping cases and dealers in merchandise, at Mohnton, Pa., established this great business at the corner of Wyomissing avenue and Chestnut street in 1890.

The business was begun in a very humble way, only one hand being employed, and the first product of the company was hat boxes. The demand for Mr. Werner's goods soon became so heavy that in May, 1901, the firm began the manufacture of square boxes, the daily output being from 300 to 400. The firm now employ seventy hands in both factories, and turn out 10,000 boxes daily, their goods finding a ready sale at Reading and in the surrounding counties. The Mohnton factory, a fine two-story structure, 50x60 feet, is fitted with the latest and most highly improved machinery. Their Reading factory, at No. 313 Bingaman street, was opened in 1907, with Mr. J. C. Werner in charge, making a specialty of fancy goods, and turning out some of the best work in the State. The firm also carry on a general merchandise business, and in this line have also been very successful. In politics Mr. Werner is independent. He is a faithful and devoted member of the Salem U. E. Church, where he has served for many years as trustee, being now president of the board, Sunday-school superintendent of class No. 1, and leader of the English Bible class. He is one of the pillars of the Church, and is greatly honored by all who know him. Mr. Werner's fraternal connections are with the K. of P., No. 485, and the O. U. A. M.

To Mr. and Mrs. Werner there were born six children: (1) John C., was admitted a member of the firm of E. G. Werner & Sons in January, 1907. He m. Sadie M. O'Neill, and they have had four children, Alithea and Norman, living, and Paul and John, deceased. John C. is a member of Camp No. 211, P. O. S. of A., and of the M. W. A. For several years he has been a chorister of the Salem Evangelical Church. (2) Jeremiah died in infancy. (3) Margaret, a musician of ability, who was for many years organist of the church, is now a trained nurse, located at No. 1380 Wallace street, Philadelphia. (4) Irwing died in childhood. (5) Walter S., is also a member of the firm, admitted in January, 1907; he is a member of Reading Lodge, No. 549, F. & A. M., Reading; Reading Lodge of Perfection, Fourteenth Degree, and the M. W. A. He m. Mildred Hetrich, and they reside at Reading. They have one daughter, Dorothy M. (6) Anna M. died in infancy. Mr. Ephraim G. Werner was one of the organizers of the Mohnton National Bank, and one of its first directors, in which office he is still serving. He also served as chairman of the building committee when the present bank building was erected. He is chairman of the Mohnton Cemetery Committee.


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John Goodhart Werner, a well known citizen of the borough of Mohnton, Pa., who is engaged in the printing business, was born Dec. 9, 1867, in Lower Heidelberg township, Berks county, son of Jeremiah and Catherine (Goodhart) Werner.

Mr. Werner attended the schools of his native township, as well as the Schuylkill Seminary of Reading, after leaving which he learned the trade of millwright with his father. He then took up the hat finishing trade with George Hendel, of Edison, Pa., but in 1885 engaged with J. G. Mohn & Co., with whom he is still employed. In 1886 Mr. Werner built his home in Mohnton, later adding two additions, one of which he uses as a job printing shop, which his son, Ellis H., manages. Since 1889 Mr. Werner has been interested in the poultry business, having a fine line of Plymouth Rock chickens.

Mr. Werner married (first), in 1886, Catherine Hagy, daughter of Obediah and Catherine (Hoyer) Hagy, and to this union there were born these children: Ellis H.; Homer H.; Goldie; and Della M. Mr. Werner m. (second) Sallie Wolf, daughter of Samuel K. and Fannie (Fisher) Wolf, and one child was born to this union: Samuel Jeremiah. In political matters Mr. Werner is a Republican, and he has served his township on the election board and as register assessor for two terms. He is a member of the United Evangelical Church of Mohnton, and teacher of the German Bible class of the Sunday-school. Fraternally Mr. Werner is connected with the Knights of Pythias, which he represented at the Grand Lodge for two years, being deputy of Berks county for eight years and master of the degree team for ten years. He is also a member of the K. G. E., of Mohnton, the O. K. of F., the I. O. O. F., of Sinking Spring, and the Hatters' Union.


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William G. Werner, one of the well known citizens of Cumru township, Berks county, who is engaged in shirt manufacturing at Mohnton, Pa., was born Sept. 11, 1860, at Fritztown, in Spring township, son of Jeremiah and Catherine (Goodhart) Werner.

Frederick Wilhelm Werner, the progenitor of the Werner family in America, was a native of Germany, born Jan. 22, 1762. When a young man he came to America, settling in Heidelberg township, Berks county, where he died June 15, 1849, and is buried at the Eck Church in North Heidelberg township. His wife died in 1801. Their children were: Wilhelm, a weaver and farmer of Heidelberg township, m. Elizabeth Lamb and had twelve children; John lived and died at Stauffertown, Pa.; Samuel, who lived near Eck Church, where he was a chorister for many years, m. Elizabeth Knerr, and they had children - Sarah, Mary, Jonas and Samuel; a daughter m. John Hetrich; Jacob, who moved out West, had a son Jacob who became an Evangelical minister and in later years resided in Reading; and Joseph was the grandfather of William G.

Joseph Werner was born in Heidelberg township, May 29, 1806, and died Aug. 18, 1854. He was engaged in carpenter work all of his life. He married Elizabeth Bard, born Jan. 15, 1807, daughter of Jonas Bard, and she died in her eighty-fifth year. To them were born the following children: Ellen, born in 1828, m. August Moyer, and later removed from Tulpehocken to Kansas; Jeremiah is mentioned below; Josiah, born July 8, 1832, died young; Mary, born June 22, 1834, m. George Krick, of Spring township; Sarah, born in 1836, died Sept. 18, 1854; Elizabeth, born June 19, 1837, m. Peter Moyer, of Spring township; Kate, born in 1839, m. Charles Van Reed, of Spring township; Joseph (of whom there is no record); Susan m. Charles Haas, of Reading; and John m. Susanna Sterner, of Mohnton, and had fifteen children, of whom two are deceased.

Jeremiah Werner, who from 1881 up to the time of his death, April 13, 1907, was living at Mohnton, was born Aug. 16, 1830, in Lower Heidelberg township, Berks county. He attended the pay school for a short time, and when fifteen years of age learned the carpenter's and wheelwright's trades, which he followed with much success until 1900, when he retired. He was a well known tradesman of his day, and did much work in Berks and the adjoining counties, employing at times as many as fourteen men. In 1882, one year after coming to Mohnton from Heidelberg township, he purchased a small farm upon which he lived for fifteen years, but this property has since been divided into building lots. In 1897 he erected the home in which he spent the remainder of his life. He also owned several other houses and real estate properties in and about Mohnton, and was considered one of the substantial men of the place. He and his family were members of Zion's U. E. Church, of which he was trustee for many years. At one time he was class leader of the Mohn's Hill Church as well as superintendent of the Sunday-school. Mr. Werner was one of the highly esteemed citizens of Mohnton, where he was known as a good neighbor, a kind husband and father and a public-spirited citizen. Mr. Werner died suddenly of apoplexy at the home of his daughter, Mrs. James Coleman, where he had stopped to rest, while on his way home.

In the year 1849 Mr. Werner married Catherine Goodhart, daughter of Frederick and Catherine (Walfinger) Goodhart, the former a stone mason of Lower Heidelberg township. Mr. and Mrs. Werner had children: Ellen, born May 19, 1850, m. John Smith, of Adamstown; Ephraim; Sarah, born Sept. 18, 1854, m. Isaac Trostle, of Mohnton; Amelia, born Oct. 26, 1856, m. William Boyer, of Leesport; Jeremiah, born Nov. 29, 1858, died in January, 1880; William G.; Catherine, born May 19, 1863, m. James Coleman, of Edison; Charles, born Sept. 10, 1865, m. Annie German, and has children - Katie, Laura, Alice, Paul and Elsie; John G., of Mohnton, born Dec. 9, 1867, m. (first) Katie Hay, had five children - Harry, Ellis, Homer, Goldie and Della - and m. (second) Sallie Wolf, and had one son, Samuel; and Maggie, born Aug. 9, 1870, and Elizabeth, born Dec. 12, 1872, died in childhood.

William G. Werner attended the local schools until the age of seventeen years, having begun three years prior to this to learn the wheelwright's trade with his father, with whom he worked until twenty-one years old. He then learned hat finishing with George Hendel & Co., of Hendleton, remaining in their employ three years, the next two years being with Isaac S. Spatz. He then spent fifteen years at the same trade for J. G. Mohn & Co., at Reading. On Jan. 1, 1899, Mr. Werner began manufacturing gentlemen's shirts, in 1902 erecting his present factory, which he has enlarged several times to meet the demands of his growing business. It is now 28x48 feet, two stories high, and is located at the corner of Main and Walnut streets. Here forty to fifty people are employed, and the factory is fitted with the latest improved machinery, the product amounting to 350 dozen per week. His goods bear the union label, and are all shipped to D. C. France & Co., of Philadelphia, who have taken all of his product for the past eleven years. His principal makes are the "Universal," "Custom Made" and "Bull-dog," these having the reputation of being some of the strongest and most serviceable shirts on the market to-day. In 1885 Mr. Werner built his present residence, situated at the opposite corner of the street from his factory, and in 1903 built two other dwellings on Walnut street, which he rents. He also owns thirty acres of valuable land within the borough limits of Mohnton. Mr. Werner is independent in politics, voting rather for the man than the party. He is a member of the Knights of the Golden Eagle and the P. O. S. of A., at Mohnton, and the Maccabees at Reading. Mr. Werner and his family are members of Zion's United Evangelical Church of Mohnton. Mr. Werner is exceedingly kind of heart and an honest appeal is never without result. In business and social circles he is very popular, and a number of friends enjoy his business prominence and continued prosperity.

On Oct. 15, 1876, Mr. Werner married Maria Fausnacht, daughter of Jonas and Elizabeth (White) Fausnacht, and granddaughter of Daniel Fausnacht, and to this union there have been born: Lillie M. m. Howard M. Angstadt, of Reading, and has one daughter, Marguerite; Miss Lizzie resides at home; William m. Lizzie Heft, and has three children - Bessie, Edith and Mervin; Jeremiah m. Lizzie Grim, and has three children - Edna, Gertie and Emma; and Ella, Harvey, Winfield, Charles and Leroy are all at home.


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William W. Werner, business agent for Carpenter's Union, No. 492, of Reading, Pa., was born in Garfield, Tilden township, Berks county, April 16, 1851, son of Frederick H. and Lovina (Moser) Werner.

Jacob S. Werner, grandfather of William W., was one of Berks county's old carpenters, and he followed that occupation until his death, at the remarkable age of ninety-seven years, two days, erecting many substantial buildings in this section, some of which are still standing,

among them being a number of churches in the rural districts of the county. Mr. Werner also worked upon the Farmers' National Bank, Fifth and Penn streets, Reading. He married Mary Seabold, of Montgomery county, Pa., and to them were born four children: Frederick, Jacob, Henry and Charlotte. In religious belief the family were Lutherans. Politically Mr. Werner was a Democrat.

Frederick H. Werner was born in Heidelberg township, Berks county, and with his father learned the carpenter's trade, which he followed all his life, dying Oct. 7, 1905, aged eighty-two years, nine months and twenty-two days. Mr. Werner had never had a day's sickness until the one which proved fatal, although he had served through the Civil war, in which he gained an honorable record as a brave and faithful soldier. He was a prominent member of the Masonic fraternity. After the war Mr. Werner went to Schuylkill county, and after building many of the coal breakers around Pottsville, Tamaqua, Tremont, Mahanoy City, Shamokin and Pine Grove, etc., located in Reading in 1855, following house building up to 1879, when he retired. He was a stanch Democrat, but was never an officer seeker. Mr. Werner was a trustee of the Lutheran Church, and a valued member thereof, giving liberally to its support. His widow, who survives him, resides in Reading, at the age of eighty-two years, the mother of these children: Amelia, m. to Levi M. Zerbe, superintendent at the Philadelphia & Reading Car Shops; Ellen, m. to Francis Ganter, a farmer of near Carsonia Park; Ida, m. to John S. Peifer, highway commissioner of Reading; May, who died in 1862, aged twelve years; and William W.

William W. Werner was educated in the Reading common schools and the Keystone State Normal School at Kutztown, after leaving which he learned the carpenter's trade with his father. Upon completing the prescribed time as journeyman he established himself in the contracting and building business, employing at one time as many as thirty-five to forty skilled mechanics. Mr. Werner always aimed to give his patrons the best of satisfaction, paying the best of wages and hiring the most skilled workmen long before the Union was established in this part of the State. He has always been a friend of the workingman, and has given much of his time to advancing their interests. He takes a great pride in demonstrating to those less skilled in his craft that nothing stands so much in the way of their ultimate success as the want of education, and he is constantly advocating the use of standard books which will increase their ability and widen their opportunities. In order to further this laudable work, he has provided a complete set of many standard works on general subjects which are open to the use of the members in the Union rooms. This indicates the manner of man that Mr. Werner is, and explains, partly, the fact that since he has become business manager of No. 492 the working conditions of it have been greatly improved. On every side can be heard words of commendation which are deserved.

Mr. Werner was greatly instrumental in organizing the Union in Reading and has been a most zealous worker, serving as president for one term and in his present capacity since 1902. He is connected with Chandler Lodge, No. 227; Excelsior Chapter, R. A. M.; Reading Commandery, K. T.; Rajah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S.; Neversink Castle, K. G. E.; has organized three camps of the P. O. S. of A. in Reading, belonging to No. 678 of that Order; is a charter member of the Knights of Friendship, and a member of the Sons of Veterans, No. 16. When but twelve years and nine months old, Mr. Werner enlisted in the 93rd. Pa. V. I., and served for fifteen months. He has been active in the ranks of the Democratic party, and served as City assessor for three years, his majority, which was 1599, being the largest in the history of Reading.

Mr. Werner was married in 1868, to Miss Angelina Etter, born in Lancaster county, daughter of Alexander Etter. No children have been born to this union.


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Daniel R. Wert, a general farmer in Bern township, was born in Centre township, Berks Co., Pa., June 21, 1860, a son of Daniel S. and Kate (Rubright) Wert.

The first of the Wert family on record in Berks county was Jacob Wert. In 1774, when his will was registered in the general office at Reading, Pa., in Will Book No. 2, page 164, he was described as a yeoman in Albany township. His wife's name was Anna Margaretha. The names of his children are not given in the will. In 1879, in Bethel, one John Wert died and his will is on record in Will Book No. 13, page 702. He had no issue. He had a brother Daniel and one named Joseph. Provision in the will was made for John and Daniel, children of Joseph Wert. Another item in the will states: "If Daniel (my brother) shall die before I, then his share shall go to his two sons, Henry and Daniel, they being sons of his second wife."

Wilhelm Wert, grandfather of Daniel R., was born at Blue Mountain Church, in upper Berks county. In 1829 he moved with his family to Centre township, and settled on the farm now owned by Levi Dietrich, which his wife had inherited from her father, Heinrich Smith. There the Wert family lived until they died. The wife, Susanna (Smith) Wert, lived to the age of ninety-six years. After her death the farm was sold to Levi F. Dietrich and it is still considered one of the best farms in Centre township. The children of William Wert and wife were: Elizabeth m. Daniel Hoak; Adam, who died young; Lizzie m. Daniel Hollenbach; and Daniel S.

Daniel S. Wert, father of Daniel R., was born in Tulpehocken township, Berks county, Dec. 30, 1822, and died Dec. 18, 1899, aged seventy-six years, eleven months and nineteen days. During the final three years of his life he lived with his son. By trade he was a carpenter and this he followed for some years and then turned his efforts to farming and continued for twenty years on the home farm in Centre township. After the sale of that farm he came to Bern township, where he owned his house with six acres of land, and lived there retired until he went to the home of his son, when the infirmities of age overcame him. He was a member of Belleman's Church, of the Lutheran faith, and his remains rest there. He married Kate Rubright, daughter of Jonathan Rubright. She was born June 24, 1824, and died in Bern township, Apr. 30, 1891, aged sixty-four years; she was also buried at Belleman's Church. They had five children, namely: Sarah, who died unmarried; John, who died young; Susanna, who married Henry Berkey, of Centre township; Rebecca, who married Henry Weissner, deceased; and Daniel R.

Daniel R. Wert has been engaged in farming ever since he was old enough to manage farm utensils. He attended the district schools and assisted his father until he had reached his majority, after which he worked for neighboring farmers through Centre and Bern townships and worked one year in Oley township for Ammon Good. In 1900 he began farming for himself on a tract of twenty-three acres which he bought in that year, already owning six acres which he had bought in 1895. In 1903 he built a substantial barn, in 1905 a comfortable residence, and new outbuildings in 1907. All his buildings are in excellent condition and of modern construction. His farm is productive and he takes produce to the Reading market every week.

On Sept. 17, 1887, he married Lillie Shearer, daughter of Aaron Y. and Emma (Heister) Shearer and a granddaughter of Samuel T. and Catherine (Yergy) Shearer. Mr. and Mrs. Wert have two children: Howard S. and Ella K. The former married Stella M. Kech and they have one daughter, Lillie H. The latter resides at Reading, where she is employed as a seamstress. In politics, Mr. Wert is a Democrat. With his family he belongs to Epler's Lutheran Church, in which he served six years as a deacon and since 1907 has been an elder.


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George Wert, late a prosperous farmer in the employ of E. & G. Brooke, and a man of many fine friends, was a native son of Pennsylvania, born near Churchtown , in Lancaster county, Jan. 7, 1827, son of Samuel and Catherine (Ridge) Wert.

Mr. Wert received his education in the common schools of his native county, and in his young manhood came to Berks county, where he entered the employ of Levi Smith, and later of Col. Heber Smith at Joanna Furnace. There he continued for the next fourteen years, proving himself a faithful and conscientious workman. On Nov. 1, 1864, he came to Birdsboro, and from that time until his death he was employed by E. & G.. Brooke in the operation of their farm and dairy. He thoroughly understood his work, and took great pride in doing it well, winning thereby the high esteem and confidence of his employers. He was honest and upright in all his dealings, and attended very strictly to his won business. It has been said of him that his word was a good as another's bond. He died Aug. 29, 1895, mourned by all who knew him.

On Jan 14, 1850, Mr. Wert married Amelia Hoffman, daughter of Peter and Margaret (Mock) Hoffman, and of the nine children that blessed their union, seven are still living. These were: Margaret m. William Seigfried, and has three children, George E., Hannah A. and Lula I.; Kate m. Harry Roberts, and has six children, Anna, Elmer, Maggie, Millie, Katie and Harvey; Elizabeth m. Morris Jones (no issue); Peter, of East Chatham, N. Y., has two children, Carro9ll and Amelia; George m. Edith Hoffman, and has two sons, G. Howard and Warren; Nettie M. A. Watson Keagy, and has five children, Edith, Alma, Harold, Alice and Marie; and Emma and Amelia died in infancy.

Mr. Wert was a member of St. Michael's Episcopal Church. In his political faith he was a Democrat, and cast his ballot in support of the men and measures of that party. He was an active member of the Junior O. U.. A. M., to which, at the time of his death, he had belonged for more than thirty years. Mrs. Wert still makes her home in Birdsboro, where she is highly respected by all who know her.


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Edward S. Wertz, who conducts the Wertz Milling Company at Reading, one of the best known establishments of its kind in Berks county, was born in Harrisburg, Dauphin Co., Pa., Feb. 23, 1850, son of Samuel and Maria (Sweigert) Wertz.

Samuel Wertz, his father, was born March 2, 1809, in the Canton of Aargau, Switzerland, and in his native country learned the trade of wool fulling. In 1827 he came to America, settling first at Frankford, Philadelphia, where he manufactured cotton laps and wadding. He subsequently removed to Harrisburg, where he operated a flouring and woolen-mill and remained until 1856, at which time he engaged in business at the old Ritter Hotel stand, in Exeter township. The following year he removed to Spring township, Berks county, where he purchased the old Althouse Mill property, which he rebuilt, making vast improvement in the establishment, and he successfully operated it as a flour and feed mill until 1870. That year he settled in Reading and opened the flour and feed store which he conducted until his retirement, in 1880. His death occurred in 1884, when he was seventy-five years old.

Mr. Wertz was twice married. His first wife, Maria Sweigert, a native of Lancaster county, Pa., died in 1852, leaving six children, namely: Louisa M. m. Amos Price; Elizabeth, deceased, m. Herman Strohecker; George W.; Samuel; Edward S., and Jacob Henry. On April 28, 1853, Mr. Wertz m. (second) Catherine Waldenmyer, daughter of John Waldenmyer, and to this union two children were born, Augustus and Frank. Mr. Wertz was a member of the Reformed Church, while his wife held to the faith of the Lutheran denomination. In politics he was a stanch Democrat.

Edward S. Wertz was quite young when his father came to Berks county, and here he received his education in the public schools. From boyhood he was employed around his father's milling establishment, and when sixteen he left home to complete his apprenticeship at the miller's trade. He went to Huyett's Mill at Shillington, in Cumru township, remaining there about a year, after which he took a responsible position at Womelsdorf, having charge of a flouring mill owned by a Mr. Fisher. There he also spent a year, and then accepted a similar position at the old Hiester Mill, in Bern township, later going to Reed's Mill, in Robeson township. Going to Chicago, Ill., in 1871, Mr. Wertz spent one year there in the storage warehouse business, at the end of that time returning to Reading, where he was employed by Heilman & Co., hardware merchants, who were then located on the present site of the Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart store. After two years' service with this firm he went to the old Wertz Mill property in Spring township, and for twenty-five years carried on the mill there. It was one of the old-style burr mills, and was one of the first to be adapted to the modern roller process, the necessary changes being made by Mr. Wertz, who during his occupancy of the property rebuilt the establishment four times. He enlarged as well as modernized it, increasing the capacity as trade demanded from a fifteen-barrel mill to a seventy-five barrel mill. It was there he first manufactured the now celebrated Wertz Roller Cream Flour, which has gained an enviable reputation throughout this section of Pennsylvania. Mr. Wertz still continues the manufacture of this brand, which has lost none of its popularity, for he has sustained its high quality to the present time.

In 1898 Mr. Wertz removed to Reading, where he established his present plant, his mill and office being at Nos. 135-141 Buttonwood street and conducted under the name of the Wertz Milling Company. His mill is one of the best equipped in the State of Pennsylvania, no device of approved pattern known to flour manufacturers having been omitted in fitting it up, and the conduct of the plant and standard of products are accordingly high. All the product is disposed of to the local trade. The brands manufactured by the Wertz Milling Company are Roller Cream, Gold Dust, White Rose and Minnehaha, all of which are in popular use throughout this section. Besides his milling business Mr. Wertz is interested in other lines, being an extensive dealer in farm products and having the largest hay storage plant in the city of Reading. During the year 1905 he handled 185 carloads of grain, hay, etc., and his business is steadily on the increase. In this line he gives employment to eight men. He is one of the directors of the Pennsylvania State Millers' Association.

Mr. Wertz was married Sept. 11, 1873, to Miss Sarah Kercher, daughter of William Kercher, of Bern township. They have had no children of their own, but have reared two: Emma Gerhart, who is now married and resides in Schuylkill county; and Hannah Malburn, wife of Harry Focht, Mr. Wertz's able assistant in his milling operations.

With all his extensive business cares Mr. Wertz finds time to take a public-spirited interest in local affairs, and to devote to benevolent and charitable objects. He is secretary and treasurer of Kissinger's Church, of which he has been a member for many years, and in September, 1908, he was elected an elder. He served as superintendent of the Sunday school for a period of thirty-eight years. He is a member of the board of trustees of the Topton Orphans' Home, and a member of the school board of Reading. Fraternally he is a Mason, holding membership in Lodge No. 62, F. & A. M.; Excelsior Chapter, R. A. M.; Reading Commandery, K. T.; and Rajah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S.


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George W. Wertz, for over thirty years one of the most prominent millers of Berks county, and president of the Wernersville National Bank, was born at Harrisburg, Pa., Feb. 26, 1846, son of Samuel and Maria (Sweigert) Wertz.

Frederick Wertz, grandfather of George W., was a native of Switzerland, where he married Elizabeth Maerz. So far as is known they had but two children, Rudolph and Samuel.

Samuel Wertz, son of Frederick, was born in 1809, in Switzerland, and in 1834 he emigrated to America. In 1838 he married Maria Sweigert, daughter of Peter Sweigert, of Reinholdsville, Lancaster county, where he was engaged in farming. They had seven children: Louisa died young; Louisa (2) m. Amos Price; Elizabeth m. Herman Strohecker; George W.; Samuel was accidentally killed on the railroad (he was unmarried); Edward S. m. Sarah Kerschner; and Jacob H. moved West in 1870. All these children were born in Harrisburg. The mother died in 1850, and Mr. Wertz m. (second) Katarina Waldenmaier, daughter of John and Magdalena Waldenmaier, of Stuttgart, Wurtemberg, Germany. To this marriage were born two children: Augustus C. and Franklin.

George W. Wertz attended the public schools of Harrisburg until he was nine years old. He then accompanied his parents to Exeter township, Berks county, and after a year there the father purchased a large stone gristmill along the Tulpehocken creek in Spring township, and that he operated. This mill was located just two miles from the outlet of the Tulpehocken into the Schuylkill. Here Mr. Wertz attended the township schools, and also the preparatory school of C. H. Schaeffer, Esq., at Reading. During this time, however, he worked in his father's mill and learned the trade of miller, later going to Montgomery county, where he learned the business of millwright. Upon completing his apprenticeship he continued with his father until 1872, when he married and leased the mill, carrying it on for himself for three years. He then sold out to his younger brother, Edward, and moved to Reading, where he lived for a year. In 1876, he purchased the Frederick Hain gristmill in Lower Heidelberg township (now included in the Wernersville Asylum property), and for sixteen years carried it on successfully. Removing to Wernersville he erected a large two-story gristmill, equipped it with the roller process, and made it one of the best in the State. This he has operated to the present time, his trade reaching out to all parts of the State, and even into New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland. He has made a specialty of whole wheat flour and buckwheat flour, both of which have a superior reputation. At the time he built the mill, he erected on a large adjoining lot, the most imposing brick residence in Wernersville. In 1906 he established an electric plant adjoining the mill for supplying the residents of the village and vicinity with electric light, and also put up service lines along the public highways. This action reflects his enterprise, and the community appreciates it very highly.

Mr. Wertz has taken a great interest in the Lower Heidelberg Live Stock Insurance Company for the past twenty years, having officiated as president and treasurer of the company for a considerable part of that time. He served as school director for the township for three terms, and from 1890 to 1895 was justice of the peace. In the erection of the new Trinity Lutheran Church at Wernersville, he acted as chairman of the building committee. In 1894 he co-operated in establishing the local water company, and has acted as president of the company since 1900. He also helped to establish the Wernersville National Bank in 1906, with a capital stock of $25,000, now increased to $50,000, and he has since served as its president.

Mr. Wertz was married to Amanda Krick, daughter of Levi Krick, of Spring township. Two children were born to this union: Robert and Mary (m. David Froelich).

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