Biographies from Historical and Biographical Annals by Morton Montgomery


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One of the old and honored families of Berks county, members of which have been prominently identified with the agricultural and other interests of this section for many years, is that of Tobias, which is represented in Maiden-creek township by James R. Tobias, a well-known farmer, and his son Charles L. Tobias, a railroad man.

Christian Tobias, great-grandfather of Charles L., owned the farm opposite Leinbach's Tavern, in Bern township, where he died before his fortieth year. He had these children: Peter; Abraham, of Leesport; John, who died at Sunbury; and Elizabeth, who married Harry Gring. Peter Tobias the grandfather was also a farmer all of his life, and died on the farm between Alsace Church and the Rolling Mills, Reading. He was married to Sarah Rothenberger, daughter of Peter Rothenberger, and they had nine children: James R.; Daniel m. Annie Kemp, of Hyde Park; Sarah m. William Moser, of Cumru township; Elizabeth m. William Hemmig; Rebecca (deceased) m. George Fatzinger; Edward died young; Ellen m. John Savage, of Bern township; Catherine m. Allen Aulenbach; and Peter died when eighteen years of age.

James R. Tobias was born in Muhlenberg township, then Alsace, near Leisz' Bridge, and early in life learned the trade of carpenter, which he followed for some time. He also taught school during the winter months, having secured his education at West Chester, Trappe and Morgantown. He now owns and conducts a nice farm on the road between Temple and Blandon in Maiden-creek and Ontelaunee townships. Mr. Tobias was married to Esther C. Wilkinson, daughter of Isaiah and Julia (Coleman) Wilkinson, and they had three children, as follows: William, who died unmarried, aged twenty-eight years; Charles L.; and James S., who died aged three years.

Charles L. Tobias was born near Berkley, Ontelaunee township, July 23, 1858, and was reared and educated on the present homestead in Maiden-creek township, later attending Brunner's Academy at Reading. He is following railroading, and is now engaged as baggage master between Harrisburg and Allentown. Mr. Tobias was married to Ella H. Reber, daughter of Simplicius and Sarah (Herbein) Reber. They have no children.

Mr. Tobias is a member of Reading Castle, No. 51, K. G. E., of Vigilance Lodge, No. 194, I. O. O. F., and of Lodge No. 227, F. & A. M. He is also connected with the P. & R. Relief Association. With his wife he attends the Reformed Church.


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The family bearing the name Tobias, as it appears in some of the early records, has found a home in Berks county through a full century and a half. In the present time are found several representatives who are living good and useful lives, and proving themselves of that class of citizens that gives to any community its real strength. Among these may be mentioned Albert H. Tobias, superintendent of the George H. Hendel hat factory at Edison; Charles H. Tobias, brick manufacturer at Hamburg; Herman R. Tobias, connected with the Consumers Gas Company, Reading; and Solomon H. Tobias, grocer at No. 134 West Oley street, Reading.

(1) George Tobias, a native of Germany, emigrated to America and settled in Bern township, Berks county, Pa., where he became the owner of a large plantation. His will, on record in Will Book A, page 185, was made Nov. 14, 1789, and probated March 16, 1790. The witnesses were John Tobias and Henry Gettle, and the executors, John Shartle and John Christian Allbright. In the distribution of his property he says "my seven children shall have share and share alike." His son John, probably the eldest, was to receive the homestead plantation, for which he was to pay $600. Other sons were: George, John Christian (the youngest in the family), Benjamin (who in 1806--07 was a taxable in Bethel township), William (also a taxable in Bethel township in 1806-07).

(II) John Tobias, eldest son of George, was a farmer in Bern township. The maiden name of his wife was Kline. His children were: Abraham, Elizabeth, Samuel, Peter and Jacob, the three last named going to Ohio about 1835.

(III) Abraham Tobias, son of John, was married Feb. 20, 1825, to Hannah Hartman, and they had thirteen children: Rachel, born Dec. 18, 1825; Sarah, Jan. 22, 1827; Hannah, Dec. 15, 1828; Froene, Sept. 18, 1830; Elizabeth, March 7, 1832; Esther, March 3, 1834; Rebecca, Dec. 8, 1835; Catharine, Sept. 30, 1837; Johannes, Dec. 6, 1838; Judith, March 12, 1842; Maria, March 7, 1844; Daniel, Sept. 19, 1845; and Lydia, Sept. 29, 1848.

(II) George Tobias, son of George , the ancestor, became a farmer in Heidelberg township. His will, made Sept. 19, 1820, and probated Jan. 22, 1821, is on record in Book D, page 274. The witnesses to the will were Peter Anspach and Jacob Baker, and the executors, John Royer and Christ Battorf. George Tobias and his wife Anna Elizabeth had three children: Solomon, Anna Maria and Catharine. The two last named were under age when the father died, and Michael Tobias was appointed their guardian.

From the tax lists it is found that in 1781 John Tobias paid taxes in Heidelberg township; in 1785 Ludwig and George Tobias, brothers, and Jacob, Peter and John Tobias paid taxes in Bern township; and in 1807 Benjamin, William and Christian paid taxes in Bethel township.

(Ia) Ludwig Tobias was the ancestor of a large family that had its seat in Bern township, Berks county. He was born June 24, 1739, and came from the Old World with a brother George prior to the Revolution. He was a farmer, owning a large tract of land in Bern township, along the Schuylkill river. He died Sept. 27, 1810, and his wife, Sophia, born Dec. 10, 1734, died Feb. 18, 1821; they are both buried at Epler's church, of which they were members. Among their children were: (1) Ludwig, born July 12, 1763, died in Bern township Sept. 26, 1826. His wife was Elizabeth Strunck, and they had six sons and seven daughters, among these being Jonathan (1800-1803); and Jacob (1803-1883), whose son Charles was the father of Irwin. (2) Michael remained in Bern township. (3) Jonathan, born May 3, 1773, died April 23, 1855. (4) Christian, born March 5, 1775, died April 10, 1815. (5) Andrew, born April 30, 1778, married Catharine Lerch, had two sons and four daughters, and died Aug. 28, 1823. (6) John Jacob, born about 1781, died 1825, at Reading. (7) Daniel was a clergyman, and resided at Milton, Pennsylvania.

(IIa) Jonathan Tobias, second son of Ludwig, was born in Bern township May 3, 1773. He married Catharine Hain (born July 12, 1778, died April 3, 1845), and among their children were: John H.; Samuel; Maria, who married Henry Fleicher; Rebecca, who married Benjamin Reber; Elizabeth, who married Henry Body; and Eliza, who married Benjamin Haas.

(IIIa) John H. Tobias, son of Jonathan and Catharine, was born in Bern township, on the old Tobias homestead. He followed farming on this property all his life, and was most successful. When the Bushong bank failed he lost his deposits, amounting to $12,000. In 1836 he married Mary Rapp, born in 1814, daughter of Henry Rapp. She died Jan. 5, 1892. They had nine children, namely: (1) Elizabeth, born March 6, 1837, died Feb. 4, 1902. She married (first) Franklin Noecker, by whom she had four children, Elizabeth, Frank, Mary and Sally, and (second) Lewis Schmehl. (2) Henry, born April 21, 1838, married Catharine Yarnell, had children -- Mary, Annie, Lewis, Hiram and Harry; and died in August 1905. (3) Catharine, born Dec. 20, 1839, married Charles Noecker, of Bern township, and had two children, Charles and John. They moved to Reading, where Mr. Noecker died. Mrs. Noecker died Nov. 25, 1900. (4) Ellen, born March 31, 1841, died Dec. 23, 1904, married Romanus Hafer, of' Temple, and their children were: Alice, Adam and Mary. (5) Jonathan, born in September 1843, married (first) Ellen Maderie, and had children--Sallie, John, Harry, Edward, James, Minnie and Raymond. His second wife was Kate Olinger. (6) John, born March 10, 1845, was killed May 2, 1882, while working in a stone quarry at Leinbachs, in Bern township. He married Isabella Shalter, and had children--Charles, Kate, Lizzie, Rosa and Thomas. (7) Mary, born Oct. 15, 1846, married Amandon Dundore, and had two children, Lilly and Harry. (8) Miss Sarah was born May 18, 1849. (9) Herman R. is mentioned below. In politics Mr. Tobias was a Democrat. The family belonged to the Reformed Church.

(IVa) Herman R. Tobias, son of John H., was born in Bern township, March 7, 1856, and was educated in the schools of the vicinity. One of his schoolmates, with whom he attended eight terms, was Attorney Shearer, of Reading, and his first teacher was Daniel Benner. Mr. Tobias worked on the farm until he was nineteen years of age. He learned the wheelwright's trade, at which he worked some years, and then engaged in work at a stone quarry until 1881, when he located in Reading and engaged with William R. McIlvain & Sons, continuing with this firm for a period of fifteen years. He then accepted a position with the Pennsylvania Railway Company, as assistant foreman of construction, resigning this to enter the Carpenter Steel Works, where he remained until July 5, 1904, at which time he entered the employ of the Consumers Gas Company, with which concern he has since been connected.

On May 17, 1874, Mr. Tobias was united in marriage with Mary M. Sausley, born Nov. 5, 1856, daughter of David and Matilda (Rothermel) Sausley, and to this union have been born four children: Ella E., born Oct. 9, 1879, who is at home; and three that died in infancy. Mr. and Mrs. Tobias are members of, the Reformed Church. Fraternally he is connected with Mt. Penn Lodge, K. P., and the Royal Arcanum.

(IIIa) Samuel Tobias, son of Jonathan, was born in Bern township Nov. 7, 1812, and died March 27, 1897, when aged eighty-four years, interment took place at Epler's Church. He owned a small farm near Epler's school. He married Mary Gicker (also called Polly), daughter of Jacob Gicker, and their children were: Jacob, living at Leesport; Daniel, deceased; Kate, who married Cornelius Moyer; William; Samuel, of Schuylkill county; and Mary. The two last named were twins, born March 9, 1855.

(IVa) William Tobias, son of Samuel, was born in Bern township, Nov. 26, 1850, and has always followed farming. In 1901 he bought his present place of six acres at "Leinbach's Hotel." Since 1898 he has been engaged to some extent in fence making. In politics he is a Democrat, and in religious connection a member of Epler's Reformed Church. On Sept. 2, 1871, he married Susanna H. Hoyer, who died June 29, 1882, the mother of five children: Harry, of Bern township; Solomon H.; Peter, who died aged twenty-seven years; Nora, who married Evan Bellman, of Reading; and Mamie, who married Charles Seidel, and lives at Reading. Mr. Tobias married (second) Matilda Umbenhouer, daughter of Franklin and Louisa (Gruber) Umbenhouer, and the children of this union are: Miss Laura; Jennie, who married James Roth, of Reading; and Charles and Howard, at home.

(Va) Solomon H. Tobias, son of William, was born in Bern township Aug. 24, 1873. His intellectual training was obtained at home and in the public schools of his district, At the age of fifteen he became a clerk in the large store of H. F. Body, at Riverside, where he remained for seventeen years. He then engaged in the grocery business on his own account at his present location, No. 134 West Oley street, Reading, where he enjoys a large trade, and keeps a fine stock of the best in his line. He has a high reputation and is deserving of the success that has attended his efforts. In politics he supports the Democratic party. He is a member of the Artisans of Mutual Protection. With his family he attends Olivet Reformed Church at Reading, of which for many years he was a deacon. Mr. Tobias married Mary Matz, daughter of Henry Matz, of Cumru township, and they have had four children, namely: Irwin and Mary C., deceased; William E., and Calvin.

(IIa) John Jacob Tobias, son of Ludwig, was born about 1781, and died at Reading in 1825. He was a carpenter. His wife was Polly Geiger, and their children were: John; Mary, who married Israel Morris; Peggy, who married Hiram Yeager; William, who married Mary Bower, and had Clinton, Alwilda (m. to Frank Auman, of Birdsboro) and Kate (of Massachusetts); Catharine, who married Frank Sell, and had a daughter Mary (m. to a Mr. Finger); Jonathan; and Edward, who married Sarah Seider, and had children Willis, Frank, Mary and Nora.

(IIIa) John Tobias, son of John Jacob, was born at Reading Sept. 20, 1816, and died at Hamburg March 20, 1903. He learned the shoemaker's trade, and fol-lowed it during the winters, while his summers were devoted to the making of bricks. On April 7, 1837, he located in Hamburg as a brickmaker, and for several seasons worked for Squire Miller. He then engaged in the business on his own account, following it until his retirement, about twenty years before his death. He was a Republican, and in 1879 served as chief burgess. He was twice married. On April 7, 1840, he married Hannah Albrecht, daughter of Frederick Al-brecht, of Hamburg, and they had two sons, Albert F. and William A., of Reading (who had two sons, John and William). After the death of his first wife he mar-ried, Nov. 3, 1845, Annetta Schappell, daughter of Daniel and Catharine (Smith) Schappell, of Schuylkill county, Pa. To this union were born: Charles H.; John A., deceased, who married Bella Faust; Mary C., deceased, wife of William G. Sheradin; J. Daniel, de-ceased, who married Lovina Baer; Sarah E., deceased, who was an invalid for thirty years; and Lenora E., wife of William Baer.

(IVa) Charles H. Tobias, son of John, and now a prominent resident of Hamburg, where he is engaged as a brick manufacturer, was born in that town, on South Third street, Jan. 22, 1847. He obtained a good education in the public schools of the town, among his instructors being the Rev. B. D. Zweitzig and J. H. Jacobs, then principals of the school. He began working for his father in the brickyard, and continued there until 1882, when he entered into partnership with his brother John A., and brother-in-law, William G. Sheradin, under the firm name of Tobias Bros. & Co., with which he has since been connected. Since 1901 the firm has been known as Tobias & Sheradin. Their large yard is located in West Hamburg, and the daily capacity is 30,000 bricks, about 4,000,000 bricks being turned out annually. Fifty men are employed. They make a specialty of the red clay brick, for which they find a ready market throughout Berks, Schuylkill and Luzerne counties.

In his political views Mr. Tobias is a Republican, and he has on several occasions served as delegate to county conventions; he has been school director and tax collector. He has been a deacon in the Reformed Church of Hamburg, to which church his family all belong. He has ever contributed freely to church work, and gave liberally toward the erection of the present building. He and his sister, Mrs. William G. Sheradin contributed the beautiful figures of Faith, Hope and Charity back of the pulpit.

On Oct. 24, 1868, Mr. Tobias married Mary R. Wagner, daughter of Jesse and Rebecca (Renno) Wagner, the latter a daughter of Jacob and Hannah (Balthaser) Renno. To this union have been born: Frank Irving, who married Cora Yeager, and has two daughters, Mary E. and Anna C.; Clinton Calvin, who died aged two years, four months; and Laura Kate, who married Henry Diener, and has one son, Charles H.

(IIIa) Jonathan Tobias, son of John Jacob and Polly, was born in Bern township July 11, 1823, and died May 11, 1904, in the eighty-first year of his age. He was very successful in his business undertakings, and for fifty-two years was engaged as a wholesale oyster and truck dealer at Reading. He made his home at No 411 Washington street, that city, from 1855 until 1892 when he retired from business and moved to Edison. From the time he was twenty-one until he retired he had made his home in Reading. He married Fietta Gilbert, daughter of Henry G. and Rebecca (Gilbert) Gilbert, and granddaughter of Henry Gilbert, whose wife was also a Gilbert. Their children were: Albert H.; and Wilson G., born Feb. 11, 1856, who died July 2, 1900, in Reading (his wife's name was Nettie).

(IVa) Albert H. Tobias, Son of Jonathan, is now superintendent of the George H. Hendel & Sons hat factory at Edison (now Shillington), Pa. He was born at Reading, May 9, 1852, was educated in the public schools and in Prof. D. B. Brunner's private school, attending the latter two years and at the age of eighteen entered the employ of Schrader & Kline, furniture dealers, with whom he remained three years, having charge of their finishing department. In 1870 he began working for the Philadelphia & Reading Railway Company, and in 1874 was honored by that company by being intrusted with the running of the first passenger train in its service with an air brake; this was between Philadelphia and Pottsville. He remained in the company's service for seven years, enjoying a most creditable record for the entire time. His next employers were John Hendel Brothers, wool hat manufacturers, of Reading. At the end of one year he associated himself with the firm of George Hendel & Brothers, now George H. Hendel & Sons, manufacturers of fur hats, at Edison, now Shillington. He was first placed in charge of the shipping and packing department, but in 1895 became superintendent of the large industry. When this firm commenced business there were only thirty employes, but there are now 225. In 1874 Mr. Tobias built the first house in the village of Edison (now Shillington), and in 1902 he built his present comfortable modern residence in the same village, on a lot adjoining his first home.

Fraternally Mr. Tobias belongs to St. John's Lodge No. 485, F. & A. M., Reading; to the Sr. O. U. A. M., of Mohnton; Jr. O. U. A. M., of Reading; and Knights of Pythias Lodge, No. 485, of Mohnton. He and his family are charter members of St. Luke's Union Evangelical Church, at Edison, of which he is now trustee and treasurer. He was a member of the building committee when the present edifice was erected, and he has always, been a liberal contributor to the support of the church and its work.

On April 15, 1877, Mr. Tobias was married to Mary S. Mohn, daughter of James and Hannah (Spatz) Mohn, and they have three children: (1) Kate M., married Charles Lorah, of Shillington, and has a son, Henry A.; (2) Maggie M., married William P. Fleicher of Shillington, and has a daughter, Dorothy L.; (3) Jonathan J. is in school.

TODD, C. W. B.

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C. W. B. Todd, a representative business man of Reading, Pa., who is proprietor of the "Merchants' Hotel," at the corner of Third and Penn streets, was born Dec. 30, 1839, in Montgomery county, Pa., son of John and Christina (Bachman) Todd, and grandson of Andrew Todd.

John Todd, father of C. W. B., was also a native of Montgomery county, and was a leading manufacturer of spinning wheels when nearly all the cloth used was spun by hand. He was known far and wide for his superior workmanship in this line, and his trade extended far into the surrounding counties. Later in life Mr. Todd engaged in farming. He was one of Montgomery county's best known and highly-respected men, and his popularity was proved when he was elected sheriff by a handsome majority. He proved himself a faithful and efficient official, serving in that high office with credit and distinction, and to the satisfaction of all. He died in 1862, at the age of eighty-four years, and his faithful wife in 1873, when seventy-four years old. Mrs. Todd was a good wife and loving mother, and was well known in he neighborhood as one who could be depended on in times of sickness and trouble. To Mr. and Mrs. Todd there were born children as follows: John, M. D., of Pottstown, Pa., married (first) a Miss Smith, and (second) a Miss Heller of Boyertown, Pa.; William, a contractor of Norristown, Pa., m. Mary Saylor; Christiana B. m. Horace Royer, and their deaths occurred within a week of each other; Emily m. H. W. Kratz, of Norristown; Samuel M., M. D., is of Boyertown; and C. W. B.

C. W. B. Todd received his education at the "Trappe" in the Freeland Seminary (now Ursinus College), and after leaving school he apprenticed himself to learn the blacksmith's trade, which he followed until the outbreak of the Civil war, when, in 1861 he enlisted in the 2d Pennsylvania Reserve Corps as a musician. After serving thirteen months he was honorably discharged, and returned home, where he was engaged at various occupations for some time. He then accepted a position as traveling salesman for an agricultural implement firm, and in 1901 he came to Reading, leasing the "merchants' Hotel," which he has conducted with much success to the present time. At the time of Mr. Todd's lease the hotel had been neglected and allowed to run down, but Mr. Todd has built up a fine, first-class trade, and today the hotel is considered one of the best of the moderate rate houses in the state. The house contains sixty-six sleeping rooms. Having been a "Knight of the Road" himself, Mr. Todd fully understands what is required for the comfort of traveling men, and his place is fully equipped with every convenience. He personally attends to the dining-room service, doing his own buying, and he sees that nothing but the best that the rates can afford enters this department. Mr. Todd is very popular in fraternal circles, and is a member of Warren Lodge, F. & A. M., of Trappe, Pa.; Chapter No. 152, Reading; De Molay Commandery, Reading; and Rajah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S.

In 1872 Mr. Todd married Miss Adaline Schwenk and to them have been born these children: Emma, and C. Wallace B., who married, Feb. 21, 1901, Miss Sallie Gilbert, Mr. Todd is a Democrat, but claims the right to vote independently.


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Lewis Kendall Tomlinson, a retired citizen of Berks county, who is now making his home in the borough of Mount Penn, was born Oct. 13, 1848, in Camden, N. J., son of David and Nancy Ann (Emmel) Tomlinson.

The Tomlinson family was founded in America by the grandfather of Lewis K., who came from England when a young man and settled in New Jersey, where he reared a family. One of his sons, David, the father of Lewis K., was born in that State in 1798, was a produce dealer in the Philadelphia markets, and died when fifty-two years of age. He married Nancy Ann Emmel, of Cumberland. N. J., whose father was a native of Germany, coming from that country to America when a boy. One of Mrs. Tomlinson's brothers was a pilot on the Delaware river for a number of years. To Mr. and Mrs. Tomlinson were born these children: Henry F., a truck farmer of Cumberland county, N. J.; a daughter who died in infancy; and Lewis Kendall.

Lewis Kendall Tomlinson obtained a good common school education, and when in his fifteenth year learned the pottering trade with White & Smith, well known potters of Bridgeton, N. J. He remained in this firm's employ for seven years, and then worked as journeyman in different parts of Pennsylvania until 1872, when he settled in Lehigh county for one year. He then removed to Hereford county, where three years were spent at his trade, his next location being Dryville, Berks county. He successfully carried on the pottery business at this location from 1876 to 1890, and then sold out and removed to Reading, where he worked at various employments until April 1, 1898. He then removed with his family to Vaughan, Warren Co., N. C., where he was engaged in farming until November of the same year, at that time returning to Reading. There he remained until the spring of 1904, when he purchased something over an acre of land in Mount Penn borough, where he has since resided. He has made a very comfortable home there, and raises much fruit. He is considered one of the substantial men of the borough, and has many friends. In political matters Mr. Tomlinson is a Republican, and has ever been faithful to the principles of that great party. He is a member of Reading Castle No. 49, K. G. E., in which he has passed all of the chairs, and Muhlenberg Lodge No. 1085, I. O. O. F., in which he is past grand.

On Christmas Day, 1871, Mr. Tomlinson married Emily Jane Newlin, born Feb. 14, 1850, daughter of William K. and Ann Eliza (Gyles) Newlin and granddaughter of John and Elizabeth (Cavinder) Newlin, of Oxford, Chester county. To Mr. and Mrs. Tomlinson have been born eight children: N. Robert, born Oct. 29, 1872, at Slatington, Lehigh county, is an alderman of Reading; Laura E. m. Penrose W. Hawman, of Reading; Lewis B., born June 2, 1875, died March 19, 1879; Maggie E. m. Charles M. Angstatt, of Reading; Josephine and Ross K. are single at home, the latter of whom was born Jan. 19, 1880; Blanche T. is single at home; and Lewis V., born Oct. 2, 1886, died July 3, 1898.

William K. Newlin, who was an iron worker of Pinegrove, Chester Co., Pa., was a soldier of the Mexican war, and later enlisted in the Civil war, giving up his life in the service of his country. He was a member of Company E, Purnell Legion, Maryland Volunteers, enlisting at Pikesville, Md., Sept. 2, 1861. He died in November 1862, at Oxford, after having been discharged on account of sickness contracted during the service. He was the father of these children: Emily Jane, wife of Lewis K. Tomlinson; Melissa Anne, who died in infancy; Joseph J., who left home when ten years of age to become a cabin boy on a gunboat at Jamestown during the Civil war, serving two and one-half years, and later became a sailor, but of whom since 1866, nothing has been heard; Enos P., who lived at Perryville, Md., and died July 2, 1900, aged forty-six years; William T. G., who died in infancy; and Anson, who died aged one year.


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Frank Alfred Townsend, until Oct. 8, 1907, one of the valued employes of the Reading Water Department, holding the position of draughtsman in the office of the Superintendent and Engineer, Emil L. Nuebling, is a product of Reading institutions, though not a native son. He was born in Vincennes, Ind., May 18, 1876.

Townsend is an English name which has been prominent in the life of America for many generations. It is not well authenticated just when the first of the name landed on our shores, but it was very early. Of this branch of the family, John Townsend, grandfather of Frank A., lived and died a Lancaster county farmer, and his son Robert A., the father of our subject, was a school teacher in the same county for some thirty-five years. He died Oct. 4, 1902, at the age of fifty-nine years, as the result of an explosion. He married Elizabeth Matilda Conroy, daughter of John Conroy, of Lancaster, who now survives him. She became the mother of eight children, of whom four are now deceased, as follows: Rob-ert, William., Edward and Laura. Those living are: Roberta Ella, wife of Herbert A. Brown, chief train dispatcher of the Texas & Pacific railroad at Marshall, Texas; Thomas Walter, assistant baggage master of the same road, at the same point; Sara Elizabeth, principal of the public school at Tenth and Union streets, Read-ing; and Frank Alfred.

Frank Alfred Townsend was carefully educated in the public schools of the city, graduating from the high school in 1896 in the English Scientific course, adding also three years of Latin. The following year he took a postgraduate course, and then accepted a position with E. E. Davis, assistant superintendent of Motive Power and Rolling Equipment of the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad. Remaining in this position from July 1, 1897, to May 1898, he was transferred to Division Superintendent Wilson's office at Reading. Until Feb. 12, 1900, he filled the duties of his position acceptably, at which time he was offered the position of draughtsman in the Reading Water Department which he filled with efficiency. On Oct. 8, 1907, he resigned and went to Marshall, Texas, to manage a project for Mr. H. A. Brown, but not being well satisfied accepted a position with the Texas & Pacific Railroad Company under Master Car Builder Mr. W. D. Minten. He then left this position to become general storekeeper and chief clerk to Master Mechanic A. C. Miller, of the Texas Midland Railway at Terrell, Texas. This position he accepted on Dec. 10, 1908.

Mr. Townsend is as yet an unmarried man. He votes with the party of Lincoln and McKinley and is a communicant of St. Peter's Catholic church. A young man of worth and energy, his future lies in his own hands.


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Prof. R. A. Townsend (deceased), for many years a well known and successful educator, was a native of Lancaster county, born on a farm near Smyrna, about thirty miles southwest of Reading, April 19, 1844. His father was a Quaker, of English descent, and his mother, whose maiden name was Catherine Wagner, was of Dutch ancestry. Prof. Townsend was the youngest of thirteen children, of whom only two survive, all the others having passed away at nearly the same age. The two still living are Martin, of Norwich, Kans,; and Samuel, of Christiana, Lancaster county.

Prof. Townsend secured the rudiments of his education in what was known as the Bart township school, which he attended until he was seventeen years old. He then went West with his brother George and sister-in- law, and settled in Illinois on the unbroken prairie, in the region of Philo, Champaign county. Not far from there was a boarding school which he attended for fifty-three weeks of the two years he was in that part of the country. He also continued studies by himself while working on the farm, and would carry his Latin books to the field and study conjugations while plowing. On the death of his father he returned to the East, and entered Bucknell University of Lewisburg, Pa., where he was graduated in 1864, the valedictorian of his class. Continuing his work he took the degree of A.M., standing second among the applicants for that honor, and attracted much attention by the unusual quality of his work. It was said by the late Rev. J. R. Loomis, LL. D., then president of the University, that his record in several of his studies was the highest ever attained in the college.

After leaving the University, Prof. Townsend went to Lancaster to read law under Judge John B. Livingston, and during the period he was thus engaged, he also gave private instruction to the present Judge Landis. When examined for the Bar his unusual powers were again demonstrated, for he was given the highest certificate ever recorded in the prothonotary's office there. The examining board said that they knew of no adjective adequate to describe his degree of scholarship. His future as a lawyer was most promising, but nevertheless his inclinations were toward the teacher's profession, and when a vacancy occurred in the Lancaster high school, he turned his back upon the law and began his long career as a teacher by becoming assistant to Dr. J. P. McCaskey, the principal. He taught there two years, and then received the appointment to the professorship of mathematics in the Mary Sharp College, Winchester, Tenn. Later he removed to Ghent College, in Kentucky, where he was a professor of Latin and Greek, and thence to Vincennes, Ind., where he was first instructor and then principal of the high school/Prof. Townsend was in reality the founder of this school, beginning in 1870, with an attendance of thirty-five pupils, which increased rapidly until at his departure in 1882 there were 200 students. From 1872 until he left Vincennes, he filled the office of city superintendent.

From 1882 until his death Prof. Townsend was located in Reading, and during those twenty-one years he exerted an influence far reaching in its effects and unusual in its scope. Unlike some teachers, he made "his boys" his friends, mingling with them on the best of terms and always encouraging and developing them. His recitations, instead of being dreaded, were looked forward to with pleasure and his pupils took the greatest pride in their work. His most effective work, possibly, was in the literary department of education in the Boy's High School, where everything was in his personal charge, and where his success with timid and nervous boys was specially noteworthy. While never glossing over their faults or compromising with them, he nevertheless made kindness and encouragement his chief reliance, and the essential manliness and strength of character developed in the boys under him proved conclusively the wisdom of his methods. During his career in Reading, Prof. Townsend occupied successively the positions of assistant, assistant principal and principal.

A man of Prof. Townsend's character could scarcely have failed his country in her hour of need at the time of the Civil war, and he was one of the veterans who survived that struggle. He had enlisted while still in college, was a quartermaster sergeant in Company A, 28th Pa. V.I., and was in the battle of Gettysburg.

In 1868 Prof. Townsend was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Matilda Conroy, a successful and popular teacher, who as a student had attained a high degree of scholarship, and was salutatorian of her class. Their happy wedded life was blessed eight children, four of whom only, however, survive their father. They are: Roberta Ella, wife of Herbert A. Brown, chief train dispatcher for the Texas & Pacific railroad, with headquarters at Marshall, Texas; Frank A., employed as a draughtsman in the office of the water superintendent, Mr. Neubling, No. 25 North Eleventh street, Reading; Sara E., principal of the school at Tenth and Union streets, Reading; and Thomas W., baggage master for the Texas and Pacific railroad, at Marshall, Texas.

The last months of Prof. Townsend's life were darkened by illness and suffering, and for much of this time he was confined to his bed. His trouble was caused by an accident which occurred March 2, 1902. A great lover of nature, it was his custom to take long walks into the country on Saturdays and Sundays, but on this particular Sunday it was too cold and rainy for him to go out as usual, so he spent the day in-doors reading to himself and his family. In the evening before retiring, he started out for a short walk down Penn street to Front or Second street intending to ride home. Just as he was passing Lichty's Music Store a terrific explosion of acetylene gas occurred which blew out the fronts of two stores and damaged property all around. Prof. Townsend was hurled into the street, landing on his left side, and was made insensible by the force of the impact. On coming to himself he went home and apparently had received only a few cuts on the head and face, but before long the full effect of the shock appeared in the steady decline of his health from that time. On June 19, 1902, was the graduation of the last one of his children, Thomas W., from the high school, and on that day the father finally went to bed, never to leave it again until his death, Oct. 4, 1902, when his sufferings were over. He left the record of a life rich in usefulness and honor, and in the affectionate esteem of numbers who owed to his wise guidance and counsel much of their happiness and success in life.

The name Townsend is very old, and we append a brief account of its early history, as given by Malcolm Townsend, Esq., of Brooklyn, N.Y., foreign freight agent of the Pennsylvania Railroad. The name has been spelled in at least fifty-seven different ways, each spelling found in print. The original Townsend in England came from Normandy with William the Conqueror in 1066, and took part in the battle of Hastings. For his services to William the Norman, he received a grant of land in Norfolk and named it Raynham. "Rayn" means river, and "ham" (hame) means home, and thus Raynham means river home. This grant of land from William the Conqueror still remains in the possession of the Townsends. Very few of the English nobility are now seated on the original grant of land made to them, but the Townsends have retained their possessions for over 800 years, and through all the revolutions and wars in which England was engaged during that period. The name then was Norman; and while meaning the same as Townsend, it was spelled de Hauteville- "de" means "at," "Haute," "head" or "end;" and "ville," town; de Hauterville in Norman, means at Town's end in English. Seventeen of the fifty-seven spellings begin with the preposition "at," as "atte Town-end." In French the name is spelled de Bouteville; "de" means "at," "Boute" means "end" and "ville," "of the town" [ at the town's end]. In Latin, the name becomes Ad Exitum Villae "Ad" meant "at;" "Exitum," "end;" "Villae," "town," These different names and spellings become very important should any future Townsend choose to continue archaeological researches in this direction. Townsend is the proper modern spelling both in England and in this country. That the name is uniformly spelled Townsend is a matter of congratulation and prevents many inconveniences. For the spelling Townsend, there is high authority. Edmund Burke, the great English statesman, says "It seems not improbable that Townsend is the more correct, 'hend' being derived from 'henden' [Saxon] or Latin 'hendere' to take or hold."

On the monument to commemorate the battle at Saratoga, N.Y., Oct. 17,1777, is a bronze relief of "The King and his Ministers." In this picture beginning on the left are William Pitt, Lord Charles Townsend, Earl of Bute, Lord North, Archbishop Markham, and King George III. Lord Charles Townsend, prime minister , with outstretched hand is advising King George III, to some course of action. "The present Marquis of Townsend, whose father was Lord Chancellor to Queen Victoria, and whose picture is in the group, 'Victoria and her Court,' married a sister of the Duke of Fife, whose son, owing to his marriage with a daughter of the Prince of Wales, may some day reign in England." Should this Townsend ascend the English throne and become King of England and Emperor of India, then the English Sovereign, through his great-grandmother, Queen Victoria, and by thirty-five different lines of descent, could trace his relationship to Egbert, the first English King who held a Grand Lodge of Masons at York in 826.

Many other interesting references have been found concerning the three brothers who settled at New York City and became very wealthy. Richard and William Townsend sailed in the ship "Welcome" with their worthy friend, William Penn, arriving at Newcastle, Delaware, in 1682. William Townsend emigrated to Pennsylvania in 1712, settling near West Chester, Pa., in 1725. From these the Townsends of Chester and of Lancaster counties are descended.


p. 1470


James Trate (deceased). Among the substantial agriculturists of Berks county, Pa., who operated in Robeson township, may be mentioned James Trate, whose death occurred in 1885 in Robeson township, where he was born in 1830.

Mr. Trate received his educational advantages in the schools of his native township, and early in life took up agricultural pursuits, purchasing his first farm in 1859. Mr. Trate was a stanch Union man during the Civil war. In 1872 he sold his first farm, and purchased the property on which his widow now resides, known as the old Mohr farm, a tract of sixty acres. Here he was successfully engaged in agricultural pursuits until his death. Mr. Trate was married to Miss Sarah Seifert, and to them were born twelve children, as follows; Samuel, deceased; Mary E., who married Reuben Brady; Aaron, deceased; Nelson of Reading, Pa.; Elizabeth, who married James Dice; Rosanna, deceased; Howard, at home; Susanna, who married John Hammerton; James; Reuben; Sarah, who married Daniel Elk; and Wilson.

In religious belief Mr. Trate was a Lutheran, to which faith Mrs. Trate also adheres. He was a stanch Republican in politics, but never aspired to public office.


p. 1582

Surnames: TREAT

Albert Treat, an artist at Reading from 1870 to 1884, was born in that city Dec. 25, 1850. He was educated in the public schools and afterward worked in the coach-making shop of his father at painting until he drifted into landscape painting, which he followed until his decease in 1884.


p. 387


Isaac G. Treat, one of the well-known citizens of Reading, Pa., who is filling the responsible position of superintendent of the Reading Hardware Company, was born in Lycoming county, Pa., Sept. 22, 1841, son of Henry and Elizabeth (Ludwig) Treat.

Christian Treat, grandfather of Isaac G., was a well-known man of Berks county, Pa. He was of English descent, his father coming from England at an early date. He married Catharine Glass (or Glase), and they had children as follows: John, who lived and died at Milton, Pa., m. Rebecca Slough; Christian, who lived and died in Robeson township, m. Jestina Slough, a sister of Rebecca; Betsy m. John Homan; Polly m. John Moore; Catharine m. Fred Foreman, the grandfather of Harry Foreman, who was burned in the Boyertown fire in 1908 with his wife, two daughters and his sister, Sophia Foreman; Susanna m. Henry Hahn, and died in Robeson township, the mother of John, Mary, Catharine, David, Hannah, Henry, Isaac, Elhanan, Susanna, Isaiah and Samuel; Henry was father of Isaac G.; Isaac died at Selinsgrove; Abraham m. Lovina Trostel, and died in Reading; Joseph died in Philadelphia; Peter died in Reading. Christian Treat, the father, died at York, Pa., and after his death his wife married (second) Philip Hartz. She died in Reading.

Henry Treat was born in Robeson township, Berks county, and received his education in the public schools. Early in life he was employed about the iron furnaces and learned the iron-making business, which he followed for the balance of his life, dying in 1851. He is interred in the old Lutheran cemetery at the corner of Sixth and Washington streets. Henry Treat married in 1833, Elizabeth Ludwig, daughter of Henry Ludwig, and to this union were born ten children, seven of whom grew to maturity, as follows: Mary m. Jacob Shadle, deceased; John L., deceased, was a prominent lumberman of Williamsport, Pa.; Sarah m. Samuel Broscius, deceased; Isaac G.; Henry is a farmer of New York; Elizabeth m. James K. P. Robbins, of Williamsport; and Annie m. an Allen, of Holcomb, N. Y. In 1854 Mrs. Treat married (second) Peter Ranch, of Clinton county, Pa. She was a member of the M. E. Church, and died March 10, 1906, aged ninety years.

Isaac G. Treat received his education in the schools of Union county, the University at Lewisburg (now Bucknell), and the Union Seminary at New Berlin. He engaged in farm work until the outbreak of the Civil war, when he enlisted in Company A., 131st Pa. V. I., Capt. Jacob M. Moyer, Colonel Allabach, and served nine months, being honorably discharged in 1863. He re-enlisted in Company E., 51st Regiment, Col. John F. Hartranft, and served gallantly until August, 1865, when he was honorably discharged on General Orders from the War department. Mr. Treat, after one month's rest, took a course at Clark & Nelson's Commercial College, and then located in Reading permanently, accepting a position with Philip Albright, proprietor of a local express business, and he remained with this firm until October, 1866, when he engaged with the Reading Hardware Company. Being industrious and ambitious, Mr. Treat soon became familiar with the work of every department of the concern, and his ability being recognized by his employers, he was rapidly promoted from position to position, until in 1873 he was made superintendent of the company, which is one of the largest of its kind in the United States. A self-made man in all that the word implies, Mr. Treat has been the architect of his own fortune, and well deserves the success that has been his.

Mr. Treat was married, in 1868, to Miss Emma Deysher, daughter of Daniel Deysher, of Oley township, Berks county, Pa., and three children have been born to this union: Daniel G., employed by the Reading Hardware Company; Henry E., who died in 1898, aged twenty-six years; and Howard, employed by the Reading Hardware Company. Mr. Treat is a member of St. Paul's Memorial Reformed Church, and for a number of years has been deacon and elder.


p. 1375


David G. Treichler, miller at Treichlerville, in Hereford township, Berks county, was born on the homestead, where he still resides, Feb. 18, 1854. He is a son of David M. Treichler and grandson of Samuel Treichler, Sr.

There is a tradition in the Treichler family that the immigrant ancestor was Jacob Trycler, and that he came from the city of Treichlerdorf, Holland, landing at Philadelphia, Oct. 16, 1727. It is also believed that his wife came from Amsterdam, Holland. The Treichlers originally settled in New Jersey.

Samuel Treichler, Sr., grandfather of David G., is supposed to have been the first of the family to come to Berks county, where he settled in Hereford township. It is said he came from Kintnersville, Bucks county, on the Delaware river, on which stream the Treichlers were engaged as rafters. He followed mercantile pursuits and also engaged in the manufacture of linseed oil, and was the founder of Treichlersville, Berks county. Born July 14, 1776, he died March 29, 1865, aged eighty-eight years, eight months, fifteen days. He married Maria Magdalena Mumbauer, daughter of Philip and Barbara Mumbauer, born May 18, 1871, died Dec. 28, 1851, aged seventy years, seven months, ten days. They had these children: John, Jacob, David, Samuel (born Oct. 15, 1806, died Jan. 29, 1860), Joseph, Mollie (married Samuel Wehr), Sally Anne, and two who died in infancy. The will of Samuel Treichler, Sr., is on record in Will Book 11, page 380. The executors were his sons, David M. and Joseph. The following children are mentioned in the will: Jacob, John, David M., Samuel, Sarah, Mary and Joseph.

Anna Treichler (1763-1792) and Elizabeth Treichler (1768-1851), sisters of Samuel Treichler, Sr., were the second and third wives, respectively, of Jacob Gery an early resident of Hereford township, who was married three times.

David M. Treichler, born May 6, 1809, died of Bright's disease May 24, 1878. He was a farmer and miller at Treichlersville, and successful in business. He was a Republican in politics, a member of the Reformed Church, and is buried at the New Goshenhoppen Church at East Greenville, Montgomery county. Mr. Treichler was married in May, 1840, to Luzetta Gaumer, daughter of John Adam Gaumer, born Nov. 20, 1814, died Dec. 5, 1893, and they had these children: Sarah Ann, who married William Butz; Mary, unmarried; James G., a resident of Kutztown; Emma, who married Jacob Bittenbender; Lucinda, who married John Smith, and died in 1888; David G.; Caroline, who married J. M. Gainley; and Samuel, who married Amelia Lorentz.

David G. Treichler attended the public schools of his native township, later studying at Mount Pleasant Seminary at the Trappe, at the institution which in time became Ursinus College. He was reared to farming and milling, learning the trade from his father, and in 1878 engaged in the milling business on his own account, succeeding his father. Here he has since continued to carry on operations. The present mill, which is a stone structure, was built in 1854 by David M. Treichler, and before that time there was a stone mill at this site, built by Samuel Treichler, Sr. The place has been a mill property for many years, and was formerly a part of the Thomas Maberry tract, though it has been in the Treichler family since 1800. Mr. Treichler makes a specialty of the manufacture of rye flour, which he ships to Allentown, Bethlehem and Catasauqua. He also has a good market for his buckwheat flour and cornmeal, but his mill is particularly famous for its rye flour, which is a popular brand in the section. There is also a sawmill on the property, which was conducted by his father and grandfather before his time, but it has been inactive since 1888. The tract of land upon which the mill is situated comprises sixty-three acres, and the present stone house thereon was built by Samuel Treichler, Sr., in 1811, and the present barn was put up by David G. Treichler. The one which preceded it was burned about 1881, with all the contents, including cattle, horses and poultry, entailing a loss of $1,500. The fire started at night, so there was little chance to save anything.

Mr. Treichler is a progressive and prosperous businessman, a good representative of a family which has always been noted for energy and enterprise. He applies sound principles to the conduct of all his affairs, and he is big-hearted and broad-gauged in all the relations of life, having a disposition which has never cost him any patronage and has gained him many friends.

In November, of 1879, Mr. Treichler was married to Maria Schantz, daughter of William and Elizabeth (Roeder) Schantz, of Lehigh county, Pa., and they have had children as follows: David W., Harry S., Sallie, Frederick, Carrie, Newton, Jeremiah and Minnie. Mr. Treichler and his family are Reformed members of the New Goshenhoppen Church. He is a Republican in politics, and socially holds membership in East Greenville Castle, No. 298, K. G. E., and in Old Zionsville Lodge, No. 1077, I. O. O. F.


p. 482


James Gaumer Treichler, a well-known resident of Kutztown, who has for a number of years been engaged in farming in that section, is a native of Berks county, born at Treichlersville Sept. 7, 1845, son of David M. and Luzetta (Gaumer) Treichler.

There is a tradition in the Treichler family that the immigrant ancestor was Jacob Trycler, and that he came from the city of Treichlerdorf, Holland, landing at Philadelphia, Oct. 16, 1727. It is also believed that his wife came from Amsterdam, Holland. The Treichlers originally settled in New Jersey.

Samuel Treichler, Sr., grandfather of James G., is supposed to have been the first of the family to come to Berks county, where he settled in Hereford township. It is said he came from Kintnersville, Bucks county, on the Delaware river, on which stream the Treichlers were engaged as rafters. He followed mercantile pursuits and also engaged in the manufacture of linseed oil, and was the founder of Treichlersville, Berks county. Born July 14, 1776, he died March 29, 1865, aged eighty-eight years, eight months, fifteen days. He married Maria Magdalena Mumbauer, daughter of Philip and Barbara Mumbauer, born May 18, 1781, died Dec. 28, 1851, aged seventy years, seven months, ten days. They had these children: John, Jacob, David, Samuel (born Oct. 15, 1806, died Jan. 29, 1860), Joseph, Mollie (m. Samuel Wehr), Sally, Anna, and two who died in infancy. The will of Samuel Treichler, Sr., is on record in Will Book 11, page 380. The executors were his sons David M. and Joseph. The following children are mentioned in the will: Jacob, John, David M., Samuel, Sarah, Mary and Joseph.

Anna Treichler (1763-1792) and Elizabeth Treichler (1768-1851), sisters of Samuel Treichler, Sr., were the second and third wives, respectively, of Jacob Gery, an early resident of Hereford township, who was married three times.

David M. Treichler, born May 6, 1809, died of Bright's disease May 24, 1878. He was a farmer and miller at Treichlersville, and successful in business. He was a Republican in politics, a member of the Reformed Church, and is buried at the New Goshenhoppen Church at East Greenville, Montgomery county. Mr. Treichler was married in May, 1840, to Luzetta Gaumer, daughter of John Adam Gaumer, born Nov. 20, 1814, died Dec. 5, 1898, aged eighty-four years, fifteen days, and they had these children: Sarah Ann m. William Butz; Mary is unmarried; James G. is mentioned below; Emma m. Jacob Bittenbender; Lucinda m. John Smith and died in 1888; David G. m. Maria Schantz; Caroline m. J. M. Grimley; Samuel m. Amelia Lorentz.

James G. Treichler was reared on his father's farm and attended the schools of his district and the Normal Academy at Quakertown, of which Rev. Dr. A. R. Howe was principal, and later the Macungie Academy, of which Prof. Oliver Fell was principal. In 1877 he left the farm and became a salesman for Artman & Treichler, dealers in carpets, oilcloth and woodenware, of Philadelphia, and during a period of eighteen years he was their traveling salesman, his field being all over the eastern part of Pennsylvania and also the central part of the State. In the spring of 1895 he moved to Kutztown, on the old Kutz farm, which came into his possession and which he owns to this day, and for six years his fine team carried milk in Kutztown and vicinity from his dairy. He had about forty head of Guernsey and Jersey cows, all high-bred stock, for which he paid as much as $240 a head. His farm is in the highest state of cultivation and is one of the finest farms in the rich Maxatawny valley. His was one of the first barns in Berks county to be lighted by electricity. In every detail he is an up-to-date agriculturist and operates his land with modern, improved machinery.

Mr. Treichler was instrumental in starting building operations in the section of Kutztown north of the Sacony creek, and since the spring of 1900, when the building boom started, more than sixty fine residences have been erected, of which the Treichler mansion at the corner of Park and Treichler avenues is one of the handsomest and most modern buildings in the community. He is a director in the Building and Loan Association and was also director and treasurer of the Kutztown Park Association.

On Oct. 7, 1876, he married Anna Eliza Levan, daughter of David Levan, a prosperous farmer of Maxatawny township, and his wife, Lydia Jarrett, who had three children, viz.: Anna Eliza m. James G. Treichler; Sarah m. H. R. Nicks; Alvin lived in Reading many years, but died in Kutztown where he is buried.

Mr. and Mrs. Treichler have two children: Annie L. has been thoroughly educated; David L., who resides at home, assists in managing the estate. In politics Mr. Treichler is identified with the Republican party. He and his family are members of St. John's Reformed Church at Kutztown, in which he has been an elder for some years.

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