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Henry L. Smoyer, proprietor of the "Eagle Point Hotel," Eagle Point, Berks county, is one of the best known and most popular hotel men in this part of the State. He was born in Lyon Valley, Lehigh Co., Pa., son of Leon and Sarah Ann (Buchman) Smoyer.
Leon Smoyer was born in Lehigh county, and there learned the carpenter's trade. He then went to Allentown, where he worked at his trade or engaged in contracting until his death. He married Sarah Ann Buchman, born in May, 1832, daughter of Andrew and granddaughter of Peter Buchman. To this union was born one son, Henry L.
Peter Buchman was born in Germany, and on coming to America followed his trade of tailor. By his wife, whose maiden name was Shaul, he had children as follows: Andrew, Peter, Catherine, Margaret and Sarah.
Andrew Buchman, son of Peter, was born in Germany. He became a resident of Lowhill township, Lehigh county, where he engaged in farming. He is buried at Weisenburg Church. He married Sally Ann Haas, daughter of Michael and Clarinda (Cossiewic) Haas, the latter an Indian from Lyon Valley. Their children were: Annie, Hattie, Julia, Jennie, Eden, Henry, Sarah Ann, Adelia, Willoughby, Hiram and Louise.
Henry L. Smoyer grew to manhood in Lehigh county, receiving his education in the common schools. He began to learn the machinist's trade but abandoned it on account of poor eyesight. For five years he was employed as head man at the Lehigh county almshouse, and then as steward in the hospital there until 1880, when he moved to Kutztown and conducted a bakery for two and one-half years, after which he ran a stage between Kutztown and Allentown. At the end of four years he rented the hotel at Eaglepoint. After one year there he returned to Kutztown, where for three years he was proprietor of the "Eagle Hotel." He then purchased the "Eagle Point Hotel," a large brick building with a small farm adjoining. This he rented a year later, and went back to Kutztown, where until 1897 he was the proprietor of the "Washington House," that year going to the "Keystone Hotel." The latter he completely refurnished, and greatly improved, making of it a first class hostelry. He had become well known as a hotel man by this time, and his hotel became very popular, being noted for its excellent cuisine and prompt service. In 1901 Mr. Smoyer took charge of the "City Hotel" (to which he gave the name) on North Seventh street, Allentown, but this he conducted only eight months when owing to his wife's ill health, he sold out, and went to live on his farm at Eagle Point, conducting the hotel two years, and then devoting himself to his farm. In the spring of 1908 he again became proprietor of the "Eagle Point Hotel," and this he is conducting with his old time success.
Mr. Smoyer married Anna Frey, daughter of Peter Frey, and they have two sons: John Hamilton, a graduate of Pierce's Business College at Philadelphia, and now bookkeeper and stockholder of a large concern at Pottsville; and George Franklin, who studied at the Keystone State Normal School, then learned the baker's trade, at Reading, and has been bartender at the Hotel Allan," Pottsville, for five years. The latter is a fine tenor singer, having few peers in the county. In his political belief Mr. Smoyer is a Republican, and in religious faith a Lutheran, while Mrs. Smoyer belongs to the Reformed Church. Mr. Smoyer belongs to the K. G. E., Jr. O. U. A. M., and Huguenot Lodge, No. 377, F. & A. M., at Kutztown.
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John H. Snell, senior member of the well-known firm of Snell & Meharg, of Hamburg, Pa., manufacturers of vertical and horizontal steam engines, was born July 2, 1849, in Earl township, Berks county, son of Jacob and Matilda (Glase) Snell.
The Snell family, which is of German extraction, had its origin in America in John Adam Snell, who emigrated from Germany, on the ship "Robert and Alice" of Dublin, Walter Goodman, commander, and landed at Philadelphia Sept. 11, 1738, there being 103 other male passengers on board.
John Snell, a descendant of John Adam and grandfather of John H., was a resident of Berks county for some years, and was a man of prominence and wealth. In 1787, 1795, 1796, 1807, 1808 and 1812 he purchased properties in Reading, where he then lived, but prior to 1816 he removed to New Haven township, Montgomery county.
Jacob Snell, son of John and father of John H., was born May 3, 1816, in New Hanover township, Montgomery county, and obtained a good education in the public schools of that vicinity. He removed to Friedensburg, Oley township, Berks county, where he engaged in the mercantile business for some time, but later went to Earlville, where he conducted a hotel and general merchandise store. He then engaged in the iron business, operating the Spring forge until 1851, when he was elected register of Berks county on the Democratic ticket. In this office he served very acceptably until 1854. At the beginning of his term of office he removed to Reading, continuing to reside there until his death. In 1851 Mr. Snell formed a partnership with Mr. Snyder, and they built the Keystone forge in Reading, manufacturing car axles and hooks, and continued same successfully for several years, after which Mr. Snell became associated as part owner with John H. Craig in operating the Keystone Rolling Mills, which connection continued until his death in 1893. This latter was an extensive enterprise, employing over two hundred men, and Mr. Snell's rare tact and business acumen made possible the success of the industry. He was identified with various other enterprises, being for a time president of the Schuylkill Valley Building Association.
The Snell family had always been adherents of the principles of the Democratic party, but Mr. Snell's aversion to the institution of slavery led him, during the Civil war, to become a Republican. He was a school controller of the city of Reading for several years, and did much to advance the cause of education. Mr. Snell was a man of high honor and unquestioned integrity. He and his family were consistent members of St. Peter's Methodist Episcopal Church. His fraternal connections were with Reading Lodge, No. 549, F. & A. M., and the I. O. O. F., also at Reading.
Jacob Snell married Matilda Glase, daughter of Peter and Mary (Addams) Glase, of Alsace township, who had the following children: Matilda, William, Benneville, Amelia, Levi, James and Rebecca. Several years after the death of Mrs. Mary (Addams) Glase Mr. Glase married (second) Catherine Weisner, by whom he had five children: Caroline, Annie, Jacob, Alfred and Peter. To Jacob Snell and wife were born: Annie M. m. Dr. William Blakeslee, a practising physician of Coatesville, Pa.; Louisa m. Daniel Heffelfinger, a tailor at Reading; Peter m. Lizzie Myers, of Lebanon, Pa.; Caroline m. Lemon Buch, a wholesale liquor merchant at Reading; John H.; Sallie A. m. George F. Meharg, partner of John H. Snell. Mrs. Snell, the mother of these children, was born June 6, 1822, and died Sept. 7, 1892. Jacob Snell died Dec. 7, 1893, aged seventy-seven years.
John H. Snell secured a good education in the public schools of Reading, the last school he attended being the Southwest ward grammar school, which he left at the age of fourteen years to learn the trade of draughtsman and machinist with Clark & Hunter. He remained with this firm for four years and did his first draughting for J. H. Sternbergh, when the latter established his business in Reading. His next employers were Mellert & Co., with whom he remained another period of four years, and then became a draughtsman with the Baldwin Locomotive Works at Philadelphia, but subsequently relinquished his position because of ill health. He was next employed by the Harrisburg Foundry & Machine Company, with whom he remained two years, when he took a Western tour. Upon returning to Reading he handled machines for Rick Brothers, and later for T. A. Willson, manufacturer of spectacles, until 1874, when he went to the Pacific coast by boat. He left New York City, going by way of the Isthmus of Panama, thence up to Tacoma, on Puget Sound, where he had charge of the machinery of a large sawmill until 1877. Upon returning to Reading he became foreman of the Mellert Foundry & Machine Co., for one year, when his fondness for travel prompted him to return to California, this time remaining for one year only. In 1880, in partnership, with his brother-in-law, George F. Meharg, under the firm name of Snell & Meharg, he commenced business in Reading, where they operated a machine shop with success until 1889, when their entire plant was moved to Hamburg, where they had previously erected a substantial brick building 40x200 feet. Here they manufacture a superior grade of vertical and horizontal steam engines that find a ready domestic and foreign market. The firm suffered a severe loss by fire in 1894, but immediately rebuilt, with two wing additions. About fifty men are employed, manufacturing upward of five hundred engines annually. Mr. Snell has charge of the mechanical affairs of the plant, while the business duties fall upon Mr. Meharg. Mr. Snell was one of the promoters of the Hamburg Electric Light Company, and he became president and superintendent. He is a member of the Board of Trade.
In 1878 Mr. Snell married Annie Francisco Siemon, born Nov. 19, 1861, at Reading, Berks county, Pa., daughter of Herman and Mary A. (Francis) Siemon, of Wurtemberg, Germany, whose other children were Sallie Siemon and Josephine Siemon. To Mr. and Mrs. Snell have been born the following children: Edison J., Clarence H., George L., John G., Maria M., Josephine, Madaline, Charles A., and Gertrude L. (born July 4, 1908, died July 27, 1908). Mr. Snell and his wife are members of Bethany Methodist Church at Hamburg. He is a member of the Royal Arcanum, and of Lodge No. 115, B. P. O. Elks, Reading, Pennsylvania.
Charles Wanner Snyder, a popular citizen of the borough of Kutztown, Pa., who has been known to the people of that city as a professional photographer and artist, was born April 25, 1852, in Kutztown.
Benjamin Snyder, grandfather of Charles W., was a shoemaker of Alsace township, but in later life removed to Kutztown, where he died Dec. 22, 1817, aged eighty-six years, in the old historic house on Walnut street which is now 169 years old. For many years he lived in the house at the corner of West Oak and Walnut streets, which has been remodeled and is now owned and occupied by his grandson, Charles W. Benjamin Snyder married Eliza Binder, whose parents came from Germany, and their children were: John (m. Abbie Strausser); Anna (m. George Bossler); Samuel; William (m. Matilda Ziegler); Mary (m. Frederick Sellsderf); Sarah (m. Isaac Ziegler); and Daniel (m. Caroline Bieber).
Samuel B. Snyder, son of Benjamin, was born March 30, 1817, in Alsace township, Berks county, and died in December, 1893. Early in life he came to Kutztown, where he learned the trade of shoemaker, an occupation which he followed all of his life. Mr. Snyder married Lydia Adam, daughter of Jacob Adam, of Perry township (whose genealogy appears elsewhere), and to this union were born children as follows: Alinda m. Henry Kemp; Henry and Alfred died in infancy; Catherine was twice married, left one daughter, Minnie Keyser, and died in 1885, in her thirty-fifth year; Charles W.; and Annie died in her twenty-fourth year.
Charles Wanner Snyder was taken by his parents when seven years of age, to Maxatawny township, and there obtained his early education in a select school near Rothrocksville, and later at the Siegersville Academy, which was in charge of Prof. George H. Heffner. He then attended the Keystone State Normal school, after leaving which he learned the trade of harness-making which, however, he pursued for but one year. Mr. Snyder had learned shoemaking at home, and this he followed for a few years only. After leaving school he learned, during spare moments, the art of photography with James Eck, and this he has followed to the present time with much success. He also learned free-hand crayon work under Miss Clara Hartman, now the talented wife of Dr. Samuel A. Baer, Ph. D. Mr. Snyder is a scenic artist of some note and a skilled sign painter. Since 1872 he has, however, given the greater part of his time to photography.
Mr. Snyder is the honored president of the town council, a position which he has held for five years, having been Democratic member of the borough council for the past six years. He and his family are members of St. Paul Reformed Church, of which he is an elder. Mr. Snyder is very public-spirited, it being through his quick action that the grove which is now famous Kutztown Park was saved from the woodmen. Mr. Snyder began the movement for the saving of the park through public subscriptions and in this he was very successful.
On Nov. 22, 1877, Mr. Snyder married Sallie A. Jackson, daughter of Charles H. and Amanda (Busby) Jackson; and to this union have been born these children: L. Girl m. Albert Lesher, now deceased, and has two children Carl and Earl; Annie A. m. Wayne Hammel, and has had two children. W. Errol and Robert E. (died when two years old); Grace E. died in her fourth year; James E. died in infancy; Sadie E. graduated at the age of seventeen years from the Keystone State Normal School; and Mary R., George C. and Walter E. are at home. Mrs. Snyder died Feb. 8, 1909.
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The Snyder family in Albany township, Berks county, is descended from Philip Snyder, who moved to that district from Bloomsburg, Pa. He was a wood worker and farmer. His wife's maiden name was Stahler. They had four children - Daniel, m. to Rebecca Zehner; Mrs. John Haring; Rachel; and Bevvy, who never married.
Daniel Snyder, only son of Philip was a wheelwright by trade, and cultivated a farm in Albany now owned by Mrs. Lewis Bailey. He was a Lutheran member of New Bethel (Corner) Church where he and his family are all buried. His wife Rebecca was a daughter of Philip Zehner. They had the following children - William; Jesse died young; Daniel; Mary died unmarried; and Moses.
Moses Snyder, son of Daniel, was born in 1836, and lives at the Blue Mountains where he owns a small well-watered farm, on which he built a house in 1909. He m. (first) Harriet Wen, by whom he had a son, William, and daughters, Jane, Mary, Annie and Kate. By his second wife Emma Lutz, widow of Joseph Fry, he has a son Robert.
William Snyder, son of Daniel, was born in 1823, and died in 1906, aged eighty-three years, and is buried at Snyder's Evangelical Association. He was a wheelwright and carpenter by trade, and was an excellent wood-worker and mechanic. He made his home in Albany. His wife Phoebe Evans, was a daughter of Thomas Evans, of Chester county, Pa. They had children: James E.; Daniel; William; Thomas; Margaret m. Jesse Kamb, of Eckville, in Albany; Lydia m. James Nester, of Albany; and Jane m. William Greenawalt.
James E. Snyder is a well known farmer in Albany township where he was born July 7, 1845, son of William. When twenty years old he was licensed to teach in the public schools by Prof. John S. Ermentrout, and taught three terms in Albany. In 1874 he began farming on his father-in-law's farm, where he has since lived. This farm of 130 acres he purchased. He is a Democrat, has served as school director thirteen years, and was secretary of the board ten years. He is a leading member of Snyder's Evangelical Church, and was class-leader and exhorter, and superintendent of the Sunday-school which has a membership of fifty people. He married Catharine Miller, daughter of Christian Miller, and they have had five children, namely: Jefferson, of Albany, has children - Ida, Viola, Lottie, Carl, and Roy; Jacob lives near Drehersville, Pa.; Monroe, of Albany township, has children - Minnie, William, Bertha, Verna, Pearl, Paul and Roy; William died small; and Ida m. Harvey J. Kunkel, a farmer near Virginville, Pa., and they have Velma and Freelie.
George W. Snyder, who is well known to the people of Reading, Pa., as a professional musician, has been identified with musical organizations since his twelfth year, and is the present director of the Gen Echo Orchestra. Mr. Snyder was born in 1868, in Bethel township, Berks county, son of Franklin and Elizabeth (Lerch) Snyder.
Thomas Snyder, the grandfather of George W., was a prosperous farmer of Bethel township, and owned land deeded to the family by the Penns in 1730. He married a Miss Wagner, and to them were born the following children: Washington, Davilla, Isaac, Franklin, Henrietta, and Clementina. Of this family Franklin Snyder was one of the early farmers of Bethel township, and followed agricultural pursuits all of his life, dying at the age of fifty-four years. His widow still survives. They were the parents of these children: Rebecca; Emma; Sarah, deceased; William F.; George W.; David T. and Ella J., deceased; and Dora M. The family were members of the Lutheran Church.
George W. Snyder received his literary education in the public schools, after leaving which he taught school for five years, then engaging as a brakeman on the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad, with which road he continued for three years. He than became a United States railway postal clerk, his run being between Allentown and Harrisburg, but after twelve years he resigned, and took up the profession of piano tuning. At the age of twelve years he received his first instruction in music from Prof. L. A. Drumheller, of Harrisburg, and later he graduated from the G. H. Munroe School of Piano Tuning, Boston, having done practical work in the Cornish Piano factory. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., the P. O. S. of A. and the National Association of Railway Postal Clerks. In political matters he is a Democrat.
Professor Snyder married A. Blanche Deck, and to them have been born four children; Percy A.; Robert E. and Maysie A., deceased; and George D. The family attend the Reformed Church.
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Jefferson Snyder, attorney at law at Reading since 1875, was born in Exeter township, Berks county, at what is now known as the village of St. Lawrence, Nov. 6, 1848. After receiving his preliminary education in the local schools and attending the Freeland Seminary (now Ursinus College), he took a regular course at Lafayette College, and graduated with distinction in 1872, having received the highest honors of his class and delivered the valedictory in the graduating exercises. He then served as a tutor in the college for one year. With this preparation, he entered the law offices of George F. Baer, Esq., as a clerk and student, and, after a course of reading for two years, was admitted to the Bar Aug. 9, 1875. He then opened an office and carried on an introductory practice for two years, when he was selected by Mr. Baer to become his assistant. Mr. Snyder's ability and character came to be so highly appreciated by Mr. Baer in the course of a few years that he formed a law partnership with him, and Mr. Baer continued a partner in the business until 1901, when he became the president of the Philadelphia & Reading Railway Company, and on that account was obliged to discontinue the practice of law at Reading.
The law business was very large and diversified, and as Mr. Baer became more and more engaged in enterprises of various kinds, of a public as well as of a private character, the responsibilities of its management were gradually thrown upon Mr. Snyder, and he proved himself thoroughly competent to take care of it. Philip S. Zieber, Esq., was admitted into the firm in 1898 (he having been a student and admitted to practice as a lawyer from the same office in 1884, and having become familiar with the business by assisting in the office work until that time), and the name was then changed to Baer, Snyder & Zieber, being thus continued until Mr. Baer withdrew, when it became Snyder & Zieber; and as such they have carried on a very active and lucrative practice until the present time. The intricate and extensive legal affairs of the Philadelphia & Reading Railway Company, and of the Reading Iron Company, in Berks county, have been looked after and directed in this office since 1870, which evidences the superior character and professional accomplishments of these attorneys; and the law reports of the State during this long period of nearly forty years show the great volume of litigation conducted by them before the several courts. Mr. Snyder's son, Thomas Iaeger Snyder, Esq., has been a member of the firm since 1902, having studied law in this office and then been admitted to practice before the several courts of the county.
In 1877 Mr. Snyder married Anna Lizzie Iaeger, daughter of Rev. Thomas T. Iaeger, of Reading, and Mary A. (Palsgrove), his wife, of Mercersburg, Pa., and they have three children: Mary, m. to Dr. John M. Brister, surgeon in the United States navy; Thomas Iaeger, attorney at Reading; and John Kendig, who is studying music at the New England Musical Institute, at Boston.
Mr. Snyder's father was Benjamin Leinbach Schneider, farmer, merchant and manufacturer of woolen goods in Exeter township, along the Antietam creek, near "Black Bear." He died in 1860, aged thirty-five years. He married Rachel Schmehl, daughter of Jacob Schmehl and Barbara (Breidegam), his wife, of Ruscombmanor township. She died in 1901, aged seventy-seven years. They had seven children: Adaline, m. to Harrison Seidel; Jefferson; Emma Louisa, m. to Harry Creen, of Philadelphia; Amelia Amanda, who died in 1867, in her girlhood; Agnes, m. to Jacob Happel; Mary Olivia, m. to Isaac Deturck; and Stockton, m. to Ida Brumbach, both of whom were killed in the "Honda Wreck" on the Southern Pacific railroad in California May 11, 1907.
His grandfather was David Schneider, farmer of Oley, along the Monocacy creek, about a mile above the "Oley Line" hotel. He died in 1866, aged sixty-nine years. He married Mary Magdalena Leinbach, daughter of Thomas Leinbach, farmer of Oley, and they had seven children: Simon, Benjamin, Joel, Jackson, Rachel (m. to William Brumbach), Mary Ann (m. to Harrison Yoder), and Emma (m. to Daniel Happel).
Mr. Snyder's wife's father, Rev. Thomas T. Iaeger, was an active and influential Lutheran minister in Berks county for many years. His father was Rev. Gottfried Frederick Immanuel Iaeger, for sixty years an honored minister of the Lutheran Church in Berks county, born at Illigen, in Wurtemberg, Germany, in 1796, emigrated to Pennsylvania in 1817, where he then began to preach as a minister of the Lutheran Church; and died at Hamburg in 1879. In 1820 he married Mary Audenried, daughter of Lewis Audenried, of McKeansburg, in Schuylkill county, Pa., and they had eleven children, including Rev. Thomas T. His wife died in 1888, aged ninety-one years.
Jonas H. Snyder, dairyman at Oley Line, was born in Exeter township, Berks Co., Pa., March 14, 1876, son of Thomas H. and Mary Ellen (Hoffman) Snyder, of Exeter township, and grandson of Thomas and Hannah Snyder.
Thomas Snyder, grandfather of Jonas H., lived on the Oley pike above Oley Line toward Reading, where he was a farmer. is children were: Dr. Peter, deceased; Jacob, who lives at Reading and is advanced in years; Louisa, deceased; Lewis lived in Exeter where he was a carpenter; Sarah m. August Young; and Thomas, father of Jonas H.
Thomas H. Snyder, father of Jonas H., was born in Exeter where he died in 1892, aged fifty-six years. He is buried at Schwartzwald. He was a carpenter and employed a number of men, working in the vicinity of his home, building houses and barns and doing repair work. He was a Democrat and was school director of Exeter, dying in office. He m. Mary Ellen Hoffman, daughter of Samuel and Susan (De Hart) Hoffman, Mrs. Snyder was born Sept. 28, 1838, and they had issue: Ida, died young; Thomas, of Exeter; Samuel died about 1880; Clayton, of Exeter, on the original "Hans Schneider" homestead, where he is a farmer and owns the farm; Wilson died when thirty-two years old; Daniel, of Mt. Penn; and Jonas H.
Jonas H. Snyder attended the public schools of Exeter township and also Prof. D. B. Brunner's Reading Academy and Business College. He was licensed to teach school in 1898 by Prof. E. M. Rapp, and taught during the terms of 1898-99 in his home township, in the Green Tree school. He was reared to farm life, and for four years worked in the creamery for F. C. Cleaver and for several years in Reading in the locomotive works. He has been the manager of Oley Line Creamery since April, 1909, and is thoroughly acquainted with the dairy business. He is a member of P. O. S. of A., Camp No. 221, at Oley Line, of which he is a past president, and Reading Camp, Modern Woodmen of America, No. 9289. He is a member of the Reformed Church at Schwartzwald. In politics he is a Democrat, but votes independently.
Mr. Snyder was m. Dec. 31, 1898, to Rebecca Stapleton, daughter of Samuel Stapleton whose full history appears in this volume. Mrs. Snyder died in 1902, aged twenty-four years. She was buried at Schwartzwald exactly four years after her marriage, leaving one son and one daughter, namely: Raymond S. and Esther S. Mr. Snyder lives in Exeter township along the Oley turnpike with his mother on the old homestead.
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Jorias K. Snyder, an enterprising and public-spirited citizen of Reading, Pa., engaged in the livery business at No. 942 Bingaman street, was born in 1862, in Dauphin county, son of Jacob Snyder.
Jacob Snyder formerly followed farming in Dauphin and Snyder counties, and is now located in Middlesex township, Cumberland county, where he still continues an agriculturist. He married Elizabeth Kissinger, and they became the parents of these children: John, Elmer, Jacob, Harry, Mary, Ida, Lily, Emma and Jorias K.
Jorias K. Snyder obtained his education in the public schools of his native locality, assisting his father at farm work during the summer months until his eighteenth year, when he went West to Dakota and later to Nebraska, being employed at different kinds of labor. He remained three years, two years being spent on a large cattle ranch owned by Jesse Dinslow in Upper Nebraska. Returning to the East, Mr. Snyder located for a short time with his parents in Cumberland county, after which he spent a short time in Lykens, Dauphin county, thence going to Philadelphia, and located in Reading, in 1891, engaging in the grocery business at Seventh and Bingaman streets. He remained in this capacity for two years, at the end of which time he engaged in the livery business in partnership with Mr. Ed. Noll, at No. 136 Peach street, under the style of Snyder & Noll, later purchasing Mr. Noll's interest, continuing to operate on his own account. Mr. Snyder later sold his livery to Mr. David Mosteller, and engaged in the same business at No. 942 Bingaman street, where he has since been located. Mr. Snyder also engaged in the hotel business for three years, running the "Spring Garden House," at the same time conducting his stables.
Mr. Snyder married Mary N. Lyons, of Perry county, Pa., and two children were born to this union: Annie E., and Nina M. In political matters Mr. Snyder is a Republican, but he has neither sought nor cared for public office. The family are Lutherans. He is very popular in fraternal circles, in which he takes an active part, being a member of the P. O. S. of A., and of the Eagles. Mr. Snyder's home is situated at No. 925 Chestnut street.
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Joseph S. Snyder, a representative agriculturalist of Lower Heidelberg township, Berks county, whose fine farm of 118 acres is situated along the Berks and Dauphin turnpike, was born April 13, 1851, in South Lebanon township, Lebanon county, son of John and Elizabeth (Stohler) Snyder.
Samuel Snyder, grandfather of Joseph S., resided at Iona, Lebanon county, where he owned several farms, and was a man of considerable means. He married Martha Gingrich, and they had six children: John, Elizabeth, Mary, Joseph, Kate and Sarah.
John Snyder, father of Joseph S., was born in South Lebanon township, Lebanon county, in 1820, and died near Lebanon in 1900, being buried at Iona. He was a farmer by occupation, owning a nice property, and was a member of the meeting-house in his community. Mr. Snyder married Elizabeth Stohler, who died in 1883, daughter of Johannes Stohler, of Heidelberg township, Lebanon county, and they had children as follows: John, Samuel, Monroe, Malinda, Joseph S., Martha, Sarah, Kate and Lizzie.
Joseph S. Snyder was reared on his father's farm, and when twenty-four years old he began farming on an eighty-eight acre tract in his native township, where he resided for four years. He then sold his farm stock and removed with his father-in-law to Millcreek township, where he resided one year, at the end of that time purchasing a seventy-acre farm, which he operated for a period of eighteen years, this farm being located in the southwest corner of the township. Mr. Snyder also owned an eighty-acre property in South Lebanon township, but on moving to Berks county in 1891, he sold both of these tracts and purchased the well-known Michael Kintzer farm in Lower Heidelberg township, which consists of 118 acres of some of the best land to be found in this part of the State. On this property are located a Swiss barn 106x45 feet, and a large brick house, which is beautifully located and surrounded by a large, well-kept lawn. Mr. Snyder has fine farm stock, and cultivates his property with the latest and most highly improved machinery, and his operations in the agricultural line were attended with much success. In the fall of 1908 he gathered 3500 bushels of corn from twenty-two acres. He still owns this farm but in the spring of 1908 moved into Reading. He attends the Reading market once or twice a week, having stand No. 106 at the Kissinger market-house. In politics Mr. Snyder is a Democrat, but he has never been desirous of holding public office. He and his family are Lutheran members of the Schaefferstown Church.
On Oct. 5, 1876, Mr. Snyder was married to Maggie Person, born in Millcreek township, Lebanon county, June 19, 1856, daughter of David and Adaline (Moore) Person, and she died May 14, 1904, being buried at Schaefferstown. Thirteen children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Snyder, namely: Clayton died aged three years; Emma m. John Bennetch, of Spring township; David lives in Ohio; Milton is ticket agent at Gladwyne, Pa.; Lizzie; Addie lives at Gladwyne; Alice m. Feb. 6, 1909, William H. Noll, and lives in Reading; Irwin is the dairyman of the Griscolm Company, at Gladwyne, Pa.; Ella; Mary died when nearly six years old; John; Hiram; and Laura died in infancy.
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Peter H. Snyder, a well-known citizen of lower Berks county, who since 1906 has made his home on a part of the old Isaac Levan property in the southern part of Mount Penn borough, was born Dec. 27, 1852, in Oley township.
Mr. Snyder attended the public schools of his native locality, and later entered Freeland Seminary, at Collegeville, Montgomery county, which institution he left at the age of sixteen years to assist his father in the work on the farm. When twenty-two years of age he began farming as a tenant on his father's farm and this he cultivated one year, the following two years being spent on the well known Yeich property near Schwartzwald Church in Exeter township. Mr. Snyder then came into possession of the old Nein farm in Oley township, a tract of one hundred acres of fertile soil, and this he cultivated very successfully for twenty-eight years. In the spring of 1906 he purchased a part of the old Isaac Levan property, located in the southern part of Mount Penn borough, and on these seven acres he has continued to the present time, growing much fruit. Mr. Snyder is a good practical agriculturist, and a public-spirited citizen, being esteemed by those who know him for his many sterling traits of character. He is a stanch advocate of education, and gave his sons the benefit of a college career, while his daughters received a Normal school training. In politics he is a Democrat, and served as school director for three years in Oley township. Fraternally he is connected with the I. O. O. F., No. 1109, of Griesemersville. He and his family are consistent members of Schwartzwald Union Church, belonging to the Reformed denomination, and he has served as deacon for eight years and elder for three years.
On July 23, 1872, Mr. Snyder married Mary E. Moyer, daughter of Henry and Sarah (Moyer) Moyer, and granddaughter of Henry and Elizabeth (Keller) Moyer. To Mr. and Mrs. Snyder the following children were born: a daughter died in infancy; Sallie m. William Jackson, of St. Lawrence, Pa.; Henry, Professor of Chemistry and Physics, in the High school, Wilmington, Del., m. Minnie Hunsberger, of Lancaster; Aaron at present holds the Harrison Fellowship in Psychology, University of Pennsylvania; Mary is bookkeeper for a large Reading firm; Rev. Elam, Reformed pastor of the Alsace Church of Berks county, m. Miss Lovie Shalter; a son died in infancy; Hettie is a public school teacher in Berks county; and Hannah is a milliner at Lord & Gage's establishment, Reading.
p. 1443
William M. Snyder, of No. 151 West Oley street, Reading, Pa., who is engaged in the insurance business, was born in 1860 in Perry township, Berks county, son of Joel C. and Maria (Mervine) Snyder.
Isaac Snyder, grandfather of William M., was a representative agriculturist of Perry township, where his whole life was spent. He married Kate Graeff, and to them were born the following children: James G., William; Joel G.; Sophia, m. to Charles Steffy; and Katie, m. to Daniel Wiest. In religious belief he was a Lutheran.
Joel G. Snyder was born in Perry township, and there was engaged in farming until 1894, when he engaged in the huckstering business, his present residence being in Shoemakersville, Pa. Mr. Snyder was united in marriage with Maria Mervine, and to them there were born children as follows: Irvin P.; Charles E., William M.; Mabel A., deceased; and May. Mr. Snyder is a member of the Knights of the Golden Eagle, and the Knights of Malta. He is independent in politics, and in his religious belief is identified with the United Brethren Church, attending Christ Church of that denomination.
William M. Snyder was educated in the schools of Perry township, after leaving which he engaged with the Philadelphia & Reading Railway Company, for two years. Mr. Snyder then learned cigar making, at which he was engaged for four years, when he sold out and purchased a pool room and cigar store at the corner of Schuylkill avenue and Oley street, which he successfully conducted until 1906, when he sold out to engage in the insurance business, which he has carried on to the present time.
On Oct. 28, 1899, Mr. Snyder was married to Sallie M. Baer, daughter of David and Sarah (Miller) Baer. Mr. and Mrs. Snyder attend the Reformed Church. In political matters he is a Democrat.
p. 484
William T. Snyder, alderman of the Fifteenth ward of Reading, Pa., and one of the successful and influential business men of the city, is the grandson of Daniel H. Schneider, who is remembered by the older residents of Berks county as a prominent farmer and miller of Exeter township, and the son of W. H. Schneider, for many years a miller in the same township, and for thirty years its justice of the peace. He died in Reading, Oct. 9, 1905, at the ripe age of seventy-eight years. The Alderman's mother was Hannah Tobias, who died in 1865, the daughter of a Berks county farmer. To W. H. and Hannah Schneider were born six children, one of whom, Susan, died at eighteen. Those living are: Kate, widow of John K. Young, proprietor of "Stonersville Hotel" in Exeter township at the time of his decease; Hannah, wife of Howard E. Ahrens, a contractor of Reading; Deborah, wife of Albert H. Adams, truck and dairy farmer of Exeter township; Elizabeth, wife of Charles M. Richardson, proprietor of a creamery at Bernville, and one of the owners of the Ahrens & Richardson creameries; and William T.
William T. Snyder, who Americanized the spelling of the family name, was born on the old homestead in Exeter township, Dec. 3, 1858. He received a fair common school education, and then passed the time until a year after his majority in helping his father about the mill. At twenty-two he left home and entered the service of the Philadelphia & Reading Railway Company at Pottstown, and after three years came to Reading, where he was for the same period of time proprietor of the "Bridgeport Hotel." On the passage of the Brooks high license law he closed the hotel and started coal, flour and feed business. In 1894 he erected the fine business building which he now occupies and continued the business, adding a stock of fancy groceries.
Mr. Snyder even as a boy had opinions as to public matters. When he reached man's estate and went into business for himself this characteristic became more marked, and with the wisdom that came with experience, personal and by observation, these opinions began to attract the attention of his friends and neighbors on account of their soundness. At thirty he was in Reading's common council, where for two terms his voice was heard and respected in the framing of ordinances for the betterment of the city. This was back in 1887-88. Again in 1894 he became a member of the city's legislative body, this time as alderman from the Fifteenth ward, and he is now serving his fourth term. Though a Democrat in political faith, Alderman Snyder does not allow politics to enter into questions upon which he is called upon to vote in the sessions of the board. In national, State and county affairs he is however, a partisan, believing thoroughly in the efficacy of Democratic principles and policies.
Unlike many leading men, Alderman Snyder takes a lively interest in religious affairs. He is a working member of the St. Mark's Reformed Church of Reading, and for the past ten years has acted as treasurer. During the building of the splendid $55,000 church edifice in which the congregation now worships, Mr. Snyder was a member of the building committee and disbursed the funds, calling forth the thanks of his church brethren for the satisfactory manner in which that part of the work was done.
In the business world Alderman Snyder is regarded with confidence by his associates, being the first president of the Pennsylvania Retail Coal Merchants Association, and now secretary of the Retail Coal Dealers Association of Reading. Since the death of his father he has been treasurer of the Oley Turnpike Road Company. He is also a member of the fraternal organization known as the P. O. S. of A.; and of the Masonic fraternity.
On July 2, 1881, Mr. Snyder married Sarah H., daughter of John G. Brower, of Boyertown, a contracting carpenter of that place. To this union have been born these children, as follows: Elmina, born 1882, wife of John D. Bear, of Reading; William B., born 1887, in business with his father; and John LeRoy, a student in the public schools. The life of Alderman Snyder has been one of earnest endeavor for the advancement of society in general and Reading in particular, and he is now enjoying the merited esteem of a host of friends, who delight to do him honor on all proper occasions.
p. 689
William W. Snyder, who for many years was engaged extensively in mercantile pursuits in Reading and throughout Berks county, in 1836, son of Jacob and Barbara (Williams) Snyder, prosperous farming people of that section. The corner stone in their house bore the date A. D. 1768.
William W. Snyder attended the public schools of his native township and an academy at Boyertown, in the meantime assisting his father in the duties of the farm. After leaving school he remained at home for a short time, and then went to Evansville, where for a short time he was engaged in clerking, then going to Bowers Station. At the latter place he engaged in a general store business, and continued there for two years, at the end of which time he bought the well-known and well-established foundry at Kutztown of Haack & Kline, operating it for a period of one and one-half years. Mr. Snyder then went to Spangsville, where he purchased the general store business of a Mr. Spang, which he conducted for three years, then coming to Reading. He engaged in the grocery and dry goods business at Eighth and Penn streets in the Breneiser building for a period of two years, after which he engaged in the same business at No. 235 North Eight street, the present site of the Schaeffer baking establishment. After continuing there for a period of five years, he spent two years in his native township, and then again came to Reading, locating at No. 204 Eighth street, where Mrs. Snyder lived for twenty-eight years. Her home is now at No. 547 the same street, and she owns the valuable property on the corner of Tenth and Elm streets, now occupied by Mr. Bland as a shoe store.
After locating at Reading, Mr. Snyder engaged in business on the corner above mentioned, in partnership with John Hoffman, the firm being known as Snyder & Hoffman, and he continued there for fourteen years. After selling out to Kline & Wann, Mr. Snyder removed his business to Third and Washington streets and five years later to Bingaman street. He died on a quiet Sunday evening, March 5, 1904, and his burial was at Kutztown. He was a man highly respected by all who knew him and beloved and looked up to by his family.
Mr. Snyder was united in marriage with Louisa R. Kemp, daughter of the late George G. and Mary (Yoder) Kemp. She was educated at South Bethlehem College. The Kemp family is an old and honorable one, and the name is perpetuated by Kempton, Pa. The cornerstone in the Kemp homestead on the Kutztown and Allentown road is dated A. D. 1765. In this house was a special room furnished for tramps to sleep in. The Kemps donated the land for Kutztown part, so popular with churches and Sunday-schools, some times as may as six excursions in a week being run to this park. George Kemp, grandfather of Mrs. Snyder married Catherine Griesmer. Her father, George G Kemp, was a life-long farmer of Maxatawny township and owned valuable property in the vicinity of Kutztown. He died at the age of fifty-three years, and his widow survived to the age of sixty-three. They had these children: Mrs. Jonathan Grim; David, deceased; George, who died at Springfield, Ohio; Martin, a resident of Lyon Station, Berks county; and Louisa R., widow of Mr. Snyder.
The children of Mr. and Mrs. Snyder were: Howard K., a resident of Reading; Solon K., a machinist; Irwin K., a tailor; Laura E., m. to Walter B. Koch, of Reading; Estella V., m. to Clyde W. Gray; and Susan L., m. to Harvey I Reinby.
p. 1670
Wilson S. Snyder, a well known and highly esteemed resident of Hyde Park, Muhlenberg township , who has served in the office of real estate assessor for the past eleven years, was born in Oley township, Berks county, April 21, 1870, son of the late Ephraim W. and Catharine (Schmehl) Snyder.
Jacob Snyder, grandfather of Wilson S., was a prominent agriculturist of Ruscombmanor township, Berks county, where he owned two valuable farms above Blandon, and died April 7, 1882, aged seventy-two years. He married Barbara Williams, who died in 1892, aged eighty-five years, and they were the parents of six children: William; Ephraim W.; Henry; Jacob; Augustus, and a daughter, who died young. In religious belief the family were Lutherans. In politics Mr. Snyder was a Democrat. He was extensively engaged in real estate transactions, and bought and sold many farms in Berks county, where he was known as a public spirited citizen, and able business man.
Ephraim W. Snyder was born July 4, 1843, in Ruscombmanor township, and for twenty-seven years cultivated his father's farm. At the end of this time Mr. Snyder purchased a farm near Friedensburg where he lived for about ten years, and then retired from active work, to live with his son, Jacob, in Oley township. He died July 28, 1907, in the Lutheran faith, having been a member of Shalter's Church. His wife survives him. They were the parents of five children, namely: Wilson S.; Katie m. Elmer S. Manwiller; Magdalena m. Wellington Becker; Jacob S. m. Judith Kinsey; and Henry died in infancy. Mr. Snyder was a Democrat in politics, held a number of township offices, such as assessor, school director, auditor, and was delegate to county and State conventions. He was a deacon and elder in the church for many years, and also served as its treasurer.
Wilson S. Snyder was educated in the schools of Ruscombmanor township, and attended Oley Academy for two terms, after which he learned the painting and paper hanging trade, which he followed for about fifteen years, then accepting a position in the painting department of the Pennsylvania & Reading Railroad Company. In 1902 he located in Muhlenberg township, where he has since worked as a carpenter. Mr. Snyder owns two residences in Hyde Park, one of frame and the other of brick, both two stories high, and he also possesses three valuable lots in Rosedale. He is active in the ranks of the Democratic party, and for eleven years has been real estate assessor of Muhlenberg township. Fraternally he is connected with Vigilance Lodge, No. 194, I. O. O. F.; the Loyal Protective Association of Boston; Camp No. 68, P. O. S. of A.; the P & R. Relief Association; and the K. of P., No. 65, of Mount Penn. He is a Lutheran in his religious belief, while his wife belongs to the Evangelical faith.
In July, 1894, Mr. Snyder married Mary Gretzinger, daughter of John C. Gretzinger, and to this union there have been born two children, Edna and William.
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