p. 859
Calvin D. Shollenberger, a highly esteemed citizen and prominent agriculturist of Maiden-creek township, Berks Co., Pa., was born Oct. 10, 1855, in Rockland township, son of Jonas. M. and Mary (Dry) Shollenberger
John Shollenberger, grandfather of Calvin D., owned and resided on the Shollenberger homestead near Fleetwood, in Richmond township, where his death occurred the age of seventy-four years. He married Kate Merkel, who died aged eighty-two years, and they had the following children: Daniel, who married Mary Peters; Sarah, who married Peter Kunkel; John, who married Hetty Schlegel; Lucy, who married Jacob S. Yoder; Nathan. who married Malinda Merkel; Jonas M.; Elizabeth, deceased, who married Benneville Sassaman; Catherine, who married Henry Bear; Edwin, who married Carolina Merkel; Malinda, who died single; Lydia, the widow of Frank Martin, now a resident of Philadelphia; and Fianna, who died single.
Jonas M. Shollenberger, father of Calvin D., was born in Albany township, near Kempton, and when about seventeen years old went to the old Richmond township home, where young Shollenberger was reared. He received instruction in advanced schools here, after leaving which he engaged in farming, with which occupation be was identified the remainder of his active period. He was a stanch Democrat in politics, and his personal popularity, as well as his well-known ability, caused his election to a number of important positions in the town & and he was elected registrar of wills for a three year term. In his earlier life he had taught school for several terms, and when the Civil war broke out he answered his country's call, serving nine months as captain of Company I 167th P. V. I. Jonas. M. Shollenberger was married to Mary Dry, daughter of David and Susanna (Yoder) Dry, and to this union there were born the following children: Catherine died young; Calvin D.; Edwin died young; Milton m. Valeria Kutz, and had seven children- Herbert, Clarence, Harvey, Elmer, William, John and Lizzie; Clara m. Dr. Eugene Moore, of Alburtis, and had six children-William. Mary and Hettie, deceased, and Clara, John and Eugene, living; Elmina m. George Merkel, and had six children-Walter, Robert, Wayne, Warren, Mary and Clara; Alice m. Lawson Dietrich.
Calvin D. Shollenberger was reared on the old homestead in Richmond township, where he received his early education. He also attended the Oley Academy. He followed farming on his father's place in his younger days, and that occupation he has made his life work. On Jan. 30, 1875, he was married to Sarah Louisa Angstadt, daughter of Reuben and Catharine (Wieant) Angstadt, of Rockland township, and she died of small-pox Feb. 15, 1877, leaving two sons: Samuel, who died aged four months, twelve days; and Charles, who is married and works in a flouring mill as head miller at Yellow House. Mr. Shollenberger was married (second) April 29, 1882, to Mary Ann Wieant, and to this union there were born three children: Miss Katie Alice, born April 28, 1883, who has taken charge of the home since the death of the mother on May 3, 1905; Eugene, born Sept. 10, 1886, a clerk in a Blandon store; and Howard, born Feb. 18, 1888, who assists his father on the home farm. Mr. Shollenberger is a Democrat in politics, and has held township offices, but has never aspired to any higher honors.
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Milton D. Shollenberger, a well known resident and successful agriculturist of the southwestern end of Richmond township, Berks county, was born June 7, 1858, on the place where he now resides, and where he has spent all his life, son of Capt. Jonas M. Shollenberger.
The Shollenberger family of upper Berks county and its origin in Frederick and Gerhart Schollenberger, the former of whom emigrated to America on the ship "Loyal Judith" and landed at Philadelphia, Sept. 26, 1742. Both Schollenbergers, who very likely were brothers, were residents of Greenwich township in 1759, and both were there married, a single man, by name Henry Schollenberger, being also a resident of the township at that time.
John M. Shollenberger, grandfather of Milton D., was the original owner of the Shollenberger homestead, which was purchased by him in 1848. He was a native of Albany township, and there followed gun and sickle making. He married Catherine Merkel, of Richmond township, and to them were born these children: Sarah, Daniel, Catherine, John, Louisa, Nathan, Jonas M., Elizabeth, Edwin, Malinda, Lydia and Fianna, all deceased with the exception of Lydia.
Capt. Jonas M. Shollenberger, born on the homestead, was a leading citizen of Berks county. On Oct. 23, 1853, he married Mary Dry, daughter of David and Susannah (Yoder) Dry, and to this union were born children as follows: Catherine died in infancy; Calvin was twice married, both wives being now deceased; Milton; Edmund died in youth; Clara m. Dr. Eugene Mohr, of Alburtis, Lehigh county; Elemina m. George M. Merkel, a farmer of Muhlenberg township; and Alice m. Lawson G. Dietrich, Esq., of Moselem Springs, one of Berks county's leading citizens. Jonas M. Shollenberger was captain of Company I, 167 P. V. I., this regiment being made up exclusively of citizens of Berks county. When General Lee invaded Pennsylvania, this regiment was sent to demonstrate in the direction of Richmond, Va., under the command of Col. Charles A. Knoderer. Upon its return it was ordered to join the Army of the Potomac in the pursuit of Lee's army in Maryland. Captain Shollenberger was drafted Oct. 26, 1862, and was honorably discharged Aug. 12, 1863, after which he resumed his agricultural pursuits. In 1882 he was elected by the people of Berks county to the responsible position of register of wills, which he served with credit and ability.
Milton D. Shollenberger received his education in the common schools of this township, which he left to work on his father's farm at the age of seventeen years. After the death of his father he purchased the property, consisting of ninety-four acres, which is now in an excellent state of cultivation. The home is surrounded by large and neat grounds, and the barn and outbuildings reflect credit on the management. The family are members of St. Paul's Reformed Church, of Fleetwood. In politics as his father did before him, Mr. Shollenberger espouses the cause of the Democratic party.
On Feb. 26, 1881, Mr. Shollenberger married Valeria Kutz, daughter of Davis and Catherine (Haas) Kutz, and to this union were born: Herbert K., m. to Sally Koller; Clarence K., m. to Cora Schlegle; Lillie who died in her third year; Harvey K.; Elmer J., who died at the age of nine years; William G.; John K., and Lizzie K.
Harvey H. Shomo, secretary and treasurer of the American Casualty Co., was born at Hamburg October 17, 1862, and when a youth moved with his parents to Reading, where he attended the schools and took a business course. He then entered the jewelry store of Jonathan P. Mengel and learned the business, serving a regular apprenticeship. After Mr. Mengel's death, Mr. Shomo formed a co-partnership with Mr. Mengel's father, Matthias Mengel Esq., to continue the well-established business and as such they continued until 1892, when he sold his interest. Shortly afterward he became interested in the National Brass & Iron Works and being elected secretary and treasurer of the company he filled these positions until 1899 when he resigned. In 1903, he assisted in organizing the American Casualty Company at Reading, and became its treasurer, which position he has filled until the present time. Since January, 1909, he has also served as secretary. When he became of age, he identified himself with the Patriotic Order Sons of America, and since 1886, has served as treasurer of the Washington Camp No. 89. He has also taken much interest in the First Reformed Church of Reading, serving as a trustee since 1888.
In 1885, Mr. Shomo was married to Mary L. Fueller, and they have a daughter Katharine. Mrs. Shomo's father was Randolph Fueller, who followed a sea faring life for eighteen years, and was on one of the American ships when trading relations were first opened with Japan. Upon his return home, he enlisted in the Civil War on the battle-ship "Niagara," and served until its close, when he returned to Reading. Some time afterward, his health failed owing to the severe trials of the naval service, and he died in 1887. He was in the United States Navy six years.
Mr. Shomo's father was William D. Shomo, of Hamburg, where he was born in 1823, and where he successfully carried on a general mercantile business until 1869, when he removed to Reading, and there lived practically A?hurch for many years. He was accidentally killed September 19, 1881, in the Shoemakersville wreck on the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad. He was married to Catharine Deisher, daughter of David Deisher, of Maxatawny township, and they had two children: Evan L. and Harvey H. Mr. Shomo's grandfather was Joseph Shomo also of Hamburg, where he carried on a hotel and general store business for many years. [ For antecedents, see sketch of Joseph N. Shomo, in this publication.]
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Joseph N. Shomo, a retired merchant of Hamburg, Berks county, was born in that place Oct. 27, 1833, son of Joseph Shomo, of Hamburg, grandson of John Shomo (1752-1836), and great-grandson of Bernard Shomo.
Joseph Shomo, father of Joseph N., was born in Hamburg in 1794, and there he died in 1867. The mother of Joseph N. Shomo was Mary Lesher, daughter of Jacob Lesher, a hotel-keeper in Richmond township. The following are his brothers and sisters: John, Elizabeth, Charles, William, Amanda, Mary, Harrison and Ellen. Joseph came between Mary and Harrison; he is now the only surviving member of the family.
After receiving a common school education Joseph N. Shomo entered a general store at the age of fourteen years, and was engaged as salesman until his twentieth year, when he went to the State of Ohio to engage in the store business, but on account of the climate he was obliged to return to Hamburg after a trial of two years. He then entered the general store of his brother William, and remained with him as salesman for fourteen years, until 1869, when he purchased the Union Grist Mill in Hamburg, carrying on the milling business for three years. The dust of the mill proving injurious to his health, Mr. Shomo discontinued the business, and after selling the mill purchased the "Washington House" at Hamburg, which he conducted successfully for nineteen years, until he retired from active business life.
Upon the establishment of the Keystone National Bank at Reading, Mr. Shomo became one of the directors, and he has continued as such to the present time. He officiated as a town councilman for two terms, serving as president of the council for four years, and was also a trustee of the Keystone State Normal School, at Kutztown, for upward of ten years, by appointment of the Governor. When the Pennsylvania Railroad Company came to extend its branch railroad through the Schuylkill Valley, beyond Reading, to Pottsville, in 1884, the management selected Mr. Shomo as a special agent to adjust all land damages by reason of the construction of the railroad, and in this responsible position he performed his duties to the entire satisfaction of the company. In 1901, when the county office of controller was created to take the place of the county auditors, the Governor appointed Mr. Shomo as the first incumbent to serve until the 1st of January, 1902, and he filled this appointment in a very creditable manner. His careful supervision of the fiscal matters of the county for seven months resulted in the saving of many thousands of dollars and this service proved at once the utility and importance of this new local office.
Mr. Shomo was married in 1861 to Helen S., daughter of Daniel Wolff, who was born and died in Hamburg, and his wife, Sevilla Weiser (Fesig). Mrs. Wolff was born in Womelsdorf, and later lived with her grandfather, Jabez Weiser, on the Conrad Weiser Farm; at the age of fifteen she came to Hamburg, and at nineteen was married. Mr. and Mrs. Shomo have one daughter, Carrie (m. to S. H. Moyer). They are active members of St. John's Lutheran Church, Mrs. Shomo having been a most devoted worker in the church and Sunday-school of this congregation since her girlhood. She has been the superintendent of the infant department for the past sixteen years, and this long-continued service evidences the love of her pupils and the appreciation of the church officials.
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William A. Shomo, one of the leading young attorneys at law of the Berks county Bar, and a member of the well-known law firm of Wolff & Shomo, was born at Hamburg, Pa., Dec. 25, 1879, son of Harry P. and Emma R. (Confer) Shomo.
Mr. Shomo is a member of one of the oldest families in Berks county, his great-great-grandfather, John Shomo, having lived here as early as 1752. John Shomo was a son of Bernard Shomo, who emigrated to Philadelphia from France in the early part of the eighteenth century. The latter was a civil engineer of repute in his native country, and he continued to follow this profession after coming to America. He died in Philadelphia, in 1793. John Shomo, like his father before him, became a civil engineer, and, so far as known, followed his profession up to the time of his death, May 5, 1836. It was he who originally surveyed the Schuylkill county coal fields, and he is known to have owned a large acreage of land in that section. He was a Revolutionary soldier. He resided in Reading up to the year 1800, when he moved with his family to Hamburg. He was the father of four children: Elizabeth, Joseph, John and William.
William Shomo, son of John Shomo, was born in 1796 and died Dec. 18, 1842, at the age of forty-six years. He was a successful merchant. He was the father of four children: John, deceased, late of Washington, D. C.; Henry, deceased, late of Fremont, Ohio; Sarah, deceased (m. Thomas P. Wren, of Pottsville); Elias, deceased, late of Hamburg.
Elias Shomo, son of William Shomo, was born in Hamburg March 26, 1827, and died there May 13, 1894, having been a life-long resident of that place. For some years he was engaged in the furniture business, but later he purchased the "Central House: property, one of Hamburg's leading hotels, and there conducted a successful hotel business for many years. He retired from business several years before his death. He was at one time postmaster of Hamburg, and was a leading and influential man of his day. He married Elizabeth Schatz, of German ancestry, and to them were born six children: Sarah, James, Laura, Harry P., Allen L. and Elizabeth.
Harry P. Shomo, son of Elias Shomo and father of William A., was born in Hamburg, Pa., Sept 28, 1860. He received his education in the public schools of Hamburg and under private tutors. For a number of years he has been prominently identified with the Auditor General's Department, at Harrisburg. He is a highly respected citizen of Hamburg and has a wide acquaintance throughout the county. Mr. Shomo married Emma R. Confer, daughter of Alfred Confer, deceased, and to this union have been born three sons: William A., Allen E. and J. Harold. The latter died during January, 1908, at the age of nineteen years.
William A. Shomo spent his boyhood days in the borough of Hamburg, where he attended the public schools, graduating from the high school in the spring of 1898. In the fall of that year he entered Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa., matriculating as a member of the Class of 1901. He pursued the Latin Scientific course, and at the end of his sophomore year left the college to enter the Dickinson School of Law. From the latter institution he graduated three years later as a leading member of the Class of 1903, with the degree of LL. B. While at College, Mr. Shomo became a member of the Belle letters Society and the Sigma Chi Fraternity, and took an active part in the affairs of both. In the law school, he was a member of the Allison Law Society, and was chosen one year as president of his class. While a student at college, he was awarded a gold medal as first prize in an oratorical contest held under the auspices of the State Convention of the P. O. S. of A.
Upon graduating from the Dickinson School of Law, Mr. Shomo was admitted to practice before the Cumberland County Bar, but soon thereafter returned to his native county to follow his profession. At Reading, he entered the law office of Stevens & Stevens, where he remained for one and one-half years, and, then in June, 1904, he passed the State Board examination for admission to practice before the Supreme Court. On Oct. 3, 1904, he was admitted to practice in the several courts of Berks county, and on Sept. 1, 1905, he formed a partnership with O. M. Wolff, Esq., under the firm name of Wolff & Shomo. This firm have a fine suite of offices at No. 522 Washington street, Reading. They enjoy and enviable reputation, and have won the confidence of a large clientage. Mr. Shomo is a member of the Berks County Bar Association, Chandler Lodge, No. 227, F & A. M., Reading Board of Trade, American Academy of Political and Social Science, and other organizations.
On Aug. 10, 1905, Mr. Shomo was married to Marian Rae Fisher, daughter of the late George and Elizabeth Fisher, of Reading.
p. 958
Among the leading citizens and substantial agriculturists of Berks county, Pa., may be mentioned the residents of Spring township, representatives of this old and honored German family. The name has been variously spelled-Schorb, Shorp, Shaub, Shoub, Shaup, Sharp, and Schaub.
Adam Shaup, the pioneer of the family, in 1774, had settled in Brecknock township, Lancaster Co., Pa., in the territory now embraced in Cumru township, Berks county. In the tax lists preserved in the Historical Society of Berks county from 1774 to 1778 inclusive he is rated a landlord. His name does not appear after 1778 and it is very probable about this time he died. Tradition says he was buried on the bank of the Wyomissing Creek about one half mile northwest of the road leading from Sinking Spring to Wyomissing. The plow share now turns the sod of the old burial-place there.
Johannes Schaub, the great-grandfather of Henry and James G. Shoup, was born in Cumru township, Sept. 24, 1758, and died upon his farm in the same district Aug. 13, 1838, aged seventy-nine years, ten months, 19 days. He was a farmer, and in 1800 paid $3.78 tax; in 1805, paid $5.70 tax; in 1810, $3.90 tax; in 1818, $10.60 tax; in 1830, $11.02 tax. On the tax lists the name is spelled Shoup and Shoub, but his tombstone spells it Schaub. He is buried on the graveyard at Sinking Spring at the side of his wife, Elizabeth Pannebecker. They had a son Johannes, born March 20, 1780.
Johannes Schaub, son of Johannes and Elizabeth, and grandfather of Henry and James G. Shoup, was born March 20, 1780, in Cumru township. He owned the old family homestead in Spring township, and was a life-long farmer and highly esteemed citizen. He died Dec. 15, 1869, on the homestead, and was buried at Sinking Spring Church, of which he was a leading member. On June 2, 1808, Mr. Schaub married Catherine Huyett, who was born Feb. 13, 1785, and died Sept. 20, 1859. To this union were born: Daniel, July 9, 1809: John, Aug. 21, 1811 (lived in Spring township): Samuel, Feb. 16, 1813 (lived at Sheridan, Pa): Catherine, April 10, 1815 (m. Solomon Gaul): Abraham, Jan. 8, 1819: Peter, Oct. 16, 1822 (died young): Richard, April 4, 1824 (owned part of the homestead in Spring): and Elizabeth, Sept. 11, 1827 (died in infancy).
Abraham Shoup, father of Henry and James G., was born Jan. 8, 1819 and died Jan. 18, 1899. He spent his entire life on the old farm, and was a useful, industrious citizen. In 1880 he built the large Swiss barn now standing on the property, and made many other improvements. Mr. Shoup was a member of St. John's Reformed Church at Sinking Spring, of which he was a deacon and elder, and where he is buried. He married Jan. 18, 1858, Angeline Gicker (who still lives on the homestead), daughter of Jacob and Sarah (Huyett) Gicker, and granddaughter of Daniel Gicker, and to this union there were born three children; Henry: Mary Ann and James G. Mary Ann, twin of James G., married John Warren of Mohnton, Pa., and resides on the homestead with her mother.
Henry Shoup was reared upon the old homestead, on which he worked for his parents until 1887, and in this year started operating it on shares. After his father's death, Mr. Shoup acquired the property at appraisement, and here he has continued to the present time with much success. The land is fertile, is well located, level and produces good crops under Mr. Shoup's able management, and is furnished with excellent buildings and up-to-date machinery, including gasoline engine and chop mill. In politics Mr. Shoup is a Democrat, and he and his family are members of St. John's Reformed Church of Sinking Spring, of which he has been deacon and elder, and is now one of the trustees, and toward the erection of which he contributed liberally.
On October 30, 1885, Mr. Shoup married Mary Weitzel, daughter of Harrison and Sarah (Reber) Weitzel, and granddaughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Bichert) Weitzel, the latter of whom still survives, being more than ninety-four years old. Two children have been born to Mr. And Mrs. Shoup: Evan Lloyd, born Sept. 12, 1887, and Elenora, born Aug. 5, 1890.
James G. Shoup was born on the old homestead, June 22, 1862 and there worked for his parents until twenty-one years old, when he started farming on a property adjacent (which also belonged to his father and now owned by his sister, Mary A. Warren), continuing there four years. In 1887 he removed to Reading, and for seven months conducted the livery and boarding stable of the United States Hotel. At this time Mr. Shoup purchased the store stand at No. 900 North Tenth street, corner of Windsor, and there conducted a grocery for one and one-half years, but in 1890 removed to Albany, Whiteside Co, Illinois, where he remained for some time. Subsequently he removed to Columbus Junction, Louisa Co, Iowa, where he operated a live stock farm for about thirteen years, and in 1902 sold this property, which was a tract of 310 acres, at a handsome figure, and in the following March returned to Berks county. In October 1903, he settled on Laird street, Springmont, in a nice comfortable home, where he has lived a quiet, retired life.
On Dec. 4, 1884, Mr. Shoup married Caroline Ruth, daughter of Francis Ruth, a full history of whose family will be found elsewhere, and to this union there was born one child, a son, Allen I., whose death occurred in infancy. Mr. Shoup is a member of St. John's Reformed Church at Sinking Spring.
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George K, Shoup, of Reading, engaged in conducting a grocery and notion store, was born in Lebanon, Co. Pa, Jan. 28, 1852, son of Samuel and Anna (Krick) Shoup, and a grandson of John Shoup.
John Shoup settled in Spring township, Berks county, where he followed farming all of his life. He married Elizabeth Huyett, also a member of one of Berks county's old families, and they became the parents of Daniel; John; Abraham; Richard; Mary, who married Samuel Graul ; and Samuel. In religious belief Mr. and Mrs. Shoup were connected with the Reformed denomination. He was a Democrat. Mr. Shoup died at the age of ninety years; he and his wife are interred at the old Sinking Spring cemetery.
Samuel Shoup was reared upon his father's farm and received his education in the common schools of Berks county. After marriage he removed to Lebanon county, where he purchased a farm, and there continued all of his active life, locating in Sheridan after his retirement twenty years prior to his death in 1880 in his sixty-seventh year. His wife died July 3, 1893, aged seventy years, in the faith of the Reformed Church of which he was also a member. Prior to the Civil war Mr. Shoup was a Democrat, but after that struggle became a Republican. He and his wife were the parents of these children: Frank, retired, of Reading; John deceased, was a farmer and general merchant at Sheridan; and George K.
George K. Shoup was educated in the common schools and until he was eighteen years of age worked on a farm. In 1877 he came to Reading, and engaged with E. W. Landis on Sixth street, with whom he remained about four and one-half years, at the end of which time he returned home. The following spring he opened a grocery at the corner of Fifth and Laurel streets, and since that time has been located here. His long residence in this locality, and his straightforward manner of doing business, as well as his well known honesty and integrity, have served to gain for him the confidence of the community, and to insure him a good, steady trade. Mr. Shoup was married (first) in 1882, to Alice Seltzer, who died in 1883. Mr. Shoup's second marriage was in 1893 to Clementine Geiger, and one son, George Stanley. was born to this union.
Mr. Shoup is a member of the First Reformed Church, while his wife attends St.. Peter's M. E. Church. Politically he is a Republican.
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A well equipped shoe store is that conducted by Mrs. Emma V. Showalter at Thirteenth and Cotton streets, Reading.
Elwood Showalter was born in Phoenixville, Chester Co., Pa., son of William and Mary Showalter. He there received a good common school education and learned the trade of painting and paper hanging. In 1887 he entered the employ of the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad Company and worked as painter on the parlor and day coaches at Trenton Junction, but for the past fifteen years he has been stationed at Reading. In 1879 he married Emma V. Ziegler, daughter of J. F. and Emma L. (Ondinot) Ziegler, and they have two sons, John and William. The former married Jennie Wagner and they have one son, John, Jr. In religious belief the family is Lutheran. Mr. Showalter is a member of the order of Golden Eagles. In politics he votes independently.
Mrs. Showalter is an admirable business woman and has been engaged as at present, since May 1, 1890. She has a good store and carries a complete line of men's, boys, women's and misses shoes. For many years she was a very active worker in Sunday school and charitable organizations. She is a member of Lady Jefferson Home Mission Society and was the first superintendent of Rev. Myers; infant Sunday school, which Henry J. Rhodes founded.
J. F. Ziegler, father of Mrs. Showalter, was born at Philadelphia, in 1835. He was an expert machinist. In boyhood he entered the employ of the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad Company, and remained with that corporation until a short time before his death. He was accidentally drowned in the Delaware River. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Ziegler were: George, Emma V., Anna L., Julia Ellsworth (deceased), William A., John (deceased), Sally, Samuel, Louisa, and Minnie (deceased).
Mrs. Ziegler became interested in philanthropic work and accepted the position of assistant matron of the City Hall police court at Reading, being appointed by Mayor Adam Leader. She continued in that position for three years, during which period she saw so much cruelty to children, in various ways, that she made and appeal to the Woman's Club of Reading, with which she was affiliated, for the formation of a society to correct abuses. She proposed that it should be called the Reading Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Through her monthly reports the club became interested, and as a result a society of this kind was founded, with Mrs. Ziegler as matron, a position she still fills most efficiently. Great credit is due this lady for her arduous work in the cause. She has secured many comfortable homes for innocent children who have been abandoned or who have been orphaned. She is known and admired all over the city for her Christian work.
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Shultz or Schultz (Line of Balthaser). The early home of the Schultz or Shultz family of Berks county, Pa., was in Berthelsdorf, Saxony, Germany, where lived Mathias Schultz, born 1612, and died 1682. His son Melchior was born 1647, and died 1708, leaving among other children two sons, Melchior (1680-1734) and Balthaser.
Balthaser Schulz, son of Melchoir, was born in 1682, and died in Saxony, Germany, in 1727. He married Susanna Dieterich, and she with her four children accompanied about forty other followers of Caspar Schwenkfelder to America in 1734. Her children were: George, Susanna, Maria and Barbara.
George Schultz, son of Balthaser and Susanna, was born about Candlemas, in 1710, and died March 21, 1784. He was a farmer in Upper Hanover township, Montgomery county, Pa., and his descendants are quite numerous in that section. He married Anna Hoffman, daughter of Rev. Balthaser Hoffman, in 1737, and she died Jan. 16, 1796. Their children were: Susanna, Balthaser, Christopher, Ursula, Gregory and Eve.
Christopher Schultz, son of George, was born Oct. 7, 1746, and he always made his home in Upper Hanover township, Montgomery county. He died Sept. 10, 1830. He married Maria Yeakel, daughter of Hans Heinrich Yeakel, and she died Aug. 20, 1832, at the age of eighty-four years less forty-five days. Their children were: Johannes, Jacob, Susanna, Samuel, George and Casper (twins, born Dec. 20, 1781) and Anna.
Rev. Johannes Schultz, son of Christopher and Maria, was born March 11, 1772, and he died on his farm near Clayton, in Hereford township, Nov. 3, 1727. He owned the 100-acre property now owned by Daniel Diehl, and this he brought to a high state of cultivation. He was well known for his earnest piety, and was greatly beloved for his kindly heart and upright life. He is buried at the Washington meeting house. He married Regina Huebner, daughter of George Huebner. She was born Jan. 13, 1777, and died at the age of eighty-five years. Their children were: Sarah, Maria, Sophia, George (1801), Henry (1804), William (1806), John (1808), Susanna, Samuel H. (1811), Frederick (1813-1975, unmarried), Christina, Christopher (1818-1851) and Anthony (1827-1882).
Samuel H. Schultz, son of Rev. Johannes, was born in Washington township, near Clayton, Sept. 1, 1811, and died July 7, 1879, and was buried at Washington Church. He was reared upon the farm, and farming was his occupation as long as he lived. About 1842 he came to Hereford township, and bought the farm now owned by his son, Benneville S. He married Elizabeth Schultz, who was born March 21, 1816, daughter of Andrew Schultz, of Clayton. She died May 20, 1877. The children born of this union were as follows: Sarah m. William Hoffman; Lydia died in infancy; Benneville S.; Isaac (whereabouts are unknown); Alfred is of Philadelphia; Susanna died unmarried; and Elizabeth m. Levi Schultz, and lives in Upper Hanover township, Montgomery county, on the old Isaac Schultz farm.
Benneville S. Schultz, son of Samuel H. and Elizabeth (Schultz) Schultz, was born near Treichlersville, Hereford township, Berks county, March 18, 1849. Under his father he early learned the science of agriculture, and in the spring of 1880 began farming for himself, continuing to the present time. He has one hundred acres of excellent land, modern machinery, and his dairy is a model of neatness and is a great source of pride to its owner. He invented a milk-cooler, composed of a number of tin coils, 1* inches in diameter over which the milk runs, collecting below in a large receptacle. The water flows through the pipes in the opposite direction from the milk, being forced into the pipes from below and flowing out at the top. He had this cooler manufactured for his own use only, being the first one ever made to embody the above-named principles; but he did not apply for a patent. A Philadelphia corporation made a slight improvement on the device, had it patented and is now manufacturing thousands, selling all over the country. Mr. Shultz has graded Holstein cattle, and his barn is equipped with running water in the stalls. He was one of the organizers and first president of the Clayton Butter and Cheese Company, and for one year he served as a director. He is the owner of the first silo in the county, and is one of the most progressive and up-to-date farmers in the entire community. His farm, which before 1880 was the property of his father, came into the family in 1842, a Marsteller being the previous owner. It is a part of the Thomas Maberry tract, and one part of the house was built long before the war of the Revolution.
Mr. Shultz is a trustee of Perkiomen Seminary, and office he has efficiently filled since its organization in 1892. He is much interested in the cause of education, and has always discharged his duties as trustee of Perkiomen Seminary and member of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds of the school with great zeal and enthusiasm, thus contributing his full share toward making the Seminary a great educational factor in Eastern Pennsylvania. The Shultz family still adhere to the Schwenkfelder church, and Mr. Benneville S. Shultz has been the librarian and trustee of his church for many years. He is a Republican in political principle.
On Feb. 15, 1890, Mr. Shultz married Sarah U. Kriebel, daughter of Andrew and Lydia (Urffer) Kriebel. Five children came to bless this union, namely: Mary, a student at Perkiomen Seminary; Florence, who died aged seven years; Arthur, who died in infancy; Della; and Jerome.
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Henry H. Shultz, one of the most influential citizens of lower Berks county, the leading cattle dealer in this section, and a man of large affairs in various lines, belongs to a family which has been particularly prominent in Hereford Township and the surrounding district from its settlement in this country.
The Schultz ancestry is traced back to one Mathias Schultz, who was born in 1612, on a Sunday (Invocavit), lived through the "Thirty Years" war, and died in 1682, in the seventieth year of his age, at Lower Harpersdorf, in what was then the principality (now a government district) of Liegnitz, Silesia. His son, Melchoir Schultz, is said to have been born in 1647, and died on a Sunday (Invocavit), 1708, in the sixty-first year of his age. And his son, also called Melchoir Schultz, was born June 26, 1680, and died Feb. 15, 1734, in the fifty fourth year of his age, at Berthelsdorf, Saxony, about two months before the emigration to this country, then being contemplated. The last-named Melchoir Schultz was the father of George, Melchoir and Christopher, all of whom married, and descendants of George and Christopher still flourish in Berks county.
Rev. Christopher Schultz, Sr., the youngest son of Melchoir, was born at Lower Harpersdorf, Liegnitz, Silesia, March 26, 1718. In the spring of 1726, owing to religious persecution, this family with others left home and possessions and fled by night, arriving at Berthelsdorf in Saxony, May 1st. Here Christopher became a shepherd boy, but his humble circumstances did not quench his spirit or ambition. In his youth he evinced a burning desire for books. His kind friend, Rev. George Weiss, assisted him in his study of the Latin, Greek, and Hebrew languages. He also had the kindly assistance of Count Zinzendorf. The three orphan boys, George, Melchoir and Christopher Schultz, joining some forty Schwenkfelder families, forever turned their backs upon their native land, embarking for Philadelphia, where they arrived after a tedious voyage of about five months, Sept. 22, 1734. Young Christopher kept a diary ("Reise Beschreibung") , which is found in print in the "Erlauterung". At a comparatively early period he was looked upon as a leading spirit among the Schwenkfelders, and was chosen their minister, serving as such efficiently and faithfully until the end of his days. He was the chief organizer of the Schwenkfelders into a religious body or congregation, composed the catechism still in use, compiled their hymn-books and wrote their constitution, as well as a "Compendium" of religious doctrines of faith of 600 octavo pages. For many years, up to the end of the American Revolution, "Father" Schultz, as he was called, kept up correspondence with friends left in Germany. He lived in stirring times and had varied experiences. At the age of eighteen years we find him, with his two brothers, selecting a site for their future home in a dense wood forty-two miles north of Philadelphia, two miles west of what is now the borough of East Greenville, where they had found an excellent spring of water. Here, in 1736, assisted by Melchoir Newman, carpenter, they commenced felling the tall oaks, rolling them on a scaffold over a trench, sawed them by hand into three-inch planks, whereof the outside walls of their capacious two-story house were constructed. Wagon wheels were made of the same article, horse collars were skillfully plaited of straw, traces were made of hemp, the grubbing hoe preceded the plow with wooden moldboard. There was no sawmill or gristmill within fifteen miles, and every resource of the pioneer was taxed to the utmost to supply the lacks experienced in a new country. For clothing the Schultzes raised their own flax and wool, spun it with the aid of a single spindle, erected a weaver's loom, and wove the yarn into cloth.
The three brothers lived in peace and harmony, and at the end of ten years, under the blessing of Providence, they had considerably extended their landed domains, increased their flocks and filled their coffers, so that the question which once engaged the attention of Abraham and Lot, at their parting, now confronted them. The result was that Melchoir and Christopher sold out to their elder brother, George, the former going abut three miles north, where he bought a farm; Christopher, having married in 1744, now bought and settled at Clayton, Berks county. Here he lived to the end of his life. Among the early records of Berks county, we find the last will and testament of Christopher Schultz, a model of its kind. It is dated the 24th of October, 1788, and is witnessed by his friends, Abraham Schultz, Gregory Schultz, and George Kriebel; in it the testator, among other things, disposes of about eight hundred acres of land located in Berks, Montgomery and Northumberland counties, Pa., including two of the finest farms in eastern Berks; one of them, late that of his brother Melchoir, had been bought by the testator for and in the name of his son Andrew. His family, all of whom survived him, consisted of his wife Rosina, a daughter of Baltzer Yeakel, and four children, Regina, Andrew, David and Susanna. Father Schultz died May 9, 1789, aged seventy-one years, one month, thirteen days. The immediate cause of his death was apoplexy. The Rev. Christopher Hoffman, of Skippack, preached the funeral sermon, taking for his text the words of Paul, II Timothy 4: 7-8, I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith, etc.
David Schultz, son of Rev. Christopher, born April 10, 1757, died Aug. 4, 1833, aged seventy-six years. He resided in Hereford township, Berks county, immediately adjoining the Schwenkfelder meeting house. In 1781 he married Anna Kriebel, and the following are the names and years of birth of their children: Susanna, 1782, Andrew, 1784: William, 1786: Rosina, 1788: Christopher K., 1790: Philip, 1793 (died 1817): Maria, 1795: Jeremiah, 1797: Christina, 1799: Regina, 1801.
Andrew Schultz, eldest son of David, born Oct. 4, 1784, died Nov. 17. 1817, aged thirty-three years. He lived at Clayton, on the border of Washington and Hereford townships, where he owned valuable land; including the homestead farm, and he followed farming. He married Sophia Kriebel, daughter of Andrew Kriebel, born Nov. 16, 1785, died March 24, 1857, in her seventy-second year. Both Mr. and Mrs. Schultz are buried at the Schwenkfelder Church. They had a family of five children: Andrew K., father of Henry H.: Lydia, born in 1814, who married John Anders: Anna, born in 1812, who was married to Joshua Schultz: Susanna, born in 1810, who married Stophel Wiegner: and Elizabeth, born in 1816, who married Samuel Schultz.
Andrew K. Schultz, son of Andrew, born in Washington township May 3, 1818, died in May 1903, aged eighty-five years. He was a successful farmer all his life, and besides the homestead farm owned the store property at Clayton. He was a man of affairs, and wielded a strong influence for good throughout his district, where he was an active and well-known citizen. Like most of the name he was a Schwenkfelder in religious faith, and very devoted to the church; he is buried at the Schwenkfelder meeting-house in Hereford township. He married Magdalena High, daughter of John High, and she died May 6, 1897, aged seventy-three years, two months, twenty-three days, the mother of the ten children: Henry H.; Mary, who married Daniel Longaeke; Andrew H., of Pottstown; Amanda, who married E.K. Schultz; Edwin H., of Philadelphia; Magdalena, deceased wife of Horatio Schultz; John H., of Worcester, Montgomery Co., Pa; Emma, who married Dr. Stover; and two that died in infancy.
Henry H. Shultz was born July 17, 1844, on the homestead in Washington township where his father was born, at Clayton, and received his education in the public schools of his home township and at Washington Hall, at the Trappe. In 1865 he was licensed to teach public school by Prof. John S. Ermentrout, and he taught two terms in Hereford township at the Treichlersville school. In 1867 he began clerking in the general store of Diehl & Stover, at Pleasant Valley, in Bucks county, Pa., and the following year was in the employ of Treichler & Brother, who took over the business. In 1869 he engaged in butchering at Pleasant Valley, continuing that line for two years with excellent results, and then for several years he was in the mercantile business at Clayton. His father had purchased the store property there in 1871, and Henry H. Shultz took the business in 1872, carrying it on until 1879, when because of poor health he sold out to his brother Edwin, who conducted the store until 1905, a period of twenty-five years.
In order to build up his health Mr. Shultz went to Florida on retiring from the store, and settling in Orange county he engaged in the cultivation of oranges, lemons and grapefruit, being the first man to send grapefruit into the city of Reading in 1881. Mr. Shultz made as much of a success of fruit raising as he has of his other lines of effort, and by the application of sound business principles to that undertaking did very well during the seven years he remained in Florida. During that time he also, dealt more or less in cattle, a business he had started in 1876, and in which he has been interested continuously to the present. While in the South he had transactions of this kind both in the North and in Florida, and his operations at present entitle him to the rank of the most extensive dealer in his line in lower Berks county. He has handled as many as 125 carloads of cattle yearly, and he shipped 13,000 calves to New York City within ten years. He owns two farms, both in Hereford township, is connected with the Perkiomen National Bank at East Greenville as director, and has other large interests which keep him in close touch with the industrial life of Berks county as well as a leading factor in its material prosperity. However, he has never taken any active part in local public affairs, and though a stanch Republican in political principles has neither sought nor accepted office.
In 1868 Mr. Shultz married Anna Maria Geisinger, daughter of Peter and Catharine (Gruber) Geisinger, the latter a daughter of John Gruber, of Springfield, Buck Co, Pa., after whom Gruber's Valley, in the same county, was named. Mr. and Mrs. Shultz have one child, Elmer G., born Nov. 19, 1868, who resides at Clayton and assists his father in the management of his business: he married Catharine Rudolph, daughter of John Rudolph, of Springfield, Bucks county, and they have two children, Henry H. and Stella M.
In 1883 Mr. Shultz bought his father's farm at Clayton and the house in which he makes his home, and which he and his family have occupied since 1884. The large stone residence, erected in 1843, is located on a corner, has been completely remodeled and refitted with the most modern conveniences during Mr. Shultz's ownership, and presents as fine an appearance as any place in the surrounding country. It is Colonial in style, and the spacious porches and beautiful lawn give it an air of dignity and comfort which bespeak the ideal home. There is a supply of fine spring water which adds to the value of the property.
Mr. Shultz has probably traveled more than any other man of his section, and during his travels he has collected a number of valuable and interesting relics from Florida, California and other places, his journeying having carried him all over the United States.
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Gov. John Andrew Shulze, was not a resident of Berks county when elected Governor, but his birth and earlier life in the county entitle him to a place in this work. He was born in Tulpehocken township, Berks county, July 19, 1775, son of Rev. Christian Shulze, a Lutheran clergyman. His mother was Eve Elizabeth Muhlenberg, the oldest daughter of Rev. Henry Melchior Muhlenberg. He was liberally educated in the ministry, and regularly ordained as a minister in 1796, and he assisted his father for eight years in the discharge of pastoral duties to several congregations in Berks, Lebanon and Lancaster counties. Owing to a rheumatic affection, he was obliged to relinquish preaching in 1804. He then moved to Myerstown, then in Dauphin county, and pursued the business of merchant. In 1806 he was elected a member of the State Legislature. and afterward twice re-elected, serving his constituents with distinction for three terms. In 1813, upon the erection of Lebanon county, he was appointed to fill the office of prothonotary, in which he continued for eight years. In 1821 he was again elected to the Legislature, and in 1822 be was chosen Senator, to represent the Senatorial district composed of Dauphin and Lebanon counties. Whilst serving as a Senator he received the Democratic nomination for Governor, and was elected by a majority of 25,706 over Andrew Gregg, the Federal candidate; and in 1826 he was re?elected governor with little opposition. In 1829 he was again brought out as a candidate, but for the sake of harmony in the party he withdrew, and George Wolf was nominated and elected. Whilst acting as Governor he had the honor of tendering the courtesies of the State to General LaFayette, who was then upon his celebrated tour through the country. His administration of the affairs of the State government during his official career was distinguished for integrity, wisdom and statesmanship.
During President Jackson's opposition against the Bank of the United States, Governor Shulze left the Democratic party. But he was not active in political life after his retirement from the office of governor excepting on one occasion, in 1840, when he was a member of the Harrisburg Whig convention, which nominated General Harrison for President. In this connection he ran as a Senatorial elector upon the Harrison ticket, and was elected, and afterward officiated as President of the State Electoral College.
Upon retiring from office be removed to Lycoming County, where he continued to reside until 1846. During that period he was engaged in certain extensive speculations in this great and enterprising county, but he was not successful in them. Then he moved to Lancaster, where he continued to reside till his death, Nov. 18, 1852. He was a superior man, and he enjoyed the high esteem of his fellow citizens for his many excellent personal and social characteristics. He was one of the few really prominent men whom this county has produced. His predecessor in the gubernatorial chair of this State was Joseph Hiester, who was elected to this high office from Berks county.
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