p. 595
John Sauer, who passed many years in Reading engaged in shoemaking and in the retail shoe business, died suddenly Feb. 2, 1908. He was a native of Bavaria, born in 1844, son of John Sauer, Sr., and his wife, Anna Eva (Georg) Sauer.
John Sauer, Sr., was born in Hahnbach, Bavaria, Germany, in 1811. In August, 1854, he came to America with his wife and children, and located in Reading, Pa., where he found work as a roof-tile and brickmaker. In Germany he had married Anna Georg, daughter of Nicholas Georg, and their children were: Abolonia, m. to Christoph Sauer, of Germany (he died in Reading) ; Barbara, m. to Joseph Waltman, a boiler maker, and living at No. 109 North Ninth street, Reading ; John ; and Anna, m. to Adam Leithan, deceased. The mother died in January following their arrival in America. Mr. Sauer married a second time, and this wife also preceded him in death. He died in 1894, and is buried in the Catholic cemetery at Reading. He was a member of St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church, and was always interested in its work.
John Sauer, whose name heads this sketch, was sixteen years old when he began to learn the shoemaker's trade, and he worked at it until a year before his death when failing eyesight caused him to give it up. He still, however, continued his retail shoe business, at No. 350 North Ninth street, a place he had occupied for thirty-five years, and which building he owned. For some years he conducted a cigar shop in connection with his shoe shop, and he made shoes for Martin Streng, whose store was at No. 715 Penn street. When the latter died Mr. Sauer gave up his cigar business, and opened a shoe store, making and repairing boots and shoes. He was a fine workman and by steady industry and good business sagacity he amassed a comfortable fortune. Not all of his time was given to the shoe business, as he became interested in the Hampden Knitting Mills Company, and was one of its directors at the time of his death. In public affairs he was more than an interested on-looker-- he was an active participant, and as a Democrat represented the Ninth ward in the common council one term, and in the select council two terms.
Mr. Sauer was a member of St. Paul's Catholic Church, and a charter member of the Catholic Literary Union of the Bonifacius Brotherhood. In the latter society, organized forty-two years ago, he had been president twelve successive years, and previous to that time had served as vice-president and in other positions. He also belonged to the Holy Cross Beneficial Society of the Catholic Church.
Mr. Sauer married Nov. 26, 1869, Margaret Knapp, daughter of George Knapp, and she with six children survives him, the children being : John E. ; Catharine, m. to George Born ; George C. ; Francis S. ; Rose, m. to Jacob Ashenbrenner ; and Adam.
George Knapp, father of Mrs. Sauer, was a native of Germany, who came to America in his young manhood, and settled in Reading. He was a stone cutter by trade, and helped to build the entrance to the Charles Evans cemetery, Reading. He married Margaret Moss, a native of the same German town as he, though their marriage took place in this country. Their children were: Margaret, Catharine, Barbara and Rosa.
p. 1600
Daniel Saul, a coachmaker at Eagle Point formerly Kroningersville, in Maxatawny township, Berks Co., Pa, was born Feb. 11, 1837, son of John Saul.
Johann Nicholas Saul was born Dec. 16, 1726, died Aug. 14, 1795, aged sixty-eight years, and is buried at the Swamp Church. He emigrated from Europe landing at Philadelphia Sept. 14, 1753. Among his children was a son Nicholas.
Nicholas Saul, born July 8, 1766, married, March 9, 1793, Mary Rosina Hartman, born Aug. 30, 1762 in District township, Berks county, daughter of Paul and Mary (Heepner) Hartman. Their children were: (1) Samuel. (2) John. (3) Jacob had children: Nicholas; Mary; Daniel (m. Caroline Derr, and had children, Howard; Margaret; Emanuel; Jacob; Mary; Agnes; Daniel; and Calvin E., born Sept. 23, 1871, who married in 1891, Alva E. Strasser, was from 1897 to 1907 organist of Zion's Union church in Perry township); Catherine; Franklin; Lydia; Sarah; Racey, and Thomas. (4) Salome. (5) Sarah. (6) Hannah. (7) Esther.
John Saul was a resident of Molltown, Maiden-creek township, and there farmed his large property. His children were: Elias; Jacob; Simon; Nicholas and several daughters whose names are not known.
John Saul, father of Daniel, now living retired at Shoemakersville, Pa., was born in Maiden-creek township, Sept. 9, 1843, and for many years was successfully engaged as a boatman. Later he embarked in a mercantile business, handling flour, feed and groceries for thirty-four years at Shoemakersville Locks, and he also operated a hotel, making a success of all he undertook, and amassing considerable very valuable property. He now owns the Ideal Stock farm at Shoemakersville, which has long served as a model farm throughout Berks county. Mr. Saul at various times conducted branches at Molltown, New Philadelphia, Shoemakersville and other points along the old Schuylkill canal, and is well remembered in the business world, although for some time he has not taken an active part in it. Mr. Saul married Sarah Reinert and they had two children, Daniel and Edna. In 1867 Mr. Saul m. (second) Katie Gearhart, daughter of Tobias and Esther (Adam) Gearhart, of Perry township. They had no children.
Daniel Saul was reared in Greenwich township, until he was fourteen years of age, when he removed to Eagle Point, to learn the coachmaker's trade with Daniel Kroninger, and he has followed this calling ever since. For many years he worked for Mr. Kroninger, finally, in 1878, succeeding him in business, and has conducted his establishment, with a blacksmith shop in conjunction, for more than a quarter of a century.
In addition to his trade, Mr. Saul farms in a small way; his property, consisting of eighteen acres, is in excellent condition. The buildings upon it are the brick residence erected by Daniel Kroninger, and a coachmaking shop that has withstood the storms of nearly a century, and is one of the oldest structures of Berks county, now being quite a landmark and pointed out to visitors.
In 1875 Mr. Saul married Sarah Kroninger, daughter of Daniel Kroninger, his employer. Seven children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Saul, namely: Edward Eugene; John Harvey; Lillie V.; Charles Robert; Jennie M.; Daniel M.; and William F.
The Saul family is one of the oldest in Berks county, and its representatives are many. Men and women bearing the honored name are to be found in almost every walk of life, and they are all characterized by those old sterling characteristics that made the founder of the family successful, thrift, industry and honesty.
Mr. Saul is a man who enjoys the confidence and respect of a wide circle of business acquaintances, as well as his inside circle of friends, and he is justly regarded as one of Berks county's representative men.
p. 1216
Albert B. Sausser, the well-known dealer in stoves, ranges, furnaces and heaters, whose place of business is located at No. 326 North Sixth street, Reading, Pa., was born in Strausstown, Berks county, Jan. 11, 1865, son of Albert Sausser.
Benjamin Sausser, grandfather of Albert B., was a farmer in Upper Tulpehocken township, Berks county, and served his township as constable for several years. He died at the age of seventy years, while his wife, who had been Susanna Reber, passed away when seventy-eight years of age. Their children were: Jonathan, Joel, John, Albert, Harry R., Mrs. D. Lengel, Mrs. Clouser and Mrs. J. Boltz.
Albert Sausser, son of Benjamin and Susanna, was born July 12, 1826, in Upper Tulpehocken township, and when a young man assisted his father at farming. He then began clerking at Shartlesville, Berks county. While there Mr. Sausser purchased the "History of Berks and Lebanon Counties," published in 1844, which is now in the possession of Albert B. Sausser, and a very valuable book, few of them being in existence. After clerking at the above place for a few years, Mr. Albert Sausser returned to his father's farm, but later went to Strausstown, engaging in the stove and tinning business, continuing therein until his death, in his sixty-ninth year. His wife, who had been Lovina Stoudt, was born Feb. 21, 1826, in Upper Tulpehocken township, and died in 1904. Their children were: Sarah E., born Dec. 31, 1850; James S., July 1, 1852; Charles M., July 21, 1853; Agnes J., Nov. 29, 1856; and Albert B.
Albert B. Sausser attended the public schools at Strausstown, and with his father learned the stove and tinning business. On Oct. 10, 1882, he went to Schuylkill Haven, where he finished his apprenticeship New Year's Day, 1884, when he returned home. In April, 1884, Mr. Sausser went to Tamaqua where he continued until May, 1885, then returning to his home, buying tools and supplies and locating at Auburn, Schuylkill Co., Pa. There he remained in business for seven years, when he came to Reading, and was here employed in the same business with H. C. Geisler for seven years. On March 2, 1901, he engaged in business at his present place, and September 1st of that year took into partnership Mr. L. H. Gehris under the firm name of A. B. Sausser & Co. They continued together until March 30, 1906, when Mr. Sausser purchased his partner's interests and has since continued alone. He makes a specialty of hot air heating, roofing and spouting in connection with his stove store.
Mr. Sausser married Gertrude, daughter of Samuel J. Radcliffe, and to them have been born: Effie B., James R., Gertrude R. and Albert F. Mr. Sausser is a member of Grace United Evangelical Church, and is a teacher of the married ladies in the Sunday-school. In politics he is a Republican, and while in Schuylkill county served as committeeman to the county convention. He is well known as a business man, and as a citizen is very public-spirited. His popularity is great.
p. 1622
James M. Savage, a well known business man of Hamburg, Berks county, Pa., who is senior member of the milling firm of Savage Brothers, was born Aug. 10, 1870, in Tilden township, son of James and Fayetta (Kauffman) Savage.
John Sauvage, a French Huguenot, was born in Alsace-Lorraine in 1698, and is the American progenitor of the Savage family in Berks county. In 1738, when forty years old, he emigrated to the New World on the good ship "Winter Galley," and it is said that soon after landing in his adopted country he settled in Berks county, Pa., where his descendants live to this day. His grandsons, Joseph and Johannes Savage, lived in Upper Bern township. Joseph Savage, grandfather of James M., was born probably in what is now Upper Bern township May 13, 1794, and there he died March 26, 1873. He was a farmer in Upper Bern township where he owned his own farm. In 1815 he married Magdalena Stahl, who was born in 1796 and died in 1855. They were members of St. Michael's Church and are buried in the cemetery of that church. In the father's will, in which are mentioned Wm. A. Ludwig and William K. Haag as executors, children as follows are mentioned: (1) John, a blacksmith at Shartlesville, was born in 1817 and died in 1886. He married Ellen Schlappig and they had three children: Franklin S.; Mary Ann, and Sarah Ellen. (2) Joseph, born in 1820, died in 1890. He owned and cultivated a 120-acre farm in North Heidelberg. He married Christian Clauser, and their children were: Albert, Matilda, Emeline and Allen. (3) Charles, born in 1823, died in 1893. He married Lydia Marburger. (4) James is mentioned below. (5) Mary Ann (married William Schlappig). (6) Sarah (married Jared Daubert). (7) Mary Magdalena (married Charles Fisher). (8) William is said to have gone to Michigan where he married and then went further west.
James Savage, father of James M., was born in Upper Bern township, Nov. 30, 1831, and died July 11, 1903, in his seventy-second year. He followed the trade of millwright for some years and for over twenty-five years conducted a farm which he owned in Upper Bern township. He married Fayetta Kauffman, born Oct. 20, 1826, who survives her husband and resides in Hamburg. Mr. and Mrs. Savage had these children: James M.; Charles K. married Sallie Stump; John K., who is in business with his brother James, was married in 1897 to Ellen Moyer and they had three children, William and two who died in infancy; William married Georgie Cooper; Francis married Rosie Renninger; Matilda (married Mahlon Spangler); Fayetta (married S. F. Riegel); Caroline (married George Seaman); and Sallie (married Thomas Meck).
James M. Savage was educated in the local schools of the place of his nativity, and when a young man learned the milling trade with Moses B. Seaman, then proprietor of the Union Roller Mill at Hamburg, remaining with that gentleman for a period of six years. After working at Shoemakersville and Yocom's for some time, and at Reading for eight years, in 1901 he and his brother John K. formed a partnership under the firm name of Savage Brothers and leased the Union Roller Mill (formerly the old Shomo mill) Hamburg, which they have been conducting ever since. The firm is one of the successful business enterprises of Hamburg. In 1906 it suffered a heavy loss, during the historic flood which caused a $75,000 damage to Hamburg.
Mr. Savage married Ella Adam, daughter of Alfred and Esther (Hollenbach) Adam, farming people of Perry township, and to this union there were born two daughters and one son, Virgil, Mabel and Evan.
p. 672
Benjamin Saylor, senior member of the large grocery firm of B. & J. Saylor, Reading, is a native son of Berks county. He has been interested in his present business for a period of over forty years. Mr. Saylor was born in Heidelberg township, son of John and Catherine (Sheaffer) Saylor, the former a country merchant and also as a tailor, who died in Reading Jan. 1, 1867. The wife and mother passed away Jan. 1, 1857.
Mr. Saylor began his education in the public schools of his native township, and then spent three years at the Union Academy, at Womelsdorf. On leaving school he engaged in teaching, following that profession two and one half years at Robesonia, this county. He then went to Philadelphia, and entering the grocery store of his brother John remained with him ten years. They were first located at Sixteenth and Market streets, and later at Sixteenth and Cherry streets. In 1862 Benjamin Saylor left his brother and volunteered for three years or during the war in the Union army. He entered the service in August of that year as second lieutenant of Company C, 119th Pennsylvania Volunteers, attached to the Sixth Army Corps, and was shortly afterward promoted, becoming first lieutenant of the same company. One year later he was again promoted, becoming captain of Company H, of the same regiment, and continued as an officer in line of battle for two years. His duties led him into participation in some of the most notable campaigns of the war, in the actions up to and including both the first and second battles of Fredericksburg. He was at the storming of Marye's Heights and on to Chancellorsville; then followed the engagement at Mine Run, in which so many were killed and wounded, and after that the storming of Rappahannock Heights, in which about a third of the brigade, under Gen. David Russell, were lost. On May 5, 1864, the great campaign under General Grant commenced. Crossing the Rapidan, the troops fought through the Wilderness on to Spottsylvania and Cold Harbor, where Captain Saylor lost forty men out of his company in the twelve days they were constantly engaged in fighting day and night. There at Cold Harbor he received his commission as commissary of subsistence of the volunteer service of the United States army, in which capacity he served until the surrender of General Lee at Appomattox, April 9, 1865--practically the close of the war. In this connection he relates that after the surrender of Lee he received orders to turn over to the latter's army his beef cattle, about 120 head, to feed the starving men. All of Mr. Saylor's service was under General Sedgwick in the Sixth Army Corps. He was honorably discharged Sept. 11, 1865, as brevet major.
The war ended, Mr. Saylor came to Reading, and in the fall of 1866 began his present grocery business in partnership with his brother John. They had a small store opposite the site of the present magnificent establishment, 18 feet front on Fourth street, and 28 feet deep, the brothers buying out the former proprietor, William Fisher, in 1877 moved to the present place of business, No. 401 Penn street. Meantime the original store had not been long confined to the tiny room with 18 feet front, but spread over three other rooms. The present arrangement of the store is the result of many alterations, the building being now 30 x 142 feet in dimensions, four stories high, with a cellar 11 feet clear below the first floor. In its construction 250,000 brick and 140 tons of structural steel were used. There are coffee roasters, machinery driven by steam and electric motors, with coffeemills and pulverizers--in fact everything that goes to equip a thoroughly up-to-date grocery. Goods are delivered free over the city and adjacent territory, seven wagons and one automobile being employed for that purpose. The cake and pastry department is one of the most popular in Reading. The bakery is located on the third floor and is a model of neatness, and every precaution is taken to provide only the best and purest materials. A large part of the candy they sell is of their own manufacture, and they also carry a full line of standard makes.
In May, 1888, John Saylor died, and his son, Howard B., succeeded him, the firm name, however, remaining unchanged.
In 1871 Benjamin Saylor married, and his only child was a son John, who in 1907 purchased the interest of Howard B. in the grocery business and real estate.
Mr. Saylor is a member of Encampment No. 43, Union Veteran Legion, and of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion. He also belongs to Chandler Lodge, No. 227, F. & A. M. For over twenty years he has been a trustee of the First Presbyterian Church.
Howard B. Saylor, until 1907 junior member of the firm of B. & J. Saylor, was born at Philadelphia in 1860. He accompanied his father, John Saylor, to Reading, and there received his education in the public and high schools. In 1876 he entered the grocery as clerk, and continued in that capacity, carefully mastering business methods in general and the details of the grocery business in particular. At his father's death in 1888, he succeeded him as a member of the firm. In 1904 he was elected vice-president of the Colonial Trust Company of Reading.
Mr. Saylor married Lucy Templin, daughter of the late Levi Templin, of Reading, and four children have been born to them: Mary, Lucy, Edward and Josephine. Mr. Saylor is a member of Chandler Lodge, No. 227, F. & A. M.; Excelsior Chapter; and Reading Commandery, K. T. His religious affiliation is with the Lutheran Church.
p. 1478
Amandus G. Schadel, of Perry township, Berks county, Pa., who is engaged in a flourishing wheelwright business, was born Aug. 10, 1864, in Greenwich township, near Dunkel's Church, son of Michael and Sarah (Gehringer) Schadel.
It is probable that the progenitor of this numerous family of Berks county was Johannes Schadel, who arrived in Philadelphia Sept. 30, 1754, although there were also a William Schadel, who landed in that city Oct. 2, 1753, and Johann Jacob Schadel, Nov. 15, 1803. Heinrich Schadel, son of the emigrant, was a small farmer in Greenwich township, where he lived to advanced age. He had these sons: Jacob; Samuel, who settled in the upper part of the State, has descendants in Tower City; David; and another, who died at a ripe old age.
Jacob Schadel, grandfather of Amandus G., was a weaver in Greenwich township, near Christ's schoolhouse. He married Elizabeth Pfeiffer, daughter of Michael and Elizabeth (Glasser) Pfeiffer, and to them were born five children: (1) Michael is mentioned below. (2) Abolinia, born Dec. 15, 1815, in Greenwich township, was baptized March 20, 1816, by Rev. Mr. Knoske, and was confirmed in her youth in the Lutheran faith by the Rev. Isaac Roeller, as she used to say, "with his first class of catechumens." She was eleven years of age when her parents died. She attended the German pay school, and on March 21, 1841, was married to Reuben Reinhard, of Friedensburg, by the Rev. Isaac Miese. She died at the home of her son, Owen, at Ruscombmanor, Sept. 6, 1907, aged ninety-one years, eight months and sixteen days, being very well preserved both in mind and body, up to a year before her death. her children were: Owen, of near Pricetown, who married Ellen Moyer; Martin L. and Mahlon, of Cleveland, Ohio; Bertolette, of Tower City; Daniel and Valarius, of Kutztown; John; and Catherine, wife of Jeremiah Barto, of New Jerusalem. (3) Hannah married a Mr. Wertman. (4) Daniel died single. (5) Polly married Peter Koch.
Michael Schadel, father of Amandus G., was a miller by trade and worked in Greenwich township, where he followed his trade and engaged in agricultural pursuits. He died of an attack of apoplexy, and was interred at Dunkel's Church, of which he was a faithful member. He was twice married, his first wife being a Miss Reitz, by whom he had--Ann, William, Jacob, Katie, Samuel, Daniel and another child. Mr. Schadel was married (second) to Sarah Gehringer, daughter of David Gehringer, and to this union came children as follows: Esther, who married Charles Kunkel; David; Charles, who was killed while working in a stone quarry at Lyons, Pa; Joseph, who married Isabella Thompson; Augustus, of Williamsport, who married Jennie Gardner; Sarah, who married John Gardner; and Amandus G.
Amandus G. Schadel obtained his early education in his native township, and later in 1879, when his mother went to Muncy Valley, Lycoming Co., Pa., he worked on the farm in the summer months, attending the district school for three years in the winter seasons. Returning to Berks county he worked for a period of five years as a farm hand, but in the spring of 1882 began to learn the trade of wheelwright with Walter S. Loy, receiving a salary of $25 per annum. The following year he worked for David Meyers of Centreport, for a salary of forty-six dollars a year, and during this time also engaged in stripping tobacco, receiving two cents a pound for his labor. In the spring of 1885 he began business for himself in the village of Shoemakersville, where he soon built up a large trade, having been successfully engaged there to the present time, carrying on a general wheelwright business among the farmers. He resides in a large brick residence at the corner of Franklin and Grant streets, Shoemakersville, his home being an ideal one. He is a good citizen, takes a great interest in public matters, and is imbued with a progressive spirit. He is a man of honor and deep-rooted convictions of right and wrong. Since the fall of 1898 he has served Perry township as assessor, being elected to that office on the Democratic ticket. Mr. Schadel and his family are consistent members of Shoemakersville Union Church, belonging to the Lutheran denomination, and he has been a deacon and trustee for many years, also having charge of the cemetery.
Mr. Schadel has been twice married. He was married (first) Dec. 27, 1884, to Elmira Madeira, daughter of Daniel and Catherine (Becker) Madeira, and to this union was born one son, Amos Clayton, Aug. 27, 1886. Mrs. Schadel died of a complication of diseases, Aug. 20, 1895, and on Jan. 22, 1896, Mr. Schadel was married (second) to Hannah Reber, widow of Monroe Seidel, by whom she had two children: Bertha S. and Ida M. To Mr. Schadel and his second wife there were born two children, a son and a daughter, namely: Joseph Lee, born Oct. 2, 1897; and Clementine R., born March 28, 1902. Mr. Schadel has many warm friends in Shoemakersville, where he is highly respected as one of the self-made men of the community.
p. 1487
William Penrose Schadler, of Kutztown, Pa., whose bakery, confectionery and ice cream factory are located on Main street, was born March 1, 1878, in Longswamp township, Berks county.
Solomon Schoedler, grandfather of William P., was a cooper and potter, a native of Berks county, living for many years in the vicinity of Lenhartsville. Later he removed to the home of his daughter, Mrs. Dankel, with whom he died in 1899, in his eighty-fifth year. He married a Miss Grosscup, and to them were born children as follows: Nicholas died young; William is mentioned below; Elizabeth m. Levi Schiffert, of Macungie; Rebecca m. Charles Moll, of Macungie, and Catherine m. Aaron Dankel, of Red Lion, Pa.
William Schoedler, the father of William P., was born in 1854, in Longswamp township. He is a stone mason of Alburtis, Lehigh county, having followed this trade all of his life with the exception of three years when he was engaged in agricultural pursuits. He married Theresa Stauffer, daughter of Israel, and to this union there have been born children as follows: Annie died in her sixteenth year; Emma m. Oswin Moll; Robert m. Rosa Boger, deceased; Nicholas m. Annie Boyer; William P., is mentioned below; Gertrude and Lizzie are unmarried; Stella m. James Adams; Fred m. Lizzie Trexler.
William Penrose Schadler was educated in the local schools of his native township and learned the baker's trade with Wesley P. Miller, of Alburtis, Pa., in whose employ he remained for a period of five and one-third years. He then went to Womelsdorf, Berks county, and engaged in business there for six months before settling in Kutztown, where he has been very successful. He has a large trade, his bread, cakes, pies, pretzels, etc., being in general demand, while he is noted for the fine quality of his ice cream. Mr. Schadler and his wife worship at the Lehigh Union Church of Alburtis, being Lutheran members thereof. In politics Mr. Schadler is a Democrat. He is a member of the P.O.S. of A., of Alburtis, and the Jr. O.U.A.M. of Kutztown.
May 30, 1902, Mr. Schadler was married to Jennie Trexler, daughter of Alfred and Mary (Deisher) Trexler, and two children were born to this union: Edward and Mary, both of whom died in infancy.
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