Source: Morton Montgomery, p. 313
The Dietrich family held its first reunion at Lenhartsville, Pa., Sept. 26, 1903. This meeting was well attended and much interest was manifested. A permanent organization was effected, and at the instance of the founder, William J. Dietrich, the same "Dietrich Family Association" was adopted. The second reunion was held in Kutztown Park in 1904, more than two thousand five hundred people being present - reputed to have been the largest family gathering ever held in Pennsylvania. Eight States and the Dominion of Canada were represented. At the third reunion, held in Kutztown Park in 1906, over three thousand people were in attendance. Seventeen States, as well as Canada and Mexico, were represented. "The Dietrichs in Europe and America," an address by Rev. W. W. Deatrick, A. M., Sc. D., was a feature at this gathering. This Family Association is not merely a local organization, but it has members in most of the States of the Union. It has been the means of arousing much enthusiasm in the matter of reunions of other families and of stimulating research into family genealogy.
The Dietrichs trace their origin to Dietrich Von Bern, 454-526, the Champion of Civilization, and King of the Ostrogoths in southern Europe. Members of the family were leaders in the Crusades, in peace and in war, and in the Reformation they helped to make history. The Dietrichs are prominently mentioned in the annals of Germany, and six distinct families in the German Empire have coats of arms.
The association, having collected considerable data, has nearly complete records of the following immigrant forebears: Johannes, Adam, John Ludwig, Elias and John Jacob Dietrich.
The Dietrichs of Berks county are descendants of Johannes, Adam and Conrad Dietrich.
Johannes Dietrich came to America on the ship "Phoenix" in 1751, and about 1760 settled in Greenwich township, where he died in 1785, in which year his widow, Barbara, took out letters of administration. They had three sons: Johannes, Jacob and John Adam. The first two located in the upper end of this State, and John Adam lived and died in Greenwich township, where he was a farmer. His wife Susanna Arnold bore him twelve children, as follows: Maria, Rebecca, Jacob, Isaac, Elizabeth, Annie, Gideon, Adam, Moses, Rufena, Catharine and Reuben.
Adam Dietrich (1740-1817), a brother of Johannes, crossed the ocean on the "Britannia," landing at Philadelphia, Oct. 26, 1767. He was accompanied by his brother, Casper Dietrich, who first located in Northampton county, Pa., and some time after the Revolutionary war settled in Virginia. Adam Dietrich was a sergeant in Capt. Jacob Baldy's Company in the Revolutionary war. He located in Maxatawny first, but later because of good water settled in Greenwich township. He was a farmer. His wife, Maria Barbara Steinbruch, bore him the following twelve children: Adam, Georg, Maria Barbara (married Johannes Zimmerman), Catherine married Rev. Johann Michael Schmidt), Jacob, Michael, Heinrich, Johan, a daughter that died in infancy, Christian, Polly (Maria Magdalena) (married a Becker), and Beckie (Anna Margaret) (married Jacob Heffner).
Conrad Dietrich (1763-1841) was born in Baltimore, Md., and came to Berks county, locating in Hereford township. Here he married Elizabeth Seisholtz, from Longswamp township. About 1795 he and his family came to Reading, where he died and is buried. The following are four of their nine children: George, Jacob, Susan (married Henry Fry), and Conrad (born 1798, died 1861, who had sons Conrad and William H., the latter now living in Reading).
The Dietrich Family Association is a flourishing organization. It success in large measure is due to the efforts of the founder. The officers are:
President, Lawson G. Dietrich, Esq., Kutztown, Pa.
Vice-President, Henry O. K. Dietrich, Lenhartsville, Pa.
Secretary, William J. Dietrich, Reading, Pa.
Treasurer, Daniel F. Dietrich, Reading, Pa.
Executive Committee, Mahlon C. Dietrich, Kempton, Pa.; Rev. W. W. Deatrick, Kutztown, Pa.; C. .H. Dietrich, Hopkinsville, Ky.; Jonathan P. Dietrich, Klinesville, Pa.; C. Joseph Dietrich, La Grange, Ill.; Charles H. Dietrich, Kutztown, Pa.; A. M. Dederick, Albany, N. Y.; Samuel Detrick, Sunbury, Pa.; Harry A. Dietrich, South Bethlehem, Pa.; Joel D. Dietrich, Virginville, Pa.; Dr. Charles J. Dietrich, Reading, Pa.
The Association has also ten active Assistant Secretaries. An illustrated pamphlet, really a finely gotten up souvenir program, contains a history of the Association, names of its officers, and the names and dates of emigration of the sixty-two immigrants; also a copy of the coat of arms with an explanation of same.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:56:06 PST