Source: Morton Montgomery, p. 313
The Boyer Family Reunion of Berks county was founded by Dr. Charles C. Boyer, A. M., Ph. D., of Kutztown, in 1907, having then held its first reunion in Kutztown and the second at the Black Bear Inn (near Reading) in 1908. Both reunions were very largely attended and proved a success in every way.
The historian, Dr. Boyer, of Kutztown, is a man of cultured mind, energetic and indefatigable, and his researches will undoubtedly result in the production of a concise history of the "Boyer Family in America." Its history dates back to ancient times, and is traced to many countries. The name is variously spelt. The historian has prepared family charts and trees of the different branches which were on exhibition at the reunion in 1908.
Dr. Boyer's historical address at the last meeting was a feature and gave evidence of careful research. He has a deserved reputation for always doing things well.
The officers of the reunion are as follows:
President, Charles Boyer, Tatamy, PA
Secretary, Abraham Boyer, Schofer, PA
Historian, Dr. C.C. Boyer, Kutztown, PA
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:56:06 PST