Levi W. Ritzman, the leading general merchant of Strausstown, Berks county, is also one of the most prominent men in his locality, having for years been a worker in the Democratic party, the holder of various local offices and an active man in fraternal and church life.
Mr. Ritzman's great- grandfather, Michael Ritzman, lived above Bernville, near Rehrersburg, where he had a small farm, upon which he ran a distillery. His son Jacob, the grandfather of Levi W. Ritzman, was likewise a farmer near Rehrersburg, where he died, and he is buried at the old Rehrersburg Lutheran Church. He married Barbara Sheaffer, and to them were born children as follows: George; Jacob; Lydia, who married William Keener; Elizabeth, who is living at Strausstown; and Selesia, living at Rehrersburg.
Jacob Ritzman, son of Jacob, was born Feb. 4, 1825, and was a farmer in Upper Tulpehocken township, owning the farm about two miles from Strausstown, upon which the well- known Indian fort was built; it was used for protection against the Indians. He married Sarah Wagner, born May 18, 1823, died October 1, 1889, and Mr. Ritzman passed away Nov. 14, 1873. They are both buried at the Zion's ( Blue Mountain ) Church. They were the parents of six children: Nicholas, who is living in Reading, Pa. ; W. W., also of Reading; Levi W. ; Abraham W., a resident of Shartlesville; Israel W. , of Reading; and Hannah W., wife of Aaron F. Henne, of Strausstown.
Levi W. Ritzman was born March 29, 1854, in Jefferson township, Berks county, and there attended the public schools, remaining with his father until he was seventeen years old. While at home he assisted with the farm work, and later began clerking for S. W. Lesher, at Schaefferstown, with whom he remained two years. His next employer was S. B. Kantner, at Strausstown, for whom he clerked until he bought out the establishment, in 1878. Here he has built up a thriving business, now having the largest general store in the town, where he carries a complete stock of goods in common demand in his section. He is an enterprising man, honorable in his dealings, and has the confidence and support of the community.
Mr. Ritzman is a faithful Democrat in political opinion, and he has been active in the party for many years, was committeeman for twelve years, and has been a delegate to numerous county and State conventions. He served three years as auditor of his township, and has served the same length of time as school director; he was assessor for six years, and in 1902 was a candidate for county commissioner, but withdrew in favor of a friend in his part of the county. He is an honored member of various fraternal organizations, belonging to Williamson Lodge, No. 307, F. & A. M. ; Excelsior Chapter, No. 237, Reading; Reading Commandery, No. 42, K. T. , Reading, Pa. ; Strausstown Lodge, No. 77, I. O. O. F. (charter member ) ; Lodge No. 289, Daughters of Rebekah (charter member ) ; Camp No. 133, P. O. S. of A. , at Shartlesville ; and Tulpehocken Castle, No. 133, K. G. E. (charter member ). Mr. Ritzman is a Lutheran in religious faith, and he has been an earnest worker in his church, which he has served as deacon and elder and for nine years as treasurer.
Mr. Ritzman married Kate S. Burkhart, daughter of Enoch Burkhart and a member of a well- known Berks county family, of Bernville, Pa. , and they have had a family of seven children, four of whom died young. The survivors are: Bertha M. , who is the wife of Charles T. Barnett. a barber at No. 209 Penn street, Reading, and they have a daughter, Beulah Barbara ; Orson Nevin taught four terms school in Upper Tulpehocken township, and is now employed as instructor in the Ovens School, Pottsville, Pa. ; Rhoda May is teaching public school in Upper Tulpehocken township.
p. 916
John D. Roberts, a farmer of Washington township, where he has served as supervisor since 1894, is a native of Hereford township, Berks county, born July 3, 1861. He is a son of Everard Roberts, grandson of John Roberts, and great-grandson of Everard Roberts, who may have come to America with his son, though it is possible that the latter emigrated alone when a young man, before his marriage.
John Roberts, son of Everard and Sarah Roberts, born Oct. 10, 1778, died Nov. 20, 1854, and is buried at Quakertown, Bucks county. He came from England, and was a Quaker in religious faith. He married Sarah Myers, daughter of Michael and Elizabeth Myers, born April 20, 1777, died Aug. 15, 1855, and they had a large family, born as follows: Elizabeth, in 1802; Anna, 1803 (died in 1881); Everard, 1805; Abigail, 1807; Hannah, 1809; Edward, 1810 (died in 1880); John, 1812 (died in 1870); Susan, 1813; Sarah, 1816; Lewis, 1818.
Everard Roberts, father of John D. Roberts, was a native of Bucks county, Pa., born Nov. 11, 1805, near Quakertown. He died Sept. 16, 1891, aged eighty-five years, ten months, five days, and had never known sickness of any kind. He is buried at Zionsville. Mr. Roberts was a farmer by calling. He married Deborah Foulk, daughter of Hugh and Catherine Foulk, born Nov. 25, 1804, died March 3, 1852, and by this union there were five children, as follows: Joseph, born in 1834; Edwin, in 1838; Charles, 1842; Deborah, 1844; and Everard, 1846. For his second wife Mr. Roberts married Mary Deischer, daughter of Peter and Mary Deischer, born Nov. 27, 1823, died June 20, 1898, aged seventy-four years, six months, twenty-three days, and five children were also born to this marriage: Sarah m. Daniel Hoffman; Amanda m. Samuel S. Schultz, Esq., of Hereford township; James resides in Hereford township; John D. is mentioned farther on; Allen is a resident of Illinois.
John D. Roberts attended the common schools in the neighborhood of his home and was reared upon the farm, continuing to work for his parents until he was twenty-one years old. Then he and his brother, James H., began farming the old Benjamin Yeakel homestead in Hereford township, continuing together for five years, and having their parents with them. When at the end of the five years they dissolved partnership, James H. went to Red Hill in Montgomery county, and John D. and his wife remained one year longer on the farm. In April, 1888, Mr. Roberts moved to the tract upon which he has ever since resided, twenty-four acres located three quarters of a mile north of Bally, and he follows farming. He has made a number of improvements upon the place during his ownership, has repaired the barn, and in the fall of 1908 remodeled the house, adding to the value of his property in many ways. He has a cozy home, which he has acquired through his own industry, and he is much respected wherever known. As supervisor for many years he has become well known all over his home township. Though a stanch Republican in a strong Democratic district he was elected to that office in the spring of 1894 over William M. Kase, Democrat, who had held the office for seventeen years continuously. Throughout his long experience in that office he has performed his duties faithfully, winning the confidence of his fellow-citizens to an unusual degree.
Mr. Roberts married Sept. 29, 1885, Ida S. Batz, daughter of William and Sarah (Schell) Batz, of Hereford township, and they have had two children, Elwood and Mary A. Mrs. Roberts worships at Huffs Church. Mr. Roberts is a member of Council No. 1019, Order of Independent Americans, which is located at Eshbach, Berks county.
p. 899
Owen B. Roberts, one of the best-known citizens of Blandon, Pa., was born in Maiden-creek township, May 9, 1854, son of Thomas and Anna (Barlet) Roberts.
Thomas Roberts, grandfather of Owen B., was a member of one of the earliest families of Exeter township, Berks county, and was of Quaker extraction.
He married Catherine Body, and to them there were born five children, as follows: Joseph, who died single in 1862; Elinor, born April 6, 1813, died unmarried May 25, 1885; Elizabeth, who died unmarried in 1862; Sarah, who died young; and Thomas.
Thomas Roberts, father of Owen B., was born Jan. 7, 1817, in Maiden-creek township, where he was a post fence-maker practically all of his life, and where he died June 13, 1901. He married Anna Barlet, born July 24, 1820, daughter of John and Susannah (Bowman) Barlet; she died Sept. 22, 1889. They had two children: Amos B. and Owen B. Amos B. Roberts, born Jan. 24, 1845, died July 27, 1900. He was a surveyor by occupation. He married Lizzie Banghart, born Feb. 2, 1844, who died in 1903, and they had two children: Alice (died Aug. 12, 1870) and Sarah (m. James Weidner, of Reading).
Owen B. Roberts was reared and educated in his native locality, and after leaving the public school attended a private institution taught by Prof. P. Y. Taylor, at Blandon. He learned fence-making with his father, and for many years worked with the gang. When twenty-one years of age he was chosen committeeman by the Republican party, and at that time was the youngest man on the county committee. He has remained active in the ranks of his party, having served as notary, school director and township assessor. Mr. Roberts is a surveyor and conveyancer by occupation, and owns a farm, and much other valuable real estate, which he manages himself.
On April 2, 1898, Mr. Roberts married Sarah A. Oswald, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Gambler) Oswald. Mr. Roberts is a member of Camp No. 250, P. O. S. of A., at Blandon, of which he was one of the founders; Rock Castle No. 80, K. G. E.; a charter member of Blandon Lodge No. 1084, I. O. O. F.; Court Blandon, No. 266, Foresters of America; Fleetwood Castle No. 153, A. O. K. M. C., and Yuma tribe No. 438, I. O. R. M. In some instances he also belongs to the insurance branch of these various organizations. Mr. Roberts is one of his community's representative citizens, and justly merits the high esteem in which he is held by his fellow townsmen.
p. 1214
Joseph F. Rodgers, an honored veteran of the Civil war, now living retired in the city of Reading, Pa., was a member of Company L, Firs Pennsylvania Reserve Cavalry, and served until he was obliged to give up a soldier's life on account of injuries received.
Mr. Rodgers was born Aug. 10, 1838, at Mooresburg, Montour Co., Pa., son of Joseph B. and Margaret (Fix) Rodgers, and grandson of Matthew Rodgers, formerly a prominent agriculturist of Millerstown, Pa., where he owned and operated a farm until 1832. In that year he moved to Ohio, then considered to be far West. In that State Matthew Rodgers died. His children were: Obediah, John, Joseph B., Martha and Mary. In religious belief he and his wife were Episcopalians, and he was a lay reader in that body. It is not known that he held any office, but he was a stanch Democrat in political principles.
Joseph B. Rodgers, father of Joseph F., was born in 1810, in Millersburg, Dauphin Co., Pa., and was educated in the subscription schools. He was a youth of intellect, and became better educated than many of his comrades. In 1833 he learned the cooper's trade at Duncannon and then settled in that business at Reading, where he was extensively engaged for a number of years. His factory supplied barrels for mills and breweries all over the neighborhood, and he employed a large number of hands. He died in 1861, and his wife in 1882, the latter being eighty-two years of age. Their children were: Angeline C. m. William Gay, a mining engineer; Mary R. m. William Brice, a merchant in Philadelphia; and Joseph F. The parents were members of the Universalist Church. In politics Mr. Rodgers was, like his father, a Democrat, and being a man of standing in his community, was frequently urged to accept office but invariably declined. He took much interest in the order of Odd Fellows, and was a prominent member in that organization.
Joseph F. Rodgers accompanied his parents to Reading in 1845, and was educated in the common schools of this city. After leaving school he apprenticed himself to Daniel Byerly, his half-brother, to learn the barber's trade, and after completing the same, opened a shop and continued in that business for a period of fifty-four years, this being the longest period spent by any one in one line of business in this city, and possibly in the state.
On July 30, 1861, Mr. Rodgers enlisted in Company L, First Pennsylvania Reserve Cavalry, under Capt. John C. A. Hoffeditz and Col. George D. Bayard. The latter became a brigadier general and was killed in action at the battle of Fredericksburg. He was succeeded by Gen. David Mc. M. Gregg. Mr. Rodgers continued in the service until the discharge of his regiment, and participated in all of its experiences. Upon three occasions he was slightly wounded and once his horse fell and thereby he was seriously injured, sustaining a fracture of the hip from which he never fully recovered.
After the close of his army service, Mr. Rodgers returned to Reading and resumed work at his trade, in which he continued until 1905, since which he has lived retired. He owns the Rodgers Block, one of the best business properties in Reading.
In 1880 Mr. Rodgers married Miss Maria Dunkel, daughter of Henry Dunkel. They have no children. In politics Mr. Rodgers is a Republican, casting his first presidential vote for Abraham Lincoln. He is a member of the Union Veteran League, of Pennsylvania. His long residence here has made him a very familiar figure in the city, and he can recall the day when he knew every one he met.
p. 666
John Roehrich, engaged in the manufacture of artificial ice as proprietor of a large cold storage plant at Third and Buttonwood streets, was born in Baden, Germany, in 1851. In 1865 he accompanied his parents, Christopher and Catharine (Doeman) Roehrich, to America. The father was a paver by trade, and after settling at Reading continued to work at it through his active life. He died in 1881, at the age of seventy-two years. His widow survived until 1890, dying at the age of eighty-one years. They had four children, namely: Elizabeth, Mary, Catherine and John. In religious belief they were Lutherans. The father was a naturalized citizen of the United States, and was a zealous worker in the Democratic party.
John Roehrich was educated mainly in his native land and soon after coming to Reading was employed by Frederick Lauer as an errand boy. Later he worked at the Felix brewery, the same plant now owned by the Deppen Brewing Company, where he filled the position of assistant brewer-master for upward of eight years. In 1885 he formed a partnership with John Stocker, under the name of Roehrich & stocker, for carrying on the brewing business at Tremont, Pa., and they continued there until 1891, when they sold the brewery and came to reading. Purchasing a tract of land on North Eleventh street, opposite the Fair ground, they established a brewery and carried it on successfully until 1897, when Mr. Roehrich sold his interest to his partner. Subsequently he formed a partnership with George J. Raab and they operated the old Keystone Brewery under the name of Roehrich & Raab until 1902, when they sold the plant to the Deppen Brewing Co., and in 1908 this was reorganized with the following officers: President, John Roehrich; vice president, William J. Roehrich; secretary, George J. Raab; treasurer, James Taylor; and directors, James Mahony and Dr. John M. Bertolet. That year they erected the brewery at Third and Buttonwood streets, where thirty-nine men are employed.
After closing out his former business interests, in 1902, Mr. Roehrich purchased a lot of ground (75 by 140 feet) on Third near Buttonwood street in 1903, and built a cold storage and ice plant, and equipped it with modern machinery, with a capacity of fifty tons of ice per day.
In 1875 Mr. Roehrich was married to Catharine Baisch, a native of Berks county, and they have three children, viz.: William J., Frank C., and Harry Max. They are members of the Lutheran Church. Mr. Roehrich is a self-made man. In his business as well as his social relations he is held in the highest esteem.
p. 1707
Henry H. Rohrbach, secretary of the Berks County Sabbath School Association in the district of Longswamp, District and Hereford townships and the borough of Topton, was born in District township, Berks county, April 28, 1881, son of James F. and Fianna (Hess) Rohrbach.
James F. Rohrbach, his father, was born in Pike township, this county, son of Benjamin Rohrbach, and is now engaged in farming two miles northeast of Pikeville. He married Fianna Hess, daughter of David R. and Lydia (Sterner) Hess, of District township.
At the age of four years Henry H. Rohrbach entered the public schools, and he continued as a student therein until he was nineteen, for seven terms not missing a day. In 1901 he entered the Keystone State Normal School at Kutztown, and there became a member of the Keystone Literary Society. In 1903 he was licensed to teach by county superintendent E. M. Rapp, and since then he has been engaged, in turn, at Frey's school, District township; Hertzog's school, Rockland township; Mine Hole school, Bern township; and Rohrbach's school, District township. He resides about one and one-half miles southeast of Fredericksburg, and has taught the Sterner school near there. Besides his school work he is agent for the Berks and Lehigh Mutual Fire Insurance Company, and is the Fredericksville correspondent for the Eagle, Telegram, and Herald of Reading; and the Journal and, Patriot, of Kutztown. He is also crop reporter for District township for the Bureau of Statistics, United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C.
In 1896 Mr. Rohrbach became a member of Huff's Reformed Church, and a member of Sterner's Union Sunday-school. His first office was that of deacon of this school, after which he was made assistant secretary under David S. Hess. For ten years he held the office of secretary, and did much for the welfare of the school. His appointment as secretary for the Berks County Sabbath School Association in his district met with the approval of all in the Association. His duty will be to gather statistics from each school, and report to the corresponding secretary, and hold conventions at different places in the district.
Fraternally Mr. Rohrbach is a member of Council No. 1007, O. of I. A., of Landis Store.
p. 1422
John F. Rohrbach, of Reading, Pa., is a native of Pike township, Berks county, born Nov. 5, 1881, the youngest in a family of ten children. He worked upon the home farm until he was nineteen years old. His early intellectual training was obtained in the public schools in his native township, which he attended until he left the farm. In the fall of 1900 he came to Reading and entered the Inter-State Commercial College. In order that he might pursue his studies, he employed a man to take his place upon his mother's farm, his father having died when our subject had just passed his sixteenth birthday. The money to pay this man who worked on the farm and his own tuition as well, Mr. Rohrbach borrowed from his good mother and paid it back on the installment plan of five and ten dollars at a time, after he had finished school and gone to work. He squared his account in 1905. On April 8, 1901, he completed his business course with an average of 93 per cent. He returned home and remained until the fall of that year when he entered the Reading College of Shorthand and Typewriting, Elmer W. Deck, principal. Here he completed his course in May, 1902. He secured a position with Attorney A. K. Stauffer, as stenographer and typewriter, but in a short time he was offered a more remunerative position at Riddlesburg, Bedford county, Pa. This was in a soft coal region and as he did not like the locality he left for Philadelphia, where he secured a position with the Frankford Iron Foundry Company, as book keeper. This corporation closed its business in June 1903, and Mr. Rohrbach found employment with Alexander, Mitchell & Co., iron manufacturers. They suspended business in August, 1904. After attending the St. Louis Exposition, Mr. Rohrbach returned to the home farm in Pike township, where he remained until April, 1905, when he took a position as stenographer with Charles F. Felin & Co., the largest retail lumber dealers in Philadelphia. After being in the employ of the shipping department, where he continued nearly two years, resigning to accept a position as traveling salesman with Robert G. Kay, wholesale lumber merchant. His territory includes Pennsylvania, Maryland and New Jersey. He has established a most lucrative business among retailers in these states and is said to be one of the most successful men in his line in the East.
Mr. Rohrbach was married Oct. 1, 1908, to Sallie H. Brown, daughter of Seth and Savannah (Haas) Brown of Reading, but formerly of Pike township. Mr. Rohrbach is a member of the Commercial Travelers Mutual Accident Association of Utica, N. Y. He and his wife are Lutheran members of Hill Church, in Pike township. In politics he is a Democrat.
Mr. Rohrbach owns the old home farm of 135 acres, in Pike township, which belonged to his grandfather, Benjamin Rohrbach, then to his father, Lewis Y. Rohrbach, and he himself is of the third generation to own it. He has the farm rented. On this land is found a high grade of magnetic ore, which is analyzed as follows: Silica --- 0.30 Phosphorous pentoxid --- 0.03 Sulphur trioxide --- 0.85 Iron reposit --- 78.65 Iron metallic --- 55.10 Titanium oxide --- 13.80 This mine will be put in operation in the fall of 1909.
p. 1187
Lewis F. Rohrbach, a well known school teacher residing in Pike township, Berks county, was born in that township Feb. 2, 1873, son of Lewis V. And Mary (Frey) Rohrbach.
The first Rohrbach of whom there is definite record in America was John George, who was twice married. By his first marriage he had a son Lawrence. To him and his second wife, Christiana Moser, were born five children: George, John, Simon, Eva and Christiana. Of these Simon is said to have moved to Catawissa; George to have gone West; Eva m. Jacob Finkbohner, and after her death he m. her sister Christiana. Those of the name now living in Berks county are descendants of Lawrence and John.
Lawrence Rohrbach owned a farm in District township, which after his death became the property of his son Daniel. Daniel's two sons, William and Samuel succeeded in the ownership, and since 1873 it has been the property of William F., son of another Daniel. The farm consists of 120 acres, and the present buildings were erected by Daniel, son of Lawrence. In 1790 Lawrence and John are recorded as heads of families in East District township.
Lawrence Rohrbach had five sons, namely: Daniel, George (who had eight children), Christopher (or Stophel) (who had eleven children), Jacob and Henry.
Daniel Rohrbach, son of Lawrence, became the father of nine children: Benjamin, Daniel, William, Ephraim, Amos, Augustus, Samuel, Hettie and Kate.
Benjamin Rohrbach, son of Daniel, lived in District township. He married and among his children was a son Lewis Y.
Lewis Y. Rohrbach, son of Benjamin, was born on the Rohrbach homestead in District township, July 6, 1835, and died March 11, 1898. Early in life he learned the blacksmith's trade, and followed it about twenty years, after which he began farming on the homestead, a tract of 135 acres, and continued there until his death. He was a Democrat in politics, and served as township auditor, and as school director, and was a highly respected citizen. He and his family wee members of Hill Church, of which he was deacon and elder. He married Mary Frey, of Pike township, daughter of Jacob and Anna (Bechtel) Frey. She was born July 5, 1838, and died Feb. 24, 1906, and both she and her husband are buried at Hill Church. Their children were: James, a farmer in Pike township; Benjamin, who lives with his brother Greeley; Sarah, m. to Ellis Weidner of Friedensburg; Jacob, a farmer in Pike township; Lewis F.; John F., who resides in Reading; and Jairus, Caster and Mary Ann, who all three died young.
Lewis F. Rohrbach obtained his early intellectual training in the public schools of Pike township, and at the Oley Academy. Later, in the spring of 1893, he entered the Normal school at Kutztown, and from that institution he was graduated with the class of 1898. Mr. Rohrbach began teaching in Pike township in the fall of 1893, at Heilig's school, where he taught two successive terms. He taught the school terms of 1895 and 1896 at Hill Church, and the following year he remained at Kutztown, completing his term. After his graduation he taught Yoder's school in his home township two terms, and then he taught Lobachs school two and one-half months when his health failed and he has not fully recovered to this time. His two lower limbs became paralyzed, due the doctor claimed to gelsemium. Mr. Rohrbach recovered sufficiently to enable him to teach school again, beginning in the fall of 1902, and he has taught every term since. He is an esteemed and successful teacher of his district. He has a fine working library on pedagogy.
Mr. Rohrbach was married Jan. 23, 1897, to Miss
Rachel R. Bechtel, daughter of James D. and Emma (Reichert)
Bechtel, the former a substantial citizen of Pike township. To this
union have been born three sons, namely: Jonathan B., Morris B.,
and Claud B. Mr. And Mrs. Rohrbach are Lutheran members of Hill
Church, and since 1908 he has been Superintendent of Lobachsville
Sunday-school. Mr. Rohrbach is a Democrat, and served the township
as tax collector three years, and in different ways has rendered
his community efficient service. The family live near Pikeville on
their own fifty-five-acre farm, a tract of good land.
Daniel Rohrbach, son of John, was born in 1784. He was a blacksmith by trade, and lived on a farm adjoining the homestead. He married Catharine (Kate) Smith, and they are both buried at Huff's Church, of which they were Lutheran members. Their children were: Daniel, Sallie, Judith, Anna, Lydia and Kate.
Daniel Rohrbach, son of Daniel, was born in District township. He was a successful farmer, and owned a 106-acre farm, which included Solomon Rohrbach's farm of some fifty acres. He was a Democrat, as are the members of the family generally. He married Matilda Fox, born in Rockland township, daughter of Ernst Fox. Both Mr. and Mrs. Rohrbach are buried at Huff's Church of which they were Lutheran members. Their children were: Benneville, who received t the homestead; William F.; Daniel F.; and Susanna, m. to Joseph Schweyer.
William F. Rohrbach, son of Daniel, was born in District township, Oct. 14, 1847. He received his education in the old pay schools, his tuition being three and a half cents per day, but some of this he earned by building the fire. He attended until he was fifteen or sixteen years old. His early training had been to farming, and at the age of twenty-four he began on his grandfather Daniel's farm, remaining one year. He then bought the Lawrence Rohrbach farm of 120 acres from William and Samuel Rohrbach, paying $7,200. This he formed six years, and still owns it. He had a tenant on it for twenty years, one Charles Meck, who cleared $7,000, and then bought his own farm. In 1876 Mr. Rohrbach moved to the farm in Forge Dale, Washington township, where he now lives, containing thirty acres, and this he cultivates for exercise.
He owns a farm of seventy acres in Hereford township, which he rents. He had a fifty-acre tract in District, but this he sold in 1905. Mr. Rohrbach and Charles Y. Renninger, a brother-in-law have a farm of 133 acres in partnership in Earl township, valued at $9,500.
Mr. Rohrbach is one of the heavy tax payers of the district. He is a Democrat, and has been school director of Washington township since 1901. He takes great interest in the cause of education. He and family are members of Huffs Church, and he has been an elder for some years. He was married in 1869 to Amanda Renninger, daughter of Charles Y. Renninger, of Montgomery county. They have two children: (1) Prof. David R., a graduate in the class of 1897, Kutztown Normal school, is also a graduate of the Scientific College and attended Lafayette College, and University of Pennsylvania. He taught public school in Berks county four years, and since 1905 has been principal of the public schools of Williamstown, N. J. He m. Alice Johnson, of Elmer, N. J., and has a daughter, Nora. (2) Miss Alice, a graduate of the Kutztown Normal school, class of 1901, has taught at Reber's school-house in Washington township for seven terms.
Daniel F. Rohrbach, son of Daniel and brother of William F., was born in District township, Jan 20, 1858, and is a farmer in Forge Dale, Washington township. He attended the public school in district township till he was seventeen years old, and was reared upon the farm, working for his parents until he was twenty years old. He then began farming a fifty-eight acre tract in District township, which he obtained from his father, and remained there twenty-seven years. In the spring of 1907, he moved up on his 117-acre farm in Washington township, where he now lives. This was the Rush farm for ninety years, and has good buildings, all in good condition.
In politics Mr. Rohrbach is a Democrat, and was school director of District township three years. He and his family are Lutheran members of Huffs Church, of which they are regular attendants. He was married in 1880 to Massie Ann Rohrbach, daughter of Aaron and Maria (Seisholtz) Rohrbach, and granddaughter of George Rohrbach, of Longswamp township where her father now lives. Their children were Aaron H., a school teacher of Washington township; George and Samuel, who both died young; Mary Ann; Corinda Ann; Hettie; Clinton E.; Lizzie V.; Daniel L.; and Maria Anna.
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