Biographies from Historical and Biographical Annals by Morton Montgomery


p. 755


Rev. Elias J. Richards, D. D., for upwards of twenty-five years pastor of the first Presbyterian Church of Reading, Pa., was born Jan. 14, 1813, in the Valley of the Dee, in the West of England, not many miles from the town of Llangollen in Wales, and was the son of Hugh and Jane Ellis (Jones) Richards. His ancestors were tillers of the soil, following the principal industry of the surrounding region. His father was an adherent of the Presbyterian faith, and his mother a devout member of the Church of England. The latter died when her son Elias was but four years of age. About a year afterward Hugh Richards, with four of his children, including the subject of this sketch, left his native land for America, whither his elder brother, John, a land surveyor, had preceded him. The family resided for a time in Warren county, N. Y., and subsequently at Utica, where the father died. Through the friendly interest of Judge Jonas Platt, an eminent lawyer of the latter place, the youth was enabled to secure an education. After attending preparatory schools in New York City and Bloomfield, N. J., he entered Princeton College in 1831, and graduated in 1834. Having chosen the ministry as a calling, through opportunities for entering other vocations were open to him, he returned to Princeton, graduating at the Theological Seminary in 1838, and the same year was licensed to preach by the Presbytery of New York. In 1839 he preached as an evangelist at Ann Arbor, Mich. In 1840 he organized the Second Presbyterian Church at Patterson, N. J., to which he ministered for two years, being called in 1842 to the Western Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia.

In 1846 he accepted the repeated and urgent invitations of the congregation of the First Presbyterian Church of Reading to become its pastor, being installed Oct. 14th of that year. Here his real life work was wrought. A new and handsome Gothic church edifice was built and dedicated in 1848, taking the place of the humble house of worship used by the congregation for the preceding quarter of a century : the membership steadily increased, and the church became the leading one in the Presbytery of Lehigh. In his twenty-fifth anniversary sermon, preached July 9, 1871, and subsequently published in a memorial volume issued at his death, Dr. Richards most feelingly recapitulated the labors and events of his long pastorate in Reading. This was the last pulpit production he ever wrote. Delicate in health from his early manhood, his constitution soon after succumbed to mortal disease, which terminated his life March 25, 1872, in the sixtieth year of his age. Many notable tributes of affection and respect were paid to his memory at his burial by his clerical brethren and sorrowing friends.

Dr. Richards was a man of rare scholarly attainments, and well versed in English literature, especially its standard poetry, which so fittingly reflected the refinement of his tastes and the aspirations of his soul. His sermons were equally noted for their devotional spirit and literary grace. His heart was warmly enlisted in the success of his country's cause during the Civil war, and his discourses delivered upon occasions of national observance were lofty utterances of civic faith and patriotic impulse. In the personality of the man there was intermingled a native dignity of manner, with a pervading tenderness of spirit, which riveted the attention and abided in the memory. The example of his saintly life and character irradiated an influence for the moral uplifting of the entire community, which recognized in him a leading mind and mourned his departure as a public loss. A marble tablet to his memory expressive of these sentiments was erected in the church by the congregation a few months after his decease. His rank in his own denomination was deservedly high, and as a recognition of his especial fitness for the office at the time it was conferred, he was, in June, 1870, by a unanimous vote, elected first moderator of the reunited Synod of Philadelphia.

Dr. Richards was twice married. By his first wife, Emily T. Ward, who died in 1857, he had five children, of whom one son and two daughters are living. He married, second, Elizabeth Frances Smith, who, with one daughter, now deceased, survived him.


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Joseph W. Richards, cashier of the First National Bank, of Reading, Pa., is the oldest son of Rev. Elias J. Richards, D. D., and his first wife, Emily Theresa Ward ; the latter a daughter of Joseph Ward, a merchant of Bloomfield, N. J., and a descendant from puritan stock which settled in Connecticut in 1635. Mr. Richards was born in Philadelphia, Jan. 21, 1844 ; was educated in preparatory schools at Reading, Danbury (Conn.) , and Pottstown (Pa.), and was a student of medicine at the outbreak of the Civil war. On Aug. 10, 1862, he was mustered into service as a private in Company A, 128th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, enlisted for nine months, and served until May 19, 1863, the expiration of the term. The regiment participated in the severe battles of Antietam and Chancellorsville. In the summer of 1863 he served as a corporal in Company C, 42nd Regiment, Pennsylvania Militia, a part of the emergency force raised for State defense during the Confederate invasion, and enlisted for three months. From 1865 to 1869 he was engaged in the oil business in Cleveland, Ohio, and upon returning to Reading was appointed a clerk in the First National Bank. Of this institution he was in 1899 elected cashier.

Mr. Richards married, in 1872, Annie O. Kerper, a daughter of William Kerper, merchant, of Reading, and a member of one of its oldest families. Of their three children, one, a son, survives. Mr. Richards is a member of Keim Post, No. 76, G. A. R., of Reading.


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Emanuel Richards, one of Reading's substantial citizens and old residents, and an honored veteran of the great Civil war, was born in Windsor township, Berks county, April 6, 1843, son of William and Sarah (Smith) Richards, and grandson of John Richards.

John Richards was a native of Scotland, and when a young man came to America, settling in New Jersey where he followed the occupation of furnaceman. Later he went to Chester county, Pa., continuing his vocation there and later in Berks county, being engaged at the Windsor furnace. Mr. Richards' last days were spent in retirement, he passing away in 1847, aged eighty years, in the faith of the Presbyterian Church. Politically he was a Democrat. He was married in Scotland to Abbie Heacock, and their children were: John, William, Eli, Abbie and Sarah.

William Richards was born in the State of New Jersey, and there received his education. When a young man he learned the furnace business, and locating in Chester County, Pa., was employed for some years at the old Potts furnace. Later he went to Rockland, and was there engaged at what was known as the old Sally Ann furnace, which was then owned by the Yeagers, whose name was later changed to Hunter, and the furnace was known as the Hunter furnace. He subsequently removed to Windsor township, Berks county, working at the old Windsor furnace. After its discontinuation he engaged at work in a foundry at Hamburg for nearly forty years, and was here employed at the time of his death, which occurred after an illness of but two days, in 1870, in his sixty-seventh year. His wife, Mary Smith, died in 1894, aged eight-four years, the mother of fourteen children, nine of whom still survive. With the exception of the parents there has not been a death in this family for over fifty years. The children are: Jacob, of Luzerne county; Sarah, m. to Jared Heckman, deceased, and living in Hamburg; William, of Chester county; Susan, m. to Joseph Schollenberger, of Hamburg; Emanuel, of Reading, Rebecca, m. to Samuel Bergy, of Reading; Charles, of Schuylkill county; Amanda, twin of Charles, m. to James Wesner, of Reading; and Matilda, m. to John Xanders. The parents of these children were members of the Reformed Church. The father was a stanch Democrat in politics.

Emanuel Richards received his education in the schools of Windsor township, Berks county, attending the first free school established in that township. In 1861 he enlisted in Company A, 3rd Reserves, being with the Army of the Potomac, and the first three-year men to leave Reading. He remained with the command until the expiration of his term of service, being wounded at the battle of Gaines' Hill by a shot which passed through his right lung, from the effects of which he has never fully recovered. At the same time he was captured, and was first taken to Libby Prison, later being removed to Belle Isle, where he was exchanged. In July, 1864, Mr. Richards veteranized in Company A, 195th Pa. V. I., remaining with this regiment until the close of the war. Upon his return to Reading Mr. Richards apprenticed himself to the shoemaker's trade with Isaac Bird of this city, and he has followed this trade with success ever since, having been at his present location for thirty-four years.

On Feb. 19, 1868, Mr. Richards was married to Mary Wunder, daughter of Henry Wunder, and of their family of children, five are living: Reynolds, a sheet-iron worker employed by the Philadelphia and Reading Railway; William, in charge of the credit department of Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, of Reading; Alice, a saleslady at G. M. Britton's store; Ida, at home, and Harry, a clerk at the Reading Iron Works. Politically Mr. Richards is a Democrat. He is connected with McLean Post No. 16, G. A. R., and is fraternally a member of the P. O. S. of A. He and his wife attend St. Barnabas Episcopal Church.


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Louis Richards, law writer and member of the Bar of Berks county, Pa., was born May 6, 1842, at Picture of Louis RichardsGloucester Furnace, Atlantic Co., N. J., of which his father, John Richards, was proprietor. The latter, a native of Berks county, came of a vigorous stock, of Welsh descent, his paternal ancestors having settled in Amity township as early as 1718. He was for many years of his long and active life engaged in the iron manufacturing business, principally in the State of New Jersey, also representing Gloucester county in the Assembly in 1836 and 1837. From 1848 to 1854 he resided at Mauch Chunk, Pa., as proprietor of the Carbon Iron Works at that place, and in the latter year retired to a handsome country seat known as "Stowe," in the vicinity of Pottstown, Montgomery county, where he died Nov. 29, 1871, at the patriarchal age of eighty-eight. The subject of this sketch was his youngest son, and only child by his second wife, Louisa (Silvers) Richards, a native of Monmouth county, N. J., descended upon the maternal side from the well-known Rogers family of that section, and, in the third generation, from Henry Lawes Luttrell, second Earl of Carhampton. Employed in early life as an instructor of youth, she was distinguished for her mental culture, marked individuality of character, and social tastes and accomplishments. Her decease occurred Jan. 26, 1880, when well advanced in her eighty-first year.

Mr. Richards received his preliminary education in the public schools of Mauch Chunk, and subsequently took an academical course, attending the West Jersey Collegiate School at Mount Holly, N. J., the Hill School at Pottstown, and the Upland Normal Institute at Chester, Pa. In November, 1861, he came to reside at Reading, commenced the study of the law under the direction of his cousin, John S. Richards, Esq., a highly talented and widely-known practitioner at the Berks county Bar, and was admitted to practice Jan. 16, 1865. While a student he served in the Pennsylvania Militia, during the invasions of the State by the Confederate armies in 1862 and 1863.

Having an early inclination to write, he contributed largely to the press, both before and after his admission to the Bar, furnishing incidentally accurate reports of all the cases tried in the county courts. In 1869 he married, and engaged in journalism, becoming a partner of the firm of J. Knabb & Co., in the publication of the Reading Times and Dispatch and the Berks and Schuylkill Journal, the daily and weekly organs of the Republican party in Berks. In 1871 he resold his interest to the firm, and resumed the practice of the law. In 1875 he purchased his father's estate at "Stowe," which he occasionally occupied until 1882, when he disposed of it to the Pottstown Iron Company, which erected thereon a very large manufacturing plant.

For many years Mr. Richards devoted much attention to municipal law, and the municipal affairs of his adopted city. While serving as a member of its Councils in 1875-1876 he personally revised, amended and codified its local laws, and published in the latter year the first Digest of the Statutes and Ordinances of Reading. Of this work he subsequently compiled three other and more elaborate editions, containing many valuable notes and citations of judicial decisions. In December, 1876, he was selected as Secretary of the State Municipal Commission, appointed by Governor Hartranft to devise a uniform plan for the better government of the cities of Pennsylvania. Of this body, which was composed of eleven eminent lawyers and citizens of the State, the Hon. Butler B. Strang was Chairman. The Commission presented its final report to the Legislature in January, 1878, and the principal features of the code which it submitted were subsequently incorporated in the Act of June 1, 1885, for the government of the city of Philadelphia, known as the "Bullitt Bill." As a member of committees appointed by the Inter-Municipal Conventions of 1886 and 1888, Mr. Richards was deputed to prepare the original drafts of the Acts of May 24, 1887, and May 23, 1889, the latter constituting the present frame of government of cities of the third class in Pennsylvania. In these several capacities he rendered much valuable service to the people of the State, and acquired a wide reputation as a skillful draftsman of municipal statutes. He is a charter member of the Pennsylvania Bar Association, organized in 1895, serving for some years past upon its committee on Legal Biography. In the interest of law reform he devised and secured the passage by the Legislature of the Act of July 9, 1897, "declaring the construction of words in a deed, will or other instrument, importing a failure of issue."

In 1889, in association with the Hon. G. A. Endlich, Law Judge of the Berks district, then also a practitioner at the Bar, he was the author of a treatise upon the "Rights and Liabilities of Married Women in Pennsylvania," devoted principally to the exposition of the Married Persons' Property Act of 1887, which greatly enlarged the contractual powers of femes covert. In 1895 he issued, in two volumes, the "Pennsylvania Form Book," containing precedents in the various branches of law practice - a work in general use by the profession throughout the State - and, in 1898, a "Digest of Acts of Assembly for the Government of Cities of the Third Class," which was followed by two successive editions. His other published productions include numerous law pamphlets, historical and genealogical sketches, and reports and addresses upon various subjects of professional or general interest. Profoundly devoted to antiquarian researches, he has since 1903 been President of the Historical Society of Berks County, giving to its affairs much attention and intelligent direction. He is also a member of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, and an occasional contributor to its Magazine of History and Biography. His only business connection is with the Charles Evans Cemetery Company, of which he has been for the past fifteen years the efficient secretary and treasurer.

Distinguished for his public spirit, he has employed his time and talents in the promotion of every movement in the line of progress, good government and reform. In politics Mr. Richards is a Republican, and in the Presidential campaign of 1884 was the candidate of the minority party in the Berks district for Congress against Daniel Ermentrout, the sitting member, receiving 9,405 votes. His political views are, however, strongly tempered with the spirit of independence, which inclines to subordinate mere partisan considerations to the superior obligations of individual good citizenship.

As a member of the Bar he is recognized as a highly reputable, accurate and painstaking practitioner, though it is in the capacity of a writer, of marked vigor and skill, that he is best known to the public. His literary tastes are cultured and absorbing, and it is in the companionship of his books, and the environment of the student, that he finds his chief entertainment and solace. Practical and thorough in all his methods and undertakings, he devotes to the performance of every duty in which he may engage his best abilities and most conscientious efforts.

Mr. Richards has four children - three sons and a daughter - all of whom have reached maturity.


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Richard Richards, formerly chief burgess of Boyertown and superintendent at present of the Boyertown Ore Company, an important enterprise of this place, was born Jan. 24, 1832, in Cornwall, England, son of Richard and Elizabeth (Tremyn) Richards, both natives of Cornwall.

Richard Richards, the father, was born in 1800, and died aged seventy years. He followed mining as his business. His wife died when his son Richard was eight years old. Their children were: Margaret, Elizabeth, Thomas, Frances, Richard, William, Benjamin and Mary Jane. The name of Richards is not an unusual one in England, and on the same vessel crossing the Atlantic Ocean, which brought the present Richard Richards to America, was another passenger, named Simon Richards, also of Cornwall. The two men of the same name became acquainted and discussed their possible relationship, but did not establish their kinship. Simon Richards settled in Cumru township, Berks county, where he acquired a small farm, but for many years he has been at rest in the graveyard at Yocom's Church. He reared a family and his son James became supervisor of Cumru township and his numerous children still reside there or in Reading.

Richard Richards, of Boyerstown, is a man of large experience in mining and he was only eight years old when he began working the tin mines of Cornwall. He was only sixteen when he went down into some of the deepest mines, even to the depth of 600 feet. In the spring of 1853, hoping to better his fortunes, he started to America, landing at old Castle Garden, New York. During the first year he lived at Phoenixville, Pa., but in 1854 he came to Berks county and secured employment in the Moselem iron ore mine, where he continued until April, 1855, when he went to Tamaqua and found work in the coal mines in Schuylkill, and later in Luzerne county. In the fall of that year he came to Boyertown and here he has remained ever since, as time passed becoming closer and closer identified with the interests of this borough, and each year adding to his material possessions and advancing in the esteem and confidence of his fellow citizens.

Mr. Richards worked first for the Phoenix Iron Company, and was continuously in their employ for forty-seven years, beginning as an ordinary miner and being advanced rapidly. Since 1861 he has been superintendent of that great corporation. He has a complete and comprehensive knowledge of the mining industry and has lived to see wonderful changes in his day in methods and results. The Boyertown Ore Company, a consolidation of the different ore companies at this pace, closed mining in March, 1907, and since then Mr. Richards looks after the properties and cares for the buildings. Despite his long life of hard work, both physical and mental, Mr. Richards retains his strength and healthful appearance. He is known for his kindness of heart, and this quality is revealed in his countenance.

Mr. Richards has been married twice. On Sept. 10, 1857, he married (first) Lavina Boyer, daughter of Daniel Boyer, who, with his brother Henry, founded Boyertown. Mrs. Richards was born in 1825 and died in 1881, and was buried in Fairview Cemetery. They had one daughter, Mary (m. Thomas Clark, a native of Cornwall, England, who is connected with the Walter Sanitarium at Wernersville, Berks county). Mr. Richards m. (second), Dec. 24, 1890, Sallie B. Shuler, born July 5, 1857, died Dec. 28, 1890. He is a member of the M. E. Church and was one of its organizers at Boyertown, one of the first trustees and a steward for nearly a half century. In his fraternal relations, he belongs to the Brotherhood of the Union; Knights of the Mystic Chain; Madison Lodge, I. O. O. F., at Pottstown; Stichter Lodge, No. 254, R. & A. M., Pottstown; Phoenix Chapter, No. 198, R. A. M., Phoenixville; and Palestine Council, No. 8, R. & S. M., Phoenixville.

In his political views Mr. Richards has always been a Republican, and has been honored by election to office in a normally Democratic town, for years serving as a member of the town council, and in the eighties as chief burgess. On many occasions he has attended conventions of his party as a delegate. Above all he is a good citizen and has many times shown that he has the best interests of the place at heart.


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Surnames: RICHARDS

Thomas Myers Richards, for fifty years connected with the Reading Railway Company, and from 1905 until his death, Sept. 5, 1908, vice-president of the Philadelphia & Reading Coal and Iron Company, was born at Pottsville, Pa., Oct. 27, 1835.

Mr. Richards attended the public schools of Pottsville until 1842, when his parents removed to Reading, and he there attended the local schools until he was thirteen years old. He then worked in different stores for ten years, and he entered the employ of the Philadelphia & Reading Railway Company, Oct. 3, 1858, as a clerk in the office of the master machinist, and he was afterward connected with this great railroad, with the exception of the time of his service in the army. In 1867, he was transferred to Port Richmond to take charge of the shipment of coal, and he continued there until 1875, when he was promoted to the head of the coal sales department of the P. & R. Coal and Iron Co., with quarters in the general office, No. 227 South Fourth street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His services were so highly appreciated that March 15, 1905, he was elected second vice-president of the company, and April 2, 1906, first vice-president. His employment with the company covers an extraordinary period of time, and his promotion to the head of the coal department, which is the largest in the country, in point of traffic, attests in the highest degree, not only his superior ability in the discharge of his responsible duties, but his great fidelity to the enormous financial interests of the company.

In April, 1861, Mr. Richards responded to President Lincoln's appeal for troops in the Civil War, by raising a company of infantry, which became Co. G, of the First Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers. They were mustered into service April 20, 1861, and Mr. Richards was elected second lieutenant. The company was discharged at the end of its term of enlistment, July 26, 1861. He assisted in raising another company for nine months, which on Aug. 16, 1862, was mustered in as Company E, 128th Pennsylvania Volunteers, and rendered meritorious services. He entered as first lieutenant and was promoted to captain Sept. 18, 1862, which commission he held until his discharge, May 19, 1863. He was wounded at the battle of Chancellorsville May 3, 1863. Upon the company's return to Reading, he re-entered the employ of the railroad company which had retained his position for him. He died Sept. 5, 1908, after several months' illness.


p. 434


Charles M. Richardson, one of the most extensive creamery operators in Pennsylvania, was born Oct. 8, 1858, in Ontelaunee township, Berks county, where his father and grandfather resided before him.

William Richardson, his grandfather, lived at one time in Bern township. He was located at Baltimore during the Civil war. He died in Ontelaunee township, leaving one son, Emanuel.

Emanuel Richardson, the father of the subject of this sketch, was born in Ontelaunee township and there followed farming, also engaging in milling to some extent. Moving to Exeter township, also in Berks county, he bought the old "Daniel Boone" homestead, containing 153 acres, upon which he carried on farming until his death. He married Lydia Miller, and they had the following children: Charles M. ; Kate, the wife of Edward Beck ; Owen, of Reading ; Mary, wife of Daniel Snyder, of Reading ; Frank, of Reading ; Wilson, of Berne ; and Ella, wife of George Lee, of Reading.

Charles M. Richardson attended the public schools of his district when a boy, and later (1878-1879) the business college of Prof. D. B. Brunner, at Reading. He was engaged in creamery work as early as 1883 in Exeter township, near Stonersville. He made his first independent venture in the creamery business in 1888 at Lyon Valley, Lehigh Co., Pa. During the twenty years which have since intervened he has developed his business and increased his operations to such an extent that he is now interested in more than thirty creameries located throughout this State and New York. He is president of the High Ground Dairy Company, of Brooklyn, N. Y., which operates a number of large creameries in New York State, and also conducts a large retail milk business in Brooklyn, New York City. He is vice-president of the Harford Dairy Company, of Harford, Susquehanna Co., Pa., which operates eight large plants in that county. He is also a member of the firm of Richardson Brothers, of Berne, Pa., and he is associated with Mr. Howard E. Ahrens, of Reading, Pa., in the firm of Ahrens & Richardson, Bernville, Pa. During the past ten years he has also obtained control of ten small plants, scattered along the East Penn branch of the Reading Railway, between Allentown and Reading. These plants he operates independently under the management of S. W. Hacock, Mertztown, Pennsylvania.

In 1891 Mr. Richardson located at Bernville, Pa., at which place he has since made his home. He is prominent and active in the public life and welfare of the borough. He has served for thirteen years as a member of the school board, acting at various times as secretary and president. He was treasurer of the Old Home Week Committee in 1907 and is at present the secretary of the First National Bank of Bernville, with which he has been connected as a director since its organization. He is a member of the Reformed Church, which he has served as both deacon and elder. He has also served as treasurer of the Sunday school for a number of years.

In politics he is a Republican, and for the past few years he has been the Republican committeeman of the borough. In fraternal connection he is a member of I. O. O. F. Lodge No. 122 and of P. O. S. of A. Camp No. 113.

As for his private life, Mr. Richardson married Elizabeth T. Snyder, daughter of "Squire" William H. Snyder, of Oley Line, Berks Co., Pa. His family consists of four sons: Edgar S., a graduate of Princeton University, class of 1905, and at present a registered student-at law from Berks county in the Law Department of the University of Pennsylvania (he was also prominently connected with the celebration of Old Home Week in 1907) ; William E., a prominent member of the class of 1910 of Princeton University ; and Charles S. and Frank, both students in the Bernville grammar School.


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Robert E. Richardson, secretary to the Superintendent of Public Schools and chief clerk of the Board of Education, being appointed in 1901 by Superintendent Ebenezer Mackey, and retained by Superintendent Charles S. Foos, when he came to the office, was born in Upper Bern township, Berks county, Pa., May 8, 1883.

James K. Richardson, grandfather of Robert E. lived at Shartlesville, Berks county, where he died at the age of seventy. He served in the war of the Rebellion for two years, having enlisted in Company H, 128th Pa. V. L., and Company E, 46th Pa. V. I.

Thomas M. Richardson, son of James K. and father of Robert E., is a traveling salesman, a member of the board of education, and prominent in the Democratic party of Reading. He married Sarah H. Koch, daughter of the late Daniel Koch, who was a leather manufacturer and retail merchant of Reading. Of the four children born to this marriage, Emma M. died in infancy; Mamie R. and Herbert C. still reside at home; and Robert E. is the subject of this brief review.

Robert E. Richardson received his preliminary training in the public schools at Strausstown, and private school, with which equipment he entered the Inter-State Commercial College, at Reading. Here he pursued an English and full commercial course, graduating in 1900. His connection with the school board began in the year following, as related above. Mr. Richardson's efficiency in the office is due largely to his thoughtfulness, close observation and exactness and his goodly amount of common sense.

On July 8, 1903, Mr. Richardson married Miss Flora A. Rhein, daughter of John G. Rhein, a contracting painter of the city. They have had three children: Elmer J.; Sarah C., who died in infancy; and Thomas M., born in February, 1909.

Mr. Richardson is a consistent member of the St. Stephen's Reformed Church. His interest in politics is shown by membership in the Democratic organization known as the North-Eastern Democratic Association, in which he is an officeholder. Mr. Richardson is an expert touch typewriter operator. He is a photographer of ability, and has a well-equipped photographic studio and darkroom, in which he delights spending many of his spare moments.


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Wilson Richardson, manufacturer of fine creamery butter at Bern Station, Berks county, is a son of Emanuel Richardson and grandson of William Richardson. William Richardson lived in Bern and Ontelaunee townships, Berks county, and died in the latter township, leaving one son, Emanuel. During the Civil war he was located at Baltimore.

Emanuel Richardson was born in Ontelaunee township, and there followed farming, also engaging in milling to some extent. Moving to Exeter township, also in Berks county, he bought the old Daniel Boone homestead, containing 153 acres, upon which he carried on farming until his death. He married Lydia Miller, and they had children as follows: Charles M., who is extensively engaged in the creamery business in Berks and Susquehanna counties, Pa.; Kate, wife of Edward Beck; Owen, who lives in Reading; Mary, wife of Daniel R. Snyder; Frank, a traveling man, of Reading, Pa.; Wilson; and Ella, wife of George Lee, of Reading.

Wilson Richardson was born Feb. 10, 1873, in Ontelaunee township, Berks county, and received his education in Exeter township, attending the Friends' school. He worked at home with his father for a time, and gained his early experience in the business he now follows with his brother, Charles M. Richardson, at Bernville, being in his employ for a period of ten years before he went into the business on his own account. His brother conducts a number of creameries located in various parts of Berks and Susquehanna counties, and is a member of the well-known firm of Ahrens & Richardson. In 1901 Wilson Richardson embarked in the creamery business at Bern Station, where he has his principal establishment, also conducting four branches, at Stoudt's, Upper Bern, Lesher's Mill and Spangler's Mill. Mr. Richardson employs seven men and has a steady patronage for his product, which includes between five hundred and six hundred pounds of fine creamery butter daily, and which is marketed in the coal regions of Schuylkill county. He also supplies dealers with fresh cream and eggs. Mr. Richardson is one of the prominent citizens of his district, where he has many friends among his personal acquaintances as well as among his business associates. He has prospered by good management, and his standing is of the highest.

Mr. Richardson married Miss Tansey Rentschler, daughter of Charles and Cassia (Fleisher) Rentschler, and they have had one child, Paul W., who is now attending school.

As a Mason Mr. Richardson belongs to Vaux Lodge, No. 406, F. & A. M., of Hamburg; to Excelsior Chapter; to Reading Lodge of Perfection, No. 142; and also to Reading Commandery, No. 42, Knights Templar. He is a member of the Reformed Church and a Republican in politics, and has served as tax collector of the borough of Bernville.

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