p. 545
Edward J. Morris gave efficient service as prothonotary of Berks county, elected in 1903 for a term of three years.
John Morris, Sr., grandfather of Edward J., lived in Ireland, where he reared a considerable family.
John Morris, son of John, Sr., became the father of Edward J. He came to America in October, 1859, and stopped for a year in New York, then settled in Reading, Pa., where he has since lived. He is at present the tipstaff of Judge Bland's court. After coming to this country he married Catherine, daughter of Charles Rogers, a brewer of Cleveland, Ohio. Two of the five children born to this marriage are now deceased, Rose and John; those living are, Sallie C., a school teacher in Reading; Joseph F., wholesale grocer; and Edward J.
Edward J. Morris was born Nov. 2, 1864, in Reading. He passed through the public schools of the city, and at an early age began his business life as a clerk in a grocery store. He continued in this line for nearly ten years, when he embarked in the grocery business on his own account. Mr. Morris is still interested in the business. He was elected prothonotary in November, 1903. He leads a very busy life, being connected with a number of the fraternal organizations of the city, and also is closely identified with local and State politics. He is a member of the B. P. O. Elks, Fraternal Order of Eagles, Knights of Columbus, Total Abstinence Society, and Knights of St. John. He has also taken great interest in Building and Loan Associations, and has acted as secretary of many of them in the past few years. Mr. Morris is at present State financial secretary of the Retail Merchants' Association of Pennsylvania; a director of the Retailers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company; secretary and treasurer of the Pasteurized Milk and Cream Company of Reading; and president of the Reading Wholesale Grocery Company.
In the political field Mr. Morris is a valued worker in the Democratic organizations. He has been a delegate to many important conventions of the party, notably that of the national organization at St. Louis in 1904, and is at present the Second ward member of the Democratic county central committee. He made a losing fight for the Legislature in his district in 1896, not being able to overcome the large Republican majority normally given. The church affiliation of Mr. Morris is at St. Peter's Catholic church, and he is quite active in the different charitable institutions connected therewith. He has won a very large measure of the esteem of the general public.
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William Morris, after living practically retired at his home, No. 1152 Cotton street, Reading, in which city he was long engaged in the grocery business, died June 24, 1908, and was buried in Aulenbach cemetery. Mr. Morris was born Nov. 10, 1835, in Robeson township, Berks county, son of David and Hannah (Cooper) Morris.
William Morris, great-grandfather of William of Reading, was a native of Wales, who came to this country in young manhood. It is traditional that he settled in Bucks county, and the following record in the court house would indicate that he was a property owner in Robeson township, Berks county: "On Sept. 16, 1787, William Morris and his wife Sarah transferred a water right to Enos Morris," it being also of record that he owned property in Douglass township, Montgomery county. Among others he had the following sons: Enos; Isaac, who had a son, Cadwalader; John, who had three children, John, Mordecai and Elizabeth; and Mordecai, who died unmarried.
Enos Morris, son of William, was born in Chester county and with his three brothers, Isaac, John and Mordecai, came to Berks county, all except Mordecai settling in Robeson township. Enos Morris was a lifelong farmer, and was the owner of a good tract of land. He married Lydia Jackson, daughter of Ephraim and Mary Jackson, and to them were born children as follows: David, Eleanor, William, Mary, Enos, Rachel, Ephraim, Lydia, John and Sarah.
David Morris, father of William, was born May 1, 1781, in Robeson township, and died Nov. 6, 1850. He was a wheelwright and farmer cultivating a tract of fifty acres, and was an old-line Whig in politics, serving as justice of the peace for about eight years. He and his family were good Quakers, and he was beloved and esteemed by all who knew him. David Morris married Hannah Cooper, born Aug. 8, 1793, who died Jan. 26, 1867, daughter of William Cooper, of Chester county, and to them were born these children: Enos, born July 1, 1825, m. (first) Harriet Schlichter and (second) Rebecca Beard; Mary Ann, born Sept. 24, 1826, m. Mordecai Beard, whom she survives; Eliza died young; Sarah Jane died unmarried March 13, 18--, aged fifty-seven years; David and Allison, twins, are deceased; and William.
William Morris acquired his education in the district schools, after leaving which he learned the wheelwright's trade with his brother Enos, following this trade as a journeyman for two years at Lionville, Chester county. Later his mother returned to Reading, and young Morris went with her, working in that city for upward of a year, at coachmaking for John Treat. He then removed to Seideltown, now Gibraltar. Here he carried on wheelwrighting for six years, and for ten years he was engaged in the same line at Birdsboro. In 1863 he enlisted for three months in Company I, 42d Pa. V. I., Capt. F. B. Kerns, of Birdsboro, his regiment going as far as Hagerstown, Md., engaged in reserve duty. In 1872 Mr. Morris returned to Reading and engaged in the grocery business at Sixth and Laurel streets, being associated with his brother Enos, and the firm of Morris & Co. continued for three years, when William Morris went into business for himself at the corner of Fifth and Laurel streets. Later he removed to Tenth and Muhlenberg streets, where he successfully continued in business in his own building until 1902, after which he was employed by R. Sindell, the well-known grocer at Sixth and Laurel streets. Ill health claimed him two years before his death, and he was obliged to give up active work.
In political matters Mr. Morris was a stanch Republican, and served as councilman of the First ward of Reading from 1880 to 1882. He was a member of Neversink Lodge, No. 514, I. O. O. F., of Birdsboro, with which he had been connected from 1857; Mt. Penn Lodge, No. 65, K. P.; Birdsboro Council, No. 37, Jr. O. U. A. M.; and Mt Pleasant Council No. 37, O. of I. A. Mr. Morris was a consistent member of St. Peter's Methodist Episcopal Church, of Reading, to which his widow belongs.
Mr. Morris was twice married. In 1858 he wedded Mary A. Foreman, daughter of Frederick Foreman (whose wife was a Bechtel), of Gibraltar, Pa.; she died May 3, 1881, aged forty-five years, five months, twelve days. To this union were born the following children: Hannah Louisa, who died aged two years; Harriet Jane, deceased wife of William Embry, of Reading; Mary Alberta, wife of Cyrus Wertz; Enos, who married Louisa Reider, and lives in Reading; Ellen Rebecca, who married William Weidner, a barber of Reading; Harry, who died aged two years; and Carrie E., who died in infancy. Mr. Morris married (second) June 29, 1886, Ella Fox, daughter of George Fox, of Reading, who survives him.
A. Monroe Moser, a highly esteemed resident of Reading, Pa., who is engaged in work at the Philadelphia Mint, was born in the latter city, Dec. 5, 1854, son of David and Sarah (Harbold) Moser, both deceased. David Moser was the well known contractor and builder, who has for many years done all of the carpentering and repair work for Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Three children were born to David and Sarah (Harbold) Moser: George; Rose, wife of Jonathan Wise, of Lebanon, Pa.; and A. Monroe.
A Monroe Moser received his education in schools of Reading, Pa., having come to this city from Philadelphia with his parents when one year old, and then entered the high school, form which he was graduated with the class of 1871. He then started to learn the carpenter's trade, and remained with his father, off and on, until 1896, having at different times from 1886 to 1891 served as letter carrier, and under Mayor T. P. Merritt served as building inspector of Reading. Since May 6, 1896, he has been employed at his trade at the Philadelphia Mint, although he makes daily trips from that city to Reading, his home being at No. 1011 Washington street.
Mr. Moser married (first) Alice Defenbach, who died in 1891, one child being born to the union, Sarah Irene m. to Charles Quinter. Mr. Moser's second marriage was to Miss Bertha Kepner. In politics a Democrat, Mr. Moser has served as President and secretary of his (the Eighth) ward, and has been a delegate to numerous county conventions. Since 1876 he has been a member of the Rainbow Fire Company, having filled all the offices in that company, and in 1884 was called to the president's chair, a position he has held to the present time, with the exception of three years that he resided in Philadelphia. In his religious belief Mr. Moser is a Lutheran. He is connected with two Mint associations.
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Calvin D. Moser stands representative of two of the old and honored families of the Schuylkill Valley, where both his paternal and maternal grandparents and ancestors were numbered among the earliest settlers, and where the respective names have ever stood exponent of the best type of citizenship.
He himself is a native of Berks county, and here he has well upheld the prestige of the family name, and has gained a position of prominence as a citizen and business man. His standing as a man among men is best evidenced by the distinctive popularity which he enjoys in his native county, where his circle of friends is limited only by that of his acquaintances.
Calvin D. Moser was born in Reading, Oct. 11, 1847, and is a son of Solomon and Catherine (DeTurck) Moser, both of whom were likewise born in this county, where they continued to reside until death. Mr. Moser was afforded the advantages of the common schools of the locality and period, and that he made good use of his educational opportunities is shown in the fact that he became a successful teacher, following the pedagogic profession for some time when a young man. For several years he was employed as a clerk in local mercantile establishments, after which he became an accountant in the office of the Reading Fire Insurance & Trust Company, an office of which he remained incumbent until 1880. In that year he became teller of the Commercial National Bank of Reading. While in tenure of this position he became associated with several prominent capitalists of Reading in the organization of the Penn National Bank, which dates its inception back to 1883. The directorate of the new institution forthwith elected him to the responsible and exacting position of cashier, and of this executive office he has since been incumbent. The business of the bank has been most successful, and it is known as one of the substantial and leading monetary institutions of this section of the State, basing its operations upon an ample capital and the most responsible management. The bank is capitalized for one hundred thousand dollars and its surplus fund is now in excess of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, while the market price of the stock is held at a premium of more than three hundred and twenty-five dollars a share. It is conceded on every side that the successful upbuilding of this stanch institution has been in large measure due to the conservative methods and splendid executive talent of its cashier, who has co-operated with its directorate in guiding its course wisely and well.
In the spring of 1907 the Penn National Bank completed its magnificent new building on Penn street, and the same is one of the most complete bank buildings in this section. The equipment of the banking offices is of the best modern type, being excelled by few other banks in the State, and thus every facility is afforded for the proper handling of the large business of the concern, while the building is an ornament and credit to the city of Reading, and an evidence of the enterprising spirit of its stockholders, who are numbered among the most influential and honored citizens of this section.
Mr. Moser is a man of gracious personality and unvarying courtesy, and these characteristics combine with his sterling attributes of character to keep him on the high plane of popularity on which he is firmly placed in the community which has been his home throughout his life. He shows an abiding interest in all that tends to conserve the material and civic welfare of his home city, and is essentially loyal and public-spirited. His political allegiance is given to no political party, and he has never sought nor desired political office. He and his wife are zealous members of St. Andrew's Reformed Church, and he has taken an active part in the various departments of church work, especially that of the Sunday-school, in which he has been teacher of a large class of young men and women for a number of years.
As a young man Mr. Moser affiliated himself with Camp 61, Patriotic Order Sons of America, now the oldest camp in existence in the Union, and he is now one of the oldest members of this noble and patriotic organization. He has attained to the Knights Templar degree in the Masonic fraternity, being identified with the local lodge, No. 549, of which he was the first master; Excelsior Chapter, No. 237, of which he is the oldest Past High Priest, and Reading Commandery, No. 42, having held various offices in all of these bodies.
In the year 1879 Mr. Moser married Miss Mary A. Fink, daughter of William Fink, of Reading, who died in 1884, leaving no children. In 1886 Mr. Moser married (second) Miss Florence E. Freet, daughter of John Freet, who was a well-known citizen of Reading. Mr. and Mrs. Moser have two daughters, Mabel and Edith, and the family home is a center of gracious and unreserved hospitality.
p. 566
Edwin L. Moser was for many years at the head of the drafting room of the motive power department of the Philadelphia & Reading Railway Company, located at Reading, Pa. He learned his trade in the establishment where he was until recently engaged, and with the exception of two years spent in Philadelphia was connected therewith until May 1, 1909. He was born in Reading June 5, 1865, son of Solomon L. and Catherine (DeTurck) Moser, members of two of the oldest families in the Schuylkill Valley in Berks county, numerously and creditably represented, particularly in the central and northern parts of the county. Mr. Moser is of Swiss and French Huguenot descent, his French ancestors coming from Alsace-Lorraine.
Representatives of the Moser family settled in Berks county in pioneer days, and George Moser, grandfather of Edwin L., was a farmer in Baumstown, Berks county, during the first half of the nineteenth century. He died there in 1863. Solomon L. Moser, son of George, was engaged at various times as a carpenter, cabinet maker, organ builder and patternmaker in Reading. He married Catherine De Turck, daughter of Jacob De Turck, who for many years owned and operated a fulling mill near Baumstown. To Mr. and Mrs. Moser were born the following children: Calvin De T.; Amanda E.; Emma M.; Howard L. and Henry I. died in infancy; and Edwin L.
Edwin L. Moser was educated in the public schools of Reading, and during the winter of 1881-82 taught school in Spring township, this county. From April, 1882, until August, 1883, he was in the employ of the Reading Hardware Co., and on Sept. 1, 1883, began his apprenticeship to the machinist's trade in the Philadelphia & Reading shops. He served his time in the machine shop and drawing room, and in what was then the primitive nucleus of the testing department. Finishing his trade in 1887, he continued intermittently in the shops and the drawing room until transferred to the latter in August, 1888. There he remained, engaged as a draftsman, until June 1, 1891, when he was advanced to the position of chief draftsman. Upon the resignation of Samuel F. Prince, Jan. 1, 1892, Mr. Moser was promoted to be mechanical engineer, and was thus engaged until Nov. 15, 1897, when he resigned and accepted a position in the Baldwin Locomotive Works, at Philadelphia. While there he devoted his time principally to designing electrical locomotives. On Nov. 1, 1899, he returned to the service of the Philadelphia & Reading Company, as chief draftsman in the Motive Power Department -- the position of mechanical engineer having been abolished -- where he remained until May 1, 1909, when his health demanded his retirement from the confinement of office work.
Mr. Moser has been twice married. On May 24, 1888, he m. Sallie Schaeffer, a native of Berks county, who died May 12, 1905. To this union were born two children, Esther A. and Ruth K. On Nov. 27, 1907, he m. (second) Elizabeth R. Brunner, daughter of Hon. David B. and Amanda (Rhoads) Brunner. Mr. Moser is a Lutheran in religious belief, and served three years as deacon of Grace Church. Fraternally he is a Mason, belonging to Reading Lodge No. 549, F. & A. M.; Excelsior Chapter, No. 237, R. A. M.; Reading Commandery, No. 42, K. T.; and Rajah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. He is also a member of Washington Camp, No. 61, P. O. S. of A.; and of Mt. Penn Council, No. 495, Royal Arcanum.
p. 1212
There has been much confusion occasioned through two of the early settlers of this community bearing similar names, Burkhart Mosser, Jr., and Burkhard Moser. The family to which Howard L. Moser, of Cumru, belongs is that of the latter, Burkhard Moser.
In 1751 there emigrated to America Hans Michael Moser, with his wife Katharine, and four children, and settled in Amityville, Douglass township, Berks county, Pa. They came on the sailing vessel "Duke of Wurtemberg". After locating in this country, a fifth child was born to them. Their children were: (1) George, born 1740, died 1806, and was buried at St. Johns, Centre Square, Montgomery county. His will was probated in 1807. He married Margaret Leber, but had no children, and she survived him forty-eight years, dying at the age of 104 years; she is buried in the Muhlenberg cemetery at Trappe. (2) Peter, born 1742, died 1829, aged eighty-seven, and was buried in the Pottstown cemetery. His will was probated in 1830. He settled in Pottstown, and became the father of twelve children, five boys and seven girls, namely: John, Henry, Peter, Jacob and George; Anna Maria m. a Geiger; Catherine m. a Pyle (their son, Henry M. Pyle, lives in Pottstown); Hannah m. a Weidner; Margaret m. a Neidig; Eliza m. a Yocum and moved to Ohio; Anna m. an Egolf; and Lydia m. a Brunner. (3) Barbara, born 1745, died in 1817. She married a Neuman, and settled in Pottstown, but her place of burial is unknown. Her will was probated in 1818. Her four children were: Mary, Peter, Philip and John. (4) Burkhard is mentioned below. (5) Christian, born 1755, died in 1838, and was buried at St. Johns, Centre Square. His will was probated in 1839. He was the father of four children, two sons and two daughters, but the two sons died young. The daughters were: Mary, who married Jacob M. Hurst; and Elizabeth, who became the wife of Benjamin F. Harry. Christian Moser was the only son of his parents born in America.
Burkhard Moser, born 1748, son of Hans Michael, was three years old when the family came to America. At the time of the Revolution, he and his younger brother Christian enlisted for service in the Continental army, and served through the whole of the war. They sent the pay received from the government to their brother, Peter, near Pottstown, and after the close of the war they returned to Montgomery county. Christian settled in Whitepain township, buying a farm with the money he had received from the government. Burkhard was somewhat eccentric and, it is stated, of "wild habits," and he went into the mountains perhaps a little earlier than 1800, and settled in what is now known as Tamaqua, Schuylkill county. There is evidence to show he visited his brothers on several occasions, and that Peter visited him once or twice. On Jan. 17, 1815, he purchased 416 1/2 acres of land from James McCorckle and John Didier, paying $510 in silver for it. The deed gives the exact lines and posts, and his brother, Peter, who seems to have always cared for his brothers money, gave him the necessary funds to make the payment. He built a log house on his land, began to cultivate it, and lived there for some thirteen or fourteen years, paying the taxes on it up to the year of his death. He died in full possession without debts, in 1828, but where he is buried or who performed the burial rites is not known. The land was later claimed by the company who had paid the taxes for two years after his death, then built a log house, which still stands on an elevation near Panther Creek, and claimed it as a squatters claim. Burkhard Moser was a bachelor, and died intestate as far as is known. This old man of about eighty years at the time of his death, lived alone in the mountains, and naturally those who knew him thought he was without friends or relatives. When Peter died in 1829 he was ignorant of his brothers death, and Christian "was entirely blind eight years before his death, and being a devout Christian, thought little and cared less for all earthly estates." With these brothers was buried all true and exact knowledge of Burkhards property.
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George B. Moser, implement dealer at West Leesport, was born on the Moser homestead in Bern township April 24, 1864, son of Benneville and Mary Malinda (Schaffer) Moser.
Valentine Moser, his great-grandfather, was born in Bern township, and is buried at Epler's Church, the sandstone tombstone still marking his grave though the inscription has long since been obliterated. He married Rosina Fisher, and among their children were Fildy, Wily and Samuel.
Samuel Moser, son of Valentine, was born June 23, 1801, and he died June 6, 1862. He owned the homestead of 300 acres in Bern township, a large part of which was woodland. He hewed down trees and erected log cabins on the land, and he became one of the substantial men of his day, and was very well known. He conducted the Moser distillery on his farm for many years, and he was also a great fisherman, his death occurring while he was fishing at Moser's dam (now abandoned). He was buried at Epler's Church, of which he was an active member. He married Maria Body, daughter of Henry Body. She was born Sept. 29, 1796, and died Dec. 23, 1870. Their children were: William, who died on the old homestead; Valentine, and Benneville, who both died in Bern township; Samuel, who died in Alsace township; Maria, who married Jacob Bittner; Rose, who married Llewellyn Schelly; Eliza, unmarried; Sarah, who married William Klopp; and Louisa, who married Levi F. Dietrich, of Garfield, Centre township.
Benneville Moser, son of Samuel, was born in Bern township Jan. 24, 1831, and was a farmer there until his retirement a few years before his death, which occurred Nov. 24, 1892. He owned the old homestead of 160 acres, on which he erected all of the buildings except the house, and that was built by his grandfather, Valentine Moser, in 1801. The barn was built in 1882. Mr. Moser also owned two other farms, one adjoining the homestead, and the other of thirty-three acres in Centre township. He was a member of Epler's Reformed Church, and served as deacon and elder, ever being active in religious work. He married Mary Malinda Schaffer, born May 21, 1842, daughter of George and Malinda (Kissling) Schaffer. She died April 20, 1902. Three children were born of this union: Samuel H., living on the homestead; George B., of West Leesport; and Sallie S., wife of Daniel Lamm, of Penn township.
George B. Moser was brought up to a thorough knowledge of farm work, and he gave his services to his parents until he was twenty-three years of age, at which time he started out for himself on one of the Moser farms, adjoining the original tract, and there he lived for seven years. Then in the spring of 1894 he moved to West Leesport, and engaged in the livery business, conducting this most successfully until 1907, when he sold out to John W. Rahn. Since then he has engaged in the sale of farm implements, handling the McCormick machines, and he has made an enviable record. He resides in a charming little cottage near the Station, and this he owns, besides three other pieces of valuable property on Railroad street, and three on River street, all of which are rented.
In politics Mr. Moser is a Democrat, and he has been exceedingly active in his party's welfare. Since 1904 he has been committeman for the borough, and since the spring of 1901 he has been constable. He has served as delegate to a number of county conventions, and in 1905 was a delegate to the State convention. Socially he is a member of Camp No. 165, P. O. S. of A.; Castle No. 503, K. G. E.; Ontelaunee Council, No. 985, O. of I. A., all of Leesport. He and his family attend Leesport Church, belonging to the Reformed Congregation. While living in Bern township, Mr. Moser was a deacon in Epler's Church.
On June 19, 1886, Mr. Moser married Clara R. Tobias, born June 29, 1867, daughter of Jacob G. Tobias. She died June 30, 1902, the day following her thirty-fifth birthday. The three children of this union were: Stella m. Clayton Koller; Jennie m. Wayne Bagenstose; and Jacob. Mr. Moser m. (second) Mary R. Weisner, daughter of James R. and Lucy Ann (Frederick) Weisner, and widow of Nelson N. Thomas. By her first marriage Mrs. Moser had two sons, J. Samuel and Howard W.
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Henry G. Moser, justice of the peace of Amity township, was born March 21, 1860, in Perry county, Pa. He obtained his education in the public schools of Amity township, and in the late Prof. D. B. Brunner's Academy and Business College at Reading. At the age of fifteen years he learned the painting and papering trade, and this vocation he has followed ever since. He is a Democrat, and is influential in the party politics in the district. He was delegate to a number of county conventions also a delegate to the State Convention. He has been school director of Amity township for two terms. He was first elected in 1905. At the resignation of Calvin F. Emes, he was appointed a justice of the peace of Amity April 1, 1895, by Daniel H. Hastings, governor of the Commonwealth, with the consent of two-thirds of the members of the Senate; he has since served the office and in 1906 was re-elected for the third term. Mr. Moser is one of the active workers of the township. He has lived at his present residence since 1877. His tract consists of seven acres, and this he has in good condition. He follows painting and paper hanging throughout his district; and he also clerks at sales, and writes deeds and mortgages.
On April 4, 1855, Mr. Moser was married to Margaret M. Sassaman, daughter of Judge Augustus S. Sassaman of Berks county. Four children have been born to this union: Guy L; Hugh G., who died in his fifth year; Philip D. and Grace M.
George G. Moser, father of Henry G., was born on the Moser homestead in Amity township, Nov. 28, 1815, and died April 17, 1863. He was reared in Amity, and was married there to Willi de Turck, daughter of Jacob De Turck. After his marriage he moved to Perry county, Pa. He was a miller by trade and conducted a gristmill at Duncannon, Pa. He died from smallpox, and is buried at Dellville, Perry county, Pa. After his death his widow and family came back to their home township in Berks, where they have since resided. To George G. Moser and wife were born: Thompson, who died small; Emma, married to Martin B. Groff, of Reading; Margaret, who died soon after marriage; Esther, who died while teaching school; Dr. Ira, who died in 1907, at Reading, age fifty-two years; Willi, married to Samuel Francis; and Henry G.
Jacob Moser, grandfather of Henry G., was born April 9, 1785, and was a farmer in Amity. He died there June 20, 1843, aged fifty-eight years, two months and eleven days, and is buried near the south gate of the old graveyard at Amityville. He owned a farm at Monocacy Hill. His wife, Elizabeth Gresh, was born in Douglass township Oct. 8, 1792, died Nov. 15, 1857, aged sixty-five years, one month and seven days, in Perry county, and is buried at Dellville. They had fourteen children, namely: Henry lived in Mechanicsburg, Cumberland county, Pa., Margaret married Israel Boyer; George G., mentioned above; Eliza became the second wife of Israel Boyer; Peter lived at Pottstown; Sarah m. Joshua Gehr; Jeremiah m. Rebecca Epler; Mary m. John Coover; Angeline m. Henry Walter; Harriet died unmarried; and four died young. Of these, Mary is still living near Shepherdstown, in York county, and is now seventy-eight years of age.
Jacob Moser was a nephew of Burkhard Moser, who died a bachelor in Schuylkill county leaving valuable coal lands, which are now in litigation.
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