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Jacob R. Meck, has many business interests at Meckville, Berks county, where he is also postmaster. He was born in Bethel township, this county, May 4, 1859, son of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Ruth) Meck.
Benjamin Meck was born July 28, 1804 in Longswamp township, Berks county. When he was eight years old he lost his father in the war of 1812, and from that time was hired among strangers until he was grown to manhood. In 1825 he married to Elizabeth Ruth, daughter of Jacob Ruth, who was born Feb. 6, 1808, in Spring township, Berks county. This couple resided in Spring and Lower Heidelberg townships until 1843, during which time he followed the trade of shoemaker, but having a longing for the fields he bought a farm of 175 acres in Bethel township, where he resided until his death, Jan. 19, 1889. His wife Elizabeth preceded him to the grave, dying June 15, 1885. He left an estate of $36,000 to his heirs. To Mr. and Mrs. Meck were born fourteen children, eleven of whom survived childhood. Richard and Reuben, the eldest two, died when quite young, Sophie also passing away in childhood; Daniel followed farming on the homestead until his death, in 1874; Charles followed the store business for thirty years in SchuyIkill Haven, and then engaged in the lumber business until his death, in the fall of 1901; Catherine married Jonathan Himmelberger, a miller and farmer of Hanover, and died in 1893; Benjamin engaged first in farming, later went into the store business at Mr. joy, and they removed to Muncy, Lycoming county, where he resided for thirty years, in 1904 buying the old homestead, where he died in 1907; Rebecca married Edward Haas, a school teacher and farmer, who died Feb. 21, 1900, and she now resides at Hamlin, Pa.; Elizabeth married Joel Strauss, a farmer and died in 1874; Mary married William Werner, a farmer, and died in 1873; Jonathan met his death accidentally, being struck on the head by a piece of flying stone at the Miller stone quarry at Annville, in 1902; James is in the insurance business at Harrisburg; Franklin clerked in stores at Lebanon and SchuyIkill Haven until reaching his majority, when failing health caused him to go to Colorado, and there he died April 30, 1872; Jacob R. is our subject.
Jacob R. Meck received his early education in a country school and during 1875-76 attended Palatinate College, Myerstown, pa. His help being needed at home, he was called from school and assisted his father on the farm until 1879, when he took up the store business for his life work, and has followed that line ever since, at the same place. In the fall of 1879, D. M. Key appointed Mr. Meck postmaster at Meckville, which was named in his honor, and in 1884 he began the manufacture of cigars, which he continued until 1907, when other matters demanded so much of his time that he was obliged to abandon it. In the spring of 1891 , seeing that his store room was entirely too small to enable him to render efficient service to his patrons, he built a three-story mansard building 50x50 feet on the opposite side of the street, which he occupied in the fall of that year. In 1894 urged by many of his customers he established a liquor store, and in that year he was granted a license, his application having an overwhelming number of signers. He is a wholesale liquor dealer. In the summer of 1902 he built a creamery and shirt factory and in 1905 he bought the establishment of the Eagle Canning Company, at Fredericksburg, where he established a creamery and feed store in 1906. Mr. Mecca is a very busy man and has been ever since his start in 1879, his business increasing every year, through his own efforts. Though he has been very busy, Mr. Meck has found time to visit the exhibitions of his government and of other countries. In 1876 he visited the Centennial at Philadelphia, in 1893 attended the World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago, in 1901 the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo, and in 1904 the Louisiana Purchase Exposition at St. Louis. In politics Mr. Meck is a Democrat, and since his twenty-first year has been a staunch supporter of his party. In religious belief he adheres to the Reformed faith, and has been a member of St. Paul's Church, Hamlin, since his thirteenth year, being secretary of the church since 1880. Fraternally he is connected with Washington Camp No. 214, P. O. S. of A., which he joined Feb. 11, 1887.
On Oct. 27, 1877, Mr. Meck was married to Hettie Esther Becker, daughter of Samuel Becker, and to this union there were born seven children: (1) Walter, born in 1878, attended the Millersville State Normal School in 1895-96, assisted his father in the store until 1900, and then became a member of the underwear manufacturing firm of Meck & Co., at SchuyIkill Haven. In the fall of 1904 he married Miss Klahr. (2) Cora, born in 1880, learned dressmaking in Lebanon. She is married to Calvin A. Kline, who since 1899 has clerked in his fathers-in-law's store. (3) Gertrude, born in 1882, married Galam Piffer, and lives at home. (4) Howard, born in 1883, graduated from the Keystone State Normal School in the class of 1902, taught school for three years, graduated with honors from the bookkeeping department of the Eastman Business College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., in 1906, and from the dairy department of the State College in 1907, and now manages his father's creamery. In the spring of 1906 he married Annie Bensing. (5) Mary, born in 1885, married Harry Baltz, a clerk at the American Iron and Steel Works, Lebanon. (6) Allan, born in 1886, graduated in 1902 from public school with first honors, in 1905 from the Keystone State Normal School with honors, and in the fall of that year entered the sophomore class of Franklin and Marshall College, from which he was graduated in the spring of 1908 with honors. During the summer of 1908 he was a student in the Divinity Department of Chicago University and is now a student at the Eastern Theological Seminary of the Reformed Church. (7) Mabel, born in 1891, is assisting her parents at home and at the same time taking a course in music.
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Randolph L. Meck, assistant cashier of the Farmers' National Bank of Reading since 1903, was born at Schuylkill Haven, Pa., Oct. 3, 1873. He acquired his education at Refton, Lancaster county, and at Reading, Pa., and upon completing a special course in civil engineering secured a position with the Philadelphia & Reading Railway Company as a civil engineer. He continued with the company five years, resigning in 1893 to accept a position as messenger and clerk with the Farmers' National Bank of Reading. On account of his proficiency and reliability he was rapidly promoted until he became the assistant cashier of the bank in 1903, and he has filled this position in a most satisfactory manner until the present time. He is a past president of the Reading Council of the American Life and Annuity Society of Pittsburg, Pa. and he is prominently identified with the Masonic order in Reading.
In 1896, Mr. Meck was married to Clara A. Ruth, daughter of John A. Ruth, who has been connected with the Reading Eagle as solicitor and collector for many years. They are active members of Calvary Reformed Church, both taking great interest in the work of the Sunday-school as well as of the church. He is a member of the Consistory, and treasurer of the church. Mrs. Meck is also actively interested in the work of the Y. W. C. A. at Reading having been one of the directors for many years.
Mr. Meck's father is James A. Meck. He was born in 1848, in Bethel township, Berks county, while his father was cultivating a farm there. When a young man he was employed by the Philadelphia & Reading Railway Company at Schuylkill Haven, and he continued there until 1878, when he removed to Refton, Lancaster county, and engaged in the coal and lumber business until 1885. He then sold his business and accepted the position of assistant superintendent of the Baltimore Mutual Aid Association at Reading. He filled this position and later the position of superintendent until 1904, when he located at Harrisburg. and became the superintendent of the Commonwealth Title Insurance & Trust Company, which responsible position he has since been filling. He was married to Susanna Coho (daughter of John L. Coho, of Schuylkill Haven), and they have three sons: Harry C. (cashier of the Reading Brewing Company, m. Mary Ruth); Edgar (manager of a department in the large store of Brown Shoe Company, St. Louis, Mo., m. Fannie Frost); and Randolph.
Mr. Meck's grandfather was Benjamin Meck, born in 1804 in Longswamp township, Berks county, where he learned the trade of a shoe-maker, following it until 1845. He then bought a large farm in Bethel township which he cultivated until his death in 1889. He was married to Elizabeth Ruth (daughter of Jacob Ruth, farmer of Spring township), and they had fourteen children: nine sons and five daughters.
And his great-grandfather was Dewald Meck, farmer of Longswamp township, who was a son of Jacob Meck, a farmer of Oley township.
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Samuel H. Meck, farmer of Tilden township, was born July 7, 1841, in that part of Upper Bern township, Berks county, now known as Tilden. His father and grandfather were both named Samuel.
Samuel Meck, the grandfather, lived in Longswamp township, Berks county, and died there in old age, he is buried at Hoff's Church. He was engaged as a farmer and furnace keeper. His children were; David, Charles, John, Samuel, Isaiah, Harietta and Catharine.
Samuel Meck, son of Samuel, was born on the paternal homestead, and like his father was a farmer and furnace keeper. When a young man he moved to Upper Bern township, where he bought the Hossler farm of 130 acres, upon which he lived until his death, which occurred when he was eighty-eight years old. He carried on farming throughout his active years, but retired from that occupation about thirty years before his demise. Mr. Meck married Salome Hossler, daughter of John Hossler, and they had children as follows: Sarah m. Jacob Moyer, who is now deceased; Samuel H. is mentioned further on; Henry and John live in Tilden township; Frank died when eight years old; Priscilla m. Jonathan Spayd, of Sinking Spring; Matilda died when eleven years old.
Samuel H. Meck attended the public schools during his boyhood, learned farming at home with his father, and remained with him, in 1875 buying sixty-eight acres of land from his father, Samuel Meck, to which he later added a tact of twenty acres. Subsequently he bought the homestead, then consisting of 100 acres, making this purchase Sept. 6, 1902, and selling the property to his son Thomas A. in 1908. In 1893 he bought the Shock's farm and later sold it to his son Franklin C. Both sons are farmers. He has been a prosperous farmer for many years.
Mr. Meck married Emeline Hartzel, daughter of Isaac Hartzel, and they are the parents of two sons: Franklin C., born Nov. 30, 1868, a resident of Tilden township, married Lizzie Seaman; Thomas A., born Aug. 14, 1872, married Sallie Savage, and they have had two children, Charles (who died when seven days old) and Alvin (who is at school).
In 1862 Mr. Meck enlisted for service during the Civil war, becoming a member of Company B, 167th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, and served nine months. He is a Democrat in politics and in religious connection a Lutheran, belonging to St. Michael's Church.
The Meckstroth family dates back to William and Elizabeth (Quiller) Meckstroth who came from Landbergen, a province of Northern Germany, near Hanover, prior to their marriage. After coming to America, Elizabeth Quiller married (first) William Snethkamp, who was killed by a falling tree, and by this union she had two children: William H., who was one of the first graduates of Heidelberg University at Tiffin, Ohio, and who for many years was a justice of the peace, notary, school teacher and merchant, besides being the first agent of his section for farm implements, but is now living retired at St. Mary's, Ohio; and Elizabeth, who became the wife of Henry Lutterbeck, and had three children, all now married. About 1847 Elizabeth (Quiller) Snethkamp married (second) William Meckstroth, and they located in New Knoxville, Auglaize Co., Ohio, which at that time was all forest, and they had to fell and burn the trees to get a sufficient clearing to raise the necessities of life. To William and Elizabeth Meckstroth were born seven children: Mary m. Henry Sundermann, who died in August, 1907; Herman Henry m. Mary Bierbaum; Ernest L. m. Lizzie Feldwisch; Annie m. William Haberkamp; Sophia m. W. H. Fledderjohann; George m. Fredericka Peters; and Charles A. m. Annie Lammert.
(II) Herman Henry Meckstroth was born in New Knoxville, Ohio, July 10, 1850, and remained at home until the age of twenty years. He was then married to Mary Bierbaum, a daughter of William and Elizabeth Bierbaum, who also came from Germany and located near New Knoxville. This union was blessed with children as follows; George, who died when ten months old; Annie, who died when quite young; Benjamin (twin to the Rev. William L.), who died when a few weeks old; Henry Lewis, who graduated from the Jefferson Medical College at Philadelphia in June, 1908, and was then appointed resident physician of St. Joseph's Hospital, Lancaster, but after July 1, 1909, will locate in New Knoxville, Ohio; Edward Charles, who taught school for five years, but now is preparing himself for the medical profession, and who married Martha Howe. The mother died July 19, 1907, after an illness of two days.
(III) William Lewis Meckstroth, pastor of Ziegel Reformed Church, an eloquent and brilliant young divine of the Reformed faith, was born near New Knoxville, Ohio, Feb. 24, 1878. He was baptized by Rev. F. H. W. Kuckhermann in infancy and from then seemed set apart for his sacred calling. At the age of fifteen he was confirmed by Rev. F. Mathers, a Lutheran clergyman. He attended the schools of his neighborhood until 1894, when he entered St. Mary's high school, completing a three years' course in two years. He then entered Mission House College at Franklin, Wis., the German college of the Reformed church in the United States, in the fall of 1896, and completed a classical course in the sprig of 1900. He then entered Ursinus School of Theology, Philadelphia, in the fall of the same year. At the close of the theological course he left at once for Swanton, Ohio, where he began his active ministry in charge of four congregations. He was examined and licensed to preach by a committee of Heidelberg Classics, Central Synod, on Friday, June 5, 1903, and ordained and installed as pastor of Zion's charge until Oct. 1, 1904, a period of seventeen months. During this pastorate a $1,000 parsonage was bought and nearly paid for. On Oct. 1, 1904, he took charge of the First Reformed Mission congregation in Bay City, Mich., where in two and one-half years the congregation was raised from 85 to 125, the debt reduced from $900 to $330, and a number of improvements inaugurated. He supplied Covenant Presbyterian church from Oct. 1, 1904, to Oct. 1, 1905, at a time when there were only thirty-four communicant members and a church property, valued at $1,200, about to be sold for taxes. Within one year all indebtedness was wiped out, and the Sunday school enlarged from 45 to 125 with the able assistance of Mr. William A. Guest, the efficient superintendent. Mr. Meckstroth was elected secretary and treasurer of the Bay City Ministerial Association Jan. 9, 1905, and twice re-elected. This association has twenty-seven members. The Rev. Mr. Meckstroth was asked in February, 1908, by several members of Saginaw Presbytery of the Presbyterian church if he would not consider entering that church, but he declined the cordial invitation with thanks. In the spring of 1903, prior to graduation and during the illness of Rev. Dr. L. K. Derr, the venerable pastor of Zion's Reformed church, Reading, Pa., he assisted for three months. He was elected pastor of the Ziegel church, consisting of Longswamp and Ziegel congregations, on April 28, 1907, and began his labors on Sunday, July 7, 1907.
On May 5, 1904, the Rev. Mr. Meckstroth married Miss Katharine F. Eshelman, of Reading, the ceremony being performed by the late Rev. L. K. Derr, D. D., of Reading. Mrs. Meckstroth for many years has been an active member o Zion's Reformed church. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Eshelman, now residing at Shillington. Mr. and Mrs. Meckstroth have one son Herman Franklin, two years old.
The Rev. Mr. Meckstroth is a man of exceptional executive ability who thoroughly understands how to conduct his church upon a business basis and develop its possibilities into certain success. He is a young man of remarkable talents, and as a preacher is well known. He is very earnest and sincere, and seems to have an unsatisfied appetite for hard work. Each charge has parted with him with regret, and he will find ample opportunity to add to his honors in eastern Berks.
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Francis H. Mee, of Reading, Pa., who has been living retired since Sept. 30, 1904, was for many years a trusted employe in the Philadelphia & Reading railroad shops. Mr. Mee was born in Maiden Creek (now Berkley), Sept. 20, 1834, son of George and Julianna (Hafer) Mee, and a member of an old English Quaker family which came to Pennsylvania at an early date in the country's history, locating in Chester county.
Jonathan Mee came to Berks county from Chester county, and located in the Quaker settlement in Maiden-creek township, where he engaged in farming, owning a part of the farm now the property of Charles Dunkel. He was a carpenter by trade, and followed that vocation in addition to farming. He had been reared a Quaker, but on reaching manhood, married a woman of the Reformed faith. Both he and his wife are buried at Gernand's Church in Ontelaunee township. He had three sons and four daughters, namely: George, John, Charles, Hettie, Sallie, Annie and Mary (Polly).
George Mee, son of Jonathan and father of Francis H., was born in Maiden-creek township, where he followed the trade of a miller all of his life. He died in 1871, in his sixtieth year. He married Julianna Hafer, who died in 1858, aged forty-five years; and she, like her husband , was a member of the Reformed Church. In political matters Mr. Mee was an old-line Whig. To him and his wife were born children as follows: Francis H., Charles, Mary (m. Alvin Luckenbill, deceased), Hettie (m. Henry Loy, of Hamburg, Pa.), and five children who died young.
Francis H. Mee received his education in the schools of Spring township, where his parents lived for a number of years, and for some time after leaving school worked at farm labor He then served an apprenticeship to the carpenter's trade, and in 1865 entered the employ of the Philadelphia & Reading railroad, with which company he continued until his retirement, a period of thirty-nine and one-half years, since which time he has lived a quiet life at his home, No. 1710 Centre avenue, Reading.
In 1858 Mr. Mee married Susan Kissinger, daughter of Abraham and Abby (Hill) Kissinger, and to them have been born seven children, all of whom are now living, namely: Sallie, George, Daniel, Annie, William, Alice, and Ida. In religious belief Mr. Mee is a Lutheran, and his political sentiments are those of the Democratic party. While employed at the car shops he was connected with the Philadelphia & Reading Relief Society.
Charles O. Megerly, a machinist and plumber at Boyertown, is a native of Wittenberg, Germany, born Sept. 14, 1854, son of Jacob and Ellenora (Ofner) Megerly.
Jacob Megerly, the father, was a farmer in Wittenberg, Germany, where he died about 1883. He was a man of honesty and industry, and was greatly respected in the community in which he spent his entire life. He married Ellenora Ofner, who died about 1900. They were the parents of nine children, of whom the five eldest came to America, namely: Jacob, who is a blacksmith at Boyertown; Charles O.; John, of Philadelphia; Caroline, who is married and living at Rock Island, Ill.; Kate, married and living in Brooklyn, N. Y.; and Godleib, August, Louis and Louisa, who remained in their native land. John Ofner, brother of Mrs. Megerly, came to America and first located at Limerick Square, but later took to farming near Greenlane, Montgomery Co., Pa., where his children now live.
Charles O. Megerly attended the schools of his native land until he was fourteen, and then began to learn the blacksmith's trade. In the fall of 1869 he came to the United States, landing at Castle Garden, N. Y., whence he came at once to Boyertown, and finished his trade with his brother Jacob. for five years he worked on a farm near Boyertown, and then, having completed his apprenticeship to the trade of blacksmith, began at the machinist's business, and in the spring of 1906 he opened up business for himself at Boyertown. He has a shop on Washington street, at the corner of Fourth street, and here he and his son Thomas have a good trade, doing all kinds of repair work. Mr. Megerly worked twenty-five years for Daniel Schlegel, a machinist with an established trade at Boyertown. He has an excellent reputation for thorough workmanship, and always has more work than he can do.
In politics Mr. Megerly is a Democrat, and he has taken an active interest in public affairs, having been a member of the town council for several years from 1898, and serving as member of the Lutheran Church.
In 1878 Mr. Megerly was married to Miss Lizzie Trout, daughter of Lewis Trout, of Washington township, and they have three children: Flora, Ida and Thomas, the latter his father's able assistant.
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The Meharg family, for over a century known in Pennsylvania, had its origin in Londonderry, Ireland, and there in 1773, in Tobermore, was born William Meharg, son of John and Sarah (Wallace) Meharg. He emigrated to America in 1791, and settled in Londonderry township, Chester co., Pa. by trade he was a charcoal burner. On June 28, 1797, he married Hannah Conner, a native of Ireland, born in 1778, who came to Pennsylvania in 1795, and died Aug. 4, 1820. She had three sisters: Sarah, who married James Dunn; Margaret, who married James McIlhaney; and Martha, who married Adam Reese, all of Chester county.
To William and Hannah (Conner) Meharg were born eleven children, all in Chester county: (1) John, born June 1, 1798, died in 1804. (2) Mary, born June 18, 1799, died Aug. 2, 1864. She married July 26, 1821, George Fritz, born July 26, 1792, died Sept. 1, 1853. (3) Ann, born June 5, 1801, died Feb. 9, 1870. She married David W. Irwin, born March 17, 1810, died March 10, 1875. (4) Margaret, born June 11, 1803, died April 8, 1890. She married, April 15, 1830, Levi Baker, born Dec. 22, 1800, died June 3, 1876. (5) Rebecca, born June 11, 1803, twin to Margaret, died May 2, 1877, unmarried. (6) Sarah, born Oct. 15, 1805, died Aug. 15, 1893. She married Jacob Bryan. (7) James, born March 29, 1807, married Margaret Rogers (no date of death found). (8) Martha, born March 22, 1810, died Jan. 31, 1883. She married in May, 1834, Jehu Baker, born June 18, 1809, died June 18, 1881. (9) Hiram, born March 13, 1813, died in 1827. (10) Hannah, born July 29, 1815, is still living. On Oct. 23, 1843, she married Daniel Tucker, born Dec. 11, 1817, died June 26, 1887.
(11) William, born Dec. 11, 1817, died Nov. 25, 1893. For his second wife William Meharg, the father of the foregoing children, married Mary Harris, but by this union he had no children. He and his two wives are buried in Hepsibah Church cemetery in Chester county. In religious faith they were Presbyterians.
William Meharg, son of William the emigrant, was born in Chester county, Pa., Dec. 11, 1817, and died in Reading, Nov. 25, 1893. He was a drover and dealt extensively in cattle during the major portion of his active life. In politics he adhered strictly to the principles of the Republican party. He and his family were lifelong members of the Methodist Church. On Dec. 23, 1852, Mr. Meharg was married to Hope Pettit, born Oct. 19, 1819, died May 3, 1875, in the fifty-sixth year of her age. Their children were: George F.; William A., a druggist at Philadelphia; and John, deceased, who was connected with the Reading Times.
George F. Meharg, son of William and Hope, is a representative citizen of Hamburg, Pa., member of the firm of Snell and Meharg, well known manufacturers of engines. He was born at Coatesville, Chester Co., Pa., Oct. 6, 1853, attended the public schools of his native village, and later studied at the Parkesburg Academy. He has a good practical education, and is a student of the times. He learned the machinist's trade in the Scott Foundry and Machine Shops, at Reading, where he was employed for a period of four years and for one year he was in the employ of the Heckdorn & Wilhelm Machine Shops at Reading. In 1880 Mr. Meharg entered into partnership with his brother-in-law, John H. Snell, under the firm name of Snell & Meharg. They commenced business in Reading, where they operated a machine shop with success until1889, when their entire plant was moved to Hamburg, at which point they had previously erected a substantial brick building 200x40 feet. Here t hey manufacture a superior grade of vertical and horizontal steam engines that find a ready domestic and foreign market. The firm suffered a severe loss in 1894, when the plant was destroyed by fire. The old structure was immediately rebuilt, with two wing additions, and now the firm of Snell & Meharg have one of the finest and most complete, as well as best located, plants in the State of Pennsylvania. They employ about fifty men and manufacture upward of five hundred engines annually. Mr. Meharg has charge of the clerical and financial end of the business, while his business associate attends to the mechanical details.
Mr. Meharg is secretary and treasurer of the Hamburg Electric Light Company, which he and his brother-in-law Mr. Snell, were instrumental in organizing in 1892. Since 1904 he has been vice president of the Hamburg
Savings Bank; and he is president of the Windsor Water Company, succeeding Peter D. Wanner, of Reading. He is a member of the Board of Trace of Hamburg, and is interested in every movement tending to advance the town of his adoption, and the welfare of its people. He is a successful business man, held in high esteem by his fellow citizens.
In politics Mr. Meharg is a strong Republican, taking an active interest in the welfare of his party. He is a member of the Royal Arcanum at Hamburg, and of Mt. Penn Lodge, I. O. O. F. Of Reading.
Mr. Meharg was married Feb. 1, 1877 to Sallie A. Snell, daughter of Jacob Snell, and to this union was born a son, John S., who was educated in the Hamburg high school and later in Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, and is now associated with his father in business. Mr. Meharg and his family reside in a handsome brick residence which he erected in 1904 on the main street of the beautiful borough of Hamburg.
Conrad Meinholtz, a well known resident of Reading, Pa., who was for many years extensively engaged in the paper stock business, died Dec. 7, 1908, and was laid to rest in the Charles Evans cemetery. He was born in Brunswick, Germany, in 1844, son of John and Catherine (Heilman) Meinholtz.
John Meinholtz, father of Conrad, came to America about 1848. In his native country he had been engaged in weaving, operating four small looms, and on locating in Reading he embarked in the junk business, an occupation which he followed for the rest of his life in this city. He died in 1890, aged seventy-five years. His wife died in 1885, when sixty-seven years of age. They were the parents of a large family, all of whom are now deceased with the exception of John and Mary (m. Henry Smith). John Meinholtz and his wife were members of the Lutheran Church. In political matters he was a Democrat.
Conrad Meinholtz received his education in the schools of Reading, and when a young man learned the trade of shoemaking, which he gave up, however, when machinery came into general use. He next engaged in the junk business, which he followed for a period of thirty years, but his last years were lived retired from active work. He owned three large houses. Mr. Meinholtz's wife, who was Amanda Maltzberger, died in 1897, aged fifty-two years, leaving three children: George, a contractor; Henry, a blacksmith in the employ of the Philadelphia & Reading Company, at Reading; and Elizabeth, m. to Arthur Demarest. Mr. Meinholtz was formerly a member of the I. O. O. F. and the Knights of Pythias. In his political opinions he was a Democrat.
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E. Richard Meinig, a representative business man of Reading, where he owns a well-equipped factory and carries on a large silk glove manufacturing industry, was born near Chemnitz, Saxony, Germany, May 10, 1874.
In his native land Mr. Meinig secured an excellent education and then thoroughly learned the business of manufacturing fabric gloves, mastering every detail. In 1900 he came to America and became the foreman of the Reading Glove and Mitten Company, two years later being made manager of this concern. After filling that position for three years be embarked in business for himself, organizing the E. Richard Meinig Company, for the purpose of manufacturing silk and other fabric gloves. He is secretary and treasurer of this corporation as well as its general manager, the president being George Horst, of the hosiery manufacturing concern of Nolde & Horst, Reading.
In 1907, the E. Richard Meinig Company erected a factory on McKnight street between Greenwich and Oley streets. It is of brick construction, four stories and basement, with dimensions of 210 x 50 feet. There has been erected an addition two stories high with dimensions of 180 x 30 feet. This glove factory has the name of being the most complete in its equipment of any building of its kind in the world. Employment is given to from 700 to 800 employees, and the product is sold in the United States and in other lands, probably reaching every enlightened country. Mr. Meinig possesses remarkable business capacity together with high standards of commercial life and a personal character above reproach.
In 1903, Mr. Meinig married Maria Vogt, daughter of Hans and Catrina (Horst) Vogt, also of German birth. They have four children: Ernst, Louisa, George and Karl.
Frank E. Meitzler, proprietor of the "Hotel Biery," at Mertztown, and the owner of an excellent farm, was born Dec. 20, 1873, on the old homestead farm in Lower Macungie township, Lehigh Co., Pa., son of Peter B. and Amanda (Rishel) Meitzler.
It is possible to trace the Meitzler family back to the great-grandfather, Henry Meitzler, but very little is known of him except that he served in the Revolutionary war, and was the father of a large family.
Daniel Meitzler, son of Henry and grandfather of Frank E., was born in Lower Macungie township, Lehigh county. He followed the trade of shoemaker until he was fifty years old, in the meantime acquiring two farms and conducting one until his death, which took place at the age of eighty-three years, three months and nine days. He was interred at St. Peter's Church in Lehigh county. He married Susanna Bleiber, born near the Berks county line in Lehigh county, and they had two sons, Peter B. and Joseph, the latter of whom died unmarried when aged thirty-six years.
Peter B. Meitzler was born on the old homestead in Lehigh county, and he also engaged in shoemaking and farming. He died March 4, 1884, aged thirty-eight years. He married Amanda Rishel, daughter of Nathan and Sallie Annie (Brensinger) Rishel, who died Aug. 3, 1884, five months after the death of her husband. They had three children, namely: Frank E.; Louis N. m. Lizzie Liebensperger, and has three children, Nevin, Florence and John; and Alice S. (born Oct. 11, 1877, and died at the Allentown Hospital, May 16, 1906, where she was a trained nurse).
Frank E. Meitzler was eleven years old when his parents died and the three orphan children were taken in charge by Jonas Rishel, an uncle, by whom Frank E. was reared and taught all kinds of farm work. Although his uncle was very strict, Mr. Meitzler now realizes that much of his success in life may be attributed to the compulsory industry of his youth. For the past ten years he has been operating the "Hotel Biery," which is the leading hotel at Mertztown.
On Sept. 5, 1896, Mr. Meitzler married Myra T. Schmoyer, daughter of James H. And Eliza (Lictenwallner) Schmoyer. She was born at Jonestown, Lebanon county, Jan. 19, 1872. They have had two children, George Franklin (born in 1897, who died April 28, 1899) and Marjorie Mary Eliza; she was born at Mertztown, dec. 5, 1901, baptized by Rev. Mr. Brensinger, and now attends the public school. Mr. Meitzler belongs to the Reformed Church, in which he was baptized and confirmed by Rev. William K. Helfrich; and Mrs. Meitzler is a Lutheran.
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