p. 1484
Benjamin Luft, a venerable citizen of Wernersville and an honored veteran of the Civil war, was born April 19, 1834, in Spring township, son of Adam and Elizabeth (Bensing) Luft.
Johannes Luft, the grandfather of Benjamin, was born Aug. 15, 1775, in Berks county, and died Aug. 17, 1864, being buried at Sinking Spring Church, of which he was a member. He was a tailor by trade, and lived all his life in the mountains of Lower Heidelberg township, on the farm formerly owned by Daniel Gring, where Benjamin Luft was born. Mr. Luft was married to Magdaline Krick, who was born Sept. 23, 1777, and died Oct. 27, 1865, and they had thirteen children: Peter, John, Benjamin, Polly, Adam, Peggy, Susan, Elizabeth, George, and four who died in infancy. George, born Sept. 25, 1796, married Elizabeth Endrum (born June 22, 1798, died Nov. 12, 1881) , lived in Spring township, where he died Oct. 9, 1869, and was buried at Sinking Spring Church.
Adam Luft, father of Benjamin, was born Feb. 3, 1812, died May 17, 1888, and was buried at Sinking Spring Church, of which he was a Reformed member. He was a carpet weaver and butcher by trade, lived in Sinking Spring in his own home, and during war times for five years kept a hotel opposite the Reformed Church. Mr. Luft was married to Elizabeth Bensing, who was born Jan. 4, 1811, and died Aug. 27, 1885, daughter of Peter and Catherine Bensing, the latter of whom was born in 1793 and died in 1861. Peter Bensing, who was born June 25, 1793, and died April 17, 1872, was the owner of the farm where Solomon Shearer now lives. Mr. and Mrs. Luft had eight children: Mary died young ; Benjamin ; Rebecca, who resides in Sinking Spring, m. (first) Moses Freeman and (second) William Godshall ; Catherine died soon after her marriage to John T. Sell; Ann is unmarried and lives at Sinking Spring; Sarah became the second wife of John T. Sell and lives at Montello, Pa. ; Miranda m. John Engelhart, of Reading; and Emma, deceased, m. Frank Rollman.
Benjamin Luft was nineteen years of age when he learned the trade of shoemaker, and this he has followed ever since, a period of more than fifty-four years. He learned his trade from John Dunkelberger, and lived opposite the Reformed Church in Sinking Spring in one house for thirty-eight years, working at shoemaking. In 1893 he sold that property and came to Wernersville, where he erected a double frame residence in which he now lives. Mr. Luft is a very skilled mechanic, and despite his years he is well preserved. He is a Democrat in politics, and has interested himself in the incorporation of his town into a borough. He and his family are Reformed members of Sinking Spring Church, of which he was a deacon for two years.
On Oct. 27, 1862, Mr. Luft enlisted from Berks county, being mustered in at Reading, in Co. E, 167th Reg., P. V. I., Capt. Hiram H. Miller, the regiment being assigned to the Army of the Potomac. They were engaged at Deserted House, Jan. 30, 1863 ; siege of Suffolk, April 12 to May 4, 1863, and joined in the pursuit of Lees retreating army from Gettysburg. He received his honorable discharge Aug. 12, 1863, at the expiration of his term of service, having an excellent war record. For eight months, while at Suffolk, Va., Mr. Luft was cook of his company.
On Dec. 3, 1857, Mr. Luft was married to Catherine Bollman, born Oct. 16, 1840, deceased March 15, 1904, daughter of John and Mary (fisher) Bollman, of Sinking Spring. Two children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Luft: Franklin, born May 24, 1860, married Mary Reber and had two children, Milton and Helen ; and Lizzie E., born March 13, 1861, married Adam Pennebecker, lives in Reading and has three children, - Mamie, Clarence and Luke.
p. 1488
Edward Luigard, of Reading Pa., who conducts a first -class livery and boarding stable at No. 419 Court street, was born in the city of Reading, in April, 1860, son of Simon and Louisa (Huber) Luigard.
Mr. Luigard received his education in the schools of Reading, and his first work was in his father's livery stable. No man in the city is better posted on horses than he, as he has made this line his life work. In 1886 he started in business on his own account at his present location, and with the exception of a few years has been here ever since. He has stable room for forty horses, and sometimes has as high as twenty-five horses boarding at his stable, this line being his specialty. He keeps fifteen head of fine animals, and a large number of first-class vehicles, and caters to weddings, funerals, etc. Mr. Luigard is fraternally connected with the Knights of the Golden Eagle, and is very popular in that order. He is a stanch Republican and lives in the Sixth ward of the city. His wife is connected with the First Reformed Church.
Mr. Luigard was married (first) to Lillie Daniels, deceased, of Woodstown, N. J. His second marriage was to Rosie Geho. Mr. Luigard has no children.
p. 518
William H. Luppold, senior member of the real estate and insurance firm of Luppold & Whitman, of Reading, Pa., and a gentleman of wide influence and great activity in business circles, is on his native heath, having been born in Reading Nov. 5,1870.
The grandfather of Mr. Luppold, John George Luppold, was a farmer of Brecknock township, Berks county, while his father, John Luppold, now retired, was for many years in the grocery business in the city. Mr. Luppold's mother was Elizabeth Stuber, daughter of Charles Stuber, who was a farmer of Maiden-creek township. There were but three children, Elizabeth, who died at three years, a daughter that died in infancy, and William H.
William H. Luppold is a product of nineteenth century methods in education and business, and he is an example of what they can do when coupled with a fair share of native wit and energy. He passed through the various grades of the city schools, and then took a thorough course in Brunner's Business college. His father being in the grocery business, he began his career as an assistant to him, remaining in that capacity for some ten years. Having become convinced of the possibilities of the real estate business in Reading he, in 1904, in company with Mr. J. Benton Whitman, established offices at No. 526 Court street, and as a member of the firm of Luppold & Whitman has since spent his activities in that line. Mr. Luppold's judgment was not at fault, and he has succeeded beyond the most sanguine expectations of his friends. The strong point with Mr. Luppold is the perfect knowledge he seems to have of the territory in which he is working. Having been reared in the city, there is not a foot of ground unfamiliar to him; this, coupled with the fact that he has an intuitive knowledge of the future possibilities of any particular section of the city, makes him one of the strongest real estate men in the city. The firm also does a large business in fire insurance.
Mr. Luppold is a man of family. He married, June 21, 1901, Miss Cora K., daughter of Morris H. Boyer, a farmer of Amityville, Berks county. To them have come two daughters, Helen B. and Alice B., now (1909) six and three years old, respectively.
In the public life of the city, Mr. Luppold has taken an active part ever since he can remember. He is an ardent Democrat, and as president of the Northeastern Democratic Club gives much attention to the interests of his party, in both the local field and the larger state and national. For a period of five years he has represented the Ninth ward on the school board, and gave most intelligent attention to the interests of education throughout the city, which may be truthfully said to possess one of the best school systems in the country. At present he is serving his second term as city assessor, having first been elected to that responsible position in February, 1905, and re-elected in February, 1908.
Mr. Luppold is affiliated with several of the best fraternal organizations, among them being the P. O. S. of A., of which he is treasurer, and the Maccabees. His religious life has been passed in the St. Johns Lutheran Church, where he is one of the influential and active members.
Life means to us all that which we would have it mean. It is true that untoward circumstances seem at times to thwart our best efforts, but no man is the "victim of circumstances" for any great length of time, unless he wills it so. This, in brief, is the philosophy of William H. Luppold, who by reason of energy and will power is one of the leading men of this city.
p. 1270
The Lutz family of Albany township, Berks county, Pa., and of Lynn township, in what is now Lehigh county, is said to have had its origin in three brothers who emigrated to America from Switzerland. The date of their arrival is somewhat uncertain, but it is known that at least one of them located in the vicinity of Steinsville, in Northampton (now Lehigh) county. The existence of a Frederick Lutz, born in www, and who married in Lehigh county one Elizabeth Eckroth, is established and proved by record. Tradition has different names for the other two brothers, if there were such. Frederick and Elizabeth Lutz are credited with the following sons: Jacob, Peter, Frederick, John, Christian and Henry. There were also two daughters, Mrs. Henry Hartman and Mrs. Hill. Eve Lutz, daughter of Christian, married Nathan Ebert of Headleville, Columbia Co., Pa., and lived to a very ripe old age. According to her, Frederick Lutz came from Germany and was a tailor by trade. It is well to not however, that people of that day used the term "Germany" in the broad sense of "old country," and thus Frederick and his two brothers may have come from Switzerland.
Frederick Lutz (2), son of Frederick (1), was born June 5, 1771, and died Jan. 1, 1823. He married Catharine Stapleton, born May 4, 1783, died Feb. 26, 1858, and they had issue as follows, all born at Steinsville: Reuben, Oct. 27, 1803, Lydia, Feb. 13, 1805, Samuel, Nov. 3, 1806, Joseph, Oct. 12, 1808, Ann, Jan 1st 1812, Presena, Dec. 25, 1815, David, Sept. 22, 1817, Isaac, April 2, 1819, Benneville, June 16, 1823.
John Lutz, son of Frederick (1) and grandfather of Edwin S. Lutz, was born in Lynn township, Northampton (now Lehigh) county, April 11, 1773, and died July 10, 1819, being buried at Jacksonville, Pa. He was a farmer near Steinsville, cultivating the farm now owned by Charles Lutz, together with the farm of James S. Lutz, and the tract owned by Daniel F. Lutz. His wife was Franconia, daughter of John Hamm. She lived to the advanced age of ninety-one years, and was the mother of the following children: Samuel, who lived in Lynn township m. Catharine Knepper, and had John, Michael and Samuel; Christian, father of Edwin S., is referred to later; Isaac, grandfather of Wellington L. Lutz, is mentioned later; Daniel, who lived on part of his father's homestead (now owned by Daniel Lutz, his son), m. a Miss Fegley, and among his children were: Daniel, Elihu (who lives at Jacksonville), James (of Philadelphia), Amanda and Mary; Kate, m. Samuel Smith; Maricha m. Christian Knepper.
Christian Lutz, father of Edwin S., was born June 11, 1804, and died at the age of sixty, Aug. 17, 1864. A farmer through life, he owned the property now cultivated by Edwin S. Together with his farming operations, Christian Lutz engaged extensively in the distilling business, burning apple-jack during the fall of the year, the still-house having stood by the creek about two hundred feet southwest from the house in which Edwin S. Now resides. He was also a skilled weaver of both wool and flax. Politically he was a Democrat, and served with efficiency as a supervisor for a number of years. Early in life a member of the Reformed Church at Jacksonville, he later transferred his membership to the New Bethel Church, of which he was deacon and elder.
Christian Lutz married Sarah, daughter of John Smith. She was born in Albany June 19, 1803, and died there March 18, 1894, at the advanced age of ninety years, eight months, twenty-nine days. They had a family of eleven children: Catharine, born in 1827, died in 1828; Maria M., born 1828 (m. Daniel Braucher); Anna Maria, born 1830, died 1839; Abraham, born 1831 (living at Kempton, Pa., m. Catharine Bailey, and their children are Elias, Walter, Mary Emma and Janetta); Elias, born 1834 (living in Albany), m. Amanda Trexler (deceased) and had children, Simon, Sarah, Mary Ann, Lewis, Oscar and Elmer (m. to Annie C. Snyder); Edwin S., born 18354; Harrison, born 1837 (living at Tiffin, Ohio, m. Susannah Burkholder); Sarah, born 1840, died 1875, m. Levi Graver (deceased); a daughter 1841, died unnamed; Maria Anna, born 1844, died 1845; Lovina, born 1847, m. Jacob Berk.
Edwin S. Lutz, son of Christian and great grandson of Frederick (1), is a retired farmer and shoemaker in Albany township, living about one mile southwest of Steinsville. He was born on the farm on which he now resides, May 1, 1835, and passed the period of his boyhood on the homestead, being apprenticed when sixteen years old to the shoemaker's trade with a well known shoemaker of that day,?William Long. He continued to follow this trade for thirty-five years, making many pairs of boots and shoes, there being no shoe factories in those days. In 1864, upon the death of his father, Mr. Lutz took the farm at appraisement, and in the spring of 1865 began its cultivation. This he continued with great success until 1901, when he gave up the activities of life and retired to enjoy the competency which he has accumulated. The farm upon which Mr. Lutz resides consists of 130 acres known as good "potato" land. Prior to coming into the hands of Mr. Lutz's father it was owned by George Greenawald, to whom it had been sold by Peter Frees.
The buildings now on the farm were put up by the present owner, the house in 1876, and the barn in 1891. Mr. Lutz and his family are members of New Bethel Church, belonging to the Reformed congregation of which he served as deacon and elder a number of years.
On Feb. 21, 1863, Mr. Lutz married Mary Ann Trexler, daughter of Jarius and Catharine (Faust) Trexler, of Albany. She was born March 28, 1844, and she died Feb. 13, 1900. The following children were born to this union; Cecilia N. m. John Hamm; John C. is mentioned below; Emma L. m. James Lins, a printer at Reading; George W. is mentioned later; Charles E., born June 14, 1870, died July 21 1889; Alvin J., born July 11, 1874, died June 18, 1889; Lena C. m. Lewis Hemerly, and they cultivate the old homestead; William C., born May 9, 1880, died Aug. 27, 1880; Frank E. m. Minnie Weaver, and now resides at Lynnport.
John C. Lutz was born at the old homestead Feb. 11, 1865. He was reared to farm life, obtaining his education in the schools of his home township. At twenty he began business on his own account on the farm which he has since cultivated, located near Mountain, on the road leading from Steinsville to Drehersville. He bought this farm from Jonas Werner, his father-in-law, who had obtained it from Simon Smith, and he from Samuel Smith. It contains 158 acres of choice land, most of which is under a high state of cultivation. Mr. Lutz has it well stocked and is a successful farmer. His house is a large stone residence, and the barn was built in the year 1851 by Samuel Smith. Mr. Lutz holds membership in Steinsville lodge, No. 249, I. O. O. F., and is a member of the Loyal Association, a branch of Odd Fellowship, with headquarters at Boston, Mass. His political allegiance is given to the Democratic party, and he is the present supervisor of Albany township, elected in the spring of 1909. Since 1908 he has been president of the Lutz Family Reunion, an organization which holds yearly meetings at stated places. Mr. Lutz has lived at his present location since his young manhood with but one interval of a year and a half. In 1887 he went to Sedgwick county, Kans., where he was engaged in farming until called home because of the death of two of his brothers and his grandmother.
In 1896 Mr. Lutz married Rosa Werner, daughter of Jonas Werner, a worthy and respected farmer of Albany township. She died Aug. 12, 1901, aged forty-two years, leaving two sons, Albert E. and John C. His present wife was Fianna Seidel, daughter of Henry and Emma (Balthaser) Seidel, farming people of Windsor township. One sons had been born to this union, Norman H.
George W. Lutz, brother of John C., lives on a farm near Mountain, in Albany township. His birth occurred May 29, 1868, and he was reared on the old homestead and remained with his parents until his majority. He then farmed for two years on his father's farm. In 1903 he removed to the farm on which he now resides, consisting of 120 acres of rich land, and annually devotes from ten to fifteen acres to potatoes. The buildings on this farm are in fine condition at the present day, the old "Stapleton" buildings all having been removed save the barn, which as been thoroughly remodeled; the original was built in 1835. A landmark of the early days is the foundation of a dwelling which served several Stapleton generations and is still standing, a summer house being built on it. In it is a never-failing spring and over it was built a dwelling which is still standing, it having been the custom in the early days to build over a spring if possible. The history of the farm runs back from Mr. Lutz, who purchased it from Joel Baer; he from Levi Graver, who had bought it from Gideon Stapleton. Mr. Stapleton received it from his father Robert, who in turn had received it from his father, Tobias Stapleton; the latter came to Albany from Oley township.
Mr. Lutz is a Democrat, and is a man of fine public spirit. He served a term of three years as auditor of Albany township, and after an interval as again elected in 1908, and is at present giving efficient service in the office. He is a Reformed member of the New Bethel (Corner) Church, while his wife is a Lutheran member of t he same church. On May 30, 1895, Mr. Lutz married Lorena Kunkel, daughter of Benjamin and Sarah (Hartman) Kunkel. Four children have come to them: Alma S. born in 1896 (died in 1904); Olive M., 1897 (died in infancy); Marion E., and Ira G.
Isaac Lutz, son of John and grandson of Frederick (1) passed his early life at Steinsville, later coming to Albany township, where he carried on blacksmithing at the point where now resides William Schroder. He lived to the age of seventy-two, dying in 1876, and is buried at Steinsvillle. His wife was Sybilla Schmidt, who lies in the cemetery at Drehersville. Their children were as follows: Mary m. Daniel Bower; Lenius is referred to later; Caroline m. Joel Focht; Henry died on the battlefield in the Civil war; Hannah m. Benjamin Hagenbuch; Sally became the second wife of Benjamin Hagenbuch; Rebecca m. a Mr. Moll.
Lenius Lutz, father of Wellington L., war born in Albany, April 7, 1834, and died in middle age, Aug 24, 1880. His trade was that of a blacksmith. For several years after his marriage he lived where Benjamin Trexler now resides, and t here his daughter Alice and son Wellington were born. He then bought the farm which his son Wellington now owns, and at that place carried on blacksmithing until his death. He was a Democrat in politics, and was a Reformed member of New Bethel Church, being deacon thereof. On Oct. 10, 1857, in Maxatawny township, by the Rev. Mr. Roller, Mr. Lutz was married to Eliza, daughter of George and Hetty (Miller) Leibensberger of Maxatawny township. Mrs. Lutz was born April 29, 1841, and passed away Aug. 28, 1905. She and her husband lie in the old graveyard at New Bethel Church, where substantial monuments mark their last resting places. Ten children were born to them as follows: Morzi Elmira, born Sept. 8, 1858 (died March 28, 1860); Alice J., April 8, 1861; Wellington L., mentioned later; Allen, mentioned below; Ellen, Feb. 2, 1868; Lora Ann, June 9, 1870 (died 1870); Kate Ann, July 2, 1871; Charles A. mentioned later; Mahlon L. March 30, 1877 (died April 20, 1887); Missouri, July 11, 1879.
Wellington L. Lutz was born in Albany, Sept. 3, 1863, and has passed his life as a farmer and blacksmith. He received such education as could be secured in the public schools of the township, and his father being a blacksmith, very early learned to be of service at the forge, so early that it was necessary to keep a box standing by the anvil in order that he might reach it readily. He continued with his father until his death, then in 1881 worked in West Penn township, Schuylkill county. After a year he returned to Albany township, and continued the trade at his father's stand. He owns the homestead farm and operates it in connection with his blacksmithing. This farm is known as "Hackenbuc" farm, and came into the possession of Mr. Lutz in 1887. It consists of forty-five acres of fine land of great productive quality. The present commodious house was built in 1878 by his father, who also built part of the barn, that building having been finished by our subject. Mr. Lutz is known as the busiest of men, his reputation as a blacksmith drawing from a radius of many miles. However he finds time t o take an active part in the affairs of his local community. He is a Democrat in politics and acted as committeeman several years, during which he was frequently called to Reading. He believes in public improvements and favors substantial advancement. He and his family are Reformed members of the New Bethel Church, of which Mr. Lutz has served as deacon, and is now a member of the building committee.
On Oct. 10, 1885, Mr. Lutz married Ellen M. Grim, daughter of Daniel and Eliza (Lenhart) Grim, of Lenhartsville, and their children are: Alvin D., m. to Ida Snyder; Mahlon L., unmarried, a blacksmith in the employ of his father; Gertie A.; Howard O.; George E. and Verna E.
Allen Lutz, son of Lenius and Eliza Lutz, is one of the prosperous farmers of Albany township where he was born April 22, 1866. He was reared to farm life, and received a common school education. Working out for a period of a year, he in the spring of 1885 began farming in Albany township on the Jacob Berk farm. After a year he went to Windsor where he cultivated the Reuben Miller farm for some four years. For the next seven years he lived with his father-in-law, John Hamm, of Albany township. In the spring of 1900, having purchased his present place the year before from Mahlon K. Trexler, he moved thereon and has continued to reside upon it since. This farm consists of 100 acres of the finest potato land in Berks county. It is well located, and is one of the most level farms n the township. The large brick house was built by Jonas Smith during the forties; he also built a barn in 1853. This place is a fine country home.
Mr. Lutz is a Democrat in politics, and takes an intelligent interest in the public life of his community. As school director for Albany township for six years he evidenced by his work his desire for the best to be had in educational facilities. He and his family are Reformed members of the New Bethel church, and active in its work, he having served as deacon and treasurer.
Mr. Lutz married in January, 1883, Sarah A. Hamm, daughter of John and Kate (Knepper) Hamm, of Albany township. Four daughters came to the home: Ida E. m. Alfred Bachman of Kempton; Nora J. m. Llewellyn Faust of the Albany creamery; Ellen R. and Edna K. are at home.
Charles A. Lutz, third son of Lenius and Eliza Lutz, is engaged in blacksmithing at Kempton, Pa. A native of Albany township, born July 31, 1874, he passed his boyhood on his father's farm, securing the usual country school education. At eighteen he entered his brother Wellington's blacksmith shop, and two years later began business for himself at his present location. He enjoys large patronage from the surrounding country and is justly regarded as one of the best mechanics in the county. In connection with his blacksmith shop which is large and well-appointed, he carries on the kindred trade of wagon-making. Mr. Lutz is an industrious and respected citizen in his community. He is a Democrat and he and family are Reformed members of the New Bethel church. In November, 1901, he married Clara Snyder, daughter of Jonas and Catharine (Mosser) Snyder, of Albany township. One child has come to bless their home, Paul N. Lutz.
p. 1069
George K. Lutz, the genial and popular proprietor of the "Washington Hotel" at Birdsboro, was born in Exeter township, Berks county, son of David and Susan (Keller) Lutz. His entire life has been passed practically in this county, where he has a wide acquaintance.
David Lutz was a thorough and industrious farmer, and accumulated a comfortable fortune. He made his home in Reading for ten years after retiring from work. To him and his wife, whose maiden name was Susan Keller, was born a large family of children, of whom seven are now living: George K.; William is a distiller at the Neversink Distillery; John is engaged in the local express business in Birdsboro; Mary married Charles Ruppert; Sarah m. Calvin Miller; Carrie m. Roswell Hook; and Miss Jennie makes her home with her brother, George K. They are all Lutherans in religious belief, and the father has always been a staunch adherent to Democratic principles.
George K. Lutz received a good common school education in his native township, and when starting out in the world first learned the trade of hatter at the Hendel hat factory in Reading. This trade engrossed his attention for about five years, at the end of which time he returned to the farm, and for three years devoted himself most profitably to dairying. His next work was as assembler with the Acme Bicycle Company in Reading, and later he accepted a position in Lebanon in the machine shop of John C. Xander, and was employed there for three years. In 1899 he returned to Reading, and at Twelfth and Franklin streets began the career of hotel proprietor that he has since followed with such success. He remained in that location one year and then came to Birdsboro, and opened a hotel on the present site of the "Washington," the name of the new structure over which he has since presided. The present building was erected in 1905, and contains thirty-five sleeping rooms, and is fitted with all the modern conveniences so appreciated by the traveling public. The dining room and service are excellent, while the bar facilities, with the choice line of imported and domestic liquors and cigars, delight the social masculine soul.
In 1896 Mr. Lutz married Susan Moser and they have three children: J. William, Helen M. and George D. In religious belief they are Lutherans, and in his political faith Mr. Lutz has followed in the footsteps of his father, and has steadfastly given his support to the Democratic party.
John F. Lutz, a well known business man of Esterly P. O., in Exeter township, Berks county, engaged as furniture dealer and funeral director, was born Nov. 22, 1863, in Alsace township, now Mt. Penn borough, son of John and Mary Ann (Freyberger) Lutz.
John Lutz, father of John F., was born in Wittenberg, Germany, and came to America as a small child, being reared among the farmers of Berks county. He learned the trade of blacksmith, and became a skilled mechanic, and with his brother, David Lutz, carried on that business in Alsace township, now Mt. Penn borough, for a number of years. Deciding to give up blacksmithing, Mr. Lutz purchased a farm, but death called him before he had settled thereon. His family, however, located on the property, whence they removed later to St. Lawrence, Exeter township. John Lutz was one of the best marksmen in this section of Berks county, and was a popular member of Capt. Gechter's company of light horse guards. He was a stanch Democrat. Five children were born to John Lutz and his wife, Mary Ann Freyberger, namely: George, who died April 27, 1907; Sarah, m. to Jacob R. Bingaman, of Exeter township; Annie m. to Jackson Snyder, of Oley township; Clara, m. to Daniel A. Rathenberger, of Friedensburg; and John F.
John F. Lutz was educated in the public schools of his native locality, and in Prof. D. B. Brunner's Scientific Academy at Reading, after leaving which he spent a few years in A. J. Brumbach's woolen mills. He then went to Friedensburg, where he learned the undertaking and cabinet-making trade with Uriah H. Schlegel, serving two and one-half years to the trade. He then entered the employ of Schrader & Kline, after leaving whom he worked for Samuel Bohler, a pipe organ manufacturer, and having accumulated the means erected his present place of business in 1885. From a modest beginning Mr. Lutz has built up a large, first-class trade, extending not only throughout Exeter township, but into the city of Reading. In December, 1895, he graduated from the Massachusetts College of Embalming. Mr. Lutz is fraternally connected with Camp No. 230, P. O. S. of A., Esterly; is a charter member of St. Lawrence Castle, No. 463, K. G. E.; and Neversink Camp No. 7,634, M. W. A.; Bohemond commandery No. 277, A. I. O. Knights of Malta; and was a member of the building committee of the present P. O. S. of A. hall. He and his family are members of the Lutheran Church.
On Jan. 28, 1888, Mr. Lutz was married to Miss Lena H. Schmeck, daughter of Amos and Amelia (Heckman) Schmeck, and four children have been born to this union, namely: Katie E., Minnie M., Esther E. and John E.
p. 1143
William B. Lutz, proprietor of the "Spring Valley Hotel," at Spring Valley, Pa., where he also operates a coal yard, was born Feb. 18, 1865, in Muhlenberg township, Berks county, son of William and Caroline (Borrell) Lutz.
Jacob Lutz, grandfather of William B., was a blacksmith of Alsace township, at what was known as Seidel's shops. There he spent his entire life, and died well advanced in years. Among his children were: Godfried; Samuel; Jacob; William; Fredericka, whose first husband was John Weaver; Amanda, m. to Peter Laas; and Maria, m. to John Hinnershitz. In religious belief the family adhered to the Lutheran faith.
William Lutz, father of William B., learned the blacksmith's trade with his father, and this he made his life work, being engaged in this occupation at the time of his death, which occurred in Muhlenberg township. He married Caroline Borrell, born in Muhlenberg township, daughter of Jacob Borrell, and their children were: John; William B.; Charles; Jacob; Samuel; George; Catherine, m. to Percival Hunsberger; Susan, m. to James Hartman; Emma, m. to James Clay; Annie, m. to Adam Wanner; and two who died in infancy. In religious belief William Lutz was a Lutheran, while his wife belonged to the Reformed Church. He was a Democrat in politics and served as delegate to various county and State conventions.
William B. Lutz received his education in the schools of Muhlenberg township, and early in his life learned blacksmithing and horse shoeing with his father, which he followed for twenty years. He also engaged in driving a horse and cart while the Pennsylvania Railroad was being built from Philadelphia to Pottsville, but in 1901 disposed of his business interests to engage in the hotel business, first renting the "Spring Valley Hotel" for two years. In 1903 he purchased this property, where he made a number of substantial improvements, and in the following year bought Spring Park, which is located directly across the street from the hotel, and is one of the best appointed places for Sunday-school picnics, camp meetings and family re-unions in this section of Berks county. Here he has also made a number of improvements, including the erection of a fine dancing pavilion, and has made the park one of the most popular in Muhlenberg township. In addition to the foregoing, Mr. Lutz purchased the Spring Valley Shooting Grounds, where the Spring Valley Gunning Club has held several contests, and here a number of records have been lowered. One of the longest live bird shoots ever held was celebrated here in 1907, 1,200 live birds being shot, and gunners from all parts of Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey participating.
On May 31, 1890, Mr. Lutz was married to Annie Schmehl, daughter of Lewis Schmehl, and to this union there has been born one child: Pearl Amelia, who is attending St. Michael's Seminary, where she has carried away several prizes in musical contests. Fraternally Mr. Lutz is connected with the K. G. E.; Muhlenberg Lodge, No. 1085, I. O. O. F.; Reading Aerie, No. 66, F. O. E.; Washington Camp, No. 168, P. O. S. of A., and the Independent Gun Club, of Reading.
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