Biographies from Historical and Biographical Annals by Morton Montgomery


p. 1509


Albert W. Kline, proprietor of the Union Boarding Stable, with barns at No. 721 Cherry street, Reading, was born at Red Lion, in Exeter township, Berks County, Sept. 29, 1876, son of Charles L. and Susan (Wanner) Kline.

Albert W. Kline, grandfather of Albert W., was born in Amity township, and died at Reading in 1859, when less than forty years of age, meeting an accidental death by an explosion of the old Iowa engine, at Seventh and Chestnut streets. He settled at Reading after his marriage to Angelina, daughter of Jacob Ludwig. They had the following children: Amanda; Henry; Emma, m. to Samuel Manmiller, of Exeter township; John; Frank, residing at Denver; Charles L.; William; Olivia, m. to Francis Moser, of Johnstown; and Albert W., four of the above surviving.

Charles L. Kline, father of Albert W., was born August 23, 1851, at Reading, and was eight years of age when his father died, after which he went to live with his uncle, Henry B. Kelley, at Greshville, in Douglass township. He continued to live there for five years and then went to Manayunk, where he drove a horse and cart at the Pencoyd Iron Works and later a street car on the old Ridge avenue line. He then came to Reading, and since then has been engaged in the horse business, maintaining a branding and sales stable at Wood and Cherry streets, since 1899. He carries from forty to fifty-five horses. Every spring he goes to Missouri, where he purchases from two to eight car loads and these he sells mainly in Schuylkill county, finding ready markets. In 1876 he married Susan Wanner, daughter of Jacob and Susan Wanner, and they have three children, namely: Albert W.; Chester, of California, and Minnie, at home.

Albert W. Kline obtained his education in the schools of Reading, which he attended until he was sixteen years of age, when he learned the harness-making trade with S. M. Hartman, of that city, remaining in his employ for four years. After this he formed a partnership with L. C. Strineger, under the firm name of the Reading Lumber Company, and a successful business was carried on for three years, when Mr. Kline withdrew from the firm. He then became traveling salesman for S. W. Van Note, of No. 754 Penn street, Reading, and had charge of Berks and surrounding counties, in the harness line, and continued to represent the above house for three years less two weeks. Mr. Kline then turned his attention to his present business, learning all the details from his father, and on June 21, 1907, he purchased the good will, stock and fixtures of Mahlon Geiger, who formerly occupied his present quarters. Mr. Kline has increased the efficiency of the business in every way. He keeps about forty horses, has all the equipments found in a first-class livery and enjoys an excellent trade.

On Sept. 3, 1904, Mr. Kline was married to Sadie Spotts, daughter of David Spotts, formerly of Birdsboro, but who later owned a farm in Exeter township. Mr. and Mrs. Kline have two children, Ruth E. and Thornton Jack.


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David C. Kline, M. D. for many years a practising physician of Reading, where he is one of the foremost supporters of the Homeopathic school, has been remarkably successful in his professional career, and stands deservedly high in the estimation both of his patients and of his fellow citizens. Dr. Kline comes of an old Pennsylvania family, originally settled in Northumberland county.

The grandfather, Isaac Kline, was a native of Northumberland county, and followed farming near Sunbury, in the village of Kline's Grove. He married Susan De Witt, and reared a good sized family.

Harmon G. Kline was born in Northumberland county in 1818, and became a lifelong farmer, as was his father before him. He is now living retired at Sunbury. He is an active member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and has been liberal with both his time and means in endeavoring to advance its interests. His wife was Miss Mary Bassett, who was born in 1822, daughter of Luther Bassett. Her father was a native of New Jersey, but removed to Danville, Northumberland county, and followed farming there, living to the advanced age of eighty-seven years. Mr. and Mrs. Kline have enjoyed more than half a century of wedded happiness and are still traveling life's downward slope together. They were the parents of nine children, who all grew to maturity, the survivors being men and women of real value to their several communities. (1) Luther B. was educated in the Sunbury public school, and professionally in the Jefferson Medical College. Since his graduation he has been practising at Catawissa, Columbia county. (2) Elisha B. attended the Williamsport Seminary, read law, and was just ready for admission to the Bar when he died. (3) Lizzie was also sent to Williamsport Seminary, and after finishing her course married H. C. Wallize, and lives at the old Kline homestead. (4) George M. was educated at Williamsport, and is now a merchant in Union county, Pa. (5) Margaret Ellen is the wife of I. L. Bender, of Martinsburg, W. Va., where he is clerk to the county courts. (6) Dr. David C. was the next in order of birth. (7) Isaac C. graduated from Lafayette College, and is now a lawyer at Sunbury. (8) J. Simpson was born in Upper Augusta township, Northumberland county, and received his early education in part at New Berlin, Union county. Later he studied at Lafayette College, read law with Charles G. Barkley, and was admitted to the Northumberland County Bar in February, 1891. He is prominent in his profession, and is solicitor for his county and for the Pennsylvania railroad. At the close of 1891 he entered the office of James C. Packer, with whom he was associated professionally in the settlement of the Packer estate. (9) Rachel Estelle is the wife of Prof. W. S. Hall, who occupies the chair of Mining, Engineering and Higher Mathematics in Lafayette College.

Dr. David C. Kline attended the Bloomsburg Normal School and Dickinson Seminary at Williamsport, and then, having decided upon medicine as his profession, entered the Hahnemann Medical College at Philadelphia, the leading homeopathic institution in the United States. His degree was conferred in 1883, and, locating at Reading in July of that year, Dr. Kline has ever since been identified with that place, and has become a prominent figure at most of the local affairs at all connected with his profession. Always an enthusiastic advocate of the principles of the Hahnemann school, he has done much to spread the popularity of the homeopathic system. He was ever active in the establishment of the Homeopathic Hospital in Reading, and has done everything possible since to insure its success, having been one of the hospital staff from the beginning. Dr. Kline enjoys a large and lucrative practice, but his specialties are the diseases of women and children, and in that field he has met with remarkable success. In 1895 he took a post graduate course in orificial surgery at Baltimore. He believes that great benefit may be derived from meetings and discussions with other physicians, and so he has connected himself with various professional bodies, including the local Medical Society, the American Institute of Homeopathy and the Homeopathic State Society. He has been president of the latter organization, and under his direction the meetings of the society increased far beyond any point previously attained.

Mrs. Kline was Miss Laura Smith, daughter of Samuel Smith, M. D., a practising physician of Trevortown, Pa. She was married to Dr. Kline Sept. 21, 1882, and their only child, Rada, a daughter, was born May 15, 1894. Their home is always hospitably open and many, indeed, are the friends who frequent it. The early training of Dr. Kline in religious lines was such as to bring him into sympathy with both the Presbyterian and Methodist denominations as his father belonged to the latter church, and his mother to the former. Untiring in his profession, strong in his friendships and an upright and honorable man, Dr. Kline's life can well bear inspection, and serves as a model for any young men around him.


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Frank Kline, an enterprising young business man of Reading, Pa., who is conducting a first-class drug store on Schuylkill avenue, is a native of Reading, born June 6, 1875, son of Jacob and Terrenta (Fisher) Kline, and grandson of Daniel Kline, one of Berks county's early settlers.

Jacob Kline received his education in Bern township, Berks county, and early in life took up contracting, which he followed all his active period. He is now deceased, but his widow makes her home with her son, our subject. In religious belief Jacob Kline is connected with the German Lutheran Church. His politics are Democratic.

Frank Kline secured his early education in the schools of Reading, and when a youth entered the drug store of John B. Raser, where he secured a good, practical knowledge of the business. In 1894 he entered the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, graduating therefrom in 1896, at which time he entered the employ of Charles H. Raudenbush, and Anthony Schaich, with whom he remained three and one-half years. He then accepted a position with the well known Philadelphia drug firm of John Wyeth & Brother, whom he represented until 1901, and in this year he returned to Reading, opening a business of his own at No. 408 Schuylkill avenue, but requiring larger quarters, he purchased and built at No. 432 Schuylkill avenue. Mr. Kline handles a full and complete line of drugs, candies, toilet articles and proprietary medicines, and manufactures several well-known remedies, among them "Mrs. King's Celebrated Child Ease," and "Jumper Kidney Pills," these medicines having gained for him an enviable reputation, being sold throughout the country. His laboratory is at No. 439 Miltinore street. Mr. Kline commands some of the best trade in Reading, and is well deserving of the success which he has attained.

In 1901 Mr. Kline married Miss Bessie M. Schultz, daughter of John B. Schultz and to this union there have been born three children: J. Denton, Margaret Eleanor and Frank, Jr. Mr. Kline is a member of Lodge No. 62, F. & A. M., Reading Chapter, DeMolay Commandery, and Rajah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., Philadelphia Consistory, thirty-second degree; of Vigilance Lodge, I. O. O. F., Reading; of the K. G. E.; the Schuylkill Fire Company; Knights of Malta; the Pennsylvania State Pharmaceutical Association, and the Berks County Pharmaceutical Association. He and his wife attend First Presbyterian Church. In politics Mr. Kline is a Republican.


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Harry Kline, postmaster and general merchant at Rehrersburg, Pa., and one of Tulpehocken township's representative citizens, was born at Rehrersburg, June 25, 1874, son of Frank S. and Rebecca E. (Forry) Kline.

Philip Kline, the great-grandfather of Harry, was born Dec. 26, 1788, and was a resident of Rehrersburg, where for many years he kept a large tannery and general store, and where he died July 18, 1855. He married Catharine Shollenberger (born Aug. 4, 1791, died Jan. 27, 1867), and they had these children: Benjamin, grandfather of Harry; Alexander; and Anna Maria, born Aug. 17, 1799, and died June 6, 1842.

Benjamin Kline was also born in Rehrersburg, and after the death of his father took charge of the tannery and general store, the latter of which was closed out at the time of the death of his brother Alexander who had been his business partner. Mr. Kline continued the tannery business until about 1886, when he sold out to Barnett Brothers, and the remainder of his life was spent in retirement with his son-in-law, Dr. Daniel Dechert, Schuylkill Haven. Mr. Kline married Catherine Lutz, daughter of Benjamin Lutz, and to this union there were born children as follows: Sarah m. Joel Dewaldt, who conducted a hardware business in Lebanon county for many years, and died there in 1893; Martha, who died in 1896, m. Isaac Harner, a hotel keeper of Rehrersburg; James, who for many years worked in his father's tannery, now resides at Lebanon; Genevieve m. Dr. Daniel Dechert, and died in 1882, leaving one daughter; Anna, who died in 1896 at Pinegrove, Schuylkill county, m. John Harding, who subsequently removed to Reading; and Frank S.

Frank S. Kline was reared in Rehrersburg, where he learned the trade of tanner with his father, and was employed in the tannery from the age of twelve years until the business was discontinued, when he went to Myerstown, Lebanon county, and there continued many years. He is now engaged principally in finishing in the spring and fall of each year at East Berkley.

Mr. Kline married Rebecca E. Forry, daughter of Jacob and Rebecca (Troutman) Forry, and to this union there were born the following children: Harry; Matilda m. Paul Furman, of Strausstown, Berks county, and has one son, Robert, m. Clara Bertram, daughter of Daniel Bertram, and is engaged in agricultural pursuits in Rehrersburg; Edward is single; Laura is employed at the shirt factory; and Marguerite lives at home. Edward Kline served three years in the Spanish American war, being a member of Troop B, 14th U. S. Cavalry, stationed in the Philippines, and the last nine months of his enlistment were passed in the United States, where he engaged in racing various cavalries. He won the U. S. Rescue races from representatives of twenty-one cavalries, and rode races Cossack style in every State west of the Mississippi, losing only three races, and he also holds medals for sharpshooting and marksmanship for the three years of his enlistment. He ranked as first sergeant. After receiving his honorable discharge, Mr. Kline returned to his home, and three months later enlisted in the State police force at Punxsutawney, where he is still in service at the present time. He stands very high, and he is said to be an expert horseman and very well liked by everybody.

Harry Kline was educated in the common schools of his district and the high school at Millersburg. At an early age he learned butchering at Hazleton, and the trade of painting, at home, the latter of which he followed for some years. At one time he aspired to enter the medical profession, but gave up this idea and took up boating as an occupation, following it on the Schuylkill, Raritan, Erie, Northern and Delaware canals. He now conducts a general store at Rehrersburg, where he is discharging the duties of postmaster. Mr. Kline is a member of the Reformed Church, while his wife is a Lutheran. In politics he is a Republican, and for some years has been standing committeeman of his township, and fraternally he is connected with Vigilance Lodge, No. 149, I. O. O. F., at Reading; and Camp No. 597, P. O. S. of A., at Rehrersburg, of which he is a charter member.

In 1897 Mr. Kline married (first) Miss Nettie Stambaugh, daughter of Rev. L. D. and Henrietta (Smith) Stambaugh, and one child, Grace, was born to this union. Mrs. Kline died Nov. 28, 1901, and he married (second) in 1904, the widow of Selas M. Shade, by whom he has also had one child, Harry.

Notes from transcriber, Barbara Mihalcik (

Additional surnames: ZEHRING, KLAHR

(1) Philip Kline was born Dec. 26, 1788. He married Catharine Shollenberger 26 January 1813. She was born in 1791, and died 27 January 1867. At the time of the settlement of his estate, in 1855, these were his heirs: "Paid to the heirs as follows to wit Catharine Zehring, Eliza Harner, Sarah Klahr, Maria Harner, Benjamin Kline and Alexander Kline."

(2) Buried at Altalaha, Rehrersburg, Tulpehocken Township, Berks County PA Are the following:

Anna Maria Klein Philip und Elisabeth Klein 17 August 1799 6 Jun 18?2 ?2 yr 9m 20d

Anna Maria Klein, daughter of Philip and Elisabeth Klein according to her tombstone, born 1799, was not a daughter of Benjamin Kline born 1788 and his wife Catharine Shollenberger as stated in the second paragraph above.

Possibly she was a daughter of Philip Kline and Elisabeth Adam, who are buried at Altalaha, Rehrersburg, Berks County PA -

Philip Klein 9 te Tag Januari A.D. 1763 22 Tag Julius Anno Domoni 1834

Elisabeth Kleinin Eine geborne Adamsin Ehaughtin von Philip Klein 10 ten August 1763 23 Februar 1840


p. 605


Rev. Harry Charles Kline, pastor of St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, at Hamburg, was born at Philadelphia, Pa., May 27, 1868, son of Christian S. and Amanda Jane (Koch) Kline. The father emigrated from Monsheim, near Worms, Germany, in 1853, accompanying his parents, who landed at New York, and then proceeded to Salfordville, in Montgomery county, Pa. When a young man he went to Philadelphia and lived with a sister who was married to Philip Monkenbeck, a cigar manufacturer and merchant, who taught him the business, and he then engaged in the same line on his own account at Ninth and Green Streets, carrying the business on successfully until 1877. He then became a railroad engineer on the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad, being employed as such until 1889, when he entered the Baldwin Locomotive Works; he was engaged there as a mechanic until 1896, when he sustained a serious injury, from which he eventually died, in 1898.

Christian S. Kline married Amanda J. Koch, of Lehigh county, and by her had eight children: Harry Charles; Howard (m. Ella Robbins); Emma (m. Herman Frankenfield); Catherine (m. Morris Raudenbush); Clara (m. Marshall Benner, and, after his death, Clarence Graham); three children died in infancy.

Harry C. Kline received his early education in the public schools of Philadelphia, and later attended Muhlenberg College, at Allentown, Pa., from which he graduated with honors in June, 1894. He prepared for the ministry at the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Mt. Airy, graduating from that institution in 1897. In June of that year, immediately thereafter, he was ordained a Lutheran minister at Lancaster, Pa. Shortly after his ordination, June 23, 1897, Rev. Mr. Kline located at Hamburg and was regularly installed as pastor of St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, and also of St. Paul's Church, in Windsor township, of Zion's, in Perry township, and of St. Mark's at Shoemakersville, Pa. With the exception of the church at Shoemakersville, which he served for but four years, he has continued to officiate as minister of these churches to the present time.

Immediately upon his taking charge of St. John's Church, new religious zeal in the members of the congregation was developed. They had a severe visitation the following year. On Monday, April 3, 1898, to the amazement of the congregation, the beautiful old church was completely destroyed by fire, caused by a large spark which was blown from the destructive fire at the Wilhelm Bicycle Works, several hundred yards distant to the west. The evening of the day previous, Sunday, two fine windows had been dedicated, and a large catechetical class had been confirmed in the old church. Although shocked by the unlooked-for calamity, the minister and his flock were not discouraged, for they at once resolved to build their exclusive Lutheran church, separating from their Union relations with the Reformed brethren. They set to work in real earnest to accomplish the task, which was finished by Whitsuntide, 1899, when the building was consecrated. It was then and is still recognized as one of the handsomest churches in the county. In the erection of this superb structure, Rev. Mr. Kline has received much praise for his unremitting and successful efforts, and in 1906 the congregation was highly gratified at the extinguishment of the entire indebtedness against the church, due mostly to the personal appeals of the pastor. Rev. Mr. Kline has also shared the honor of building a beautiful Union church, known as Zion's Union Church, in Perry township, which was consecrated on Whitsunday, 1909; he is the Lutheran pastor of that church.

In 1897, Rev. Harry C. Kline married Gertrude Lillian Leh, and they have had two sons, Arlan Luther and Bernard Leh. Mrs. Kline was given a superior education, more especially in music, under Prof. C. A. Marks, and she became a music teacher, following that profession for eight years. In 1890, Professor Marks organized the Allentown Oratorio Society, with which she filled the responsible position of piano accompanist in a highly commendable manner until her marriage in 1897. Mrs. Kline is also an adept in needlework, as the walls of her beautiful and well-kept home attest. She is a lovely character.

Thomas H. Leh, of Allentown, Mrs. Kline's father, born in 1853, died in 1886. He married M. Alice Mumaw, and they had three children: Gertrude (m. Rev. Mr. Kline), William T. (m. Mayme Matten), and Anna M. (m. Willis E. Kuehns). Mrs. Kline's grandfather, William R. Leh, also of Allentown, married A. Maria Ginkinger.

Rev. Mr. Kline, being much interested in local history, has become a member of the Pennsylvania German Society and the Berks County Historical Society, both of which organizations he encourages most heartily


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H. Nathan Kline, a well known educator of Richmond township, Berks Co., Pa., was born in the township in which he now resides, and where he has spent his entire life, Nov. 13, 1869, son of Nathan R. Kline.

Philip Kline, great-grandfather of H. Nathan, was one of the early settlers of Richmond township, where he carried on agricultural pursuits, owning considerable land in the southeastern section of the township, as did his son, Benjamin, among the latter's property being the farm later owned by Nathan R. Kline.

Benjamin Kline married Hannah Ressler, of Richmond township, and they had these children: Reuben, Benjamin, Hettie, Elizabeth, Benneville, Katie and Nathan R.

Nathan R. Kline, a prosperous farmer, owning sixty acres of fertile land in Richmond township, was born in 1833, on the old Kline homestead, and died January 15, 1907, and is buried at Kutztown. In 1853 he married Sallie Merkel, daughter of Peter and Dianna (Yoder) Merkel, of Richmond township, and the children born to this union were: Ellen married Albert M. Lesher, of Moselem; Martha, single, lives with her mother; Wilson, a rural mail carrier, resides at Kutztown; Reuben is the proprietor of the "Royal Hotel," at Ninth and Green streets, Reading; Elias died aged eight years; Esther married William Klopp, a bricklayer of Kutztown; Hannah married Zacharias Miller, the well known hotel proprietor of Lobachsville, Berks county; George Washington died aged three years; H. Nathan; Sarah m. Heister Unger, a well known music teacher of Reading; and Katie m. Harry Bortz, a coal dealer at Allentown, Pennsylvania.

H. Nathan Kline received his preliminary education in the common schools of his native locality, and later attended the Keystone State Normal School at Kutztown, from which he was graduated with the class of 1902. During the summer months Mr. Kline is engaged in work on his father's farm, which lies about three miles west of Kutztown, on the Easton road. Mr. Kline has taught school for eleven terms, and as a teacher is well known and highly respected. He is an industrious, enterprising man, thoroughly business like, and a good citizen. He is a member of the Grace United Evangelical Church of Kutztown. He takes a great interest in political matters, and is a stanch adherent of the principles of the great Republican party.


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Jerome Imbody Kline, junior partner of Schrader & Kline, dealers in furniture and carpets at Reading since 1871, was born December 21, 1843, in Amity township, Berks county, near Monocacy Station, and when five years old his parents moved to Oley township on a farm, near the Manatawny creek, about two miles north of the Yellow House. He attended the common schools and worked on his father's farm until 1861, when he went to Pottstown and learned the cabinet-making and furniture business under his uncle Samuel Kline, and he remained there two years. He then went to Reading and after working several months at his trade in the shop of Benjamin Bertolet on North Fifth street, entered the furniture ware-room of Joseph Schmucker at Nos. 648-650 Penn street, and continued with him ten years, when Mr. Schmucker retired. Mr. Kline then formed a copartnership with Charles E. Schrader and Anthony A. Felix, trading under the name of Schrader, Felix & Kline. In 1882, Mr. Felix sold his interest in the business to his co-partners and they then began to trade under the name of Schrader & Kline and they have continued to do so until the present time in the same place, a period covering altogether over thirty years. They erected their fine establishment which is well stocked with all kinds of furniture and carpets, and they have in this time manufactured extensively special designs of furniture and large parlor mantels. Having been especially devoted to his business, he did not care to fill any public offices though always manifesting an active interest in municipal affairs and public improvements. He served as a deacon and elder of Trinity Lutheran Church for upwards of thirty years.

Mr. Kline was married to Louisa S. Mease, daughter of Levi Mease, of Womelsdorf, and they have four children; Charles M. (married to Emily Wagner); Anna M. (married to George Creager); Gertrude S. (married to James Wolfersberger); and J. Clarence (married to Anna Heilig).

Mr. Kline's father was Daniel Kline, who was born at Baumstown, Exeter township, in 1808, and learning the trade of making spinning-wheels and grain cradles carried on the business extensively, together with farming, for fifty years. He died in 1883. He was married to Mary Imbody, a representative of an old family in Montgomery county, and by her he had twelve children: Jerome I.; Debora (married to Hiram Mathias, who died in 1883); Emma (married to Daniel Herbine); Hannah (married to Zenas Savage); Rosetta (married to Elhanan Bertolet); Irvin (married to Rosell Cleaver); Daniel (married to Mary Nein); Aaron (married to Sallie Fies); and four, Sarah, Hiram, Mary and Rebecca, who died young. The mother died in 1899, aged eighty-one years.

Mr. Kline's grandfather was David Kline, farmer of Amity township, and also manufacturer of spinning-wheels and grain cradles. He died in 1846, at the age of seventy-two years. He was married to Sarah Byler, of Exeter township, and by her he had nine children: John; David; Jacob; Daniel; Catharine; Elizabeth; Sarah; Samuel; and Enoch.

Mr. Kline is a lineal descendant of the Elder Georg Klein, who was the first ancestor of the family in America, having been born at Zweibrucken, in Rhenish Bavaria, South Germany, October 9, 1715, and emigrated to America in 1738 with 384 other passengers. After landing at Philadelphia, he proceeded to New Jersey, and settled at a place called Amwell, where he soon became acquainted with members of the Dunkard denomination, commonly known as the German Baptist Church. He was baptized in the faith in the year 1739, and having been a man of more than ordinary literary attainments, he was chosen by the brethren as assistant minister.

In 1750, Elder Kline moved to the North-kill on a farm situated within two miles north-west of Bernville, Berks county, where he took charge of a congregation which was called "The Little North-kill Meeting House." After preaching seven years in this meeting house, he was ordained as a full minister by two prominent Elders, Michael Pfautz and Martin Werner. He continued to preach here for twenty years until the congregation became too weak to support him as a minister. He was regarded by this particular denomination as a very influential minister. He was married to Dorothy Rebman, and by her had seven children; and several of the grandsons became worthy elders of the denomination. "After a long and useful career in the ministry, he was gathered home into the garner of the Lord. On a little hillside on his farm, on a family plot, now owned by Percival Troutman, lie buried the remains of our first ancestor, Elder Georg Klein, together with his faithful wife, Dorothy, and many of his descendants - pioneers, evangelists and missionary workers."

The descendants of Elder Kline comprise a large family. A number of them assembled at the residence of Mr. Jerome I. Kline, No. 435 Woodward street, Reading, on May 2, 1904, and organized an association which they named the "Elder Georg Kline Association." Since then a special committee has been tabulating the names of the descendants for the purpose of publishing them in book form for private distribution.

Transcriber's Note: Information on names below may be found in : "Rev. David Klein, Son of Johann Georg Klein of Germany, and His Descendants in Berks County, Pa." compiled by Richard K. Yotter, 1991. In April, 1990, Richard Yotter's address was 521 East Newport Road, Lititz, PA 17543.

Johann Georg Klein and Maria Dorothea Rebman, on p. 14 Rev. David Klein and Anna Elizabeth Breneiser, on p. 16 David Klein and Sarah Beiler, on p. 17 Daniel Klein and Mary Imbody, on p. 17



John S. Kline, one of the substantial agriculturists of Berks county, Pa., now living retired on his magnificent farm of 188 1/4 acres in Heidelberg township, was born March 11, 1836, in Windsor township, this county, son of Daniel and Elizabeth (Sunday) Kline.

Philip Kline, grandfather of John S., was a farmer and lived in the vicinity of Hamburg. He was the father of children as follows: Daniel, Philip, Peter, John, Samuel, Solomon, Polly (who died unmarried) and Mrs. Peter Miller (of Hamburg, Pennsylvania).

Daniel Kline, son of Philip, was born July 4, 1804, near Hamburg and died of palsy March 24, 1868, aged sixty-three years, eight months, twenty days. He was a farmer, and in March, 1839, moved from Hamburg to Wintersville, to a farm formerly owned by Conrad Weiser. He owned a farm of 207 acres, on which he built a barn in 1848, a hay barn 38 x 55 feet in 1863, remodeled the house and greatly improved it in every way. He retired in the spring of 1868, and a few weeks later died, and was buried at Rehrersburg, at Union Church, of which he was deacon, trustee and elder for many years, and which church he helped to erect and toward which he was a liberal supporter. He was widely known and highly esteemed. He married Elizabeth Sunday, who died April 17, 1900, aged eighty-nine years, six months, fifteen days, daughter of John Sunday, and to them were born the following children: Mary m. Lamia Webber, of Tulpehocken; Annie m. Nathan Frantz, of Tulpehocken township; Alexander m. Sarah Beshore, and died in 1864, soon after his marriage; John S.; Eliza died unmarried; Susanna m. Levi Hollinger, of Lebanon, Pa.; Peter S., formerly a U. S. mail driver, is mentioned below; Amelia m. Joseph Karch, of Lebanon, Pa., and died about fifteen years ago; Tillie m. Ephraim Boltz, of Lebanon Valley House, Lebanon, Pa.; Priscilla m. Harry Carl of Myerstown, Pa.; William, a farmer and carpenter in Missouri, m. Permilla Zerby.

John S. Kline attended the subscription and public schools for a short time, and was reared on his parents' farm, for whom he worked until he was twenty-four years of age, then hiring out on the farm for one year. Mr. Kline worked at farm labor until 1868, at which time he commenced farming on his own account near Wintersville, in Tulpehocken township, cultivating the Daniel Kline 207-acre farm for one year. His father having died, Mr. Kline removed to Mill Creek, Lebanon county, where he spent one year, and there his wife died. Mr. Kline then engaged as a laborer at Wintersville until 1872, when he again turned his attention to farming, and for eighteen years continued thereat, after which he lived retired for seven years, and in 1897 purchased his present fine farm of 188 1/4 acres east of the Corner Church in Heidelberg township. In the same year he erected his modern, fourteen-room house, and made many other improvements, including the building of a pig sty and wagon shed, and in 1903 he built a large, substantial Swiss barn, 42x105 feet. Mr. Kline is a man of much influence in his community, and has been well known in Republican politics. He is a member of the A. O. G. F., at Stouchsburg, with which he has been connected since 1873. In his religious affiliations Mr. Kline is Reformed, and he has been deacon for six years and for nine years elder of the Tulpehocken Church of that denomination.

In 1860 Mr. Kline married (first) Sarah Beshore, who died in May, 1870. To this union were born: Emma, deceased, m. David Werner; Martha died in infancy; Ella M. m. John Smith, and lives on her father's farm; and Cassie died in infancy. Mr. Kline m. (second) Malinda Behney, the widow of Daniel Peifer, of Mill Creek, and to this union were born: John Calvin, born Jan. 8, 1871, died aged one year, two months; and Cora Malinda m. George W. Grimes of Heidelberg township, by whom she has had two daughters - Annie M. and Lucy M.

Peter S. Kline, son of Daniel and brother of John S., was born Nov. 24, 1843. He passed his early life on his father's farm, and received his education in what was then termed High School, but is now Ursinus College. For some years he acted as United States mail driver, carrying between Wintersville and Reading (six offices besides Reading) making a round trip of forty-five miles three days each week -Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. In 1884 he went to Franklin county, Pa., and there occupied the farm formerly owned by James Buchanan, ex-President of the United States, and later farmed in Jackson township, Lebanon county. For forty-nine years he has been a member of the Reformed Church, in which he has held a number of offices, and has been a liberal supporter of all good work. He married at Reading, Amelia Wagner, who died March 17, 1901, and was buried at Tulpehocken Church, of which she was a member. Her church member ship dated from 1865. To this union were born twelve children - six sons and six daughters - namely: Harry, born Aug. 30, 1869, resides at New Brunswick, N. J.; C. Katie, born Feb. 12, 1871. is now Mrs. Bailey, and resides at Waynesboro, Pa.; George Daniel, born Sept. 12, 1872, m. Maggie Moyer, daughter of Levi Moyer, and lives on the farm of Dr. Eli Klopp, of Philadelphia; Ella Jane, born July 9, 1875, is now Mrs. Hain, and lives at Robesonia; Harvey P., born June 18, 1877, resides at Wyomissing; Tillie, born No. 18, 1878, is Mrs. Wolfskill (all born in Wintersville); Morris Miles, born in 1881, died in infancy; Martha Alice, born Jan. 1, 1883, resides at Reading; Sadie Mary, born Sept. 7, 1884, in Franklin county, died May 5, 1892 in Lebanon county; and three died in infancy.

Transcriber's Note:

Anna "Annie" Kline, daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth Sunday Kline, married Athens Frantz, son of Henry Frantz and Catherine Klein (a descendant of Elder George Klein) of Tulpehocken township, Berks County PA. Anna Kline Frantz is buried at the Union Church in Rehrersburg; Athens Frantz died of smallpox and is buried "somewhere in Reading."

Also buried at the Union Church in Rehrersburg are Daniel and Elizabeth Sunday Kline, Mary Kline Webber, Alexander Kline, Susan Kline and her infant son Hollinger, and Elizabeth Kline who died unmarried.


p. 769


Joseph G. Kline, who died July 28, 1905, at his home, No. 230 North Ninth street, Reading, was for twenty years one of the city's prominent business men, and a veteran of the great Civil War. Mr. Kline was born May 8, 1844, at Baumstown, Berks county, son of David and Esther (Gressmer) Kline.

David Kline was for many years engaged in the coal business on Sixth street, Reading, and later engaged in the butcher business at Eighth and Walnut streets, continuing in the latter business for twenty years. He died in Reading, the father of these children: Amason; Joseph G.; Jeremiah, of Oklahoma, Kans.; Isaac, of Reading; Mrs. Charles Wann; and Mrs. John Vogel.

Joseph G. Kline attended the public schools of his native city. Until seventeen years of age he worked with his father, but at the outbreak of the Civil war he enlisted, Aug. 23, 1861, in Company A, 88th Pa. V. I. He was promoted sergeant and given the rank of lieutenant June 14, 1865, serving faithfully for four years, and being discharged July 10, 1865. He served in a number of the fiercest engagements of the war, and was slightly wounded in the left ear. After his return to Reading Mr. Kline engaged with the Philadelphia & Reading Company, continuing therewith for a period of twenty-one years, first as brakeman and later as fireman. In 1885 he engaged in the grocery business at Tenth and Elm streets, and continued therein very successfully until five months previous to his death, when he retired. Mr. Kline was buried in the Charles Evans cemetery.

On Dec. 25, 1886, Mr. Kline was married to Catherine E. Koch, daughter of John and Catherine (Hoff) Koch. They have had children: David, born Sept. 22, 1868, died May 1869; Ellen E. m. Frederick Knipe, who is engaged in the manufacture of saratoga chips, having a large and growing business; Joseph A. is attending business college. Mr. Kline was a member and trustee of the Otterbein United Brethren Church. He belonged to the G. A. R., Brotherhood of the Union, Union Veteran Legion No. 43, Freedom Circle and Mt. Penn Council No. 495, Royal Arcanum. He was a well-known and highly respected man, and made many warm friends. His widow, who survives him, resides at the Ninth street home.


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J. W. Kline, of Reading, who is proprietor of the Kline & Company brass foundry, was born Dec. 5, 1871, in Reading, son of William and Rebecca (Kinzer) Kline, and grandson of John R. and Esther (Lutz) Kline.

John R. Kline was a brick manufacturer in early life, and later engaged in building boats for Asa Packer. He retired about six years prior to his death in his sixty-first year. He was first married to a Miss Homan, who bore him one son, Mahlon, and his second marriage was to Esther Lutz, who died in 1905, aged eighty-one years, one son also being born to this union, William. Mr. and Mrs. Kline were members of the Reformed Church. In political matters he was a Democrat.

William Kline, who now lives retired at No. 600 Center avenue, Reading, was born in Reading in 1840, and was educated in the public schools, after leaving which he learned the cabinet maker's trade. Later he engaged in the furniture business, in which he continued for seventeen years, and then for several years engaged in the foundry business at Second and Beech streets. This he later sold out to his son, John W., purchasing the Bechtelsville furnace property, where he operated a crusher until 1905, and since that time has lived a quiet life. He was married in 1864 to Rebecca Kinzer, and to them four children have been born: Emma, Amanda, John W. and Harry. Mr. Kline is a member of Chandler Lodge, F. & A. M., No. 227, Reading Chapter and Reading Commandery No. 42, K. T. Politically he is a Democrat.

John W. Kline received his education in the common schools of Reading, and after leaving the grammar school entered the employ of the Philadelphia & Reading R. R. Co., as a clerk in the freight department under Mr. A. T. Gorman, and resigned this to accept a position with the Reading Iron Co., under Messrs. Dodds and Schumann. He remained there three years, at the end of which time he engaged in his present business at Second and Beech streets, where he has been successfully carrying on business since 1897. He erected a new plant in 1906, and here he is engaged exclusively in the manufacture of brass castings. He has a modern plant, with the latest and most improved machinery, and under his management the business is proving a great success. Mr. Kline is a member of Reading Lodge No. 115, B. P. O. E. Religiously he is connected with St. Paul's Reformed Church, while his wife attends Trinity Lutheran Church. Mr. Kline is identified with numerous other business enterprises in addition to his foundry business, among which may be named the American Slag Co., of Reading.

Mr. John W. Kline was united in marriage with Miss Emma L. Klapp, daughter of Joseph Klapp, a sketch of whom will be found in another part of this publication.

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