Biographies from Historical and Biographical Annals by Morton Montgomery


p. 437


Dr. Edwin M. Herbst, State senator from the Eleventh District and a prominent physician of many years of experience, was born in Pikesville, Berks county, Sept. 10, 1857, son of the late Capt. George S. Herbst, and his wife Violetta (Maurer) Herbst. The early home of the Herbst family was in Altenburg, Mueselwitz, Saxony, where was born Dr. William Herbst, grandfather of the Senator, Feb. 3, 1804. His literary education was acquired in the Fatherland, and at the age of sixteen he emigrated to America. He located in Philadelphia, and there under the guidance of a prominent physician he began the study of medicine, continuing with him until he graduated from Jefferson Medical College. Being now equipped to enter upon the practice of his profession, he located in that part of Oley which is now Pike township, and there for forty years devoted himself to his calling. Not only did he become the leading physician, but he became a prominent, public-spirited citizen, taking an active and intelligent interest in the affairs of the community. In politics he was a stanch Democrat, and in 1861 was elected county treasurer, an office he held for a term of two years. The last two years of his life were passed in retirement. He died in 1880.

He married Catharine Schall, and their children were: George S.; Dr. William; Mary, who married G. A. Hinterleiter; Hannah, who married Edmund W. Gilbert; August, and John S., all deceased. Capt. George S. Herbst, son of Dr. William, was born in Pikesville in 1830, and was educated in the district schools. His father was the owner of the Rockland Iron Forge, and when the son reached maturity he was placed there as manager, in which capacity he was still serving when the Civil war broke out.

He was one of the first to answer President Lincoln's call, and on April 23, 1861, he was mustered into the service of his country, becoming captain of Company D, 7th Pa. V. I., which company was recruited for the three months service at Pleasantville. At the end of his term of enlistment, he returned home with shattered health, and after a lingering illness he passed away Dec. 26, 1865, at the age of thirty-five. In 1854 he married Violetta Maurer, daughter of Henry and Susanna (Dotterer) Maurer, the former of whom was recorder of deeds of Berks county, 1842-45, and justice of the peace for many years, being a leading citizen of the county for half a century. Capt. and Mrs. Herbst had one son, Dr. Edwin M.

In politics Capt. Herbst was a Democrat, and in religious belief a Lutheran. His social connections were with the I. O. F. and O. U. A. M. Dr. Edwin M. Herbst was prepared for college in the public schools and the Keystone State Normal School. Entering Pennsylvania College at Gettysburg he was graduated therefrom in 1875, with the Latin salutatory. In the fall of that year he entered Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, and in the spring of 1878 received his degree of M. D., with honorable mention for the Henry C. Lea prize. Since 1880 he has been actively engaged in caring for the afflicted at Oley, where he has built up a large and successful practice, and has won a warm place in the affections of the many he has helped, professionally or otherwise. His ability, coupled with a frank genial manner, has inspired the utmost confidence. Like all his family, Dr. Herbst is a Democrat, and is actively interested in the success of his party and the prosperity and well being of his community. From 1889 to 1892 he served as chairman of the county committee, and for the past twenty years he has been elected District or State delegate to the party1s councils. In 1901 he became State Senator, but a temporary physical disability impaired his usefulness during the early part of his term. However, he made his presence known and felt before the session closed, and in 1903 he was nominated by his friends for President pro tem., an honor seldom given to a new member. Early in the session he created a marked and very favorable impression by his eloquent speech in favor of the erection of a monument in the Capitol park to the memory of the Pennsylvania soldiers who fought in the war of the Rebellion. In 1905 he was again elected to the Senate, and served through the special session in 1906, and in April 1908, he was again nominated by his party at the primaries, receiving 400 votes more than his two next highest competitors in a very spirited contest. In November he was elected for his third term in the Pennsylvania Senate, being the first senator from Berks County to obtain this honor thrice. During the term of 1901 he served on the following committees: Public Health and Sanitation, Education, Law and Order, Agriculture, Congressional Apportionment and Judicial Apportionment; in 1903, on Appropriations, Agriculture, Congressional Apportionment, Public Health and Sanitation, Pensions and Gratuities and Law and Order; in 1905 on Agriculture, Education, Library, Municipal Affairs, Public Health and Sanitation and Pensions and Gratuities; at the special session of 1906 on Agriculture, Appropriations, Education, Forestry, Library, Military Affairs, Municipal Affairs and Public Health and Sanitation. His great-grandfather, George Schall, was a member of the Senate of Pennsylvania seventy-five years before Dr. Herbst, representing the same district. In 1889 he was elected director in the Farmers1 National Bank of Boyertown, and on May 17, 1907, became its cashier. His connection with the bank has been of great benefit to that financial institution. From 1891 to 1893 he was lazaretto physician of the Port of Philadelphia, and from 1893 to 1898 was pension examiner at Reading. In whatever position Dr. Herbst is placed he proves an able man, capable of managing large affairs with skill and wisdom. Dr. Herbst is a member of a number of fraternal organizations, among these being: Minnehaha Lodge, No. 154, K. P.; Oley Castle, No. 119, K. G. E. (of which he is past officer); Huguenot Lodge, No. 337, F. & A. M., of Kutztown (of which he is past master); and Reading Chapter, Consistory and Commandery. He also belongs to the Sigma Chi college fraternity. In his religious faith he has not departed from the teaching of his fathers, and is a member of the Lutheran church. On Oct. 28, 1880, Dr. Herbst was married to Lottie Stettler, of Kutztown.


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William O. Herbster, who has been employed by the United Traction Company for some time as conductor, is a member of a well known family of this section. He was born in Montgomery county, Dec. 18, 1872, son of Daniel G. and Henrietta (Dries) Herbster.

Benjamin Herbster, grandfather of William O., was a resident of Albany township, Berks county, but his death occurred in Reading, when about fifty years of age, as did that of his wife, Lydia (Zimmerman) Herbster. They had these children: John, who died at Allentown, Pa., in 1905; Isaac, who died young; Daniel G.; Benjamin, who resides in Ohio; William, who died young; Catherine A., who mar. Monroe Newhard, of Allentown, Pa., and died there in 1897, leaving three children, Ella, Lillie and Estella (the latter a teacher in the schools of Allentown); Rev. Samuel, a minister in the Lutheran Church; Lydia, who died when nineteen years of age; and Nathaniel, who died in 1904.

Daniel G. Herbster and his wife resided at Schuylkill Haven, Pa., where he was retired. He died April 10, 1909, aged sixty-seven years, and he is buried at Schuylkill Haven. They had children as follows: Sylvester D. mar. Caroline Brown, and resides at Schuylkill Haven; Rose mar. David Frey, and also resides at that place; Elizabeth mar. Morris Oswalt; William O.; Nora mar. George Zimmerman; and Thomas mar. Annie Zimmerman, of Schuylkill Haven.

William O. Herbster attended the public schools of Schuylkill county, and when a young man learned the monument business, which he followed for about seven years in Reading. He then accepted a position with the traction company as motorman, continuing in that capacity for four years, when he was transferred to the position of conductor. He is now on the Perkiomen run. Mr. Herbster married Miss Emma E. Babst, daughter of John and Lovina (Meitzler) Babst (mentioned elsewhere), and two children have come to this union: Florence, who died aged seven months; and Helen I., born March 28, 1900, attending school. The Herbsters reside at No. 1258 Buttonwood street, Reading, and are well known and highly esteemed in their community. In his political belief Mr. Herbster is a Democrat, but he has never taken an active interest in public affairs. He is a member of the I. O. O. F.; Camp No. 330, P. O. S. of A., and is also connected with the Relief Association of the United Traction Company.


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Charles Daniel Herman, the well-known merchant tailor, clothier and dealer in gents furnishings, residing on Main street, Kutztown, Pa., was born April 11, 1855, in Greenwich township, Berks county, son of James and Catherine (Hering) Herman.

Henry Herman, grandfather of Charles D., born on Christmas Day, 1796, was a farmer and weaver of Greenwich township, where he lived for some years. He then removed to Maxatawny township for a few years, but later returned to Greenwich township, where the remainder of his life was spent, and where he died in 1875, in his seventy-ninth year. On Feb. 14, 1815, he was married to Lydia Henninger, daughter of Christian Henninger, of Stony Run, and to his union there were born children as follows: William, Oct. 5, 1819; Joseph, Dec. 9, 1829; James; Catherine, July 22, 1831; Malinda, June 22, 1834; Lizzie, Nov. 12, 1815; John, June 28, 1818, who died in his second year; Mary, April 7, 1822, who died in her sixth year; Jacob, Nov. 8, 1824, who died in infancy; and Caroline, Oct. 10, 1825, who died in her second year.

James Herman was born Feb. 28, 1829, in Maxatawny township. At the age of twenty-one years he learned the trade of a carpenter, which he followed all of his life with the exception of about ten months, when he was a soldier in the Civil war. On Aug. 24, 1851, he was married to Catherine Hering, daughter of Peter and Rebecca (Stoyer) Hering, and granddaughter of Peter and Elizabeth (Hering) Hering. The following children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Herman: Henry, who died at the age of ten years; Louisa E, who is unmarried and resides with her brothers; Charles D.; Sylvester C., who m. Henrietta Lieby, and lost his life in an accident in 1902, in his forty-sixth year; James O., m. to Maggie Ruch; Austin M., m. to Annie Hoch; Peter A., who died at the age of seven years; Walter M., m. to Clara Hoch, sister of Annie; and Eugene E., twin brother of Walter M., who died in his seventeenth year.

Charles Daniel Herman's boyhood days were spent on the farm, and he attended the local schools of his district. In 1873 he learned the tailoring trade with Henry Williams, of Kutztown, in whose employ he remained for three years, when he engaged in business for himself on the second floor of No. 253 Main street, Kutztown, having four employes. Mr. Herman at once established a reputation as an excellent cutter and fitter, and paying close attention to his business, he prospered from the start. He is now firmly established and has the largest tailoring business in this section. Mr. Herman is a prominent and substantial citizen of Kutztown. He is public-spirited and on numerous occasions has been honored by his fellow citizens, who hold him in high esteem, with positions of trust and honor. In his political views he is an uncompromising Democrat. He was twice elected school director, served as councilman for nine years and for three years was president of that body. He was also chief burgess of his adopted town for three years and while in office the trolley line was built through the town and the Keystone Light, Heat and Power company was installed here. He is a member of Huguenot Lodge, No. 377, F. & A. M.

On Aug. 31, 1876, Mr. Herman married Clara Gross, daughter of David Gross, and there were three sons and four daughters born to this union: (1) Gertrude, (2) Richard James, born in the year 1877, graduated from the Keystone State Normal School in 1895, and from the Pierce Business College in 1896. He then assisted his father in the store and in the fall of 1898 took a course in cutting in Mitchell's cutting school of New York. Young Herman assisted his father in cutting until he entered West Point Military Academy in June, 1900, and he graduated from that institution in June, 1904, with the rank of second lieutenant. He was assigned to the 23d U. S. Infantry, joining his regiment in October, 1904, in the Philippine Islands. In June, 1905, he returned from the Islands and was stationed at Madison Barracks, Sacket Harbor, N. Y. He is now an instructor in the Drawing Department at West Point Military Academy. He is a member of Huguenot Lodge, No. 377, F. & A. A. (3) Louisa May. (4) Quinton David was born July 28, 1881, graduated from the Keystone State Normal School in 1898, and in the fall of that year took a course in the Union Business College, Philadelphia, graduating in 1899. The following year he took a course in Mitchell's Cutting School in New York, and he then connected himself with his father in business. He is a member of Huguenot Lodge, No. 377, F. & A. M. On Aug. 31, 1905, he married Alma C. Miller, daughter of Charles W. and Louisa (Becker) Miller, of Kutztown, and they have one son, Charles Miller, born Aug. 19, 1906. (5) A daughter deceased. (6) Paul Alfred was born April 16, 1884, and obtained his early education in the local schools and the Keystone State Normal School, where he prepared for Lafayette College, Easton, Pa. He married June 3, 1907, Lillian Yoder, daughter of William and Annie (Barto) Yoder. (7) Marguerite Rebecca, born Nov. 16, 1889, was educated in the local schools and the Keystone State Normal School. She graduated from the latter institution in 1906, and then prepared for entrance to Smith College, in Massachusetts.


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The Herman family of Berks county, represented in the present generation by that popular official, George C. Herman, Esq., of Maxatawny township, had its early home in Holland, and the four generations in America have given their time, their talents and their education to the service of the public.

The first of the family to come to the New World, was the Rev. Frederick Herman, a native of Holland, who in 1786 was sent by the fathers of the Reformed Church to preach the Gospel in America. He located in New Jersey, but remained there only a short time, going then to Germantown, near Philadelphia, and there he was living in 1793 when President Washington and the American Congress met there. In fact, his home was secured for the accommodation of the President and his private secretary, Mr. B. Dandridge. Three rooms and two beds were placed at the disposal of the distinguished guests, "with breakfast, and tea in the afternoon, at ten dollars each per week." The dinners were sent in by a neighboring tavern keeper. From Germantown the Rev. Mr. Herman moved to near Pottstown, in Montgomery county, where he served many congregations, besides paying special attention to preparation of young men for the work of the holy ministry, and died at a ripe old age, after sixty years of faithful service as a minister of the Gospel. Rev. Charles G. Herman, son of the Rev. Frederick Herman and Maria, his wife, whose maiden name was Feit, was born in Germantown, Philadelphia county. He, too, became a minister of the Reformed Church, and, locating in Maxatawny township, Berks county, made that locality the scene of his labors throughout the remainder of his life. He entered into rest Aug. 4, 1863, at the age of seventy years, nine months and eleven days.

He married Hester Sassaman, who was born in Maxatawny township, and they became the parents of five children: Maria, m. to Judge Willoughby Fogle, and now deceased; Hester, m. to Dr. Henry Helfrich, a resident of Allentown, Pa.; Louisa, m. to Rev. Daniel Brendel, of Bethlehem, Pa.; Jacob Sassaman, deceased; and the Rev. Alfred Jasper.

Rev. Alfred Jasper Herman, son of Rev. Charles G. and Hester (Sassaman), was born Nov. 6, 1831, in Maxatawny township, in the house in which he now lives. He was reared in the influence of a Christian home, and was early trained to habits of industry and self-denial. His education was acquired in the common schools; in Easton Academy, under the Rev. Dr. Vandeveer; in the University of New York, where he pursued a special course for two years; and his theological studies under his uncle, the late Rev. Dr. Guldin, of New York City, and his father. The honorary degree of A. M. was conferred upon him by Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pa. During the last year of his study in New York City he preached weekly, on Wednesday nights, in the Howsen street Reformed Church, of which his uncle was pastor. In 1851 the Classis of the Reformed Church ordained him, and he immediately became assistant to his father, a position he filled for five years. At the end of that time he took charge of the New Jerusalem Church at Wessnersville, where he remained for half a century. He also had charge of a number of other churches in that locality, at one time being pastor of eight parishes-an almost superhuman task, yet his industry, his devotion never flagged, and his superb physical health sustained him. In forty-seven years he missed but twenty-five Sundays because of ill health or inclement weather. To his earnest efforts is due the existence of St. Paul's Church, at Seiberlingville, and of St. Peter's at Topton. In 1897 when he celebrated the forty-sixth anniversary of his ordination, and the forty-first of his pastorate at the New Jerusalem Church, people to the number of 2,000 gathered from all over Berks and Lehigh counties to do him honor, and to show their affection for their spiritual leader.

The Rev. Mr. Herman was married on June 14, 1853, to Isabella Grim, daughter of Sem and Anna (Kline) Grim, of Lehigh county, and their children were: Ambrose, a practising physician at Lansdale, Pa., m. Alice Brenig; Annie m. Dr. Richard Beck, of Newburg, Pa.; and George C., Esq. The Rev. Mr. Herman is now living retired on the 150-acre farm in Maxatawny township that once belonged to his father. On it is a large pebble-dashed house that has weathered the storms a full half century.

George C. Herman, son of Rev. Alfred J. and Isabella (Grim), was born on the old Herman homestead June 9, 1862, and was educated in the public schools of his native township, the Keystone State Normal School, Franklin and Marshall College and the University of Pennsylvania. Since his return from school he has resided on the old homestead. In politics he is an energetic worker in the ranks of the Democratic party, and is chairman of the Democratic Club of Maxatawny. For ten years he served as a member of the school board in his township, and held at different times all the various offices of the board. In 1900 he was elected justice of the peace, and has since been re-elected, and he has frequently been a delegate to county conventions. He has been treasurer of the board of supervisors of the township, since the passage of the new State Road law, and in many ways has been influential in the welfare of the township. With his family he attends, as a Reformed member, Zion's Union Church, and for some twenty years he has been superintendent of the prosperous Sunday school, and he is also the teacher of the large Bible class.

In 1903 Mr. Herman was married to Mame E. Pott, daughter of Benjamin and Mary (Schall) Pott, of Pottsville, the town being named for her paternal great-grandfather. To this marriage has been born on May 12, 1904, one son, Benjamin Alfred.


p. 507


Abram Herr, D. D. S., one of the leading dental practitioners of Reading, Pa., is a member of one of the earliest settled families of Lancaster county, Hans Herr, a Mennonite minister, having emigrated from Switzerland, and settled in that county in 1709.

Dr. Herr was born in Lancaster county, July 27, 1839, son of Abram and Hannah (White) Herr, grandson of Abram, Sr., and great-grandson of Hans Herr.

Abram Herr, Sr., the grandfather of the Doctor, was a farmer and distiller in Lancaster county, and followed these occupations throughout life, becoming very successful. He was a prominent man of his generation, and was a leader in the ranks of the Whig party. He and his wife were members of the Mennonite Church. They were the parents of the following children: Abram, Martin, John, Barbara and Sallie.

Abram Herr, son of Abram, Sr., was born in 1803, in Lancaster county, and early in life began driving teams between Philadelphia and Pittsburg, before the days of the railroad in Pennsylvania. He married (first) Hannah White, by whom he had six children: Annie, Lovina, Elizabeth, Martha, Mary and Dr. Abram. His first wife died in her fifty-fourth year, and he married (second) a Mrs. Long, but no children were born to this union. Mr. Herr died in 1892 at the age of eighty-nine years.

Dr. Abram Herr received his preliminary education in the schools of his native county, after which for a year he studied under Dr. Farnstock. He then went to Ashland, Ohio, where he spent two years studying dentistry, then going to Philadelphia. After practising in the latter city for two years, he came to Reading in 1866, opening an office on Penn street, above Sixth, where he was located for seven years. In 1876 he located at his present place. He has been a close student and is a careful practitioner, is successful in business, and is very highly esteemed in his community, where he has taken a great interest in local matters, especially in education.

In 1861 Dr. Herr married Louisa Ferguson, and to them were born eight children, only three of whom now survive: (1) Elmer E., born in Ashland, Ohio, May 31, 1862, m. Catharine Schrack, of Reading, and has three children: Lulae L., a teacher in the Reading public schools; Villanella, m. to Edward Rush, of Philadelphia, where they reside, and Chester A., a telegrapher for the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, at Reading, m. to Gertie Frey, of Reading, where they reside. (2) Luther, born in Reading, Oct. 29, 1867, now living in Philadelphia, m. Catherine V. Hartman, of Reading, and has seven children: Walter A., working on railroad locomotives for the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, with his father who is foreman of the plant; Franklin R., preparing for college in the central boys' high school, Philadelphia; and Luther, Jr., Hellen L., Meriam N., Carrie and Marie, all in school. (3) Walter S., born in Reading July 1, 1875, a graduate of the Pennsylvania College of Dentistry and now practising dentistry with his father, m. Ella J. Potteiger of Reading, and has one son, Abram Walter Scott. Dr. Abram Herr is a member of the Reading School board from the Eighth ward. He is a stanch Republican in politics, and fraternally is connected with the I. O. O. F., being a charter member of Vigilance Lodge, No. 194.


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George H. Hertwig, one of Reading's popular and enterprising young citizens, who is at present filling the position of manager of the Auditorium, is a native of that city, where he was born Sept. 2, 1877, son of Otto J. and Caroline M. (Schick) Hertwig. Mr. Hertwig's educational training was secured in the public schools of Reading, and he later supplemented this with a course at the Inter-State Commercial College of the city, graduating therefrom in 1895. After leaving school, Mr. Hertwig entered the office of R. L. Jones, with whom he was connected for a short time, when he accepted a position with the American Protective Association of Reading, and he continued in the employ of this firm for seven years, resigning therefrom to engage in the real estate and insurance business at Sixth and Penn streets, Reading, with E. P. Van Reed and J. S. Ebbing, and in conjunction therewith engaged in well drilling in Pennsylvania and New York State, operating three machines. In this latter business he continued for five years, selling out to a Mr. Rahn. At this time Mr. Hertwig was secretary and treasurer of the Auditorium, and in July, 1904, he was made manager thereof, a position he has since ably filled. The Auditorium, which has been lately built, is a fine structure at Nos. 127-129-131-133 South Fifth street, 60 x 235 feet, one of the finest buildings of its kind in the State. Mr. Hertwig is a Mason, holding membership in Teutonia Lodge No. 367; the Reading Lodge of Perfection, 14 ; the Philadelphia Consistory, 32 ; and is a Shriner, belonging to Rajah Temple. He also belongs to Elks Lodge No. 115, the Knights of Malta, No. 47, Washington Camp No. 509, P. O. S. of A., and is very popular in all of these organizations. He is connected with the Lutheran Church. In 1906 Mr. Hertwig married Minnie K. Snyder, daughter of John Snyder, and to them has been born one son, Otto Snyder. Mr. Hertwig resides at No. 47 North Tenth street. Reading.


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H. A. Hertwig, a highly esteemed resident of Reading, Pa., who is conducting the "Harugari Hotel," Nos. 48-50 South Sixth street, was born in Leesport, Berks county, Pa., in 1858, son of J. E. and Othela (Schuman) Hertwig. H. A. Hertwig was educated in the schools of Reading, and was first employed at the Thalheimer cigar box factory and later at the Mitchell cracker bakery. From there he became helper at the Addis bucket shop, where he remained for one year, and was later employed as a molder at the Mellert Pipe Foundry. In 1878 Mr. Hertwig engaged in the hotel business, being employed by his father at Harugari Hall until 1885. Mr. Hertwig's father then purchased the property No. 1038 Centre avenue, then known as Andulisa Hall. This was later converted into a Concert Park and known as Hertwig's Family Park. Mr. Hertwig managed this place of business for his father from 1885 to 1891. Mr. Hertwig's father later conducted the C. B. Miller Family Park and Mr. Hertwig managed the "Lafayette Hotel" for Ignatius Shade and was later employed by Thomas Fry, proprietor of the Veteran Saloon, Seventh and Chestnut streets. In July, 1892, Mr. Hertwig received a position as head bar clerk at the "Central House," John Brobst, proprietor, and remained there until December, 1899, when he purchased the old homestead, Harugari Hall, from James Morgan, and is conducting same at this time. In 1884 Mr. Hertwig married Roselle Orth, daughter of William Orth, and to them has been born one son, Robert, photo engraver, who married Minnie Kessler. Mr. Hertwig is a member of Teutonia Lodge No. 367, F. & A. M.; Reading Chapter No. 152, R. A. M.; De Molay Commandery, K. T.; Rajah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., and Allen Council No. 23. He is also connected with the Reading Hose Fire Company. In his political belief Mr. Hertwig is independent, voting rather for the man than the party.


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David Hertzog, who for many years was engaged in the lumber business in Reading, Berks county, was a native of this county, born in Oley township, Sept. 16, 1834, son of Jacob and Mary (Greisimer) Hertzog, natives of this county. Mr. Hertzog died at his home in Reading in August, 1902. Jacob Hertzog was an agriculturist of Berks county, and owned and operated a well-cultivated farm. He was well-known throughout the township. He and his wife were the parents of the following children: William, a blacksmith of Mohnton; Henry, of Pleasantville; Catherine, m. to a Mr. Dilliplaine, of Oley township; and David. The family were members of the Reformed Church. David Hertzog received a common school education in Oley township, and during his minority engaged in farming. On the death of his father, he inherited a farm near Shillington, Pa., and this he operated for a time, but later embarked in the lumber business, purchasing many tracts of wooded land. He continued in this connection and became very prosperous. Mr. Hertzog was married in November, 1857, to Margaret Yocum, daughter of Daniel Yocum, and four children were born to this union: John, deceased; Daniel W., deceased; Henry F., a prominent hardware merchant of Reading; and Katie, m. to Ellis Worley, of Mohnton. Mrs. Hertzog is a member of the Reformed Church, and formerly took an active interest in the work of that church. Mr. Hertzog was a Democrat in politics, but took only a good citizen's part by casting his ballot, caring nothing for political preferment.


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William R. Hertzog, now living retired at Eshbach, Pa., was born in Hereford township, Berks county, Pa., July 4, 1839. Philip Hertzog, grandfather of William R., was a farmer of Perryville, where he owned about 100 acres of excellent land. He was born July 4, 1777, and died April 4, 1855, and is buried at Huff's Church. He married a Miss Biddenbender, born May 6, 1782, died Dec. 16, 1869. Their children were: John, a farmer in Greenwich township, Berks county; David, a farmer in Rockland township; Jacob, also a farmer in Rockland township; Solomon, a miller in Hereford township; Philip; and Catharine, wife of Samuel Landis. Philip Hertzog, son of Philip and father of William R., was born Nov. 27, 1805, and died Sept. 7, 1844, and is buried at Huff's Church. He was a farmer and blacksmith, owning a good farm of about 100 acres near Perryville. He was also engaged in burning rye whiskey, and was very successful in his work. He married Mary Rauch, born Feb. 22, 1807, died Jan. 29, 1849, daughter of David Rauch, of Hereford. Five children blessed this union: Mary died unmarried; Catharine m. Thomas Bierman, of Philadelphia; Susan m. John Hoover, of Pottstown, Pa.; Betzy m. Charles Long, of Pottstown; and William R. William R. Hertzog received his education in the old pay schools in Hereford township, the school term in those days lasting three or four months each winter. He grew up familiar with farm work, and in 1853, he learned the tailor's trade from Jacob Mensch, in Hereford township. At Landis Store he started in business for himself, carrying on a merchant tailoring establishment for four years. On Oct. 27, 1862, he enlisted in Company H. 167th Pa. V. I., and was mustered out Aug. 12, 1863. After the war he became proprietor of Huff's Church Hotel, conducting it four years. In 1868 he bought the "Washington Hotel," at Eshbach, and in the eighteen years he conducted that hostelry became well known to and popular with the traveling public. When he retired and moved to his present residence, he was succeeded by his son Alfred. Mr. Hertzog owns a farm in Washington township, containing ninety- two acres, which were originally in the Isaac Oberholtzer homestead. He has made a number of improvements, and added greatly to the value of the place. Excellent water is to be had there, and is connected with both house and barn. He also owns twenty-five acres at Eshbach, on which the greater part of the town stands. He has been the leading spirit in the development of the town. He built twelve dwellings, and still owns all but two of them. He is a man of enterprise and of business capacity. For twenty-two years he carried on cigar manufacturing in addition to the hotel business, employing from eight to twelve persons. He and David B. Rauch established a three-acre cemetery at Huff's Church in 1891, many lots in which have since been sold. On Dec. 21, 1861, Mr. Hertzog married (first) Amelia Drumheller, daughter of Reuben and Eliza (Fox) Drumheller, of Pike township. She died Feb. 28, 1886. The children born of this union were: Fienna, 1863-1884; Ida S., 1864-1865; Alfred, born Jan. 1, 1866; Henry, Sept. 17, 1867; William, Dec. 13, 1869; and Agnes, April 1, 1872. Mr. Hertzog m. (second) in 1893, Sarah Seltzer, daughter of Charles Seltzer, of Pike township. To this union has been born a daughter, Iva, now a student in the Keystone State Normal School, at Kutztown. Mr. Hertzog and his family are members of Huff's Church, of which he has twice been deacon, and is now elder. He was liberal in his donations, and was one of the committee that purchased the present organ and big heater. In politics he is a Jeffersonian Democrat, and was delegate to a number of county conventions, and has a number of times served as juryman.

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