Biographies from Historical and Biographical Annals by Morton Montgomery


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James H. Hein. This enterprising young agriculturist of Berks county, Pa., who is extensively engaged in cultivating the soil of Mengels Dale. Perry township, was born Feb. 8, 1881 in Windsor township, son of Francis and Lydia (Wessner) Hein.

Jesse Hem, grandfather of James H., was a shoemaker by trade, and was reared in Albany township, but later removed to Windsor township, living in the vicinity of St. Paul's Church, of which he was a member. He married a Miss Smith, and they were the parents of twelve children Francis Hein, father of James H., was a tenant farmer in Greenwich township, and for many years lived in the neighborhood of Klinesville, Berks county. He married Lydia Wessner, and to this union were born children as follows: Agnes, William. Albert, James, Cora, Annie, Oscar, Lydia , and Gertie.

James H. Hein received his education in the common schools of Perry township, which he attended until seventeen years of age, and was reared on the farm, at the age of twenty-one years learning the blacksmith trade from his brother Albert of Lenhartsville, Pa., for whom he worked two years. After marriage he located on the present farm of 196 acres received by his wife as an inheritance, and here has continued successfully to the present time. The land is fertile and well cultivated and is improved with good substantial buildings. Mr. Hein is honest and industrious, and is considered one of the representative young farmers of Perry township. He and his wife attend Zion's Reformed Church.

Mr. Hein married October 22, 1904, Miss Mary M. Mengel, daughter of James and Harriet (Strausser) Mengel, and to this union one daughter has been born,-Mabel Harriet. Mrs. Hein was one of a family of five children, the others being: Lessouri. who died in infancy; Marguerite, who married Sassaman Schappell; Violetta, the wife of James Stitzel, and Miss Minnie I., who lives with her sister, Mrs. Hein.


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Gregory Heine, a well known and venerable citizen of Mount Penn borough, Berks county, was born not far from the ancient Republic of Switzerland, Feb. 27,1825, and reared among the liberty-loving inhabitants of the historic Black Forest, in the south of Baden, near the source of the picturesque Danube river, in the hamlet of Tannheim.

According to the laws of the Fatherland, Mr. Heine attended school for eight years, and when seventeen years of age learned the blacksmith's trade. While working at this occupation in 1845, he was drawn in the usual annual draft of recruits for the regular army of the South German Confederation, and was mustered into service April 1, 1846. Tyranny and oppression bore hard on the people of Baden, but soon the spirit of liberty went abroad, inspiring them to rise and battle for freedom, equality and unity, and in the spring of 1849 Gregory Heine, with thousands of others, became a "soldier of freedom." The regular army was abandoned and the "Freie-Schaaren" (Liberty's Legions) were recruited and drilled. Gregory Heine was one of the recruiting officers, and was elected captain of a company of 219 men, and the war against the Gross Herzog of Baden was on. Royalty, however, crushed Liberty for a time, and so, like Hecker, Sigel, Schurz and other champions of freedom, Mr. Heine, too, sought liberty on American soil.

Mr. Heine first located at Lancaster, and later in Dauphin county, where he followed blacksmithing until 1850, in which year he removed to Reading, and in this city he and his father resided. After coming to Berks county he continued at blacksmithing at Eckert's Henry Clay furnaces, then at the old Reading Railroad shops, and for a short time in his own shop until 1858. He then conducted the "Neversink House," one of the oldest hotels in the State, built in 1768 and kept as a hotel during the Revolution by Colonel Lutz. From 1863 to 1870 he was engaged in the manufacture of tombstones, and general marble work, doing an extensive and successful business. In 1865 he purchased the Dr. Tyson tract of nineteen acres, just beyond the "Old Toll Gate" in the eastern suburbs of Reading, extending along the Perkiomen pike into Alsace township, which he farmed carefully and brought into a remunerative state of cultivation. In 1903 he laid out a portion of this farm into building lots, of which he has since sold a large number, but still conducts a small, attractive farm, of pleasant location, where he raises considerable fruit. His vineyard yields well, and his vines are known throughout the township for their excellence. For many years, beginning with 1851, Mr. Heine was prominently identified with successful building and savings associations, as president and director, all of which were successfully conducted for the members.

Mr. Heine is a successful, progressive and public-spirited citizen. and during his residence in Reading did much towards the material benefit of that city. He sub-contracted the digging of fully 150 cellars, also erecting numerous dwellings, and his thrift and progressive ideas have accumulated for him a comfortable fortune. In politics he is an uncompromising Democrat, has been delegate to various Democratic conventions, serving on the Democratic standing committee, and a member of the Democratic City Association. In 1868 he was elected a common councilman of the Second ward, and served in that office until 1876. with the exception of one term. He was an active and conscientious member of that executive body, and faithfully guarded the tax-payers' interests, being an incorruptible official, able to withstand any evil influences which might be brought to bear upon him. In 1884 he became a candidate for the nomination of county treasurer, but after making several attempts to secure the nomination, relinquished his efforts as he felt that his religion was against him. He and his family are Roman Catholics, belonging to St. Paul's Church, Reading.

On July 14, 1851, Mr. Heine was married to Balbina Kerner, born at the same place as her husband in the Fatherland, and on July 14. 1901, they celebrated their Golden Wedding at their residence, No. 1924 Perkiomen avenue. High Mass was solemnized at St. Paul's Church at 7 :30 a. m., when the couple renewed their marriage vows in the presence of many relatives and friends. The children all partook of communion, and special music was furnished for the occasion. The balance of this memorable day was spent at the residence, where guests from Reading and other places were in attendance, and the gifts to this aged couple were beautiful and costly. Mrs. Heine passed away Nov. 21, 1905. aged seventy-two years, six months, twenty-two days, and Mr. Heine's daughters, Josephine and Ida, now manage the home. To Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Heine were born these children: John C. K., an attorney of New York, who married Mary Gerard; Rosa, who married George Dieffenbach, of Reading; Josephine; Joseph A., a contractor and builder of Reading. who married Rosa KIos, and has two children-Leon and Karl; Clara, who married John P. Fink, of Reading; Amelia. at home; Philip, a carpenter and hotel proprietor at Frackville, Pa., who married Agnes Wachter; Catharine; and Ida. who married John A. Hagge, has a daughter, Catharine, and lives with Mr. Heine.

The Heine family was established in Baden by the grandfather of Gregory Heine, who came from Westphalia, Germany. He was a tailor by trade, married, and had a family, among whom was Philip Heine, the father of Gregory. Philip Heine came to America in 1850, and lived and died in Reading with his son, Gregory. In the Fatherland he had been a farmer. He married Maria Sigward, and to them were born three sons and one daughter, namely: Joseph, of Reading, who married Maria Strobel, arid had four children, Susan, Floraian, John, and Jacob; Kungunda, who married A. M. Gages, of Germany, in which country they resided, and had one son, Gregory; and Philip, of Reading. who married (first) Amalia Turner, and (second) Krysante Steinel, and had children. Mena, Frank (who is now clerk of the Board of Health, Reading), Otto, Edward, and two daughters who were married in New York, where they now reside.


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Surnames: HEINE

S, Julia Heine is the proprietress of the Turkish Baths in the Colonial Building, Reading, Pennsylvania.


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David L. Heinly, who, with his son, John E., is doing business under the name of the Reading Engraving Company, at Reading, Pa., is a prominent and influential business man of that city, He was born on the old homestead farm, near Virginville Berks county, Jan 31, 1836, son of George, and grandson of John George Heinly.

David L. Heinly was educated in the public schools, and then engaged in a general store business at South Evansville from 1858 to 1867, and then went to Hamburg, where he conducted a similar establishment for four years. He then engaged in the hardware business, with his brother William, for eight years, the next four years traveled for the Bard Reber Hardware Co., Reading, and the following eighteen years for the Seltzer-Klahr Hdw. Co., of Philadelphia. He then engaged in the engraving business with his son, John E., as the Reading Engraving Company, at No. 604 Court street, and this venture, has proved a great success. Mr. Heinly belongs to St. Luke's Lutheran Church. In politics he is a Democrat, was a school director at Evansville and a councilman at Hamburg.

David L. Heinly belongs to the Masons, having joined that Order in 1869. He has been a member of the Blue Lodge since that time, and has been a Knight Templar since 1886. He is also connected with the Odd Fellows, having joined that order in 1870. The Heinly family has an association and holds annual reunions, the last few having been held at Kutztown Park. David L. Heinly is president of the association, which numbers from 500 to 600 people, and one of his sons, Harvey F. Heinly, a sketch of whom will be found elsewhere in this volume, is secretary.

John E, Heinly, his father's partner in the engraving business, was born July 8, 1867, at Hamburg. and was educated in the public schools. He learned the trade of engraver and worked at this occupation for some years in New York. starting in that business at Reading in 1890. Mr. Heinly was married May 23, 1895, to Bess Maguire, daughter of William Maguire, deceased, of Reading, and four children have been born to this union: Martha, Katheryn, Marian and David, the first two named at school. Mr. Heinly belongs to St. Luke's Lutheran Church. Like his father he is a Democrat.


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Enoch J. Heinly, the well-known miller and farmer on the Sacony Creek, about three fourths of a mile northeast of Virginville, in Greenwich township, was born Nov. 15. 1848, on this place, son of Samuel and Mary (Dreibelbis) Heinly.

David Heinly, the great-grandfather of Enoch J., was born in the Fatherland, Oct. 17, 1728, and when about twenty-one years of age he and his brother, Matthew, emigrated to the New World. Soon after his coming to America, he apparently settled in Greenwich township, where many of his descendants live to this day. He died Oct. 3, 1784, at the age of fifty-six years, leaving two sons: J. George, born June 15, 1758, who died Aug. 27, 1840; and David.

David Heinly, son of David, was born June 27, 1765, and died May 26, 1825. He was a prominent man of his day and a soldier of the War of 1812, doing service at York. His children were: Captain George, 1796-1869; Jacob D., 1798-1875; David, 1799-1863; Catherine, 1803-1869, m Nathan Hoch; John D., 1805-1880; and Samuel.

Samuel Heinly, father of Enoch J., was born Aug. 6, 1808, and died Feb. 21, 1884. In 1863 he and his brother George built Heinly's mill on the Sacony, and profitably operated it in partnership until 1866, when Samuel bought his brother's interest and continued the business until the time of his death. He was possessed of considerable property and was prominently identified with the success of his community. He was well and favorably known and he and his family were leading members of the Dunkel's Church in. Greenwich township, of which he served as an official member for many years. He married Mary Dreibelbis, daughter of Jacob Dreibelbis, and to them were born children as follows: Maria, July 19, 1837, who died July 17, 1902, m. David L. Heinly, of Reading, Pa.; Florenda, Aug. 13, 1838, died Jan. 22, 1869; Catherine, Feb. 6, 1840, m; Samuel Fegley; Esther, Feb. 27, 1841, m. John W. Adam; Amelia, Oct. 18, 1841, m. Henry W. Dietrich; Enoch J.; and Theresa, Oct. 18, 1852, m. Alfred Fink.

Enoch J. Heinly was reared on his father's farm, and obtained a liberal education in the schools of his district and at the Freeland Seminary, at Collegeville, Montgomery Co., Pa. He has owned and successfully operated Heinly's mill since 1903, having purchased it from the estate of Samuel Fegley, who had operated it since 1885. The mill is a well known landmark. He also owns the Heinly homestead, which lies in the southeastern end of Greenwich township along the famous and historical Sacony creek and consists of 108 acres of the most fertile and productive soil of the township. It is a valuable property, having large, modern, substantial buildings, and the latest improved machinery. Mr. Heinly is a heavy tax payer of the township and a man of influence and public spirit. He and his family are members of the New Jerusalem (Dunkel's) Church, being of the Lutheran denomination. He served his church as elder for many years, and has been a liberal supporter. He is a kindly, Christian gentleman, and has many friends in his community, who recognize and appreciate his many sterling traits of character.

Mr. Heinly was married May 19, 1872, to Catherine A. Dietrich, daughter of George B. and Magdalena (Heinly) Dietrich, granddaughter of Johann Christian and Elizabeth (Georg) Dietrich, and great-granddaughter of Adam and Maria Magdalena (Steinbruch) Dietrich, who in 1767 came from the Palatinate in the Fatherland. To this union there were born children as follows: (1) George S. m. Mary L. Sonday, daughter of William Sonday, and has three children, Elda, Alma and George, Jr.; (2) Charles F. m. Bertha Dietrich, daughter of Emanuel J. Dietrich, and has two children, Raymond J. and a baby girl; and (3) Harvey L. and (4) James F., at home. In politics Mr. Heinly is a Democrat, and has been a frequent delegate to county conventions.


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Harvey F. Heinly was born at Hamburg, Berks county, Pa., July 1, 1873, son of David L. and the late Maria E. (Heinly) Heinly. When he was six years old the family moved to Reading, and Mr. Heinly is therefore indebted to the excellent school system of his adopted city for his scholastic training. He graduated from the Boys' High School in June, 1890, with first honors, being the valedictorian of his class, and leaving behind him a record for most efficient scholarship, winning prizes for spelling and essay and the gold medal for oratory-in fact, all the prizes which were offered during his high school course.

Mr. Heinly at once began reading law, his preceptor being William J. Rourke, then city solicitor and assistant district attorney. Upon his admission to the Bar, Nov. 12, 1894, he became associated with his preceptor in practice, which continued with success until March, 1901, when he established himself at No. 47 North Sixth street, and has since continued in active practice there. Mr. Heinly takes a lively and intelligent interest in public and political affairs. His reputation acquired in school as an orator brought him into immediate notice with the leaders of the Democratic party, whose principles Mr. Heinly has always espoused, and he has been in demand for "stump" service in every campaign since his majority. He has frequently been called upon to do like service for the Democratic State Committee, at Lancaster, Harrisburg. Lebanon, and other places. He is a member of the Americus (Democratic) Club, the Northeastern Democratic Association and is the President of his Ward organization. He retains his interest in educational affairs, having been an organizer of and still a member of the Alumni Association of the Reading high schools, and having served two terms as its president. He is a member of the Reading Press Club, the Board of Trade, the Young Men's Christian Association, and several fraternal organizations. His religious affiliation is with St. Luke's Lutheran church, and he is connected with the Sunday-school, being the teacher of the Young Men's Bible Class for the past twelve years.

On Nov. 20, 1900. Mr. Heinly was married to Lydia I. Eckert, daughter of the late Rudolph and Lucetta Eckert. of Lebanon, Pennsylvania. The family of Mr. Heinly is one of the old families of the State. As secretary of the Heinly Family Association, he has assisted in compiling a resume of its development in this country. Well authenticated records show that the original American ancestor, David Heinly, together with a brother, came from Germany about the middle of the eighteenth century. In Rupp's "Thirty Thousand Immigrants," there appears an entry to the effect that David and Matthias Heinly landed in Philadelphia Sept. 19, 1749, having come over in the ship "Patience" from the Kingdom of Wurtemberg and the Palatinate. One of these immigrants. David, was the great-great-grandfather of the subject of this review. He received a patent for three hundred acres of land in what is now Greenwich township, the document being signed by the proprietaries of the State of Pennsylvania, July 21, 1774. In this township he passed the remainder of his days, and lies buried there in Dunkle's Church cemetery, the tombstone over his grave bearing these words, cut in the sandstone, with German words, but English letters:

"Hir ligd Dafid Heinle, ist geboren 1728 den 17 Ockober und gestorben den 3 Ockober 1784."

On the reverse side of the stone is the following from an old German Hymn, written in 1638, and appearing in the Leipsiger Gesangbuch:

"Die Kron der gerechdig-keid, Ist mein schmuck und ehrenkleid: Damid will ich for Got bestehen, Wan ich werd in himmel eingehen."

The Heinly Family Association was organized in August of 1899, the first meeting being held along Ontelaunee creek, near Virginville, on a part of the tract on which was located the homestead of the original American ancestor. Reunions are held annually, latterly at Kutztown Park, at which there are from four to five hundred members of the family present. At the Fifth Annual Reunion, Aug. 15, 1903, a handsome granite memorial in the form of an open book, symbolizing the family record, was erected adjacent to the old headstone referred to above, and was dedicated with appropriate exercises.

If to be well born is half the battle, then is victory certain for Harvey F. Heinly, since the other half will be amply cared for by the wealth of energy and alertness of mind which he has displayed. Of good lineage, happily married, and with hosts of friends, what more could any man ask of the Fates?


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William O, Heinly is the present publisher and proprietor of The Hamburg Item, published at Hamburg, Berks Co., Pa. He is a son of David L. and the late Maria Heinly, of Reading, and was born at Evansville on July 10, 1862.

The family locating in Hamburg when he was six years of age, he received his education in the public schools, leaving the high school at the age of fifteen years, to enter the office of The Item - then established but a few years by Samuel A. Focht - to learn the printer's trade. About 1880 he took a position in the office of the Reading Eagle, later working in various job printing and newspaper offices in Reading, Allentown, Minersville, and other places, until he reached the foremanship of the job department of the Reading Times.

In 1884 he associated himself with John B. Clevenstine in the commercial printing and engraving business. After six months the business was divided by mutual consent, Mr. Heinly taking the engraving branch, and he continued this for one year. On Dec. 1, 1885, he entered for the first time the editorial field, assuming the control of the Herald at Claremont, Va., where he continued for several years, returning to the foremanship of the Reading Times job department in 1887. The death of Mr. Focht, the founder of The Hamburg Item, in September, 1887, necessitated the sale of the office to close the estate. Mr. Heinly purchased the property in December of that year, and took personal control at the close of the year. During the twenty-two years of his ownership the scope and influence of The Item have widened, the paper has been enlarged from a small folio to a large quarto, the office expanding from a hand operated press to cylinder presses, with folding machine, type-setting machine and stereotyping department.

Mr. Heinly has always taken an active interest in all public matters pertaining to the development of the town of Hamburg and community. He was the prime mover through the newspaper in the organization of the Board of Trade in 1889, and has served as its secretary from its organization to the present. He is a member of the Board of Health, and its secretary; he is the registrar of District No. 227 of the Pennsylvania State Department of Health; served five years as school director, and planned the present improvement of the school grounds; he is a member of St. John's Lutheran Church and its vested choir; also of the Pennsylvania State Editorial Association, the International League of Press Clubs, and the Reading Press Club; Hamburg Council, Royal Arcanum Symmetry Lodge, I. 0. 0. F.; Arcadia Chamber. 0. K. F.; Hamburg Castle, K. G. E.; Ontelaunee Tribe, I. 0. R. M.; the Brotherhood of Odd Fellows of Boston; the Hamburg Motor Club, and the Hamburg Rod and Gun Club. He is also president of the Hamburg Gas Company, and interested in various industrial enterprises. He is the father of two children, Esther and Raymond. His wife died in February, 1903.




Col. William Heins, who died April 27, 1899, his home at Eshbach, after an illness of some six month was one of the best known men of his community, and for years had taken a prominent part in the commercial an municipal life of the town.

The Heins family was one of the best known in Philadelphia county, Pa., its early home being at Germantown. Various members of the family were active in the Revolution. The grandfather of Col. William was a farmer living near the village of Mt. Airy, now a part of Germantown. and he became one of the wealthy and influential men of that time and place. His children were: Peter: Charles Abraham; Daniel; Hettie, m. to John Siner: Sally, m. a Beecher: Sarah, deceased; and a daughter m. to Jacob Bechtel. They were all reared in the Lutheran faith.

Daniel Heins, father of Col. William, was born in Germantown, in 1779, and was reared on his father's farm. Upon reaching manhood he engaged in the hotel business becoming proprietor of the 'Washington House" in Germantown, one of the most popular public houses there. In 1824 among the distinguished guests he entertained was General LaFayette. Later in life he had charge of the 'Dove Hotel" in Mt. Airy, and also carried on farming. In his religious faith he was loyal to the teaching of his parents and he died Feb. 23. 1842. In March, 1816, he married Elizabeth Hearring, who died May 25, 1833, the mother of the following children: John, born Feb. 10, 1817, was farmer owning a part of the farm where the Norristown (Pa.) Asylum now stands; Hannah, born Nov. 18, 1819 is deceased; Susan, born Feb. 2, 1821, is deceased; Anna Margaret. born March 2, 1825, is deceased; Elizabeth, born Jan. 20, 1827, became the wife of John Guisen, of Philadelphia; Daniel, born Sept. 20, 1829, lived in Montgomery county, and there died May 25, 1858; and William.

Col. William Heins was born in Germantown July 21, 1823, and was reared upon his father's farm, receiving such education as the common schools afforded. His first venture for himself was as a clerk in a store in Sassamansville, Montgomery Co., Pa., where he remained two years. He then moved to New Berlinville, Berks county, where as a clerk and huckster he continued for but one year, then removing to Limestone, Douglass township, where he was employed in a similar line by Peter K. Ludwig. The latter then sold his business and with Col. Heins went to Amity township, and engaged in the manufacture of gunpowder with young Heins as teamster, hauling the powder from that point to Philadelphia, Lancaster, Carlisle and Chambersburg. Col. Heins continued in this business for some years after which he went to Bechtelsville, and there for five years was employed at huckstering by Isaac Bechtel. After five years in this business on his own account he bought a farm of sixty-two acres at Eshbach, carrying on general farming. He also fitted up a store in his house, and did a large and paying business among his neighbors. In December, 1894, his son Daniel succeeded to the business, and the Colonel retired to spend his last years in quiet.

In politics Col. Heins was a Democrat, and he took an active part in party work. In 1856 he was a member of the State Legislature, and was a member of the committee on Military Affairs, and it was while serving as a member of this committee that he acquired his title of Colonel. He was also a member of the Banking committee, and chairman of the committee on Roads. He played a conspicuous part in passing the bill to charter the Reading & Lehigh Railroad, running from Reading to Allentown, and now called the East Pennsylvania Railroad. He served in a number of local offices, was committeeman for Washington township for many years, and was license commissioner for four years. During the Civil war he filled the quota for his township. Like all his family he was a Lutheran in religious belief.

On Jan. 16, 1859, Col. William Heins married Anna Deysher, daughter of Peter Deysher, of Eshbach. She died July 18, 1894. The children born to this union were: Daniel, who succeeded his father to the store: Horace, a baggage master on the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad Amelia, who died in infancy; Katie, who died at an early age; William, employed in the United States Mint in Philadelphia; Mary: James and Alvin, both deceased in youth; Emma, wife of Daniel Eshbach, who has charge of the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad freight depot at Lancaster, Pa.; and Warren, on the home farm.

Miss Mary Heins, daughter of Col. William, was educated in the Keystone State Normal School, graduating in the class of 1887. For fourteen consecutive terms she taught school at Barto, and two terms at Heydt's school, in the same township. After her father's death she was obliged to give up teaching to devote herself to the management of her property, personally looking after her farm of fifty-six acres. She also owns the store building at Eshbach. Miss Heins has taken an active part in Sunday-school work. She is a great reader, and is a thoroughly educated intelligent woman, highly respected throughout her district.


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John Heisler, whose death occurred at his home in Reading, Aug. 25, 1878, aged sixty-five years, was for many years engaged in shoemaking in this city. Mr. Heisler was born in Bavaria, Germany, Oct. 11, 1812.

When a young man Mr. Heisler came to America, about 1836, and, settling in Reading, first located at "Cross Key Hotel" with Samuel Mengel then engaged in the shoemaking business, which trade he had learned in his native country, in Strassburg. He was enterprising and capable and soon made a success of his business. Mr. Heisler married Elizabeth Felix, daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth (Smith) Felix, of Reading, and to this union there were born children as follows: Mary; Caspar, born Sept. 20,1848, who married Mary Greth, and has these children,-John, Helen, Mary, Bernard, Cecelia, Annie, Amelia, Elizabeth and Laura; John; Francis; Annie; Alice; Hilda; Joseph. of Pottstown, Pa., who married Susan Ganter, of Reading. and has these children,-Gertrude, Edward, Eugene, Joseph and Marie (twins), Helen. Paul and Alice; Charles, who resides in Philadelphia, and Elizabeth. deceased. Mr. Heisler's daughters, Mary, Alice and Hilda live together in a comfortable home at No. 912 Washington street. Mr. Heisler was a faithful member of the St. Paul's Catholic Church, and took an active part in church and charitable work. He was considered one of Reading's good, reliable citizens, and his death was a loss, not only to his family and intimate friends, but to the community at large.


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Harvey S, Heistand. One of the oldest families in Pennsylvania and certainly one of the most prominent in the region of Berks county is that of Heistand. The first on record to come to America was Jacob Heistand, who emigrated in 1727. He was followed in 1731 by Johan Heistand, who was then nineteen years old. In 1752 came another Jacob Heistand, and in 1754, one Heinrich Heistand landed, and as late as 1770 came Johannes Heistand. The family are all Mennonites, and are numerous in the southeastern counties of the State. Tradition says that Jacob Heistand was the ancestor of the Berks county family, and the records of Montgomery county show that Heistands lived there as early as 1741, in which case it would seem that Jacob, who landed in 1727, was the ancestor of the family.

Jacob Heistand, great-grandfather of Harvey S., was born near Goshenhoppen. in Montgomery county. His brothers and sisters were: Christian (lived at Goshenhoppen), Maricha and Susanna were all three unmarried and lived on the original Heistand homestead and Abraham settled in Upper Milford, Lehigh county, with his brother Jacob, having a farm of sixty acres which he cultivated in connection with his trade of weaver (he m. a Borneman, and had children, Abraham, Polly, Rebecca. Anna and Catharine).

Jacob Heistand located in Upper Milford township, Lehigh county, in his young manhood. He bought a large farm of 140 acres, erected a barn before 1800, part of which is still standing. Later he purchased an adjoining farm of 111 acres. On his original tract he built a distillery which he operated many years, making both apple-jack and rye-whiskey. He was very prosperous, and at his death left a large estate, including a third farm near Peters Church. In religion he was a Mennonite, and belonged to New Zion Church, and there he and a number of his descendants are buried. He died at the age of eighty-four. His children were: (1) Nancy m. Jacob Bortz. (2) Elizabeth m. Jacob Gehman. (3) A daughter who m. John Musselman. (4) John is mentioned below. (5) David, born in 1813, obtained the 140-acre farm, and engaged in its cultivation until his death in 1881. He was a Mennonite. He married Katie Clemmer. daughter of George Clemmer,- who died in 1866. the mother of Maria William, Charles, a daughter (deceased in infancy) David C.. Elizabeth, Susan, Samuel, Nathaniel C. and Jacob. Of these children, Nathaniel C., born Dec. 1857, began farming in 1882. and in 1903 retired and moved to Chapel; in 1881 he m. Hannah B. Kratz daughter of Daniel Kratz, and they have children Hannah, Horace K., Katie, Sallie, Lizzie, and Geneva and Jennie (twins, the latter an invalid). All are Mennonites.

John Heistand, son of Jacob. was born in Upper Milford, Lehigh county, and he died aged forty-three years, and is buried at New Zionsville. He was life long farmer, living on one of the old homesteads, containing 110 acres of good land. The log house on this tract was built long ago, and was torn down about 1856, when the present stone house was built by Mrs. Elizabeth (Bechtel) Heistand, widow of John and daughter of Jacob Bechtel. John Heistand passed all his life on this farm. Like all his people he is a Mennonite. To him and his wife were born: Anna, Jacob; John died unmarried; Jonas succeeded his father on the home farm; and Levi lives at Allentown.

Jacob Heistand, son of John, and now a venerable resident of Chapel, was born in Upper Milford township, Lehigh county. Nov. 17, 1835. He attended the old day school, and his teacher's wages were 2 1/2 to 3 cents per day for each pupil. He was trained to farming, and this he followed until he retired in the spring of 1906. He began farming in 1873 on the farm in Hereford township, now tenanted by his son. This at the time he purchased it, in 1872 contained some fifty acres, but he later purchased twenty five acres more. This was an old Deysher homestead, the last of that family to own it being Joel Deysher, son of Jacob, son of Daniel, who in 1790 was the head of the family in that township, and who is buried on the farm in a private burying ground located on the line of the Jacob Heistand and Benjamin M. Grassley farms. This graveyard is now abandoned, and since 1880 has been plowed. About twenty-four persons are buried there. Jacob Heistand built the barn in 1879, and he also built all the other buildings except the house. He and his family all attended the New Zion's Mennonite Church, of which he was trustee for three years. In 1870 Jacob Heistand married Emma Stahl, daughter of Nathan and Bevvy (Albrecht) Stahl, and their children were: Harvey S.; Henry, of Lower Milford township, Lehigh county; Calvin, who died in infancy; Allen, of Hereford township; and Elmer, at home with his parents. In 1906 Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Heistand purchased a home at Chapel, where they are now living retired.

Harvey S. Heistand, son of Jacob, was born in Upper Milford township, Lehigh county, May 26, 1870. He attended the common school in Hereford township, Berks county, to which place his parents moved in 1873. He was reared to farming pursuits, and in the spring of 1892 began farming in Hereford township on his father-in-law's farm, and this he cultivated for fourteen years. In the spring of 1906 he came to his father's farm, and this has since been his home. He has eighty acres under good cultivation, and he keeps four horses and twenty-one head of cattle. In politics Mr. Heistand is a Republican, and in religion is a member of the New Zion's Mennonite Church, of which he has served as a deacon. On Jan. 16, 1892, he married Agnes A. Heil, daughter of Samuel D. Heil, and they have one daughter, Verna M.

On the farm whereon Mr. Heistand is now living was old silk mill, which was abandoned about 1855. Dr. Joel Y. Shelly was president of the Company. The building was then used as a barn, but was torn down in 1897 and replaced by the present more modern structure. The old building was of frame, and stood abut sixty yards southeast of the new barn.


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The Heizmanns are of distinguished German ancestry, the earliest of whom anything definite is known being one who was knighted by King Otto for distinguished services in the battle of Lechfeld, in 955, between Germany and Hungary. The family name, indicative of valor, was bestowed upon him and also the castle and lands of Schadeck. From him descended those gallant knights and brave warriors who, in response to the appeal of Peter the Hermit, at the close of the eleventh century, formed a part of the first crusade of the Christians who, with the cry "Deus vult" (God wills it), marched victoriously to Palestine and rescued the Holy Sepulchre. In the vicissitudes of fortune, the family has at times attained the highest distinction, while again it has met with adversity, only to rise again to its previous height. One of the family was Hofmarschall to Kaiser Albrecht I, another became Archbishop of Mayence, and another Stadt Syndicus of Cologne. During the Thirty Years' war, in which Germany was assailed by foreign foes and greatly torn by domestic dissensions, one branch of the family sought refuge in the famous Black Forest.

Charles Lawrence Heizmann, the founder of the family in America, was descended from this branch of Heizmanns. He was born in Lenzkirch, in the Grand Duchy of Baden, Germany, Aug. 6, 1802. He was educated at Neufchatel, Switzerland. At the age of thirty years he came to America on the ship "Marcus," sailing from Rotterdam March 12, 1832, with the intention of making a business trip. After touching at the island of Fayal, one of the Azores, on June 13th, the ship arrived in July off Long Island, where it was learned that cholera was raging in New York City. The passengers were landed at Sag Harbor, L. I., on July a12th, and thence Mr. Heizmann proceeded to Philadelphia, where he remained for some time. Being favorably impressed with the country, its people and its form of government, he concluded not to return to Europe, and therefore located in Reading, Pa., where many Germans had previously settled, and where he established himself in business as an importer and dealer in musical instruments and musical merchandise. Like most educated Germans he was an accomplished musician and linguist, speaking, besides his native tongue, English, French and Italian. He became interested in the industrial development of his adopted city, and with characteristic German foresight was instrumental in the formation of the Reading German Building and Savings Fund Association, the first building society in Reading, of which he was chosen president. The charter was granted Sept. 18, 1848. He was Roman Catholic in religious faith, holding membership in the church on South Fifth street, of which he served as trustee. Mr. Heizmann died in Reading July 3, 1859.

On April 22, 1834, Mr. Heizmann was united in marriage with Mary Cecilia Eichhorn, daughter of John Francis Eichhorn and Eva Siegfried, whose ancestors settled in Berks county in 1755. All of their children were born in the old family home, on the southeast corner of Sixth and Penn streets, Reading. Mrs. Heizmann was one of a family of five children, namely: Anna, who married a New England schoolmaster, Jonathan Dwight; John Francis, who was married to Matilda Miller (both died at an early age, leaving two daughters, Alice and Ann); Ellen, who married Charles Troxell, postmaster of Reading under the Harrison-Tyler administration, and a collector of the Port of Philadelphia under the Taylor-Fillmore administration; Mary Cecilia; and Theresa, who married Dr. Adolphus Lippe, a son of the Count of Lippe-Weissenfeldt, Germany, and a member of the Lippe-Detmold family. Six sons and two daughters were born to Mr. and Mrs. Heizmann and this family has been influential and active in both professional and industrial circles in Berks county for many years. Charles Raymond and Theodore Ignatius are mentioned below. Francis Joseph, born Aug. 14, 1841, died Oct. 22, 1849. Cecilia Eve was born June 2, 1844. Dr. Charles Lawrence and Albert Aloysius are mentioned below. Mary Ann, born Nov. 4, 1853, became the wife of James A. O'Reilly, Esq., a prominent attorney of Reading. Aloysius Adolphus, born Sept. 27, 1858, died Feb. 17, 1859.

Charles Raymond Heizmann was born in Reading Jan. 23, 1835, and received his education in private schools and at St. Mary's College, Wilmington, Del.

When only fifteen he entered his father's store to receive a business training. His father allowed the boy to undertake many responsible duties, in the performance of which he not only showed great interest, but also developed self-confidence and executive ability. He was often sent to buy goods in Philadelphia, and early displayed the traits which have since brought him into such prominence in the commercial world. When his father died he assumed control of the business, which he purchased from the estate in 1865, conducting it alone from that time to 1870, when he received his brother Albert into partnership in the business. The old business was continued successfully, and in 1877 they made a new departure, establishing the Penn Hardware Works. The ran both businesses for two years, at the end of that time finding the new enterprise so promising that they disposed of the store in order to give all their time to the hardware works.

The Penn Hardware Works were first located in a small building on Front street, which the firm leased, and employment was given to ten hands. As the business grew and more space was required, they purchased four acres of land at the foot of Spruce street, between the canal and the Schuylkill river, erecting thereon a convenient building, which met the demands of the business at that time. But it continued to expand with undreamed-of rapidity, so that the new structure proved inadequate, and additions were needed so much sooner than the proprietors had anticipated. These were made from time to time until all the four acres were covered with substantial brick buildings. Then adjacent property was secured, and in 1906 a new building 60 x 100 feet in dimensions, and four stories in height, was erected, ready for occupancy Jan. 1, 1907. It is very modern in every respect, and completes a block of buildings which make the Penn Hardware Works one of the largest plants in the United States. The first floor of this new building is used as a store room, the other three floors being used exclusively for plating. The company now manufactures its own gas, for fuel and lighting, a two-story building, 30x80 feet, having been erected for the gas plant. There are six engines in the establishment, two gasoline engines of 60 and 33 horse-power, respectively, a steam engine of 150, one of 30 and one of 120 horse-power, and a new gas engine of 150 horse-power. A new warehouse, seven stories in height and 60 x 120 feet in dimensions, is now (1908) under course of construction. Seven hundred and fifty hands constitute the present working force, which is frequently taxed to the utmost and working overtime. The company is extensively engaged in manufacturing a general line of builder's hardware, and the product is sold all over the United States, Europe and Australia. Ten carloads of frame pulleys were made for the rebuilding of San Francisco. Orders are constantly being received which insure the activity of the plant for months ahead.

Mr. C. Raymond Heizmann is not only a man of excellent talent, but he has mechanical tastes which have developed under the necessities of business, and he has designed much of the machinery and many of the appliances in use at the works, and is a patentee of a number of the articles manufactured by the company. The most successful of these articles was a plug tobacco cutter. After sharp competition with the leading manufacturers of the country Mr. Heizmann secured a contract from the Lorillard's of New York for twenty thousand of these small machines, highly finished in nickel plate and bronze. The Penn Hardware Company was incorporated in April, 1896, with a paid-up capital of $415,000, and with Mr. C. Raymond Heizmann as its president, which position he has occupied since the commencement of the enterprise. An establishment of such magnitude confers untold benefits upon the community in which it is located, and the large showing made by the employes in the industrial parade during the Sesqui-Centennial of Reading, celebrated in June, 1898, gave some indication of the number of people directly benefited by profitable and steady employment at this plant. The number has since been increased about fifty per cent. Mr. Heizmann took great interest in the celebration, and gave his influence and active aid toward making it a success, serving as a member of the executive committee and chairman of the insignia committee.

On June 9, 1874, Mr. Heizmann was married to Mary M. Miller, daughter of Lewis and Mary A. (Dickson) Miller, and the became the parents of the following children: Mary A., Mary Cecilia, Raymond L., Lewis J., Flora R., Charles Raymond, Jr., Francis Edward and Theodora. Their home is at No. 318 North Fifth street, Reading.

Theodore Ignatius Heizmann was born in Reading Dec. 14, 1838. He attended the private schools of the city and later Mount St. Mary's College, at Emmitsburg, Md., where he remained two years, after which he entered the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute at Troy, N. Y., in 1856. He graduated in 1859, with the degree of civil engineer, and for several months thereafter was engaged as assistant to the topographer of the preliminary survey of the Reading & Columbia railroad, and in a similar capacity of the survey of a line between Easton and Nazareth. In March, 1860, he became a member of the engineer corps of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and by his industry and ability won such rapid promotion that in March, 1861, he became assistant engineer. In March, 1864, he became principal assistant engineer, and in February, 1865, became resident engineer of the Middle division, from Harrisburg to Altoona, his office being at the latter place. In January, 1868, he became resident engineer of the Philadelphia division, between Philadelphia and Harrisburg, with office at Philadelphia. In April, 1870, his office was changed back to Altoona, when he was made engineer of maintenance of way of the main line between Philadelphia and Pittsburg. In January, 1872, he was appointed chief engineer of maintenance of way of all lines of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company between New York City and Pittsburg, and as such had his office at Philadelphia until his retirement in 1874. Mr. Heizmann has not devoted himself particularly to any line of work since, spending much of his time in foreign travel. He takes keen enjoyment in music and even during his active business career kept up his musical studies for the love of the art. He was vice-chairman of the music committee during the Sesqui-Centennial celebration in June, 1898, and wrote the music for the hymn sung on the occasion. He has been vice-president and a director of the Penn Hardware Company since its incorporation. In 1892-93 he built the St. Cecilia Memorial Chapel at the northwest corner of Perkiomen avenue and Spruce street, as a memorial to his mother.

Picture of C. L. HeizmanDr. Charles Lawrence Heizmann, who spent all of his professional life from the age of twenty-one in the United States army as assistant surgeon, surgeon and assistant sturgeon general, was born April 15, 1846, in Reading, where he obtained his intellectual training in the public schools. After his graduation from the Reading high school he entered the University of Georgetown, which institution conferred on him the degree of Bachelor of Arts. He was then prepared for the medical profession in the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania, graduating therefrom in his twenty-first year, after which he applied for admission to the medical corps of the army, being on of the four chosen of several hundred candidates. In the army service his service has been an active and a brilliant one. He first saw service in the Modoc war on the Western frontier, and the reminiscences of thrilling adventures which he oftentimes relates are very interesting. He accompanied the party making the first survey of Yellowstone Park, and during his service has been stationed at the following posts: San Antonio, Texas; Fort Vancouver; Fort Douglass; Salt Lake City, Utah; Fort Niagara; West Point; Bedloe's Island in New York Harbor; Fort Ontario at Oswego; Fort Adams, Newport, R. I.; at the Presidio, San Francisco, Cal., arriving there just after the great earthquake and fire of 1906; and at Manila, in the Philippines, in charge of the Medical Department of those Islands. Some years ago, Colonel Heizmann was honored by the War Department with a semi-official mission to Europe to inspect the military hospitals of the principal nations of the Continent. He made a careful study of their systems and upon his return published a book upon the subject which is really a work of merit, and has gained him much praise from the physicians of this country. Besides being a work of literary value it has resulted in much benefit to the hospitals of our country, owing to its completeness and exactness of detail. He retired from the army in the year 1908 with the rank of Assistant Surgeon General.

Albert Aloysius Heizmann was born in Reading Sept. 11, 1848, and was educated in the private school of Reading, St. Mary's College, Wilmington, Del., and at the University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Ind., graduating there in the English and commercial course in 1865. In the same year he entered the store of his brother, Charles Raymond, at the corner of Sixth and Penn streets, Reading, and in 1870 he became an equal partner in the business. they were jewelers and importers of musical instruments and merchandise. In 1877 the two brothers, as equal partners, established the Penn Hardware Works, for the manufacture of the builders' hardware, and in 1879 disposed of the store and devoted their whole attention to the new enterprise. In April, 1896, it was incorporated as the Penn Hardware Company with a paid-up capital of $415,000. Albert A. Heizmann was elected treasurer of the company. That the business has been a success is evidenced by the fact that the annual statement of Jan. 1, 1908, showed a surplus fund greater then the original capital.

In addition to his work as a member of the Penn Hardware Company, Mr. Heizmann took a great interest in municipal affairs, having been a member of common council from 1878 to 1880, and of select council from 1882 to 1885. In February, 1885, he was elected a member of the board of water commissioners, and was chosen president of the board in 1891, which position he held until Feb. 16, 1892, when he resigned. Mr. Heizmann was a director of the Keystone National Bank for a number of years. Owing to his continued ill health, which compelled him to live in the South the greater part of the year, he resigned as treasurer of the Penn Hardware Company Jan. 1, 1901, but still remained a director. He died June 14, 1909.

On Sept. 3, 1874, Mr. Heizmann married Jane, daughter of Isaac and Mary (Sterling) May, of Shamokin, Pa. The had children as follows: Mary May, born June 27, 1875; Charles Lawrence, born Oct. 18, 1877; William Albert, born Sept. 15, 1882; Henry, born Sept. 15, 1882 (died in infancy); Edith Cecilia, born Nov. 24, 1887; Theodore, born Nov. 13, 1889.

William A. Heizmann, treasurer and sales manager of the Penn Hardware Company, of Reading, is proving his right to a position in the foremost business circles of the city. The name Heizmann stands for all that is substantial, up-to-date and honorable in the local industrial field. Various representatives of the family have won their way to unquestioned standing, and to the younger generation falls the no less difficult task of maintaining the high standard of their elders and of infusing new aims and new energy into the business whose development has been the pride and the life work of its founders. The Penn Hardware Company, Manufacturers of Locks & Builders Hardware, owned, officered and managed chiefly by members of the Heizmann families, is one of the solid institutions of Reading. Mr. Heizmann was born in Reading Sept. 15, 1882, and received his early training in the private and public schools of the city, graduating from the high school with distinction in the year 1900. He then continued his studies at Harvard University, where he won a Harvard College Honorary Scholarship, completing in three years the work required for the Bachelor of Arts Degree. In 1904 he was graduated from Harvard with distinction. He then took charge of the foundry department of the Penn Hardware Company, within a short time was appointed assistant treasurer, and in 1905 was elected treasurer, which office he has since held. In addition to the duties which fall to him in that capacity he also has been given charge of the sales department, a measure of responsibility which reflects credit upon the promise which he has already shown.

On Oct. 3, 1906, Mr. Heizmann married Miss Ada Lotz Leinbach, a daughter of A. Ellsworth and Mary A. (Lotz) Leinbach, members of prominent Berks county families elsewhere mentioned. Mr. and Mrs. Heizmann reside at No. 202 Windsor street. They have one child, Anne Leinbach, born Sept. 9, 1907. Mr. Heizmann is a member of St. Peter's Catholic Church, and socially belongs to the Berkshire Country Club and is secretary of the Harvard Club of Reading.

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