p. 1431
Charles F. Graul, who carries on a copper, tin and sheet metal working business, making a specialty of tin roofing, metal work, roof painting and roof repairing, with place of business at No. 905 North Ninth street, is one of Reading's enterprising young men. He was born April 20, 1879, at Reading, Pa., son of George Frank and Catherine (Stark) Graul.
Capt. Jacob Graul, the great-great-grandfather of Charles F. Graul, was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, was a prisoner in 1776 and was exchanged in December of that year.
John Graul, the great-grandfather of Charles F., was born about 1783 and died at Reading, in 1858. He was buried in the Reformed cemetery but his remains were later transferred to the Charles Evans cemetery. His wife, Mary Byerle, was born in Europe and came with her parents to America, when twelve years of age. John and Mary Graul had the following children: John died unmarried; Henry m. Abigail Rush, and had one son, John, and one daughter, Joanna (m. William Behm, for many years was proprietor of the "Mineral Spring Hotel"); Samuel B.; and Elizabeth M. m. William Fricker, residing at Reading.
Samuel B. Graul, grandfather of Charles F., was born at Reading, Pa., June 27, 1801, and died in the same city, in 1880. He was a cabinet-maker by trade and for many years kept a hotel at Eighth and Washington streets, owning considerable property in that vicinity. He lived in what was called in those days the "Hounds Ward" and he kept many dogs himself and with them attended fox chases, a general sport of the time. He was very strict as to the morality of his public house and when the hour of nine came in the evening, it was his custom to say "Boys it is time to go home. I must close my place." He was a man of fine personal appearance and when but a boy served with General Keim, during the War of 1812, and later received a pension in acknowledgment of his services. He was a member of the Reformed Church. In political sentiment, he was a strong Democrat and his last vote was cast for Gen. Winfield S. Hancock, for President of the United States.
Samuel B. Graul married Sarah Maltzberger, born May 23, 1801, and died June 27, 1872. She was a daughter of John Maltzberger. They had nine children, as follows: William M., residing at Reading; Margaret, wife of Francis Melon; Peter, residing at Reading; Mary Ann, wife of William Sailor; Elizabeth, wife of Abraham V. R. Hill; Sarah, wife of Daniel S. Leeds; Emma, wife of John Hensel; Amanda, wife of John P. Dauth; and George F., who resided at Reading, until his death. Feb. 21,1894.
George F. Graul, was born at Reading, Nov. 21, 1845, and at the time of his death was aged forty-nine years, three months. After he left school he worked in the rolling mill until he was twenty-one years of age and then learned the tin and sheet metal trade and engaged in the same, employing eight or nine men in his shops. He married Catherine Stark, whose father and mother were born in Germany, and to them were born the following children: Samuel; Annie, who married John Nevin, of Reading; Catherine, residing in New York; Charles F. and Howard, both residents of Reading.
Charles F. Graul obtained his education in the public schools of Reading and was only eight years old when he became a newspaper boy and worked as such until he was ten years old, when he commenced to learn the tin and sheet metal trade with his father, whom he succeeded in business. Mr. Graul has successfully conducted a mechanical and mercantile business and assumed the care of his widowed mother and family from his fifteenth year to the present day. Mr. Graul now carries on a large business and keeps from five to seven men constantly employed. He carries a good line of stock including hot air furnaces. He has attained his success by hard work and attending strictly to business. He owns his own home and his place of business is one entirely adequate to his needs. He is a member of the Board of Trade.
For two and a half years Mr. Graul promoted physical culture work in the city of Reading. In the winter of 1905-06 he had a class of eighty men and boys to whom he gave army drill and gymnastic exercises. He has always been interested in the advancement of social and athletic teachings and a past master at waltzing, having captured first prize in all contests he entered from the year 1896.
Mr. Graul is married to Carrie, daughter of Joseph and Helen (Isele) Beil, of Germany. One daughter has been born to this union, Helen Marie, born Jan. 31, 1909. Mr. Graul is temperate in his habits and is of an aggressive disposition and has been so ever since he has attained his manhood. He has always been an active worker in the interests of the Democratic party. He is connected with the Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 66. Northeastern Democratic Association, the Reading Physical Culture Club of which he is president, Philharmonic Band Association and Excelsior Club.
p. 695
George Graul, deceased, a contractor and builder in Reading, was born in Berks county, Pa., in 1799. His father was Jacob Graul, who lived many years in Reading and finally passed away there.
George Graul learned the trade of a brick-layer in his youth, but later worked into the contracting and building line, following that successfully for a number of years. During his last years in business he gave up the building line and instead was engaged in trucking.
Mr. Graul married Miss Elizabeth Ege, and their wedded life continued till the death of Mrs. Graul in 1863, at the age of sixty-one. Her husband survived her till June 2, 1877, when he, too, passed away at the advanced age of seventy-eight. They left a number of children, as follows: Rebecca, widow of William Bingaman, residing in Reading; Sevilla, deceased wife of Michael Sands; Katie, deceased; Rev. Amos, deceased, a minister of the United Brethren Church, located at the time of his death at Pine Grove, Schuylkill county (he m. Sevilla Kern); Mary, born July 29, 1825, residing at No. 315 Moss street, Reading, in which neighborhood she has lived for sixty years; Elizabeth, Mrs. Daniel Graeff, of Reading (she has four children: Emily, Bessie, Mary and George); and Abeline, who died in infancy. The family has always been one held in much respect in the community.
p. 848
William Graul, justice of the peace of Muhlenberg township, and residing at Temple, Pa., was born in Reading, July 27, 1846, son of William M. Graul, and a member of a family that for several generations has been distinguished in the military service of the country. Samuel B. Graul, grandfather of William L., was a well known and popular hotel man, his hostelry being located at the present site of the high school building on the northeast corner of Eighth and Washington streets, Reading. This he operated for twenty-four years. In the war of 1812 he served with the Reading Washington Guards, under Capt. Daniel De B. Keim, going to the defense of Philadelphia in 1814. He died in 1882, at the age of eighty-one. His wife, Sarah Maltzberger, bore him the following children: William M., father of William L.; Peter; Mary Ann (m. William Sailor); Elizabeth (m. Abram Hill); Emma (m. John Henzel); Amanda (m. John P. Dauth); Margaret (m. Frank Mellon); and Sarah (m. Daniel Leeds). The family all were reared in the faith of the Reformed Church, and in politics Mr. Graul was a Democrat.
William M. Graul, son of Samuel B., was a bricklayer by trade, and he followed that calling to within ten years of his death, when he retired. During the Civil war he responded to his country's call, becoming a private in Durell's Independent Artillery, Battery D, and serving three years, being mustered in Sept. 10, 1862, and mustered out at the close of hostilities, June 13, 1865. In politics he was a stanch Democrat, but was never active in party work. He married Barbara Leese, daughter of Peter Leese, and their children were: Henry L., who served four years as a member of Durell's Independent Artillery, m. Rebecca Eyler, and lives in Reading; William L.; Sarah m. John Baus, and both are deceased; Clara m. the late John Fox; Frank, who is foreman for the A. Wilhelm Paint Company, m. Matilda Seidel, now deceased; Annie m. John Bibbus. The family all united with the Lutheran Church, and became active in its work.
William L. Graul was born in an old log house on Eighth street, between Washington and Penn streets, Reading. His earlier education was acquired in a school held in an old stone house, situated where is now the Hampton Reservoir, a locality known in the old days as Helltown. The master Dewald Paff, paid a great deal of attention to discipline, and his favorite mode of punishment was to make his pupils sit astride a wooden horse, made painfully sharp. Mr. Graul later attended school at Tenth and Washington streets, but at the age of eleven left to begin work as a tobacco stripper for F. S. Bickley, then doing business on Penn street. There he remained two years, and at thirteen found work in the brick yard of Michael Sands and J. H. Printz. He was also similarly engaged for Daniel Kline, Reuben Drexel and for Daniel Graul and J. H. Printz. In 1862 he was working as a bartender for William Rapp. When the war broke out in 1861, he tried to enlist, but was rejected on account of his small stature. In July, 1862, he succeeded in getting as far as Harrisburg with the 128th Pa. V.I., but was again rejected. In November 1862, when the draft took place, he was offered $300 to go as a substitute, but Mr. Graul declared if he went to war, it would be as a volunteer, then if he were shot no one could say he had gone for money. In January, 1863, he procured a lot of leather, and made himself heels sufficiently high to bring his height to that required by regulations, and at the recruiting office added a couple of years to his age. All went well until asked if he had the consent of his parents. His father and brother were already at the front, and he was the only one at home. Naturally the mother was unwilling, but after a ruse the sergeant who had accompanied young William home to see her, obtained her consent, and on Jan. 24, 1863, he was duly enrolled in Battery K, 3d Pennsylvania Artillery, and sent to Fortress Monroe, Va. From there he was sent with different exploring parties on light gun boats to watch smugglers, and was detailed for service on the Smith Point Light Ship at the mouth of the Potomac river and Chesapeake Bay, and also to guard the telegraph cable running from Newport News to Sewells Point, Va. In April, 1864, orders were issued from the war Department directing a call to be made from the 3d Artillery for volunteers to form a new regiment, afterward known as the 88th. Mr. Graul was one of the first to volunteer, and he was assigned to Company I as a corporal, being detailed one of the color guards. He participated in the following engagements: Bermuda Hundred, May 4-6, 1864; siege of Petersburg, 82 days; Port Walthall, May 6-7, 1864; Swift Creek, May 9, 1864; destruction of Richmond & Petersburg railroad, May 10, 11, 12 and 13, 1864; Proctor's Creek, May 13, 1864; Fort Darling, May 14-15, 1864; Drury's Bluff, May 16, 1864; Front of Bermuda Hundred, May 17-31, 1864; Forstre's Plantation, May 18, 1864; Weir Bottom Church, May 21, 1864; Cold Harbor, June 1-12, 1864; flank movement from Petersburg to Richmond, June 16-18, 1864; mine explosion and "battle of the crater," July 30, 1864; capture of Fort Harrison and Chapin's Farm, Sept. 29-30, 1864. At the fight at Fort Harrison, which was firmly entrenched on a high bluff and bristling with cannon, the Federal troops charged at double-quick through a long stretch of open country, in spite of the rain of shot and shell from the enemy. Within fifty yards of the fort was a small ravine, stretching all along the front, and here the line was reformed. The fire was desperate and to go forward meant heavy slaughter, but the pause was only momentary, and the brave boys in blue pushed on and carried the works. While charging up the hill the color-bearer was killed, but before the flag was down Color-guard William L. Graul had seized it, thrown away his gun, and pushed on up to the fort. He jumped into the ditch at the fort, and with the aid of the flag staff crawled out, planted the stars and stripes beside the stars and bars. The Secretary of War presented him with a medal of honor, and he was promoted to color sergeant of the regiment. As such he took part in the battle of Fair Oaks, Oct. 27-28, 1864; and in the tobacco raid at Fredericksburg. He was sergeant for the Freedmen's Bureau in Nelson county, Va., Dec. 14, 1865.
Returning home Mr. Graul worked for Mr. John Lawrence in the stone quarry on the Long farm, and later was engaged at the Pipe Mill. In 1869 he began brick making, but in the fall of that year, Mr. Lawrence, his former employer, who was a police officer, came into the yard and asked him if he would not like to go on the police force. Through Mr. Lawrence's influence, the mayor, Mr. W. H. Gernand, overlooked Mr. Graul's lack of inches, and made the appointment. Under Mayor Samuel Mayers he became first sergeant of police. In 1874 Mr. Graul became a candidate for constable on the Democratic ticket, and was elected with a majority of 946. He was the first county detective under District Attorney H. C. G. Reber. In February, 1878, he was elected alderman of the Eighth ward, an office he ably filled for five years. At the present time he is supervisor of Muhlenberg township, and secretary of the board.
In March, 1883, Mr. Graul purchased the "Templer Hotel." which he conducted until April 1, 1905, a period of twenty-two years. He became well known to the traveling public, and the regular patrons of the hotel regretfully saw him retire. In 1907 he was elected justice of the peace in Muhlenberg township.
Mr. Graul has been twice married. His first wife was Mary Goodman, daughter of Lewis and Rebecca Goodman. She died Dec. 24, 1874. Five children were born of this union: (1) Emma married Joseph D. Martin. (2) R. William married May Myers. He served five years in the United States Marine Corps, and was in Cuba, when the Spaniards surrendered. He served in the Philippines and when sent to China was one of the first to scale the walls of Tientsin. He is now engaged in keeping a hotel at Reading. (3) Edward L., chief train dispatcher for the P. & R. railroad, at Reading, married Jennie Yoder. (4) John served five years in the United States Marine Corps. He married Maude Smith. (5) Susan married Morris Fink, a dairyman at Temple. Mr. Graul married (second) Oct. 31, 1876, Fredericka Kirmse. No children were born to this union. Fraternally Mr. Graul belongs to St. John's Lodge, No. 435, F. & A. M.; Reading Lodge, No. 115, B. P. O. E.; and Washington Camp, No. 107, P. O. S. of A., of Temple, of which he was an organizer and charter member and treasurer since its organization.
p. 1243
Surnames: GREEN
Hon. Henry D. Green, President of the corporation publishing the Reading Telegram, and long prominent in public life as a member of the State Legislature and as a representative of the Berks-Lehigh district in Congress, was born in Reading in 1857, and is descended from some of the earliest settlers of Berks county.
Mr. Green was educated in the public schools and graduated from the high school in 1872, and in 1877 he was graduated from the academic department of Yale College. He was admitted to the Bar in 1879, and has since been in active practice. He was admitted to practice in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania in 1880, and in the United States Supreme Court in 1900. Throughout his long practice he has been identified with many important legal battles, and he has taken a prominent part in public affairs. In 1882 he was elected to represent the city of Reading in the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania, and served two terms, or until 1887. In 1888 he was elected to the State Senate, where he continued until 1897. The year 1898, marked by the Spanish-American war, found him as captain of Company G, 9th Pa. Vols. The war over he returned to Reading, and in 1899 was elected to the LVIth Congress, to represent the Berks-Lehigh district, and he capably served his constituents there until 1903. Upon the close of his Congressional service, he, with other prominent citizens, purchased the Reading Telegram, a daily newspaper which is in successful operation with Mr. Green as president of the corporation.
Mr. Green was one of the organizers of the Reading Real Estate Exchange, a most successful business enterprise, which has erected a large number of houses, and pressed forward many real estate operations that have been for the development of the best interests of the city. He is a member of the University Club; Pen and Pencil Club, of Philadelphia; Wyomissing Club; Berkshire Country Club; Press Club, and many others.
William Green, great-great-grandfather of the Hon. Henry D. Green, was of Quaker faith, and emigrated from County Cork, Ireland, in 1760, setting in Maxatawny township, Berks county, Pa., where he carried on a large mercantile business. He was burgess of Reading in 1788, and assessor in 1792.
William Green (2), son of William, was born in Maiden-creek township in 1777. In 1811 he was selected as the first sheriff of Schuylkill county, then cut off from Berks, and lived in Orwigsburg. Shortly afterward, however, he removed to Reading.
John Green, son of William (2), came to Reading about 1810, and served as register of wills and as recorder.
Albert G. Green, son of John and father of Henry D., was born in Reading in 1828. He graduated from Yale in 1849, and for over fifty years was a leading lawyer, and in the early days of the public school system was closely identified with the progress of education, serving for many years as a member of the school board and for a time as president of that body. The creating of an Orphans' Court for the county in 1883, the location of the Chronic Insane Asylum at Wernersville, the building of the Reading Hospital, the building up of the Keystone State Normal School by procuring State appropriation, the building of the United States post-office at Allentown, all remain as monuments to Mr. Green's useful citizenship.
p. 1619
Benjamin F. Greenawald, owner of Windsor Castle, the only hotel and store stand in Windsor township, Berks Co., Pa., was born Sept. 13, 1858, on his father's farm in the township where he now lives, and where he has spent his entire life.
The ancestor of the Greenawald family in America, Jacob Greenawald, was a German Palatinate and came to America in the ship "Lydia," Sept. 29, 1741, being then eighteen years of age and unmarried. He had a son, Peter, the great-grandfather of Benjamin F. This Peter had at least two sons: Henry, the grandfather of Benjamin, and John, who settled in Albany township, near the Pinnacle and had issue: Joseph, Abraham, Jacob, Amos, Samuel, Dinah, Leah and Lessena.
Henry Greenawalt, grandfather of Benjamin F., was an extensive farmer and tanner in Greenwich township, owning the large farm now in the possession of Samuel Baver. He was a well known man of his day and was in comfortable circumstances when he died. He was married to a Miss Bower, who bore him six children: Charles m. Polly Dietrich; Polly m. Jacob Nagel; Henry; Samuel for many years was proprietor of the Lenhartsville Hotel; Jacob lived at Ashland, Pa.; and George settled at Schuylkill Haven, where many Greenawalts live to this day.
Henry Greenawald was born March 21, 1825, and died aged sixty-two years. He was a laborer and owned a small tract of land in Windsor township, where he spent his life, being buried at St. Paul's Church. He was married to Elizabeth Zettelmayer, daughter of George Michael and Elizabeth Zettelmayer. These children were born to them: Isabella m. Charles Frey; Emma m. James Nunnamacher; Benjamin F.; Katie m. John Zimmerman; Mary and Lizzie, who died young; Ida m. John Graver; Lena m. William Herman; Annie m. William Thomas; Wilson m. Cora Ruff; and Jacob, Charles and Alberta, who died young.
Benjamin F. Greenawald obtained a limited education in the common schools, and worked upon the farm until he was of age. He then worked in the stone and slate quarries and ore mines for seven years, and in 1886 engaged in the butchering business, which he has profitably followed ever since. In 1887 he bought a small farm of twenty-two acres, on which he conducted his business, and in 1899 purchased the farm, hotel and store of Windsor Castle, which was for many years the property of Mahlon Sellers. Mr. Greenawald paid $7,600 for the property when the old buildings were still standing, the old frame and log hotel having stood for considerably over a century. In 1900 the old stand was replaced by a modern, three-story brick building 70x40 feet, with suitable rear buildings. The hotel, one of the most imposing structures in the county, contains a good number of rooms, has all of the modern improvements and is well adapted for the accommodation of summer boarders. For the past several years boarders from near and far have spent their vacations here, not far from the well known Crystal Cave and the historical "Hecksa Dans" (The Witches Dancing Hall). This place is in a field and is about twenty feet in diameter. No vegetation grows upon it and old settlers say that witches used to gather there at night and ride around on broom-sticks. Lights were often seen there at all hours of the night. On the site of the old historical Windsor Castle Hotel, Mr. Greenawald has erected a two and one-half story double frame dwelling house, one half being occupied by his family and the other tenanted. He has otherwise much improved the place. Windsor Castle is famous in history. It is an old German settlement and many interesting incidents are related about it. During the operation of the old Windsor furnace, considerable trading was done here, and stories relating to pow-wowing, witchcraft and ghosts center around this place. It is situated near the Blue Mountains, surrounded by God's purest atmosphere. The store stand is one of the oldest and best in northern Berks county. Mr. Greenawald is a Democrat in politics, and he and his family worship at St. Paul's Church, belonging to the Lutheran denomination.
On May 20, 1887, Mr. Greenawald was united in marriage with Rufena Yaeger, daughter of Daniel and Lovina (Reber) Yeager, and to this union there were born children as follows: Harvey, Charles, George, Minnie, Mamie, Benjamin, Annie, Lizzie and Irwin.
p. 1588
In Albany township are found many descendants of the emigrant Jacob Greenawalt, and in that locality at least one place, Greenawald Station, perpetuates the name. It is variously spelled Greenawalt and Greenawald.
(1) Jacob Greenawalt, born in Switzerland, came to America in 1738, and upon his arrival at Philadelphia was sold as a redemptioner to a man named Schuler. In 1741 he married Elizabeth Filhower, a native of Germany, then of Montgomery county, Pa. In 1742 he and his wife located in Weisenburg township, Northampton (now Lehigh) county, Pa., where he claimed several hundred acres of land, upon which he erected a gristmill, oil mill and tanyard. He prospered at this place, where were born his six children, four sons and two daughters, namely: Jacob, Johannes, Abraham, George, Mrs. Grim and Mrs. Barbara Weise. All of these reared families of their own. The pioneer and his wife are buried at Ziegel's Church, while others of the family are interred at Seiberlingville, and some at Jacob's Church, Jacksonville, Lehigh county. The Greenawalts are a strong, robust and healthy race, and many have attained ripe old age.
(II) Jacob Greenawalt, son of the pioneer, was born in 1751, and married Maria Stambauch. In 1784 he bought 142 acres of land from J. Sutter, in Greenwich township, and there he spent the remainder of his life, dying at this place in 1839, in his eighty-ninth year. He had built a tannery on this property, which he operated. In 1836 he sold this tract to his son Peter, who in 1884 sold it to his son Henry, the present owner. Jacob Greenawalt and his son Henry and daughter Barbara are buried at Becker's St. Peter's Church, in Richmond township, Berks county. To Jacob and Maria (Stambauch) Greenawalt were born four sons and five daughters, namely: Jacob, Henry, Christian, Peter, Elizabeth, Susanna, Sabina, Barbara and Maria. Of these, Jacob Greenawalt married Elizabeth Schollenberger, and they had one son and three daughters, the son dying in infancy. The daughters were: Sarah, Elizabeth and Catharine.
Henry Greenawalt married Silben Bote, and they had eight children: Adam, Jacob, Charles (m. Polly Dietrich) Nathan, Samuel, John (died in infancy), Henry and Polly (Nagel).
Christian Greenawalt located near Frederick, in Maryland. He reared a family of four sons and three daughters, the eldest son being Rev. Emanuel Greenawalt, a Lutheran minister of note. The others were: Isaac, Israel, David; and two of the daughters married a man named Zimmerman.
Peter Greenawalt was born on the old home in Greenwich township and there spent his entire life. He married Elizabeth Hummel, and all but one of the eight children born to them became heads of families, namely: John m. Nancy Christopher; Judith m. Charles Baer; Benjamin m. Abbie Dietrich; William, unmarried, lives in Iowa; Joshua m. Sarah Leiby; Henry m. Susanna Meitzler; Manasses m. Emily Stimmel; Maria m. Jonas Altenderfer.
(II) Johannes Greenawalt, son of the pioneer, in 1784-85 settled near what is now Greenawald Station, in Albany township, on the Schuylkill & Lehigh railroad. He was an enterprising man, built an oil-mill on the farm now owned by Isaac Hardinger, on the Pine Creek, and later built a grist-mill on that stream, which is now owned by Albert Kutz. The grist-mill was operated for many years by his son John, but he himself operated the oil-mill. Johannes Greenawalt died at the age of eighty-three, and he and his family are buried at the New Bethel (Corner) Church in Albany township. His children were: John; Abraham, who m. a Miss Hagenbuch and had Benjamin and Isaac; Jacob who lived on the Pine creek; and Peter, who died unmarried.
(III) John Greenawalt, son of Johannes, was born in Berks county April 15, 1784, and died Nov. 10, 1865. He spent all his life in Albany township, living at the foot of the "Pinnacle," where he owned considerable land, much of which was situated between the Pinnacle (the highest elevation in Berks county) and the "Schnide Berg." Tradition tells us that this locality was an Indian camping-ground. At any rate many Indian axes, tomahawks, arrow-heads, etc., have been found between these two high points. He farmed and operated a distillery. In their later years he and his wife lived alone in a small house on the slope of the Pinnacle, which belongs to the Blue Mountains. He was reputed to be rich, and it was said he kept his gold and silver coin in a large bag under his bed, and that he had made a small exit back of the bed which ordinarily would attract no notice, and which was to be used in case robbers broke in.
John Greenawalt married Kate Zimmerman, born Sept. 24, 1793, died Feb. 1, 1866, and they became the parents of children as follows: Joseph (who at an early date settled out West), Jacob, Amos, Abraham, Samuel, Dinah (m. Enoch Hagenbuch, who settled at La Salle Ill.), Lesena (m. Daniel Stein) and Leah (m. Jacob P. Dietrich, who with his wife and family located in Kansas, where in time they prospered). John Greenawalt married twice, his second wife being Hannah G. Kolb, and they had a son Daniel, who descendants live at Lewiston, Pennsylvania.
(IV) Amos Greenawalt, son of John, was born March 18, 1814, and died Nov. 19, 1879. He was reared in Albany township. He carried on general farming until his death, and also, for some years, conducted "Greenawalt's Tavern," at Greenawald Station. Mr. Greenawalt was a very fearless man, and he had some very exciting experiences with bears. One day, while going to Hamburg with a four-house team, he passed the home of Mrs. Borrell, and saw her running toward the road followed by a bear. Just as she got over the fence, the bear ran against in on the other side. Mr. Greenawalt cracked his whip as hard as he could and scared the animal away. Mrs. Borrell, who was slightly demented, owned a large orchard in which the apples were ripe. Seeing something on a tree which she took to be a thief, she attempted to scare him away, but she found the thief to be a bear, which began to chase her. On his arrival in Hamburg Mr. Greenawalt related the occurrence, and a large number of men armed with guns at once-encircled the woods into which the bear had gone. The animal was chased out, but the man who saw it became so badly frightened that instead of shooting, he hid behind a tree until the bear had escaped. A short time afterward Mr. Greenawalt, in company with a relative, went to hunt raccoon one night and their dog chased a bear upon a tree. Mr. Greenawalt killed it with a shot gun on the second shot. It was so heavy that it required the strength of the two to carry it home. Many though that this was the same bear that had chased Mrs. Borrell. One winter night, later, Mr. Greenawalt was going home from a farm house where he had been butchering, and had with him a "butchers sausage" and several knives. Suddenly a bear that had evidently smelled the sausage jumped upon the fence near by, and would doubtless have attached him had he not raised the knives and screamed lustily, thus frightening the bear away. He had not gone very far when the animal appeared again, and was scared away a second time. From this experience of Mr. Greenawalt a little bridge near the grist mill of Albert Kutz is still known as "Bear Bridge."
On March 31, 1834, Amos Greenawalt married Judith Stein, born Nov. 25, 1816, died Nov. 1, 1891; and fourteen children were born to them as follows: John, deceased; Catharine, deceased, m. to Samuel G. DeTurk; George, deceased, a soldier in the Civil war; William, a retired farmer, living at Kutztown, Pa.; Leah deceased; Mary Magdalena, deceased, m. to George Dreibelbis; Solomon, deceased, a twin brother of Mary Magdalena; Amos S., mentioned below; Emma Judith, deceased, m. to Samuel Oswald; Susanna, m. to David Fister, of Grimville, Pa.; Moses, a farmer at Orwigsburg, Pa.; Eliza, m. to James Bitner, of Leinbach, Pa.; Matilda, twin sister of Eliza, m. to Seth Heinly, of Virginville, Pa.; and Alfred, formerly a school teacher and organist of the Union Church at Bernville, but now residing at Myerstown, Pennsylvania.
(V) Amos S. Greenawalt, born Oct. 31, 1845, at Greenawald Station, received his education in the public schools. At the age of twenty-two he began teaching, and secured two professional certificates, one from Supt. Samuel Baer and the other from Supt. David Brunner, passing his examinations in nearly all branches with A 1. He taught fourteen terms, in Albany township and Lenhartsville. After his marriage he engaged in farming, in which he has ever since been interested, owning a finely improved farm of 260 acres. He has also been interested in the general merchandise business since 1882, having started in that line in a store at Albany P.O., in Albany township, which he carried on for seven years before purchasing his present place of business at Kempton. His stock is large and he commands an extensive patronage. Mr. Greenawalt is very progressive, and he has made many improvements on his farm property since it came into his possessions, particularly in the buildings, all of which are modern and well kept. His place is considered by many the finest and best located in Albany township, and it has suffered no deterioration since it came under his care. He raises many potatoes, seldom planting less than twenty or twenty-five acres to this one crop. He is up to date in his agricultural methods as well as in the conduct of his store.
Mr. Greenawalt is very active in the councils of the Reformed Church, of which he has been a member for many years, is at present an elder in the New Bethel Church, has been secretary of the consistory, and has also served as deacon. His principal work in this line, however, has been in the Sabbath-school. In 1868 he became superintendent of the Greenawalt Sunday-school, in Albany township, serving as such for fifteen years, and later he held the same office in the Trexler Sunday-school and in the New Bethel Church Sunday-school, being superintendent of the latter for seven years. He was elected treasurer of the Berks County Sabbath School Association June 12, 1901, and has served in that office ever since. This association is auxiliary to the Pennsylvania Association, and he has also been prominently identified with International Sunday-school work since 1878; from about that time to the present he has been president of the Third District, having eight schools under his charge. He attends all the various county and State conventions of the associations. Mr. Greenawalt and his whole family all hold diplomas of the teachers' training department of the Pennsylvania Sunday-school Association. Mr. Greenawalt is a Republican in politics, and though he has not been remarkably active in that field he served seven years as assistant postmaster at Albany.
On Oct. 9, 1869, Mr. Greenawalt married Eliza Dietrich, born in Greenwich township May 18, 1849, daughter of Samuel P. and Sarah (Heinly) Dietrich, the former a farmer of Greenwich township. Mrs. Greenawalt died March 8, 1876, the mother of three children, namely: Nora, born Jan. 2, 1871, m. Amandus A. Weisner, operator for the Pennsylvania Railroad Company and residing at Glassboro, N. J., where he also conducts a small store (they have three children, Nevin, Silas and Paul); Edgar D. is mentioned below; Annie, born Nov. 28, 1874, lives at the home of her father. In 1881, Mr. Greenawalt m. (second) Mary Burkey, born in Greenwich township, Sept. 10, 1860, daughter of Benjamin and Mary Ann (Croll) Burkey, both deceased. They have two children: (1) Abner B. was born May 25, 1882, attended the public schools of Albany township, and at the age of thirteen he passed the township graduation examination under Supt. William M. Zechman. He taught school for two terms and then graduated from the Keystone State Normal School in 1902, after which he taught two more terms. He then became a clerk in his father's store. For a number of years he was superintendent of New Bethel Sunday-school and is at present secretary of the third Sunday-school district of Berks County. (2) Anson R., born March 11, 1884, also passed the township graduation examination, taught school one term and graduated from the Keystone State Normal School in 1905. Since that he has taught every year and in the summer he works for his father in the store and on the farm. He is at present superintendent of New Bethel Sunday-school. On April 17, 1909, he married Bertha E. Berk, born Jan. 12, 1886, daughter of Daniel P. and Alice (Lutz) Berk. Mrs. Amos S. Greenawalt is a member of the Lutheran Church.
(VI) Edgar D. Greenawalt, son of Amos S., was born at Greenawald Station March 18, 1872, and received his early education in the public schools of Albany township, under the instruction of his father and of Miss Kate Heinly (later the wife of Prof. Jarius Neff), and under the late Rev. Franklin S. Dietrich (who became a missionary to India, where he died while in the service). Mr. Greenawalt made the most of his advantages, acquired a good business education, later attended a select school at Steinsville, where he was under the tuition of Rev. John Weidlich, Howard Greenawalt, Esq., Rev. James Oswald and George Lutz (now attorney-at-law in Lehigh county, Pa.), and the Millersville Normal, at Millersville, Pa. In 1890 he was licensed to teach public school by Prof. William M. Zechman, then county superintendent, and he followed that profession for eight terms in Berks and Lehigh counties, meeting with gratifying success in his work. During this time he taught the grammar grades at Steinsville, and was also engaged in Albany (at Wessnersville), Maiden-creek and Robeson townships, Berks county. He taught under three county superintendents, William M. Zechman, Eli M. Rapp and J. O. Knauss (the latter of Lehigh county). After he abandoned teaching he clerked for five years in his father's general store at Kempton. Mr. Greenawalt has given considerable time to the study of art and music. He took lessons in the former from Ben Austrian, who is particularly known as a poultry painter, and also from Prof. Harry Sharadin, instructor of art of at the Keystone State Normal School. Mr. Greenawalt is holding quite a number of fine works in oil. His musical instruction was received from Miss Trowbridge, a graduate of the Boston Conservatory of Music, now a teacher at the Millersville Normal; Mr. William Grim, of Hamburg, Pa., and Miss Annie Heinly (now the wife of the Rev. Mr. Shellheimer, of York, Pa.). He is quite proficient on the piano. He is a member of the Fewpera Orchestra, which takes its name from the initials of the Christian names of its seven original members; Frank Heinly is the leader of this organization.
For a number of years past Mr. Greenawalt has been engaged in business as a wholesale shipper of potatoes at Albany Station, and he also deals in flour, feed and grain, seeds, salt, slate, lime, cement, adament, hair, land, plaster and commercial fertilizers. In addition to this line, he takes orders for planing-mill work. His place of business is located along the Schuylkill & Lehigh railroad, and he ships annually about seventy-five car-loads of potatoes. He also handles coal and lumber.
On June 7, 1902, Mr. Greenawalt married Maggie M. Fister, born May 5, 1882, died Sept. 23, 1903, aged twenty-one years, four months, eighteen days. They had a son, Edgar E., born Sept. 12, 1903, who was but eleven days old when the mother died. Mrs. Maggie M. (Fister) was born in Kistler's Valley, the youngest child of Daniel P. and Catharine (Grim) Fister, the latter a daughter of Reuben and Sarah (Wanner) Grim (both buried at New Bethel Church). She was educated in the public schools, from which she graduated, and in select schools at Lynnport and Schnecksville, and in the Keystone State Normal School at Kutztown. She took an active part in entertainments and in society work, and was a talented elocutionist. She met Mr. Greenawalt while he was engaged in teaching, and their marriage followed a year later. For a year the young couple lived with her parents, and then in the spring of 1903 moved to their own home, the death of the young wife occurring a few months later. She was laid to rest in the cemetery at New Bethel Church, the late Rev. J. N. Bachman officiating, taking as his text the Twenty-third Psalm. Miss Elmira R. Fister, sister of Mrs. Greenawalt, came to take charge of the home and the motherless infant, and on Feb. 7, 1907, she became the second wife of Mr. Greenawalt, the ceremony being performed by her cousin, Rev. Charles Kistler, of Reading. Mrs. Greenawalt was born in Albany township, and was educated in the public schools. She is domestic in her tastes and followed that line of work in Easton and in Philadelphia, and now in her own home is a model housekeeper and noted cook. To Mr. and Mrs. Greenawalt has been born a daughter, Miriam Ethel. At the present time they are planning to erect in 1910 a cozy brick home opposite the depot at Albany Station. The family are members of the Reformed Church, in the faith of which Mr. Greenawalt was confirmed by the late Ref. J. N. Bachman. He holds membership in the New Bethel (Corner) Church of Albany township, of which he was a deacon for two years, and he is at present a member of the choir, as are also his father and two of his brothers. Mr. Greenawalt was mainly instrumental in having the pipe-organ of the church repaired, at great expense. He played the organ in Sunday-schools for more that twenty years, and during the summer months played for two or three different Sunday-schools.
Mr. Greenawalt is a Republican in politics, but he was nevertheless elected, in the spring of 1909, in an overwhelmingly Democratic district, to the position of school director.
(V) Solomon S. Greenawalt, son of Amos, was born June 28, 1844, in Albany township, above Lenhartsville, and died on his farm June 3, 1888. He is buried at Jacksonville, Lehigh county. He was a farmer, owning the place which is now the property of his son James, and to which he had moved in the year 1870 and where he afterward lived until his death. He was a good citizen, interested especially in the question of public education, and served several terms as school director. He was a Reformed member of the Jacksonville Church. On May 20, 1866, Mr. Greenawalt married Sarah Faust, who died May 30, 1882, aged thirty five years, ten months, twenty-three days, and was buried at the new Bethel Church. Seven children were born to this union: James V. is mentioned below; Rosa, born May 21, 1871, m. Jacob Sechler and lives at Steinsville; Mary J., born July 30, 1874, m. Isaac Trumbower, and died in June, 1905, in Denver, Colo., where she is buried; John O., born Dec. 7, 1875, lives at Daykin, Nebr.; Edward, born June 30, 1877, also lives at Daykin, Nebr.; Charles, born July 30,. 1879, died Sept. 27, 1879; Lena, born Aug. 23, 1880, m. Herman Demminger, and they live at Phoenixville, Pa. On April 30, 1883, Mr. Greenawalt m. (second) Dianah Glase, of Lynn township, Lehigh county, and to them were born three children: Sarah (m. Harry Reinhart), Alfred (of Lynn township) and Kate (m. Amandus Kocher).
(VI) James V. Greenawalt, was born Jan. 20, 1868, in Albany township, and there received his education in the public schools. He was reared to farming, and has lived on his present place since 1870. He bought the homestead after his father's death, and devotes his time to its improvement and cultivation. This place lies along the mountains, in the potato belt of the State, being in the extreme end of Albany township, between Mountain post-office and Steinsville, and adjoins Lehigh and Schuylkill counties. It is valuable as a mineral property as well as for agricultural purposes, coming within what is known as the slate region. Slate has been quarried on his place, and there are three slate quarries within two square (miles) of his residence. Mr. Greenawalt raises many potatoes, planting on an average from twelve to fifteen acres, and his yield is usually about 125 bushels to the acre. The farm comprises 117 acres, of which thirty-five acres are woodland. This was formerly the Gabriel Faust homestead, and has been in the possession of the Greenawalts only since about 1870. The barn was built in 1785, and the house is a relic of Revolutionary days; the foundation and first story are of stone, and the second story is of logs.
On Oct. 3, 1891, Mr. Greenawalt married Miss Cora A. Pfeifly, daughter of Michael and Maria (Follweiler) Pfeifly, of Jacksonville, and granddaughter of Michael and Regina (Klump) Pfeifly, from near Lynn port, where Michael Pfeifly was a farmer Three children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Greenawalt: Raymond M., Howard S. and Helen C. This family are Reformed members of Jacksonville Union Church, of which he has been a trustee since January, 1909. He was formerly deacon for some years. He is a Republican in political matters. He is a well-known member of Washington Camp No. 288, P. O. S. of A. (in which he has passed all the chairs), and Steinsville Lodge, No. 249, I. O. O. F., both of Steinsville.
(IV) Samuel Greenawald, son of John, was born in Albany township Oct. 10. 1819, and died Dec. 9, 1901. He was an extensive land-owner and farmer in his native township, owning nearly six hundred acres of land in the vicinity of the Pinnacle of the Blue Mountains. A number of stories are told of the Indian depredations committed in the vicinity of Mr. Greenawald's home and thousands of relics have been found on his farm. For many years he conducted a distillery and burned hundreds of barrels of apple-jack. He was a prominent man in his district, and he and his family were members of the Bethel Church, in the burying-ground of which their remains are interred. Mr. Greenawald married Lydia Stump, daughter of Daniel and Lydia (Dietrich) Stump, and to them were born: Catharine, Lydia, Alfred, Sarah Ann, Samuel, Priscilla, Fayetta, John S., Hettie Ann, Elmira, D. Alvin and Thomas L.
(V) John S. Greenawald, who is successfully engaged in agricultural pursuits in Windsor township, Berks county, was born April 16, 1858, in Albany township, son of Samuel and Lydia (Stump) Greenawald. He attended the public schools until he was twenty-one years of age, and worked with his father until he was nearly thirty-four. In 1890 he purchased a good farm of seventy-nine acres, lying about one mile east of Windsor Castle, Pa. The property is in excellent condition and the appearance of the farm indicates that its owner is an up-to-date and hustling agriculturist. In politics he is a Republican of the Lincoln type, and has represented his party at various county conventions.
On Dec. 15, 1888, Mr. Greenawald married C. Janetta Werley, daughter of Daniel and Harriet (Greenawalt) Werley, the former of whom was born in Weisenburg, Lehigh county, June 27, 1823, and met an accidental death April 29, 1898. Her grandparents were Theobald and Magdalena (Bittner) Werley, the former a tanner by trade, who came to Albany township when a young man. No children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Greenawald. They are members of New Bethel Church, he being a Reformed member thereof, and deacon, and Mrs. Greenawald a Lutheran member. Since living near Windsor Castle they have attended Zion's Union Church, in Perry township. Mr. Greenawald is one of the township's substantial citizens. In 1905 he built an addition to his house and now has spring water at both the house and barn; there are also other conveniences which greatly add to the value of the property.
(II) Abraham Greenawalt, son of the pioneer, had sons: Jacob, Daniel and Abraham, Jr. of these,
(III) Jacob Greenawalt had six children, viz.: Christian, Jacob, Abraham, Daniel, john, and Sally (m. John Gehringer).
(III) Daniel Greenawalt located in the Stony Run, in Berks county. He had four children, one son and three daughters. The son, Aaron, was a soldier in the Civil war, serving from Anoka, Minn. He was killed in the battle of Gettysburg.
(III) Abraham Greenawalt, Jr., and his family moved to Mercer county, Pa. His son Jonas lived at Easton, pa. Charles S. Greenawalt, of Steinsville, is one of his descendants.
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