p. 1348
Dr. Franklin H. Good, physician of Reading, resides at No. 1012 Greenwich street.
Benneville Good, the father of the Doctor, was for some years engaged in teaming between Pittsburg and Philadelphia, and his death occurred in 1871, at the age of sixty-two years. He also raised flax for some time and engaged in spinning, but in his later years he gave up all active work, and for some time prior to his death lived a retired life. He and his wife had a large family of children, four of whom survive, as follow: Amelia, wife of Henry Piper, is of Jonestown, Lebanon county; Amanda, wife of Henry Fastnacht, lives on a farm in Lebanon county adjoining the old home; Mary, widow of Ephraim Armstrong, who was for many years treasurer of the Reading school board, resides in Reading; and Dr. Franklin H.
Dr. Franklin H. Good has four children; Benjamin F., Robert G., Sadie I., and William C. He is fraternally connected with the Eagles and the Foresters.
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Jefferson T. Good, a prominent business man of the borough of Womelsdorf, Berks county, Pa., of which he is serving as a councilman, was born March 19. 1871, near Mount Joy, Lancaster county, son of Jefferson T. and Catherine (Kaylor) Good.
Jacob G. Good, the grandfather of Jefferson T. Jr., was born in Rapho township, where he spent his life in carpentering and farming, and where
he died in the house which he had commenced housekeeping and which he had built, at the age of sixty-seven years in 1888. He owned a small farm of forty acres, and was highly esteemed in his community. Mr. Good was buried at Mt. Joy cemetery, Bishop Jacob Brubaker of the Mennonite Church preaching his funeral sermon. He was for many years a school director, also holding other township offices, and in his death the community lost an intelligent, valuable citizen. Mr. Good married Catherine Gantz, and to this union there were born six children: Jefferson T., Sr.; Monroe, of Allentown; Aaron, of Elizabethtown; Almira, who married James Hamilton of Lebanon; Henry, of Ida Grove, Ia.; and Albert C., who died at Ida Grove, Ia., at the age of twenty-seven years.
Jefferson T. Good, Sr., was born in 1842 in Rapho township, Lancaster county, where he died Nov. 20, 1870, having been engaged in school-teaching for five terms at the time of his death. Mr. Good was buried at Mount Joy cemetery. He was a useful and exemplary citizen, and had hosts of friends throughout his community. Mr. Good married Catherine Kaylor, born in 1840, who now resides at Bainbridge, Lancaster county, being well preserved in body and mind, and has been again married, her husband being James Rutherford. Two children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Good: Lizzie, who married Wesley Hauseal, of Bainbridge, a quarryman; and Jefferson T., Jr.
Jefferson T. Good, was educated in the schools of Rapho township and the Mount Joy High school, which he left at the age of seventeen years, and then spent three years in work upon the farm In 1891 he learned the baking trade at Middletown, Dauphin county, with C. H. Baker, with whom he continued for five years, and in 1896 located in Womelsdorf, where he established himself in the baking business, which he has carried on very successfully to the present time. Mr. Good employs seven assistants, two teams and a commissioned wagon, and his cakes, pretzels, bread and pastry find a ready sale throughout the surrounding country. His plant is furnished with the latest improved machinery, and measures are taken to insure strict cleanliness and purity.
Mr. Good is a stanch Republican, and in 1905 his fellow citizens honored him by electing him to the office of borough councilman, and he was council president for one year. Since Jan. 1, 1906, he has served as one of the county registers of the vital statistics, to which position he was appointed by Health Commissioner of Pennsylvania Dixon. Fraternally Mr. Good is connected with Elizabethtown Lodge No. 128, I. O. O. F. He and his family are Lutheran members of St. Peter's Church of Middletown, Pa.
On May 21, 1898, Mr. Good was united in marriage with Emma Fallstrom, daughter of Charles and Christina (Lawson) Fallstrom, of Middletown.
p. 347
Surnames: GOOD, ECKERT
William A. Good, first County Superintendent of Public Schools of Berks county, from 1854 to 1860, was born in Philadelphia in 1810. He was educated in the Reading Academy, studied theology in the Theological Seminary of the Reformed Church at York, Pa., and was regularly ordained and licensed to preach in 1833. Soon afterward he accepted a call from the Reformed Church at Hagerstown, Md., where he officiated as pastor for several years. From that congregation he went to Mercersburg, Pa., to serve as rector of the Preparatory Department of Marshall College. After remaining there six years, he returned to Hagerstown and served as principal of the Hagerstown Academy for five years. He was then called to the pastorate of the Reformed Church at York, Pa., in which field he labored earnestly for six years.
He next removed to Reading and assumed charge of a select school for young ladies. At the expiration of the fifth year he became principal of the Reading Institute and Normal School, and remained there three years. In the meantime he was elected superintendent of the common schools of Berks county, being the first to fill that office. Most of the people of the county were members of the Reformed and Lutheran Churches, and averse to the new order of things. It was feared that in the rural districts the superintendent would encounter much opposition, but he understood the peculiarities of the people, and instead of raising a storm of opposition won their confidence and support, and he was re-elected for a second term. While thus engaged in the school affairs of the county, he also officiated as pastor of the Bernville, North Heidelberg and Princeton congregations, serving these churches altogether for eight years. He was one of the most zealous Sunday school workers in Berks county, and while superintendent of the common schools, endeavored, in his private intercourse with the people, to interest them in the cause of Sunday schools, in this manner coming to be instrumental in founding many of the Sunday schools of the county. He was one of the founders of St. John's Reformed Mission Sunday school, and this he conducted with the aid of his wife for nearly six years, and it eventually became a self-supporting and flourishing congregation.
The Rev. Mr. Good married in 1840, Susan B. Eckert, daughter of Peter and Susan Eckert, of Womelsdorf, Berks county. He died in 1873. He had two sons, William Eckert and James Isaac.
p. 1510
Reuben Goodhart, one of Reading's venerable citizens, who enjoys the distinction of being the oldest ex-chief of police in the United States, is a native of Reading, born Oct. 18, 1818.
His paternal grandfather was John Goodhart, a farmer and miller in Robeson township. He and his wife, whose maiden name was Mary Hottenstein, were both members of the German Reformed Church, and in politics John Goodhart was a Democrat. They had eight children, John; Joshua; William; Barbara; Hettie; Susan; Jacob and Mary.
Jacob Goodhart, son of John, was born in Exeter township, and was there given a good common school education. Early in life he learned to make shoes, and when twenty-one years old established himself at Reading, where the rest of his life was spent carrying on his trade. He married Miss Mary Beidler and they had fifteen children, fourteen of whom lived to maturity. The father and the mother were devout members of the Reformed Church.
Reuben Goodhart, eldest child of Jacob and Mary, attended the common and subscription schools of Reading and while still in his teens learned to follow his father's trade of shoemaking. He gave his whole attention to this work for twenty years, but at the end of that time gave it up and became baggage master for the Philadelphia & Reading Railway Company. Later he served for fifteen years as a railroad police officer. He was also at one time elected chief of police for the city, filling that position for several years. In 1880 he was made tipstaff at the Berks county court house, and has held that office ever since. In spite of his advanced age, he is still enjoying unimpaired faculties, and is as active as many men much younger than he. In 1840 Mr. Goodhart was married to Miss Elizabeth Bright, and they have had four children, Frederick, Reuben, Charlotte and Ellis. In religion the family are connected with the German Reformed Church. In politics Mr. Goodhart is a lifelong Democrat. He has also been for many years a member of the I. O. O. F., and joined Montgomery Lodge in 1845. He is now the only surviving member of that lodge, having lived to pay the death claim of every other man on its rolls. He also belongs to the K. P. and for fifteen years was treasurer of his lodge. Mr. Goodhart is naturally very well known in Reading from his long residence there, and is held in universal esteem.
Reuben Goodhart (2), son of Reuben, was engaged in the produce business in Reading, where he died in 1886. He was buried in Aulenbach's cemetery. His widow, whose maiden name was Mary Schell, now resides at No. 431 North Ninth street, with her son Reuben D. To this union were born six children, as follows: Amanda, Albert, Annie, Reuben D., William and Charles.
Reuben D. Goodhart, son of Reuben (2) and grandson of the former chief of police, was born in Reading in 1870. He attended the public schools, and after obtaining a good common-school education learned the trade of painter and paper-hanger with H. A. Halbeisen, with whom he remained four years. He then spent eight years as a journeyman, after which he engaged in business at his present location. He has built up a good trade, and has met with success, due to his upright business methods and his artistic workmanship.
Mr. Goodhart married Sarah A. Smith, daughter of Aaron Smith. Four children were born to this union, as follows: Arthur, Lewis, Elsie and Reuben, Jr. In politics Mr. Goodhart is a Democrat, and in 1908 he was elected as assessor for the Eleventh ward. He is a member of the Hampden Fire Company and Northeastern Democrat Association. His religious connection is with St. Luke's Lutheran church. Mr. Goodhart is well-known and popular.
p. 1246
Victor L. Goodhart, an enterprising young business man of Stonersville, where he has served as postmaster since December, 1905, was born June 30, 1878, near Herzog's Mill, in Exeter township, son of Amos K. and Ellen S. (Levan) Goodhart.
John Neikirch Goodhart, the grandfather of Victor L., was born in Exeter township, son of William Goodhart, and followed agricultural pursuits all his life, dying at an advanced age. He married Sophia Kline, and to them were born five children, as follows: Amos K., father of Victor L.; Sarah, deceased, who was the wife of Frank Livingood, of Amity township; Amelia; Alice, the wife of Harry Batz; and Elmer, of Exeter township. Mr. Goodhart was a Democrat in politics and he and his wife were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
The parents of Victor L. Goodhart are both natives of Exeter township, where they have spent their entire lives in agricultural pursuits. The father is a Democrat, and has served on the school board, and both parents are members of the Schwartzwald Reformed Church. They have a family of five children: Victor L.; Sallie, m. Jacob Bridenstine, of Amity township; Annie, m. Edwin M. Schearer of Exeter township; Harry L., a milk dealer; and Peter Neikirch, a carpenter.
Victor L. Goodhart was educated in the public schools of Exeter township, and was reared on the home farm, after leaving which he engaged in the milk business, conducting a milk route to Reading for some time. For four years he was employed by the Philadelphia & Reading railroad in the shops at Reading, and then returned to his milk business, which he continued until 1906, being compelled to give it up in this year to give all of his attention to his growing store business.
In December, 1905, Mr. Goodhart purchased the stock and good will of William Dunkleberger, at Stonersville, a store founded by George Stoner, since whose time it has change hands repeatedly. Since taking hold of this business, Mr. Goodhart has increased the stock of goods two-fold, and has gained the confidence of a large and growing trade by his good business which he has followed for five years, and in the winter and spring of 1906-1907 conducted fifty-two sales, having one every day of February with the exception of Sundays. In politics he is a Democrat, has been delegate to several county conventions, judge and inspector of elections, and now, in addition to being postmaster, is serving his second term as a member and past officer of Bobolink Tribe, No. 179, I. O. R. M., of Yellow House; and Washington Camp No. 230, P. O. S. of A., of St. Lawrence, also claims him as a member. He is a member of Schwartzwald Reformed Church, and a trustee of Stonersville Union Sunday-school, and his wife a member of the Oley Lutheran Church.
On Oct. 9, 1897, Mr. Goodhart was married to Miss Aquilla H. Gift, daughter of John M. and Annie (Heckman) Gift, and they have a family of seven children: Harry G., Martha G., George G., Victor G., Annie E., Raymond G. and Clarence G.
p. 1216
Daniel Goodman, of Reading, who has spent practically all of his life as a wheelwright, was born July 27, 1841, in that city, son of John and Catherine (Allison) Goodman, and grandson of Jacob Goodman.
John Goodman, who was born at Eighth and Franklin streets, Reading, learned the wheelwright business in his father's shop, and followed that occupation for a period of fifty-two years, when he retired and purchased a farm to which his attention was given the rest of his life. He married Catherine Allison, daughter of John Allison, and to them were born nine children, as follows: Mary died in infancy; Henry; Catherine, deceased, m. Joseph Seifert; Jacob is deceased; Maria died single; Eliza; Sarah m. James Koch; Daniel; and Amanda m. Frederick Grotevent. In religious belief the family were adherents of the faith of the Reformed Church. Mr. Goodman was a Democrat in politics.
Daniel Goodman received his education in the schools of his native locality, and when a boy learned the trade of wheelwright with his father. He has worked at that occupation up to the present time with the exception of six years, three years of which were spent as a member of the water board and three years in boat-building. For fifteen years Mr. Goldman has been engaged in business on his own account and in his line is well and favorably known.
At the age of nineteen years Mr. Goodman married (first) Amanda Rhein, and they had five children: Howard L., who is engaged in baking in Reading; Kate H. m. to Milton Shirey; Annie E., a teacher in the Reading high school; Ralph A., deceased; and Paul E. Mr. Goodman m. (second) Amelia Reedy, by whom he has had one child, Daniel A., a pattern maker. Mr. Goodman is a Democrat in politics, and he resides at No. 405 Laurel street, in the First ward.
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James Goodman, a resident of Springmont, Berks county, engaged in the raising of poultry and squabs for the market, was born in Reading, Pa., Aug. 5, 1844, and lived in that city until he came to his present place of residence a few years ago. He received his education in the public schools of his native city.
In 1899 Mr. Goodman built the handsome Colonial residence at the northeast corner of Penn and Keppel streets, in Springmont, which he and his family have since occupied, and since settling in this place he has carried on the business of poultry and squab raising, which has proved a great success. His establishment is first-class and modern in every respect, and everything about the place is in irreproachable condition. The "Springmont Poultry Yard," as it is known, is commodious and well equipped. Mr. Goodman having his own chop and corn mills, and other appliances for conveniently dispatching the work. He has four large brooders, and his brooder house is lighted by electricity. His lot has a frontage of 100 feet on Penn avenue, and is 200 feet wide at the back, with a depth of 190 feet. Mr. Goodman raises from two thousand to three thousand pigeons annually, all of which he markets in Reading.
Mr. Goodman is well known in Reading, where he belongs to Progressive Lodge, No. 470, I. O. O. F., and Mount Penn Encampment; he joined the Junior Fire Company in 1861, and is now a member of the Veteran Fire Association. In political faith he is a Democrat. He is an upright and respected citizen, worthy of the esteem in which he is held.
On April 20, 1873, Mr. Goodman was married to Amanda Borkert. of Reading, and they have two children: William J., born Feb. 20, 1874, married Charlotte Maerz and has one daughter, Mary; Daniel R., born Jan. 14, 1876, married Mary Hartman, and has one daughter, Grace Marian. Mr. Goodman and his family are members of Trinity Lutheran Church of Reading.
Peter Goodman, father of James Goodman, was born in Reading in 1805 and there passed his life, following his trade of wheelwright at the corner of Fourth and Washington streets. In his later years he farmed a number of lots in and around Reading. He was a stanch Democrat in politics, and served as a member of the city council. He lived to the age of sixty-five years, dying Aug. 20, 1870, and buried in the Charles Evans cemetery. Mr. Goodman's wife, Anna Peifer, came from York, Pa., and died May 2, 1873. They had a family of five children, three sons and two daughters, namely: Susan, who married Samuel Scull, of Reading; David J., a resident of Reading; Emma, wife of James Gehris, of Reading, James; and Edward, of Reading.
Jacob Goodman, father of Peter and grandfather of James, served a term as commissioner of Berks county. His father, also named Jacob Goodman, was according to tradition one of the most athletic men of his day, and a man of humane disposition. He did service during the war of the Revolution, being quartered at various points throughout the Colony of New Jersey, was at Germantown, and was in camp at Valley Forge during the severe winter of 1777.
The first ancestors of the Goodman family in America were natives of the Palatinate, whence they emigrated as far back as 1730. They settled in the lower section of Berks county, in the Oley Valley.
p. 773
John E. Goodman, of Reading, comes from a family resident in Berks county since the close of the Revolutionary war. So far as can be ascertained the first of the name came to this country in 1780, landing at Philadelphia and eventually setting in Oley township, Berks county.
Jacob Goodman, great-grandfather of John E., the first of the family born in America, passed his early years in Oley township, his birthplace, but on reaching manhood settled in Reading, on property now owned by Joseph Shearer, at the corner of Eighth and Franklin streets. Throughout his active life he followed his calling of a wheelwright, and he died in reading aged sixty-two years.
John Goodman, son of Jacob, was born in Reading, and as he grew up he adopted his father's trade. For a year he was located at the corner of Liberty (then Court) and Eighth streets, and then removed to Franklin and Lemon streets, where he remained until 1854, and in that year retired from business. He was interested in politics as a stanch Democrat, and served as councilman from the eastern district. John Goodman married Miss Catherine Allison, of Reading, and they became the parents of nine children, namely: Mary, who died when a year and a half old; Henry; Catherine; Jacob; Maria; Eliza; Sarah, widow of James Koch; Daniel and Amanda. Mr. Goodman died March 13, 1875, aged seventy-three years, five months and fifteen days; his wife survived him and died March 14, 1881.
Jacob Goodman was born in Reading in 1830, and received a common school education. At first he carried on the family traditions by learning the trade of a wheelwright, but later he engaged in the butchering business, and was occupied in that line most of his life. His first butcher shop was on North Ninth street, near Penn, and he moved from there to Thirteenth street. Then followed an interval of four years which Mr. Goodman spent in Dover, Del., engaged in the lumber and cattle business, but in 1874 he returned to Reading, resumed the butcher's trade, and for seventeen years carried it on at Franklin and Peach streets. In 1891 he took up an entirely new occupation, going into the hotel business, and during seven years he ran the "Union House" on Penn street, meeting with the same success in this enterprise, which had attended his earlier efforts. In 1898 he retired, and from that time until his death July 7, 1902, he was burdened by no heavy responsibilities but was free to enjoy quietly his last years.
Jacob Goodman was married Dec. 14, 1851, to Elizabeth Breidegam who survives her husband, and lives with the son, John E. Three children were born to them, but the two younger ones, Clara and Samuel, twins, both died. Mr. Goodman was a Mason, a member of Chandler Lodge, No. 227. Like his father he took a keen interest in political questions, was a strong Democrat, and was chosen to help direct municipal affairs, being the representative of the Third ward in both the common and select councils. He was well known in the city, and had many friends and left the record of a successful and well spent life.
John E. Goodman was born July 30, 1856, while the family were sojourning at Temple, Berks county. He grew up in Reading, attended the public schools, and then learned the butcher's business under his father. But he did not make this his permanent occupation, and instead took a position with the National Brass & Iron Works, where he was employed as a shipping clerk for thirteen years. At the present time Mr. Goodman is employed in the Mohn Hat Factory.
In 1883, Mr. Goodman married Miss Annie R. Harbster, of Reading, daughter of the late William and Ellen (Mathias) Harbster. Their only child is a daughter, Clara, now the wife of George N. Fehr. Mr. Fehr is a member of the firm of John N. Fehr & Son, dealers in leaf tobacco, Reading. Since 1877 Mr. Goodman has been a member of the Masonic fraternity, belonging to Chandler Lodge, No. 227. His residence is at no. 824 Franklin street.
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