Biographies from Historical and Biographical Annals by Morton Montgomery


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Aaron G. Fox was born Oct. 12, 1841, in Alsace, now Muhlenberg, township, Berks Co., Pa., and was brought up to farming on his father's farms in Bern and Lower Heidelberg townships, and was educated in the public schools. When twenty-three years old he engaged in butchering with the late James Lash, at Sinking Spring, and after remaining with him for three years and learning the business, he started for himself and continued at it on the same premises at Sinking Spring for nearly forty years, which evidences the successful character of his career. He lived there in retirement from 1904 until the fall of 1908, when he bought a residence on the Pike on the east side of Sinking Spring, where he and his wife, who has been his constant and most helpful companion, now make their home. Mr. Fox has served as township treasurer of the Lutheran Church at Sinking Spring.

In 1867 Mr. Fox married Ann Elizabeth Yocom, daughter of George and Catharine (Hemmig) Yocom, of Cumru township.

George Yocom was a son of Nicholas Yocom, who was prominently identified with the iron business for a number of years at Yocom's Forge, Cumru township. He married Catharine Thompson. George Yocom and his wife became the parents of twelve children; William m. to Mary Potteiger; Aaron m. (first) to Hannah Maurer, and after her decease to Catharine Heffner; Sarah, m. to Frederick Graeff; Amos. M. to Isabella Miller, and after her decease to Rebecca Weitzel; Catharine, m. to Henry Gehret; Benjamin, m. to Catharine Huyett; Ann Elizabeth; Emma, m. to Reuben Beecher; and four who died young.

Jonathan Fox, father of Aaron G., carried on farming for many ears, first in Muhlenberg township, then in Spring, and next in Heidelberg where he lived a number of years, and the last four years he farmed at Sinking Spring, where he died in 1894, at the advanced age of eighty years. He had lived in retirement for five years before his death. He married Catharine Gaul, daughter of Joseph Gaul, of Cumru township, who died in 1906, at the age of eighty-four years. They were the parents of nine children: Aaron G.; Henry, m. to Mary Ann Hettinger; Adam G., of Mohnton; Reuben, m. to Valeria Fisher; John, m. to Elizabeth Koch; Peter, m. to Catharine L. Fiant; Catharine, m. to Aaron Clauser; and two who died young.

Peter Fox, grandfather of Aaron G., lived near Leize's Bridge in Bern township. In his active days he was a farmer, but lived retired many years before his death. He owned two adjoining farms, and was a substantial citizen. He is buried at Epler's Church, of which he was a Lutheran member. Among others he had children as follows: John, who lived on the homestead; Peter, who lived in Muhlenberg township; Jonathan; Adam, of Reading; a son whose name is not remembered; Mrs. Reuben Hottenstein, whose husband in earlier life lived in Bern township where he was a farmer, but later moved to Reading where he died; and Mrs. Joseph Gaul, whose husband was proprietor of the "Five Mile House," in Cumru township, many years.


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Cyrus T. Fox, manager for many years of the Reading News Bureau, which he established in 1887, and latterly connected with the Department of Agriculture of Pennsylvania, has been identified with journalistic work continuously since his graduation from the Reading high school, June 30, 1864, at the head of his class. He is also a political factor in the State of Pennsylvania as well as a leaning authority in horticulture.

Mr. Fox was born March 12, 1847 , at Reading, Pa. youngest son of Frederick Fox, whose ancestors were among the earliest settlers of the English-speaking residents of Berks county. After receiving his education in the public schools of Reading, Jr. Fox entered the office of attorney John S. Richards of Reading, where he studied law, but upon the death of Mr. Richards abandoned the legal profession for agricultural pursuits. As early as the year 1858, he had manifested a fondness for farm life, and had engaged in fruit culture and gardening on the farm of a relative in Oley township, Berks county. From 1865 until 1872 he served as manager of the Chesterwood Experimental Gardens, in Lancaster county, giving the same much of his personal attention. Almost from boyhood he had been a contributor to a number of newspapers throughout the State, including the Lancaster Inquirer, Lancaster Examiner, Reading Evening Dispatch and the Farm Department of the Berks and Schuylkill Journal. For several years he was the Court reporter of the Reading Times, of which latter newspaper he became city editor in 1872, a position he continued to hold until Sept. 1, 1887. From July 1, 1895, until April 15, 1896, he was editor of the Reading Daily Review, and in July 1897, he resumed relations with this journal, serving as editor and business manager until January 1899. In 1893 he served as president of the Reading Press Club, and was present in his official capacity at the organization of the International League of Press Clubs at Pittsburgh in the same year. In 1902 he was president of the Pennsylvania State Editorial Association, and in 1904 he was elected corresponding secretary thereof; he had been on of its organizers in 1871, as he was also of he National Editorial Association at While connected with the Reading press Mr. Fox organized the Reading News Bureau, for furnishing special matter to daily newspapers in Philadelphia, New York, Boston, and other cities: also articles to leading agricultural and horticultural journals, and to papers devoted to the horse, live stock and sports, also contributing to trade journals. This he conducted for a number of years, subsequently turning over a portion of this business to his sons. He is still engaged in writing for many papers, and is a regular contributor of special articles to the Reading Eagle. In 1867 Mr. Fox became actively identified with the Berks County Agricultural Society, becoming corresponding secretary in 1873, and being elected secretary in 1874, in which office he served continuously until 1902, inclusive, with the exception of two years, 1877 and 1878. From 1877 to 1905 he filled the position of State Pomologist; and for two years, 1897 and 1898, he served as secretary of the State Horticultural Association of Pennsylvania, having been chairman of its General Fruit committee previously thereto for a period of fifteen years. He is also secretary of the Pennsylvania Association of Agricultural Societies. Mr. Fox was one of the first lecturers at farmer's institutes in Pennsylvania, and engaged in this work for many years, also serving as secretary of the local board of Farmers Institute Managers. In 1904 he was appointed superintendent of horticulture for Pennsylvania at the St. Louis Exposition, and was elected secretary of the World's Fair Association of Superintendents of Horticulture May 2, 1904.

Mr. Fox has been a very active Republican for a long period. From 1873 to 1883 he was chairman of the Republican committee of Berks county, as well as chairman of the Republican city executive committee for the same period, and for many years was a member of the Republican State committee and was one of the "Committee of Five" which in 1877 framed the new party rules. In 1871 he was a delegate to the Republican State Convention and chosen secretary, and was chief secretary of the Republican State Convention of 1882. He was city clerk and secretary of the board of park commissioners and of the board of water commissioners of Reading from 1889 to 1900. From 1891 to 1897, he was secretary of the Reading Board of Trade, and during this period its membership increased from seventy-two to six hundred. In the latter year he was also secretary of the Board of Railway Excursion Managers, created for the purpose of bringing excursions to Reading and benefiting the business men. Mr. Fox was one of the organizers of the Reading & Southwestern Street Railway Company in 1890, was secretary of all the preliminary meetings held to organize the company and from the beginning served as a member of its board of directors, and for seven years was chairman of the executive committee. At various times Mr. Fox has been honored with election to offices of great responsibility. From 1891 to 1903 he served on the board of trustees of the Pennsylvania State College, and in the latter year he was the efficient manager of the great Roanoke Fair, at Roanoke, Virginia.

This fair he managed for three years, and at the same time assisted at other fairs in Virginia, including the first Interstate Fair held in Lynchburg in 1905. In 1906 and 1907 he was manager of the Great District Fair of Radford, Va. and in the same years assisted in holding the fairs at Tazewell and Emporia, Va. also serving as secretary of the Virginia-Carolina Fair and Racing Circuit. In the fall of 1907 he was manager of the Southwest Virginia Fall Festival at Roanoke, Va., held under the auspices of the Woman's Civic Betterment Club of the city. In 1908 he was a general assistant in the arrangements for the Virginia State Fair, held in Richmond, and had entire charge of the Department of Publicity. He had previously helped in holding the first Virginia State Fair in 1906.

For many years Mr. Fox officiated as Expert Fruit Judge at a number of Fairs, notably those of Allentown, Pa. twelve years; York, Pa; Mt. Holly, NJ; Raleigh, N. C.; Chattanooga, Tenn; Lynchburg, Va.; and at the last three State Fairs held by the Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society. He, also, has started the horses at various race meetings, and for some years has held a Starter's License, issued to him by the National Trotting Association, on account of his recognized ability and his knowledge of the racing rules. He was a delegate to several of the biennial meeting, or congresses, of the National Trotting Association, and assisted in forming many of the rules and regulations for the government of events on the turf now in force.

On March 1, 1909, Mr. Fox became connected with he Division of Zoology of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, as an orchard inspector, lecturer, demonstrator, and general assistant of Prof. H. A. Surface, State Zoologist, and in that capacity has had editorial charge of the Zoological Press Bulletin, issued weekly for the purpose of furnishing information to the general public on timely topics of insect pests and diseases of plant life through the medium of the press.

On Jan. 7, 1875, Mr. Fox married Miss Tillie Shartle, of Reading, Pa. and this union was blessed with four sons, all of whom grew to manhood. Two of them became newspaper men. Harry B., the second son, after having been engaged in newspaper work for ten years (the last two years with the Philadelphia Press) died suddenly after an illness of three days of acute gastro enteritis, on Sept. 3, 1905.


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Surnames: FOX, MINGLE

Frederick S. Fox, editor of the Reading Telegram, was born in Reading, Oct. 23, 1875, and has been associated with newspapers in this city and Philadelphia for fifteen years. He was married in 1898 to Alma C. Mingle, daughter of Dr. I. Leo Mingle, of Reading, deceased. Three daughters have been born to them.


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James E. Fox, school director and farmer in Hereford township, Berks county, was born in Rockland township, this county, May 30, 1864, and comes of substantial German stock.

Engel Fox (or Fuchs) was born in Germany, and came to America, locating in Rockland township, Berks Co., Pa., about 1800. In 1810 he was a large land owner, and in 1815 he and his son Ernst both owned property and paid tax. He was a farmer by occupation. He is buried at Mertz' church.

Ernst Fox was born in Germany, and accompanied his parents to the New World, locating in Berks county. He became the owner of two large farms in Rockland township, one now the property of Horatio and the other of James Hertzog, brothers. These farms he sold during the fifties to David Hertzog, father of the present owners. He then moved to the northeastern end of District township, where he owned a small farm, and where he died. He is buried at New Jerusalem Church, of which he was a Lutheran member, and was a member of the building committee when the present church was built in 1844. He was always liberal in his contributions to religious causes. At his death he left an estate of $25,000, the result of his own accumulation. For a number of years he manufactured wool hats in District township, and these he took by team to Philadelphia, where he sold them. He was successful in all his undertakings. He married a Miss Mertz, and their children were: Charles, Matilda (m. Daniel Rohrbach), Henry, Eliza (m. Reuben Drumheller), Reuben R. and Carolina (m. Joel Rohrbach).

Reuben R. Fox, son of Ernst, was born in 1818 on the farm now owned by Horatio Hertzog, in Rockland township. He attended the pay schools of his district, and when eighteen went to Norristown and there learned the cabinet maker's trade, after which he went to Cincinnati, Ohio, where he worked at his trade three years. In 1842 he returned to Berks county by team, and sold his horse at Barto, his first location. His buggy is still owned by his son. In 1850 he m. Caroline Bush, daughter of William Bush, whose wife was a Miss Rohrbach, of Longswamp township. She died aged sixty-three years and both are buried at New Jerusalem Church, of which they were Lutheran members. Their children were: Samuel; William; Hettie (m. John Schofer); Benjamin; Emma (m. John Heffner); James E.; Aaron; Sarah (died unmarried); and Andora.

James E. Fox attended the common schools in the vicinity of his home, and worked for his parents until he was of age. Immediately after his marriage he began farming as a tenant on the John Rush farm in Hereford township, and after two years there came to Washington township, and farmed there three years. He then moved to Maxatawny township, where he lived five years. His father-in-law then decided to retire, and Mr. Fox took his farm in Hereford, near Huff's church, and this has been his home since 1897. In 1901 he bought the farm, which consists of 140 acres. The present barn was built in 186-, and the house in 1878. Mr. Fox also owns a tract of twenty-eight acres in District township, which is improved with a good set of buildings, and this Mr. Fox has rented.

On Feb. 18, 1886, Mr. Fox married Amanda Siesholtz, daughter of Samuel and Adelaide (Gery) Siesholtz, and granddaughter of Samuel and Eliza (Ginginger) Siesholtz. Their children are: Samuel, who graduated from the Kutztown Normal School in 1907, and is now teaching in Hereford township; Ida; Edwin; Aaron; and Elsie. Mr. Fox is a Democrat, and was township auditor, and has been a delegate to a number of county conventions. In the spring of 1901 he was elected a school director, and has since held that office. He and his family belong to Huff's Church (Lutheran), of which he was a deacon for seven years.


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Joseph D. Fox, a conductor in the employ of the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad Company, living at No. 118 North Fourth street, Reading, was born in that city, at No. 116 North Fourth street, May 4, 1851, son of Daniel S. and Maria (Ditlow) Fox, the former a native of Berks and the latter of Lancaster county.

John Fox, grandfather of Joseph D., was twice married. He is buried in the Charles Evans cemetery. He had but one son, Daniel.

Daniel Fox followed the dual trades of cabinet-making and painting in Reading, where he died in 1858, aged thirty-two years. His remains rest in the Charles Evans cemetery. He and his wife were the parents of two sons: John, who died Jan. 1, 1859; and Joseph D. Mrs. Fox married for her second husband, John H. Fix, by whom she had four children: John H.; Mahala, who married Thomas Rambo; Rose, who married George Eisenbrown; and Maria, deceased. In religious belief the family are members of Trinity Lutheran Church. In politics Mr. Fox was a Republican.

Joseph D. Fox received his education in the common schools of his native city, and was about eight years of age when his father's death occurred. He learned the painting trade, which he followed for about fifteen years, when he accepted a position as brakeman on the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad, continuing in that capacity until promoted to the position of conductor, which he has held for twenty-five years. Mr. Fox was married August, 1870, to Kate Maderia, daughter of David and Sabilla (Scheetz) Maderia, and one child was born to this union, Anna, who died at the age of two and one-half years. Mr. Fox is a member of the P. O. S. of A., and the Brotherhood of America. In religious belief he is connected with the Lutheran faith. He is a member of the Reading Relief Association, and in 1868 joined the Neversink Fire Company, retaining membership in that organization until the present time, serving as assistant chief for two years, and being a delegate to numerous firemen's conventions. A very interesting collection belonging to Mr. Fox, and one which he prizes highly is one of about 150 badges, which he has framed. He is well known in and about Reading, his genial, friendly manner making for him many warm friends.


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A. L. Frame, who for some years has been prominently identified with the iron interests of Berks county, Pa., is now proprietor of the Grey Iron Foundry, formerly the Old Ege Foundry, in Reading. Mr. Frame was born in 1864, in Reading, son of Conrad and Catharine (Marx) Frame. [For detailed history of the earlier generations of the family, see sketch of Charles N. Frame]. After completing his education in the public schools of his native city, Mr. Frame entered the employ of Glaser, Frame & Co., formerly the Seneca Cigar Company, as a clerk in the shipping department of the Rochester branch, and later took charge of the salesmen, practically having control of the firm's interests at Rochester during his eighteen months stay. He then returned to Reading and took charge of his father's coal yard, which he conducted from 1888 until 1896, in the latter year removing to Fifth and Willow streets, where he took charge of another yard. In 1903 Mr. Frame located at the Old Ege Foundry, which business was in such a condition that it needed a firm, strong hand to guide it to success, and this was furnished by Mr. Frame, who was able to establish one of the finest businesses of its kind in the county. The firm, which manufactures light hardware specialties, employs eighty-five people in its several departments ? foundry, galvanizing, plating, japanning and polishing ? and enjoys a large, steady trade throughout the country. In 1904 Mr. Frame also established the Globe Lawn Mower & Manufacturing Company, being made president thereof, and in his new, up-to-date factory, which is equipped with the finest machinery to be obtained, he manufactures a high-grade, ball-bearing lawn mower. This utensil is superior in many ways to others, and Mr. Frame has a number of patents on the improved parts. Mr. Frame is enterprising and energetic, and he is favorably known in business and social circles.

In 1888 Mr. Frame was married to Lillie Edwards, daughter of John Edwards, and to this union there have been born two children: Edith and Clarence L. Mr. Frame is a member of Chandler Lodge No. 227; Excelsior Chapter; Lodge of Perfection; Reading Commandery, K. T.; and Rajah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. In politics he is a Republican.


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Charles N. Frame, an enterprising business man of Reading, manager and city circulator of the Reading Eagle, with which paper he has been identified since 1875, was born Dec. 21, 1848 at Reading, son of George and Catharine (Marx) Frame, and grandson of George Ulrich Fremd, as the name was originally spelled.

George Ulrich Fremd was born June 2, 1773 in Vaihingen, Germany, where he married Feb. 11, 1798, Christina Dorothea Alsesser, born in the same place, June 10, 1774. Prior to coming to America Mr. Fremd had worked as a tanner and currier, but after coming to this country probably engaged in farming, settling in the vicinity of Reading. His death was caused by an accident while fording the Schuylkill river in 1823, when he was aged fifty years. Mr. Fremd and his wife had the following children: Johann Christian, born Jan 24, 1799, settled in Mifflin county; Johannes, born May 13, 1803, moved to Philadelphia; Anna Maria, born May 28, 1805, settled in Philadelphia; Christina Dorothea, born Sept. 13, 1811, m. George Ulrich, born Nov. 21, 1814 and they lived in Philadelphia; Eliza, born in Berks county, m. Risden Nichols; and Conrad born Jan 27, 1816.

Conrad Frame was a small boy when he accompanied his parents to America, and after the death of his father he lived for a few months with his brother Christian, and then started out to make his way in the world. He found a position as a tow boy on the canal, and through his industry and attention to the details of his work he was promoted until the time came when he was made master of the canal boat known as the "Rough and Ready," which was owned by Darrah & Young, of Leesport, PA. He continued to follow the boating business until 1848, when he engaged in a mercantile business at Jackson's Locks. Here he did an extensive business in supplying and outfitting canal boats and he continued this enterprise until 1861. In 1863 he engaged in a coal business at the Lancaster bridge, at the Haubner stand, which is still in possession of the family. He remained in that business until his death in 1885. both he and his wife, Catharine Marx, are buried at the Charles Evans Cemetery. He was a Lutheran in religious belief, while she was reared a Methodist. Mr. and Mrs. Frame had seven children: William J., a retired resident of Reading; Charles N.; George C., deceased; Harry C., formerly engaged in the coal business at Reading; Samuel A., deceased; H. W.; and A. L., who is engaged in a foundry business in this city.

Charles N. Frame was educated in the schools of Reading and attended the old Reading high school, where many of the leading citizens of Reading were educated. When he started to work, his first position was that of clerk and errand boy in a grocery, owned by William J. Rhoads, with whom he remained until the business was bought by Mr. Markley, with who Mr. Frame remained until he in turn sold out. For two years following he was a clerk in a general store conducted by David Keiser, whom he left to engage in a grocery business with his father, with whom he remained one year and then accepted a position with an uncle in Philadelphia for a short period. Mr. Frame then returned to his native city, and for two years conducted a flour and feed business, which he subsequently sold and went into men's furnishing business, and this he disposed of in 1875 in order to accept the agency of the Reading Eagle. Mr. Frame has been very successful in this line, and since 1875 has had the sole management of the city circulation, including the hiring of the newsboys and office help, and has in his employ some seventy-five people. It will thus be seen that Mr. Frame is a very necessary factor in the business success of this popular journal.

Mr. Frame was married to Louisa Bertolet, daughter of Mayberry Bertolet, and they have had seven children, as follows: Robert; Katharine; Charles, deceased; Bertolet F.,; Maria D.,; Helen M.; and Louisa D. In their religious belief the family are Presbyterians. Fraternally Mr. Frame belongs to St. John's Lodge, No. 435, F. & A. M. He formerly belonged to the I. O. O. F., was a charter member of Perseverance Council, Jr. O. U. A. M., a member of the Knights of the Golden Eagle, and a member of Mt. Penn Council, Royal Arcanum. He is a member of the Liberty Fire Company. Mr. Frame has always taken a good citizen's interest in the city's affairs, and has served one year as a member of the council from the First ward. Mr. Frame gives liberal support to schools, churches, charities and benevolent objects, and has never been wanting in public spirit when measures looking to the welfare of his fellow citizens have been brought to his attention. He is probably as well known as any citizen of Reading, who has been a resident here for as many years.


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Among the successful practitioners at the Berks county Bar is John M. Frame, who, though young in the practice, has brought to the study of his profession such educational equipment as to place him at once in line for rapid advancement. He is the son of William J. and Elizabeth A. (Musser) Frame, and was born in Reading, Aug. 6, 1875.

In both paternal and maternal lines Mr. Frame comes of honored family, the maternal line having been especially prominent in the history of neighboring counties. Adamstown was founded by Richard Adams, grandfather of John Musser, who, in turn, was the grandfather of our honored subject. John Musser was in his day one of the leading men of Lancaster county, being one of the originators of the Musser Lumber company, one of the largest concerns of its kind in the Mississippi Valley. On the maternal side also was Sebastian Miller, who was a captain in Col. Joseph Hiester's regiment during the Revolutionary war.

William J. Frame was born Dec. 25, 1844, and was educated in the common schools of Berks county, and at Lititz Academy. Before he had finished his course at the latter institution, came the Civil war, calling young men from school and from every occupation in life to the defense of the union. Mr. Frame enlisted June 18, 1863, in Company C, 42d Pa. V. I. He was mustered out at Camp Haak, in Reading, and after receiving his discharge returned to Lititz and completed his course in the Academy. Returning then to Reading, he clerked in his father's coal office until 1867, when he purchased the business, which he operated successfully for two years, or until the freshet of 1869. He then engaged in the flour and feed business, continuing until 1875, when he entered the employ of the Philadelphia & Reading Company. His next venture was in the leaf tobacco business at Adamstown, which he continued until 1886. He was considered an expert leaf tobacco man. He became a member of the firm of Glaser, Frame & Co., and remained such until it's dissolution in 1897. In 1869 he married Elizabeth A. Musser, daughter of John and Cassiah (Miller) Musser, and they have one child, John Musser. Mr. Frame is a stanch Republican, and represented the First ward in the council in 1868 and 1869. During his term in the council he helped vote the Market House away from Penn Square. He is broad minded and progressive, and has ever been at the front of any movement to benefit the city. He is a member of Chandler Lodge, No. 227, F. & A. M.; Reading Chapter, R. A. M.; DeMolay Commandery, No. 9, K. T.; Harrisburg Consistory; and Rajah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S.

John Musser Frame passed the period of early boyhood and youth in Adamstown, being there well grounded in the rudiments. Thence he came back to the city, where he continued his studies at the high school, in preparation for college. Entering Princeton he took the degree of A. B., cum laude, and then matriculated at Harvard, where in 1900 he took his law degree. Mr. Frame at once entered the office of Isaac Hiester, of Reading, and after a few months of preliminary study and training in the details of office work, was admitted to practice in the courts of the county, and later in the Superior and Supreme Courts.

In addition to his legal work, Mr. Frame is identified with a number of the city's most successful institutions. He is a director in the Metropolitan Electric Company, the United Traction Company, and the Colonial Trust Company. He is secretary and treasurer of the Adamstown & Mohnsville Electric Railway Company, and holds the same relation to the Kutztown & Fleetwood Railway Company. All of the foregoing are large employers of capital and are among the most successful of the city's enterprises.

In a social way, Mr. Frame keeps in touch with the best people of the city by membership in the Berkshire Club, the Wyomissing Club, and the Washington Library; and he continues his interest in school life by connection with the Princeton Club of Philadelphia. He is also a member of Isaac Hiester Lodge, No. 660, F. & A. M. In politics he is a stanch Republican, and though a very busy man finds time to take a more or less active part in politics. Naturally his interest in education marked him for public preferment in that line, and he has for some time been a member of the board of school control form the Fourteenth ward, in which body he wields a powerful and salutary influence, being ever ready to promote the interests of Reading's excellent school system. Mr. Frame is also active in religious circles, being one of the leading men in the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he is a member of the board of stewards. He takes delight in all the work of the church, but is especially devoted to the men's organization, known as the Brotherhood of St. Paul, of which he formerly was treasurer of the national body.

The making of a career is a matter of no small moment. There are two elements which enter into the making which, if possessed in good degree, lift a heavy handicap--good birth and breeding, and a good education. With these and with a mind singularly alert an attuned to the possibilities of the age, Mr. Frame has a substantial foundation in his life's work.


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Fremont W. Frankhauser, M. D., a leading physician and surgeon of Reading, is a man naturally fitted for a prominent place among his fellow men, and one who has attracted the attention of Reading's citizens in several fields of activity.

The Frankhauser family was established in America before the Revolution, when three brothers, Peter, Christian and Henry, came to this country and settled in Pennsylvania, at first in Chester and later in Lancaster county. According to Rupp's thirty thousand names Michael Frankhauser arrived from Germany in 1751. In 1790 Federal Census reports him a resident of Brecknock township (now Berks county), and having five sons--one above sixteen, four under sixteen years of age--and four daughters. John Frankhauser, paternal grandfather of Dr. Fremont W., was a farmer, and save that he died at fifty-four, little can be learned of his life. His children were: Harry; Benjamin; Peter; Christian; Richard; George; Isaac; Jacob; John; Fianna, deceased who married the late Israel Cooper; and Ella, who married a Mr. Hoyt and lives in Philadelphia. The parents were members of the Evangelical Church and in politics John Frankhauser was a Whig.

John Frankhauser (2) was by trade a cooper and stone mason, but he also owned and operated a small farm. He died young, passing away when only thirty-six years old. He married Miss Maria Weaver, like himself a native of Lancaster county, and they had five children; Fremont W. is mentioned below. Anna married Daniel Beavens, and had eight children. Lot W. is a cigar manufacturer: he married Miss Anne Miller, and they have three children; Alger; Florence; and Earl. John, a physician, was graduated from the Medico-Chirurgical College, with the class of 1889, and is now practicing at Mohnton; he married Miss Ella Fritz, and their only child is named Agnew. Sherman W. lives at the old homestead. The family are Evangelical in faith, and the father was a Whig in politics, and a Republican when the Republican party was formed.

Fremont W. Frankhauser was born at Muddy Creek, Lancaster county, Oct. 27, 1856. He began his education in the county public schools but later attended an academy at Terre Hill. After leaving school he taught for five years, meantime reading medicine under Dr. Abraham Kissinger, of Bowmansville, for four years. When he was ready to enter a medical school, he chose the Jefferson Medical College, of Philadelphia, and was given his degree of M. D. there in 1880. He first began practicing at Mohnsville, but afterward removed to Springfield, Chester county, and remained there seven years. He next returned to Philadelphia for graduate work at the Medico-Chirurgical College and when he was graduated in 1888 he became resident physician in the Medico-Chirurgical Hospital.

Dr. Frankhauser finally settled in Reading, and has ever since been identified with that city. He is a specialist in diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat and has done special pathological work. An untiring reader, and keen student, he keeps well abreast of his chosen profession and is a leading spirit in several medical societies. He belongs to the Reading Medical Association, the Berks County Medical Society (of which he was president in 1900) and the State Medical Society, is a representative to the American Medical Association, is a member of the American Medical Association, and a member of its legislative committee.

Dr. Frankhauser has not forgotten his duties as a citizen in the demands of his profession and is at present (1906) serving as a member of the city council. He has the true interests of the city at heart and has done valuable work in the council. The Doctor is also well known in Masonic Circles and is past master of Lodge No. 62, F. & A. M., of Reading, being also a member of the Mystic Star Commandery, No. 47, K. T. He also belongs to the Knights of Friendship and the Royal Arcanum.

In 1880 Dr. Frankhauser was married to Miss Sarah R. Shirk, daughter of Rudolph Shirk, of Shoeneck, Lancaster county. They have two sons, Aithen and Herbert, and have lost one daughter Olive May. Dr. Frankhauser and his wife have many warm friends and stand high in the community, where the Doctor's practice is a large one.


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Alfred Franks, an esteemed citizen and court crier of Reading, is a veteran of the Civil war. His maternal grandfather was William Ferguson, a school teacher and surveyor of Lancaster county, and his parents were Joseph and Elizabeth Ann (Ferguson) Franks, the former, a native of France, dying before our subject's birth, in Harrisburg, in 1840. He was a school trustee and a worthy citizen. There were three children born to Mr. and Mrs. Franks, Alfred being the only one still living, the remaining two, having died in infancy. After the death of Mr. Franks, his widow m. Michael Higel, and three children were born to them: Sarah, m. a Mr. Marquet of Des Moines, Ia.; Joseph of California; and Cecelia, m. a Mr. Myers, and was living in Pittsburg when last heard from.

Alfred Franks was born in Reading Oct 11, 1840, and he received his education in the public schools of the city. After leaving school he engaged in farm labor, and then learned shoemaking, being bound out for four years to Samuel Werley. He worked as journeyman shoemaker for twenty-five years. In 1890, he was appointed court crier, at which he has served efficiently and ably ever since. Although a Democrat in politics, Mr. Franks was elected a city councilman from the Fifth ward, which is strongly Republican, in 1886, and he has been a powerful factor in Berks county politics. He married August 13, 1863, Catharine Lutz, daughter of Philip Lutz, an excavator in Reading, and six children came to bless this union: Alfred L., who died at the age of twenty-six years, five months; Cyrus L., of Reading; Philip F., of that city; Catharine, twin to Alfred, wife of James Strauss, a hotel keeper of Reading; Sarah L., wife of Charles W. Yarnell, an alderman of Reading; and Annie E., who married M. Felthoff, a clerk of Reading.

In 1862, Mr. Franks enlisted in Company E, 128th Pa. V. I., under Capt. William Andrews and Col. Crosdale, of Bucks county, and served nine months, participating in many battles, including those of Antietam and Fredericksburg. He was a member of the First Reformed Church. His fraternal connections are with the Masons, he belonging to Lodge No. 52, F. & A. M.; Excelsior Chapter, R. A. M.; and Reading Commandery No. 42; Rajah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. He also belongs to Muhlenberg Lodge I. O. O. F., and was formerly a member and three times Grand Noble of Salome Lodge, No. 105, before it's disbandment; and to Minnehaha Lodge, K. P., of Friedensburg, in Oley township. He has always been greatly interested in the development and progress of the city, and is one of its most highly esteemed citizens.

Cyrus L. Franks, son of Alfred, and present popular proprietor of the "Sixth Ward Hotel," Reading, was born in that city June 9, 1864. The public schools of Reading and Friedensburg afforded him ample facilities for a good substantial literary training, and at the age of sixteen he left school and learned the stove molding trade with the Reading Stove Works, following this occupation for twenty-six years with that company. On Feb. 13, 1906, Mr. Franks engaged in the hotel business at the southwest corner of Second and Washington streets, and has since been engaged there. Socially he belongs to the Sons of Veterans, the Red Men, the Moulder's Union, and the Fraternal Order of Eagles, Aerie No. 66.

On August 14, 1884, Mr. Franks married Mary Rutz, daughter of Henry and Susan (Osenwald) Rutz, of Reading, and they have three children: Laura E., Alfred and Erma.


p 1372


R. A. Frasso, notary public and proprietor of the First Italian Exchange, Bank of Reading, was born in the Province of Benevento, Cusana Mutri, Italy, son of Pasquale Frasso, also a native of that country.

R. A. Frasso came to America March 22, 1883, landing at Castle Garden, N.Y. His first employment was on the West Shore Railroad with a construction gang at Syracuse, N.Y., and this line of work he followed for about three years, when he engaged in supplying contract labor for the Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Co. He is one of the best known men in this line in Pennsylvania. He also furnished supplies to Italian help, and is one of the best interpreters in this section. In 1901 he came to Reading and engaged in supplying help for one of the contractors on the Reading railroad, later opening an Exchange Bank and office, on Penn, between First and Second streets. He is agent for several steamship companies, representing some of the best of both this and foreign countries. Mr. Frasso was appointed notary public March 7, 1904, by Governor Pennypacker. He is well and favorably known in Reading and the adjoining country.

Mr. Frasso was married in 1891, to Miss Kate Bolich, a native of Schuylkill county, and five children have been born to this union: Frank, George, Sadie, Eddie and Mabel.


p. 935


W. Adam Frauenfelder, a representative agriculturist and substantial citizen of Berks county, whose valuable property is situated in Windsor township, was born in Greenwich township, Oct. 6, 1854, son of Henry and Fietta (Stump) Frauenfelder.

Heinrich Frauenfelder, the great-great-grandfather of W. Adam, was born in Switzerland, and came to America when a mere lad. He became a substantial farmer of his locality, settling in Maiden-creek township, Berks county, Pa. His son Adam, the great-grandfather of W. Adam, owned the property now in the possession of Michael Hoffman. He married a Miss Bassler, and to this union were born children as follows: Adam, who settled in Circleville, Ohio; John, who served in Cap. Jeremiah Schappell's Company, 1st Regiment, 2d Brigade, during the war of 1812, being in active service from Sept. 1 to Nov. 1, 1814; Jacob; and Heinrich.

Jacob Frauenfelder, grandfather of W. Adam, was born in Perry township Oct. 1, 1801, and died Dec. 9, 1870, in his seventieth year. He married Magdalena Baer, daughter of John and Catharine (Reeser) Baer, and they had these children: Adam, who married Lovina Lenhart; Matilda, who married Joseph Leiby; and Henry.

Henry Frauenfelder, born Feb. 12, 1834 in Perry township, died April 5, 1889, aged fifty-five years. He was a lifelong farmer on the property now owned by his son, W. Adam, and was well and favorably known, serving his township as supervisor, assessor and auditor for many years. In politics he was a Jacksonian Democrat, and he and his family are constant attendants of the Zion's Union Church in Perry township, of which he was treasurer, deacon and elder. Mr. Frauenfelder married Fietta Stump, daughter of Daniel and Lydia (Dietrich) Stump, and two sons were born to this union, W. Adam and Daniel J. The latter married Lenora Jacoby and has two children, Lovie and Curtis.

W. Adam Frauenfelder attended the public schools of his district until sixteen years of age, obtaining a good common school education. He commenced farming for himself in Maxatawny township, where he lived one year, then removing to the old Michael Dietrich homestead, one-half mile northeast of Klinesville, in Greenwich township. This valuable property he bought, and lived upon it for eight years, making various improvements. He built the present barn in 1884 and the large summer house soon thereafter. In 1889 he sold the farm to his brother Daniel J., and embarked in a general mercantile business at Klinesville, where he engaged with much success for nine year. In 1898 Mr. Frauenfelder sold his store, stock and good-will to Hamscher Brothers, and removed to his 120-acre farm in Windsor township, two miles west of Lenhartsville. In recent years, Mr. Frauenfelder has improved his property greatly, and it now compares favorably with any in the township.

In political matters, Mr. Frauenfelder is a Democrat, and has been active in the ranks of his party, serving as delegate to numerous county conventions and to three State conventions, and was for twelve terms committeeman of his district. He served Greenwich township as school director, for nine years was postmaster of Klinesville, and announced himself as a candidate for the office of jury commissioner of Berks county in 1909. Mr. Frauenfelder is a prominent member of New Jerusalem (Dunkel's) Church, belonging to the Reformed denomination. He has served this church as deacon, trustee, and elder, and was on the building committee when the church tower was erected and was instrumental in procuring the bell, upon which his name is inscribed in letters of bronze.

Mr. Frauenfelder has been twice married, his first wife being Catharine I. Lenhart, with whom he was united July 10, 1875. She died Nov. 6, 1886, aged twenty-eight years, eight months, and sixteen days, leaving two daughters: Laura S., who married Robert E. Dietrich; and Estella C., married to Howard Luckenbill. On Jan 26, 1888, Mr. Frauenfelder was married to Mrs. Fannie I. (Seidel) Trexler, daughter of William and Susanna (Dreibelbis) Seidel, and to this union were born children as follows: Susan F. (a school teacher), Elton A., Fannie I., Esther M., and George Henry Seidel. Mrs. Frauenfelder had two sons by her first marriage, namely: Edward. N. Trexler, living with his parents, and William B. Trexler, M. D., who is located at Fullerton, Lehigh Co., Pennsylvania.


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William J. Frederick, who, as a member of the well-known firm of J. P. Sellers & Co., is prominent in business circles in Reading, Pa., and was born Dec. 29, 1859, in Allentown, PA., son of Adam B. and Mary (Sellers) Frederick, and grandson of Solomon S. Frederick, of Allentown.

Adam B. Frederick was born in Lehigh county, Pa., and early in life learned the carpenter's trade. He became proprietor of the Allentown Planing-mill, which he was operating at the time of his death, in 1900, in his sixty-ninth year. Mr. Frederick married (first) Mary Sellers, by whom one son, William J. was born. He m. (second) Sarah Ritter, daughter of Jacob Ritter, and four children were born of this union: Frank, who conducts the planing-mill established by his father; Joseph, also interested in the planing-mill business; Charles, of Bethlehem, Pa.; and Sally, who married John Sefing. In religious belief Adam B. Frederick was a Lutheran, and he took an active part in church affairs, serving as elder and deacon.

William J. Frederick was educated in the schools of Allentown. He then clerked in a grocery store at Ninth and Hamilton streets, Allentown, and later he learned the tailor's trade, under C. L. Newhard and Son, becoming an expert cutter and designer of children's clothes, and this occupation he followed from 1876 to 1903, in which latter year he purchased Mr. W. B. Medler's interest in the firm of J. P. Sellers & Co., a business established by James Jameson in 1844. While still in Allentown, Mr. Frederick was manager of the children's department in Koch Brothers' clothing store.

On Sept. 17, 1882, Mr. Frederick married Ella E. Grim, daughter of Peter K. Grim, of Allentown, and seven children were born to this union: Elizabeth M. E., Mabel T., Lillian M., Edgar G., Raymond P., Willie B., and Luther S. Mr. Frederick and his family are members of St. Matthew's Evangelical Lutheran Church, in which he is a deacon. He is a member of the Heptasophs, Hancock Conclave of Allentown, Pa., and regent of Mount Penn Council, Royal Arcanum. On Dec. 12, 1907, he was raised a Mason in Chandler Lodge, No. 227, F. & A. M., of Reading. He is a member of the Reading Board of Trade. Mr. Frederick is rather inclined to be independent in local politics.

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