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Dr. Allen J. Fink, formerly a druggist at Hamburg, Pa., and a very highly esteemed citizen of that borough, was born in Hamburg, Berks county, Nov. 13, 1860, son of David H. and Jane E. (Gift) Fink and grandson of Peter Finck.
Peter Finck was born in Greenwich township in 1783, and carried on farming near Virginville until his decease in 1853. He married Magdalena Heffner, born 1790, died 1852, daughter of George and Mary Heffner. They had nine children: Kate, Mary Ann, Betsey, Abraham, Malara, Joel, Harriet and David H.
David H. Fink was born in Perry township in 1833, and there carried on farming for a number of years, later removing to Hamburg, where he was engaged in the hotel business in the "American House" for thirty-five years. After living retired for several years he died in 1893, at the age of sixty years. He was married to Jane E. Gift, daughter of William Gift, and their only child was Dr. Allen J.
Dr. Allen J. Fink fitted himself to become a competent pharmacist by studying and practising in the drug store of Dr. J. H. Stein, at Reading, for two years, and taking a course of lectures in the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, from which he was graduated in 1888. He located in Hamburg in 1887, for the purpose of carrying on the drug business and manufacturing specialties, and he conducted his store in a very successful manner. In 1895 Dr. Fink associated with Thomas Raubenhold and Solomon K. Hoffman, Esq., for the manufacture of underwear at Hamburg. For this enterprise they erected a two-story brick building, and they have carried on the business ever since trading under the name of the Hamburg Knitting Mills. In 1906, Dr. Fink gave up the drug business and has since devoted himself wholly to his interests in the mills.
In 1903, Dr. Fink was selected by the citizens of the place as one of the building committee of the new Public Library, this being erected and opened to the public in 1904. At the expiration of the Doctor's term he was re-elected. When St. John's Lutheran Church was rebuilt, in 1898, after its complete destruction by fire, Dr. Fink presented in the name of himself and wife a solid brass lectern, and also one of the three large windows in the west end of the building, both of which present a magnificent appearance, and are highly appreciated.
Dr. Fink married Amy Withers, daughter of George and Joanna (Kalbach) Withers, and they have one child, a son, Langhorn.
p. 455 Surnames:
Andrew Jackson Fink, president of the firm of George W. Beard & Co., Inc., contractors and builders, Colonial Trust building, and one of the most prominent young business men of Reading, was born in that city in 1872, son of Andrew Jackson and Catherine (Helder) Fink.
Andrew Jackson Fink, Sr., was born in Reading July 6,1840, son of Benjamin Franklin Fink, a well-known carpenter in the early part of the nineteenth century. He attended the public schools and later learned the carpenter's trade under the careful guidance of his father. He took a keen interest in public affairs, and in 1879 was elected a member of the school board, serving several terms. He was next elected superintendent of repairs, an office he held about three years, and then engaged in a general contracting and building business, erecting many in the city, especially in the northwestern part. In political sentiment he was a Democrat, and he was a familiar figure at ward meetings and conventions. He was a good logical speaker, his keen wit scoring many a point against his opponents. With the exception of the offices previously mentioned, he held no political position. He was a charter member and first president of the Schuylkill Fire Company, and member of the Eighth Ward Democratic Club. His church membership was with St. James Lutheran Church. He married Catherine Helder, who preceded him in death some years. Of the children, the following survived the parents: Clara (m. to Samuel Jacobs); Kate (m. to James Gilbert); Ella (m. to James Grist); Florence and Annie (unmarried); and Andrew Jackson. Mr. Fink was survived by his brother, John, of Reading; and his, sister, Rebecca, wife of James Kerst.
Andrew J. Fink, son of Andrew Jackson, Sr., was born in 1872, and attended the public schools of the city, and then began the study of architecture with A. F. Smith, with whom he remained two years. He then became connected with Cofrode & Saylor, remaining one year, and next spent two years at civil engineering with the Reading Railroad Company, and for three years was with L. H. Focht, builder. In 1892, with George W. Beard, the present firm was formed by Mr. Fink, who became president after the latter's retirement. The firm has done over $2,000,000 worth of business, being the leading contractors and builders in eastern Pennsylvania. They maintain suitable offices in the Colonial Trust Building, Reading, Pa., and a branch office at Easton, Pa., and employ on an average from 300 to 400 men. They have done building at Wilkes-Barre, Easton, Harrisburg and Hazleton, although their business comes principally from Reading. Following is a list, with the value, of some of the buildings constructed by this company: Girls' high school, Reading, $125,000; First National Bank, Easton, $125,000; Dairy Building, State College, $90,000; Montello Brick Company, works at Perkiomen, $110,000, and at Wyomissing, $80,000; P. & R. Round House, Rutherford, $50,000, and Power House, Ash Conveyor, etc., Reading, $136,000; St. Stephen's Church, Reading, $30,000; Second Reformed, Reading, $27,000; Grace United, Reading, $22,000; St. Mark's, Reading, $42,000, and at Lebanon, $32,000; Masonic Temple, Reading, $60,000; Acme Bicycle Works, $52,000; J. G. Mohn & Bros., factory, $30,000; Hendel Hat Company, Reading, $29,000, and factory, $22,000; C. W. Hendel factory, Reading, $15,000; St. Thomas' church, finishing, $11,000; Trinity United Evangelical church, Reading, $10,000; Addition to Widows' Home, Reading, $25,000; Coaling Station, Harrisburg, for Reading Railway Company, $35,000; Keystone Cold Storage, Reading, $40,000; Hershey building, large store, $32,000; car barn, United Traction Company, Reading, $40,000; John S. Shade & Sons, Reading, $15,000; Woodward street Market House, $14,000; Gately & Britton, $18,000; Wertz & Co., warehouse, $12,000; Reading Car Wheel Company, foundry and other buildings, $15,500; Bright & Co., warehouse, $16,800; Pennsylvania Knitting Mills, $14,000; Auditorium, $25,000; school at Moss and Elm streets, $25,000; Miller & Sons warehouse, $24,500; Reading Railway for coaling station, $26,000; Nolde & Horst stocking factory, $24,600; Curtis & Jones shoe factory, $47,000; J. G. Leinbach pants factory, $22,000; freight station for Reading railroad at Lansdale, $12,000 alterations to County court house, Reading, $21,000; C. W. Hendel residence, $26,000; for J. W. Kutz, $25,000; for Frank W. Hanold, $20,000; for Howard L. Boas, $21,000; Prospect Dye Works, $15,000; J. G. Hansen cigar factory, $12,000; addition for George F. Baer, $10,000; Nurses Home, Reading Hospital, $12,000; store buildings for James Nolan, $11,000; for Mrs. Bishop, $10,000; Hope Lutheran Church, $25,000; Rajah Temple, $28,000; George. W. Biehl's apartment house, $10,000; City Pumping Station, $20,000; Boys' high school, Reading, $250,000; and many small buildings which cost less than $10,000 each, and are too numerous to mention.
Mr. Fink was married to Laura G. Goodenough, and to this union were born: Dorothy and Donald. In religious belief the family were Lutherans, and members of St. Luke's Lutheran Church. Mr. Fink is a Republican in politics, and has served on the school board two terms, and as a member of the board of public works, of which latter he is now president. He is a member of Lodge No. 62, F. & A. M., Reading Chapter; DeMolay Commandery No. 9, K. T.; Allen Council, No. 23; Harrisburg Consistory, 32 º, and Rajah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. He also belongs to the Knights of Malta, Reading Lodge of Elks, Wyomissing Club, the I. O. U. A., the Union Fire Company, No. 13, and the Reading Board of Trade. Mr. Fink has always taken deep interest in all the affairs of the city, and has devoted a great deal of time in the interest of progressive movements.
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Henry J. Fink, now living retired at Reading, Pa., residing in a pleasant home at No. 425 Chestnut street, was born in the city of Reading, April 22, 1844, son of John and Angelina (Eisenhower) Fink.
John Fink, father of Henry J., was born in 1820, in Lancaster county, Pa., and still survives, one of the venerable but still most active of Reading's citizens. For many years he was engaged in the planing mill business here, and was an extensive builder and contractor. He married Angelina Eisenhower, and their children were: Sarah A.; William A., an architect; Ellen F.; and Henry J. The family has always been Lutheran in its religious belief. Mr. Fink is a Republican, and takes a very active interest in general as well as local affairs.
Henry J. Fink learned the carpenter's trade after he left school, and for many years was associated with his father, whose manager at the planing mill he was for a long period. In 1890 he gave up that business and engaged in the manufacture of cigars, a business he conducted for fourteen years, from which he retired in 1904.
During the Civil war, Mr. Fink enlisted, Aug. 9, 1862, in Company B, 128th Pa. V. I., and served nine months, and then re-enlisted in Company B., 195th Pa. V. I., for the 100-day service. His record is that of a loyal citizen and brave soldier.
On Sept. 21, 1869, Mr. Fink married Rebecca B. Graeff, and they have two sons, John W., a master mechanic in the employ of the Pennsylvania Railroad, with headquarters at Mt. Carbon, Pa.; and George H., of Reading. Mr. Fink is quartermaster of Keim Post, G. A. R., and office he has filled since its organization. He belongs also to Castle No. 49, K. G. E.; St. John's Lodge, F. & A. M.; and Liberty Fire Company, No. 6, of Reading. In politics he is an ardent Republican. He served two terms as a member of the Reading school board, elected from the First ward, in which he resided twenty-eight years. At present Mr. Fink is living retired, attending only to his own real estate.
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John Fink, who for many years was engaged as a carpenter and builder in Reading, was an old and honored resident of that city. He was born Dec. 26, 1819, in Ephrata, Lancaster county, Pa., son of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Kutz) Fink, natives of that county.
Benjamin Fink was a carpenter by trade, and that occupation he followed practically all his life, also carrying on a blacksmith shop at Ephrata, as well as a hotel. About 1826 he located in Reading, becoming proprietor of a hotel on Fourth street and one in the west part of town. Mr. Fink was twice married, his first wife being Elizabeth Kutz, who died in 1851, aged fifty-four years. She was the mother of Andrew J., Reuben, John, Daniel, Catherine (m. James Haas); Mary (m. James Hottenstein); and Emma (m. a Snyder). Mr. Fink was married (second) to Miss Rebecca Obold, and to this union was born one child, Rebecca, who married James Kerst. In religious belief the family was Lutheran. Mr. Fink politically was a Democrat.
John Fink received his education in the schools in Reading and later learned the carpenter trade with his father, working thereat as journeyman for some years, when he started in business on his own account. In 1842 he opened a shop which is now used as a storeroom in the rear of his residence No 208 South Fifth street, where he resided until his death, Dec. 12, 1908. He was in partnership with Nathan Eisenhower, until 1884, when Amos Huyett was admitted to the firm, this continuing until 1894, when Mr. Fink retired from the company. Fink & Company were the most extensive builders and contractors in the city of Reading, where they erected many handsome and substantial structures, among them the Court House building, the Reading Cotton Factory in 1850, the Hotel Penn in the same year, Stichter Block, the Bausman Church and St. Paul's Church of Reading, as well as many residences in and around Reading. Mr. Fink had a widespread reputation for building, and at one time employed as many as seventy-eight men. He was very active in his later years, and attended to many duties besides taking care of eleven properties.
Mr. Fink was first married to Angeline Eisenhower, and to them were born children as follows: Henry J., William A., Sarah A. E. and Ellen F., the last named having been a teacher for twenty-one years. Mr. Finks' second marriage was to Mary E. Drenkel. There were no children of the second marriage. Mr. Fink was a member of St. James Lutheran Church. He was a Republican in politics, and in 1844 was a member of the Militia, later belonging to Ann Ross Post. Among the many handsome church structures erected by Mr. Fink were those at Allegheny and Schwartzwald, as well as St. James Lutheran Church at Reading. Mr. Fink's death occurred Dec. 12, 1908. He is buried in the Charles Evans cemetery.
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Adam Miller Fisher, foreman of the coremaking department of Orr & Sembower's plant, and a citizen of Oakbrook, Berks Co., Pa., was born Nov. 9, 1870, in Marion township, son of Abraham and Catherine (Miller) Fisher. He is a descendant of Wilhelm Fischer, a native of Germany, who was the founder of a very large and prolific Berks county family. He settled in a section of the country now embracing Spring (formerly Cumru) and Lower Heidelberg (then a part of Heidelberg) townships and owned about one thousand acres of land. He was a farmer by occupation, exceedingly industrious, and was known as a man of sterling qualities. During his lifetime there was little clear land in Lower Heidelberg and Spring townships, and he often heard the howl of wolves in the forest around his primitive home, a typical log cabin dwelling. Frequently he stood in fear of the Indians who still roamed the forests after the date of his settlement and whose attacks endangered the lives and property of the hardy settlers. He adhered to the German Reformed Church, and Hains's Church in Lower Heidelberg township was his spiritual home. His mortal remains were laid to rest in the graveyard of that old established house of worship, and there, too, sleep scores of descendants of this noble pioneer. Among his children were: Frederick, Wilhelm, George, Michael and Daniel.
Michael Fischer, son of Wilhelm the emigrant, was born on the old homestead Nov. 19, 1769, and died on his farm near Wernersville, Pa., Dec. 16, 1845, aged seventy-six years, twenty-seven days. He owned a farm of 127 acres located one and a half miles south of Wernersville, which his family cultivated. He was a weaver and made all kinds of cloth and linen goods in demand in his day. He was a prominence in local affairs serving as overseer of the poor in his district for many years; this office was abolished by Act of Assembly on March 29, 1824, after which directors of the poor were elected. Michael Fischer was much esteemed, and he was widely known for his uncompromising honesty. Like his father, he is buried in the graveyard at Hain's Church of which he is a member. He married Elizabeth Hemmig (born Aug. 29, 1774, died July 22, 1845, aged seventy years, ten months, twenty-three days). The children born to them were as follows: Christian, born July, 1, 1793; Michael, Jan. 4, 1795; Daniel, Sept. 27, 1796; Catharine, Aug. 15, 1798; Philip, Jan. 25, 1800; Wilhelm, Jan. 15, 1803; Sarah (m. John Stump); Elizabeth (m. (first) Daniel Fisher and (second) Isaac Boyer).
Wilhelm Fisher, son of Michael Fischer, and grandfather of Adam M., was born Jan. 15, 1803. He was a well known man in his community, having passed all his life in the district where he was born, and furthermore he was enterprising and thrifty. Under his father he learned plain weaving, but he also acquired the art of fine weaving, and did well at his trade. He lived upon a tract adjacent to his father's farm, consisting originally of 6 A, 131 rd., to which he later added thirty-one acres. Here in 1837 he built a log house which is still standing. He married Ellenora Boyer, and to them were born children as follows: Peter, born May 13, 1826, who was a soldier in the Civil war; Abraham, born Nov. 17, 1831, a carpenter by trade; Jeremiah B., born May 20, 1837; Polly, wife of Emanuel Eberly, residing near Fritztown, where he followed carriage-making for many years, but is now living retired upon his farm; and Lavina, born Jan. 21, 1842, who married John H. Steffy, and died May 17, 1898, aged fifty-seven years (they had no children). Mr. and Mrs. Fisher worshipped at Hain's Church, and there they are buried.
Abraham Fisher, father of Adam M., was born Nov. 17, 1831, in Berks county, and in early life learned the trades of blacksmith, wheelwright and carpenter, which he followed until his retirement, since which time he has resided at Bernville. He married Catherine Miller, daughter of Jacob Miller, of Montgomery county, and she died March 12, 1896. Their children were: Emma, m. to Elmer H. Kline; Jacob, m. to Alva Long; Katie, who died when eighteen years of age; Mary, m. to Frank White; John; Sallie, who died at the age of nineteen years; Caroline, m. to Charles Klopp; Adam M.; Clara, who died at the age of fifteen years; and Amelia, m. to Jeremiah Huffort.
Adam M. Fisher spent his school days at Womelsdorf, and at an early age secured employment in a brick yard at that place. At the age of eighteen years he began to learn the trade of blacksmith at Shillington, with John W. Wertz, with whom he continued for nine years. He then engaged at coremaking, entering Orr & Sembower's plant in 1898, and he is still employed with that company, being foreman of his department. Mr. Fisher is a skilled mechanic, and his services are highly valued by his employers.
In 1893, Mr. Fisher was married to Catherine H. Shearer, daughter of Aaron and Emma (Heister) Shearer, a sketch of which family appears elsewhere in these annals, being one of the oldest of the county. Three children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Fisher: Earle S., born Oct. 6, 1893; Ralph S., born July 4, 1896; and Norman, born Aug. 26, 1902. Politically Mr. Fisher is a Republican, and he and his wife are Lutherans in their religious belief. He is connected with the Iron Molder's Union.
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A. W. Fisher, a prominent wholesale wine and liquor dealer, of Reading, Pa., whose place of business is situated at the corner of Second and Penn streets, was born in West Reading, Spring township, May, 27, 1851, son of William L. and Mary (Weitzel) Fisher, and a grandson of John and Barbara (Lichty) Fisher.
John Fisher was born in Windsor township, Berks county, in 1800, and lived near Monterey, where he was engaged in the building and furniture business, and where all his children were born. He also had stone quarries and a lime kiln on the Allentown road east of Monterey church. It is thought that he built the old stone church and school house at Monterey. In 1842 he gave up the building business and moved to Oley township. About a year later a freshet in Monocacy Creek carried away fences and washed out the grain fields, and he moved to Cumru township, and about 1846-47 he located on the farm at the junction of Wyomissing creek and the Schuylkill river, where he died in 1849. In 1821 he married Barbara Lichty, and they had the following children: Charles; Hettie, m. to Joseph Markley; Gideon; William L., the father of A. W.; John; Daniel L., of Philadelphia, Pa.; Sarah; Amelia, m. to Frank Adams, of Reading (they have a daughter, Miss Mary, a supervisor of schools in Reading, since 1906); and one child who died in infancy. The family were members of the Lutheran Church. Mr. Fisher was a Democrat in politics. His first wife died while yet a young woman, and he m. (second) Polly Leader, by whom one son, Glancey, was born. John Fisher had two brothers and a sister: George; Solomon; and Mary, who married Philip Ziegler, a farmer near Rothrocksville, in Lehigh county, near the Berks county line, and had thirteen children, of whom five, all over seventy years of age, are still living - Daniel (aged ninety-seven years), William (of Allentown), David (on the homestead), Mary (aged seventy-six years, widow of Joseph Miller, of near Topton) and Gideon (of Allentown). The maiden name of Mr. Fisher's mother was Hauer, and her brother, the late George Hauer, was a prominent merchant in Windsor township.
William L. Fisher, son of John, was born in Berks county and was educated in the public schools. He was reared to the life of a farmer, and this he followed in connection with trucking, owning a small tract of land near the Cacoosing, where he also conducted a country hotel. It is said that none of this family used malt or spirituous liquors. Mr. Fisher conducted his hotel for several years, but later sold out and removed to Reading, where he opened a cafe on the site of the present Schuylkill Valley Bank. This was in 1876 and he remained in business with his son, A. W., until his death, in 1892, aged fifty-five years. He was considered a very good citizen. Mr. Fisher was a very powerfully built man, his weight being 265 pounds. He and his wife were the parents of seven children, four sons of whom died in infancy, A. W. being the only son to survive. The daughters were: Emma, deceased, m. to Ephraim Miller; and Agnes, m. to Jeremiah Eppling. Both Mr. and Mrs. William Fisher were members of the Lutheran Church. He was a Democrat up to the time of Abraham Lincoln's campaign, when he cast his lot with the Republican party. Mrs. Fisher died in 1874, aged fifty-three years.
A. W. Fisher was educated in the common schools of West Reading, and until 1876 worked upon a farm, when, with his father, he came to Reading and engaged in the cafe business. Like his father, Mr. Fisher is a very large man. At the age of fourteen years his weight was 263 pounds, and today his average weight is 340 pounds. He enjoys the very best of health, and is as supple and active as many a man of half his weight. Since 1895 Mr. Fisher has devoted his time solely to the wholesale business, and built his present place of business in 1901, the structure being three stories high, and 20 x 98 feet in dimensions. He also owns the store property at No. 114 Penn street, and handles a choice line of domestic and imported liquors, having the reputation of conducting one of the best kept places in the city of Reading. He commands the best trade in Reading and the surrounding country. Although giving his business the closest attention, Mr. Fisher finds time for recreation, being very fond of fishing, and many of the finny tribe have yielded to his rod and line. Mr. Fisher spends his vacations at Anglesea, New Jersey.
Mr. Fisher has been twice married, his first wife being Miss Emma Quinter, who died in 1895, leaving these children: William, deceased; George L.; Adam S.; Edgar R.; and Helen M. Mr. Fisher's second marriage occurred in 1897, to Agnes Focht, daughter of Solomon Focht. Politically Mr. Fisher is a Republican. He is a member of Chandler Lodge, No. 227, F. & A.M., Knights of the Golden Eagle, and the I.O.R.M., being also a member of the Maennerchor and the Reading Fishing Club.
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Charles M. Fisher, a prominent business man of the city of Kutztown, Pa., who is junior member of the well-known furniture and house-furnishing establishment of Ritter & Fisher, on Main street, was born April 9, 1854, in Hereford township, in Berks county, son of David R. and Maria (Marsteller) Fisher.
It is traditional in the Fisher family that Jacob Fisher, who lived in Hereford township prior to 1758, is the American progenitor of Charles M. He was a tax-payer of Hereford in 1758, and he could well have been a resident of that township prior to this time, as it was fairly well settled as early as 1745.
John Fisher, grandfather of Charles M., was a farmer of Shimerville, Lehigh county, and there married Royal Rowe, by whom he had these children: David R.; Daniel (m. Caroline Fegley); Anna (m. Levi Walter); Sarah (m. William Miller); Mary (m. David Mohr); Dianna (m. Reuben Rothenberger); and Jonathan.
David R. Fisher, father of Charles M., was a gunsmith the greater part of his life, and made his home in Hereford township, this county. Fr. Fisher married Maria Marsteller, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth (Christman) Marsteller, and to this union there were born children as follows: John died in infancy; Henry died at the age of fifty-eight years; Elizabeth m. Wilson Wendling; Charles M.; Sallie m. Jonathan G. Berkey; Caroline died in infancy; and Mary A., m. John L. Reinhard. Mr. Fisher was one of the well-known citizens of his day, and bore a high reputation for honesty and integrity.
Charles M. Fisher received his education in the public schools of his district and worked on his father's farm, near Shimerville, Lehigh county, until 1876. At this time he engaged at the milling trade, which he had learned with Fritch Bros. & Bogh, at Macungie, and continued thereat for a period of twenty-five years. In April, 1904, Mr. Fisher formed a partnership with R. J. Ritter, of Macungie, and opened a furniture store on Main street, Kutztown, which has become the largest and most popular in this section of the county. Ritter & Fisher do a large local trade, but their business is not confined to Kutztown, as they supply firms and families in the surrounding towns. Mr. Fisher is a consistent Democrat. He is connected with the Reformed Church. In fraternal organizations he is prominently connected with Lodge No. 85, I. O. O. F., at Macungie; with the Knights of Phythias, No. 378, at Emaus; and with Washington Camp No. 569, P. O. S. of A., Macungie.
On July 24, 1876, Mr. Fisher was married to Emma E. Berkey, daughter of Mahlon and Sarah (Greisinger) Berkey, and two children have been born to this union: Herbert E., purchasing agent and manager for C. Pardee & Co., Hazleton, Pa.; and Alice C., who lives at home, and is bookkeeper for the firm of Ritter and Fisher.
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The Fisher family is traced as far back as (I) Henry Fisher, the great-grandfather of Daniel D. Fisher, of Oley township. He was born in Heidelberg township, Berks county, but came to Oley township when a young man and took up some 337 acres of fertile land one mile north of the "Yellow House," most of which land has been in the possession of the family ever since. He was a man of great common sense and when he put up his home in 1801, he built it so substantially that it still stands as a comfortable shelter for his great-great-grandchildren. He is buried in Huntingdon county, his death occurring while on a visit there. His daughter Polly had married Henry S. Spang, of Huntingdon, and he had gone to pay her a visit, but he was advanced in years and the trip proved too much for him. On Jan. 1, 1781, he married Susanna Ruth, also of Heidelberg township, born Oct. 29, 1761, daughter of Christian Ruth. After forty years, four months and eleven days of married life, she died May 12, 1821, aged fifty-nine years, six months and thirteen days. She was the first to be buried in the then newly acquired burial plot of the Oley Churches. These children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fisher: John, of Oley, but later of Hereford township; Samuel of Oley township; Daniel, of Oley township; Henry, of Oley, who left home and as his whereabouts could not be traced, was given up as lost; Sally Ann, married to Jacob V. R. Hunter, of Reading, who operated Sally Ann Furnace, of Rockland township, Berks county (named after Mrs. Hunter), which furnace was discontinued in 1869; and Polly, married to Henry S. Spang, also one of the pioneer iron-masters of Pennsylvania, who operated the Etna Works, of Huntingdon, Pennsylvania.
(II) Daniel Fisher, grandfather of Daniel D., was a native of Oley township, born on the Fisher homestead June 22, 1795, and died July 16, 1839. He was a farmer and prospered in his work. He attended the Philadelphia market twice a week during fall and winter in a big wagon, and was an excellent teamster. His wife, Mary Gernand, daughter of George Gernand, of Spring township, was born March 4, 1803, and died Jan. 27, 1878. They are both buried at Oley Cemetery. Their children were: John G.; E. Matilda m. Abner Griesemer, of Oley township; Hannah (unmarried); Sarah m. Frank C. Butz; and Deborah G. and B. Amelia (unmarried). Miss B. Amelia Fisher was born on the Fisher homestead Sept. 2, 1829, and has always lived here, now making her home with her nephew, Daniel D. Fisher. She is an intelligent lady and can speak both English and German. She is a great reader, preferring historical works; and she is also very fond of flowers. Possessing bountiful means, she is very charitable, and has many warm personal friends who admire her many talents and her pleasant manner.
(III) John G. Fisher, son of Daniel and Mary (Gernand), was born June 22, 1824, and died July 1, 1887, aged sixty-three years and nine days. He is buried at Oley cemetery. His wife was Mary Ann Davidheiser, born Feb. 22, 1835, died Feb. 28, 1893. They were the parents of the following children: Emma L., deceased Daniel D.; Henry G., deceased; and Ella, of Philadelphia. John G. Fisher was a life-long farmer of Oley township, residing upon the homestead. He was a man of enterprise and intelligence. He possessed a retentive memory and was a well-read man, sharing many of his sister's characteristics.
(IV) Daniel D. Fisher was born on his great-grandfather's homestead one mile north of the "Yellow House," Aug. 2, 1860. He was brought up on the farm and was educated in the public schools and the Oley Academy. When only sixteen years of age he was licensed to teach, by Prof. Samuel A. Baer, then county superintendent, and taught his first term in Earl township, and the following six terms in Oley township. In 1883 he engaged in the huckster-produce, butter and egg-business. Six years later he bought the Fisher homestead, consisting of 150 acres of some of the best land in the Oley valley. Since then he has added to his number of acres, and now has 156 acres. The house on the farm, as before mentioned, was built by his great-grandfather Henry Fisher. The masonry of this house is beautiful, the stones nearly all being rectangular shaped, and the plaster is of the very best. The present barn was built by John G. Fisher in 1862.
Mr. Fisher is a Democrat, and has served his township as school director for the past fifteen years. He was auditor of Oley township, when but twenty-three years old, and held the position for three years. He was committeeman of Oley township many years, has served as delegate to many conventions, town, county, and also State, was secretary of the County Standing Committee for three years, and has been in every way prominent and public-spirited. Mr. Fisher and family are members of Salem Reformed Church in Oley, of which he was deacon for four years, and he has been trustee for many years of this congregation. In addition to his other interests Mr. Fisher is a director of the Farmers' National Bank of Boyertown, holding that office since 1897. He was one of the organizers of the First National Bank of Oley, and became its first treasurer and is a stockholder of the Yellow House Creamery Association, as well as its treasurer. He is a member of the Berks County Historical Society, and is a man well posted on national and local history.
In 1880, Mr. Fisher married Olivia B. Herbein. daughter of Abraham and Eliza (Brumbach) Herbein, of Oley township. The following children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Fisher: John, a graduate of the Keystone State Normal School, class of 1902, married Verna Spohn, and has two children, Otto and Marjorie; James H., a farmer of Oley, married Hannah Strunk, and has a daughter, Erma; Ella married Lawrence Matthias, of Earl township, and has a son, Russel (they reside with Mr. Fisher); Nevin D. and Daniel W. are unmarried and residing at home; Mary Eliza died in 1885; Henry Wayne died in 1890; and twins died in infancy.
Mr. Fisher is one of the most prominent men of
Oley township, and his public spirit and progressiveness have
placed him before the people of his locality upon many occasions.
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The Fishers are a numerous family in Berks county, where they have been settled since the middle of the eighteenth century. The first known ancestor,
(I) Peter A. A. Fisher, settled in Heidelberg township, Berks county, prior to 1756, in which year he paid a federal tax of 4. He resided in what is now Spring township. His wife's name was Appolino.
(II) John Fisher, son of Peter and Appolino, born in Lower Heidelberg township, established a paper-mill (since converted into a woolen mill) there and engaged in the manufacture of paper. He married March 20, 1796, Rosina Hain, born in Heidelberg township, daughter of John and Anna Margrathe Hain, and they had children as follows: Elenora, born June 2, 1797, married John Sohl March 5, 1816; Samuel, born Oct. 28, 1799, married Elizabeth Loucks Dec. 28, 1821; Peter, born Dec. 13, 1801, married Mary Klopp Aug. 24, 1823; Anna Catharine was born Sept. 12, 1804; Elizabeth, born Oct. 6, 1803, died in youth; John, born March 15, 1808, died in early life; Anna was born
March 17, 1810; Elijah, born Aug. 28, 1812, married Callinus Shouer, Sept. 7, 1834; Daniel was born Oct. 10, 1815; Sarah, March 28, 1818; Jeremiah, Jan. 9, 1821.
(III) Samuel Fisher, born Oct. 28, 1799, on the old homestead, died Jan. 16, 1875. He spent his life as a farmer in his native township, held several township offices, and was a useful citizen. In politics he was a Democrat, in religion a member of the German Reformed Church, in which he was an active worker. On Dec. 28, 1821, he married Elizabeth Loucks, born in 1800 (daughter of Peter Loucks, of the same township), died Jan. 12, 1883. To them were born six children, as follows: Reily L., born Nov. 12, 1822, is mentioned farther on; Mary, born March 27, 1824, married Peter Marshall, who died in 1887; Adam, born March 25, 1825, married Amelia Filbert, and the lived in Marion township, this county, where he was engaged in farming; David, born April 7, 1829, died in 1867, married March 15, 1853, Catharine K. Loucks, who lived near Robesonia; Elizabeth, born May 14, 1834, died when four years old; Benjamin, born Dec. 19, 1854, died young.
(IV) Reily L. Fisher was born Nov. 12, 1822, in Heidelberg township, and in that locality passed all his long life, dying Jan. 28, 1903, aged eighty years, two months, sixteen days. He received his education in the pay schools which were in vogue during his boyhood, and at Collegeville, Montgomery county, and then for a short time assisted his father with the work on the home farm. Farming was always his principal vocation, but he was engaged in merchandising for a time, in his young manhood leaving the farm to become a clerk at Sinking Spring. Except as his work called him elsewhere, he lived at home until his marriage. After his marriage he was on the farm again for a year, and then embarked in mercantile business on his own account, at Sinking Spring, carrying on a general store for six years. Returning to the home farm, he engaged in its cultivation for sixteen years and then bought another place near by upon which he lived for fifteen years. Retiring from farming, Mr. Fisher lived at Wernersville for two years, and in 1889 he purchased the Madeira residence at Robesonia, in Heidelberg township, known at "Maple Villa," which has since been the family home. It is now owned and occupied by his daughters, Amelia and Rosa.
Being successful in the management of his own affairs, and well known for his probity of character, Mr. Fisher was often called upon to act as guardian, trustee and administrator of estates, and his scrupulous regard for the duties of such trusts showed that the confidence of his fellowmen was not misplaced. He deservedly enjoyed the high esteem of all who knew him. He was a stanch Democrat in political sentiment. In his earlier years he was a member of the Reformed Church, to which his wife and family belonged.
On Jan. 23, 1851, Mr. Fisher married Matilda B. Reber, born Feb. 24, 1827 (daughter of Conrad and Magdalene (Bright) Reber, of Bern township), died Oct. 5, 1889. Seven children were born to them, viz.: Mary Magdalena, born March 13, 1852, married Albert D. Wenrich, a cattle dealer and farmer of Robesonia, Heidelberg township, and they had four children, Annie, Reily, Esther and Tillie; Samuel R,, born Jan. 10, 1854, is mentioned below; Annie Elizabeth, born Sept. 21, 1856, died June 7, 1864; Sarah Rebecca, born March 8, 1859, married Dr. David H. Hain, of Wernersville, and had three children, Edna, Estella and Raymond; Amelia Catherine was born June 9, 1861; Rosa Ellen, Jan 2, 1865; Matilda Lucetta, born March 21, 1872, died March 9, 1873.
(V) Samuel R. Fisher, son of Reily L. Fisher, born Jan. 10, 1854, at Sinking Spring, resides at Wernersville, Berks county, and is engaged in farming the old Fisher homestead in Heidelberg township. He has spent the greater part of his life in agricultural work, to which he was reared, working for his father until he was past twenty-five. In 1876 he went West for a short time. In 1880 he commenced farming on his own account, taking the management of the old homestead, which he cultivated until 1891, when he moved to Robesonia, living with his father at "Maple Villa" for two years. He purchased his present home at Wernersville in 1894, and lived there from that time until 1899, when he moved back to the homestead for a while, returning to Wernersville in 1904. Mr. Fisher has been engaged in the cultivation of the homestead ever since his return to the place, as above mentioned, in 1899. He is now the owner of this homestead. He is a director of the Wernersville Water Company, which he helped to organize in 1895. He is devoted to his private interests and has never taken any part in public affairs or politics, though an earnest Democrat in political opinion.
On Dec. 25, 1879, Mr. Fisher was married at Myerstown, Pa., to Ellen C. Ruth, daughter of Michael and Catherine (Hain) Ruth, and granddaughter of Leonard and Elizabeth (Weinhold) Ruth. Both her father and grandfather were farmers in Lower Heidelberg township and members of the Hain's Church, where they are buried. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher also belong to the Hain's Church. One son, Riley M., was born to them Feb. 18, 1893.
(III) Jeremiah Fisher, son of John, born Jan. 9, 1821, in Lower Heidelberg township, died July 7, 1876. He is buried in the Charles Evans cemetery, at Reading. For a number of years he was in business in Reading, conducting a clothing store in the Eagle building, at Sixth and Penn streets (where the Eagle shoe store is now located), in partnership with George Heckman of Reading. They were associated for over ten years, Mr. Fisher eventually selling his interest to Mr. Heckman. Two years later he engaged in the shoe business, which he followed for a period of four years, when, his wife's stepmother -- Mrs. Elizabeth (Hain) Beidler -- dying, he moved with his family upon the farm of his father-in-law, in Lower Heidelberg township, where he passed the rest of his life. He had been living there for five years, engaged in farming, at the time of his death. He was a member of the Hain's Reformed Church.
In 1846 Mr. Fisher married Leah Beidler, who was born Oct. 9, 1825, in Robeson township, daughter of William and Susanna (Yost) Beidler. Her father was a farmer of Lower Heidelberg, formerly of Robeson township, this county. The mother, born Aug. 20, 1795, died Aug. 5, 1838. William and Susanna (Yost) Beidler were married July 19, 1818, and two sons and two daughters were born to them. After the death of his wife Susanna, Mr. Beidler married Elizabeth Hain.
To Mr. and Mrs. Fisher were born children as follows: Amanda married John K. Howden, of Reading, and has children-Edward, Rosa and Howard; Valeria died young; Rosa died young; Walter B., who resides at Robesonia, where he is employed at the furnace, married Sarah Sharman, and they have two children, Lillie and Edna; William H. married Annie Kintzer, and their children are Charles A., Frederick M., Harvey W. and Leah E. William H. Fisher and his family live with his mother at Wernersville.
Since Mr. Fisher's death his widow has resided in the large brick residence in Wernersville which she owns, situated on the main street in the western end of town. Though past eighty-two years of age she is active and passes her days in serene contentment, esteemed and respected by the many who know her. She is intelligent and interested in the life of the community, and is an earnest member of Hain's Reformed Church. she speaks both English and German fluently.
(I) Wilhelm Fischer, an alien by birth and native of Germany, was founder of a very large and prolific Berks county family. He settled in a section of the country now embracing Spring (formally Cumru) and Lower Heidelberg (then a part of Heidelberg) townships and owned about one thousand acres of land. He was a farmer by occupation, exceedingly industrious, and was known as a man of sterling qualities. During his lifetime there was little clear land in Lower Heidelberg and Spring townships, and he often heard the howling of wolves in the forest around his primitive home, a typical log cabin dwelling. Frequently he stood in fear of the Indians who still roamed the forests after the date of his settlement and whose attacks endangered the lives and property of the hardy settlers. He adhered to the German Reformed faith, and the Hain's Church in Lower Heidelberg township was his spiritual home. His mortal remains were laid to rest in the graveyard of that old established house of worship, and there, too, sleep scores of descendants of this noble pioneer. Among his children were: Frederick, Wilhelm, George, Michael and Daniel.
(II) Frederick Fischer, son of Wilhelm, the emigrant ancestor, born March 5, 1750, died Oct. 17, 1828. He lived in what is now Spring township, where he originally took up a tract of seventy-three acres, upon which they raised maize, and there Frederick Fischer put up a primitive house and barn. He was a farmer, but also followed his trade, that of blacksmith. His wife, whose maiden name was Gertraut Faust, was born Feb. 5, 1751, and died Oct. 31, 1827. She bore him nine children, four daughters and five sons, namely: Peter, John, William, Jonathan, Catharine (who married Jonas Fry, of Lancaster county), Barbara (who married a Beck and a Lash) and one son and two daughters who died young. When Mrs. Fischer died there were forty grandchildren.
(III) Jonathan Fischer, son of Frederick and grandson of Wilhelm, born March 31, 1794, died Oct. 14, 1854, aged sixty years, six months, fourteen days. He was a farmer and made much fine wine, his vineyard covering one acre. He was well known in Reading and in his surrounding district, was the founder of Kissinger's Church, and contributed largely to the erection of the church edifice in 1852. He is buried at that church. In 1820 he married Maria Magdalena Baum, who was born in 1801 and survived him, dying in 1869, and their children were: Elijah, born in 1821, who died in 1853; Henry B., living at the homestead in Spring township, who has children, Franklin and Mary E.; Lovina; Amelia, and Elizabeth. The home of Jonathan Fischer was three miles from Reading, and he always walked back and forth.
(II) William Fischer, son of Wilhelm, the first ancestor in America, was born Oct. 23, 1766, at the old homestead in Spring township, and died there March 4, 1842, in which his sons cultivated, he himself following the blacksmith's trade during the greater part of his life. He was a skilled mechanic, and made the different kinds of hardware used in building in his day, such as nails, hinges, locks, etc., as well as farm implements, such as hay and manure forks, hooks, harrows, plows, etc. He owned and lived on the place now known as the "Wheatfield Ore Farm," in Spring township. On June 27, 1790, he married Margaretha Krick, who was born Aug. 29, 1773, and died Feb. 23, 1852, in her seventy-ninth year. They sleep their last sleep in the graveyard adjoining the Sinking Spring church. Their children were as follows: William, who lived and died in Butler county, Pa.; Jacob, who settled in Lebanon, Pa.; John, who was never married; Peter F.; Margaret, who married William Mohn; Ann, who married Absalom Ruth; Susanna, who married Joseph Ruth; Mrs. Daniel Bensing; and Mrs Peter Rollman.
(III) Peter F. Fisher, son of Wilhelm and grandson of Wilhelm, was born Sept. 14, 1808, in Cumru (now Spring) township. He died Feb. 7, 1889, in Lower Heidelberg township, aged eighty years, four months, twenty-four days. He was a carpenter, and followed that trade five years, when he commenced farming, which he continued until he was seventy-five years old, owning a farm of over 100 acres in Spring township. The remainder of his days were passed in retirement. He was a short man, but well-set and strong. His wife, Ann Maria Bensing, was born in Heidelberg May 12, 1814, daughter of Peter Bensing, and died Feb. 21, 1894, in her eightieth year, at Fritztown. Seven sons and five daughters were born to Peter F. and Ann Maria Fisher, namely: John, Mary, Michael, Abraham, Peter, Isaac, Catharine, Hannah, William B., Rebecca, Adam and Annie. The father of this family was a Reformed member of the Sinking Spring Church, where he is buried.
(IV) William B. Fisher, a farmer of Lower Heidelberg township, residing on the Charles W. Potteiger farm, was born July 28, 1855, in Spring township. He was reared to farming, which has been his life work, and until twenty-three years old remained with his father, after that engaging as a servant for two years, near Lancaster county, Pa. For one year he lived on a farm near Wernersville, in the spring of 1880 commencing agricultural pursuits on his own account. He was on his father's farm the first four years, and during the next four years lived on the old George Krick farm in Spring township, thence moving to Hendelton, in Cumru township. There he lived for six years on George Hendel's farm and for six years on Isaac Spatz's farm, in 1899 moving to Lower Heidelberg township, upon the old original Hain farm, at that time owned by Calvin Seitzinger. He remained upon that place three years, and then lived in Maiden-creek a year before settling at his present home, in Lower Heidelberg. Mr. Fisher has always been successful in his farm work, and is thoroughly enterprising and up-to-date in his methods, which have produced satisfactory results. His stoke is particularly fine, his cattle and horses being worthy of especial note.
In 1881 Mr. Fisher was married to Amanda Leid, a daughter of Edward and Mary (Spatz) Leid, of Lancaster county, who was a well-known cattle dealer of Lancaster county for many years; he died at the age of eighty-one. A family of twelve children has been born to Mr. and Mrs. Fisher, eight sons and four daughters, namely: Edward, born Oct. 9, 1881, died when two months old; Mary, born July 10, 1882, is the wife of Adam Sheidy, of Wernersville, Pa.; Adam, born Sept. 24, 1883, is a resident of Chicago, Ill.; John, born Sept. 24, 1883, is unmarried, and works with his father; Martin, born Oct. 19, 1885, is on a cattle range at Lee, Mont.; Samuel, born April 6, 1887, is married and living in Spring township; George, born Aug. 28, 1888, married Lizzie Wenrich, and they reside on the old Fisher homestead in Spring township-the property settled by a Fisher who emigrated from Germany; Clinton was born Feb. 11, 1891; Levi, Aug. 11, 1892; Katie, May 2, 1895; Lillie, Sept. 21, 1896; Carrie, Aug. 7, 1900. Mr. William B. Fisher and his family are Lutheran members of the Wyomissing (Gouglersville) Union Church. He is a Democrat in political sentiment.
(II) Michael Fischer, son of Wilhelm, the emigrant ancestor, was born on the old homestead Nov. 19, 1769, and died on his farm near Wernersville, Pa., Dec. 16, 1845, aged seventy-six years, twenty-seven days. He owned a farm of 127 acres located one and a half miles south of Wernersville, which his family cultivated. He was a weaver, and made all kinds of cloth and
linen goods in demand in his day. He was a man of prominence in local affairs, serving as overseer of the poor in his district for many years; this office was abolished by Act of Assembly on March 29, 1824, after which directors of the poor were elected. Michael Fischer was much esteemed, and he was widely known for his uncompromising honesty. Like his father, he is buried in the graveyard at Hain's Church, of which he was a member. He married Elizabeth Hemmig, born Aug. 29, 1774, died July 22, 1845, aged seventy years, ten months, twenty-three days. the children born to them were as follows: Christian, born July 1, 1793; Michael, born Jan. 4, 1795; Daniel, born Sept. 27, 1796; Catharine, born Aug. 15, 1798; Philip, born Jan. 35, 1800; Wilhelm, born Jan. 15, 1803; Sarah, who married John Stump; and Elizabeth, who first married Daniel Fisher and later Isaac Boyer.
(III) Wilhelm Fisher, the sixth of the family of Michael Fischer, and a grandson of Wilhelm, the ancestor, was born Jan. 15, 1803, and died upon his tract of land near Wernersville. He was a well-known man in his community, having passed all his life in the district where he was born, and, furthermore, he was enterprising and thrifty. Under his father he learned plain weaving, but he also acquired the art of fine weaving, and did well at his trade. He lived upon a tract adjacent to his father's farm, consisting originally of six acres and 131 rods, to which he later added thirty-one acres. Here in 1837 he built a log house which is still standing. He married Ellenora Boyer, and to them were born children as follows: Peter, born May 13, 1826, who was a soldier in the Civil war; Abraham, born Nov. 17, 1831, a carpenter by trade and also a farmer, who married Catharine Miller; Jeremiah B., born May 20, 1838; Polly, the wife of Emanuel Eberly, residing near Fritztown, where he followed carriage-making for many years, now living retired upon his farm; and Lavina, born Jan. 21, 1842, who married John H. Steffy, and died May 17, 1898, in her fifty-seventh year (they had no children). Mr. and Mrs. Fisher worshipped at the Hain's Church, and there they are buried.
(IV) Jeremiah B. Fisher, third son of Wilhelm, grandson of Michael, Sr., and great-grandson of Wilhelm, the emigrant ancestor, was born May 20, 1838, upon his father's farm south of Wernersville. He attended the local district schools until he was eighteen years old, after which he took up fence making, a business he was engaged in many years, and in which he became very skillful. He next entered the employ of Jacob Lippy, at that time of Lancaster, later of Reading, where his sons are now successful business men; Mr. Lippy had a portable sawmill, at which Mr. Fisher worked for many years. A number of years ago Mr. Fisher commenced the manufacture of birch oil from birchwood, which is plentiful in the South mountains where he lives. The oil is of good quality, and markets readily in Philadelphia, New York, Lebanon and Reading, and he sells considerable to the Grand View Sanitarium. One of Mr. Fisher's best customers is William H. Luden, the confectioner, of Reading. Mr. Fisher has a valuable tract of land, upon which he raises an abundance of fruit and considerable truck. As may be judged from the various interests he has, he is very industrious, and by good management has attained success in his various ventures. He is a man of the highest honor and scrupulous in all his transactions, being respected wherever he is known.
On Nov. 9, 1863, Mr. Fisher was married to Melinda Stoltz, daughter of John Stoltz, of Upper Tulpehocken township, and seventeen children have been born to the union, namely: Catharine, Ellen I., William, Charles, Sallie, Mary, Eve, Alice, George, Jacob S., and seven who died young. Mr. Fisher and his family are Reformed members of the old Hain's Church, where members of his family have worshipped for so many years.
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Henry G. Fisher, a well-known contractor and builder of Reading, Pa., residing at No. 149 West Buttonwood street, was born in 1849, in Boyertown, Pa., son of Aaron W. and Rebecca (Gilbert) Fisher.
Aaron W. Fisher was born in Berks county, and early in life engaged in farming, at which occupation in connection with droving he worked for many years. He also operated a general store. In politics a Democrat, he was active in the ranks of his party in his day, serving as assessor, tax collector and constable for many years. Mr. Fisher and his wife Rebecca Gilbert, became the parents of nine children: Tamzon married Mahlon Maurer; John; Jacob; Mary A. m. Frederick Steltz; Levi; Emma m. Andrew Gruber; Annie died at the age of seven years; Henry G; and Sarah is deceased. In religious belief the family were Lutherans Henry G. Fisher was educated in the schools of Boyertown, and at the age of eleven years began stripping tobacco, later learning the cigar-making trade, at which he became an expert, taking the prize in the Berks district with a record of sixty cigars made in an hour. He averaged forty cigars in a hour, this being long filler, hand work. Mr. fisher continued at cigar-making until twenty-one years age, when engaged in packing cigars, but one year later left to engage in the iron ore mining business. He helped to sink the famous Warwick shaft, at Boyertown, 600 feet deep, where he worked until 1886, in this year again taking up the cigar business as a packer for Glaser & Frame. He remained in their employ until they dissolved partnership, when George Frame started in business alone, and for him Mr. Fisher worked until the fall of 1890. In this year Mr. Fisher took charge of the factory of Gumpert Bros., Seventy and Washington streets, where he continued until the fall of 1899. Mr. Fisher then started in the building business with Morris R. Keen, with whom he continued to the present time, the firm name being Keen & Fisher. This firm has been successful from the start, and they now own valuable property, including lots in Miami, Florida.
Mr. Fisher married Hannah L. Endy, daughter of Benjamin Endy, and five children have been born to this union: Benjamin, a cigar packer; William, M. D.; John, a mail clerk; Lulu, m. to Erwin Mergott; and Sarah, m. to Howard Gillings. Mr. Fisher is liberal in his religious views, believing the Bible to be the inspired work of God.
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John W. Fisher, one of Berks county's representative citizens and substantial men, who served as director of the poor of Berks county, and as justice of the peace of North Heidelberg township, was born Nov. 9, 1844, in Marion township, son of Daniel and Sarah (Gruber) Fisher. It is traditional that this branch of the Fisher family had its origin in America in one Sebastian Fischer, who in 1723 was a member of a party of thirty-three families to come from the Schoharie Valley, N.Y., and settle in Tulpehocken and Heidelberg townships, Berks county. In 1759 these Fishers were taxables of Heidelberg township: Jacob who paid twenty pounds tax; Ulrich, who paid five pounds tax; and Adam and Ludwig, who paid one pound each; and from one of these ancestors descended John Fisher, the grandfather of John W.
John Fisher came to Berks county from Schuylkill county, and settled one mile west of Womelsdorf, where he engaged in farming. He married Elizabeth Leininger, and to them were born these children: Elizabeth m. Henry Grime, of Penn township; John settled in Logan county, Ohio; Daniel; Henry lived in Marion township, m. Molly Kreicher, and had one son, Edwin; Jeremiah settled in Logan county, Ohio.
Daniel Fisher was born in Schuylkill county, in August, 1814, and when a boy was brought to Berks county, where his early days were spent in farm laboring. By economy and industry he managed to save enough from his earnings with which to purchase a thirty-acre tract in North Heidelberg township, and there he spent the rest of his active life, engaged in truck farming. His last years were spent with his son John W. at whose residence he died. Mr. Fisher was a man of high moral character, and was an active member of the Lutheran Church, in which he served as deacon. In politics he was a Democrat. To Mr. and Mrs. Fisher were born two children: John W.; and Albert Adam, a resident of Lower Heidelberg township.
John W. Fisher received his education in the public schools of North Heidelberg township, and also spent one year in Freeland Seminary, now Ursinus College. When but seventeen years of age he began teaching school, his first term being in Centre township, and in all was an educator for twenty-five terms, sixteen of which were taught in the home district. In addition to school teaching, Mr. Fisher spent the summer months in work on his thirty-acre tract, and was also performing the duties of justice of the peace, a position to which he had been elected when he was but twenty-one years old. In 1877 he leased a larger farm, belonging to Jonathan E. Stump, a tract of ninety-one acres, which was still later increased to 110 acres, and cultivated this property for twenty-six years on shares or one-half.
Mr. Fisher subsequently purchased the farm adjoining, known as the William L. Klopp farm, which consists of 133 acres, and he also owned the eighty-acre tract purchased by him some sixteen years prior.
Mr. Fisher always took a great interest in educational matters and held a permanent State certificate. When but twenty-one years of age he was elected to the office of justice of the peace, in which he served for forty-one years and so impartial were his judgments that he never had a decision reversed. He was elected director of the poor in 1902, and served in that office for three years. He was always an active Democrat. In March, 1907, Mr. Fisher removed from the farm to Robesonia, and in the same year he erected a handsome double brick residence, in which he resided until his death. He was a director of the Farmers' Mutual Assistance and Fire Insurance Company, of Berks county, and served as treasurer of this organization for nine years. Mr. Fisher was a member of the Lutheran Church, while his widow is of the Reformed faith, and both have been active in church work.
In 1864 Mr. Fisher married Ellen M. Lamm, daughter of the late Benjamin and Lydia (Ruth) Lamm, of North Heidelberg township, and twelve children were born to this union, the survivors all being of Berks county: Adelaide E. died at the age of sixteen years; Lillie A. m. Nelson L. Brossman, of North Heidelberg township; Emma V. m. Henry G. Stump, of North Heidelberg township; Sallie L. m. Michael A. Fox, of Jefferson township; Heela M. died at the age of six years; E. Nora is at home; Diana R. m. W. Alvin Christman, of Womelsdorf; William E., an attorney and builder of Reading, m. Minnie E. Boyer, of Heidelberg township; John C., a minister of the Lutheran faith, ordained by the Ministerium of Pennsylvania in May, 1907, and now in charge of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of The Advocate in Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa., m. Kathryn Wotring, of Allentown; Cora C. m. Lloyd K. Minnich, of North Heidelberg township; Anna G. m. Howard E. Brown, of Robesonia; F. May m. Herbert C. Schell, of Friedensburg, Oley township.
Mr. Fisher died Feb. 12, 1909, and his remains were interred in the family plot in Heidelberg cemetery, of which Association he was one of the organizers and secretary from the date of its organization, 1880, up to the time of his death.
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John W. Fisher, a resident of Douglassville and one of its representative men, was born in Chester county, North Coventry township, Oct. 19, 1849, a son of Evans Fisher, grandson of Jacob Fisher and great-grandson of Henry Fisher.
(I) Henry Fisher was a carpenter and lived near Port Union, in Chester county, where he died. He is buried at Shenkels church. The following were his children: Nicholas, John Henry, Levi, Jacob, Samuel and Sarah, m. John Ammons. The Fishers nearly all were carpenters and lived in the vicinity of Port Union. The early generations were Episcopalians, but the later ones became Baptists and Methodists.
(II) Jacob Fisher, son of Henry, lived nearly all his life in the vicinity of Douglassville, in Union township, Berks county, where he worked as a laborer. He died at the age of 73, and is buried at Shenkels church, in North Coventry township, Chester county. His wife was Rebecca Shenkel, who died at the age of 90, and came of a large and influential family of Upper Chester county. These children were born to Jacob Fisher and wife: Susanna Willaner, who still lives at Linfield, Montgomery county, with her son-in-law Jacob Gauger, and is over 90; Elizabeth, widow of Thomas Sheradin; Mary Ann m. Mahlon Wessner, both deceased; Rebecca, deceased, m. Mr. Jones; Ann; Evans; Isabella, who married (first) George Potts, and (second) David W. Pennick, and who is still living in Reading, 82 years old and blind; Jacob, who died at Fricks Locks in Chester county; John, who died unmarried.
(III) Evans Fisher, son of Jacob, was a native of North Coventry township, where he was born in 1824, and he died in August, 1904, in the 80th year of his life. He was a farmer and owned a small farm in the district where he was born. This property is now owned by his son John W. Fisher. He was a Methodist, and in early life was prominent in church work. He, too, is buried at Shenkels Church. His wife was Sophia Mells, who died in 1903, aged 77 years. They had issue as follows: John W.; Mary, m. Franklin Breidenbach of Pottstown; Solomon, of Douglassville; and Warren, who at the age of 6 years was drowned in the canal at Laurel Hill Locks.
(IV) John W. Fisher was reared on the homestead, and attended the public school, and when 18 began to learn the carpenter trade from Jacob Haas of Douglassville. This occupation Mr. Fisher has always followed. He served an apprenticeship of 2-1/2 years, and in 1879 engaged in contracting and building at Douglassville, and he has had the contract for all the work done on the Messerchet's estate for the past 25 years. He has built many very fine residences in the lower end of the county. He gives employment to from ten to twelve men. Mr. Fisher lives at Douglassville in his own home, which he built in 1885.
In politics Mr. Fisher is a Republican, and is active in local matters. He and his family are Methodists, and very popular in their church.
In 1873 Mr. Fisher was married to Bessie Weiser of Pottstown, a descendant of the great Indian interpreter, Conrad Weiser. They have had children: Stella, who died at the age of six; Amy, who died at the age of 10 years; Daniel, of Kenilworth, Chester county, a pattern maker, who married Lucretia QUAY, a distant relative of U.S. Senator M.S. Quay, and has two children, John and Mary; Lillie, who died in infancy.
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