Biographies from Historical and Biographical Annals by Morton Montgomery


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Adam B. Dundore, M. D., a retired physician and surgeon of Reading, Pa., was born in North Heidelberg, Berks county, May 17, 1838, son of Isaac Dundor, and a member of the fifth generation from the emigrant ancestor who came from Alsace-Lorraine to Philadelphia in 1741. The family is of French Huguenot stock, and the name was originally spelled Dundeur.

Jacob Dundor, founder of the Dundor family in America, was born July 25, 1720, son of Miguel Dundeur, who never came to America. Jacob Dundor made the voyage to America in 1741, sailing on the ship "Friendship." He located in Bern township, Berks Co., Pa., where he died May 20, 1789, leaving a widow, Anna Maria (Brecht) Dundor, and children as follows: Maria C., Susannah, John, Michael, John Jacob and Catherine E.

John Jacob Dundor, son of Jacob and great-great-grandfather of Dr. Adam B., married Marguerite Brown, by whom the following children were born: Jacob, John A., Christian, John (2), and Margaret.

Jacob Dundor, son of John J., died Dec. 12, 1828, leaving a son, Jacob, Jr.

Jacob Dundor, Jr., married Elizabeth Klopp, horn Nov. 12, 1788, died Dec. 19, 1842. They were the parents of these children: Isaac, born March 10, 1809, and died Jan. 23, 1873; Jacob; Samuel K.; Catherine; Eliza; Caroline; Sarah, and Lydia. Jacob Dundor, Jr., and his wife are both interred in North Heidelberg cemetery. They were devoted members of the Reformed Church. Mr. Dundor was a Democrat. He was a prosperous farmer and owned valuable lands in North Heidelberg township, continuing to follow agricultural pursuits during his long and useful life.

Isaac Dundor, son of Jacob Jr., and father of Dr. Adam B., was educated in the schools of his native township, and was reared to agricultural pursuits. He retired from active life and located in Reading several years before his death, which occurred Jan. 25, 1873. Mr. Dundor married Elizabeth Bucks, daughter of John Bucks, and she died in 1890, aged seventy-nine years, the mother of two children: Jonathan, born March 8, 1833, died April 22, 1866; and Adam B.

Adam B; Dundor received the rudiments of his education in the schools of North Heidelberg township, and later took an advanced course at Fremont Academy, Chester county, still later entering Freeland Academy (now Ursinus College), subsequently taking a classical course at Franklin and Marshall College at Lancaster, graduating therefrom in 1862. While there he registered as a medical student under the preceptorship of Dr. William Moore, of Womelsdorf, and remained with him two years, during which time he qualified to enter Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia. Taking one course here, Dr. Dundor then took a special course at Long Island College Hospital, at Brooklyn, N. Y., and received the degree of M. D. in the summer of 1863. Later Dr. Dundor returned to Jefferson Medical College, and received the degree of M. D. there is the spring of 1864. The year following in regular course he received the degree of A. M. from Franklin and Marshall College. The Doctor located in Robesonia in 1864, remaining there until 1867, when he decided to make the city of Reading his field of practice, where he has continued to reside since. He first opened an office on Franklin street where he remained three years, and then removed to his present fine home, in which he maintained an office until he retired from practice in 1896. There has never been any doubt as to his ability of standing in the profession, as from the very beginning of his active career he has been successful in diagnosis and in treatment, and he has had the unbounded admiration and esteem of his fellow practitioners. From 1870 to 1873 he was physician to the Berks County Almshouse and Hospital, and from 1873 to 1877 prison physician. In 1883 he became a member of the board of health, from which on account of failing health he was compelled to resign in 1902, after serving nine years as its president. Dr. Dundor has made a careful study of hygiene and sanitation, and he has had the ideal physician's sense of duty in looking after the health of the people. As a member of the board of health his work has, indeed, been colossal, and more than that, it has been of such a nature as to bear good fruit. The nearly perfect system of vaccination was the result of his labors. As a member of the committee on Preventable Diseases and Social Hygiene, he personally looked after this work, visited and thoroughly inspected every room in every school building in the city, together with the heating, ventilation and plumbing of the buildings, the furniture of the rooms, location of the black-boards, in fact every thing in every way affecting the health of the pupils. In most complete tabulated form the records of his work were presented to the board, while his report suggesting needed changes, etc., was one of the most practical and sensible ever handed in by a city official anywhere. When he retired from the presidency of the Berks County Medical Society, Jan. 8, 1895, his address was on the subject of School Hygiene, and so complete was it in detail, so perfect in its entire conception, that it should be carefully studied by the building committees of school boards all over the country. This address is a plea for the health and happiness of future generations, an appeal to common sense, and is of so high a standard of excellence -- the outcome of the scientific investigations of a conscientious scientist, looking for the greatest good of all the people, which in itself is the loftiest type of patriotic endeavor -- that it is worthy the dignity of a State document to be printed and spread broadcast among all the people. He has been a great friend of education and no man in the State of Pennsylvania has worked harder in the cause of the child and the student than has Dr. Adam B. Dundor.

Dr. Dundor was married in 1864 to Emma R. Kahlbach, daughter of Isaac Kahlbach, and five children were born of this union, two of whom died in infancy. The children surviving childhood were: Henry I., who died in 1876; Lizzie R., who died in 1876; and Eleanora R. In religious belief the family are members of the Reformed Church. The Doctor is a member of Chandler Lodge, No. 227, F. & A. M.; Excelsior Chapter, No 237, R. A. M.; Reading Commandery, No. 42, K. T.; Rajah Temple, A. A. O. N. S., and Friendship Lodge, K. P., of Reading. His profession connects him with the Berks County Medical Association, and the American Academy of Medicine. He was also a member of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.

Dr. Dundor is a very talented writer, and his works are well read and widely known. Among his works may be found: "A Plea for Old Standard Remedies"; "Sanitation and Sanitariums"; Rheumatism: Epilepsy and Treatment by Bromide of Potash"; "Cocaine Intoxication and Its Dangers, Moral Pollution, and Sanitation"; and the "Old and New Obstetrician."


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Adam E. Dundore, a retired citizen of Mt. Pleasant, Berks county, was born Dec. 1, 1829, in Bern (now Penn) township, and has passed practically all his life in the same locality. He is a descendant of one of the old families of Huguenot origin, of which we have the following account:

(I) John Dondore, a Huguenot, left his native land during the Revocation period, and settled in Alsace.

(II) Jacob Dundore (Dondore, Dundier, Dundon, Dunder, Dunden, Dundare or Dondor), son of John, was born July 25, 1720, and was educated in the German language. In 1741 he came to America in the ship "Friendship," and on April 10, 1760, was naturalized by the "Supream" court, sitting at Philadelphia, thereby becoming an English subject. In 1771 he bought a farm east of Bernville, Berks county, but continued to reside, it is presumed, for some years on his farm in Tulpehocken township several miles east of Host Church (where in 1749 one of his children's births is recorded), as according to the court records he owned that farm until 1785. In this year we find a deed recorded conveying same to Valentine Heberling. It is certain that he resided on the Bern farm at the time of his death. This farm he conveyed by deed to his eldest son, John (signing "Jacob Dunder" in German), from whom it passed to his son John Adam, by deed signed "John Dundore" in bold round English; John Adam divided the farm between his two sons, Samuel E. and Adam E., signing "Adam Dundor" in German--Adam E. obtaining the portion on which was the old house--the farm being in their possession in 1908. Jacob is buried in the Bern churchyard, and the inscription on the substantial yellow sandstone is still visible. His will is dated March 3, 1787, and the original and a translation are recorded in Reading. It was approved June 12, 1789, and it is an outpouring of his soul's thanks to God for health and prosperity, and such an example of equity and justice in the distribution of his estate as could come forth only from a Christian's heart. About 1745 he was marred to Anna Maria Brecht, who died in 1793 or 1794. Their children were Maria Catharine, born March 19, 1749, who married John Smith (some of their descendants still live in the Wyoming Valley); Susanna, who married Frederick Gerhart, and lived in the vicinity of Host Church, where their descendants still reside; John, born March 29, 1751, who died Oct. 14, 1823; Michael, born Dec. 4, 1754; John Jacob, born March 19, 1756, who died Sept. 22, 1821; David born July 21, 1758; Catherine Elizabeth, who married Adam Schauer; and a son whose name is not known.

(III) John Dundore, son of John and Anna Maria (Brecht), was born in Tulpehocken township March 20, 1751, and died Oct. 14, 1823. He settled in Bern township, near the present site of Bernville, and his descendants are known as the "Bern Branch" of the Dundore family. He married Catherine Geiss, born Dec. 23, 1753, who died Jan. 12, 1827, and they are both buried at Bern churchyard. Their children were: John Jacob, born Aug. 13, 1776, died Oct. 23, 1861; John Adam, born Aug. 2, 1778, died June 17, 1850; John, born June 30, 1780, died April 14, 1858; Catherine, born Nov. 24, 1782, died Jan. 17, 1840; Frederick, born April 30, 1786, died Aug. 30, 1864; John George, born Oct. 6, 1788, died Dec. 24, 1803; Philip, born Feb. 28, 1791, died Oct. 5, 1867; Christian born June 6, 1793, died Oct. 11, 1872; and Elizabeth, born March 10, 1794, married Daniel Miesse (1789-1823), and died about 1867. This family is remarkable for the average age attained. With the exception of John George, who died of lockjaw at about the age of fifteen, the remaining eight averaged fully seventy-five years, although two had their deaths hastened by accidents--Catherine dying from being thrown out of a sleigh, and Frederick loosing his life by being run over by a railroad train.

(IV) John Adam Dundore, son of John and Catherine (Geiss), was born on the old homestead Aug. 2, 1778, and died June 17, 1850; he was buried at Bern Church. he was an agriculturist all of his life, and owned the homestead which in later years became the property of his son Samuel E. He was a substantial and influential citizen of his day, was director of the poor, when the present almshouse was erected, and was well known and universally respected. Mr. Dundore was married (first) to Elizabeth Miesse, by whom he had nine children, namely: Susanna, Maria, Elizabeth, Leah, John (born April 17, 1818), Daniel, Sarah, Benneville and Jacob (born in 1820, died in 1853). Mr. Dundore married (second) Elizabeth Ernst, daughter of Johannes Ernst, of Heidelberg township. She was born April 10, 1791, and died April 10, 1870, and was buried in Bern churchyard. Three children were born of this union: Samuel E., born Feb. 1, 1827, now living retired in Womelsdorf; Adam E. born Dec. 1, 1829; and William E. who married in Plainfield, Ill., and had one son (William E. was a soldier in an Illinois regiment, during the Civil war, and lost his life in battle by the bursting of a shell).

(V) Adam E. Dundor, son of John Adam and Elizabeth (Ernst), was educated in the pay schools of his district. He was reared to farming, working for his father until 1850, when he began on his own account of his father's farm, and he still owns the old homestead of 115 acres in Penn township--land taken up by his ancestors long ago. He himself continued to farm until 1873, when he gave up that occupation and settled in Mt. Pleasant, a village in Penn township, where he built the fine home which he has since occupied. He is regarded as one of the substantial men of his district and is much respected. Mr. Dundor is interested in the welfare of his community, and served six years as school director of Penn township. He is a Republican in political opinion. His chief interest outside of his home, however, has been in the church. He is a prominent member of the North Heidelberg Reformed Church and has long been active in its work, serving as deacon and elder, and at the present time he is a trustee.

In 1852 Mr. Dundor married Rebecca Miller, daughter of Peter Miller, of Spring township, and they lived in wedlock for more than fifty years. Five children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Dundor, namely: one son died in infancy; Valeria married Edwin F. Feather, of the J. L. Stichter Hardware Company, resides in Reading, and has three children, Howard, Florence and Mabel; Kate died young; Sara married Jacob H. Rohrbach, principal of a public school in New York City; Eleanor married Henry Kunkle, M. D., a prominent practitioner of Kingston, Pa., and they have one son, Henry.


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France was the first home of the Dundore family, and tradition says that (I)John Dundore, a Huguenot, left his native land during the revocation period, and went to Germany, settling in Alsace.

(II) Jacob Dundore (Dondor, Dondore, Dundier, Dundon, Duner, Dunden, and Dundare) son of John, was born, July 25 1720, and was educated in the German Language.In 1741 he came to America on the ship "Friendship" and on April 10 1760, was naturalized by the Supreme Court, sitting at Philadelphia, there-by becoming an English subject. In 1771 he bought a farm east of Bernville. He continued to reside for some time at the farm in Tulpehocken Township several miles east of Host Church (where in 1749 the birth of one of his children is recorded), as according to the court records he owned that farm until 1785. In this year we find a deed recorded conveying the same to Valentine Heberling. It is certain that he resided on the Bern farm at the time of his death. This farm he conveyed by deed to his eldest son, John (signing "Jacob under" in German), from whom it passed to his son John Adam, by deed signed "John DUNDORE" in bold round English; John Adam divided the farm between his two sons, Samuel E. and Adam E. (signing "Adam Dundor" in German) - Adam E. obtaining the portion on which was the old house - the farms being in their possession in 1908. Jacob is buried in the Bern Churchyard., and on substantial yellow sandstone is the following inscription: "Hier Ruhet dem Leibe nach Jacob Dondoer ist gebohr. D. 25 Jul. 1720 u. Starb D. 12 May 1789 hat Sein Leben Bracht auf. 68 Ja. 10 u. 17 tag mit einander kinder ergeugt 5 sohne u. 3 tochter in der Ehe gelebt 44 Jahr". His will is dated March 3 1787, and the original and a translation are recorded in Reading. It was approved June 12 1789, and it is an outpouring of his soul's thanks to God for health and prosperity, and is an example of equity and justice in the distribution of his estate such as could come forth only from a Christian's heart. About 1745 he was married to Anna Maria Brecht who died in 1794. Their children were: Maria Catherine, b. Mar 19 1749, who married John Smith, and some of their descendants still live in the Wyoming valley; Susanna, who married Frederick Gerhart, and lived in the vicinity of Host Church, where their descendants still reside: John, born March 20 1751, who died Oct. 14, 1823; Michael, born Dec. 4, 1754: John Jacob, born March 19, 1756, who died Sep. 22, 1821: David, born July 21, 1758; Catherine Elisabeth, who married Adam Schauer; and a son whose name is not known.

(III) John Dundore, son of Jacob and Anna Maria (Brecht), was born in Tulpehocken Township, March 20, 1751, and he died Oct. 14, 1823. He settled in Bern Township near the present site of Bernville, and his descendants are known as the "Bern Branch" of the Dundore family. He married Catherine Geiss, born Dec. 23, 1753, who died Jan. 12, 1827; they are both buried at Bern Churchyard. Their children were: John Jacob born Aug. 13, 1776 died Oct. 23, 1861; John Adam born Aug. 2, 1778, died June 17, 1850; John born Jun. 30, 1780 died Apr. 14, 1858; Catherine born Nov. 24, 1782 died Jan. 17, 1840; Frederick born Apr. 30, 1786 died Aug. 30, 1864; John George, born Oct. 6, 1788 died Dec. 24, 1803; Phillip born Feb. 28, 1791 died Oct. 5, 1867; and Elizabeth born March 10, 1794, who married Daniel Miesse ( 1789-1823), and died about 1867. This family is remarkable for the average age attained. With the exception of John George, who died of Lock jaw at about the age of fifteen, the remaining eight averaged fully seventy-five years, although two had their deaths hastened by accidents - Catherine being thrown out of a sleigh, and Frederick losing his life by being run over by a railroad train.

(IV) John Adam Dundore, son of John and Catherine (Geiss) was born on the old Homestead Aug 2 1778, and died Jun 17 1850, when he was aged seventy-one years, ten months, fifteen days. He was buried at Bern Church. He was an agriculturist all of his life, and owned the homestead, which in later years became the property of his son, Samuel E. He was a substantial and influential citizen of his day, was director of the poor when the present almshouse was erected, and was well known and universally respected. Mr. Dundore was married (first) to Elizabeth Miesse, by whom he had nine children, namely: Susanna, Maria, Elisabeth, Leah, John (born Apr 17 1818), Daniel, Sarah, Benneville, and Jacob (born in 1820 died 1853). He married (second) Elizabeth Ernst, daughter of Johannes Ernst of Heidelberg Township. She was born Apr 10 1791 and died Apr 10 1870, and was buried in Bern Churchyard. Three children were born to this union: Samuel E.; Adam, born Dec 1 1829, who married Rebecca Miller, and had three children - Valeria, Sallie, and Ella.; and William E. who married in Plainfield, ILL and had one son. ( William E. was a soldier in an Illinois regiment during the Civil War, and lost his life in battle by the bursting of a shell).

(V) Samuel E. Dundore, son of John Adam and Elizabeth (Ernst), was born in Penn Township, Berks County, Feb 1 1827, and is now living retired in the borough of Womelsdorf. He attended the old pay schools during the tern from Jan. to Mar. , his teachers being Messrs. Brockway and Coe, and he left school at the age of eighteen to engage in agricultural pursuits, which he followed throughout his active career. He first engaged in farming on his own account in 1851, on a part of his father's farm, which he had bought, and which was apart of the old Dundore homestead. There he lived for eighteen years, when he purchased he old Deppen farm in Heidelberg Township, a tract of 117 acres, on which he carried on operations very successfully for twenty years. These two farms he still owns. Since 1890 Mr. Dundore has lived retired in Womelsdorf, and has become one of the borough's best-known and most highly esteemed citizens. Prior to the Civil war Mr. Dundore was a democrat, but since that struggle he has been an ardent Republican, was councilman of Womelsdorf for six years, and also served on the Railroad committee for some years. He and his family are members of Salem United Evangelical Church, which he joined in 1860. He is one of the pillars of the church, was a class-leader and exhorter for many years, and for the past quarter of a century has been a trustee. When the church divided, it was Mr. Dundore who purchased the church from the Evangelical Association and presented it to the United Evangelical Church Congregation.

Mr. Dundore was married (first) to Rebecca Strause, of Bethel Township, Dec 23 1854. She was born May 22 1833 and died Feb 16 1858. Three children were born to this union: Amelia, of Maryland; Sarah; and Aaron who left this section of the country in 1887. Mr. Dundore married (second) Polly (Mary) Schaeffer, born Jan 17 1827 who died Nov 25 1868. Two children were born of this marriage: Emma, and Wilson. Mr. Dundore married (third) Mary or Polly (Stoner) Yost, b. Nov 18 1829. Daughter of Rudolph and Elizabeth (Dengler) Stoner, and widow of Henry Yost, Mrs. Dundore had three children by her first marriage, namely, Henry R., Mary E. and Charles F.

(IV) John Dundore son of John and Catherine (Geiss) was born Jun 30 1780 in Bern Township and died Apr 14 1858. He was twice married, his first union being with Elizabeth Kline, born Mar 30 1783, who died Apr 14 1812 and was buried at Bern Church. The children of this marriage were: Samuel K. born Apr 27 1805 died Dec 18 1857; Rebecca born Mar 19 1807 died Feb 16 1875; Isaac born Mar 6 1808 died Sep 13 1878; Polly born Sep 29 1809, married Rev. John Kremer, of Kankakee, Ill., and had a large family; and Mary born Jan 17 1812 married Israel Mellinger, of Wittenberg, S. Dak. Mr. Dundore married (second) his first wife's sister, Christiana Kline, born Feb 8 1794 who died Apr 5 1861. Their children were - Elizabeth born Aug 15 1814 died in infancy; Aaron born Oct 16 1817 died in infancy; Catherine born Dec 3 1819 died Sep 30 1871; Elizabeth born Jan 2 1823; William K. born Jul 20 1825; Leah, born Jun 28 1828 who married John Stoner; Harrison K. father of David D.; Susanna born Apr 26 1835, who married Christian R. Winter of Centreport PA. ; and Lydia born Dec 10 1840 who married Aaron Jacob Christ of Naperville Ill. The parents of this family were buried in Zion's Churchyard.

(V) Isaac Dundore, son of John and Elizabeth (Kline) was born in Bern Township March 6 1808, and he died Sep 13 1878, aged seventy years, six months, seven days. He owned a farm of 102 acres in Penn Township, which he farmed until about five years before his death. In politics he was a Democrat, and he served as school director of Penn Township. He belonged to the Evangelical Church, and is buried in its churchyard. He married (first) Annie Klopp and (second) Sallie (Kaucher) Stamm. To the first union were born: Jonathan K., born Dec 8 1838; a son b. 1840 (died in infancy); Benneville b. Feb 22 1842; Caroline born Dec 23 1843; Jacob K.; Jared, born 1847 (d. 1847); Nathan K. born Apr 6 1849 (prison inspector of Berks Co.); William K. born Dec 31 1850; Mary Ann born Jun 5 1853 died May 3 1855; Sarah born July 31 1855; Lovina born Apr 13 1858; and Benjamin born Apr 11 1860 (out west).

(VI) Jacob K. Dundore, son of Isaac and Annie (Klopp), was born in Penn Township Oct 28 1845, and was brought up on his father's farm, working for his parents until he was twenty-one years of age. He then started a life for himself as a farmer, working for Adam E. Dundore of Mount Pleasant, for two years. He then learned the butcher's trade under James Miller, near Reading, and worked for him nearly two years. In 1878 he engaged in farming in Fritztown, where he still resides, though he retired from farming in the spring of 1909. He cultivated a good farm of forty acres, through which the Cacoosing creek runs, and raised good crops, engaging in trucking: he had stand No.42 at the Reading Market house, at Ninth and Buttonwood streets. He kept six cows and three horses. In 1885 he erected a two and one half-story frame house, 24x28 feet to which there is a two-story addition 16x18. Mr. Dundore is a Democrat in politics, and he belongs to the Reformed Church at Sinking Spring. He has been industrious and thrifty, and his success is due to his unaided efforts. On Nov 19 1877, he married Mary Emes, born Aug 3 1832, daughter of John EMES, of Spring Township. No children have been born to this union.

(V) Harrison K. Dundore, son of John and Christiana (Kline), was born in Bern Township Sep 21 1832, and died Feb 21 1872. He was a cabinetmaker and undertaker at Lebanon, where he had a large business, employing fifteen skilled mechanics. He was well known and highly esteemed, and his early death was a severe loss to the community. Mr. Dundore and his wife were consistent members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. On May 18 1854 Mr. Dundore married Whilhelmina Dengler, daughter of George and Christina (Luther) Dengler, and to them were born children as follows: Emily born Mar 27 1855, married Israel Karch (both are deceased); David D. is mentioned below; Sally, born Jun 21 1859, married Phillip Waltman, deceased; Ida born Jun 6 1861,deceased, married Frederick Lattaman, of Reading; and Grant and Katie both died in childhood.

(VI) David D. Dundore, son of Harrison K. and Wilhelmina (Dengler) was born Sep 12, 1857 in Lebanon, PA. When a young man he learned the hatter's trade at Hendel's on South Fifth street in Reading, where he worked for upwards of twenty five years. In 1901 he engaged in the paper-hanging and painting business, which he has carried on to the present time with much success. He does a great deal of work in Reading, and also in the surrounding district of Mt. Penn. He is also an excellent carpenter, and for some years, contracted for different buildings in his borough, erecting in 1901 the Trinity Reformed Church, and he also put up his residence on Perkiomen Avenue. Mr. Dundore is a master in the art of wood carving, his home containing many beautiful specimens of his skill in this line. In 1888 he made an ornamental cuckoo clock, which contains sixty-two different kinds of Pennsylvania wood. In politics Mr. Dundore is a Democrat, and has served in numerous offices. He was a school director of Lower Alsace Township and of Mt. Penn, and one of the first councilmen of the borough, being an incumbent of both offices at the time the borough was organized. He takes a great interest in educational matters, and in fact in any movement, which has for its objects the betterment of the community, giving his hearty support and cooperation to such enterprises. He is one of the borough's public-spirited citizens, and a representative man of Berks County. Mr. Dundore and his family are members of the Trinity Reformed Church, which he helped organize in 1901, having been an elder of the church since its inception. The church is the outgrowth of the Reformed Sunday school, of which Mr. Dundore was a superintendent, and he has been active in church and charitable work, as also his wife.

On Sep 12 1884, Mr. Dundore was married to Sarah L. Graul, daughter of William C. and Mary E. (McNall) Graul and granddaughter of Samuel and Mary (Whitman) Graul. To Mr. and Mrs. Dundore have been born four children: Cleveland, a brass finisher in Reading, married to Florence Good; and Katie, Wesley and Myrtle, all at home.

(III) John Jacob Dundore, son of Jacob and Anna Maria (Brecht), was born Mar 19 1756 and died Sep 22 1821. He settled in Heidelberg Township, the Tulpehocken creek, which is the dividing line between Bern and Heidelberg townships, also separating John Jacobs farm from his father's. His descendants are known as the Heidelberg branch of the family. He married Margaretta Brown, 1761- 1817; they are both buried in Bern Churchyard. Their Children were: Jacob (1784-1828); John Adam (1786-1847); Christian (1787-1839), moved to Ohio where he died; John (1792-1858) and Margaret who married Jacob Kline.

(IV) John Adam Dundore, a son of John Jacob and Margaretta (Brown) was born Jan 27 1786, and after a life devoted to farming died Mar 12 1847. He was twice married. His first wife, Susanna Miller, became the mother of children as follows: William, born in 1812; Jonathan, born in 1813; Lydia, born in 1815, who married Benneville Bagenstose, of Centreport, PA; David, born in 1816; Esther; Annie; Mary, born in 1820; Lovina; Catherine born in 1824; and Elizabeth born in 1825. For his second wife he married Mrs. Catherine (Miller) Heister, sister of his first wife. She was born in 1788 and died in 1859, the mother of one child, Adam M. Mr. Dundore and his two wives are buried in North Heidelberg Church Cemetery.

(V) Adam M. Dundore, son of John Adam and his second wife, was born in North Heidelberg Township Apr 25 1829. He was engaged in farming and was owner of considerable land, making his home in Reading. His wife Rachel Bright was born Jan 21 1829. Both are deceased. They had children: Amandon B., born Sep 15 1850, who died Aug 16 1853; Adam J. B., born Jun 14 1854; Dr. Darius W.

(VI) Dr. Darius W. Dundore, son of Adam M. and Rachel (Bright) was born in Heidelberg Township, Berks County, Oct 16 1856, and died Feb 22 1905, aged forty-eight years, four months, four days. He was educated in the Township Schools, the Bernville High School, and Muhlenberg College, from which he was graduated. He then attended the University of Pennsylvania, and graduated from the medical department of that institution in Sep 1879. He entered upon the practice of his profession at Tremont, Pa., where he built up a good practice, and thence moved to Fat Top coalfields in West Virginia, where he remained for ten years. At the end of that time he returned to his native county, and located at Womelsdorf, where he remained until his death. Dr. Dundorewas a most influential and highly respected citizen of the towns in which he resided. He was member of Williamson Lodge, No. 307, F&A.M. of Womelsdorf, the Knights of the Golden Eagle, and the Royal Arcanum. He was a Reformed member of the Zion Union Church, of Womelsdorf, and is buried at this church. His grave is marked by a handsome monument.

Dr. Dundore was married to Miss Amanda Kurr, daughter of Isaac and Catherine (Artz) Kurr (the former, a farmer at Rehrersburg, Pa.)., and granddaughter of John and Marie (Rehrer) Kurr (the town of Rehrersburg was named after the latter's parents). Three children were born to Dr. Dundore and his wife: May Mable who died in childhood; Lillie Kathryn, who attended the Lebanon valley College, at Anneville, Pa., and is now at home; and Beulah Anna, now also at home, who graduated from Womelsdorf High School and afterward attended the Conservatory of Music at Frederick, Md. Both daughters have done splendid work in art and music. Mrs. Dundore and her daughters reside in a handsome residence on High street in Womelsdorf, and hold an important position in the social world.


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James A. Dundore, a prosperous farmer now living in retirement in Heidelberg township, was born on the old Dundore homestead in that same township, June 25, 1846, son of William and Sarah (Ernst) Dundore.

William Dundore was born in 1812, and died in October 1885. For many years he was a farmer, and after his retiring from active work he made his home in Womelsdorf, where he died. He owned the old family homestead, and was in very comfortable circumstances. He was a member of Zion's Church, Womelsdorf, for years, and served it as an official, and now sleeps his last sleep in the churchyard. He married Sarah Ernst, born in 1810, deceased in 1886, daughter of Joseph Ernst, who married a Miss Boyer. Their children were: Lovina m. John Dengler, a farmer of North Heidelberg; Jonathan E., of North Heidelberg; John, a farmer in Heidelberg who died in March, 1906; William E., a retired farmer residing at Perry, Iowa; Sarah m. William Klee, of Womelsdorf; and James A.

James A. Dundore attended the public schools, and later the Womelsdorf Academy, obtaining a good education. He was early trained to the duties pertaining to farming and at the age of eighteen he learned the painter's trade. This he followed for eighteen years in Womelsdorf, Marion township, and Stouchsburg. In 1885 he began farming on the old Dundore homestead, of 102 acres of rich arable soil, and he improved it with new outbuildings, etc. This was his home until the spring of 1900, when he retired, buying a tract of twenty-three acres adjoining, to which he removed, and where he now lives. In politics Mr. Dundore is a Democrat, and he has served his neighbors as school director and as supervisor. He and his family are Reformed members of Zion's Union Church, at Womelsdorf, in which for the past sixteen years he has been an official.

Mr. Dundore has been twice married. In 1870 he wedded Isabella Leiss, who was born in 1850, and who died in 1885, daughter of Isaac Leiss. Six children were born to this union, namely: Martha T., who died in infancy; Sallie m. Elkanah Ruth, of Wernersville; Miss Ida M., at home; William I., a hosiery manufacturer at Womelsdorf, m. Esther Wenrich; Viella m. Charles Snyder, a farmer at Heidelberg; and Agnes m. Charles Oxenreider, a motorman on the Reading Womelsdorf trolley line.


p. 939


Daniel Dunkel, of Hamburg, is a descendant of one of the oldest families in the upper section of Berks county. He was born Aug. 18, 1857, in Maiden-creek township, son of Jacob L. and Anna (Rothermel) Dunkel.

Conrad Dunckel, great-grandfather of Daniel Dunkel, was an early resident of Maiden-creek township, where he carried on wheelwrighting and blacksmithing and owned considerable property, owning land in that township prior to 1794 and in Ruscombmanor township in 1805. His elder brother, Michael Dunckel, who had vast property holdings in Maiden-creek township, was a resident of the township in 1757, when the first tax was levied. He died in 1880, ripe in years, leaving his wife, Elizabeth, and two sons, John and Peter. Of these sons, Peter died in 1838, leaving three children; Elizabeth who married Abraham Hottenstein; Maria who married Jacob Reeser; and John. John Dunckel, the other son of Michael, had these children, William, Benjamin, Elizabeth, George, Catherine, Caroline and Esther.

Jacob Dunkel, son of Conrad, and grandfather of Daniel, was born in Maiden-creek township, where in 1796 he purchased of his father a farm of 121 acres, paying therefor £500 of lawful money of Pennsylvania. He married Elizabeth Leibelsperger, who died when within a few months of being one hundred years old, and to them were born six children: Jacob L.; Benneville, who married Mary Miller; Reuben, who married Sallie Graeff; Catherine, who married John Y. Moser; Elizabeth, who married Reuben Leibelsperger; and Gideon.

Jacob L. Dunkel was born in 1834 in Maiden-creek township, where he was reared to agricultural pursuits, this being his occupation throughout life. He died in 1902. Mr. Dunkel married Anna Rothermel, daughter of Daniel Rothermel, of Maiden-creek township, and to them were born seven children: Thomas, who married Sallie Fisher; Alice, who married Wilson S. Fox; Jacob who married Anna Madeira; Annie, unmarried; Daniel; one child who died young; and William, unmarried.

Daniel Dunkel received his education in the common schools of Maiden-creek and Ontelaunee townships, after which he learned the trade of butcher, an occupation which he followed for nine years, in 1893 embarking in the hotel business at Blandon. There he remained three years, at the end of that time removing to Shoemakersville, where he conducted a hotel for four years, and spent the following three years in the same business at Hamburg. In 1904 he engaged in his present enterprise, the wholesale liquor business, in which he has continued to the present with much success. Mr. Dunkel is a business man of much ability, and he has gradually built up his trade until it now extends throughout the upper section of Berks and into Schuylkill and Lehigh counties. While at Blandon Mr. Dunkel served as school director for one term, this being the only public position he has found time to fill. However, he is a public-spirited citizen as well as an enterprising business man, and his success in the commercial world is due to his integrity in business dealings.

In 1880 Mr. Dunkel was married to Clara A. Madeira of Blandon, and to them have been born two daughters: Jennie M., who married Robert Hinnershitz; and Mabel.

Nicholas Maderia, the grandfather of Mrs. Dunkel, was a son of Casper Madeira, a refugee from France, who settled in Reading. He was married twice, first to Margaretta Yeich, by whom he had an only child, Nicholas, the father of Mrs. Dunkel, and second to Rebecca Reeser, by whom he had two sons and two daughters.

Nicholas Madeira, Mrs. Dunkel's father, is a highly esteemed citizen and substantial agriculturist of Maiden-creek township, where he owns a fine property. he married Anna Keller, daughter of George and Polly (Specht) Keller, of Rockland township, and to them were born twelve children: James, who removed to Ohio in 1866 and there married a Miss Bower; Levi, who married Ellen Deisher; Mary, unmarried; Angelina, who married Augustus Bierman; Eliza, unmarried; Nicholas, who married Lydia Koller; Edwin, who married Catherine Thomas; Samuel who married Ellen Leiss, Franklin, Susan, and Lewis all unmarried; and Clara Anna who became Mrs. Dunkel.


p. 1507


Peter H. Dunkel, a well known and highly respected citizen of Maiden-creek township, Berks county, who is living a quiet life on his farm was born on the old Dunkel homestead in Maiden-creek township, July 28, 1840, son of John and Eliza (Hill) Dunkel.

Michael Dunkel, great grandfather of Peter H., sold his farm in Richmond township in 1762, in which year he purchased and moved to the present homestead in Maiden-creek township, which had formerly been a Starr property and evidently a Penn grant. He had the following children: Jacob; George; John, Conrad; Peter; Maria m. to Jacob Stoudt; one daughter, m. to Adam Weidehammer and another m. to John Weidehammer.

Peter Dunkel, son of Michael, came into possession of the old homestead in 1800. Ten years before (1790) he married Magdalena Hoch, who bore him these children: George, who died aged thirty three years; John; Elizabeth, m. to Abraham Hottenstein; Maria m. to Jacob Reeser. Both daughters lived to be over eighty years old.

John Dunkel, father of Peter H., was a well-known farmer of Maiden-creek township, where he spent all of his life, and his death occurred Sept. 6, 1874, aged seventy-four years. He married Eliza Hill, daughter of Jacob Hill, and they had a family of six children, namely: Esther m. William S. Merkle, deceased and had three children, Howard, Mary and Sallie; Sarah is the widow of John K. Huy, and had six children, John D., James, Fred, Susan, Mary and Sallie; Mary, deceased, m. Daniel Edelman, and had three children, George, Katie and Sallie; Hannah, deceased, m. William r. Bartlett, and had one child, Alvin; Ephraim died single aged fifty-six years; and Peter H.

Peter H. Dunkel was educated in the common schools of his native locality, an at the age of fourteen years contracted white swelling from the effects of which he has suffered all of his life. He owns the old homestead farm, on which he resides, although he has it rented. Mr. Dunkel has never married. He still is a subscriber to the old Reading Adler, which has been a constant visitor to the Dunkel family since 1818, when Mr. Dunkel's grandfather first subscribed, it being taken by his father from 1837 to 1874, since which year Mr. Dunkel has taken it.


, p. 851


Solomon G. Dunkel, a highly esteemed resident of Ontelaunee township, Berks county, where he has been engaged in agricultural pursuits all of his life, was born on his father's farm in Bern township, Feb. 8, 1839, son of George and Anna (Guldin) Dunkel.

George Dunkel, Sr., grandfather of Solomon G., was a farmer and conducted the old homestead on which his son and grandson have passed their lives. He married Elizabeth Engel, and they had four children: Solomon m. Elizabeth Althouse; George; Catherine m. Daniel Althouse; and Mary m. Francis Parvin.

George Dunkel, son of George, Sr., and father of Solomon G., was also a farmer on the homestead, where he died aged forty-five years, the father of nine children, as follows; Solomon G.; Ephraim, who died aged about fifty-six years, m. Susanna Price, and had children, Frank, Edgar, Wellington, Damon, Laura, Anna and Kate; Ezra died single; Owen m. Olivia Miller; Frederick is supposed to have died in Texas; George Washington m. Emma Himmelreich, and had children, Laura (m. Wilson Borrell), Alice (m. John Delp), Sadie, and Frederick (m. Laura Bossler); Sarah m. Henry Hartman and had three children, John, Bertha and Nora; Emma m. Abraham Huey and had five children, Oscar, Daniel, Charles, George and Annie; and Susan is unmarried.

Solomon G. Dunkel was reared and educated in Ontelaunee township, where he has resided all of his life. In November, 1860, he m. Sarah Heckman, daughter of Daniel and Esther (Noll) Heckman, and to this union there have been born seven children: George is engaged in trucking and farming; Charles, who operates a hosiery mill, m. Cora Seidel, and they have two children, Solomon Franklin and Sarah Susanna; Annie married Dr. N. C. Dunkberger, a prominent medical practitioner of Kutztown, and has these children, May Bright, Le Roy, Llala and George Addison; Sarah Bertha m. Herbert Stoudt, and is living on a farm; Hettie Victoria and Samuel Winfield are single; and Robert Edward m. Hattie Rothermel. Mr. Dunkel is a Democrat in politics, and has held various township offices. He and his family attend the Reformed Church, in which Mr. Dunkel has been quite active, serving as deacon, elder and in like positions.


p. 1706


The Dunkelberger family had its early home in Wurtemberg, Germany, whence came Clement (or Clementz), Daniel and John. They sailed from Rheinfels, on the English ship "Molhouse," landing at Philadelphia Aug. 28, 1728, and located a little north of what is now Hamburg, in Berks county. Clement Dunkelberger immediately paid tax to the English crown. When he died in 1782, his home was in Windsor township. His will made Feb. 12, 1776, was probated April 8, 1782, and is on record in Will Book B, page 28. At the time the will was made his wife Anna Maria was still living. Their children were Clemens, who obtained the plantation; Catharine, m. to Andrew Winiger; Mrs. John Deck; John; Frederick; Christopher; Elizabeth, m. to Michael Deck; Philip; Sevila; Magdalena and Dorotha. It is also said that Clementz Dunkelberger had a son Daniel, but if so, his name does nor appear among those mentioned in the will.

In 1762 one Peter Dunkelberger died in Windsor township, Berks county. His will, witnessed by Philip Kalbach and Jeremiae Schappelle, is on record in Will Book I, page 91. Peter and his wife Elizabeth had two sons, and an item in the will reads as follows: "My son Johannes when he is 14 years old, shall learn a trade; and when 21 years old he shall take possession of my plantation." The other son was John Peter, who probably was small when his father died.

Peter Dunkelberger (probably the John Peter mentioned in the will of Peter Dunkelberger who died in 1762) lived in Centre township, where he was engaged in farming. He is buried at Belleman's Church. His will, probated in 1854, is recorded in Will Book 10, page 148. He married Magdalena Bohn and they had these children: John; Jacob; Betzy, m. to Michael Mitchell, Daniel; Polly, m. to a Mitchell; and Katie, m. to Jonas Zweizig (their son is the well known Rev. B. D. Zweizig).

John Dunkelberger, son of Peter and Magdalena, was born in Centre township, and died in Upper Bern township in 1898, aged eighty-six years. He is buried at St. Michael's Church, of which he was a Lutheran member. He was a stone mason by trade. His wife was Eliza Lindenmuth, daughter of Samuel Lindenmuth. They had six sons and six daughters, as follows: Soriah, Levi, Fietta, John L., Mary Ann, William, Samuel, Lovina, Catharine, James and a son and a daughter who died young.

John L. Dunkelberger, son of John and Eliza, was born in July, 1835, in Tilden. At the age of sixteen he learned the shoemaker's trade, and this he followed two years. He then spent two years in the manufacture of bricks at Leesport, after which he began farming in Upper Bern township, tenanting five years. He bought a small farm near Bern Station, which he sold after four years and moved to near Hamburg. At the end of a year he bought a farm in Bethel township, which he sold after four years and bought another in Tuplehocken. This he farmed for another four years, when he sold it, and for two years farmed the Daniel Dietrich farm in Centre, and for one year the John Kline farm. He next bought a farm near Centreport, and while living there purchased another of 136 acres near Garfield. Selling the former, he bought a dwelling at Centreport, where he lived for five years. At the end of that time he moved to Reading, first living on Pear street, but later buying his home at No. 206 North Front street. He owns a number of houses in Reading and in Bernville.

On March 24, 1855, Mr. Dunkelberger married Mary K. Zimmerman, daughter of Daniel Z. Zimmerman, a farmer of Centre township, and his wife, Mary Keller. On March 24, 1905, they celebrated their golden wedding, surrounded by children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Their children were: Franklin Z.; Ellen Lovina, deceased, wife of Joseph Baer; Ellen Chelsa; Mary Ellen, m. to Paul Kauffman; Dr. Nathaniel Z.; Ellen Amanda, m. to James W. Klopp; and Jonathan Z. Mr. and Mrs. Dunkelberger are members of the United Evangelical Church of Reading, in which he has held a number of offices.

Dr. Nathaniel Z. Dunkelberger, son of John L., was born in Bethel Aug. 6, 1864. He is a graduate of the Medico-Chirurgical College of Philadelphia, and has in addition taken special courses in diseases of the eye, nose and throat, and in other lines that have seemed to him most important. He received a prize of fifty dollars for standing first in his class, and a special diploma in surgery. He ranks high among the Berks county physicians, and has a large practice at Kutztown and vicinity. He has long been an active worker in the cause of education as a member of the Kutztown school board, serving two years as secretary of the board.

John H. Dunkelberger, a grandson of the emigrant Clement, was born near Hamburg, Berks county, in 1740. In 1780 he was a widower, and with his son George moved to the lower part of Mahanoy, Northumberland county where he built the first grist mill and stone house.

George Dunkelberger, son of John, as stated, accompanied his father to Mahanoy in 1780. In 1800 he married there, and about the time his first child, Jacob, was born in 1802, removed to Mahantango.

Jacob Dunkelberger, son of George, born in 1802, was married in Mahantango to Catharine Mauer.

Moses Dunkelberger, first son of Jacob, was born in Mahantango in 1829, now lives at Hegins, Schuylkill county, with his son James H. Another son, R. B., is a prominent business man in Reading; and the only daughter, Jane. married John H. Schrope, of Hegins.

About 1780 one branch of the Dunkelbergers went to Perry county, and some of these later went to Niagra Falls, N. Y. Anther branch moved from Hamburg to Oley, near Reading.

Joseph Dunkelberger was a resident of Ricktown, in what was then Bern township, where he was born about 1790, and died about 1842, and is buried at Bern church as is his wife, Elizabeth Sonnen, who died in 1826. He was a laborer and, and fencemaker. To Joseph and Elizabeth (Sonnen) Dunkelberger were born these children: (1) Daniel, of Bern township, m. Eve Trautman, and died young, leaving three children. (2) Benneville, of Bern township, m. a Schoppel, and they had children, Samuel, Cyrus, and Louisa. (3) Christina, born Dec 3, 1820, m. Samuel B. Ruth, had nine children, and lived at No. 1232 Chestnut street, Reading. (4) Samuel, born 1825. He lived and died near Leesport, in Bern township. He m. Mary Hafer. (5) Catherine, born 1828, died 1844.

Samuel Dunkelberger, son of Joseph, born in 1825, was a well known farmer in Centre township. He died near Leesport, and is buried at Belleman's Church. He married Mary Hafer, who bore him ten children, namely: Frank, Catherine, Israel, Aaron, Howard H., Samuel, Emma, Mary and Joseph (twins), and Ella.

Howard H. Dunkelberger, the popular proprietor of the "Half-Way House" on the Bernville road, in Bern township, was born Jan. 8, 1860, in the township in which he now resides, son of Samuel and Mary. He attended the public schools of his district, and worked for his father till the latter's death. He then worked among the farmers, spending one year in Penn township, and six years in Bern township. In 1900 be began in his present business, and now is one of the popular hotel men in his section, having the leading traveling trade between Reading and Bernville.

Mr. Dunkelberger married Miss Angeline Schrack, daughter of Daniel Schrack, of Bern township. They have one daughter, Annie V., who is at home. Mr. Dunkelberger belongs to the K. G. E. He is a Lutheran member of the Bern church, and in politics is a Democrat.


p. 1130


Samuel G. Dunkelberger, until the fall of 1908 junior member of the firm of Fessler & Dunkelberger, bottlers of Reading, is a native of that city, born April 11, 1869, son of Samuel E. Dunkelberger, a prominent contractor who operated extensively in Reading. He died when forty-nine years old, while his widow, Matilda Bady, survives him and resides in Reading, the mother of three children: John, deceased; Eleanora, wife of Charles Yeager of Reading; and Samuel G.

Samuel G. Dunkelberger attended the public schools of his native city, and on Jan. 26, 1885, engaged in the hotel business at the Academy of Music building, remaining there nearly ten years, engaging in the bottling business on Jan. 1, 1895. Mr. Dunkelberger attended to all of the outside work of the firm, while Mr. Fessler looked after the details of the work in the office. Our subject retired in 1908, and now lives at No. 614 Chestnut street.

Mr. Dunkelberger married Miss Ella Wint, daughter of William Wint, of Easton, Pa. They have three children: Gertrude, Harry and Herbert, all attending school. Mr. Dunkelberger is a Mason, belonging to Teutonia Lodge No. 367, F. & A. M. He is also a member of the Elks, the Eagles, Knights of the Golden Eagle, and the Odd Fellows.


p. 770


Allen H. Dunkle, who for many years was one of the best known hotel men and distillers in Berks county, and now is residing retired in his beautiful home at Temple, Pa., was born Feb. 24, 1837, in Berkley, Berks Co., Pa., son of James and Eliza (Herbine) Dunkle.

William Dunkle, his grandfather, was the owner of the hotel at Berkley later owned by his grandson, and was operating it as early as 1812, also conducting a farm of sixty acres adjoining. He married Anna Grim, a native of Maxatawny township, and they had but one child, James. In religious belief they were Lutherans, and in political matters Mr. Dunkle was a Democrat.

James Dunkle was born in Ontelaunee township, Berks county, where he acquired his education, and after leaving school he engaged in working on his father's farm until he took charge of the hotel, which he conducted until his death, in 1860, when he was aged sixty years. He and his wife were members of the Lutheran Church, and became the parents of four children: Alfred, who died at the age of six months; Rufus, deceased, who married Kate Rahn and had three children, Webster, Lillian and Francis; Annie C., who married E. Andrews and had one son, William, a physician; and Allen H. James Dunkle was one of the prominent Democrats of his locality, and during his long and useful life filled a number of important township offices.

Allen H. Dunkle was educated in the common schools of his native township, and as a boy worked on the home farm, later learning the miller's trade, which he followed as a journeyman for four years. At the end of this time he learned telegraphy, and for about three years was employed on the Berks & Schuylkill branch of the Philadelphia & Reading railroad, then resigning to engage in the hotel business. He also built a distillery, which he operated until its destruction by fire, in 1899, after which he devoted his entire attention to the hotel business, conducting the hotel until 1905, in which year he purchased the Samuel High property in Temple, where he has since lived retired. During his residence here Mr. Dunkle has made many friends, and he and his estimable wife have the respect and esteem of all who know them. Mr. Dunkle is a member of the Lutheran Church, while his wife is of the Reformed faith. In political matters he upholds the principles of the Democratic party.

In 1877 Mr. Dunkle was married to Mary Rahn, daughter of William and Susan (Merkel) Rahn, natives of Ontelaunee township, and three children have been born to this union: Robin, a telegraph operator on the Pennsylvania Railroad, who married Sadie Shearer; Lloyd, an electrical engineer, of Chicago, Ill., who married Millie Snyder; and Wayne.

Wayne Dunkle received his early education in the common schools and the Keystone State Normal School, at Kutztown, after leaving which he attended State College. The next twelve months he spent in travel through Kansas, Colorado, Nevada and California, most of this time being spent in San Francisco, where he was engaged in the restaurant business. In 1904 he returned East and engaged in the bakery business, in which he has been very successful. At the start the capacity of his bakery was 500 loaves of bread weekly, but he now readily disposes of from 3,500 to 4,000 loaves weekly, requiring the services of two teams and three assistants. His oven was especially designed and built by Reading's expert oven maker, Jeremiah Seider. Mr. Dunkle operates a stall at the Tenth and Windsor street market house, and occupies stall No. 108 in the market at Ninth and Buttonwood streets. He is enterprising and progressive, and his honest dealings in business matters have given him an enviable reputation for integrity. Mr. Dunkle is unmarried, and makes his home with his parents.


p. 477


Samuel L. Dunkle, broker, located at No. 703 Penn street, and residing at No. 136 North Eighth street, Reading, is a native of Berks county, born in Bern township, Dec. 17, 1851.

His parents were David and Catherine (Lesher) Dunkle, farming people in Ontelaunee township, this county, and his grandfather was Michael Dunkle; his great-grandfather was Peter Dunkle, whose remains rest in the old burying grounds of Dunkle's Church, Greenwich township, Berks county. The ancestors were from Germany, the arrival in America being in or about 1725.

David and Catherine (Lesher) Dunkle died in 1866 and 1868, respectively, and are buried in the old cemetery at Gernant's Church, in this county.

Samuel L. Dunkle was left an orphan at the age of seventeen years. He was raised on the farm, and attended the public schools where he mastered all the branches taught at that time. He then attended Dickinson Seminary at Williamsport, Pa., for several terms. In 1870-1 he taught public school in Windsor township, Berks Co., Pa., and in 1872-3 he attended the Eastman Business College at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., where he was graduated in bookkeeping and business laws. On March 30, 1873, he secured a clerkship in the general store of Sunday Bros., at Leesport, Pa., at a salary of $50 per year and board. At the expiration of three months he accepted a position in the general store of James A. Koller at Centreport, Berks county, at $150 per year and board, and on April 1, 1874, he became a member of the Firm of Sunday & Dunkle, successors to James A. Koller, at Centreport, in the general store business. At the end of four months Mr. Dunkle disposed of his interest in the firm of Sunday & Dunkle, and in September, 1874, he went to Fredericksburg, Lebanon Co., Pa., and again engaged in the general store business. In 1878 he again disposed of his business and taught public school for two terms in Lebanon county, after which he resided at Myerstown, Pa. In 1881 he traveled quite extensively throughout the far western States, and in February, 1882, he engaged in the Loan and Brokerage Business at No. 703 Penn street, Reading, where he is still to be found in the same line, in which he has been very successful, having a large patronage in the loan business, and a good trade in the sale of watches, diamonds, jewelry, etc. During all these years he has extended his closest attention to his business and patrons, and is noted for his strictly upright methods. In the meantime he is also engaged in other pursuits. During the years of 1896-7-8 he was also engaged in the manufacture of hosiery in the Ammon building, on South Front street. He has been a director of the American Casualty Company of Reading, Pa., since its organization in July, 1902. In March, 1906, he organized the National Porcelain Company, manufacturers of electrical porcelain specialties, in Trenton, N. J., of which he is president.

On Jan. 30, 1875, Mr. Dunkle married Miss Mary R. Loose, daughter of Abraham and Susan (Ritter) Loose, of Centre township, Berks county. Three children have been born to them, as follows: Claudius C., machinist employed in the Navy Yard at Washington, D. C.; Calvin, a musician residing in Trenton, N. J., after five years of musical study in Germany; and Bayard L., also residing in Trenton, N. J., where he is treasurer and general manager of the National Porcelain Company. In 1898 Mr. and Mrs. Dunkle made an extended tour through England, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Italy. They are members of the First Reformed Church of Reading.


p. 595


Alvin Dunlap, superintendent of the United Traction Company, of Reading, is a self-made man who by sheer force of ability has risen from the ranks to his present responsible position.

The Dunlap family have lived in Berks county for about forty-five years, Mr. Dunlap's father, Thomas, having come to Reading from Chester county. He was a grocer by occupation and was so engaged at the time of his death, May 30, 1900, when aged sixty-two years. He married Sarah Margaret Smith, who died about six months before her husband, the mother of ten children, five of whom she outlived. Those who are still living are: William, a street railway conductor; Sarah Ellen, m. to Lewis Schott, a grocer in Reading; Howard F., a farmer in Lancaster county; and Alvin.

Alvin Dunlap was born Sept. 20, 1862, in Reading. Until he was thirteen he attended the public schools, but was then obliged to start working. He began in 1875 as a driver of a horse car and has been connected with the street car service ever since. Not many months after his appearance as a driver, he attracted the attention of some one on the staff of the Eagle, and in the issue of Jan. 21, 1876, he was given a big write-up, and a successful future was prophesied for him. His rise was both steady and rapid, and as early as 1891 he reached the position of despatcher. In 1900 he became assistant superintendent, and four years later was promoted to his present office of superintendent, and he has about three hundred men under his personal control. His rise has been due to merit alone, for he possesses the qualities specially requisite for success in a traction business.

Mr. Dunlap has been twice married. His first wife, who died about seventeen years ago, was Miss Margaret Snell, daughter of a veteran of the Civil war, who died from a wound received during that struggle. There were three children by this union: Thomas Alvin, a railway conductor; Anna Margaret, m. to Harry F. Hertzog, a conductor; And Ellen, at home. The present Mrs. Dunlap was Miss Sallie Endy, daughter of Jediah Endy, of Reading. Mr. Dunlap is a member of St. James Lutheran Church. In politics he is a good Republican, but has too little time to spare from his duties as superintendent to be active in politics. Fraternally he belongs to Vigilance Lodge, No. 194, I. O. O. F.; Castle No. 63, Knights of the Golden Eagle; and Juniata Tribe, No. 74, I. O. R.

M. He has long been connected with the United Traction Company's Employees Benefit Association, in which at present he holds the office of treasurer.


p. 489


Dr. Albert Riggs Durham, a well-known druggist at Reading, Pa., holding especially close relations with the citizens of that place by his untiring efforts on behalf of the Reading Lirbary, in which he was serving as librarian as well as secretary and treasurer of the board of the original company, devoting to that cause a whole-hearted zeal to which was largely due the flourishing condition of the institution, died at his home, March 21, 1907.

Albert R. Durham was born in village of Tunkhannock, Wyoming Co., Pa. in 1842. His father, a merchant, was seized with the gold fever and in 1850 went to California. He died on his way home three years later, worn out by the exposure and hardships he had undergone. Left an orphan at this early age, the boy's youth was passed in various places, and he lived in Northern New Jersey, Schuylkill county, Pa., the Wyoming Valley and at Davenport, Iowa. In the latter place he saw real frontier life, for at that time the only railroad to the West stopped at what is now Rock Island, Ill., and on the opposite shore of the Mississippi river Indians were camped.

In 1857 Dr. Durham, then fifteen years of age, settled in Reading for what proved to be apermanentt residence. He was admitted to the high school on a special examination, and three years later was graduated at the head of the class of 1860. During this period he began writing for the Reading newspapers, and finally drifted into the office of the Gazette, and later of the Schuylkill Journal. During the Lincoln campaign he also did a great deal of reporting for the Leader. His first experience in library work was also gained at this period and aroused the deep interest in the subject from which later Reading was to profit so much. In the latter part of his high school course, he was librarian of the library there, and his work was so satisfactory that shortly after his graduation he was chosen to take charge of the Reading Library. This institution had up to this time passed through various fluctuations, but it was then flourishing and occupied quarters in the building on North Sixth street, where the Daily Times office is now. His connection with it, however, was not destined to be very lengthy.

During the Civil war, Mr Durham was enlisted in times of special stress, first in Company E, 11th P. V. I., and his regiment was one which took part in the battle of Antietam. He enlisted a second time when Lee invaded Pennsylvania, joining Company C, 42nd P. V. I. In both cases he received honorable discharges.

Returning to Reading in 1868, he began studying pharmacy under Dr. J. K. McCurdy, and he was ever afterward engaged in that business, his career covering about thirty- eight years. For the greater part of that time he was alone, but for nearly eleven years he had been in partnership with Dr. McCurdy, at No. 16 South Fifth street. Dr. Durham belonged to the Berks County Pharmaceutical Association, and also to the State Association having been a member of the latter organization from its inception. He was one of the few druggists who by law are entitled to use the prefix "Dr." to their names.

When the Reading Savings Bank closed its doors in 1877, the Reading Library was involved in its failure, because the president of the bank was also president of the Library Company, and held all its property in his own name as trustee. Dr. Durham promptly began a canvass among the stockholders of the Company, enlisting its friends in an attempt to save it, and came to a meeting called for the purpose of reorganization, with proxies enough to elect a board of directors, whose plans and patient labors have since culminated in the great achievement of establishing the library firmly upon its own feet. From that time on until his death Dr. Durham was a director, while in December, 1891, he was not only chosen secretary and treasurer of the board, but was made librarian. From the date of his installation there was no halting in the progress of the Free Library movement. The time was ripe, and there were many friends able and willing to assist in the work. The result is more than gratifying; within the last two years the number of persons drawing books has risen to over 13,000, while there are now over 19,000 books in the library, in addition to about 6,000 government publications, a collection gathered in a special room on the third floor. Dr. Durham was well read and conversant with a number of languages and was familiar with the best of literature of all countries. He was often called the "Father of the Public Library of Reading."

Dr. Durham was married Feb. 9, 1869, to Miss Sarah Ann McCurdy, daughter of his later partner. In the years after their marriage eight children were born to them, five of them now deceased -- Annie Blythe, John McCurdy, Elizabeth Riggs, Caroline Rose, and Sallie McCurdy. The three who survive are: Helen, Mrs. Frederic C. Heckman; Marian; and Donald Blythe, an instructor in Mr. Tamalpais Military Academy, San Raphael, Cal. Dr. Durham was a consistent member of the First Presbyterian Church, a member of the choir, and for some time choir master. He belonged to the Reading Choral Society, Reading High School Alumni, Keim Post, No. 76, G. A. R., Pennsylvania Library Club, and the Keystone State Library Association.


p. 1622


Jacob Duser, Jr., former councilman from the Ninth ward of Reading, who holds an important position with the Reading Hardware Company, was born in Tresckow, Carbon county, Pa., son of Jacob and Susan (Huster) Duser, of Reading.

The parents of Jacob Duser, Jr. were of Wendelheim, Hesse, Darmstadt, Germany, and emigrated to this country in their youth, settling at Hazleton, Pa. They were married on July 8, 1849, shortly after their arrival in this country, by Rev. Father Salmon, of Hazelton. They lived in the coal regions for the next nineteen years, Mr. Duser becoming a foreman, and in 1868 located in Reading, where they continued their residence. Until 1884 Mr. Duser was employed at the Philadelphia and Reading Hardware Company.

On Sept 14, 1899, the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding was celebrated by Mr. and Mrs. Duser, it having been postponed until that date because some of the children could not be present on July 8. On the morning of Sept 14th, at 7:30, the solemn wedding vows were renewed in St. Paul's Catholic Church, mass being celebrated by Rev. Father Bornemann, who referred to the fact that this was only the third time in the history of St. Paul's Church that mass had been celebrated in commemoration of fifty years of marriage. All day Mr. and Mrs. Duser received congratulations on the happy occasion at their home, and in the evening the reception took place, each of their twenty-two grandchildren reciting a poem and presenting the grandparents with a gift. Music was furnished by a string orchestra, and a supper followed. The presents to the couple almost filled a room.

On the occasion of Mr. Duser's seventy-eighth birthday, an extended review appeared in the newspaper of Reading, of which the following is a part: "Surrounded by his sons, daughters, grandchildren and friends, Jacob Duser, Sr., had every reason to feel happy on Sunday, the seventy-eighth anniversary of his birth. The big reunion was held at the home of Common Councilman Jacob Duser, Jr., and Mrs. Sarah Wright, son and daughter of the old gentleman, which whom he makes his home. On Saturday afternoon the first of the party to arrive came in a special car from Brooklyn, N. Y. The delegation numbered seventeen persons, and included nephews and nieces from that city. It was met at the depot by Common Councilman Duser and a party of friends, and their arrival at the home meant the beginning of the festivities of which there was a continual round until Monday morning, when they took their departure.

"In the evening Common Councilman Duser tendered a reception and dance to his many cousins and friends in Jackson's Hall, Ninth and Douglas streets. The hall had been prettily adorned for the occasion with potted plants and cut flowers, and the affair was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Early on Sunday morning the festivities incident to the celebration of Mr. Duser Sr.'s birthday were begun. The entire first floor of the Duser home had been decked out for the occasion, every room being gay with bunting of the national colors and bright blossoms, while here and there were grouped potted exotics. The big event of the day was an elaborate dinner at noon. The aged host, in whose honor the festivities were held, graced the head of the table and recounted bits of family history and events in his long career.

"In the evening Mr. Duser was presented with a beautiful ebony cane with a gold handle, the gift of Brooklyn relatives. This was the signal for other surprises. Grandchildren, at a given signal, walked up one up one by one, before the aged man, and, with original recitations in the German language, presented him with gifts. Too full for utterance, the aged grandfather delegated his son, Common Councilman Duser, to respond for him. With the singing of songs, German and English, the former chiefly of the happy folk-lore type, the balance of the evening was whirled away. Each participant in the day's festivities wore a badge, which consisted of a celluloid button, bearing an excellent likeness of the aged man. From this was appended a bit of blue silk ribbon on which, in silver letters, were printed words setting forth the occasion. The attendants received as a souvenir of the event a photograph of Mr. Duser, set in a pretty gold-plated mantle frame.

"Six children -- one son and five daughters were born to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Duser, of whom the following still live, and of whom all but one -- Mrs. Barbara Seitz, were present yesterday: Jacob Duser, Jr.; Mrs. Barbara Seitz, of Dayton, Ohio; Mrs. A. P. Ehly, of Minneapolis, Kans,; Mrs. Susan Huster and Mrs. Sarah Wright, of this city."

Jacob Duser, Jr., attended the schools of his native place, and on locating in Reading entered the Parochial school. When twelve years of age he was employed at sorting castings in the hardware store of Jones and Oaks. In 1879 he was employed as assistant foreman by Reading Hardware Company, as inspector of egg beaters. On June 16, 1881, he was elected to his present position, that of foreman of the pulley department, having charge of from twenty-five to thirty hands. During these years of 1898 and 1901 Mr. Duser made trips through the West in the interest of the business, and while there was enabled to visit his relatives in Kansas.

Mr. Duser has taken an active part in politics, having served as councilman of the Ninth ward from 1904 to 1908, and has held various minor offices in his ward. He is connected with the Maennerchor Society, being on the Governing board of this organization, and is also connected with the Knights of St. John. Mr. Duser's religious belief makes him a member of St. Paul's Catholic Church.

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