Biographies from Historical and Biographical Annals by Morton Montgomery


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Diener Brothers, merchants at Hamburg, are sons and successors of Peter L. Diener, who was engaged in the mercantile business at Hamburg for twenty years. He was born in Longswamp township in 1836, near Topton, the present site of the Orphans' Home. After receiving his education in the township school and at Collegeville, he secured a position as clerk in a general store, at Dryville, where he was employed for three years. He then engaged in business for himself at Schweyer's, and afterward was in the mercantile, coal, grain and lumber business at Topton until 1887. At the same time he was in the iron business. For five years he served as postmaster at Topton. In 1887 he removed to Hamburg, and carried on a large general store there for twenty years. His son Irwin became a partner in 1898, and his son Henry in 1902. Upon his decease, in 1906, the sons secured the store in the settlement of the estate, and they have since carried on the business in a successful manner under the name of Diener Brothers.

Peter Diener married Mary B. Schaeffer, daughter of Jonathan and great-granddaughter of George, who emigrated from the Palatinate in 1750, and settled in what is now the northwestern section of Berks county. She became the mother of five children: Irwin A.; Lizzie A., m. to Isaac A. Deisher; Alice M.; Henry J.; and Peter G., m. to Bertha Cover. While at Topton, the father of this family was a member of the town council when the borough was established in 1875. He filled the office of school director of Longswamp township for six years; and he organized the Sunday-school at Siegfried's Church, of which he acted as assistant superintendent for ten years and as superintendent for fifteen years. He assisted in establishing the trolley line from Allentown to Reading, and, becoming one of the directors, of the company, served as such until his death, when he was succeeded by his son, Irwin A.

Irwin A. Diener, Senior partner of the firm of Diener Brothers, was born at Topton, Oct. 22, 1867. He attended the borough schools and the Keystone State Normal, and then taught public school for three terms. He became associated with his father in the mercantile business in 1898, and has continued in this business to the present time. He assisted in establishing the silk mill at Hamburg in 1902, and retained his interest in this enterprise until 1906, having acted as manager, accountant and treasurer of the company. He retired from this company on account of the death of his father, in order to devote all his time to the large general store which his father had developed with the assistance of himself and brother. He is a public-spirited citizen of the borough, taking an active part in the Board of Trade, and serving as a school director. In 1897 he was married to Mamie L. Miller (daughter of David G. Miller of Hamburg). She taught public school at Hamburg for four terms, was active in the Sunday-school work of St. John's Union Church, and served as organist of the church for a number of years. They have four children: Paul A., Walter M., John B. and Mary Olive. Mr. Diener is a member of the F. & A. M., Lodge No. 406, and of Camp 76, P.O.S. of A. He has served as superintendent of the Sunday-school of the First Reformed Church since 1905. In politics he is a Republican.

Henry J. Diener, junior partner of the firm Diener Brothers, was born at Topton Jan. 19, 1873. He was educated in the public schools of that place, and then attended the Hamburg high school. After serving as a clerk in his father's store for some years, he secured a one-third interest in 1902, and at his father's death, in 1906, he and his brother Irwin A. became the owners. Since then they have conducted the business under the firm name of Diener Brothers, and have increased the stock and made the store one of the largest department stores in the upper section of Berks county. Mr. Diener was also interested in the silk mill at Hamburg from 1902 to 1906. In 1901 he married Laura K. Tobias, daughter of Charles H. and Mary E. (Wagner) Tobias, of Hamburg, and they have a son Charles H. They are members of the First Reformed Church.

Henry Diener, grandfather of the Diener brothers, was born in Longswamp township in 1803, and carried on farming until his decease in 1880. He married Elizabeth Leibelsperger, daughter of Daniel, of Richmond township, and they had two sons, Peter L. and Henry L., and five daughters.

John Diener, the great-grandfather, was of Longswamp township, and he married Maria M. Fisher, daughter of Michael Fisher, and they had four sons, John, Amos, Henry and Peter, and five daughters.

Heinrich Bernhardt Diener, the great-great-grand-father, emigrated from Baden, Germany, in 1751, and settled in Oley now Pike township. He had five sons, George and Peter, who settled in what is now Schuylkill county; John and Jacob, who settled in Longswamp township; and Henry, Sr., who lived in Earl township, and he had a son, Henry, Jr.


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Jeremiah Dierolf, burgess and one of the leading citizens of Bechtelsville, PA., was born in Pike township, Berks county, on Sept. 23, 1851, son of George, grandson of Adam, and great-grandson of Andraes.

(I) Andraes Dierolf, the ancestor of the family in America, is found in 1782 already settled in Earl township, Berks county, where he probably located during the Revolution. His will, which he made Jan. 10, 1803, is on record in Will Book 4, page 262, in the Berks county court-house. Andraes Dierolf died in December 1804. His children were as follows: Peter; Henry; Adam; John; Abraham; Abraham; Elizabeth, wife of Philip Endi; Catharine, wife of John Faver; and Christina, who died before her father, her child, Elizabeth, being mentioned in Andraes Dierolf's will. The executors of the will were Peter Dierolf and John Faver.

(II) Adam Dierolf lived in Pike township, back of the Hill Church, where he is buried. He was a Lutheran member of that church. He was born Nov. 1, 1770, and died Jan 13, 1847. His wife, Margaret, was born in 1771, and died in 1841, in her seventieth year. They had these children: Rebecca m. George Fraunheiser; Maricha m. John Moyer; Betzy m. Adam Shenkel; Adam; George; Andrew had children as follows--John, Levi, William, Abraham and Caroline; and Charles had children as follows--James, Adam, Charles, Lizzie, Mary and another daughter.

(III) George Dierolf, son of Adam and father of Jeremiah, was born Dec. 1, 1803, lived near Hill Church in Pike township, and was a shoemaker by trade, also cultivating his own small tract of land. He died Sept. 23, 1884, and is buried in the cemetery at Hill Church. His wife was Elizabeth Fraunheiser, daughter of John Fraunheiser. She was born in 1812 an died in 1890. They had these children: John F.; Polly, widow of Wendel Bassinger, a native of Germany; Elizabeth, widow of Percival Heydt; Jeremiah; Jacob; Samuel; Adam and Catharine.

(III) Adam Dierolf, son of Adam and brother of George, married Polly Moyer, of Pike township, and they had the following children: Adam, John, Jacob, Mary, Kate and Sally. Shortly after his marriage, Adam Dierolf moved to Clarion county, Pennsylvania.

(IV) Jeremiah Dierolf son of George, was reared in the township in which he was born, and attended the district schools, until twenty. He early became acquainted with farm life, and learned all its details. About 1887 he embarked in a tailoring business at Bechtelsville, and followed it twenty years. He employed as many as thirty people, having a pay roll larger than that of any other man in Bechtelsville. He manufactured trousers, his goods being cut by houses in Philadelphia and made up in Bechtelsville, but returned to Philadelphia. Mr. Dierolf was very successful in this business. He has a fine peach orchard covering seven acres in Colebrookdale township, and one of nine acres in Washington township. The family residence is on Spring street in Bechtelsville borough, of which he is the leading citizen, and most influential man. In politics he is a Democrat, and served the borough as school director for a number of years, being treasurer of the board the greater portion of the time. He is chief burgess of Bechtelsville and is interested in the best enterprises of the town. Fraternally he is a member of Landisville Council. No. 1007, O. of I. A. He and his family are consistent members of the Lutheran denomination of Hill Church, where many of the Dierolfs are buried.

On July 14, 1877, Mr. Dierolf was married to Mary Ann Fry, daughter of the late Isaac and Maria (Dotterer) Fry, of District township. Their children are: Harvey is a farmer in Washington township; Annie married Charles Moyer, and lives at Bechtelsville; Gertrude married Rev. Aaron L. Brumbach, of Spring Grove, PA; Claire died in infancy; and John is an operator for the Pennsylvania Railroad. The family are well and favorably known throughout Berks county, and Mr. Dierolf can well be proud of what he has accomplished in his long and useful life.

(IV) John F. Dierolf, son of George and brother of Jeremiah, was born April 29, 1832, at Kummers Mill in Washington township, and now resides in Colebrookdale township. He was reared to farm life, and is a laborer. He makes his home with his son John H., in Colebrookdale township. He and his family are all members of Hill Church. He married Leah Heydt, daughter of Jacob Heydt, of Washington township. She died in 1906, aged seventy-four years, four months and fifteen days, and is buried at Hill church. Their children were: John J.; Amanda m. Henry Meitzler; Jacob resides at Reading; Dianah m. Addion Muther, of Boyertown; and Mary Ann, Elizabeth and George are all three deceased.


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Alfred K.Dietrich, late of Albany township, was born Feb. 7, 1854, and died Aug. 5,1907, aged fifty-three years, five months, twenty-eight days. He was a son of Rueben A. and Catharine (Kunkel) Dietrich, and a direct descendant of Johannes Dietrich, the first of this numerous Berks county family to come to America.

(I) Johannes Dietrich was a native of the German Palatinate, and emigrated to the New World on the good ship "Phoenix," landing (qualifying) at Philadelphia Sept. 25, 1751. It appears that soon after his arrival in this country he settled in Berks county, Pa., where he married Barbara Braucher, of Albany township. Johannes Dietrich died in 1785, and his widow, Barbara, was administratrix of the estate; she had as her sureties Christ. Braucher and Jacob Merkel. Johannes and Barbara Dietrich had three children, all sons, as follows: Johannes, Jacob (who is said to have settled in Schuylkill county) and John Adam.

One Johannes Dietrich, probably son of Johannes, born Nov. 7, 1760 in Maiden-creek township, Berks county, located in East Buffalo township, Union Co., Pa. From there he enlisted in Col. Servant's regiment, Wayne's brigade, Pennsylvania Line, when eighteen years old, and returned at the expiration of his service in 1781. One of the sons of Reuben Dietrich, now living in Greenwich Township, recalls that his father visited his uncle (Johannes) in Union county, making the journey on horseback, and that the visits were returned.

Johannes Dietrich, the emigrant, had brothers Adam (1740-1817) and Casper, both of whom came to America, the latter with a man named Bollinger, settling in Virginia, from which State one Casper Dietrich, Jr., had enlisted in the war of 1812.

(II) John Adam Dietrich, son of Johannes the emigrant, was born Nov. 23, 1784, in Greenwich township, and died on his farm July 23, 1864. He was baptized Dec. 12, 1784, by Rev. Heinrich Hartzel, in Greenwich township, and the certificate states that his sponsors were his uncle Adam and his wife, Maria Barbara Dietrich. This is proof conclusive that Johannes, Adam and Casper were brothers. The line of Adam is fully treated elsewhere.

In 1803 John Adam Dietrich married Susanna Arnold, born Feb. 5, 1783, died Oct. 6, 1869, and both are buried immediately back of the Lenhartsville Church, of which they were prominent members. They were pious people, good though strict parents, and "Mother" Dietrich was an excellent housekeeper, noted especially for her old-fashioned bread. She had few equals as a breadmaker, and her rye bread was the best that could be made. Visitors were always treated to butter-bread and honey. Most farmers in those days had from five to twenty-five beehives, and there was always plenty of honey. "Father" Dietrich was equally noted in his way. He began farming near Dreibelbis Station, and owned the tract now owned by a Stettler, from there moving to the farm which his youngest son, Reuben A., came to own after his death. It is now the property of Reuben's son, Thomas K., who is the fourth generation to own and live upon this land. This Dietrich homestead originally belonged to the Brobst family.

John Adam Dietrich was a carpenter by trade, and did such excellent work that he was known as one of the best woodworkers of his day. He built the present barn on the place in 1836, and the house in 1844. The house is of stone, and as only the best stones were used, and the masons of that day knew their work well, the walls are very substantially made, as well as workmanlike. The woodwork in the house shows the same care and skill, and was done for the most part by "Father" Dietrich himself. The last will and testament of this worthy man is a model of its kind and shows that the spirit of a pure heart actuated all his deeds. It was made a few years before his death, and is on record in Will Book II, page 333. The old family Bible is well preserved, and is now owned by his grandson, Henry K. Dietrich.

To John Adam Dietrich and his wife were born fourteen children, of whom we have the following record: Maria, Dec. 29, 1803; Rebecca, Oct. 11,1805; Jacob, June 27, 1807; Isaac, March 30, 1809 (died July 22, 1822); Elizabeth, Oct. 25, 1810; Annie, Oct. 25, 1812; Gideon, March 30, 1814; Adam, Oct. 17, 1815 (died April 16, 1826); Moses, Oct. 22, 1817; Rufena, Nov. 20, 1819 (died Nov. 28, 1848); Catharine, Dec. 15, 1821; Reuben, Oct. 20, 1823. It will be noticed that six members of this family were born in the month of October. Isaac, Adam and Rufena are buried at Dunkel's Church.

(III) Reuben A. Dietrich, youngest son of John Adam and Susanna (Arnold) Dietrich, was born in Greenwich township Oct. 20, 1823, on the John Adam Dietrich homestead near Klinesville, and died July 31, 1889. He was a lifelong farmer, succeeding his father on the home place, which now consists of 155 acres of valuable land. He was prosperous, and added seventy acres to this tract, but this extra land was sold off again after his death. Mr. Dietrich was originally a Lutheran member of the Dunkel Church, but in 1854, when the Lenhartsville Church was organized, he became one of its members, and he was an official of that church until his death. He married Catharine Kunkel, born in 1834, daughter of Daniel and Maria Magdalena (Zimmerman) Kunkel, and eight children were born to them: Alfred K. is mentioned below; Lewis K. is a prosperous farmer in Kistler's Valley, Lehigh county (he married Alice Howerter, and they have had five children, Valorius, William, Lizzie, Edgar and Norman); Ellen (deceased) was the wife of Alfred Greenwalt, of Bernville; Henry K., born in 1860, a farmer near Lenhartsville, is the vice-president of the Dietrich Family Association (he married in 1883, Mary Seidel, and they have children, Robert, Lizzie, Edgar, Flora, Nora, Harvey and Annie, of whom Lizzie, a graduate of the Keystone State Normal School, is engaged in teaching); Florenda married George Kutz; Thomas K. owns and farms the homestead (he married Ida Komp, who died June 17, 1907, and has a son, Ira); Charles and James both died in childhood. The burial ground of this family is at Lenhartsville. Mrs. Catharine (Kunkel) Dietrich now makes her home with her son Thomas, on the old homestead.

Alfred K. Dietrich was reared to farming, and when twenty-one years old went to learn milling from Solomon P. Dietrich, who then operated what has been known for many years as the Dietrich mill. The spring after his marriage Mr. Dietrich engaged in the business for himself at Dietrich's Mill, which he bought about 1889, and which he conducted in all for almost thirty years -- from 1877 until two years before his death. This mill is located in the Stony Run Valley in Albany township. The first mill at this site was built by a Grim, in 1750, and the present stone mill is at least the second, probably the third, mill at this place. On a stone in the wall of the south gable are the dates 1750 and 1795, the latter being probably the date of the building of the second mill or the repairing of the first one. To the mill property belongs a fine farm of ninety-five acres, lying in the potato belt of this section. Mr. Dietrich raised many potatoes, planting twenty-five acres every year. This property is a valuable one, the buildings being very substantial. The large Swiss barn was erected by Alfred K. Dietrich in 1891. He owned also the old Weisner homestead in Stony Run Valley, a farm of 122 acres, which he bought in 1898, and which is now tenanted by his son Irwin C., who is an enterprising young farmer, and extensively engaged in potato planting. On this farm stands a stone house which was built in 1796, and which originally belonged to one Samuel Miller. On a stone in the west gable of this house is the following: S B & H M P E & H M 1796

On Jan. 21,1877, Mr. Dietrich married Louisa Merkel, daughter of William D. Merkel, of Windsor, and to them were born five children, as follows: Irwin C., Anson W., Mary V. (married Elton J. Trexler, of Albany, Pa., and has a son, Clinton M.), Howard W., and Agnes C.

With his family, Mr. Dietrich belonged to the Wessnersville Friedens Church, all being members of the Lutheran congregation there, of which Mr. Dietrich served as deacon. He was the third person buried in the new cemetery of that church. In politics Mr. Dietrich was a Democrat. He was a man much esteemed for his devotion to his family and his duty.


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The Dietrich family is one of the most numerous and prominent in Berks county. It has been distinguished for the loyal and intelligent citizenship, and for the honorable and upright lives, of those bearing the name. The ancestry was of royal blood in the German empire, and acts of valor and deeds of philanthropy of the Dietrichs have illuminated the pages of German history for more than one thousand years. Five distinct houses of Dietrich or Dieterich have been elevated to the same armorial bearings as have been worn by the kings and emperors themselves. In the New World they have participated in all the wars of this country, and in times of peace have been among the industrious and useful members of society.

The Dietrich Family Association was founded along original lines in the year 1903 by William J. Dietrich, of Reading. Meetings were held in 1903, at Lenhartsville, and in 1904 and 1906 at Kutztown. At the last meeting were representatives from seventeen States, and also from Canada and Mexico, and upward of three thousand persons were present. Up to the present time, this is the largest family gathering ever held in Pennsylvania.

In the following record of the family, the Roman numerals indicate the number of the generation, beginning with the first American ancestor.

(I) Adam Dietrich, born in the German Palatinate, in the Rhine Valley, Oct. 28, 1740, was reared to agricultural pursuits in his native country, where he also learned the trade of weaver. In 1751 his elder brother, Johannes Dietrich, emigrated to America, and settled in Greenwich township, Berks County, Pa. He was followed to this country by Adam and another brother, Casper, in 1767. The two brothers crossed the Atlantic in the good ship "Britannia" which qualified at Philadelphia Oct. 26, 1767. Casper located in Northampton county, Pa., where he lived until about 1790, when he settled in Virginia, from which State his son, Casper, Jr., served as a soldier in the war of 1812. Casper Dietrich had a large family.

For some years after coming to this country Adam Dietrich apparently lived in Lowhill township, Northumberland county, where in 1772 he paid a proprietary tax of $27.96. His occupation was that of farmer and innkeeper at Sunbury. In 1785, when a federal tax was collected in that county, he was no longer a resident there, but the State records and the old tax lists of Berks county, show him a resident in Greenwich township, Berks county. In 1779 he owned there 130 acres of land, four horses and three cows. In 1780-81-82-83 he was assessed with 130 acres, two horses, two cattle in Greenwich; and in 1779-80-81-82-83-84-85 he was assessed also in Maxatawny township with two horses, two cattle and two sheep. He conducted an inn a quarter of a mile northeast of Topton for some years, in addition to farming in Greenwich. A warrant for eighty acres of land located in Northumberland county was deeded to him Feb. 16, 1767, by the Commonwealth. On Feb. 15, 1787 he obtained another warrant, this one for sixty acres located in Greenwich township. In 1785 he bought several lots of land on White Oak street, Kutztown, from George Kutz. In 1789 he bought from Michael Roth, who lived in Virginia, a tract of land located in Maxatawny township, Berks county. This deed states that Adam Dietrich was a yeoman, and a true and trusty friend of the grantor. In 1793 he purchased more land, this being a tract in Kutztown, from Samuel Schoedler. On Nov. 30, 1809, a warrant was granted Adam Dietrich by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for a tract of 200 acres located in Greenwich township, and this he sold June 3, 1812 , to his youngest son, Johann Christian, for $2,796. Adam Dietrich was loyal to his adopted land, and the Dietrich Family Association have certified records that he was a sergeant in Capt. Jacob Baldy's company, under Lieut. Col. Joseph Heister, of Berks county, in the Revolutionary war in 1780.

Adam Dietrich was married before his emigration to America, and two of his children, Johann Adam and Johann George, were born in the Fatherland. He married Maria Barbara Steinbruch, who was born March 13, 1741, daughter of Jacob Steinbruch. She died on the homestead in Greenwich township, June 6, 1821, aged eighty years, two months, and twenty-four days. He died in Greenwich township March 1, 1817, aged seventy-six years, four months and three days. Both Adam Dietrich and his wife were staunch Lutherans, and were members of the Moselem Church (which was established in 1742), of which he was an official, and they are both buried in the cemetery adjoining this church. To this couple were born seven sons and five daughters, all but one of whom lived to old age. All the sons were named Johann, but each was known by his second name with the exception of the sixth son, who had no second name. These children were: (1) Johann Adam, born Dec. 11, 1765, died Aug. 19, 1823, aged fifty-seven years, five months, twenty-seven days. (2) Johann Georg, born May 7, 1767, died Nov. 4, 1845, aged seventy-eight years, five months, twenty-seven days. (3) Maria Barbara, born 1769, m. Johannes Zimmerman, of Albany township, where their descendants still reside. (4) Maria Catharine, born 1771, m. Rev. Johann Michael Schmidt, mentioned elsewhere. (5) Johann Jacob, born June 25, 1773, died Sept. 1. 1857, aged eighty-four years, two months, six days. (6) Johann Michael, born April 6, 1775, died June 19, 1861, aged eighty-six years, two months, thirteen days. (7) Johann Heinrich, born 1777, died 1857. (8) Johann, born Jan. 7, 1779, died July 28, 1830, aged fifty-one years, six months, twenty-one days. (9) Maria Elizabeth, born 1781. (10) Johann Christian, born Jan. 13, 1783, died Nov. 21, 1873, aged ninety years, ten months, eight days. (11) Maria Magdalena, born 1785, was known by the name of Polly. She m. a Becker. (12) Anna Margaret, born January, 1787, died July 14, 1838, aged fifty-one years, six months. She was called Beckie, and she m. Jacob Heffner (1781-1867), of Virginville, Pennsylvania.

(II) Johann Adam Dietrich, oldest son or Adam the emigrant, was born Dec. 11, 1765, in Germany, and when a mere child came with his parents to Pennsylvania. He grew up on the farm, and when twenty-one years old, in 1788, married Catharine Christ, born 1767, died in Greenwich in 1837, aged sixty-nine years. He lived in Greenwich township for some years, and then owned a farm on which he lived in Stony Run, in Albany township. Here he died suddenly of apoplexy, Aug. 19, 1823, aged fifty-seven years, eight months, eight days. He and his wife are buried at Grimville. His three children were: Johannes, born Feb. 26, 1795, died April 1, 1872; George died in infancy; Mary (1803 - 1883) m. Jacob Wessner.

(III) Johannes Dietrich (1795 - 1872), son of Johann Adam, lived in the Stony Run, on the homestead which latterly was owned by his son, who was over six feet tall and very strong. Johannes Dietrich kept many bees, and was very successful at raising them. Visitors to his family were treated to an abundance of honey, which he had the year around. His sons and grandsons inherited from him the art of bee raising.

In 1823 he married Catharine Kunkel, born in Albany June 8, 1800, died Sept. 22, 1880, aged eighty years, three months, fourteen days. They had the following eight children: Polly m. Daniel Fenstermacher; Rebecca (1824 - 1891) m. Johannes Schlenker; Daniel m. Catharyn Dietrich; Anna m. Samuel Miller; Maria C. m. William S. Mosser; John H. m. Polly Leiby (they had no issue); one died young; David (1840 - 1852).

(IV) Daniel Dietrich, son of Johannes, was born in Albany township on the homestead in Stony Run, where all his brothers and sisters were also born. He died on his farm at the top of Stony Run hill Oct. 5, 1901, aged seventy-one years, seven months, eighteen days. He was a life-long farmer, and also raised bees. He was an honest and kind-hearted man, tall, strong and a little stooped; he wore a heavy beard. He and his family were Lutherans and are buried at Grimville. His wife, Catharyn Dietrich, a daughter of Michael Dietrich, died Oct. 10, 1895, in her sixty-sixth year. They had these seven children: Levi D. m. Mary Dietrich; Catharyn m. Augustus Dietrich (they have Newton E. and Walter L.); Daniel m. Emma Reinhart; Ellen m. Jacob George; Sarah m. Mr. Baer; Charles A. m. Louisa Kutz; Mary A. m. Nathan Zimmerman.

(II) Johann Georg Dietrich, born May 7, 1767, son of Adam the emigrant, came to America with his parents when a mere child. He located in Greenwich township, near Dunkel's Church, of which he was an official Lutheran member. In 1809 his name appears as a church official and an active member. He died Nov. 4, 1845, aged seventy-eight years, five months, twenty-seven days. He and his wife, Elizabeth Brunner (1773 - 1850), are buried there. Their eight children were: (1) Johannes (born 1793, died 1872) m. Maria Moyer (1793 - 1861), and had children: Polly, Hannah, Jeremiah, Hettie and Lucinda. Polly and Hettie still live on the farm, the former past ninety years old, and the latter nearly ninety. (2) Katie (1796 -870) married Jacob Stoyer, and had eight children. (3) Beckie (1798) married Benjamin Hummel, of Greenwich, and had three children. (4) Maria Magdalena (1801- 1880) married John Komp, and had four children. (5) George B. (born 1805, died 1878) was of Greenwich. He married Polly Riegelman, and had children: Fennias, Jonas, Katie, Lewis and Helena. (6) Daniel (born Nov. 12, 1809, died Jan. 18, 1842). (7) Ann married Benjamin Riegelman, of Greenwich township, and had two children. (8) Lucinda married Jacob Lesher, of near Topton, Pa. and had six children.

(III) Daniel Dietrich, son of Johann Georg, was born Nov. 12, 1809, and died Jan. 18, 1842, aged thirty-two years, two months, six days; he was buried at Dunkel's Church. He was a farmer in Greenwich township. On Oct. 17, 1830, he married Catharine Lesher (1812 - 1844), and they had five sons and one daughter, namely: (1) Benjamin married and had children: John, Mary, Ella, Rachel and James D. The last named was the father of Prof. A. M. Dietrich, of Reading. (2) Samuel lived at Lewisburg, Union county, where he died. (3) Daniel died at Mifflinburg, Pa., at the age of fifty-four. He had three children, Charles, George and Irwin. (4) Joel L. (born June 6, 1837). (5) Isaac is buried at Hamburg. His son Irwin lives at Schuylkill Haven, Pa. (6) A daughter.

(IV) Joel L. Dietrich, son of Daniel, born June 6, 1837, in Greenwich township, was reared to farming. In his young manhood he went to live with his uncle, Solomon Lesher, who was a farmer in Upper Tulpehocken township. There he lived for some years and was married to Catharine Unger, daughter of David Unger, of that township. Mr. Dietrich worked at carpentering for some years, and then engaged again in farming. He owned a farm of over one hundred acres in Jefferson township, near Bernville, and this he cultivated some years. He also owned a smaller tract adjacent. In 1905 he sold his land and retired, moving into Strausstown, where he makes his home at the present time. He is a man very highly respected, and for many years he was active in church life at Zion's Blue Mountain Church. To him and his good wife were born twelve children, as follows: (1) Franklin P. (born April 2, 1860). (2) George B., of Reading m. Valeria Groff, and has one daughter, Mary. (3) Milton C., of Reading, m. in 1890 Ida Fox, and their children are: Robert F., Ida S., John J. and Annie C. (4) William A. (born Feb. 24, 1866, died Sept. 9, 1903). (5) Mary m. in 1888, Charles Christman, and has four sons and four daughters. (6) Katie m., in 1892, William Kenney, and has one son and four daughters. (7) Amelia m., in 1889, Calvin Himmelberger, and has three sons and one daughter. (8) Lizzie m., in 1892, Levi Christman, brother of Charles, and has a daughter, Ella. (9) Fietta m., in 1892, Moses Ebling, and they have four sons and one daughter. (10) Charles (1863-1884). (11) Isaac, of Rehrersburg, m. Lizzie Gehart. (12) John, a music teacher and organist and chorister of the Rehrersburg Lutheran Church, m. Lillian Bright, and has a son, Charles.

(V) Franklin P. Dietrich, son of Joel L., born April 2, 1860, at Schaefferstown, Jefferson township, this county, is a farmer in Bern township. He obtained a common school education, and remained at home until he was thirty-two years of age. He then began farming in Cumru township, near Mt. Penn Furnace, where he remained three years. In the spring of 1902 he went to his present farm, located near Leinbachs, in Bern township. This farm, which contains thirty-seven acres of good land, he purchased from Jacob Balthaser. In his young manhood he learned the painter's trade, and this he followed for nineteen years, of which time three years were passed in Reading and three years in business for himself at Strausstown. He is an energetic and progressive citizen. In politics he is a Democrat, and in religious connection he and all his family are members of Eplers Lutheran Church. On June 18, 1893, he married Ellen Schlappig, daughter of William and Mary (Savage) Schlappig, of Upper Bern. They have three children, all in school: Lillie, Mary and Charles W.

(V) William A. Dietrich, son of Joel L., born in Upper Tulpehocken township Feb. 24, 1866, died at Strausstown Sept. 9, 1903, aged thirty-seven years, six months, fifteen days, and was buried at Blue Mountain Church. He was a musician of note, was organist of Blue Mountain Church and Sunday-school for seven years, a leader of the Strausstown choir, and made great effort to improve the younger element in vocal and instrumental music. He was a man of high ideals and greatly beloved by all who knew him. By trade he was a stone-cutter, and this he followed in connection with the teaching of music. He moved to Strausstown in 1895 from Hamburg, having lived in the latter place three years, there following the profession of music teacher with great success.

On April 29, 1892, he married Sallie M. Potteiger, daughter of William Potteiger, a former member of the State Legislature, and justice of the peace of Berks county many years. No children were born to them.

(II) Johann Jacob Dietrich, son of Adam the emigrant, was born in Berks county, June 25, 1773, and he died on his farm in Albany township, whither he had moved in 1817, Jan. 1, 1857. He was an official member of the Lutheran congregation of the Union Church at Lenhartsville, and is buried in the cemetery there. He was an extensive landowner. In about 1817 he settled in "Spitzenburg," in Albany township, where he successfully conducted a tannery and hotel for many years. On Jan. 30, 1829, he obtained a grant from the Commonwealth, through the Secretary of the Land Office, for sixteen acres, twenty-six perches, for $33.78. This tract was lying adjacent to his other land. He also purchased a tract from John Stoudt, a neighbor, for 3,100 pounds. From the Christian Henry estate (to whom it had been ceded by the Commonwealth) he obtained 194 acres, 84 perches, in Albany and adjoining his other land. He owned about 500 acres of land in the southern end of Albany township, around the south and west base of Spitzenburg, part of this land lying across the Albany line into Greenwich township, and he was known as "Spitzenburger Jake Dietrich." This land is now divided into three large farms: The 148-acre farm owned by Jacob H. Dietrich (son of Samuel P. and grandson of Johann Jacob); the Nathan Stump farm (on which Johann Jacob Dietrich built the present barn in 1837); and the Simon Bautsch farm. The last named tract was the homestead farm of Mr. Dietrich, and on it is a one and one-half story stone house, which was erected in about 1760 by the Henry family, the original owners. This had no cellar, and was used as a church many years ago, and also as a schoolhouse, one Karl Cook being the teacher. In a corner in the wall was a hollow or hole, in which the Holy Bible was kept. Mr. Dietrich kept a very popular hotel, known as "Dietrich's Hotel," in this house for many years, and about 1800 built a stone addition on the west side. Battalion days were held annually in an open field at the Spitzenburg, and on this day the militia met and drilled in all the splendor they could muster. Each company tried to exhibit the best discipline. Dietrich's battalion was always largely attended, and was a very joyful occasion, the ladies in their bright attire adding to the brilliance of the scene. The day, however, usually wound up somewhat disastrously, as the disputes regarding the relative merits of those participating in the day's work were frequently settled by blows. Mr. Dietrich was also a distiller, and burned considerable apple-jack, the ruins of his old distillery still being visible in the meadow facing the house. He sold a "smaller," a drink of apple-jack, for two cents. He was a man of no little prominence and influence in his district, and while of mild disposition and kind heart, he was unbending in his convictions, and was very strict in his discipline of his children. He was smooth-shaven, had black hair and clear white teeth, and though small in stature was possessed of great strength, being able to carry twelve bushels of wheat at one time, six bushels of which he could shoulder alone.

In 1806 Johann Jacob Dietrich married Christina Peiffer (1786-1861), and they became the parents of eleven children, namely: (1) Daniel (born 1808, died 1872) m. Anna Christman. (2) Samuel (born 1810, died 1898) m. Sarah Heinly. (3) Henry (born 1812) m. Anna Kline. (4) Jacob P. m. Leah Greenanwald. (5) Gideon P. (born 1815, died 1898) m. Susan Moser. (6) Solomon P. (born 1817, died 1901) m. Anna Hein. He was a well-known citizen of Albany township. (7) Polly (born 1819, died 1900) m. Charles Greenanwald. (8) Sally m. Peter Kline. (9) Moses P. (born 1824, died 1906) m. Anna Dreibelbis, owned and conducted a grist mill on the Ontelaunee, at Lenhartsville for many years. (10) Charles P. (born Nov. 11, 1826), formerly a well-known citizen of Albany township, who now lives at Reading, m. Kate Smith. (11) Caroline (born 1830) m. Peter Krause, of Klinesville. He died in the ninetieth year of his age in 1909. She died shortly afterward.

(III) Daniel Dietrich, eldest son of Johann Jacob, was born in Albany township, July 27, 1808, and died of smallpox at Reading, Aug. 30, 1872, aged sixty-four years, one month, three days. He was first engaged in farming immediately west of the borough of Kutztown, from there moving to Oley township, where he was engaged in farming for many years. On retiring from agricultural work, he moved to Reading, and there for ten years conducted a dairy, meeting with great success. In 1833 he married Anna Christman, born May 6, 1814, daughter of Peter Christman. She died Oct. 24, 1883. Both Daniel Dietrich and his wife are buried in the Charles Evans cemetery. They had a family of thirteen sons, and we have a record of the following: (1) James M. (born Aug. 11, 1834, died in Nebraska, Feb. 5, 1901) m. Sarah Neiferd, of Iowa, and had seven children -- Franklin, Daniel, John, Charles, Rebecca, Mary and Amelia -- and fourteen grandchildren. (2) Daniel P. (3) Charles C. (born Oct. 20, 1837) lives at No. 923 Elm street, Reading. He m. Sophia Gehret, who has been an invalid since 1898, and they have had four children: Mary Ann, Cyrus (1862 - 1891), Alice and Amanda. (4) Penrose (born1838) m. Wilhelmina Mary Buchanan, from the West, and has children: Anna Mary, William F., Edward C., Franklin A., Carrie M., Albert A. and Elmer J. (5) Alfred m. Beckie Fisher and lives at No. 110 North Tenth street, Reading. No issue. (6) Francis F. (born Jan. 6, 1841) m. in 1872, Amanda Jane Zumbrun, of the West, and they live in Nebraska. Their children are: Alvin M., Truman O., Mary A., Emma M., Fianna S., George F., Valetta J. and Lloyd J. (7) Thomas T. (Feb. 29, 1848) m. and with his son, Fred W., lives in the West. (8) Alvin, of Yellow House, Berks county, m. Catharine Miller and has children: Oscar M., Alvin M., Elmer M., Bertha Anna, Katharyn and Mary. He also has four grandchildren. (9) Cyrus died young. (10) Jacob (born 1850, died 1897) was unmarried. His remains rest at the Charles Evans cemetery at Reading.

(IV) Daniel P. Dietrich, the second oldest son of Daniel, was born in Albany township, June 12,1836. He was educated in the schools of Albany and Greenwich townships, and when fourteen years of age was sent to Columbia county to obtain an English education. While at this place he made his home with his uncle, Gideon Dietrich, and he attended school until eighteen years of age. He remained with his uncle eight years, the last four at work on his uncle's farm. At the age of twenty-two years he went to Montour county, and there in Derry township worked on a farm. In 1859 and 1860 he operated a farm for his father-in-law, Leonard Raub, and he later became foreman for a large lumber company in Cameron county, Pa., remaining there four years. He again worked at farming, following this occupation for ten years, when he removed to Richardson county, Neb., where he worked on a farm three years. He then purchased a farm which he operated for nine years, and then bought 440 acres in Buffalo county, Neb., and 360 acres in Phillips county, Kans. These large farms he operated successfully for sixteen years, selling them at a very large profit. He understood the nature of the Western soil, and raised very large crops. He also engaged in stock raising, meeting with great success. He purchased his land at several dollars an acre, and commenced raising alfalfa, which greatly enhanced the value of the land, and his real estate speculations always were profitable. During the winter of 1898-99 Mr. Dietrich came East, and, becoming ill, decided to remain in the region of his nativity. Until the spring of 1907 he resided on South Third Street, in Hamburg, and he then located in Reading, where he bought a fine home at No. 1019 Franklin street. He is now living retired. Mr. Dietrich has been twice married. In 1859 he married Catharine Raub, daughter of Leonard Raub, and to this union were born children as follows: Sarah died aged twenty-two years; William L. lives at Sweetwater, Buffalo county, Neb.; Lucinda C. died in her fourth year; Emma R. married Wellington Moser, a native of Columbia county, and they now live at Turbotville, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania.

In 1900 Mr. Dietrich married (second) Lizzie Hoff, of Hamburg, daughter of John and Ellen (Gehris) Hoff, of Reading.

(II)Johann Michael Dietrich, the sixth child of Adam the emigrant, was born April 6, 1775, and died near Klinesville, on his large farm in Greenwich township now owned by Daniel J. Fraunfelder, June 19, 1861, aged eighty-six years, two months, thirteen days. He married Sophia Brunner, born in Greenwich, Nov. 8, 1779, died Sept. 23, 1863, aged eighty-three years, ten months, fifteen days. They are buried beside each other in the graveyard at Lenhartsville. They were devout Lutherans, and he was a foremost member of the Lenhartsville church, serving the congregation faithfully as an official for many years. He helped to build the church in 1856 and gave liberally toward its erection. Michael Dietrich, as he was known, began farming on a large tract located midway between Lenhartsville and Virginville, on the Ontelaunee. This farm is now owned by a Luckenbill. On April 14, 1814, he bought a 156-acre tract from George and Eva Heinly, located in Greenwich, one mile east of Klinesville. Here he built a big stone house and greatly improved the land. On Aug. 15, 1853, he sold this farm to his son Michael for $3,600 in gold or silver. Michael Dietrich and his wife remained on this farm until they died. Some of their children were born at this place.

After the father's death, Michael Dietrich, Jr. lived on the farm, and on April 17, 1867, sold it to his son Eli for $6,600. Eli Dietrich in 1882 traded the farm to Henry Fraunfelder, for a 117-acre farm in Maxatawny, located to the right of the main road leading from Eagle Point to Kutztown. Here Eli has since lived and prospered The "Dietrich Farm," as it is still known locally, is one of the best farms in the township, and is bounded by lands of other Dietrichs.

Sophia Brunner, wife of Johann Michael Dietrich, was a devout Christian. She read her Bible daily, and taught her children the love of the Master. She liked to collect relics, and had many old dishes, coins, etc. The children of Michael and Sophia Dietrich were as follows: (1) Maria Barbara (Polly), born Jan. 2, 1799, died June 11, 1877, m. Christian Braucher. (2) Michael, born May 12, 1801, died July 14, 1880, married Hannah Will. They had these children: Catharyn, Mary, Willoughby, Caroline, Benneville, Abby, Anna Caroline and Eli. (3) Daniel is mentioned later. (4) Lydia (1805-1863, m. Daniel Stump. (5) Betsy m. John Kistler. (6) Hannah, 1808-1886, m. Samuel Kunkel. (7) Sallie, 1810-1895 m. Jonas Wiesner. (8) Catharine m. Nathan Kistler. (9) Heinrich ("Harry").

(IV) Benneville Dietrich was born in Greenwich township June 15, 1836, son of (III) Michael Jr., son of (II) Johann Michael, son of (I) Adam the emigrant. He was reared to farm life in his native township. In 1868 he came to Albany township, where he purchased the farm of ninety-five acres on Pinecreek now owned by Mrs. Braucher. This farm he cultivated some twenty-four years, operating at the same time a sawmill. Benneville Dietrich was a veteran of the Civil War, going forth to do battle under the flag of Company K, 179th Pa. V. I. With his family he belonged to New Bethel Lutheran and Reformed (Corner) church. He is described as of sturdy build, and wore his red beard long and flowing. He married Matilda, daughter of Christian Braucher. Mrs. Dietrich was born March 22, 1835, and died Feb. 13, 1907, aged seventy-one years, eleven months, twenty-two days. To her were born six children, noted as follows: Mary m. Clayton Smith, of Sellersville, Pa.; William L., of Sittlers, Schuylkill county, m. Emma Smith, who died in 1907, the mother of Jennie, Mamie, Annie and Sallie (twins), Irene and Frank; Daniel O., of Watkins, N.Y., m. Esther Robinson, and they have Samuel, Oliver and Clayton; Charles W.; Sarah Jane, born 1871, died when less than a year old; Jonathan F., a blacksmith at Tamaqua, Pa., m. Clara Ely (no issue). The father of this family died July 26, 1887, at the comparatively early age of fifty-one years.

(V) Charles W. Dietrich was born March 22, 1868 in Albany township. He passed his life to the time of his majority on the home farm, acquiring such education as the country schools afforded. Upon attaining his majority, he served the farmers about the neighborhood for five years, and then took up residence on his present farm in 1894. The farm had been owned by his father-in-law, David S. Kamp, and consists of seventy-nine acres, twenty-nine of which is woodland. To this Mr. Dietrich has added a tract of 136 acres of wooded land adjacent. One of the particularly strong points of this farm is the excellent and abundant water supply. Mr. Dietrich built a barn in 1889, and in 1896 a substantial frame farm-house. These, together with other minor improvements, have greatly increased the value of the farm. General farming is carried on by Mr. Dietrich and with a success which always attends earnest and persistent agricultural effort in Berks county. He is an influential member of the Democratic party in his locality, and has at different times served as delegate to county conventions. He is now serving as registry assessor of the district, having been elected at the spring election of 1898. In a social way he affiliates with Washington Camp No. 288 P. O. S. of A., at Steinsville, and the Independent Order of Americans, Lodge No. 544, at Kempton. He and his family are members of the New Bethel (Corner) church, which Mr. Dietrich has served three terms as deacon.

Mr. Dietrich married, on Oct. 10, 1891, Amanda E. Kamp, only child of David S. and Fianna (Berk) Kamp, of Albany township. Their children are: Ida N., who graduated from the public school of Albany at the age of twelve; Oscar J., Mabel F., and Edna M.

(III) Daniel Dietrich, son of Johann Michael, was born in Greenwich township, one mile northeast of Klinesville Jan. 2, 1803, and died March 22, 1884. He and his wife are buried in the cemetery at the United Brethren Church in Tilden township. He was educated in the pay schools of his native township, and was trained to farming, remaining at home until his marriage, in 1828, after which he located in Albany township, on a farm belonging to his father. There he lived for three years. In 1834 he located in Bern (now Centre) township, where he purchased a farm of 121 acres from the Kauffmans. This was extremely fertile land, and was located along Irish creek about two miles west of Centreport, and the cultivation of this farm engrossed his attention until his death. In politics he was a Democrat, and he was a man of high repute and of great influence in his district. In earlier life he was a Lutheran member of Belleman's Church, serving as an official, but later he became active in Salem United Brethren Church of Tilden township. He was liberal in his contributions toward religious and charitable objects. At the time of his death his estate was valued at $32,000.

In 1828 Mr.Dietrich married Salome Fisher, born Sept. 29, 1808, daughter of Philip and____ (Weaver) Fisher, of Windsor township, and she died July 10, 1878. They had children as follows: Levi F. is mentioned below. Daniel F. is mentioned below. Henry died aged sixteen years. Samuel died unmarried. Eliza m. Isaac Rhoads and lives at Shoemakersville.

(IV) Levi F. Dietrich, son of Daniel and Salome, was born in Windsor township July 23, 1832, and was educated in the common schools of his district and at Whitehall Academy, in Cumberland county, Pa. He taught school in Centre township three terms. In 1855 he became a practical farmer, and has attained considerable success in that line. His home farm consists of 165 acres of the best land in the township (Centre) and is kept in excellent condition; the buildings and general condition of farm and livestock could not be improved upon. He also owns a farm of 103 acres elsewhere in the township, and this he has rented. About 1897 he sold a half interest in the old Centre township Dietrich homestead to his brother, Daniel F. Mr. Dietrich has ever been prominently identified with the progressive movements of the district. He is a Democrat in politics, and has served seven years as school director, and as assessor nine years. In 1884 he was elected prothonotary of Berks county, serving most efficiently from Jan. 1, 1885 until Jan. 1, 1888. He and his family are faithful members of Belleman's Lutheran Church, where Mr. Dietrich has served as deacon for many years.

On Nov. 10, 1854, he married Louisa Moser, and they have ten children: (1) Henrietta m. George B. Miller, of Hamburg, who for seven years was a leader in the Democratic party, and who for three years was register of wills. (2) Salome m. William E. Gruber, a carriage manufacturer of Mt. Pleasant, Berks county. (3) Howard M. lives at Bernville. (4) Valeria m. James H. Hollenbach, cabinet-maker and undertaker at Bernville. (5) Emma m. Jeremiah Heckman, hosiery manufacturer at Shoemakersville. (6) Levi II is a prosperous farmer in Centre township. (7) Nelson C. lives in Centre township. (8) Wilson P. lives in Centre township. (9) Irwin R. resides in Philadelphia. (10) Horace is a farmer in Centre township.

(IV) Daniel F. Dietrich, son of Daniel and Salome, was born Sept 6, 1834, and is now a prominent citizen of Reading. He attended pay schools four winters, then the public schools of his district, later for three months a boarding-school at Amityville, and lastly the Freeland Seminary, at the Trappe, in Montgomery county. Until he was twenty-four years of age he assisted his father on the home farm. At that time he was married and began for himself on one of his father's farms in Centre township, where he remained four years, and then moved to a farm in Exeter township, near Jacksonwald, belonging to his father-in-law. For one year he lived there as a tenant, and then purchased the farm, cultivating it four years. In 1868 he moved to Reading, where the previous year (Nov. 7, 1867) he had bought out the mercantile firm of Leinbach & Brother, then located at No. 325 Penn street. Mr. Dietrich formed a partnership with Peter A. Althouse, under the firm name of Dietrich & Althouse, general merchants and merchant tailors, and this lasted eighteen months, when Mr. Dietrich took in Elijah Ammon, who bought out Mr. Althouse, and for twelve years, the firm of Dietrich and Ammon had one of the largest and best known stores in the city and county. Mr. Dietrich continued the extensive business alone from 1882 until his retirement in 1902, when he was succeeded by his eldest son, Elmer W. The Dietrich store at No. 325 Penn has been a well-known stand since 1868.

Mr. Dietrich is a director and large stockholder of the Reading Real Estate Exchange, with offices at No. 612 Washington street. Before he became a member of the Real Estate Company he built nineteen houses in the city. He owns the Dietrich farm of 160 acres in Centre township. Since 1864 he has been the owner of the farm on which he formerly lived in Exeter township. He has made his residence since 1868 at No. 203 South Fourth street. While engaged in farming he took a fancy to fine horses and cattle, his herd of Holsteins being the finest in the county.

In politics Mr. Dietrich is a Democrat. While living in Exeter township he served as school director. In 1897 he was a candidate for register of wills and had ninety-seven delegates in the convention. In 1888 he was a delegate to the State Convention, and at the same time his brother was a delegate to the same convention from the country. He and his family are faithful members of the First Reformed Church in Reading, and he has served for more than a quarter of a century as elder. He is prominent in the Classis of the Reformed Church of Eastern Pennsylvania, serving frequently as a delegate and in various other important capacities.

On Nov. 6,1858, Mr. Dietrich married Catherine A. Althouse, daughter of Henry and Mary (Kissinger) Althouse, of Bern township. They had children: (1) Clara A. m. William A. Heilig, of Cleveland, Ohio. (2) Ida m. Joseph W. Holmes, a coal merchant at Reading. (3) Irvin died in infancy. (4) Elmer W. succeeded his father in business; he married Laura Ermentrout. (5) D. Wellington is unmarried and is president of the Seaboard Milling Company, West Reading. (6) Harry W., manager of Seaboard Milling Company, m. Ella Showalter.

(III) Heinrich Dietrich (son of Johann Michael and grandson of Adam the emigrant) was born in Greenwich township, Berks county, April 16, 1816, and died suddenly of apoplexy near New Smithville, in Maxatawny township (where he had his home), on May 27,1901, in the eighty-sixth year of his age. He is buried at Grimville, by the side of his wife Judith (nee Kutz), a daughter of the late Joseph Kutz, who lived on the Sacony near Kutztown, and was nearly one hundred years old when he died. Heinrich Dietrich was reared upon the farm, and after he became of age rode on horseback to Ohio, where he lived two years and worked upon a farm. In 1842 he married and for some time was a farmer at Kohler's Hill, in Greenwich. Here one of his horses which had been bitten by a mad dog had hydrophobia, which caused a great sensation in the district. Later Heinrich Dietrich bought a large farm located in Maxatawny township, across the line of Greenwich, and along Weisenburg township, Lehigh county. This farm he operated for many years. He also operated a clover mill located on this place, in the Mill Creek valley. Early in his seventies he retired to a 40-acre tract lying adjacent to his large farm, which he sold to his son-in-law, Henry Fenstermacher. Here he lived until, becoming too old, he was requested by his daughter, Isabella, wife of Henry Fenstermacher, to make his home with them. This he did, and he died at their home, ripe in years, a highly esteemed man. Heinrich Dietrich was better known as "Harry Dietrich." He was a man of more than ordinary intelligence, and throughout his lifetime a constant reader. He is remembered with profound reverence by his many grandchildren. He read the Bible often. He was a man of strong convictions, and a strict disciplinarian in the family. He had one favorite ejaculation, "By Judas." He was never heard to use God's name in vain. He was tall, about six feet in height, and erect in his bearing until he was seventy-five years old, when he became very stooped and walked with a cane, but he was well preserved, had good teeth, eyes and ears, and retained all his faculties to the last. His thick hair was black until he was sixty-five years old. Altogether he was a man of fine appearance. He was a pleasant talker and loved company. On his eighty-fifth birthday his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren held a birthday party in his honor. They had an elaborate dinner, and he was given the seat of honor at the table, and with happy tears streaming down his cheeks praised God for this pleasant event. He told the gathering that this was his last birthday on this earth, and his prediction proved true. In the late afternoon of the last Monday in May, the following month, his spirit took its flight. His wife Judith had preceded him in death about twenty-five years. The following were their children: William J., 1843-1876; Susan, born April 7, 1845, is unmarried; Isabelle m. Henry Fenstermacher; Henry A., born Feb. 6, 1850, m. Sallie Buchman, and they live at Ricketts, Pa. (they have Franklin, Louisa, and Emma); Hettie E., born July 14, 1853, m. Amos Loch; Annie M., 1860-1882; Sarah, born 1862, is the widow of Sylvester Weil.

(IV) William J. Dietrich (son of Heinrich) was born in Greenwich township, Berks county, Dec. 9, 1843, and died at Hamburg, from typhoid pneumonia, July 19, 1876, in the thirty-third year of his life. He was reared upon his father's farm, and in his youth attended the public schools with regularity. He had a bright mind and was a student. He was made administrator of an estate before he was thirty years old, and was helpful in many ways in his community. He owned a small farm one-quarter of a mile from where his father lived, located in Greenwich township, now owned by Lewis Behler. This he operated until the latter part of 1874, when it was sold and he moved to Hamburg, where his death occurred. He worked in the ore mines in Maxatawny township in 1873 and 1874, during the spring and fall. At Hamburg he followed huckstering and butchering, and for a short time worked in the rolling mill, which is now abandoned. He and his family were devout Lutherans and constant in their attendance at worship. Mr. Dietrich was a man of fine appearance. On July 11, 1868, he married Susanna F. Seaman, youngest daughter of Jonathan Seaman, a foremost man of Tilden township. She was born Dec. 24, 1844 and died suddenly of apoplexy Sunday night, June 4, 1899, in her fifty-fifth year. Mr. and Mrs. Dietrich are buried in the family plot at Hamburg. Mrs.Dietrich was a woman of noble character and high intelligence. She had many virtues, and was a pious woman. Being left a widow with six children, the youngest a posthumous son, she reared them in the fear and admonition of God, and her last spoken word was "God." She was esteemed by all who knew her.

William J. and Susanna F. had the following children: (1) Lizzie C., 1868-1881. (2) Agnes V., born Feb. 1, 1870, m. G. J. Heintzelman, the financial manager and general superintendent of the Trexler & Turrell Lumber Company, Ricketts, Pa. They have a daughter, Carrie May, and a son, Henry Clay. (3) Zivilla J., 1871-1872. (4) Oscar H., born July 23, 1872, m. Aquilla Kostenbader, and has daughters, Mabel and Susan. He is the secretary and treasurer and business manager of the Dietrich Motor Car Company (Inc.) of Allentown, Pa. He is a successful and prosperous businessman of Allentown. (5) David J., born March 1, 1874. (6) William J., is mentioned further on. (7) Alfred M., born Nov. 30, 1876, is married and has one son, Alfred.

(V) William J. Dietrich, of Reading, is a representative and native citizen of Berks county, Pa. He was born at West Hamburg, Tilden township, May 12, 1875, son of William J. and Susanna F. (Seaman) Dietrich, both deceased. When he was five years old his mother moved to Hamburg, and in 1884 they moved to the home of his grandfather, Harry B. Dietrich, in Maxatawny township. From 1885 to 1894 he was hired to farmers in Maxatawny and Greenwich townships, and for one year (1891) he lived in Lynn township, Lehigh county. The young man even in those boyhood days showed the same conscientiousness in the performance of duty that has characterized all his latter years. In 1894 he worked in the lumber-mill at Ricketts, in Wyoming and Sullivan counties, Pa., and in seven months saved $112. Mr. Dietrich is a self-made man. The public schools afforded him his mental training, and he early showed a fondness for books, coupled with an investigating mind-a desire for thorough understanding of every subject that came within his sphere of observation. In the winter of 1894-1895 he last attended public school as a pupil, and in the spring of 1895 he entered the Keystone State Normal School, at Kutztown, with four teachers from Tilden township. In the examination that was required for their admission Mr. Dietrich made a high average. In the same spring he was also examined by the county superintendent, receiving a credible certificate, entitling him to teach in the public schools. In September, 1895, he went to Philadelphia, and remained until March, 1896, working during the holiday season for John Wanamaker, and afterwards in a wholesale dry goods house. On his return from Philadelphia he again entered the Normal School, at Kutztown, and continued there until June, 1898, when he graduated. The school board of Tilden township then tendered him the West Hamburg school at a salary of thirty dollars a month, for seven months, which he accepted. In the fall of 1899 he began teaching the Five Mile House school in Cumru township, at forty dollars a month, teaching this school one term, when the board offered him his preference of six schools in Mohnton, where he resided. He accepted the grammar school, and taught there three terms; and later, during 1905-06, he taught Yocom's school one term in the same township. He was original in many of his methods to interest the pupils, which won their attention, respect and good will. He considered order and discipline necessary for effective work, and few teachers in the county stood equally high with patrons and pupils. Mr. Dietrich also taught night school in Reading for a number of terms, winning commendation for the success of his efforts.

In October, 1904, Mr. Dietrich was appointed a clerk in the Philadelphia post-office, but this position he resigned in March of the following year because of family ties, his wife and children having continued at their home in Reading. Postmaster Clayton McMichael endeavored to dissuade Mr. Dietrich from resigning, saying that he "had a future in the government postal service," but he persisted, and during 1904-05 worked at life insurance in Reading and Berks county -- a business that he had followed to some extent in 1902. Mr. Dietrich is of a temperament that does not permit of idleness, and when he was engaged in teaching, as soon as the vacation season approached, he found something to engage his time and attention profitably. During the summer of 1900 he was engaged as a conductor on the trolley. During 1901 he represented a New York publishing house before school boards and succeeded in securing the adoption of their text-books in a number of school districts. Since the early spring of 1906 Mr. Dietrich has been in the employ of J. H. Beers & Co., publishers of Chicago, collecting much of the genealogical material used in their Historical and Biographical Annals of Berks County, Pa. Mr. Dietrich has a valuable collection of coins, stamps and chinaware. He has a large acquaintance among professional men and those in public life, and has traveled the entire county by political districts a number of times. He is well read, and posted on public questions. His library of standard works has been carefully selected, and contains all the works on local history (Berks county) ever published. He is especially fond of history, and has collected much information pertaining to the county. He is a member of the Pennsylvania German Society; and of the Berks County Historical Society, and has contributed articles to both. In the latter his "Caves of Richmond and Perry Townships, Berks County," was published in permanent form and is preserved in the archives of the Society. In 1903 he organized along original lines the Dietrich Family Association, which held successful reunions in 1903, 1904 and 1906. He is also a member of the P. O. S. of A.; K. of P.; I. O. O. F.; and Chandler Lodge, No. 227, F. & A.M.; Excelsior Chapter, No. 236, R. A. M.; Reading Lodge of Perfection, fourteenth degree; and Reading Commandery, No. 42, K. T.

On May 20,1899, Mr. Dietrich married Miss Sallie M. Merkel, daughter of James K. Merkel, of Berne Station, Tilden township. To this union have been born three children: Naomi Evangeline, Ruth Emily, and William Joseph, Jr. The two daughters became members of the National Society of the Children of the American Revolution in 1909. Mr. Dietrich is much devoted to his family, all of whom are members of the United Evangelical Church, in which Mr. Dietrich has served as an official, and for some years has been teacher of the Men's Bible Class.

(II) Johan Heinrich Dietrich, son of Adam, the emigrant, was born in 1777, and was brought up as a farmer. After his marriage he lived a half mile northeast of Klinesville. He owned the farm now the property of Albert D. Kunkel, and the adjoining farm now owned by Peter Stump. In addition to farming "Heinrich" Dietrich, as he was known, conducted a sawmill. He was a fairly prosperous man, but was drawn into an unfortunate piece of litigation. One Jacob Stein stole some clover seed from him, but through some technicality of the law, Dietrich could not obtain his conviction. He spent his small fortune, and died in August of 1857 or 1858, a poor man, in Albany township, where he was nevertheless respected by all knew him. In subsequent years Stein confessed, but the evil was done. Heinrich Dietrich in the later years of his life lived along the Ontelaunee, below the Albany Station, near the railroad. He was a man of dark complexion, of medium height and weight. He is buried at Dunkel's Church. He married Hannah Kraemer, who is buried at Grimville, and had the following children: (1) John m. Christiana Bautsch. (2) Adam, who left Berks county when he was about twenty years of age and still unmarried, located in Mercer county, Pa., where he married and reared a family. (3) Hannah. (4) Sallie m. Joseph Greenawald and they moved to Emporia, Lyon Co., Kans. (5) Henry K., born March 16, 1817, died of smallpox Feb. 20, 1862, aged forty-four years, eleven months, four days. He lived in Greenwich on the farm now owned by Peter Stump. He was known as "Der Wake Mashter Henny"("The supervisor Henry Dietrich") holding this office many years. His wife was Sarah (Sally) Opp. They had the following children: Willoughby, Samuel, Peter, Mary and Wallace A. (6) Polly m. Samuel Ernest. They are buried at Paradise Church, in Northumberland county, Pennsylvania.

(IV) Willoughby Dietrich (son of Henry K., son of Johann Heinrich, son of Adam the emigrant) married Ellen Gorman. They had four sons and one daughter. Two of the sons and the daughter reside at New Orleans, La. They are highly educated and are prominent in the social and business world. After the Civil war Willoughby Dietrich located at New Orleans, where he is buried. He was a soldier in the Union army from Oct. 5, 1861, to the end of the war, being the first volunteer soldier on record from Greenwich township. He was a graduate from the Government Military School, and was an officer in the army. His brother, Samuel O. Dietrich, was also a soldier in the Union army, and died on the field of battle at Vicksburg, Miss., where he is buried. Peter Dietrich, brother of Samuel O. and Willoughby, was a soldier in the Union army, enlisting when only seventeen years old, and served with honor from the beginning to the end of the war. He returned to Berks county and married Sarah Hunsicker. They have a son Charles, and two daughters living at Seigersville, Pennsylvania.

(II) Johann Dietrich, son of Adam the emigrant, was born on his father's farm in Greenwich township, Jan. 7, 1779. He engaged in farming in that same district, not far from Dietrich's mill, on a farm consisting of upward of 100 acres. He died upon his place July 28, 1830, aged fifty-one years, six months, twenty-one days, and is buried at the Grimville Church. In 1807 he married Elizabeth Ohl, who survived him many years, and they became the parents of thirteen children, as follows: John, Rueben, Samuel, Anna Maria (born 1809), Jonas, Hanna (born 1812), Benjamin (born 1813), David, Eva, Daniel (1828-1834), Joseph, Esther and Catharine.

(II) Johann Christian Dietrich, son of Adam the emigrant, was born on the Dietrich homestead in Greenwich township, Jan. 13, 1783. This farm he purchased from his father in 1812, and on it all his life was spent. He was a farmer, and by industry and frugality accumulated a small fortune. He was a short-set, strong and robust man, very fond of horseback riding. Like most of the family, he was full faced and had very black hair. He was kind-hearted and affable, but firm in his convictions. He was very prominent in his community, and was an official member of the Lutheran congregation at Dunkel's Church, where he and the members of his family are buried. He died Nov. 21, 1873, aged ninety years, ten months, eight days. He married Elizabeth Georg, born Jan. 27,1786, who died Jan. 17, 1846, aged nearly sixty years. They were the parents of twelve children, namely: (1) Benjamin (born 1806, died 1894) m. Anna Wiltrout. (2) Solomon (born 1807, died 1874) m. Beckie Will. (3) Jonathan (Jonas) (born 1808, died 1862) m. Betsy Shearer. (4) George B. (born 1811, died 1887) m. Polly Heinly. (5) Beckie m. Jacob Heinly. (6) Samuel (born 1817, died 1893) m. Juliannus Schollenberger. (7) Anna m. Daniel Spohn. (8) Hettie (born 1822, died 1904) m. John Moyer. (9) Daniel (born 1824, died 1898) m. Sally Ann Christ. (10) Jeremiah (born 1826, died 1901). (11) Nathan (born 1827, died 1880) m. Elizabeth Stump. (12) Henry (born 1832, died 1905) m. Lydia Merkel.

(III) Benjamin Dietrich, son of Johann Christian, was born in 1806, and died Aug. 26, 1894, at the age of eighty-eight years. He was a prominent citizen and large taxpayer of Greenwich township, owning 375 acres lying between Dunkel's Church and the Three Mile House. He married Anna Wiltrout, and they enjoyed a happy wedded life of more than fifty years. They were the parents of children as follows: Magdalena, Levi, Daniel W. (m. Sallie Ann Merkel), Benjamin, Lewis, James W. (m. Elizabeth Fetherolf), Henry W. (m. Amelia Heinly), Samuel A., Adam, Susanna and Eliza (m. Rolandus Dreibelbis).

(IV) Samuel A. Dietrich, son of Benjamin, was born in 1848, and his death occurred in 1894. He was a farmer by occupation, and his land was located in Greenwich township, about one and one-half miles southwest of Three Mile House. In the year 1870 he married Susanna Spohn, only child of Daniel and Anna (Dietrich) Spohn, the former a farmer in Greenwich township. Eleven children blessed this union, viz.: (1) Clara A., born March 2, 1871, m. Samuel S. Mengel, and lives in Maiden-creek township. They have had children: Katie M., born in 1891; Flossie A., born in 1897; Elsie L. born in 1899, and Lizzie I., born in 1903. (2) Wilson L., born July 29, 1872, lives with his family at the old Dietrich homestead. He m. (first) Kate Adam, by whom he had one son, Clarence S., born in 1893, and m. (second) Cora Dietrich. (3) Robert Daniel, born Oct. 14, 1874, is mentioned below. (4) Henry B., born Sept. 17, 1876, died Dec. 8, 1876. (5) Louisa Kate, born Jan. 31, 1878, married Charles H. Fegley, of Maiden-creek township and has had three children: Edna, born in 1896; John S., born in 1899, and Jennie S., born in 1903 (died in 1905). (6) Elmer Samuel, born June 14, 1880, died July 7, 1880. (7) Charles L., born Aug. 26, 1883, married Sallie Leob and has two children: Elda, born Jan. 31, 1907, and Florence S., born Sept. 21, 1908. (8) George Herbert, born Nov. 7, 1885, (9) Jennie Susan, born Dec. 21, 1887, (10) Calvin Andrew, born Aug. 26, 1890, and (11) Edward Christian, born April 8, 1892, are all at home.

Mrs. Susanna (Spohn) Dietrich, widow of Samuel A. Dietrich, resides on a fine farm of 140 acres, in Greenwich township. Her great-great-grandfather was George Spohn, who married Margaret Schulter, and her great-grandfather was Conrad Spohn, born April 18, 1755, who married Dorothea Bohlig, born 1763, died 1830. They had these children: Johannes, Johan Peter, Susanna, Maria, Abraham and Elizabeth. Of this family, Johannes Spohn, the grandfather of Mrs. Dietrich, was born in 1785 and died in 1857. He married Maria Sitler, and they had the following children: Polly, Hannah, Sarah, Samuel, Jonathan, Rebecca, Catherine, Daniel, John and Eliza. Daniel Spohn, Mrs. Dietrich's father, was born in 1818 and died July 29, 1902, and he married Anna Dietrich, who was born in 1820 and died in 1881.

(V) Robert D. Dietrich, a rising and respected young farmer in eastern Richmond township, where he owns a fertile farm of fifty-seven acres, was born Oct. 14, 1874, near Dunkel's Church, in Greenwich township, son of Samuel A. He was reared on a farm, and received his early education in the common schools, later attending the State Normal School at Kutztown, Pa. He is very industrious, and by his own energy has acquired his present property. He is a Lutheran member of Dunkel's Union Church in Greenwich township, as is also his wife. In politics he is a Democrat, and has taken an active interest in the welfare of his party, and in the progress of his community.

Mr. Dietrich married Laura S. Fraunfelder, daughter of W. Adam and Catharine (Lenhart) Fraunfelder, prominent farming people of Windsor township. Five children have blessed this union, namely: Susanna May, born in 1896; Harry Adam, born in 1898; Raymond Daniel, born in 1899; Paul Leroy, born in 1900; and Helen Fannie, born in 1902.

(III) Jonathan (or Jonas) Dietrich, son of Johann Christian, born Dec. 2, 1808, died Jan. 29,1862. When a young man he followed blacksmithing and later in life became a farmer, in Greenwich township, where he lived all his life. He is buried at Moselem Church. In 1831 he married Elizabeth (Betsy) Shearer, born Sept. 25, 1810, who died June 7, 1897. The following children were born to this union: Ephraim died at Silver Lake, Kans., in 1905, aged seventy years, leaving a large family, and is buried in Kansas; Jonathan died in 1870; Joel, born in 1837; William, born in 1838, died in 1906; Daniel S., born Sept. 20, 1840, died in Baltimore, Md., May 11, 1907; Henry; Samuel; Edwin; Sarah Ann m. Cyrus Lesher, of Reading.

(IV) Daniel S. Dietrich, son of Jonathan (or Jonas), was born in Berks county Sept. 20, 1840. While a young man he moved to Montour county, Pa., where he married Catherine B., daughter of Jacob and Justina (Boyer) Moser. Her father was born in Montgomery county, Pa., oldest son of Peter and Anna (Steinbruch) Moser. Peter Moser was the son of S. P. Moser, who lived in Pottstown, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Dietrich were the parents of four sons: S. P., Jacob M., Edwin M., and J. Calvin. Jacob M. and J. Calvin died young. Edwin M. married Susan C., daughter of Samuel and Margaret Mauger. They have two sons, Mark S. and Kenneth, and live in Harrisburg, Pa. Mrs. Catherine B. (Moser) Dietrich died at Milton, Pa., March 14, 1897. The father then moved to Baltimore, where he followed building and contracting until the time of his death, which occurred May 8, 1907. Both Mr. and Mrs. Dietrich are buried at Oak Grove cemetery, in Montour county, Pennsylvania.

(V) Prof. S. P. Dietrich, of Reading, was born in Montour county, Pa., Aug. 3, 1866. He was reared on a farm, upon which he worked during the summer, attending the rural schools during the winter until he was fourteen years old. He then attended the Potts Grove Academy and Prof. Schneider's select school, at Milton, Pa. At the age of eighteen years he began teaching in the rural schools of Montour county, Pa. In this manner he earned sufficient money to pay his own way through the Williamsport Commercial College and Ursinus College. He graduated from the former in 1888 and from the latter in 1894. In 1897 he took the examination with the junior and senior classes in the Bloomsburg State Normal School under the State board of examiners and passed the same, receiving his credentials with the senior class. After graduation he in 1894 accepted the principalship of the McEwensville Academy, where he remained two years. In 1896 he resigned to accept a position in the Danville (Pa.) high school. In 1899 he resigned his position in Danville to accept the vice-principalship of the Sunbury (Pa.) high school. He remained in Sunbury, Pa., eight years, and in 1907 resigned to accept a position in the Boys' High School, Reading, Pa. Professor and Mrs. Dietrich are members of the New Lutheran Church. He is a man of marked intellectual attainments, and is a fluent and able speaker, frequently called upon to make addresses at public functions.

On Dec. 23, 1896, he married Sara H., daughter of Alem and Hannah (Hood) Mauser. They have no children.

(IV) Edwin Dietrich, son of Jonathan (or Jonas), born in Greenwich township, is a small farmer in Richmond township, where for many years he was engaged in milling. He has served in the office of supervisor of this township, and is now acting in the capacity of road-master. He married Rufena Adam, daughter of George Adam, of Greenwich township, and to this union have been born the following children: Wilson G. is mentioned in full farther on; Charles E. is a miller in Greenwich township; Pierce A. is a well-known druggist in Philadelphia; Mahlon J. is a miller by trade; Jane m. Henry Adam; Francis A. is a student in Muhlenberg College; Alice resides at home.

(V) Wilson G. Dietrich, son of Edwin, was born in Greenwich township, Berks county, March 4, 1869. He obtained an ordinary common school education in his native township and in Albany township, and his early boyhood was spent on the home farm, where he early learned that industry was requisite to success in life. In 1899 he began farming in Maxatawny township, where he lived seven years, removing to Richmond township in the spring of 1906. He now lives on one of the farms of Lawson G. and Calvin J. Dietrich. He is a man of good traits of character, and is industrious and persevering. By thrift and economy he has earned sufficient capital to buy a good farm stock. He is deeply interested in the welfare of his family and children.

On May 20,1893, Mr. Dietrich married Katie M. Adam, daughter of Benjamin and Catharine (Mengel) Adam, farming people of Perry township. Mr. and Mrs. Dietrich are both members of Dunkel's Church. In political matters he is a Democrat, and he is well informed on all topics of the day. He and his wife have had children as follows: Llewellyn, Edna (died in childhood), Minnie (died in childhood), Pius, Mamie, Effie, and Lizzie (died in childhood).

(III) George B. Dietrich, son of Johann Christian, was born Jan. 20, 1811, and died May 2,1887. He owned land in Richmond township, along the Easton road, two miles west of Kutztown, and while he always followed his trade of carpenter, he also worked at farming. He married Polly Heinly, and they became the parents of three children: James H., born Nov. 22, 1840, died Aug. 26, 1893; Maria, who is unmarried, lives on the old homestead, which she now owns; Katie m. Enoch J. Heinly (mentioned elsewhere in this work).

(IV) James H. Dietrich, son of George B., was born in Greenwich township Nov. 22, 1840, and was there reared and educated, making his home throughout life in the same township. He learned the carpenter's trade with his father, and this he followed in connection with farming all of his active years. He died Aug. 26, 1893. He married Mary Behler, who survives him and lives with her sons on their farm in Richmond township. Three sons blessed the marriage of James H. and Mary (Behler) Dietrich, as follows: Lawson G., Llewellyn J. (died in 1890, aged twenty-two years), and Calvin J.

(V) Lawson G. Dietrich, son of James H. and one of Berks county's representative men, was born in Greenwich township, May 2, 1864. His early years were passed upon his father's farm and in attending the public schools of his district. Later he attended the Keystone State Normal School, and in 1881, when seventeen years of age, he began teaching, a profession he followed with marked success for nine years. After spending two years as a student and bookkeeper in the city of Reading, he moved to a farm in Richmond township, two miles east of Kutztown, where he has since made his home. Since 1890 he has been extensively engaged in agricultural pursuits, and with his brother, Calvin J., with whom he formed a partnership, he cultivates 276 acres of excellent land. The brothers employ only modern machinery, and are always the first to give practical tests to the new methods. Mr. Dietrich has made earnest efforts to improve the conditions in his section, and on his own farm lays great stress upon hay raising, shipping annually car-loads of baled hay to the city market. He is a man of large business capacity, and is a financier as well as a thorough farmer. In 1892 and 1893 he studied civil engineering and surveying, and he is an able mathematician. Frequently he is appointed by the court of Berks county to survey new roads or lands in dispute, having the largest practice in his profession in the upper part of Berks county. He is often called upon by the courts of both Berks and Lehigh counties to give expert testimony, and has rendered valuable service. He was elected a justice of the peace in Richmond in 1895, re-elected by an overwhelming majority in 1900, and re-elected without any opposition whatever in 1905. His decisions have never been reversed by any higher court. Mr. Dietrich is an uncompromising Democrat, and a man of great influence in the party. He has served as delegate to many State and county conventions, and for ten years he represented his township as committeeman on the county committee, being one of the oldest members of that body in point of service. In the spring of 1906 he was a candidate for the office of Clerk of the Quarter Sessions of Berks county, receiving nearly 3000 votes. Mr. Dietrich is a man of varied interests, and is prominently identified with the Kutztown Fair Association, of which he was an organizer and is a director. He is a stockholder in several banks and trust companies in Berks county. He is a close student of men and events, and is possessed of calm, prudent and sound judgment. His life has been above reproach.

On May 20,1893, Mr. Dietrich married Miss Mary Alice Schollenberger, daughter of the late Capt. Jonas and Mary (Dry) Schollenberger, the former a successful farmer in Richmond township and prothonotary of Berks county. To this marriage has been born one son, Irwin, a public schoolteacher. Mr. and Mrs. Dietrich have also an adopted daughter, Ida Schollenberger, who is a niece of Mrs. Dietrich.

(V) Calvin J. Dietrich, youngest son of James H., was born in Greenwich township June 30,1869, and is now one of the prosperous citizens of upper Berks county. He obtained a good education at Shofer's school in his native township, and at the Keystone State Normal School at Kutztown, which he attended in 1884 and 1885. He then taught his home school for several terms, and in 1900 entered into partnership with his brother Lawson G., in the agricultural business. They have a modern threshing apparatus, and in addition to threshing do shingle and wood sawing for the farmers of their vicinity, also engaging extensively in hay raising, selling baled hay by the car-load lots annually. Mr. Dietrich is an intelligent and respected citizen, a Democrat in political principle, and actively interested in the success of his party. He is prominently connected with the Dietrich Family Association, which has members all over the country.

On April 25,1891, Mr. Dietrich married Evada E. Trexler, born Dec. 28, 1868, daughter of Benneville and Maria (Hoch) Trexler, the former born Dec. 14, 1839, died Feb. 25, 1881. Mr. and Mrs. Trexler were the parents of Evada E. (now Mrs. Dietrich); Francis, who married Clara Stein; Beulah, who died in childhood; and Miss Mamie. Mrs. Dietrich was confirmed in the Lutheran faith by the Rev. Dr. W. S. Mueller, at Moselem Church, and there she and her husband both attend. They have no children.

(III) Daniel Dietrich, son of Johann Christian Dietrich, was born in Greenwich township, Berks county, April 24,1824, and died at Dietrich's mill in the same township April 20, 1898. He was one of the best known men in all that locality, and for many years conducted what is known as Dietrich's mill, located on the Sacony on the road from Kutztown to Hamburg, two miles north of the former place. With the mill property were fifty acres of land, which Mr. Dietrich cultivated and improved. He built the large brick residence there in 1857, and the barn some years later. He was public-spirited and progressive, and was one of the prime movers in the establishment of the Keystone State Normal School at Kutztown, and one of its first trustees, serving as such from the time of its organization until his death. He is buried in Hope cemetery at Kutztown. On May 28, 1842, he married Sally Ann Christ, born Nov. 12, 1824, died July 5, 1898. To this union were born ten children: (1) Willoughby, born Jan. 10, 1850, died aged twenty-three days. (2) William C., born 1851, died 1876. (3) Jonathan C., born Nov. 26,1852, in Greenwich, owns and lives on the old homestead, where he operates a creamery, and is also engaged in the ice business. For a number of years he was chief bookkeeper for the Keystone Shoe Manufacturing Company, and he was deputy county controller under H. F. Livingood and A. L. Rhoads. (4) Mahlon C. (5) Mary Elizabeth, born Jan. 25,1857, is the widow of Levi D. Dietrich. (6) Franklin, born Aug. 15, 1858, died aged forty-four days. (7) Diana, born Sept. 5, 1859, died March 22, 1862. (8) Aaron, born Oct. 11, 1860, died March 23, 1862. (9) Emma Amanda, born Oct. 25, 1861, died May 31, 1870. (10) Amelia, born April 14, 1863, is the widow of Charles A. Ketner, and has two children, Anna Bell and William R.

(IV) Mahlon C. Dietrich, grain, potato, lumber, coal and general merchandise dealer at Kempton, Pa., was born January 3, 1855. He early became familiar with the milling and lumber business, and on August 3, 1874, located in Kempton, which then consisted of one private dwelling and the hotel, but which has since grown to contain twenty-five houses. He conducted the grain warehouse for Dietrich and De Turk, the senior partner in the firm being his father. In 1877, he purchased his father's interest in this business and the firm continued under the same name until 1881, when he also purchased the interest of his partner, Isaac L. De Turk. Since that date he has been alone, building up one of the largest businesses of its kind in the State. He has a large stock of general merchandise, carrying everything that might be included among the needs of a farmer. He is an extensive potato shipper -- in fact the most extensive on the Schuylkill & Lehigh railroad a branch of the P.& R. road, and he has many customers in the large cities of the East.

Mr. Dietrich is interested in all that tends to the development of his county. He was active in the Dietrich Family Reunion Association, and gave great assistance in the preparation of the family record. He is a member of the New Jerusalem Church, belonging to the Lutheran congregation.

On Sept. 2, 1876, Mr. Dietrich married Miss Sarah E. Bachman, daughter of Nathan and Eliza (Donat) Bachman, of Lynn township, the former born 1817, died 1908. Mr. and Mrs. Bachman had children as follows: Rev. Adam J., of Schaefferstown, Lebanon county; Rev. James N. (1854-1907), of Lynnport, Pa.; and Sarah E. To Mr. and Mrs. Dietrich have been born two daughters and one son, namely: Roie Annie Eva, born Sept. 12,1877, died Jan. 21, 1883; Edgar Adolphus, born Nov. 20, 1886, died Jan. 23, 1889; Blanche R., graduated from the public schools of Albany township in 1906, and is a member of the class of 1910 at the Keystone State Normal School.

Mr. Dietrich is so well known in his district as a shipper of potatoes that a few words from him about the potato growing industry which plays so prominent a part in the agricultural prosperity of the section will be of interest here:

Potatoes are raised on every farm in Albany township and in part of Greenwich township, Berks county, and in the lower section of Lynn township, Lehigh county, which adjoins the two townships named, are raised more than in any other township. From all these localities a good many are brought to Kempton, Berks county, for shipment. Hence, not all of the potatoes shipped from that station are raised in Berks county. A good many were raised before the building of the Berks County railroad, which was first operated in 1874. The nearest markets then were Allentown, Reading, Pottsville and Tamaqua. To each place the distance is about twenty-five miles from this section, the trip taking two nights and one day, or two days and one night. Since the railroad was built, more have been raised from year to year. The old varieties have been supplanted by new favorites, and many have held their reputations as good yielders. At present, the Dewly, Vulcan, State of Maine, Prince Henry, Twenty Century, World's Wonder, National and Banner are principally raised, and all are a round, white potato, good yielders, and also best adapted for the market.

The planting season begins about April 10th. Many turn the sod in the fall, some in the early spring, and make ready to plant with the Aspinwall and other planters; the slanting tooth harrow is used, then the weeder and cultivator. The Colorado potato bug or beetle is very injurious to the plants and the growers must spray them in time with Paris green or arsenic; and some also spray for the prevention of the blight, which is a much dreaded disease, as potatoes commence to rot about the time when the first shipments are made in car-load lots, which is about Sept. 1st. York State stock is always about two weeks later, and Michigan and other northwestern States still a few weeks later. The shipping of potatoes is a most hazardous undertaking. All kinds of risks are connected with it. The rot, the cold weather and the overstocked markets have to be contended with. Most of the farmers have not yet provided a good protected storage place, and have to sell about half the stock raised before cold weather sets in, being therefore obliged to sell those outside the cellars and other protected places. Some three hundred full car-loads and a number of bushels in bag lots are shipped from the different stations in Albany township; six hundred bushels is about the average for a car or about two hundred thousand bushels at an average price of fifty cents; the shipments amounting to $100,000.

(III) Nathan Dietrich, son of Christian, was born in Greenwich township, July 30, 1827, and died Jan. 24, 1880. He was reared to farm life and when about twenty-five years old began work for himself. He lived in Montour county, Pa., for a time, working on a farm for a man by the name of McCormick. When he returned to Greenwich township, Berks county, he began farming at Stein's mill, and then lived on different farms in that locality until the spring of 1860, when he went to Albany township, and purchased a farm, now the property of Henry Heffner, which he sold six years later and bought the 162-acre farm from Daniel Kunkel, that is now owned by his son, Henry S. The barn on this farm is 114 feet long -- the largest in the township, and the farm and surroundings are kept in first-class condition. Nathan Dietrich was a Lutheran member of New Bethel Church, in which he was an official. He married Elizabeth Stump, daughter of Samuel Stump, who now lives at Kempton. Six children, all still living, were born of this union: (1) William S., now living retired at Weatherly, Pa., owns two farms and a mill. He is married and has children -- Wilson, James, Maud, Annie and Francis. (2) Catharine, widow of Moses Hein, lives at Kempton. (3) Henry S. (4) Rosetta m. Francis Lenhart, a farmer in Albany township. (5) Annie m. Owen Snyder, a farmer at Steins Corner, Lehigh county. (6) Lenius S., a farmer in Albany township, m. Ellen Miller, and has three children -- Verna, Alma and Anson.

(IV) Henry S. Dietrich was born in Greenwich township, Aug. 17, 1859, was educated in the public schools, and worked at home until he was of age. For four years after he attained his majority he had charge of the home farm, and in the spring of 1886 he began for himself on the homestead, near Albany post office . This farm consists of 162 acres of excellent potato land, and he plants from twenty-five to thirty acres every year. He has excellent crops, and besides this farm he owns sixty-four acres of woodland at the Blue Mountains. He has his farm well stocked, and is very justly proud of his horses, their equal being hard to find in the township. He has from fifteen to twenty-five head of cattle all the time.

In politics Mr. Dietrich is a Democrat, and he and his family are members of the New Bethel (Corner) Church, in Albany township.

Mr. Dietrich married Caroline Sechler, daughter of Joel Sechler, late of Albany township. Five sons and five daughters have blessed this union: Addie m. Fred Fetherolf; George; Joel; Albert, a graduate of the township schools, is now attending the Normal at Kutztown; May is a graduate of the township schools; William; Maud; Ina; Frank and Helen. Mr. Dietrich is a believer in the cause of education, and is giving his children good school advantages.


p. 563-564


Dietrich (Line of Conrad). This branch of the Dietrichs, so far as is known in no way related to Adam Dietrich and his descendants, has its origin in Conrad Dietrich, who was born in Baltimore, Md., Jan. 11, 1763. In his young manhood he came to Berks county, Pa., and located in Hereford township. He was married there, and in 1790 the Federal Census Report records him the head of a family consisting of four persons, himself and wife and two daughters. Their seven other children were born after 1790. About 1795 he and his family came to Reading, and there he passed the remainder of his life. He owned considerable property, and was regarded as a fairly well-to-do man. His wife was Elizabeth Seisholtz of Longswamp township, Berks county, born March 3, 1769, died Sept. 22, 1837, aged sixty-eight years, six months and nineteen days. Conrad Dietrich died Dec. 18, 1841, aged seventy-eight years, eleven months, seven days. They both are buried in the western part of the Aulenbach cemetery. The tombstone inscription states that they were the parents of nine children -- four sons and five daughters. The names of four children only could be ascertained as follows: (1) George settled in the vicinity of Scranton, Catawissa or Tamaqua, Pa., where he manufactured bricks. He was born Aug. 4, 1813, was married, and had a number of children. (2) Jacob Dietrich is mentioned below. (3) Susan married Henry Fry of Reading. (4) Conrad is mentioned below.

(II) Jacob Dietrich, son of Conrad, was born in Reading, and he made his home on Tenth street, south of Cherry. He was a laborer, and for many years was the grave digger for Trinity Lutheran Church, at Sixth and Washington streets, and there he, too, was laid to rest, but later his body with others was removed to the Lutheran cemetery. He married Abbey Dieter, and to this union were born three sons and five daughters, namely: (1) Savannah m. Amos Giley, of Reading. (2) Conrad m. Hannah Geeze of Allentown. (3) Jacob m. in Schuylkill county , where he had settled and reared a family. He had a son, Al. Dietrich. (4) Catharine m. Fred Ulrich Hains. (5) Susan (born in Reading Dec. 5, 1835) resides in Reading. She m. Charles Houck, a native of Germany, who was a saddler in Reading. They had children: Hattie, Mary (deceased), Rosa and Katie (who are both deaf mutes), and Elizabeth. (6) Isaac (born at Reading in 1837) settled when about twenty-five years old in Drehersville, Schuylkill county, where he married Deborah Hollenbach. Their son, William H., born Sept. 18, 1853, at Temple, Berks county, died March 9, 1909, at Reading, and is buried at Alsace Lutheran Church. He was a laborer. He was twice married, first, April 27, 1875, to Emma Kissinger, who bore him four children -- Irwin W., George A., Katie D. and Sallie M.; and (second) to Hannah D. Sell, by whom he had children -- Bertha E., Edward H., Carrie L., Gertie E., Deborah A., William H. and Christian R. (7) Mary died young. (8) Abbey m. in Philadelphia where she lived and died.

(II) Conrad Dietrich, son of Conrad, was born at the big dam at Reading, July 26, 1798, and was confirmed in the Lutheran faith. He was a paper manufacturer in Snyder county for many years, but his plant was destroyed by fire in 1840. In later life he moved back to Reading, where he died Feb. 12, 1861, aged sixty-two years, six months, sixteen days, and was buried in Aulenbach cemetery, by the side of his father. He was twice married, and by his first marriage had three children: (1) Henry left the parental home when twenty-two years of age, while the father lived in Snyder county, and his whereabouts were unknown for twenty years, when one afternoon, to the surprise of all, he came home only to remain one night and to leave without telling anyone where he had lived or where he was going. It was afterward learned that he was comfortably situated in Wilmington, Del., and in later years he paid annual visits to his brother, William H., in Reading. By his first wife he had a son, Reuben, who lived at Mechanicsburg, in Cumberland county, Pa. (2) Mary m. Hon. Reuben Keller, a State senator from 1859 to 1862. (3) Adam.

Conrad Dietrich was married (second) Oct. 9, 1836, to Martha (Moyer) Spohn, widow of Jacob Spohn, of Spring township. She was born Jan. 13, 1805, and died in 1889, aged eighty-four years, daughter of Jonathan Moyer. In the old Spohn Bible, the following children are credited to the marriage of Conrad and Martha Dietrich: Amelia, born Dec. 17, 1837; Conrad, born Feb. 9, 1839; William H., born Oct. 29, 1840; Rebecca, born May 4, 1847, died Nov. 14, 1870 (m. John L. Homan).

(III) William H. Dietrich, Sr., son of Conrad, was born in Snyder county, Pa., Oct. 29, 1840. When a young man he came to Reading with his parents, and here he learned the art of photography with S. B. Howard, who after the business had been thoroughly mastered, admitted him as a partner, under the firm name of Howard & Dietrich. Some years afterward Mr. Howard retired from business, and Mr. Dietrich formed a partnership with Mr. Patton, under the firm name of Dietrich & Patton, and for twenty years they conducted a successful business at the corner of Seventh and Penn streets, where Rosenbaum's hall now stands. Later Mr. Dietrich conducted a grocery store at the corner of Ninth and Robeson streets. Since 1895 he has been the proprietor of the "Veteran Hotel" of Reading, located at the northeast corner of Seventh and Chestnut streets. In 1860 he married Hannah Brobst, of Reading, who died Oct. 17,1900, after a married life of more than forty years. She is buried in the Dietrich family lot in Aulenbach's cemetery. Seven children were born to this union: (1) Martha m. George Snyder, of Reading, and has children -- Howard, Chester, George, Bert, Martha, Clara and Hannah. (2) Emma died in infancy. (3) Emma (2) m. Elmer Stott, of Reading, and their children are Eugene, Bessie, Harry, Frank and Wallace. (4) William H., Jr., is mentioned below. (5) Annie died unmarried aged twenty-one years. (6) George P. (born at Reading, Dec. 6, 1869) is associated with his father in the management of the "Veteran Hotel." In 1907 he was the Republican nominee for the office of high sheriff, and received the highest vote ever given a Republican candidate for that office. He m. Annie Jenkins of Pottsville. (7) Clara married James Yost, a farmer of Spring township, whose record appears in these volumes.

(IV) William H. Dietrich, Jr., son of William H. Sr., and proprietor of the "Muhlenberg Mansion" at No. 1057 North Ninth street, Reading, was born at No. 145 Mulberry street, Reading. His early education was obtained in the public schools of the city, and after leaving school he was employed at Mohn's hat factory for two years. He then worked for Augustus Hassler in the restaurant at No. 503 Penn street, where he remained a number of years. He was next manager for William H. Reist's caf, Mr. Reist being proprietor of the "Hotel Penn." There he continued until 1893, when he assumed the proprietorship of the"Hyde Park" Hotel, in Muhlenberg township, which he conducted with great success for two and one-half years. In October, 1895, he took charge of the Reading "Fair Ground Hotel," which he carried on until April 1, 1899, when he assumed control of his present stand, where he enjoys a large patronage. He is a successful hotelman, genial and popular with his guests, and has many warm friends in Reading.

Mr. Dietrich is connected with a number of social and fraternal organizations, among them being: B. P. O. E. Lodge No. 115, Reading; Reading Aerie, No. 66, F. O. E.; K. G. E. Castle No. 391, of Hyde Park; Neversink Fishing Club; Junior Fire Company; Juniata County Fishing Club; Old Bachelors' Club; Marion Fire Company. In his religious faith he is a believer in the doctrines of the Reformed Church.

On March 12, 1891, Mr. Dietrich married Miss Annie Leitheiser (born Feb. 6, 1869, died April 11, 1906, aged thirty-seven years, two months, six days), and they had one son Wilson F. (born Sept. 8, 1893).


p. 954


The Dietrich family, well known and numerous not only in Berks county, but throughout this section of the State of Pennsylvania, was founded here some one hundred and fifty years ago. Kutztown at the present time numbers among her citizens several of the family, who are living good and useful lives to the honor of the name they bear, among these being Josiah S. and Lewis S. Dietrich, brothers, the first named being now retired from active work, but the latter still successfully engaged in the contracting business.

(I) Adam Dietrich was a native of the German Palatinate, born there Oct. 28, 1740. In 1767 he came to America and after some years passed in looking over the ground in eastern Pennsylvania he settled near Dunkel's Church in Greenwich township, where he became the owner of a large farm, to the cultivation and improvement of which he gave his energies. There he died March 1, 1817, at the age of seventy-six years, four months, three days, and was buried at Moselem Church. He and his wife were both Lutheran members of this church, and both sleep in the burying ground there. He was a man five feet eight inches tall, with full broad face and black hair. He had beautiful white teeth, which remained perfect as long as he lived. He married Maria Barbara Steinbruch, who was born March 13, 1741, and died June 6, 1821, aged eighty years, two months, twenty-three days. Eleven children were born to them: Johann Adam, Johann Georg, Johann Michael, Johann Jacob, Johann Heinrich, Johann, Polly (Maria Magdalena), Maria Barbara, Catharine, Johann Christian and Beckie (Anna Margaret).

(II) Johann Dietrich, son of the emigrant, was born on his father's farm in Greenwich township, Jan. 7, 1799. He engaged in farming in that same district, not far from Dietrich's mill, on a farm consisting of 100 acres. He died upon his place July 28, 1830, aged fifty-one years, six months, twenty-one days, and is buried at the Grimville church. In 1807, he married Elizabeth Ohl, who survived him many years, and they became the parents of thirteen children, the names of three of them not being known. The others were: John, Samuel, Anna Maria (born 1809), Jonas, Hanna (born 1812), Benjamin (born 1813), David, Eva, Daniel (1828-1834) and Joseph.

(III) John Dietrich, son of Johann, was born in Greenwich township, June 28, 1806, and he died March 5, 1885, aged seventy-eight years, eight months, seven days. His remains were buried in the cemetery at Moselem church, of which he was a Lutheran member. By occupation he was a weaver, and he lived two miles southwest of Kutztown, Pa. In 1830 he purchased his father's homestead for $1,750, but through litigation did not hold this, and it was sold at public sale that same year to Benjamin C. Dietrich, a cousin. This farm was located in Greenwich. After the death of his father Mr. Dietrich remained in Berks county, while the mother and several of the children went to Ohio, where the daughter Eva died of homesickness, and tradition says another daughter also died from the same cause, but several of the children returned to Pennsylvania and settled near Carlisle, where their descendants are still living. John Dietrich married Catharine Shearer, born April 14, 1812, daughter of Michael Shearer; she died June 5, 1893, aged eighty-one years, one month, twenty-one days, and is buried at the Moselem church. They had a family of twelve children: Hettie Ann m. Solomon Klotz; Caroline m. Daniel Marx, and has children and grandchildren; Charles S. m. Susanna Haupt, and has two children, Lewellyn (who has a daughter, Mabel) and Clara (who has a daughter Perma); John S. m. Mary Schucker, and had children, Wilson, Levi, Henry, Samuel, Alvin, John, David, Sylvanus and Sally Ann (and some grandchildren and great-grandchildren); Josiah S.; Isaac S. m. Jane Werley, and has a daughter, Laura, and four grandchildren living and one dead; Lucinda died aged three years; Catharine, born 1842, died in 1869; Peter S., unmarried, resides with his brother David S.; David S. m. Catharine Ziegler, and had ten children, among them a son, John (also several grandchildren); Daniel S., born in 1845, m. Amanda Arndt, and has had two children, Minnie (born 1901) and one deceased; and Lewis S.

(IV) Josiah S. Dietrich, son of John, was born in Greenwich township Sept. 7, 1837, and is now living retired at Kutztown. He was reared to manhood on his father's farm, and the greater part of his life was passed in Greenwich and Maxatawny townships. He is now residing on Greenwich street, in Kutztown, where he owns a comfortable home, which he purchased when he came to this borough to make his home. Mr. Dietrich is a large man, his very appearance indicating the strength he enjoys, and he is able still to do a full day's work that would tire most men much younger than he. He is honest and upright in his dealings, and has won the merited respect of all who know him. In his political principles he is a Democrat, and has taken a keen interest in the success of his party. On different occasions he was nominated and elected to township offices, but always refused to serve. He was confirmed in the Lutheran faith by the late Rev. Mr. Roeller, then pastor of the Moselem church, and at present time is a member of St. John's Church.

On Nov. 18, 1873, Mr. Dietrich married Mrs. Mary Ann (Brenzinger) Fahringer, widow of Benjamin Fahringer, and daughter of Manuel and Elizabeth (Bower) Brenzinger. Two children blessed this union: Elizabeth m. Charles K. Deisher of Kutztown; and William B., a stonecutter of Reading, m. Lillie Reber, of Frackville, Pa. And has a daughter Carrie E. Mrs. Josiah S. Dietrich died of heart disease on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 28, 1907. She was born March 15, 1844, and her death occurred when she was sixty-three years, six months and thirteen days old. She was a genial and industrious woman who had many friends.

(IV) Lewis S. Dietrich, son of John, was born in Maxatawny township, Aug. 17,1847. He was early trained to farm work on his father's farm, but as a young man learned the brick layer's trade, which he followed in his native locality, and also at Reading, Norristown, Philadelphia, Bloomsburg, Hazleton and other places. For a period of fifteen years he lived at Brooklyn, a suburb of Kutztown, where he built his own home. He then moved to a farm in Greenwich township, the farm having come into his possession through his wife, and this he cultivated for seven years, but now has it rented. In the spring of 1904 he came to Kutztown, and has since been very successful as a contractor. Mr. Dietrich is a good mechanic, and besides the trade learned in his younger days is a carpenter, and thoroughly understands what good and perfect workmanship means, and this he tries to give. He is well known for his honesty and industry, and is highly esteemed throughout the county.

In the year 1870 Mr. Dietrich married Charlotte R. Zimmer, daughter of Daniel and Caroline (Wright -- also spelled Reit) Zimmer, farming people of Greenwich township. Two sons have been born to this union, namely: Oscar V., of Alburtis, Pa., born Oct. 9, 1870, m. Catharine Bobb, and had a daughter, Flossie, who died in childhood; and Jonathan A., born Dec. 21, 1871, a brick layer at Fort Smith, Ark., married Clara Heffner and has four children -- Mabel, Margaret, Alice and Alberta.


p. 1014


The common ancestor of the large Dietrich family of Berks county was a native of the Palatinate, Germany, where he was born in 1740, and in 1767 he came to America with his wife Barbara A. Steinbruch, born in 1741, died in 1821, surviving her husband by four years. Both are buried in the Moselem churchyard. They had a family of twelve children, seven sons and five daughters, one of the latter of whom died in girlhood. The others grew to maturity and lived to ages averaging more than seventy years.

Johann Georg Dietrich and his elder brother Johann Adam Dietrich were born in Germany before their parents' emigration, and the date of the birth of the former was May 7, 1767. He died in Greenwich township, in Berks county, Nov. 4, 1845, aged seventy-eight years, five months and twenty-seven days. His wife, Elizabeth Brummer (1773-1850), is buried by his side at Dunkel's church. They were farmers and made a specialty of bee culture. Mrs. Dietrich was a very religious woman and instructed her children from the Bible, which she called the "good book." Eight children were born this worthy couple: Johannes, Kate, Beckie, Polly, George, Daniel, Anna and Lucinda.

Daniel Dietrich, son of Johann Georg, was born in Greenwich township, near Dunkel's Church, Nov. 12, 1809, and died Jan. 18, 1832. He married Katharyn Lesher, who was born in 1812, and who died in 1844.

Aaron Dietrich, son of Daniel, always lived in the vicinity of Lenhartsville, Pa., and always being industrious and honorable, grew up into a highly respected man; his powerful build made him one fitted for hard and thorough work. He weighed 225 pounds, and stood six feet two inches tall, and was excellently proportioned. For many years he was a teamster for George Merkel at Lenhartsville Furnace, and later after this furnace was abandoned, he engaged in other lines. He was united in marriage with Mary Reeser, and they became the parents of two children: Azariah Christian; and Endora m. to Milton H. Zimmerman, insurance agent at Reading. After the death of Aaron Dietrich, his widow, who had been a milliner for a number of years, married David Hinterleiter. Following her second marriage she removed her store from Lenhartsville to Hamburg, Pa., where she died advanced in years. Aaron Dietrich passed away at Lenhartsville, and is buried in the cemetery there.

Azariah Christian Dietrich, son of Aaron and father of A. Charles Dietrich, was born in Berks county, Aug 5, 1858, and he died at Reading June 19, 1897. When he was a young man he learned carriage painting at Hamburg. Later he removed to Schuylkill Haven where he worked at his trade until 1887 when he and his family came to Reading. In this city he was employed with the Keystone wagon works in his line, and he thus continued until his death. He is buried in the Charles Evans Cemetery, at Reading. Mr. Dietrich married Lillie Kautner, born April 24, 1856, and they had two children: Charles Carroll, born June 17, 1875, m. Mame Wentzel and lives in Reading; Azariah Charles. As a man Azariah Christian Dietrich was honored and respected by all who met him. Possessing as he did fine natural abilities and those qualities which constitute the true man and valuable citizen, it was not difficult for him to win the esteem and admiration of those about him.

Azariah Charles Dietrich, of Reading, was born at Schuylkill Haven, Feb. 3, 1882. When he was only five years of age his parents moved to Reading, and he attended the public schools of the city until he was fifteen. At that age he commenced to work for the American Iron & Steel Company, of Reading, and remained with them four years. He then became a brakeman on the Reading railroad, and filled that position three years, after which for two years he was a fireman on the Pennsylvania railroad. In 1906 Mr. Dietrich embarked in the hotel business, and in April, 1907, he became proprietor of the "Saint Charles Hotel," at the northwest corner of Tenth and Walnut streets. This hotel Mr. Dietrich has since conducted, meeting with considerable success. It is a favorite stopping place for many visitors of Reading, and its cuisine is noted for its excellence.

Fraternally Mr. Dietrich is a member of Aerie No. 66, F. O. E.; the Elm Leaf Club; the Eighth Ward and the Ninth Ward Democratic Clubs, all of Reading. He is contributing member of the Philharmonic band. Politically, Mr. Dietrich is an independent, believing that merit alone should be considered in making a selection for office. He is very conscientious about doing his duty as a citizen. Personally, Mr. Dietrich is a tall, attractive young man, a good manager and pleasant and genial in manner, and one who is very popular with his guests.

In April, 1903, Mr. Dietrich married Anna Stamm, daughter of Martin and Anna (Wickleim) Stamm, of Reading, and they have two children, Margaret Lillie and Charles Melville.


p. 1446


Howard Milton Dietrich, proprietor of the "American House" in Bernville, who was born June 4, 1859, in Centre township, is a son of Levi F. and Louisa (Moser) Dietrich and grandson of Daniel and Salome (Fisher) Dietrich.

Levi F. and Louisa (Moser) Dietrich were the parents of the following children: Henrietta, m. to George W. Miller, of Hamburg; Salome, m. to William E. Gruber, of Mt. Pleasant; Howard Milton; Valerie, deceased in 1903, m. to James M. Hollenbach; Emma, m. to Jeremiah Heckman, of Shoemakersville; Levi H. of Centre Township, m. to Ida Yoder; Nelson C., who is single, and lives on the old homestead farm in Centre township; Wilson P., a farmer of Centre township, m. Annie Smith; and Horace D., also of Philadelphia , m. to Laura Kalbach.

Howard Milton Dietrich attended the public schools of Centre township and worked for his father until age twenty-five years of age when he began farming on his own account and for a period of twenty years carried on agricultural operations in Ontelaunee and Maidencreek townships. He then moved to Maiden Creek station, where he lived retired for a short time, and in 1904 engaged in the hotel business at Shoemakersville. Two years later he came to Bernville and became the proprietor of the "American House"', which is well and favorably known to the traveling public.

Mr. Dietrich was married (first) August 20, 1883, to Mary N, Bagenstose, daughter of William and Rebecca (Snyder) Bagenstose. She died Dec. 13, 1888, the mother of three sons: Warren, of the class of 1909, Lehigh University; Charles W., of the class of 1904, Perkiomen Seminary; and Paul B., who died when three months old. Mr. Dietrich was married (second) to Savannah Iowa Burkey, daughter of Sydelran Berkey. To this second union there were born seven children: Carrie, Lucy L., Mamie S. and Amy S. (twins) , John H., Walter S., and Mary A. In political matters, Mr. Dietrich is a Democrat and in 1903 he was appointed bridge inspector of Berks county. While a resident of Centre township he served for six years as school director, and in 1908 was elected a school director of Bernville. His religious connection is with the Lutheran Church.


p. 1722

Surnames: DIETRICH

Joel D. Dietrich, a native citizen of Greenwich township, is one of the well-known men of his district. He is a descendant of Adam Dietrich, a pioneer of upper Berks county, tracing his line through Johann Christian, son of Adam. [See Dietrich Family, page 552.] Mr. Dietrich was educated in the local schools and reared to farm life, following it for some years in Greenwich township, near Dunkel's Church. He successfully conducted a hotel in Hamburg some years, then sold out and purchased a fertile farm in Greenwich township, which he cultivated until he retired, moving to Kutztown, where he now lives. Mr. Dietrich is married and has an only son, Harvey, who is a graduate of Hamburg high school. Joel D. Dietrich is an officer of the Dietrich Family Association. He is a Democrat in politics. He and family worship at Dunkel's Church, where they are members of the Lutheran Congregation. Mr. Dietrich has served as an official member.


p. 1651


Living the quiet, retired life of an American gentleman, surrounded by all that contributes to comfort and enjoyment, ample means and appreciative friends, there resides in Berks county a man into whose life has been crowded many thrilling experiences and remarkable happenings. This is Col. John Dietrich, who was born March 15, 1821, at Belvidere, Warren county, New Jersey, a son of John and Elizabeth (McGill) Dietrich.

The Dietrich family is of German extraction and there are strong reasons for believing that in it there was a royal strain. It was established in America by Johan Jacob Dietrich, born in Germany, who crossed the Atlantic in the good ship "Minerva," and landed at Philadelphia Oct. 10, 1768.

John Dietrich, son of Johan Jacob, and father of the distinguished subject of this biography, was born March 20, 1772, and died Jan. 18, 1844, his birth taking place in eastern Pennsylvania and his death at Belvidere, N.J. At this place he had lived many years and here he owned considerable property. His remains rest in the Dietrich lot in the Belvidere cemetery, where numerous other Dietrichs sleep their last sleep. On Sept. 14, 1802, he was married to Elizabeth McGill, of Chestnut Hill, Pa., born Oct. 13, 1872, and died April 2, 1866. Their children were: Jacob, born in 1804, died in youth; William and Abraham, twins - William died in 1872, at Normal, Ill., and is buried at Bloomington, and Abraham died in infancy; Sarah S., born in 1806, died in 1873; Annie Maria, born in 1808, died in 1891, at Oskaloosa, Ia.; Martin, born in 1810, died in 1876, at Plainfield, N.J., and is buried in the Dietrich lot; Susanna, born in 1814, died in 1861; George, born in 1816, died in 1900, at Seattle, Wash., and was buried at Bloomington, Ill.; Caroline, born in 1818, died in 1824; and John, the youngest member of the family.

Col. Dietrich obtained his education in the schools of his native place and later enjoyed academic advantages, his father having been instrumental in securing an academy for the town. In 1839, when eighteen years of age, in company with his elder brother, Martin, he started for the West and from this point may been traced his connection with men and events which have made our country rich in historic annals. The young travelers were bound for Bloomington, Ill., where their brother George had been a pioneer in the hardware business. After an eventful journey, at that time it could have been nothing else, made on foot, horseback, stage and boat, they arrived at their destination. John was taken in as a partner in the hardware business and soon became a man of importance both in business and in local politics. This may be the proper place to introduce the acquaintance with a poor, practicing young attorney of that part of Illinois, Abraham Lincoln. Colonel Dietrich knew him well; in fact, in 1842 he accompanied him to the Presbyterian church where Lincoln made his first public speech. He was with him again when he made his memorable speech years later, at Gettysburg. On many occasions Colonel Dietrich, in after life, when grave cares pressed on both men, had occasion to realize the confidence placed in him by the great Lincoln. A notable occasion was when he was summoned to assist in the consideration of matters which the President, War Secretary Stanton and General Grant were arranging for the great war conference.

Returning in our biography to earlier years, Mr. Dietrich, then a young merchant, was making his purchases in New York, in 1849, when he learned of the wonderful discovery of gold in California. He completed his purchases and attended to the shipping of the goods to Bloomington, but the spirit of adventure had seized upon him and instead of returning to his brother and the quiet round of village duty, he shipped aboard the steamer "Falcon," which was then getting underway, and sailed to the Isthmus of Panama. How interesting must the great engineering schemes of the present day appear to our venerable subject, for he crossed the famous isthmus on foot. On the Pacific side he embarked on the steamer "Oregon," for San Francisco, where he arrived April 1, 1849. It was the second ship of gold-seekers entering the Golden Gate. On April 15th he dug the first gold on Sutter's American river, and he still has in his possession a ring made of his initial gold. He remained in California for two years and seven months and in this period he sold gold bullion equal to over $10,000. He then returned to his old business connections at Bloomington and continued for some years in the hardware business, but subsequently sold out his interests to his brother and went to Chicago, where he became the senior member of the firm of Dietrich & Wells, dealers in stoves, tin and American and foreign hardware.

Colonel Dietrich has always been intensely American in his sentiments, loyal and true to every American principle, and at all times ready to defend his convictions. In the prime of his life he had the fortune to be connected with some of the most stirring events of the Nation and even before this period he was closely concerned in what is an important part of the history of Illinois. He was an Abolitionist from the days of his maturity and, with his brother George, Elijah and Owen Lovejoy and Abraham Brockaw, held many a secret meeting to discuss the abolition of slavery and to consider legislation on the subject. These meetings were necessarily secret on account of the tone of prevailing public sentiment in this region at that time, and they were held in the wheelwright shop of Abraham Brockaw, which was reached through a private door from the Dietrich Brothers' hardware store. When General Gridley, of Black Hawk war fame, learned of what he termed these treasonable meetings, he put himself at the head of a furious mob. Illinois annals tell well the story of the death of Elijah Lovejoy, and the serious injury suffered by another member of the party. This was the last secret meeting held, the others were held openly. And then came the Civil war.

Upon the outbreak of war, Colonel Dietrich became very active in behalf of the Union forces. On July 3, 1863, at the request of General Grant, who was his personal friend, he went to Vicksburg, Miss., and for a time he was in the Quartermaster's Department, and it was during this period that occurred an episode which very clearly sets forth the personal bravery of the soldier.

He was surprised on one occasion by a squad of Texan scouts, headed by Captain Cobb of the Confederate army, and, covered with pistols, a demand was made upon him to surrender and reveal the movements of the army with which he was connected. History tells the story thus: Col. Dietrich, drawing himself up to his full soldierly height, exclaimed: "Men, you don't suppose that you can intimidate me! God Almighty never made the man or set of men who ever did or ever will intimidate me. I am just as ready to die now as at any other time. I am entirely in your power and you can carry your threat into execution."

Captain Cobb thereupon ordered his men to put down their pistols, saying: "It would be too bad to kill such a man." Later, Col. Dietrich became the colonel of the First Mississippi regiment, which was composed of Unionists, and he saw active service in the defense of Vicksburg and Meriden and participated in eleven engagements, the most important of these being Champion Hills. On many occasions he was commended for his bravery. After the general surrender he was placed in charge of captured and abandoned property at Vicksburg, Miss., and was the special assistant treasury agent. This was a most responsible office, and he supervised the sale of over $2,000,000 worth of cotton alone. After Col. Dietrich had completed his services at this point, he was summoned to Washington to receive the personal thanks of the Secretary of the Treasury, Hon. George S. Boutwell, who became a lifelong friend.

Later Col. Dietrich engaged in the carriage building business at Mobile, Ala., and he sold the first phaeton buggy that was ever bought in that state, receiving for the same the sum of $550. His subsequent life until retirement was almost altogether an official one. In 1870 he was offered the position of surveyor of customs at Velasco, Tex., a city forty miles south of Galveston, and the port for the Galveston District. When his friend, President Grant, learned of the Colonel's acceptance of this office, he gave orders that he be supplied with a fine yacht and two sailors to command. This office he held for seven years. Subsequently, on a visit to Washington, he was urged by Secretary Richardson of the Treasury Department, to return to Velasco and resume his former duties at an increased salary, but he begged to be relieved and recommended his friend, Mr. Brougham, who was appointed to the office.

After a very short period of private life he received a personal communication from Postmaster-General Cresswell, who requested him to call upon him on official business at an early period, and when he answered the request in person was ushered into the Postmaster-General's office. The latter was in an adjoining room in conference with two statesmen, but when told of Col. Dietrich's presence, he excused himself to his other visitors and warmly greeted our subject. His words were: "Col. Dietrich, you have been highly recommended at Cabinet meeting as the proper man for postmaster at Calvert, Texas, which is an important office on the Texas Central Railroad. The Government needs your services there. We want you to go down and straighten the affairs of that office. We had three incompetent and dishonest officials in succession. We shall allow you an additional salary of $1000, and an assistant." After the Colonel had considered the matter for a time and found that his brother George was willing to serve as assistant, he accepted this undeniably flattering offer. U. S. Supreme Court Judge David Davis and his brother became his bondsmen to the amount of $50,000. After serving as postmaster at Calvert for two years he resigned the office, his brother George succeeding him. He then retired to the city of Plainfield, N. J., where he lived for some twenty-five years, but now makes his home in Berks county, Pa.

Colonel Dietrich was married (first) in 1851, to Anna B. Baker, of Concord, N. H., and to them was born one daughter, Annie, who became the wife of Fred Brown, a railroad magnate of New England. Mrs. Dietrich died in 1862. In 1876 he was married (second) to Margaret Hand, widow of Aaron Laing, a lovely woman, and a Quakeress in religious belief. She died in 1901. She was possessed of large means and bequeathed to relatives, personal friends and to the Quaker societies and public institutions, about $50,000.

Col. Dietrich is a very interesting personality and this incomplete sketch but poorly conveys a faithful picture of one who has taken part in so many mighty public events. He has friends in every State of the Union and has visited every country in the Western Hemisphere. In his early days he was a great hunter and fisherman and his tales of sports contain much that is very interesting. He is greatly interested in the completion of an organization called the Dietrich Family Association, who contemplate publishing a complete Dietrich history of the family in America.

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