Cyrus Boone, a well know farmer, and a veteran of the Civil war, was born in Bern township, Sept. 27, 1843, a son of John and Elizabeth (Meck) Boone, and a grandson of John Boone.
(I) John Boone, Sr., was a resident of Bern township, who had four children: John, Daniel, William and Susan, who married D. Spayed, for many years proprietor of the Dry Road hotel.
(II) John Boone, Jr., was born in Bern township where he was a farmer on his father's land, and later among the farmers of the township after he was left an orphan. In 1850 he went to Reading and engaged in the Bushongs distillery, continuing with them for many years. Later he was connected with a stone quarry, but the last six years of his life, he was retired from active business. His death occurred on South street, and he is buried at the Charles Evans cemetery at Reading. The children born to himself and wife were: Sylvia, deceased; William, deceased; Cyrus; Eliza, deceased; Henry, deceased; Jonathan of Philadelphia; Albert of 10th street, Reading; Sarah of Reading, and John who died in infancy.
III) Cyrus Boone attended the public schools of Reading, but when only nine he began boating on the canal and thus continued until 1861, when August 8th, he enlisted in Company G, 6th Cavalry, Captain Clymer commanding, and he served until Dec. 31, 1863, when he re-enlisted at Mitchell Station, Va., Jan 1, 1864, for three years, in a company of the 2nd Battalion, Veteran Reserve Corps, and was honorably discharged Dec. 15, 1864 on account of disability. Mr. Boone was wounded May 7, 1864, in the Battle of the Wilderness. He received two wounds, part of his left side being shot away. He lost a rib and a portion of his elbow, but he retained his arm, although the surgeons wanted to amputate it. When he recovered sufficiently, Mr. Boone went back to his canal boat life, and thus continued for six years when he entered the employ of the Pennsylvania & Reading Railroad foundries and worked in them in several departments, until April 11, 1894, when he bought the Jacob Lando tract of four acres in Bern township. On this he erected a house, and has since made it his home. Naturally Mr. Boone is an enthusiastic G. A. R. man and belongs to Post No. 16 Reading. He is also a member of the Keystone Hook and Ladder Co. In politics he is an independent, voting for the man he thinks best fitted for the office regardless of his party affiliations. He and his family are members of the Reformed church, in which they are active.
Mr. Boone married Mary A. Yerger, a daughter of William and Catherine (Rothwell) Yerger, and their children are: Minnie E., deceased; John H., deceased; Mary A., married William Seltzer of Heidelberg township; Kate, married Irwin Speas of Heidelberg township; William W. of Reading; Laura M., married John Drey; Rosa I., deceased.
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The immediate ancestors of Daniel Boone, the famous hunter and pioneer of Kentucky, occupied a small settlement near Exeter, England, where they nearly all followed a pastoral life. George Boone immigrated to America with his wife, Mary, in 1717, bringing with them eleven children, but few worldly goods. Two of the eleven children were daughters. The nine sons were: William, Joseph, Joshua, Jeremiah, Hezekiah, Benjamin, James, John, and Squire, the last named being the father of Daniel Boone.
George Boone settled in Berks County, Pa., where he obtained a large tract of land and founded a small settlement which in honor of his birthplace was called Exeter. It is also related, through with no better authority than tradition, that he pre-empted the ground on which Georgetown, in the District of Columbia, is situated, that he located the town, and give it his name.
George Boone and his family were Quakers. They are buried at the Exeter meeting-house. His descendants in Berks county are still quite numerous.
Squire Boone married in Pennsylvania Mary Morgan about the year 1732, and resided at Exeter, Berks Co., Pa., on the original home of his father. They had seven sons and four daughters, as follows: Daniel, James, Squire, Edward, Jonathan, George and Samuel, Mary, Sarah, Hannah, and Elizabeth. Daniel's uncle James, a schoolmaster, left a memorandum in a book to the effect that Daniel Boone was born July 14, 1734; the date is given elsewhere as 1733. About 1750 or 1751 his father moved from Exeter to a spot on the Yadkin river, ten miles from what is now known as Wilkesboro Co., North Carolina.
Daniel Boone married Rebecca Bryan, a neighbor's daughter, and to them were born nine children: James (born 1756), Israel, Nathan, Daniel, Jesse, Rebecca, Susan, Lavina, and Jemima. Five years after his marriage Daniel was still living on th Yadkin, following the same pursuits as his father, hunting, trapping, and cultivating a garden patch.
The material for the following is found in "Fifty American Soldiers of Fortune."
In 1767 Daniel Boone left his family and his farm in North Carolina and with six companions went to explore the Kentucky wilderness. Finding the soil fertile and the game plentiful he returned to North Carolina and raised a little colony whom he led to the new territory. Food was scarce and the Indians troublesome, but they finally succeeded in founding fortified settlement on the banks of the Kentucky river, named Boonesboro in honor of the leader. Boone's wife was the first white woman to enter that region, and one of their sons was the first white boy born in Kentucky.
With thirty comrades Boone went of search of salt to Salt Licks, a hundred miles from the settlement, and on the trip they were surrounded by a party of over a hundred Indians, led by English officers, who captured the entire party and took them to Detroit. All were ransomed, however, but Boone, for whom the Shawnee chief had formed a liking. He was held against his will and adopted into the tribe, being well treated but closely watched. Hearing of a plan to swoop down upon the little settlement of Boonesboro and massacre all its inhabitants, he determined to escape to warn them, and although five hundred of the savages gave chase he succeeded, arriving in time to help the settlers prepare for the attack. They held the fort successfully against six times their number, though the Indians were led by British and Canadian officers.
Boone's wife and family, believing him dead, had during his captivity returned to North Carolina and after the battle he followed them without delay, and in 1780 brought them back to Kentucky. Shortly afterward, while on a hunting trip with his brother, he was ambushed by the Indians, and the brother was slain and scalped. Boone escaped this time, but was later captured by four savages; he got free by throwing snuff into their faces, blinding them while he fled. His daughter being taken prisoner, with two girl friends, by a band of Indians, Boone followed and rescued the three women single-handed. Two of his sons were killed by the Redmen.
Unfortunately, when Kentucky became a state in 1791 it was found that Boone had not secured proper title to his lands, and he was ousted from the property he had fought so hard to gain. It was then that he went to Missouri, at that time under Spanish rule, and the Spaniards in recognition of his fame and prowess, gave him a tract of 8,500 acres and made him a sub-governor. However, when Missouri after passing into French hands, was sold to the United States as part of the Louisiana Purchase, he again lost his property through neglect in establishing his title, and in his old age found himself without land or money. Returning to Kentucky, he was there given 850 acres as a result of a petition to Congress, and he passed the remainder of his long life in hunting and farming. He died September, 1820, and was buried at Frankfort, Ky. Years before he had made for himself an enormous coffin which he kept always under his bed. He was a man of gentle and modest manners, and of irreproachable private life.
Edwin Boone, vice-president and cashier of the National Union Bank, of Reading, was born on the Boone homestead, in Exeter township, Berks county, Jan. 14, 1846. His emigrant ancestors were among the first settlers in this county, coming from England and settling along the headwaters of Monocacy creek, in what is now Exeter township, prior to the year 1720. His father, Ellis H. Boone, moved to Reading in early manhood, and there became a well-known man in his line, serving for more than forty years as foreman in the Philadelphia & Reading car shops. Ellis H. Boone married Ann Cleaver, daughter of Derrick Cleaver, whose ancestors were also among the first settlers of that section of Berks county.
Mr. Boone was educated in Reading, and was only fifteen years old (having left high school) when tendered a position as clerk in the National Union Banks, with which institution he has ever since been connected. He accepted the clerkship March 4, 1861, the day Lincoln was first inaugurated President. It is of interest to note that Lincoln's ancestors were near neighbors of the Boones in Exeter township, before 1730. Mr. Boone commenced his business career with a determination to succeed which he has never relinquished. He gave evidence of ability from the start, and was promoted steadily until he attained the position of cashier in 1878, though then but thirty-two years of age. Over twenty years later, in 1901, he was honored with election to the office of vice-president, and still retains both responsibilities. In all the years he has been intrusted with the heavy obligations of these positions his vigilance and fidelity have been marked, and no cloud has ever marred the history of the institution or its management. Under his management the bank has enjoyed continual success, and a steady growth, the business transacted in 1906 amounting to over $82,500,000. But it is only due to the directors of the bank to say that Mr. Boone's services have been both appreciated and rewarded, and he has the satisfaction of enjoying the confidence of those in authority at the bank and of the public upon whose patronage its prosperity depends.
Mr. Boone's alertness, keen perception, knowledge and long experience in matters of finance have brought him into many congresses and councils, and in contact with some of the greatest minds and financiers of the country. Whatever threatened or menaced, whether depression or panic or stringency of any kind, the National Union Bank has had in Mr. Boone a pilot who knew the channel and knew of every reef and ledge, and whatever the tempest this commander carried his barque safely through to the calm sea.
In the year 1892, seeking a respite from business cares, Mr. Boone made a tour of the United States visiting many points of interest and extending his trip through Nova Scotia and Canada. Six years later, in company with Messrs. James A. and Dr. Charles A. O'Reilly, he visited France, sojourning most of the time in Paris. Again in 1902, in company with his friend, Rev. F. K. Huntzinger, pastor of St. Luke's Lutheran Church of Reading, he journeyed to Jamaica, stopping at Kingston (since destroyed by earthquake), where they remained for three weeks meeting many of the distinguished and influential citizens of the Island. This jaunt proved so enjoyable to Mr. Boone and his companion that another was planned, and in 1905 they set sail for Europe, visiting France, England, Holland and Germany.
While in London rare respect and privileges were extended them. They were shown through the Bank of England, an unusual courtesy to those having no credentials or recommendations. However, identity and confidence were established through a five dollar National Union Bank note bearing the signature of Mr. Boone as cashier. This was accepted as a satisfactory sponsor, and they were shown through this historic institution, being specially interested in the printing, as all currency circulating throughout England and the English Colonies is printed there. They were also admitted to both Houses of Parliament, while in session, and at a time or on a day when visitors were excluded.
In the summer of 1907 these two friends took a six weeks' trip together, on this occasion visiting Norway, Sweden, Denmark, northern Germany and Holland. They sailed from New York on July 17th , on the "Noordam" of the Holland-American line, and though the trip across was not particularly pleasant, the weather being cold and foggy, they had the novel experience of coming close to an iceberg, so close that the vessel was slowed down until it made scarcely any progress, because of the danger of a collision. Icebergs at that season show little of their bulk above the surface, and are a source of danger avoided by every captain. During the trip the fog at one time prevailed for thirty-six consecutive hours. At Hamburg, Germany, the friends boarded the tourist steamer "Vega" for Norway, and they had a delightful voyage along the romantic and mountainous coast of that country, also penetrating many of the fjords which indent the mountains, whose sides slope directly into the sea. The marvelous color effects on the water, the snow-covered mountains, the mountain forests, the beautiful cascades formed by the melting snow-all the bold scenery of the coast was pleasantly varied by the trips up the fjords, which afforded them many delightful glimpses of peaceful farm and village life. The wonders of the midnight sun were among the glories of that far northern land they enjoyed to the full.
From Bergen, Norway, they went to the larger cities of Scandinavia, visiting Christiania, the capital of Norway; Stockholm, with its beautiful public and private buildings, parks, streets and places of amusement; Upsala, the great university town, the intellectual center of Sweden, and its handsome Dome Church, founded two hundred years before the discovery of America, and rebuilt in modern times; Copenhagen and Berlin, where they remained for a week, on Sunday attending divine service in the new Dome Church, and during their stay visiting many noted places of interest. From that city they proceeded to Rotterdam, where they embarked on the "Ryndam," of the Holland-American Line, arriving at their home on August 27th. The tour was one of unusual interest and enjoyment, and Mr. Boone and his friend live through their experiences again in many pleasant hour of friendly intercourse.
Fraternally Mr. Boone is a 33d-degree Mason, and is likewise a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Knights of Pythias. He belongs to the First Baptist Church, which he united in boyhood, and since 1879 he has served as treasurer of that church.
On April 9, 1868, Mr. Boone was united in marriage with Mary J. Buchanan, and to them have been born two daughters; Mary, now the wife of Theodore Bond Harrison, whose home is at Germantown, Pa.; and Annie, wife of Henry Moore Hawkesworth, living at Brookline, Boston, Massachusetts. Mr. Boone is a man of fine physique and personality, a safe counselor, though never obtrusive, generous and charitable without ostentation, and upright in every relation of life.
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William Border, a retired citizen of Reading, has been a resident of that city from youth, and was one of its foremost business men for many years. His success was not made in any one line alone, but in different ventures, his chief interest, however, centering in the local financial institution and in the Acme Manufacturing Company, of which important concern he was a member and director for several years. He is a man of independent spirit and persevering disposition, and made his own way to a high position in business circles.
Mr. Border is a native of Berks county, born in Alsace township, June 6, 1829. He is of German descent, his grandfather, Samuel Border, having been born in Germany, whence he emigrated to America, settling in Exeter township, Berks Co., Pa. Daniel Border, a son of Samuel, and father of William, was born in Exeter township and there passed his early life. In time he settled in Alsace with his family where he remained until his comparatively early death in 1821. He was a farmer by occupation. Daniel Border married Elizabeth Kline, and they had two children, Daniel and William, the former dying when eleven years old. Mrs. Border remarried, her second husband being Jacob Bower, by whom she had one son, Jeremiah, who became a well known physician of Reading.
William Border was only a year and a half old when his father died, and he remained at home with his mother and step-father until he reached the age of eleven, when he began to support himself. For several years he hired out as a farm hand, but when he was seventeen the family removed to Reading, and he accompanied them to the city, which has since been his home. During his first summer here he found work in a brick yard, and then he did day's labor until he commenced fence-making, in which line he made his first notable success. He continued in the line for twenty-two years, taking orders for the particular kind of fence he sold in every section of Berks county, where he formed a wide acquaintance while traveling around in pursuit of his business. For the first six months after he quit fence-making he was in partnership with Isaac Roland, whose interest he purchased at that time. He then formed the firm of William Border & Co., in which his associates were James T. Reber and Adam Bard, and they continued together for eight years, doing a profitable business as manufacturers of parts for wagons, buggies, etc., such as felloes, spokes, shafts, etc.
Mr. Border's next venture was as a money broker, a business which he began in 1873 at a most favorable time for that calling, as the financial panic of that time had just broken out. He followed that line for three years, during which he not only exercised his native shrewdness to the best advantage in various financial transactions, but also found several openings for profitable investment. The accuracy of his judgment, whether in regard to men or conditions, was the principal factor in his success at this time. It was about this period that he invested largely in timber lands, upon which he intended to realize by cutting and selling the timber, and the outcome of these investments showed him to be an expert in the valuation of such property. He continued on a similar line for some time afterward, buying land which he laid out into building lots, and he did considerable trading in real estate throughout his active career, also retaining a number of lots for himself-about a hundred near Reading. His sales amounted to over $30,000 annually.
In 1894 Mr. Border became a member of the Acme Manufacturing company, manufacturers of the Stormer bicycle, whose business offered a most promising investment as the demand for bicycles was then at its height. His executive influence soon became apparent, and he continued to be a factor in the management of the concern during which time the large bicycle factory on Eight street, at that time the largest in the city was erected in 1896. The product was twenty thousand bicycles yearly, and employment was given to a force of four hundred in their manufacture. The wheels were marketed all over the United States and also in foreign countries, being of high standard make. In 1893 Mr. Border opened a toy and variety store, the conduct of which he turned over to his grandson William F. Lease, and this was sold in 1903. Mr. Border has also been identified with some of the most notable of Reading's financial institutions. He had an interest in the Penn National Bank, the Schuykill Valley Bank, the Reading National Bank and the Reading City Passenger Railway Company, still retaining his stock in the last named.
Though his phenomenal success followed a youth of hard toil, with no promise of the affluence which crowned the efforts of his manhood. Mr. Border was never carried away with his prosperity, and never became a reckless investor or improvident in any way. His judgment led him to decide deliberately and venture cautiously. Thus, having gained ground, he did not lose it, and his course not only made for his own profit, but won for him a substantial position and gave the enterprises with which he was connected high prestige. He made his way against many obstacles, but he had the qualities of determination and perseverance, and his successful struggles against lack of means in his earlier years gave him courage for large things as time passed. His integrity in all transactions gained him universal respect.
On July 1, 1849, Mr. Border married Emma Harbold, like himself a native of Berks county, born May 26, 1822, daughter of Adam Harbold and granddaughter of Frederick Harbold. She died May 7, 1899, the mother of five children namely; (1) Ellen Alwidla m. Jeremiah Lease, of Reading and they have a family of five; William F., m. to Sallie Hafer, has two children, Ella and Catherine; Edwin J., m. to Carrie Wiest, has six children, Lester, Florence, Harold, Grace, Emily and Carrie; Arthur F.; Clarence and Raymond. This family with the exception of Arthur F., who is Reformed, belongs to the Lutheran Church. (2) Amanda Otilda. (3) Anetta m. Frank Reinert, of Reading, and they have had three sons; One died in infancy; Leroy, m. to Helen Fleckenstein, has one child, William; and Guy is unmarried. (4) Emma and (5) Elizabeth died when young. Mr. Border and his daughter, Amanda, reside at No. 1238 North 12th street, Reading.
Mr. Border is a Republican in political faith and has been almost since the formation of the party. He cast his first vote for Buchanan, supported Abraham Lincoln, and has upheld Republican principles staunchly, though he has never taken an active part in political affairs. Fraternally he unites with Freedom Circle, Brotherhood of the Union, and is an Odd Fellow. His religious connection is with the Lutheran Church, to which he gives liberal support. Among the characteristic traits showing Mr. Border's beneficent spirit was the distribution of all his real estate in 1907 to his three daughters, it being his desire to see the enjoyment of his children in his property while he was yet living. He is now in his eighty-first year, and enjoying fair health.
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Alfred Bordes, Reading, Pa., is a native of France, born in 1849. He received his education in the schools of his native country and when only eighteen years of age enlisted in the French army. He was wounded in battle, and still bears the scar of the bullet between his thumb and forefinger on his left hand.
Mr. Bordes has always been engaged at his present occupation and it is doubtful if he has a superior in his line in this section. When still a lad, wishing to see this country, he sailed from France, landing in New York City in 1875. There he remained a short time, going thence to Philadelphia, P., securing employment at the best hotels. In 1878 he was made chef at the "Aldine Hotel," and was the first chef at Willow Grove, Philadelphia, also being employed at the best mountain and sea-shore resorts. He came to Reading in 1898, and since that time has been employed with W. B. Krick, proprietor of Bissinger's Caf?
Mr. Brodes was married to Miss Rosa Levan, daughter of William B. Levan, of Reading and to this union one child has been born, Raymond, who is attending school. Mr. Bordes was the organizer and first president of the Cooks' Association, at Philadelphia.
Cloyd W. Bordner, liveryman and horse dealer of Womelsdorf, Berks county, was born Sept. 27, 1874, in Mount Aetna, this county, son of Isaac Bordner, a prominent citizen of that locality. Mr. Bordner received a liberal education in the public schools of his native district, attending until he was twenty years old. He was trained to assist in his father's general store at Mount Aetna, and continued to work for his father until lie was twenty-five years old. In 1900 he removed to Womelsdorf to engage in the buying and selling of horses, a line of enterprise which he has since followed successfully. Mr. Bordner handles over a thousand head a year, purchasing his horses throughout the Western States, where he goes from twelve to fifteen times a year. During 1908 (his banner year thus far) he shipped seventeen car-loads in to Womelsdorf, where he disposes of them at the Sale & Exchange House (at the Seltzer Hotel ). He has frequent public sales, and is widely known as a reputable dealer. He also ships to Reading, Philadelphia and New York City. In connection with this branch of the business Mr. Bordner conducts a livery business of growing proportions; and his standing in both branches is unquestioned. On Dec. 24, 1889, Mr. Bordner married Miss Minnie Smaltz, daughter of John and Sarah (Mays) Smaltz, and granddaughter of John and Theresa (Spatz) Smaltz; the grandfather farmed on the Smaltz homestead in Richland, Lebanon county, Pa. Mrs. Bordner has been well educated, having attended the public schools of Marion township, Berks county, and later Palatinate College, at Myerstown, Pa. She is fond of horses and has excellent judgment in that line, proving of considerable help to her husband in his business transactions. Mr. and Mrs. Bordner have traveled extensively. They are Reformed members of Zion's Union Church of Womelsdorf. In political opinion he is a Democrat.
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George C. Bordner, Professor of Higher Mathematics in the Keystone State Normal School, at Kutztown, and a well-known educator in Berks county, was born May 22, 1870, on the old Bordner homestead, in Bethel township, half a mile east of Millersburg. He is of the sixth generation in descent from the original (I) Balthaser (Baltzer) Bordner, who at the age of thirty-four years, together with his wife Marilles, aged thirty-seven years, and three children-Jacob, Hanna and Mela, aged ten, eight and seven years, respectively,-sailed from Rotterdam on the ship "Adventurer," and landed at Philadelphia, Sept. 22, 1732. Balthaser Bordner settled in Tulpehocken township, Lancaster (now Berks) county, immediately after landing, and died there in 1747.
(II) Jacob Bordner, son of Balthaser, and great-great-grandfather of Prof. Bordner, was born in 1722. He was executor of his father's estate, and on April 10, 1761, was naturalized as a citizen of Tulpehocken township, Berks county, at the Supreme court of Philadelphia. On June 20, 1761, he purchased from Thomas and Richard Penn the present Bordner homestead, which had been leased to Jacob Hoffman, who was unable to pay his rental. Since that day the homestead has been owned by a son of each successive generation. Jacob Bordner married Sarah Balt, and they reared a family of seven children: Jacob (2), John, William, Daniel, Peter, Anna Maria and Barbara. The father died in 1792, and by his will the homestead passed to his eldest son Jacob (2).
(III) Jacob Bordner (2), son of Jacob, was born in 1754, and spent his whole life on the homestead. He was married to Anna Maria Brosz, seven years his junior. They had a family of six children: Jacob (3), John, Catharine, Elizabeth, Julian and Susanna. Jacob Bordner (2) died in 1837, willing the homestead to his eldest son Jacob (3). The widowed mother survived her husband two years.
(IV) Jacob Bordner (3), son of Jacob (2), was born in 1793, and he, too, passed his whole life on the homestead. He married Catharine Lerch, born in 1793, and they had issue as follows: Augustus, Joanna, Mary and Thomas L. Jacob Bordner (3) died in 1867, preceding his wife in death by one year. He willed the homestead to his youngest son, Thomas L.
(V) Thomas L. Bordner, son of Jacob (3) and father of Prof. Bordner, was born May 8, 1824, on the old homestead where his whole life was passed. He was a successful farmer and stock-raiser, and a man of local prominence in politics. A stanch Democrat, he was elected auditor, treasurer and school director at different times, and in 1880 was a delegate to the Democratic State Convention which elected the national delegates to the convention that nominated Gen. Hancock for the Presidency. He and his family have been consistent members of the Reformed church all their lives. He was married to Malinda Snyder, born 1830, daughter of Peter and Catharine Snyder, prominent residents of Bethel township. Mr. Bordner died in March, 1899. His children were: William J., born 1849, m. Emma Dundore; Cyrus P., born 1851, m. Emma Trautman; Samuel T., born 1856, m. Annie Burkhart; Adaline C., born 1859, is single; Mary M., born 1862, died in infancy; Francis A. born 1864, m. Mary Weidner; Rebecca S., born 1865, is single; John H., born 1867, m. Emma Deck; Charles L., born 1868, m. Annie Hartman; George. C. born 1870; and Ellen N., born 1873, died in infancy.
(VI) George C. Bordner was reared on the old Bordner homestead and attended the public schools of Millersburg in Bethel township until 1886, when he began to teach school, teaching one term. in Jefferson township, four in Bethel township, and one in the Mt. Aetna Grammar School, in Tulpehocken township. In the spring of 1892 he entered the Keystone State Normal School, and was graduated in June, 1893. During the year following graduation he was principal of the Kutztown high school, and in the spring of 1894 was elected an additional teacher in mathematics in the Keystone State Normal School. In the fall of 1894, he re-entered the Normal School to prepare for the Sophomore class at Franklin and Marshall College, and again taught mathematics at the Normal during the spring of 1895. In the fall of 1895 he entered Franklin and Marshall College and graduated in the classical course in June, 1898, receiving the degree of A. B., and three years later, in course, the degree of A. M., from his Alma Mater. During the last two years at college he specialized in mathematics, physics and astronomy, and attained to great proficiency in these departments. While still at college he conducted for two seasons a summer normal school at Bernville, Pa., where he prepared many young men and women for teaching and for entrance to various colleges. After graduating he took charge of the Bernville high school and conducted it very successfully for one year, and after being re-elected in the summer of 1899, he resigned to take charge of the department of Higher Mathematics in the Keystone State Normal school, his appointment to this position indicating the esteem in which he is generally held. While serving in this capacity since he has taken advantage of every opportunity to raise the standard of his department both pedagogically and scientifically, and by so doing has given it a standing second to none of its kind in the State.
Fraternally, Prof. Bordner is prominently connected with Bethel Lodge, No. 820, I. 0. 0. F., and Huguenot Lodge, No. 377, F. & A. M. In politics he is a stanch Democrat, and as such takes an active interest in the affairs of the borough of Kutztown, having served for some time as a member of the borough board of school directors in the capacity of secretary of the board. He is a member of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of the Middle States and Maryland, as well as of the American Federation of Science and Mathematics Teachers.
In March, 1898, Prof. Bordner married Mary M. Berger, daughter of Levi and Rebecca (Bertram) Berger. The former is a valued citizen and successful business man of Bernville, and during the administration of President Cleveland was postmaster of that town. Prof. and Mrs. Bordner have four children, namely: Paul B., Claude L.,. Grace A. and Mary H.
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Among the representative citizens of Bernville borough, Berks Co., Pa., one who stands high in the regard of his fellow-men is Jacob M. Bordner, county commissioner, who for more than a quarter of a century has been conducting the stage route between Bernville and Reading. Mr. Bordner was born Sept. 16, I854, in Bethel township, son of Percival and Lovina (Miller) Bordner.
Daniel Bordner, grandfather of Jacob M., was a farmer of Bethel township, where he died at the age of forty-five years. He married Catherine Bender, and they had three children: Percival; Isaac, who served as a soldier in the Civil war; and Elizabeth, who married the Rev. Mr. Bixler, a local preacher.
Percival Bordner was born March 23, 1830, and died in 1903, his active life having been spent in Bethel township, although shortly before his death be removed to Myerstown, Pa. He was buried at the Salem churchyard at Millersburg. Mr. Bordner married Lovina Miller, daughter of Daniel and Catherine (Gruber) Miller, of Bethel township, and they had these children: Jacob M.; Kate mar. Israel Frantz, of Bethel township; Percival resides in Cincinnati, Ohio; Theodore died at the age of forty-four years at Myerstown; Daniel lives in New Jersey; John died at the age of three years; Henry lives in the West; and Charles lives in New Jersey.
Jacob M. Bordner attended the public schools of Bethel township and the Palatinate (now Albright) College of Myerstown. After leaving school he engaged in clerking for G. M. F. Rick at Millersburg for three years. After one year spent in clerking for J. B. Miller at Bernville, he began to drive the stage for the late Tobias Barto, of Reading, and in 1880 purchased the stage route, which he has since conducted very successfully. He also does a large produce business, conducts a grocery store and butchering business, and is one of the best known business men of his locality. Mr. Bordner was elected to the office of borough assessor six years, served as tax collector five years, constable twenty-three years, and school director for twelve years, six years of which time he was treasurer and one year secretary of the board. He was a committeeman for eighteen years, served eleven years as county delegate, in 1893 was appointed mercantile appraiser, and was nominated by the Democratic party at the primary election, April 11, 1908, to the office of county commissioner; he had a majority of 2,136 votes above the second highest nominee, and was elected to said office Nov. 3, 1908. His religious belief is that of the Lutheran Church. Socially he is connected with Camp No. 113, P. O. S. of A. and Consistory No. 15; Lodge No. 122, I. O. O. F., Bernville; Schaefferstown Castle, K. G. E.; Good Fellows of Stouchsburg; and Rebekah Lodge at Leesport, and at the time of the organization of the Bernville Fire Company, was a member of that body.
In I878 Mr. Bordner married Ellen H. Bright, daughter of Amandon and Clara (Hain) Bright, and they have had three children: John A., who died aged two years, five months, twenty-one days; Harry A., telegraph operator at Robesonia; and Clara A., who graduated from the Keystone State Normal school at Kutztown at the age of seventeen years, taught four years in Bernville, Berks county , and one year in Bucks county, and is now teaching her fourth term in Schuylkill Haven, Pennsylvania.
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