Reading was erected into a borough, by an act of the General Assembly passed September 12, 1783. The original act of incorporation was repealed on the twenty-ninth of March 1813, and the present act passed.
The government of the borough is vested in a Chief Burgess, Assistant Burgess, and Town Council composed of nine members, who, are declared a body politic and corporate, by the name and style of "The Chief Burgess and Assistant Burgess and Town Council of the Borough of Reading;" to have perpetual succession; to be capable of taking and holding property, real, personal or mixed, not exceeding in yearly value the sum of five thousand dollars; to sue and be sued in any court of law of this commonwealth; and to have and use a common seal.
The stated meetings of the Town Council, (five of whom constitute a quorum,) are held quarterly, on the last Saturdays of April, July, October and January, at the Council Room in the new court-house. At which meetings, they are empowered to revise, repeal or amend, all existing bye-laws and ordinances, and directed to enact such other bye-laws and make such rules, regulations and ordinances, as shall be deemed by a majority of said council necessary to promote the peace, good order, benefit and advantage of the borough; and the power is given them of raising taxes necessary for carrying such rules, ordinances and bye-laws into complete effect.
The Chief Burgess, or in his absence or inability to act, the Assistant Burgess, is authorized and required to carry into effect all bye-laws and ordinances enacted by the town council; and has jurisdiction in all cases of dispute that may arise between the corporation and individuals under the act of incorporation, or any bye-laws enacted by the town council; and also power to mitigate or remit fines and forfeitures on just and reasonable excuse being rendered. The right of appeal, however, is given, to the court of common pleas, except in what relates to the imposing and collecting of the borough tax, and appointments made by the town council.
The above named officers, together with a Town Clerk, Treasurer, and Clerk of the market, and two supervisors of the streets, lanes, &c. of the borough, are elected annually on the first Monday in May; and the town council elect a High Constable, whose duty it is to give notice of the annual elections, and superintend the same.
The following persons compose the Borough Officers for the official year ending in May, 1841.—Chief Burgess, George W. Spayd. Assistant Burgess, David McKnight. Town Council, John S. Hiester, Pres't, Hiester H. Muhlenberg, Sam'l Myers, William Peacock, John Malzberger, Henry Schoener, William Strong, Henry Conrad, John Printz. Treasurer, William Ermentrout. Town Clerk, Henry Felix. High Constable, Henry Boyer.
All citizens of the borough who have resided therein one year, and are qualified to rote for members of the General Assembly, are entitled to vote at the annual elections of borough officers.
The borough is divided into two Election Wards, separated by Penn street, and called North and South Wards.
Watchman.—Owing to the frequent occurrence of fires in the night time, supposed to be the work of incendiaries, a suitable night-watch was established in the borough about two years ago. They are armed with authority for the suppression of riots and disturbances, and the apprehension of suspicious or disorderly persons. Their duties, one of which is to cry the hours, commence at nine o'clock and continue through the night.
There are few towns or cities where property is better secured from destruction by fire, than in Reading. A large portion of our most active and valuable young men have enrolled their names as firemen, with no other inducement but their own public spirit and ambition for usefulness, to assume the arduous duties of this station. The various companies consequently are strong in numbers, and efficient. They are generally provided with engines and apparatus of excellent quality. The Never-Sink," an engine lately purchased by the company bearing that name, is large and powerful, and very beautiful. There are eighteen fire plugs at the most suitable points of the borough, so that water may be conveyed by means of hose to every part of the town; and since the construction of the Water Company's large reservoir, which is kept filled as a provision in case of fire, an abundant supply may always be relied upon. The following is a list of the different fire companies—The Never Sink, the Junior Engine, the Rain Bow, and Reading Hose Companies, belonging to each of which is a Hose Carriage and sufficient hose. There is also a Hook and Ladder Company, and a Protection Company.
General Qfficers.—George M. Keim, Major General of the Sixth Division of the Pennsylvania Militia.
William Riley and Alexander P. Miller. Aids.
William High, Brigadier General of the Second Brigade Sixth Division.
William H. Keim, Aid-de-camp.
John Schwartz, Brigade Major.
Jacob Shilling, Quarter Master.
Jeremiah Shappell, Brigade Inspector.
Officers of the 53d Regiment, 2d. Brigade, 6th Division, P.M.
Hugh Lindsay, Colonel.
John H. Keim, Lt. Colonel.
John Ebner, Major 1st Bat.
D. Gring, Jr. Maj. 2d Bat.
Alex. H. Witman, Surgeon.
C. Feger Jackson, Adjutant.
Samuel Beard, Quarter Master.
John Boyer, Sergeant Major.
Wm. Wunder, Q. Master Serg.
George Drenkle, Fife Major.
Henry Roman, Drum Major.
W. Hibsham and John G. Marshall, Surgeon's Mates.
The Reading Artillery Company is composed of 83 active members.
Captain, William Strong.
1st Lieutenant, C.F. Jackson.
2d Lieut., Henry Row.
3d Lieut., John Goodhart.
The Light Infantry Company of Washington Greys, contains 59 members.
Captain, Wm. H. Keim.
1st Lieut., Geo. W. Oakley.
2d Lieut., David McKnight.
3d Lieut., F. B. Schoener.
Ensign, Geo. E. Ludwig.
The Reading Troop, contains 40 members.
Capt., John W. Burkhart.
1st Lieut., John Price.
2d Lieut., John H. Moore.
Cornet, Jeremiah Coller.
Submitted by: Nancy.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:54:56 PST