Born in London, England, October 14, 1644
Died July 30, 1718
The man through whose pioneering instinct we are celebrating the 175th Anniversary of the founding of Reading.
Had he, when Charles II, King of England, granted him the territory "west of the Delaware River," not decided to explore and settle the territory, how different things might, and most likely would be.
But, fortunately for Reading, he not only visited this territory himself and supervised its settling, but sent his sons, Richard and Thomas Penn, here to carry on the work for him, and it was they who laid out the first town site.
We honor the memory of William Penn and give thanks for his efforts in thus aiding in the birth of a new nation, which is ultimately destined to be the leader of the world.
Source: Official Program of the 175th Anniversary of the Founding of Reading, PA, and the 150th Anniversary of the Reading Volunteer Fire Department Sept. 30th to Oct. 6th 1923, ed. by the Chairman of the Publicity Committee, Reading, PA, 1923, p. 143.
Submitted by: Nancy.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:54:50 PST
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