Official Program of the 175th Anniversary of the Founding of Reading

Charles Evans

Sketch of Charles Evans

Charles Evans, the founder of the Beautiful cemetery which bears his name, was born in Philadelphia, March 30, 1768. He was a member of the Society of Friends.

After completing his law studies in Philadelphia, he came to Reading, where he engaged in the practice of his profession, and was very successful. He retired from active practice in 1828.

In 1846 he founded the "Charles Evans Cemetery" with a total endowment of land and money amounting to nearly $85,000, which, up to that time, was one of the largest grants made by an individual to a community in Pennsylvania.

He died September 5th, 1847, and was buried in the cemetery of his founding, his final resting place being marked by a fitting monument, which is inscribed, in part, as follows:

"* * * * an Eminent Lawyer, learned, faithful, eloquent. An exemplary citizen. Public spirited and generous, and in every sphere of his long and useful life conscientious, upright and honorable."

Source: Official Program of the 175th Anniversary of the Founding of Reading, PA, and the 150th Anniversary of the Reading Volunteer Fire Department Sept. 30th to Oct. 6th 1923, ed. by the Chairman of the Publicity Committee, Reading, PA, 1923, p. 123.

Submitted by: Nancy.

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:54:48 PST

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