Reading is fortunate in having been the home of three generals who figured prominently in the three great wars in which the United States was engaged, viz.:
General John Peter Gabriel Muhlenberg, in the Revolutionary War.
General David McM. Gregg, in the War of the Rebellion
General Hunter Liggett, in the late World War.
The latter two were actually born in Reading, the birthplace of General Gregg being at 106 North Fourth Street, while General Liggett was born at 145 South Sixth Street.
Source: Official Program of the 175th Anniversary of the Founding of Reading, PA, and the 150th Anniversary of the Reading Volunteer Fire Department Sept. 30th to Oct. 6th 1923, ed. by the Chairman of the Publicity Committee, Reading, PA, 1923, p. 111.
Submitted by: Nancy.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:54:48 PST
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