Official Program of the 175th Anniversary of the Founding of Reading

Music Committee

Frank L. Diefenderfer, Chairman

Associate Members

A Brief History of Music in Reading, Pa.

By Henry G. Miller

Henry Miller

Henry Miller
The Musical Art Club

The musical history of Reading dates back to the year 1832, when we have a record of the Beethoven Singing Society being in existence. The Mozart Singing Society was organized in 1862 and lasted until 1872. This was followed by the organization of the Reading Choral Society, with Edward Berg as Conductor.

In the musical history of Reading the name of Edward Berg stands out most prominent. Educated in Leipzig, he came to Reading when a young man, and continued his musical career as pianist, organist and conductor for over forty years. He died suddenly, about 18 years ago, in the midst of his activities.

Today the Reading Choral Society, under the direction of J. Lindsay Norden, of Philadelphia, ranks as one of the finest musical organizations in the State of Pennsylvania.

The Germania Orchestra was organized in the year 1873 and lasted until 1883, with Philip Bissinger as Director. Today the Reading Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Harry E. Fahrbach, gives a series of concerts each season that are musical events of a high order.

Among the numerous organists of the past, Carl Wormberger, for many years organist of St. John's Lutheran Church, composed many beautiful organ chorals; and Joshua Waring, an English organist, was the first to introduce in Reading the singing of carols on Christmas Eve.

Carl Wormberger

Carl Wormberger

The most prominent leader in Reading's musical activities today is George D. Haage, organist of St. Peter's Catholic Church, director of the Reading Liederkranz and manager of the Haage series of concerts.

George D. Haage

George D. Haage

Two organizations that act as a stimulus to the musical life of Reading are the Reading Music Club and the Musical Art Club. The latter, a comparatively new society, was organized about five years ago by Margaret L. Zell, pianist, and the late Katharine Unger, with Edgar Hangen as President.

The Musical Art Club has just finished a successful year under the retiring President, Claude L. Rosenberry, and is now planning some big programs for the coming season under the direction of the Chairman of the Program Committee, W. Richard Wagner.

Source: Official Program of the 175th Anniversary of the Founding of Reading, PA, and the 150th Anniversary of the Reading Volunteer Fire Department Sept. 30th to Oct. 6th 1923, ed. by the Chairman of the Publicity Committee, Reading, PA, 1923, p. 107.

Submitted by: Nancy.

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:54:48 PST

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